Thn ancimlt Druids Wei", W olamn :n'ewvssion to keep the an‘ .nle ruttmg 0f the mistletoe. "It {as supinï¬t'ci (0 keep away witct â€a! the: [H-Uplé'. accordingly, mid NV >lele I'nx' '21 plece Of it to h I'nill‘ni â€I" [H‘Vii F13 a Charm. Thaenl‘: s m} Hidâ€"mshumed Superstitioh in: m WM 11 piece of mlsfletoe in h.) hxmd will not. â€ply enable one to "n ;‘I‘||.\T.‘I. hilt. \‘vlll force them to d FEEDS :ine. per cwt. $2.25 Oil Cake, Ground Flax, Whole Wheat Flour, ate, Beef Scrap. for your Poultry. Better 26C. per gallon. Price for all kinds of :95 before you sell. HVERY Jen and Boys. In :uelu Loaf Flour. b3"... {mum nl' \Vvst Hour. bag in- ï¬mwns Flour. baa. . Ilanaolu Flmn'. hag.. .. in; Edward Hour. bag astry Flour. 23 lb. ankagv. 60â€}. per ha" . . nSon v,o.~.uo.o.u E MILLS Thursday, December 15, 1927 HO." mf: uality wow-womanâ€- .'__’ H‘- HH,‘ little W'hitâ€"e les ,2â€. ï¬n‘."!‘_V must he removed far x'.“ jm Hi'i 0lilfv'5. no matggr haw mo , HM days. no matter how mun-s nwn were, if they mu mistletoe they drop. .. wmmty. and greeted each ‘ :‘rivmls. Nor would they .;.z-x:1.<ztgaixlst. each other ix.» dawn of the next. day. ml.- 111.» usmm of carrying was â€1' mistlutne and hang. ;;3 Hug. olOOlWVIU'. and If an :‘HHIQ‘ Hwy would IlOt enter ,-\.- lwnoalh Hm mistletoe law-arming: t'rimuls. From :n- Hm' t'lh‘fnm of greeting mun sprnï¬'s nl' mistletoe. Flour Prices h MISTLBTOE MAGIC \Im kissing: the fair Durham, Ontario rac WM skx‘ 1t :m’. l'ul heap rather be :m' sqmrt water Outa .I thhio .lnllt VOL} a Hit!» birdâ€"[lying Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. DURHAM, OWEN SOUND DUN DALK, F LESHERTON Lamhton St.. 868 2nd Ave., Durham. Owen Sound. Flosherton Utl‘ice open every Satur- day, '1. 30 to 9.30; Dundalk Oï¬â€˜ice open every Friday all day. C. C. Middlebro’, J. H. Macanrrie, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- In‘)‘ 0 f the 111m “ill be in Dumam 0n luvs Im at each week. A gpointments m: ._\' hé made with the Clerk in the mr 7, CODE. 21, EQBEMONT. (1931:- taming 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation, balance hardwood bush; 'mn'onient to school; on the premâ€" l:~'t‘5 are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with stone foundation: concrete stables; also hay harn 30x50 with stone baseâ€" mvnl; hog pen 20x40; twelve-room brick house. furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks;~30 acres seeded to hav; to acres to sweet clover: this farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For information apply to Watson‘s Dairy. RR. 4. Durham. Untarm. 1025 23 U C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY Chiropractors m-aduutes Canadian Chiropractic (lollngv, 'l‘nronto. Ofï¬ce Macfnrlzme Block, Durham. Day and night. phone 1‘33. 6 U1 23tf NHlt'l‘ll PART 1.0 S 7 AND 8, CON. '2‘). l'Zuremont. cont ining 66 acres; 55 acres cleared. balance hardwood bum; in good state Of cultivation: frame barn 44x50, stone basement. a'nncrcte stables; drilled well and cement tank at. barn. Also Lots 6 MM 7, Con. 4. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- taming: 110 acres; 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; on m.» premises are a brick house con- minim: seven rooms. with good frame woodshed attached; drilled m4. at door: never failing springs on this farm. making a choice stock farm. This property will be sold right to quick' purchaser. For par- ticulars apply at \V’atson’s Dairy. mt. 4. Durham. Ont. 102523†DRS. JAMIBSON 8: JAMIESON ("Tire and residence a short dist.- anwe past of the Hahn House on LamMun Street, Lower Tow , Dur- ham. ()ï¬'ice hunt-s 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 t0 '3 pm. {except Sundays}. DR. A. M. BELL Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce bumhtmx street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ate: l'nivm‘sity of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Ofï¬ce hours: ‘2 t0 5» p. m.. 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays excepted. J. 1‘. GRANT, D. D. 8., L. D. S. Honor (irmluato University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Block. MillStreet, second door east if Mal'llcth‘s‘ Drug Store. Tfll‘ \\ EST HALF 31. CON. BEN- fim‘k. :30 acres; good. buildinos; two newer failing “9113: in good state of cultixation: cheap to quick pur- (ha: er. Apply Alex. T. Morton. i-.°Im\\ood. Route 4. 01‘ H. Dunn. 302 Milx orton led.. Toronto. 10 27 6pd J. I..SMITH, M. B.,M. C.P. 8.0. mm 0 and residence corner of . L-mmtc s» and Lambton Streets. oppo- sure mid Post Office. Oï¬ice hours: Uto!!a..m130t04pm.,4t099..m (Sundays excepted). BUTTER. MILK, CREAM SERVICE “'0 will be. in the market for the winter months for pure milk and cream. Orders taken for choice dairy butter delivered off the rig; also buttermilkâ€"\Vatson’s Dairy. 10 7 ti HOUSE POB SALE BRICK DW’ELLING: ALL CONVEN- TFNCES: on George Street, near High School. Apply at once to W. A. McGowan. 79 Frederick St.. Kit- DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST name, over J. J. Hunter‘s store, Um'nzun. Ontario. chener. The Durham U .F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are rmmestml to give three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 Iï¬'xue FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Kingsdale 4344 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto John W. Bates R. Maddocks Formerly of Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. MIDDLBBRO’ ‘__ _M_acQUA_RRIB Advertisements under this heading, 1 cent a word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions given for the price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for ï¬rst insertion. 25 cents. On all charge ordersa straight charge of 1% cents a word will be made each insertion. minimum charge 35 (Tents. Thursday, December 15, FARMS FOR SALE Owen Sound. Medical Directorv . NOTICE TO I'ARMBRS .' )mtaz‘ Director: weal ‘Dz’recl'orv Classified Advertisements LUCAS 8: HENRY Durham. £6206 1'. S S. NC). ~10. GLENELG. (TOP- CLIFF} school and exâ€"pupils, as- sisted by Prof. Kyle and the or- chestra. are having a concert in the form of a Christmas Cantata Monday. Dncember 19. at 8 p. m. Admission 25c. and 15c. 12.1.15 QFEEN S'I‘REFIJ.‘ SUNDAY SCHOOL entertainment. in church auditor- ium, Tuesday. December 20. Full programme 01' Christmas numbersâ€" drills. diamgnes pantomimes. etc. by old and mum; membexs of the séhool. Admission 25c. and 150. l \R.\’ 83.3 WEEK] \ I’P AT HOME addressing envelopes. No canvas- sing. Everything furnished. Spare or full time. Send stamped. addres- sed em'elone for particulars. Gillies Mailing Service. Box 9, Sydney, N. S.†12.15.2pd THE ANNIKL CHURCH ENTER- tainmont. of Bums clmxch Rockx Saugeen. “ill be held Wednesday waning. D0(°PmbeI 3.8 Good pro- gram tu‘xing prepargd. Play en- titled thtv's ButheI \xiil be pre- spntml by thv \oung peoplp along with dialoguvs. weitations and musical numlmrs. Admissinn 25c. and 150. '12. 16. ‘1 BROWN BROS. (20.. NURSERYMEN. Ltd. Growers and Importers of High Grade Nursery Stock, want Special representatives in every locality. Liberal Commissions paid weekly. Write today“ Address Ridgeville. Ontario. 10 6 12 ONE TRIPLEX AUTO KNITTER as good as new; 1 fancy Pearl Oak heater, for coal or wood.â€"W. Jacquesz Durham Bouts 4. 10 6 tt‘ THE SIWDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS tron and ontnrtainmcnt of Durham I’I'esbytori'an Church will be held on Thurmlay. December 22 in the schoc'vh-oom 0f the church. 12.8.2 WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523t LATH FOR SALEâ€"«APPLY ZENUS Clark, Durham. 75 WHITE W YANDOTTE PULLETS fox sale: will be sold at a bargain ii puichased at once. Apply E. A. Blyth, V'arnex. VARNEY CHRISTMAS TREE I.\‘ \.-\R.\'1Y 1'.\‘I"11D (WHI'RCH. \Iomiax Owning. December ‘26. The 0111 time 1-1iii>tmas (30110011.. 101‘ whirh extvnsix'n preparation is be- in:. made". l’l'ay â€Civil Service†gixeu In adults. and mam'othei' numbms 1n Sundm School children and 01.1191>.\11n]1>‘>‘10n “250211111 15(. Programmv at 8.1?) 13 15 2 WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- zcle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out. the finest work on short order. tf FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North of Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to l). Hopkins. 2 21 U’ FRAME HJUSE FOR SALE; ON Queen St.â€"â€"_Sm1th Bros. 2 24 U PIGS FOR SALE THIRTEEN YI')RKSHIRE PIGS SEVâ€" EN weeks 01“.}. apply Tod \Vidmeym‘. Hanover. Runtv '2. Phone Allan Pat-kt 1pd PROPERTY FOR SALE NOTICE All acmnmts owing: to the estate of the late Thomas McKnight. Dor- nnch. must. he paid on or before Decnmbor 31. 1927. , Mrs. John Koepp. 12-832 Administratrix. BOAR FOR SERVICE YOT’NG YORK HOG. ONE DOLLAR at. time of serviceâ€"H. Eckhard. Priceville. Routp '1. H 17 3mpd PHOTOGRAPHS GIVE WHAT NO ONE ELSE CAN givn for Christmasâ€"your Photo. Fifteen for tho dozen at F. W. Kel- sey's Studio. WATCH LOST IN DI'RH.\M: 0R 0N HIGHWAY botwppn town and McClinton’s cor- ner. on Sunday. December 11. a wrist. watch with initials "M. M." or “M. H. M." on case: leather strap. Informatinn leading to recovery ro- warded.-â€"-Mary Metcali‘g. Durham. RING LOST OX SA'I’T'RD~\Y NIGHT. NEAR JOHN \‘nllett‘; an Gamfraxa strnet. a gold ongagempnt ring. Finder please at. Chmniclo office: reward. MUNICIPAL NOTICE Township of Glenelg A mootâ€"inz of the Municipal Elec- tors of the Township of Glenelg will be held in tho Township Hall at the hour of 12 o’clock noon. on FRIDAY, DECEIIBEB 23, 1927 for the purpose of nominating can- didates for the offices of Reeve and four Councillors. . AV‘I b v-v wâ€"â€"__ All electors will please govern themselves accordingly. â€"-H. H. MacDON ALD, Clerk. ARTICLES WANTED 9.8. SITUATIONS VACANT COMING EVENTS FOR SALE W'ILLIAM BOGLE. executor of. the gspate of Jane Mc- Lean. by hls soluntors. MIDDLEBRO’ JchQUARRu-:, Notice is lmrehy given that all persons having claims against the estate of Jane McLean, late of the Township of I‘g lemont, in the CountV of Grey \V-idim \xho (lit-«1 on or about the 17th day of Now m- her. 1927. at the '10\\nship 0f 15g H‘- mont in the County of Grey, are hereby remiirec'l to send to the un- dersigned executor. or his solicit- orS. [.iarticulars of their claims. duly proved. on or before the 13th «lay of January, 1928, and after such «late the estate will be distribuiml. having r .gard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been received. Dated at Durham this 13th day of December, 1927. In the matter of the estate of JOHN VESSIE, late of the township of Bentinck in the County of Grey, farmer. deceased. Whereubon the defendant, pn- §CI'Q\VM hlS cork arm. land It on the Judge‘s desk and walked out. NOTICE is hereby given that all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land situate, lying and be- ing in the Townships of Bentinck and Glenelg and described as fol- lows.â€"- The second and third divis- ions of lot number nineteen in the first concession. east of the Gara- fraxa Road. in the Township of Glenelg. containing one hundred acres. more or less; AND the ï¬rst and second divisions of lot number seventeen in the first concession. West of the Garafraxa Road, in the Township, of Bentinck in the County of Grey. containing seventy acres. more or less; SAVE and EXCEPT portions heretofore conveyed there.- of. will be sold by sealed tender. subject to a reserved bid. accompan- ied by marked cheque for ten per- cent of the amount tendered. “Your honor, the». ovidmce shows my client (lid not enter the room at, all. He merely inserted his arm through an Open window and took a few tiiflos. His arm being 0an a small part of himself why should you cause his whole body to sullcr because of one; olfonliling member?“ “Very well,†said the judge. with a twinkle .Of his eye. “Your logic is good. I therefore sentence your client‘s arm to one year in jail. Your client, may accompany it or not as he pleases.†. A brigh}, y-opng lawyer. was plead- lng for hls cllent on tmal for bur- "law {'3 ., o 12.153 Tenders received up to two o’clock Monday, the 19th day of December. 1927, addressed to MIDDLEBRO’ McQI.’ARRIE solicitors for The School is thoroughly equippec to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2 Lntiancn to Normal SChtmi Each member of the Stan“ is a U m. \eisity Graduate and experienced Teachei. NOTICE TO CREDITORS DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE JEAN MCKECHNIB. DOI'GALD A. CLARK, LOUIS SCHILDROTH. One on the Judge Administrators. Durham, (mt. EMBARRASSING MOMENTS THE DURHAM CHRONICLE To those of you who hold music dear and in whose lives song has become a Vital part-to you it is 1'1 splendidly happy thought that. with your songs you may help to keep the true Christmas Spirit alive not Yor one day or for a few 1laVs1lur- ing the holiday season, but through the entire year. There is Veto a great need in the eVeryday world for songs 111' good \Villâ€"â€"s1j1ngs 11f lowâ€"songs of 110111-11. Look out. if V1111 will, across. tho dark of the 11;. 111s which are past. arross tho 111111f__1‘1_11.111s. across the battle-ï¬elds, across the hlood-d1111111111111l monu- ments of brutality and crime, and as you turn again from those there will 1:111 in your mind a truer and 11 11111111111 1.111nsci1111s11oss of tho signiliâ€" 1111111311, of tho. angols‘ song and 111' the great 1111.111! for tho 11111r11olu1ati1'111 111' its sli.1irit The world today is yet far from being entirely free from l1111l111rism 11nd 1.1111m11. 111111 civilizaâ€" tion our (1iVilization. will become lllf’ht'l and nohler daV l1V day and war 11V Vear 1,11ly as tho son" ot the l11111111y Christmas angels 1111a1lually finds its way into the liV115 andllio hearts 01' 1111111. Monday isn’t alwms hlue". 11>:- pecially when its a lowly bright swing morning Hoheit Biowning is generallV iatml as a hopelos: highbrow, but he spoke i111 12111 of us when he VVI'nte: “The year’s at the swing. the day‘s at the morn; Morning’s at seven, the. hill-side dew-pearled; The Iark’s on the wing, the snail's on the thorn, God’s in His Heavenâ€"ails right. Teacher: "Willie. what. was it Sir Walter Raleigh Said when he placed his cloak «m the muddy road for the beautiful Queen to walk over?" Willie: “Step on it, kid!†In the matte;- (1f hte estate. 01‘ Wil- liam Patton. late of the Town 111' Durham in the (‘ountx of Gre}. gentleman deceased. Notice is here- by given pu1suant to 11.8. 0. 1911 Chap. 121.8(11:11011 16 and amending acts that all pe1sons haxing claims or accounts against the estate (11 W'illiam Patton, late of the town of Durham in the County Of Grey. gen- tleman. deceased. who died on or about. the sixteenth day Of Novem- ber, A. D. 1927. 1are required to 1111-- liver or send by post. prepaid. to John Henry. Durham. P. 0.. execu- 101‘ of the said Estate. (111 or before the. 30111 day of December, 1927. their names and addresses. and a full description of their claims. in \\'1"1ting and the nature of their se- curity. if any._l1cld by them. And take notice that after such last mentioned date the Executor will not be liable for the said assets, or am pait thbreof. to any person or petsons. of whose claim notice shall not have been received bx him at the time of such distiihutiom 7 Da'ted at Durham this 12th day of December, 1927. _.-.-â€"â€"- __---.- -. 12.15.33 NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE IVEALTH OF MUSIC with the world!†CHEEP UP! JOHN HENRY. Executor of the Estate of the late Wm. Patton. Geometry C. Anderson 80, R. McFadden 68, R. Adlam 51, G. Baird 51, D. Arnett 48. M. Brown 34, N. Gagnon 34, V. MOunvain 34 E. Moon 27. B. Mm- dock 27, E.I\1aisha1119, \l Kelsey 17, F. McAithur17, R.’1‘inian0v 13, H. McAulifl‘e O, E. Willis 0. Class average 33. English Composition uF. McDonald 88. 31.144211‘1011 78. '010311 .4.1'.‘. 11.l\ 4‘1..M:-nshall- 614,12111-1 214111011 63.1. ' 3. “11111119 67, Mctlulloch 66,1).\oun"66 12. Moon 63, H. Tinianox 61, D. Ritchie 57, M. MOltloy 333,12. Names )1. Class A\'eia"e ()4. FOR M 11 Latin “II-9 nï¬l’LMAR #1513 ‘5»; mounguM "I 13;: .‘x‘osloy 'N '32 111’?â€le '1) ’LS? INN-US 'A\ ’W â€UNI!" V 'Z' URIIV 'l '6'; HO}! 1L ‘6 “UPI"?! CI 0‘: WW?! '14 'IS HUM ';\\ ‘3‘: â€MUM 'H '2‘: ut’PPKWN MI ['89 UNI-HIH'N fyg: umugqog '(1 '99 .10] “-WJ. 'V '29 'S‘UTIGOH "I ‘89 ‘HEWS '(T '9") (’AW'I '.\' ’79 OHM!“ '(I '01 1190f! ‘3’I‘J 'A. '81 WDOW 'W ‘91 Km}! '7 ‘LL Mn.“ 31 ‘9; «won '0 ‘61 99919 '5.) ‘09 HW-“Ua‘d 'f‘ '09 ONION 'W ‘08 1108 'v ‘08 a-Iï¬uu'ow '.\' ‘98 Ken '9 88 alums“: ° ‘) we may) 'u ‘99 .‘mufl'eal '1) "‘0- ""‘f: 3) ‘l313.91.1§.';v}{.);.{ 2'1 -l. t 1 l’HRM I 1-: Literature R. Renwick 83, M. \Valsml 81. (v. Mck’vclmin 77, 0. Nohln 1!, M. 'l'ulpm 73 T. Milligan 73 IL. Tuck†7’. \\'. '1. mmpson 72. .L Sdmtz 71 1LWil- DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATION RESULTS Results of Examinations held on December 6th», 1927. FORE“ I A English Literature J. (i1'e<.'11\\'111111 100. I. Jamivsnn £13, (11511111011. 92. J. 13211001113410. M. (Lorlntt. 90. J. H11111icrsnn 88. 1’». 13:1!â€" kingham 87, I“. (1001113111111 87. V. Hi11118:3. B. .31111111'5131118'3. 11.411111)- holmv 8'2. V'. A1mst1¢1gm 77. l. Clark 7:3. (5. 15m 111- ‘13..\.A«H'11111 7:: l1. Jacquvs 68. M. (211111115011 (37. h. Harrison (53. Ii. Hargrax‘u :39. N. Blah 130.0}. Eddy 710. l. IilliHH, 46. H. HOpkins ’1‘5, X. Kuhn; £511. 11. “1'11;- 1121111 352. Claus awn :50, 72 ACK through the centuries Christmas has always been a time for the giving of presentsâ€"big or little things to delight and gladden the hearts of children and their elders. But yvhere are the Christmas presents of other yearsâ€"the toys, the useful things ? Brokenâ€"worn outâ€"forgotten. Keep alive the spirit of your gift. Let it bring happiness and contentment from year to yearâ€"add a Royal Bank Savings Book to your list of Christmas presents. “#12310:me WmW/wGiflBooh DuthamBranch I. A. Rowland. Manager The Royal Bank of Canada FORM III (~10 Us 68, M. an'cEachern 66, P. Rose- uoruugu 65. J. Styles 64, J. Mellon- ald 59. EMCEachnie 58. E. New 57. D. MacArthur 56. V. Noble 50. ‘. Middleton 50. I. Twamley 47. A. Turnbull 45, M. Storrey 38. F. Mur- dock 28. Class Average 62. The Collar Did It Dean Inge, of St. Paul‘s. the fam- ous publicist... who went on a lecture tour to America. brought back this clerical gem: A man quite tipsy saggvd dawn on the lobby lounge beside a digniï¬ed clergyman. “'I‘hishs iinp howl." ho lwgan. “Yes. I ï¬nd it \‘c‘i'y mmi‘nriahln.†“Whnija say in having: a drink?" asked the liOOV.)"()l)1‘. giiiiially. 'I‘I_ I The- vtm'gvman‘s face sot sbvm'vly. "N0. thank you. I nvwr touch the \ilc stufl'!" "ShaV. '“ c-V'clainml Hm onr. “VV'hatja gM’iVin mo? \uu gotcha ( ul- lar on backVV ard mm. " Knew What He Wanted “Gif me two pounds of dat sal- mun." “That. isn't. salnmn. That's ham." “Who asked you \'at. it. His?" PAGE 9.