Cloud Lifts and Lowers 3%“? when McCall became Attorney \1\ thrmral he determined that he \\'~‘.‘a‘.«i rip the ghastly shroud off 9125 ;_.1-n\\'!ing terror. and he sent {mi the message that. every flog-â€391' 1n Alabama would be dragged into :Hlligâ€" Ill :iu. \uu, ...:..u .-.----.. -- (oi-{v tloggers. concealed in long white robes and white hoods. em- iizwms of purity. drove up to the Eta-:se where the guilty pair lived. mused the household and dragged 6». man into the yard. Some. of them held him while others whip- ;uwi him until his back was cut in “\v‘lll}' places and his blood dripâ€"- . on the ground, \\'hen they let. ' ":l :o they entered the house. took woman away from her children ' innit her on the bare flesh. Fear Ruled the State Xian and wife were then permit- zwvt in return to their house. and :§;,~. lx'lansmen followed. Rev. Nails siw an oi‘iportunity to point a mor- tl' :ll‘ii llt‘ Iilti 50. H0. tflld 1191‘ that site had been punished to set her feet in the right. path and show hm: children how a good mother should go. He proceeded. “Boys. I want to take up a collection for this won‘t-an. This man is going to leave. this house forever. and we want her to start off right." So the generous lx'laiismen inserted their ï¬sts in the slits of their robe and produced in ilii 93.30, which the preacher hand- ed to the woman. But his benefac- timis did not. end there. And as she sat sobbing in her bloodsoaked nightgown. he said. “Here is salve your wounds.“ and he gave her :1 hottle of \‘3St‘llllt‘. For a year no- thing: was known about this flog-l ging. The farmer did not leave his} home but he kept his mouth shuts for he knew that without. warning 2m- {loggers might 'descend upon him again and beat him more. sav- agely than ever. So it was through-t nzzt Alabama. The Klan g "91119513 ‘m- tear. If complaint was made; the chance was that the oï¬â€˜icer apâ€"i iw-alerl to would be a member 0ft the Klan. «So probably would bet the jihlge who presided at .the trial if trial there were. Somight the ,iurymen. Consequently there would be no convictions. :u Inrty miles to preside over a Hugging. and he never failed to as- sure his victims that. he was act- in: in nu spirit of revenge. but was gimmiotmi by the kindliest motives. H.‘ iignrmi prominently in the worst raw of Hugging investigated by Mr. Shvphm'il. .-\ farmer‘s wife. who had inwn iiimrrmi was married by a {Minor who had been divorced. The rnnnnnnity decided that they were mm: in sin. One night thirty or State‘s. Nails seems to have estab- lished himsvlf as the general censor ué' public morals over a large part ul‘ Alabama. Ht‘ would travel as far 2s nmv m‘nbably IBOking 'fOI' a pul- pit. in same other part. ol: the ['mtpd The Flogging Parson 0w of the most prominent. of the mums in thc‘su outrages was the “NV. 1.. .-\. Nails. who fled the dis- mm “'th McCall got busy, and who bealvn .vv .v uuï¬ :rnuiishm! and the Ku Klux Klan tic-shnyul. int. it. is a 1011:: time sihm- in any American state a. sec~ ;-.-i m'ganization has been powerful 4-mmg‘ll In Openly defy the law and mm.» um spukesman of the Govern~ mvnt admit. his helplessness. It sc-wms Iiknly that the admisswn of ARM!!! may rouse the neonlp fhnm- SUIVRQ When Charles McCall, A - General of Alabama, angtglll‘ggd that he had Withdrawn 102 indict- ments against 34 men because the influence of the Ku Klux Klan was limi'e powerful than the Govern- men! of the'State, he produced a sensation. Newspapermen from all parts (if the United States hastened tn Alabama to ï¬nd out the truth whirl! from time to time had re- {fiflVQtl brief notice in the papers. It.1." £‘\A\ "\IL‘V‘ w.u\-.1 I." , e~ vâ€"-v rwtlvl 0. law (he must part they arrived at. a highly inummrtune time. People v. .m- afraid to talk. The clouds that I»: lifted when McCall annnnnnod KU KLUX KLAN II‘ I, admit. his helplessness. It 1s hknly that the admisswn of I!“ may rouse the peeple {hom- *.~'. â€My a minority bvlongs to Klan. If it, is fought it can be Seven Hundred Flaggings RULES ALABAMA : lunar: 12, ms HOUSE FOR RENT FIVE ROOMS AND BATH, ALL conveniences; immediate posses~ sion. Apply at. Chronicle Office. 1 12 3pd A SPECIAL MEETING OF C. O. F. will be held in their lodge room on Friday evening. the 13th. at 8 o‘- cloek; installation of ofl‘icers and other business: refreshments served at close. All brethren are request- ed to‘ be present, William Hewitt, Chief Ranger. L. O. L. 689 ARE HOLDING A PROâ€" gressive Eu-zhm in the hall at Yar- ney on Friday evening, January 20. Prizes given and lunch served. Admission 25c. The annual meeting of the- Egre- mont 101 1cultu1al Societx will be held in Agricultural Hall. Holstein. Saturday. January 21. 19:28 at 2 o'- clock for election of officers and other business. FOR SALE BY AUCTION RED SHORIHORN COW. DUI] I.\‘ Max 11 qauntit} 01 -.\o. 1 “God. This “in be oï¬â€™eied b} auction at the sale 01 Isaac HOOper. S. D. R., Glen~ elg. next Tuesdax. December 17. and “as inadxeitently omitted 110111 his list uhich appeals on page 7 in this issue. BOARDBRS WANTED APPLY AT CHRONICLE OFFICE. Durham. fur particulars. 1 '12 If STBNOGRAPHBR WANTED APPLY BY LETTER ONLY. T0 BOX 21!. Chronicle Uti‘icc; state salary ex- meted. 1 1'3. tf Back to the Sea 1' shall go back to theesea again, Something within me cries. Back to the joy of its emerald plain Back where the great winds rise. Though for a time I have lingered here \Statelv. the great. (“vaks grow!) L\ e the call of the sea in my ear Alumnus of ebb and flow. Hemmed in by forest, so high, so \vidL‘. Prisonml. I wait release niainml dumb. Juries as of old re- fused to eonx'iet. The Klan had won. \Vhether having had a scare it. will withdraw from its flogging activities or. drunk with power, will assert itself more strongly than ever is a question difficult to answer. Of course there can he only one end to the thing. Federâ€" al “‘0th before now had to wind up the Ku Klux Klan. They may have to ulo it again. eouit and H1 at P:'¢‘I'}'b0ti}' who {421w exiilente («"1111â€, one of them would he molert it‘ti. tor a perioil of three weeks it seemed that Me- Call was going: to win. In the (11' mil lu1\ moms when: thex were summoned the floggels tell (W‘et eaeh OHH'I in tlieit anxiety to be the first to tell. They were. frigh~ teneil badly. and indictments were returneil right and left. The Gov- ernment. was in possession of in- formation that should have enabled it to till the county jails. and end euro and for all the horror and «lis34'rare. But it. was not long mm fore the hidden power of the Klan asserted itself. McCall could not. get his t"011\'lt'il011$. Witnesses would not speak. Those. who had confes- sed l't‘C’flIlitHi. Threatened with pioseeution for perjury. they re- m: ineil dumb. Juries as of old re- For noariy a month 111111111111 will have as a "nest. Rt. Hon. L. C. Amvrv. S111: 11-1111v 111' 3111111111 the Dominions. who is: making a 1"111'1111 of tho lni11i1'1- 11. his 11hi1111l 1"a11a1ih. D1111 at\i10101'ia this 11111111. 1111111 sailing from .\'11\\ 2031111111 on 1111-1111111»-15.1301011121 Ann-11v and his 1 111v «ill \isit \"i1t111ia. \anconver, Calgary, Re- 1111111. \\i11ni111u_' 1111011111 1,1111ma. Monhoal and St. John. leaving H111 laH1-r rilv 1111111111} $11-11 for [.1t1111il1111. Mrs. Amery is a Cana- 1ii'1111. a natiw 111' \‘x'hithv. (1111211111. and a sister 01’ Sir Hamar (11'1'1~11\v11111l. Shh is an 11111h11siasti1' devotee of outdoor sports and is wry {111111 111' skating. The above picture of Mrs. Amery was 111111111 during a winter holiday in Switzerland. Inset is a 1‘11111111gr11ph of h1~r 1,lisli11g11isl1e1l husband. COMING EVENTS ROBERT SIM, President. NOTICE VISITING CANADA ()N EMPIRE-\VIDE TRIP Till I go back to the singing tide, Back to the seaâ€"and peace! It will pay you to advertise in The Chronicle. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Durham, Ont. Solicitors Philip J. H. Lawrence and William J. Lawrence, Execu- tors. 1 12 3 In the matter of the estate of John Lawrence late of the Township of Egremont in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. Notice is herehy given that All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate. lyingr and be- ing in the Township of Egre- mont in the County of Grey, and being, Lot Number Seven . (7) in the Twenty-ï¬rst. Conces- sion of the said Township, con taining by 'admeasurement. One Hundred Acres. more or less. will he sold by sealed tender, sub- ject to a reserved hid, accompanied by marked cheque for ten per cent of the amount tenderml. Tenders I‘ecei'x'ecfl up to two o‘clock Tuesday, the 7th day of Feb- ruary. 1928. addressed to MIDDLEBRO‘ )ICQUARRIE. I wish, to extend/thanks to many friends and neighbors for kindness extended during the long illness and subsequent, death of mv late wife .‘xlis. Alfred Sharpe. I also Wish to express my thankiulness for the numerou acts of sympathy and kindness and 101 the beautiful floral oï¬ering s placed on her casket Dunk-.01. esteem and affection that I leel should not pass unnoticed. ______-_ A-‘h‘- Robert Wilson, the 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson of Egremont, was admitted to Dur- ham Hospital on Tuesday and. un- derwent an operation, performed by Dr. Howey of Owen Sound in the absence of Dr. D. B. Jamieso.1 in Chicago. The young man’s tro’uble Mr. Leslie Woodcock and Mr. and Mrs. John C. McDonald and family desire to express their sincere thanks to friends in Durham and vicinity for the many expressions of sympathy and kindness extended in the recent death of wife and daugh- ter, the late Mrs. Leslie Woodcock ( nee Lily McDonald). unnnnwzn'i' OPERATION BXECUTORS’ SALE CARD OP THANKS CARD 0? THANKS [J'Q'Dm‘ killlllellevtlo ALFRED SHARP}; arose from some complications from a previous operation perform- ed some time ago for appendicitis. We are pleased to know that he is doing well and recovering nicely at time 01' writing. “Now†said the teacher, impres- sively. “Why should we endeavor to rise by our own efforts?†“Because.†said Tommy, “the no knowing when the alarm cl will be wrong.†PAGE 6.