it [ â€-2-: "Thu“ .uh'k: which I ' hmxmliately I 'UHH' 14,)St-an¢ HHIML Yester. inn! i'mmd the 14' :mnch suit. ’ower mm: Eve ct :ar 01' V9 -.°-.-o.o« mt rte! \daw 5..“ â€I“ wry ’ Adore \ll. 3p m DE. A. I. 3m physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce Lamhtnn HIDE!" Durham, Ont. Gradu- at" l'xm't't‘mty Of Toronto. Eyes Mm! and ('OILI‘ected. Ofï¬ce hours: 2 t0 ,) I‘Lnl" I to 9 p.m., sundays C G AND BESSIE chILLWRAY Chiropractors â€(lahliln49 Canadian Chiro practlc (MIN-J "-.|.nonto Ofï¬ce Macfarlane VIM-1 Inn hum. Day and night phone nntnnn- ’ J. L. SMITH. I, 3., I. c. P. s. 0. (mice and resndence. corner 0! gnuntt’ss and Hangman Streets, oppo. 5m. nld Pmt Ofllce. CHICO; hours : 9m 11 a.m.. 1.30 to A p.m., 7 to 9 pm, ..... 6nA\ excepted y..’- - (HTH'e (lad regiden“ . 'ha unvc Cast Of the Hm B an; anhtnn Street. Lower T m - ham. ()mce .1120?!) to 5°p'mmï¬nur7 ‘0 “Hwy Graduate University Of TOP--I out". Graduate Royal College Dental" Sumo-nus uz‘ Untapio. Dentistry in all Ms branches. Ofï¬ce Calder “in?!“ MxHStrcet, second door east ,r Mzu'Hc-th's Drug Store. Luminmn SL. 868 2nd Ave., Inn-ham. Owen Sound. 1«' ()fl'ico open every Satur- .i;u-, 1.31) tn 9.30; Dundalk Otl'ice anx o'Vctl')’ Friday all day. C, C. Middlebro’, ._I. B. Macanrglo, UR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTISTâ€"â€" HIM-w, M'cl' J. 6: J. Hunter’s store, .mx'hzun. Untal'lg. Iim'rlsh'l's, Solicitors, etc. A mem- zw m Hm ï¬rm will be in Durham on Inns My nf uzlch week. Appointments m x_\ m- made with the Clerk in the office INT 7, HUN. 21. EGREMONT, CON- mwzms um acres; 85 acres under vlszn‘al'mn. balance hardwood bush; "mnw-mvnt. tn schnol; on the prem- «w zu'v a frame barn 42x65 ft. with f‘mnulatiun; concrete statues; h'w hum 30x50 with stone base- :;~:.-'; h": pvn 20x40; twelve-roam a: «n. huuw. furnace heated, also Tamw- \Vnmls‘hed; drillgd well close hmxw, with windmill; concrete :uuz' tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; :n'Iww in swerct clover; this farm '~ " w‘; fenced and in a gOOd State Of tnxztttrm. For information apply r » '\\':H~'mb's‘ Dairy, Ml. 4, Durham. Ann! of; O! at I I" ‘ ' Sundays excepted) NHR H I D\\’F.II ING; ALL bu: \t.1\.~. on Georgq Street, anon †: :hl :Q'é‘hnol. Apply \. warm-an, 79 Fre Warner. FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Kingsdale 4344 T 122-124 Avenue Road 0f0|lt0 John w. Bates R. Haddocks I'UX'HH'I‘LV Hf Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. n Hrders taken for choice hum-r delivered 06’ the 1'18; 1mnix-milkxâ€"AVatson's Dairy. Anï¬if 31'"! 12h! 37:3. ugmson ammo “_:‘-â€"-A - A“ _A .. MIDDLBBRO’ 8: MacQUARRIB Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. In “HAM. OWEN SOUND hrNUALK,FLESHERTON â€I t“) um mn'l' LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. law'mlmt, containing 66 acres; 55 ~-’s: m good state of cultwahon; mu lmrrl 42x50, stone basement. mm- stables; drilled well and} «4.: tank at, barn. Also Lots 61 .. «inn. xi, SDI!" Glenelg. con- , n: 110 avrvs; 100 acres cleared 1 n: :Hml state of cultivation; on nt‘vnnw“ are a brick house con- ’ "-.: wwn rooms. with good z'w \Vwmishml attached; drilled M lll-nr; never failing springs on ‘ f'ur'm. making: a c oice StOCK n; This property will be sold tn quirk purchaser. For oar- :ux apply at. Watson’s D8117. 3. Durham. Ont. 102523“ :' \\’l-‘..<'l‘ HALF 31. CON. 7. BEN- T," :u-ws; 200d buildings; two “ ‘Tllllll‘.’ wells: in good state Of cheap to quick pur- Alex. 'I‘. Morton. s ‘,'I.llli|: . Mmly ‘ aural Route ‘3. 01' . . . .: mm†Toronto. 10 2’7 69“ o E"-\ 11318 FOR SALE 'U'H) IQ ¢ )an Sound. Medical Directory. ’ {éiéépt Sundays). Thursday. Jun-r: a, an Z )mtal Directorv. [xxâ€"frilnm V.F.O. mve bLU‘Un x: on: will Ship stockfrorgD; n 'th:~'day§._ Shippe -- Anvc’ nnti ted in GRANT, n.’ n. s., L. 73‘. Legal ‘Dz’reciorv. 601 r 13 LUCAS a: HENRY I‘Vj_"l|. V , -. - . 9.. mm three days James Lawrence. I \pplya 79 Pm at once to W derick Stu Kit- 40 on if 613623“ Durham. 1322323“ 167tr Jll‘l‘ L“ as good as newâ€"175.15g Pearl Oa‘k heater, for coal or wood.â€"W. Jacques. Durham Routs 4. 10 6 tt‘ AUTO KNITTER COMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSE and lot, 011 Albert street, Durham, inside water. chicken house. For particulars apply John Crutchley, Durham. 1 12 U. PROPERTY FOR SALE mm SALEâ€"A NUMBER. OF GOOD building lots on George street, North of Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to I). llopkine. 2 21 U THAT PR(‘)PERTY KNOWN AS Park Lot 6. Jackson’s Survey, within the corporation of the Town Of Durham. (containing approximately four acres. For further particulars regarding this property apply at The. Chronicle Officr, Durham. tf FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE; ON Queen St. â€"â€"Sm1th Bros. 2 24 tf HORSE LIVERY NOTICE I HAVE OPENED A HORSE LIVERY in Durham and cater to the wants of both commercial and pheasure drivers. Good horses and outï¬ts. Reasonable Datesâ€"Robert Ryan. Durham. I’hnnc 92\V. 12 29 tf HOUSE FOR RENT FIVE ROOMS AND BATH, ALL cmweniencns; immediate posses- sion. Apply at Chronicle Office. 1 12 3pd BOARDBRS WANTED APPLY A'l‘ CHRONICLE OFFICE. A SPECIAL PRUBATIONARY CLASS is being started Februa1y 1st. 1928. in the Nurses Training School, Ontario Hospital. Hamilton. Ont. Applicants must be healthy. have good character. and somo High School mlmation Honor'a1ium: ti1styea1. $23.00 per month; second year, $30.00 per month: thiut ve'al. $35 .00 per month There me also a few Vacancies for spN 1.111» qualiï¬ed graduate nu1ses. Apply: tqo J. J. Williams. M. D. 'anm-inlnminni. '1 19 3 Durham. fur particulars. THE LADIES‘ AID ()F QUEEN ST. Church am lmlding an old-time social Thursday, January 26, at 8 o’clnck. in the church basement. Good programme and refreshments. Come and brim: your friends. Adults 250.t childrcn 15c. 1 19 2 'Apply Lu J. Supm'intondmt. THE POSTPUNKD INFORMAL 1):).an nl Hm 1.1). I). E. will he held “[1 Wmlnnsclay. February 1. in the Durham ann Hall. Hanover or- chostra. All invitations issuml for ilw former dance. still lmlclgoml and a cordial'invitalinn is extend- ml the public to join with tlm Inimlitors of the Empire in the 0f- iirial owning: of the rnnomteri T own Hall. FERTILIZER I .\.\I TAKIN‘"; ORDERS FOR A A ()uality (hottnr knnwn as Hamil!- , , 16’7" Phosphate $21.50. 2-8-2 33.00. Z-lé-Z $36.00. Phone in your m'dors.â€"â€"Wilhm-t Blyth. 1 19 um Notice is _hereby.given that an persons haying claims against the estate of John Vessne, late of the Township of Bentinck in the County of Grey. farmer, who died on or about the 30th day of November. 1926. at the Township of Bentinck in the County of Grey, are hereby re- ’ to the undersigned particulars of their ' proved. on or before . 3 January. 1928. and after such date the estate will be distributed. hav- ing regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been O recen ed. Administratql‘s Vessie. by thell‘ aéubleâ€"vchin. COMING EVENTS .. u. MIDDLEBRO’ McQUARRIE, .â€"-‘APPLY ZENUS that all 1 '12 if Swinton Park (Our Own Correspondent) 'l‘lu; very mild weather and light snow fall has made the sleighing very pour hero and there is consid- vrablq timber to be delivered to the mills and to market. Thvrn have been wild rumors of small-pox sg‘n'cading rapidly and the people here are very much al- armed and are getting treated to provm'xt, tho dim-3.80 sprrading. Dr. Snoath ut’ Dromore is a busy man and some. are nursing sore arms. Dr. Bandy prefers attending to both arms. ' Mr. Brown of Kingscotc boas com- menced sawing the season’s supply of timber I‘m- McLeod and Marian!- son and is doing oxceIlvnt work. The Knox and Wilson families, who were under quarantine for scarlet, fever, were released last week. Miss Ma1j01y Kinncll 01 Townto is __v_isiti11g at 111111 11011111. 1111111. Mrs. J. l’lostm' had Hm misfnrinno to upset t.h tna kettle on her foot and now she is laid Up with a Very sore foot. Mr. and Mrs. Neil IVIcMill'an al- tnndml the funm'al nfthe lattm"s sister, Mrs. McQueen of Stayncr. last week. Nulicc is hm'vhy given that an a‘mllicalhm will he mach: to llw Leg- islalnm ol’ Unlario at. its nvxl svs- siou on behalf of the Uungrogalion of the Presbyterian church at Priccvillc for an Act l0 pm'mil. a new votu lo he, lakcn lo decide whclhm' The: l'nilml church of Canada Act shall apply to the pro- pm-ly of lhn llnngrvgaliml of lhn l’mshyl.erian church at. l’ricuvillc as it stood helm-n cuming into force of lhc said Act. McCarthy McCarthy, Solicitors for the Aymlicants Dated at Toronto this 11th day nf January, 1928 I '19 6 In the matter of the estate of John Lawrence late of the 'I‘ownship 0f Egremont in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given that All and singular that. certain parcel or tract. of land and premises situate, lying and he- ing,r in the Township of Egre- mont in the County of ('lrey, and being Lot Number Seven (7) in the 'l‘wenty-ï¬rst Conces- sion of the said Township, con taining hy 'admeasurement One Hundred Acres, more or less. will he sold by sealed tender, sub- ject, to a reserved hid. accompanied by marked clmque for ten per cent of the amount tendered. APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT V Tenders received up to two O'clock Tuesday. the 7th day of Feb- i-uziry. 1928. addressed to MIDDLI‘ZBRO’ MCQUAHRIE. Din-ham, Ont. Solicitors Philip J. H. Lawrence and William J. I.awrmco, Execu- loI'S. 1 12 3 DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL BXBCUTORS’ SALE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ‘ ‘ EMBARRASSING - MOMENTSI Mr. George. Lenard returned last week from Owen Sound whore he “as visiting his daughtm Mrs. H. l1-',\\i11 'and is \isTin" this “1101: at \\ moham and Mcafmd. There has bven a group number 9f cattlv marketed from Hus part this mnnlh. (Our Own Correspondcnf‘ Mrs. Hum-m3 Hay has rvlurmul {mm Kitchmwr. wlu-rn she was spendingm huliday with hm' hm- er. (ivm'gu .lmws of that. pluco. Miss Flurvncu Rohvl'isun Hf Dor- nm-h slum! a wwk with hm' musin. Miss Murivl Hvl'ti. and rvtiimmi hump. Sunday. Mr. Hmu'y Hang: was up I‘m' a wm-k and i-vhu'nvd tn FM'g‘us with a iH'EHi Of his machiiwry. Mr. VFW] Hang \wnt, hack with him fur a few (18324. Mf'ssrs. Mam-(1w RichH and John Walsh sqwnt :m zll'tvl'nmm skating 011 Mm pmul and rvpm't. Hu- ice in ï¬rst. Muss Shawn Mr. and Mi's. (im'dun Hulclsmith SIH‘IH, Sunday :H'tm'nmm With Mr. and Mrs. Arvlm- Walsun. Mr. and Mrs. \\-"n'l..lmnnings slwnl Sunday with Mr. um! Mrs. 1%. R. Goldsmith. Mrs Wm. I‘lnr'lhlt of Snllix‘an is summing: a \vak 01' two WIâ€! her mmlwr. Mrs. Hm'wy Boyer, "Mr. Hvtrlwr numb†m last. ww-k M’ New annrin \vlwrv Mn is tak- ing a job I'm' lhv wintm'. Forecasts for 1928 Jummnwâ€"Cnmvs in hlustmy. turns ('lvm- and «HM: svmml \uwk. I'airx light 5mm, Lmning mildm': third \w-vk. MM and stormy; continnns .9un throughout, Hm mrmlh. I‘V'in'iI:il',\'â€"-~llloai' and mid. ï¬rst work. light snnw, Hwn fair in blustery and mid; third \ka mild. snow. thvn fair In lu-avy snow; thon mild to Sinrms and liluak winds. Marchwilmnns in ruiigli; wind and snow storms aimiii. Hm 10th. ihvn mild. with cold and storms ui‘mui Um 20m, tin-n mild in warmer. HH' .'Ulu, llH' II â€II"! I†an "1:1. \plil-HSIHHHBXN “ill 1w phmtifnt. Svcnnct \ka 5mm. 5100!, and rain: thirtt Wonk min and (thinnnk “illlth; t'mirth Wonk. highest, wind of the month. bringing snow and trust. 3-t:1yâ€"~t"z1ir and «try. Light. 11in ahmit. ttw tttth thvn t':1i1': highwincts and :1'1inzsnltix;stm'ms about, the 20th. and waxm: t-nnlm' with light. mins and last. “(-014 min and wind. .llth---â€"~Ih'y and dusty: first. wock mnl; turns \x'zn'mvr. Vary «try and but. I.IIl\"~-«DI\ and high \Iinds; may blow Iain :IhmIt Hm 1()t1I;(:0ntirIIIIIS my; HIiIIl “I'I'k (tIIIIIIly and very hot; rain and storms to 0nd of month. A:Igust--â€"---l)vamp. Mandy and foggy weathnr for ï¬rst. wank, Umn dry and cooler: light, showers, fourth \VN'L: an warm in and of month. Samvmhmw-Cnnl. light, rain, tlufn Samvrnht-l'annl. light, rain. UH‘II dry and warm. turning molar; rain about Hm 20th; wind and frnst In last of month. Uctnhm'wï¬nmvs in ('Ollll Trust. at, night: hrecnmvs quite mu]. probab- ly snow: fair and mild with rain about. 213â€: to 28th: clnm' and cold to vnd of month. lenmbnruâ€"‘Fair and warm: sec- ond Wonk. blnak Winds. Hwn fair to warm: third wank warm. ands Welbeck REE? ‘4’ y. Decemberâ€"Comes in line ï¬rst week. then threatening storms; abou} 15th to 17th wind and storms, turning fair to milder; probabilities a green Christmas. Fair to end of mo'nth. Are pleased to know that Mrs. Charles Lawrence has so greatly improved in health and has been able to return home after Spending the past cuuvle of weeks at the R. (J. Hosllital. Durham. colder. Hutton Hill (Our Own Correspondent) The weather this past while is somewhat changeable. Some folks use wheels, others the runners. but judging by some of those wild car track marks, we think you better take the old bay mare next time, boy. You know that little Ford has an inclination to go straight ahead when you desi1e it to turn a corn- er, but the horse will obey your orders more to the satisfaction of yourself and get there just the same. cold; prpbabiliti'ep anw to end of Ml. Hilliard Armstiong spent a few days visiting in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McRonald from Poplar Hill spout, Sunday week with Mr. and Mrs. Mil_ligar_l._ Ml’S.â€"R0h(}l‘l. Johnston of Ehnnozvr spam, :1 counle of days with her daggllter._ M_ {3. ngsun HQPKips. "'Mvr. and Mrs. Edmund Nobln am Vlsmng fmcnds m Huspclm‘. Glenroadin (Our Own Correspondent) Buzz burs Imw born the urdor ()f â€w day. Mrssrs. l-lugln and Alvx. Vaughan haw rut, largo pilvs oI‘ “nodâ€"Tor Mr. .MrNallx «m Ilw Inâ€: and. lamcs mull llughin Vaughan «m Hm 2nd. . W0 arr plrusml In reqmrt. IImI Mrs. leu‘giu Boll. wlm umIvmwnI. a svrimls-(,>pm':II,inn. is imprnving. . Mr. and Mrs, .lulm A. Huycl rnIvr- IninmI a. n'mnlwr 01' their I'rxiv uls In a progwsaiw uurhrv 'I‘Imrsday vvâ€" rning. I‘ivIv Iahlvs plznmI. \ll ru- purI a wry vnjuyuhlu Iimv, Mr. James Williams; is assisting Mr. Wm. Manta for :1 (mm, livvw' Hde and ()muwilnll' Huyd inspm'lml Hm (ilvnmmlin Hriclgu and l'mnul it. in had ('(mdiliun. H. is [wâ€" in;: I'vpaim-cl by H. Vaughan. Jl'. Mrs. Allan Boyd (ii Lmuivi'. Susku is undm' ihv ('fll'i' Hi IM'. “4'â€. 'l'lmsv wim hail HH' gum! l'nl'hlm‘ tn lw \'aci°in~:m-cl m'n iii-ginning In i'm'i likv Hmnnsvlws again. iml. still wnmlvr which is Hic- \wwsl. Hw dis- t'asv HI' â€H“. NIH", Priceville (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. W'm. Mzu-lmml and Mr. have Ilim'ks allvmlml Hw fmmml 01' Mrs. Donald Mm‘hwcfn on Friday lust. Mr. Colin Mclmzm mu! 'Mr. Wm AMcm-n worn in 'J‘m-ontn on bus- im'sr; I'mwnlly. Mr, and Mrs. Angus McLauhlzm and Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacArthur wvm I'm-mu, visitm's m ilw Short.- I'N'd lmmv. Mr. Ernie Mzm'lruu has started up a hm'lu-r shop m-xt, Hm hank. Mr. and Mrs. Madlnrmzusk worn in Oman Smmd Hw hc-ginning of last. wm‘k. Hvrn is a puzzln in «in with ad- vm'lmng which Hus Fourth Estate plucns lwfm'n Um puhlm m solve. ‘ ' " â€". ..l‘.... ..;-. 'l‘wu nonâ€"advm'l,ism's â€1:ququâ€" mmd prm-limlly Mm 811")“ kind of mi. traps, custing 15 cunts ouch. whivh wm-c- sold In Hm Mazda at 20 cents, the purchaser paying 306. ' ' I ‘Z I...) 4.. D‘JIILW, mu, In...v.......-,- [mu ., UMP Hf HIP pl'mlllcvrs‘ decided it) advertise. â€is increased sales on- ahled him to make the traps for We. each. He then selcl them to . the trade for 1:"; cents. The purchaser lmught them at :3?) cents. Who paid for the leertising‘? Not the maker of the rat traps, because he mmle more money by selling more traps. Not the retail- er, for he made the same mom, on less outlay. Not the purchaser, because he bought for live eents less. Who paid for the allVertisinu‘.’ Now argue that out, but better still, let those people who do not :ulw-r- lisi- try it out and see from exhor- ience whether it «loos not pay to advertise. They will ï¬nd it does, and won’t, bother much in conse- quence ghout solving the puzzle. .llfs idlvnvss that Inn wncked ways. A hcc until he subs down. AN ADVERTISING PUZZLE idlvnvss that_lmuls people in!» snow and niavcif stings Mcl AwIIIaH M :uzArlan tlw Short- she showed a strong aversion. And nothing craved that she could not atl‘ord. She had a pair of corsets that, by various contortions “Her sturdy figure could be made to embrace. And changed her rather sogid form to hour-glass proportions, But took the strength of Sampson for to lace. Graham: purely used to be a She used no tricks to camouflage her facial decorations. Just bathed a bitâ€"let Nature take her course; Her lips and eyelids never knew the use of preparations From chemist‘s slmp or any other source. She did not dream of dragging on a scented cigarette; Gay midnight parties she would never stage; No matter where she hunt to be. or whom the folk she met. She felt that she must always act her age. But Grandma long since shed those days just like she shed her bustle; Her skirts now swish in freedom ut her knees; What. care she, it‘ a vagrant wind displays a snappy knuckle? 'J‘he pleasure’s hers to wear them where sho please. in girlish ringlets round her head new hung her hennaed tresses That weekly greet. the heuuty ex- pert‘s shears: No one would ever near it, come in ht'llt' ti dozen guesses Her speed until they saw her ehaugo her gears, Now trtuleth she. her grandchild to the dam-o tloor smooth and glassy. in truth. she swings a Very lithe.- sonio hip, And twists and twirls and 'toddles ’ with the tremhnn of a lassic. And llinehes hot. heueuth the mod- ern grip. Yes, tirnnny is no \\'hit the same like Granny used to he, It. looks tlke evoltttinu's done its work; She’s become :1 modern woman - it’s a certainty that she Lets no 'dull ohl-t'ashionmt notions round her lurk. TIE EVOLUTION OF swan modest person. And claimed that. virtue we: its own reward; For eulrowiug aught ebove her hoot PAGE 7.