Saved Home From Burning On Tuesday. January 17th, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pegelo and child of the 10th Concession Sullivan went to visit friends nmr Hanover, leav- ing a tire in their dining room. In somn unaccountable way the fire was communicated to the room and the home would soon have gone up in smoke and cinders had not there, fortunately, been a congregational meeting in the Peabody United Chin-ch. the members of which promptly put out the fire when they saw smoke issuing from the house, whirh is near the church. Only the dining room was partially burn- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Pegelo feel very grateful to their neighbors for savâ€" ing their liome.-â€"vClwsley Enter- prise. Alcohol Lamp Exploded A very regrettable accident oc- curred last week to Dr. A. M. Camimell in his dental office in the Perkins block. After having extin- guished the flame in his alcohol lamp for the purpose of refilling it, while doing so it exploded, it being thought there. must have. still been enough heat in it to kindle the flame. His right hand and arm were so badly burned that the doc- tors expect as a result. that it will be necessary to amputate the two ï¬ngers at the second joint. He was taken to the hospital at Owen Sound and later went to Toronto General Hospital for the best atilx'ice from specialists. in the hope or saving his lingers. General sym- pathy is extended to Dr. Campbell in this. one of the worst misfor- tunes whieh could happen to a den- tist. the loss of the use of his right handâ€"\Viarton Echo. Provincial Polico Officer 15. Wid- meyei'. who has been stationed 'at .Walkerton for the past. four years has been Li'ansfm'i-ml to W‘iarton. and MI'. Robinson of ()rangcvillc is to assume his duties IIPI‘L‘. Officer Wodmcym' was apuointmi as an O. Transferred to Wiartoy. v v u---- TA. enforce-motif. otl’icer at. tho time of the resignation 01' .105. M. \Vhito. and held that position until govern- ment. control replaced 0. 'l‘. A.. and he was taken into provincial police departnient.â€"-.\Valkerlon Tolescom. vv- -v- â€"____ MI‘. lobe-.11. McDOPmid. who has been continod to his homo on ac- count of illness for somo time. was made wry happy rncontly when his became the possessor of a fully eqiupiped radio set. This splendid set is a gift. to Mr. McDermid from tho Alumni Assmriation 01‘ the On- tario School for tho Blind. Tho presentation was mado through tho secretary of the association. Mr. Walter B. Donkin of Brantt'ord. who has chat-go of tho manual training work at. tho school. and who. along with Mrs. Donkin performvd the detail work in connection with the matter. Let it ho said here. that. the Splendid spirit. shown in this in- stoanrv by these» blind man and wo- men toward one of tlwir own num- ber cannot he too highly praised. Neodlvss to say Mr. McDermid is School for Blind _Presep_ts R_adio' very deeply touched by this expres- sion of kindness and vstpom on the part, of his former sclmol mates.â€" tlnlling\\'00d Bulletin. ~ Octogeggrian . Passes VVUVyvuu-a C-.. On Thursday morning of last week Mrs. Elizabotl‘i Srhwartz. Wifo of Mr. Nicholas Schwartz of the 5th concession of Garrick. passed away at the ripe age of 86 year'. 2 months and 7 days. Deceased. who was a da‘ughtor of tho lato Mr. and Mrs} John Ftn'lnoy. was born near St. Agatha. Waterloo County. She came with her parents to Carrick about. sixty-oight years ago. when this county was almost. an unbroken fox-Psi. Her death was (lilo to gen- eral dobility. cansod by hor advan- crcl age. and she had boon confined to hor boil for about four months prvvious to her «loath. She was a kindly lady. deeply cglm'otod to her family. and enjoying the highest ostooni of all hor neighbors. She is sumivml by lwr agml husband. throw sons and tour daughtors. The funoral took place on Saturday morning: to hovmerton R. t). ceme- tm'y. tho si‘n'viros lining conclut’tt‘t’l by Rm: l’atlzm- lmnharil.-~;\lilc'lmay Gazolh‘. Fill Required at McDougall’s Hill A strangn thing happened at. Mc- Dnugalls hill «m tlw 6th concessinn. A largo hole. much the shape of an im'm'tml funnvl. made its appear- anco‘ at the sido of the mad and just. what causal it._is largvly a matter ,_-_. ILA. PAGE 6. in the ditch on the East side of the road. covered with good gravel, would allow a drive-way for sleighs and wagons and would leave the full width of the present road for 'rï¬"v"t.oi?viir:atfic_at very little expense to the townâ€"«Chatsworth Banner. Roy Heath and Daniel Rouse, two lads from Wiarton, whose ages are, 14 and 15 years respectively, decid- ed on Monday morning that they would like to see a little bit of the world rather than the vicinity of Wiarton, and they started out on a hike for other parts. They arrived in Owen Sound without mishap, but fortunately for them, they did not get any farther. Their parents got word of their departure, which was without ceremony. and they were not long in communicating with the police in Owen Sound, and the re- sult was that the boys were quickly picked up. They had little to say as to their intentions, although one of them intimated he was going to Markd-ale where he had some rela- tives, and it is said the other lad wanted to get to the 800. However, their plans were rudely shattered, and they were placed on board the evening train for Wiarton in charge of the conductor. and taken back to their homes probably sadder but \VISQL‘. Wiarton Lads Are Sent Back Home Mr. A. G, Arnott, who, last, Sep- tember, assumed the leadership of the Walkm-Lon Citizens' Band. in addition to similar duties with the Hanover Band, will make his home here in March . Hanover Bandmaster Leaving The middle of that. month he re- limmished his position as hand- master at Hanover, but will become a director of the Palmerston Band. He will combine with his work here the duties at Palmerston. The members of the Town Coun- til, M10 contribute toward the hamimastm-s salam and the bands- 11-11 21111 “ell satisï¬ed with Mr. Afrnnil s leaders hip. and pleased he “in locate her-e permanentl} in 1\la1~cl1.â€"Walkerton TeleSCOpe. Glenelg and Elsewhere (0er Own Correspondent) \\"1 [AT 'l‘( ) REMEMBER : [)0 you Iemember \\ hen the snow “as some three and four feet deep in the bush and the men chouping a fallow had to break 'a track so as to be out, of danger when the trees were falling? Do \ ou remember when the winter road \\ as mgr-7,3" through the \V oods ;y_)in:.r to PI'Oton and E:*I'em()nt, and a. wall some three feet deep was on ouch side of the road and oxen could not. cx‘de‘? [)0 ynu remember when the 01d- timors had quite a time kpeping the potatoes from freezing in the 01d- t'ashioned cellars? D0 y011 mmemher VVhen D111 ham Mills, 110VV W300“ an s, wers) nearly at a standstill in the Vear 1856 for want of water mm 91'. as thm'u was 110 them all VVintm and those Going H1010 had tn VVait. a couple_nf_daygs. Do you remember “118.11 Durham‘s first. .teacher was the late John Moodle‘? A . D0 \Oll remember when Donald MiKenzie “as-the 0an shoe- maker in Durham and those needing boots had to leave their measure the first 01 the summer so as to get them the beginning of winter? N0 store shoes to be had then. D0 V011 remember nearlv 80 VeaI's ago where the 111m PI'eSbvte1'ian 111111ch stands a large maple tree 5101111 about the centre of the 1' hu1'1'h'? “'33 it an emblem of Pres- hvterianmm 801111175 V'seaI' in the f11t'111e.’ "The Maple Leaf Forever] and P1' 1151)) terianism F0_1'e\ er ’3’ Do you 1emember the text the ministers had last Sunday? An old Sent came home from the kirk on Siindav and said the meenester 1li1ina gie 11s a \erra guid sermon H111 day 1 person listening asked him wheie he had his text. “W ell†he said. ‘I do not remember but asked his \xil1z1“ ye ken M10111 the meenester had his text the1lay?’“\Vell really. I forget but ask 001 girl Susie who said I name in “hen he took out his lexif S11 here “9 ï¬nd a lot of fault-ï¬nders when the fault, is 0111' OVVH. '_I'he minister came to visit the fam- 1_lyj of Adam, mnot. '_knowxpg 9g. Adam was ailing from his fall. Adam hid himself when he saw the parson cqming. The preacher began to question Mrs. Adam by asking her dld she know what became of Adam‘ the ï¬rst after the fall. She called out to Adam. “Adam, they must be telling the minister about yoy; you 1_nay as well oeme‘down.†So now I pay tell of what became of me after a fall three weeks ago (not from the effects in Adams case), but while splitting yvood fell backward on to the woodpile. I «am recovering from the effects, but am sore yet. Thanks to the Edge H111 cor. for kind words of me in a re- cent write-up, ~ and to the good neighbors of Edge Hill who came to see me, and those who could not come phoned often.; mQ'di'tâ€"e' a crowd gathered at Edge H111 hall one night receqtly. and spelnt some time in old-I-a'shloned stxe, __ â€" O ‘- “Al- Sorry to hear of Mrs. O’Neil’s death. We knew Mrs. O’Neil’s kind- ness many years ago when duty called us to visit her old home. We extend condolences to the bereaved family in the death of a faithful mother. _ Pleased to hear some of those ail- ing 'at Priceville are getting better. While some of our near relatives are ailing yet, we hOpe, to hear of them gettingbetter e099. A ..... This Monday morning, the 30th of January, 1928, is ï¬ne clear and frosty, and the month ï¬nishes by ke_e_gln_g _ips reputation: i W'. J. Ritchie is sawing wood this mornng and expects Februaiy needs to «be provided p.for‘ye§ I‘ ‘ I W. " Congratulations to Reeve Calder for receiving the appointment of Warden. As this is leap year, the young ladies have the privilege of tendering their applications to bachelors. but Neil has a mind of his We are pleased to hear the Rev. Mr. Armstrong is getting better and will soon be able to occupy his own pulpit again. The church was well supplied for the last few Sugdays. " I. n‘_,_A‘-A “Al PJ“--v--.J wâ€" o The new Reeve of Glenelg got himself into trouble as he is called upon to attend to an unruly person somewhere in Glenelg. The many fiiends of M11. and M13. 001 don Geddes “ill be pleased that the} me not going 1a11 away from Durham to their men home bought recently. Mr. Geddes is a good chmch attendant and is always faithful in attending to other duties entrusted to him. M115. Geddes is a good and obliging lady and all join in wishing them much happness on 1:. hne f1a1m. fl § ll.‘|\ -vv- ---v Now. Mr. Editor. it’s either a feast or a l‘aminn with us in sending news to The Chronicle. It’s. a small feast, this time after a long famine. Glenmont (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Gladys Firth is visiting with her sister. Mrs. Lawrengg.‘ Lonaramlations i0 Miss .Ma'bel Tucker, “h†“as mamied 1n De- tmIt on. Januqij) 33rd. 0' ‘17-. M15. Thos fucker. who has been unwell latch: has been staying with he_r_ daug_lit_e_1-.-I\i_1:s. Ioe Dickson. B =.\'1PS.I'Z.Ritcl:io and son. John‘ spvnt a few days with her sister. Mrs. Clarence Harmson, Swinton Park. .‘VI. “wwrvâ€"â€"v--â€" Mr. and Mr's.‘ThoS; Aitchison of («mu \‘isned last week at MI'. Isaac Hooper‘s: “a. n . I 'I‘_1,_- *l'hbs. Harrison and his men .am busy draxymg logs from Legg‘ltts bush to hlS mlll. w “wâ€"_ A large gathering of friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Watson on Friâ€" day night and presented them with an address and two handsome rocking chairs on the occasion ot their recent marriage. Mr. James Lothian was chairman and called on Mrs. James Hooper, who read the address. Mr. and Mrs. Watson both replied, thanking, all for their kindness and extending a welcome to all to their home. An enjoyablo evening was spent dancing and in social intercourse.“ --Vv- vaâ€"w WMFS. Chas. McKinnon spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Liv- ingstone, Pricevillp. The electric 1ailways of Canada carried 749, 000000 passengers in 1026 and only killed three. In these «laxs it is safe1 inside than outside the tram. OTHER PAPERS’ OPINIONS The revenue of Canada has 'been weleaintained during \‘the peat year, and the Finance Minister is able to announce that despite the reductions in taxation provided for- -‘A- - - A--LI:A What To Do With the Spare Ignoy UUUUbIUllD Au wan-vow... r_v - in the budget of'1927, the public debt has been reduced by many thousands of dollars.‘ It is reason- able to expect, therefore, that. there will be a further effort to allevmte the burdens of the people ln'th-e. Parliament which i . - assembles this week, and as usual, the Mmistenof Finance is being bombarded .-:w1th- requests ,for appropriations . of public funds. Many public bmld-a and even the judges are asking for more pay, though they were most anxious to accept their posmons at the substantial salaries now pre- vailing. . j " The government should I'eSlS'fri these importunities and the memâ€"i .bers should insist that they do.; What the wayfaring men and wo- ; men of this land require is a further reduction of the sales tax, which was a war measure, and presses most severely on those least able to bear it, andshould apply any sur- plus remaining to t reduction of the national debt, a so enormously added to by the war. The other ex- 'penditures can wait.â€"Flesherton Advance. _._.._J___._. Telling When a Man Is Drunk†In Canadian courts for some time past there has been a tendency to give a man arrested on a‘ drunk charge the beneï¬t of the doubt. Magistrates deal with such cases with extreme. caution._ In this day iy'u *- .;. ‘L'i->l‘(‘.' 4 - fligm‘ï¬": J _â€"--â€"â€"â€"_____:â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" In the Enlgish courts they. have ad; opted a test .which 15 accepted as conclusive eVIdence. They glve a man who is arrested as drank .a th 1118 football bladder to inflate w: breath.‘ If two litres of breath is found to contain l5 milligrams of alcohol the man .15 50 per cent. drunk. If the man IS 50 per cent. or more drunk by this test he 18 convmted. â€"- Kincardme Review- Reporter. 7_.__‘ Cloak fdr Moral Cowardice The Ottawa professional hockey team refuse to play on Sunday, even in the United States, where Sunday sport is the custom. All honor to them! Now why should not the University of Toronto team take the same stand at the Olympic games? They would please a lot of their fellow countrymen, whose satisfac- tion in the victory of the Canadian team last- time was spoiled by the fact that they had not stood true to the principles of their country in this regard. When it comes to such questions as this the motto MEYER "‘IOTH The CHRONICLE ILLUSTRATIONS AND COPY 1* tn out PILOT YOUR TREASURE-SHIP SAFELY TO PORT AN EXCLUSIVE SERVICE FURNISHED FREEBY “When in Rome do as the Romans do†is oan a clnak for moral cowardice.â€"Orillia Packet. Alas! The friend who will back up your statement concerning the size of the ï¬sh probably has the reputation of a liar also. Thurbduy. February 2, 1928 run away for a few days to visit your mother: Without Long Distance it would be of course quite out of the ques- tion. but it is so easy to call up our homes by Long Dis- “How splendid. that tance and make sure all is well that. really, there is no excuse for denying oneself." “I suppose you use Station- to-Station calls. 1 do. By asking for the number I get the cheaper rate. and the Evening rate after 8.30 is really most reasonable." The rates to nearby towns. within a radius of say 25 miles. are so low that it is now possible to keep up a wide circle of friends at very slight expense. “Every Bell Telepï¬cme is a Long Distance Station." How one mother keeps young “r. . It! ' .“ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 838. JAIIBSON 8: JAIIESOR Mice and resndence a sham «.11; woe past of the Hahn House W0“!!! $treet. aner‘ van. {)1 (mm. ()mce hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 0 941:. (except Sundays. (Mice and residence, corner Guinness and Lammon Streets. 0p; gm; old 90% Qtl‘xce. (mice how .00 Ha.m..130tn~i p.m., 7 to 9 p (Sundays excepted). ()fl‘icc, over J. A; ... 11.5.4... Durham. Untagm. J. r. GRANT n.n.s.,1.. 1) Honor (iladuatu l IH\u‘1~i1_\ U; 1 out", (aruduuh lion: 1; , . “.1: Surgeons 0f ‘mtazlu 1"‘I:;:.~II‘\' all Its bl‘aI:<',‘hts Nil-m.- Hill Block, MillStr‘net , swung )my a of Macucth’s Um: Stun-g ¢ â€M-â€- MIDDLEBRO’ MacQUARRI Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. DURHAM, H\\'L‘.\ .w: .\‘I. DUNDALK. PLENUH'J‘l .:.\' Lambton St. 805 23nd m, Durham. «mm: >~ Liv ("113ml \.. County. Sal“ terms. I â€111‘s Chronicle 0mm. Geo. E. Dmmu Dumam. Hum: you Flesherton Ulric“. OIH'H «‘x-‘z'y >111 day, 1. 30 to 9.3m: Unumlx H1] Open every Friday ail Jay. C. G. IiddlebrO', J. H. MacQuarri‘ me Sound. me: Phone 42 r 2' lmrrislcx's, Smn'xtuzs, v 001‘ (If the ï¬rm ml: m Tuesday of cum w; may lw made “:12: am . ofl'icc. M, Pobruary 2, 1928 LUT 7, CON. ‘31. I'MHICMH taming 100 :u‘rns; ST.» av: cultivation. haiam-u hmi'x ponvcniem tn svhuniz an 1305 are a framo- kz'lz'n -'4;'\v stone fmmdatwrt; chm-2w? also hav ham 3UVT>H \\'!i I. ~ ment; hog pen 20x4â€: Iv; hr‘ck house). fm‘navn kw frame \K'OUdShNi; Ih‘i'iiyni to house. with \Vlrhin‘lzii water tanks: 30 am'vs ; 10 acres to swwt vimw“; is well fenced and 2:: :1 aw cultivation. l-‘m‘ :szrz'rn‘t t0 \Vatson's Dan‘y. E ' h NURTH PART 1.1 H‘s . ‘x 22. l'lm'emmxt. ('o1;\1:1.'::‘ : acres cloax'wi. ;..:.,.... bush; in {mud ~I frame barn 145x741. concrete stahlm: «1"! .‘ l cement tank at «w and 7. Can. 5. SI? 3:. taming HO :u‘x'ow; W a and in good shim ‘ the premisvs mm :1 ' taming smvn :wmr.'~~ frame wondshmi 117':- Wel‘l at (1001': WWW f": this farm. making .-.. farm. This pl‘npo-t'u' right to quick pnrvhawï¬ ticulars apply at \\’;,:~ [UL A. Durham. my (mtzu'm LOT WEST H Al 1 3h tinck. 50 a010.<;-'0~“ never failing \‘ 0' ~l cultivation: (.ln 1'.‘ chaser. ADM} 31" Elmwood Rontn i ~ Milverton BIML BUTTER, MILK CREW ‘1‘ \Vc will 110 in H' '1'" †winter months 1‘»: ' cream. 0MP!“ dairy butter (10‘1“ also buttermilk \\ 1 I lo)".|‘_' â€"vv_ at tiihev of service Prioeville, Route 1. The Durham! 111.111.â€, SOCIatiOII “ill shm suuléihw ham on T11os1i:1_x< . .\ requested tn 13111111111111 1! .1 """m‘mn Ma: {c000 James Phone 601 r 13 Classified ()33310! [3171)(‘fl’ l.‘ I 'ï¬RT’w. c.‘ chhsmm, 1121971 BATES BURIAL 0 FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern funeral Parlors Phone Kingsdale 4344 122-121: Avenue Road TOTO!“ John W. Bates R. Maddocks. Forme‘rlv Hf [Vivsfrwt'tnn Advertisements under this 1 CASE WITH ORDER; six cons‘ of font. Telephone calls treate Way night of week orderec 25 cents. On 3!! charge orders will be made each Insertion. m FARMS FOR SALE Medical Dzrecton'. GEORGE E. DU NCAN Legal ‘Dzraaorz LUCAS 8: BEN RY 21 I-‘GRII\IU\T res; ST) 81'1‘9.‘ 3's. Shim“?S a “If?" “33 5 116 Lawrence. M3" Durh am heated. d well ill: (‘On H (z. A we Durham :[MHIIUIM Liork in (i I) Du star 10 b!