23, 1928 11 Hospital, .‘l rs. A. J. 11' aV'enue, . January James H. 0‘ .tlil't‘ii , a February it‘s. l'i’lzene .1.. 111 1111» 11111 hresl1~ ' .' I .‘ 1 1" IA. .\1_ Ir" lilr'lll- i.,.:1:;11 and *0.†O†0â€.“ .00- § é § § 0 ‘ é - é to 1 r i 11 § ‘11in1. § 9 larch :. O lso all i _L' 9 ‘.S 1111' § § § § ‘9 ‘V V 9 E‘V é . ‘o i ‘ § 1 r é é é . r 1 § é § § § é é é 111111 9 r 5 aragc ; é 1010-0â€"01 l .00 '1.tltl 1.00 "'1.tltl V'l.tltl rham ’1 l1 MWoflMW~meWW o-101101-0110110110110110110110110110«110110~101101101191101101101101~01 ' (/3 m 'lth~ late ¢ :3 1" , . ' .‘ 4 1 “‘ 5 1V 1 '. 1 â€My . I 11 1 VJ, . '1“ :1, to '5? 1'. '31 1)! .11 ii; '3‘, :“lv .‘11 i1; .13] ,1 {91-1 it???“ i .n.0..0.....gc....c..o..oo.¢y.o........c..g..g..g.....no..‘....nu.c1....In.lI.no.5..oo.00.0‘.00....ll.ll.ol.ln’t.-.II.‘1.00.0).00.IO.DO.OD.OO.D*O‘..O.II.OI.OO* § ' \ 0 12111111111211; nouns J. L. Buch, Veteran 11111111111 Tells Interesting Tales ginger Animal Cousins. x Vlany tales are told of the ferocity ,.1- 11111 chimpanzee. but I am con- ,11,1 11V-1-n the gorillaâ€"will atta 1111111.»; he feels in danger. He mg: 1111:111V' when not. in danger; then it i" 1111-1111V' a difference of opinion 111't\\'1't'll man and ape '1'1111- '11utlaw" chimpanzee is an :eluzl/ingly interesting individual. 11.1 1. 11 111 eat male who roams the 11.1111< alone. Some authorities say 1. 1111 111111aVV is the deposed lead- .1; 11 11111111 cast out bV a younger ,;--,;11 other s believe these exiles 311111 111111 sent forth for feeble- 111111111111111-ss 111' other eccentricity \_l -111V'1ale they roam the forests 11111111111V 11 pulsed when they try '1. 111111 :1 111w11111111.Iike1shmael Of ~1i1’.:11"il hand soon -'1'.‘- 1111111 and eV‘el'V' mans l 1:;‘11111S1. 11111-11 11 natiVe Village 111.1110 ex- 1111.1 111 terrol and thteria. Once 1111-11 1 VV 11s 1111 a snake hunt in the; 31.1111 1"11untly ot Sielra Leone. 1111s- 11' em lV'aniama. a natiVe, Vil- 1:11. 1::11111' begging me to 'kill the "What :1'11‘1st'.’" Iasked an stifled. ~1 ‘ 1111:1111st of bug baboo (chim- 1}. For the 'VVeaker .ex" amolg 1:111/1'1- '.1V'1 kill and 011011 (13:18.†i'ileV‘ twill till? story. "111- 1.111 humbug (attack the wo- VV111'lVi11g ill gardens. He kill 21.111 baby . 111- tramp down. danc- -'11.1' in the middle of the rice patch. :111 111:1k1- swear. Massa. make you mil E11111 for (1.1111111. one time.†If .'-»Hillltit'ii like an outlaw chim- :111/1111. .\1111 when I reached Kan- :1111:1 1111:1'1' tl'el‘l‘iblers told llOVV he of 1111111' tramp. t1 amp. tlanlping meml 1111's 01 the band go about tileil z._-:1 1111 V ill age. (11111 old VV'emanibusiness in strict neutralitV. '111 hind when all had (1011 went - ':1§V111: 1111 a ladder to a rice loft. 1111111111 Villain pursued and killed i decided to try this chap with .111. since he ilnpl'ess1-1d me as may for nets. Iselected :1 "1V 1"11":1111'l1 to the Village and' 111V snare \\111hlg the pit twen- \ :1-111 111111 and the feet square. 1111.1'1'1111: it with light. limbs and 1'111'11111IIV 111111.111; it to look as VVc itilti 2.1111111! ii. The ( ililIID'aIIZtV" \NOIIIJ 1-1111111 along his usual path. tread .';;1~11!l tile slig‘ilt iltll’I’iCIUIIh fall far V1111i11. and then my watchers Veuid tinish him. l s1-11111 more time than I could af- 11a'1l with the VV'atcllel's. aslwas in- ~1s111l 111 this chimpanzee. But ".1' 13111111111 with V‘ain things. He '1 11'1' 1:11111' within ten feet. of our 11111'1- VVe spied him loping .1l1111'." his forest. path. “ithin ".‘.1'i\1' feet tie stopt‘iel’l short. Then 1'111'111-11 about and trotted aVVay. 'l':-:11y :1..'a:.'a1'ious chimpanzee. _‘Viler a VV'1ek of waiting I was .:.11:11 readV to acknowledge defeat 1.11111 1 111111111111111'1'11 a storV told me .11s1111 a night tire ill a trading Vil- 311:.“ by a 1ll'11VV' sV lrenchman. .\ sVVls-s 11V the name of Penderson was said 111 haVe. kept a pet chim- 111-1111..- te thel '111 in his back Vard at 3' ‘.‘1'1'1‘11\\'ll. on the roast. One day be 111‘ s111'111'1s’1'11 ill see 1. ial"0 apt: _'V1;:; 111 make friends with his . 111.11111Ve. it seemed the in- 1 111111-1' was an outlaw driVell into .;‘:E,':1ti11n by his l1'_1neliness for 1 1~ 1'111‘11112'111ionship. Once. I had cached at his story. But. now as I ~~~~~ .l sleeplessiy. I wondered. And "1'1'l\1‘1i a plan. ‘n-V? 111111'11111: I tethlred a Voul 1" an 1'11 111 al' the spot. where. we i-le 111.11 outlaVV came out of “until". I St‘i“"t'1i(I1€IS ill a. . 1'11111 sight. \1111 soon I found ":11: : hatched in insomnia as a as' 1's1111 hail su1ceedcd VVllcrc all .' 1 11111ls l'.lilel1.llle same attcl- 1' 1 had harle laid down when V :1 V Her 1111' stood OVcl‘ me. He 12:111 1.1VV1111 the peep hole cut in ---- 111 side 111 our but. I under- 211s estures which ale al--l I :1 1-1111V1t111 animal is Vieldinmi i 11,1113' tut the peepilOlt‘ “rilfli I 111 the drone of the 11'1111 \\ 1i: 1 It :111111. 1111- 11111 outl.'.lVV a big chal‘ 1193‘} ‘mlabl‘ has a leader I ha“) im- "'1l {Illti SOit‘IIIII faced. \NaS 'fierr' 'ing 111111111111 out to our little conclayc of apes, because his VVis- A JointESavings Account Is a Real Convenience .‘VRTICI LARLY as a matter of P family convenience does the joint account demonstrate its V'Jalue All funds ject to withdrawal at any time by either of the persons in VV hose names _' 1 ' \ ‘ the joint account is opened. In case of the decease of one of the parties holding a joint maV be withdnawn by the other. A joint sayings account in the Stanâ€" a real convenience i VV here two people desire access to ' ; .tiaI d Bank IS 111,1 same funds. Manager, Durham Branch Sub-Bunch 11: Prieevifle . .1-1111 that. non of the great apesâ€".~ is. against' such battling. more than once. and1 .. 15 1111 boys ll'aVe told me man 11 l liltlll. 511011 (llliia“S ottcn filing of i 4 e 018 They were fairly eV'enly matched. when" psi i\111\1ssl\1' in the momentiot the tribe. tillthcse tOOk baby but afâ€" human among animals than what 1 ill its elemental might call the domestic behay'ior . -. .-.1 a . . . ' . . \_ ‘ ' ,. " . a... . _ . . vy: .“"‘ .: .44 w... , I w ... 71‘s.? .11. ,_ 11- -- 1‘ -v- I" 3-." a “‘3 3â€." flats »-s-.. '7‘ ’9" We .11 ' .‘ "'1,"',q'1.41 'V‘ It. " 11. '11 , " " Afr, -' 1‘ 1‘1 r4 t' 1e 1 1 ye “1‘35 '1~ a ‘V “V. M. .G ’.‘1 I. I“. . ' 1V. 11.1; r 1 .1 ~ » 1 ~11 : 1' -111“ - “‘1'-â€r .1 1" ' . V. fl ‘ 1 ;. r 4 I." .f ,_A\-“' \ -‘.1,1 1 " c 1‘ ‘ i 1' " s' ' ‘ ’ i '. ' Prâ€. "‘2 91'"! v1. 5“ ,1 V .1 . .' 1 , _ V . V 'V‘. i†J - \ - ’ ' Sc; 0 ‘l‘ . i .i“. ‘ . '- ' ' ’ _ . - . 1 ~ ‘ h ‘ .1 ‘ \ ‘ I f ‘ 1 ‘ t .‘ 'N \ I l . ‘ -. ‘ I L . I . ~ '\ V . _ ‘ \ I \ . . - , o ’ > ~ . . . ' ' u i ‘ ' ' ‘ giptive, as his morose countenance dom was most. mature and his pressed what to me seemed like strength most protecting. Certainly an almost human tragedy. His at- it has alwavs Seemed to nie that my day But when my ’tffican titude, his 'stark supplication were these old fe llows felt the responsie 353}; he were saying: bility of their leadership. though I ere we are, you and I. You are can think of one rather cowardly ilafvaptive 031 1% chain. I am an out- exception. . scorne y all other chimpan- This hap ' z pened once “am I had ees. Come, let us comfort each laid a p11 3101159. path where a 0th 1†' er 1 certaln'band often passed. Though The stern scientists of the text ' - I had carefullv strew the to w th bonks may say that I am sentiment- leaves 10 make 11, gapear ISas tlhe alizing. But I am merely trying to other around. the old leader was put the interpretation that appeal- suspicigus He sent a weak little 3d to me upon the aets of this mur- 119mg“. ahead to 11.151 out 1119 fglaring exile. As I watched I was ground. \nd VV 111111 she fell into my b scinated. But at last reality 1113p he. right about VV..ecled and drought me back Istepped to the led 1115 family in quite a different oor. I raised my weapon. In two direction seconds the great chimpanzee had .- passed out of the land VVhere Vil- I could write a book about mV 131.05 are terrorized by such as he [experiences with chimpanzees, for ('1 ‘ (r 1 _ Battling bands of Chimpanzees 1 each AilicagxyloVag Eibl 1:1 t.s new kadf ilaVc alVVavs ï¬ V'1..n.1111.s. 11 laps 1111,. ht spea 0 but I haVe timer 0 ' l nce seen a‘ band 1 - . . . '1‘; ) 0 V ' 0‘! ‘0 battle near 1111011111, to watch its 13.011111. H1. 'VVas a VVlld. scratching. .- . '11. . . .~1 minute lla1111elling:.1 haVe board's.“ 111111... fighting little blute VVncn on the spot. for an unusual chimâ€" panzee. The monkey who will bite is 1111 monkey that. learns tricks. -S11I it. is with chimpanzees. Ikept. .lee Mendez without food 1"01 seV'elal days and then I apâ€" p iroached him. eating a banana. Fin- ally I smeared the banana on my bare fore'alm and held it out. He ate it. 1;1tl.1.10t otl'j'eling to bite me. So had hunger lcduljed him. It wasn't 11111:." before I let. him out of his cage. Soon he did not. need to the tl'ihel'.e1‘l He merelV 1‘lla";."‘1 it a rather heaVV chain. to prchnt dis- tant explorations. At. the risk of seeming V'anity, I must confess that. Joe grew fond of me. as he showed those cool eV'en- ings ill Cape Mount. when he. took his courage in both hands and scrambled up upon my cot. Joe dearly loV'ei'l to cover himself with a blanket. and soon the little fol- ‘low in1'li1:'ate1l that he 1g1l'eferred to have me peel his pinea1‘11‘1le)ather 'than to prick his fingers by peeling i such encounters. llle great males of one band they say. tall upon the great. males of another while the temales VVaiti nearby quite passlVelV Though itl is necessarV to take all stori lcs thei natiVes tell with some skepticismt I still belieVe they haVe described, the attitude 111' the fenlales correct- th1 so great apes are. never belliger- ' en! unless the young are concernei'l.i ladies and leadershipâ€"«tllesc are the chief causes for which chim- lianzees go to battle. as I suppose. these have been potent causes for battle between men since over our race began. Leadership brings bands of apes to the. fray. \thll 11. was a "lady" two contesting apes do battle together. while other I can remember one terrific en- counter I watched as I lay prone on my stomach looking into a leafy in- closul'e where a band of chimpan- zees came regularly to nibble the “kratch kratch" or Christmas tree leaf. of which they are Very fond. it himself. He quickly 1ileV'eloped many of the tastes of 1:1'iVilization. inclilding a marked liking for canned cher- l'se it did not take me two months to teach Joe to wear clothes. Some chimpanzees I haV'e new or been able to persuade into a regalia. FiVO months after his capture. Joe was the pet. of my family at Camden. N. J. He could hammer a nail. when I commanded. He could these two males. Each was about ï¬ve feet. six. broad of shoulder, 11oss1'ss1 d of the most amazing pair 111' long arms. They fought. with arms and claw and great jaws. Sometimes it VVa:1 such a tangle of members tha tI . . - . 1shoulder a such Much I called could not 1111 to whom the battle “31,111. and march like. a soldier. was gomg Along toward the end After some coaxing Itaught 'l‘lim iilicsiiuiii Iii‘iioiimbuf efiisllttlivlii'tliigqégra ! to stand with one thumb in his ately still. At the beginning theiplwaistcoat. 111 an Olatorlcal DOS“ cries had mingled .in fierce rage. Sometimes these cries VV"e'_ treble. but as the ï¬ght thickened they became throaty. Always they seemed to be baffled ill the grand gesture. I knew Very well what this was. from the boys' talk. Each was trying to wind his fierce arms about the other. to lift himself by this hold. and to tear the enemy apart. with the cruel claws of his hind legs. 80. also, does the leopard deal with his human enemy. But neither was successful. and still the gilt. went 011. Finally. after many minutes. one. was down. The V'ictor stood upon his body. stamping up and down with flat-footed emphasis. "Now. make your stand like W il- liam Jennings Bryan speaking iagainst evolution. ’ I ï¬nally sold him to some peOpIe in Dth11n,VVllo used him as a mascot at. the famous opera-bouï¬'e trial that happened there three years ago. I do not. claim that Joe understood the significance of his position at the famous litigation. but he plain- ly showed that he associated oraâ€" tory with the chief exponent of fundamentalism. _ Another extraordinarily able chimpanzee named James I sold to the Zoological gardens at. Chicago. Three years after we had said good-bye at Camden I V'isited the - ape quarters. Suddenly there was 1 '1 1 ' 1 ', wll hat - ' . “1‘“- 11131101. m} head boy, 0 i a scurrylng and a stampedlng from been crouching at my sidomortlioned i a far corner of the park. Then an 101' me. to 10110“ inf“ .tilIOngloihe older James. now grown nearly to 1111(11‘1'111'115†“fl“.a†time. to f0? my shoulder. came rushing Upon Not. good. massa, we be lele me. crying. “(10410 -â€"Go"â€"- the chimpanzee cry of emotion. He thrust. his arms about my neck. He lavished his loye upon me. After three years! You may keep your pet cat or Of course the chimpanzee battles in his family circle. as do most ani- mals. but. the battles are newer of great. moment. I have watched mother chimpanzees cuff their Voung. I haV e peepcd upon tiny 1 battles b1 tween little fellows tight- hlg tor the same green leaf or VV 11d nut. kernel. And. on the happier side. I haV'e watched these little1 chaps in their leafV retreats. press1 then 1selV es upon the older members You may eV en keep Vour pet dog" 0" Satisfaction 1111.. There. is nothlng more nearly of the chimpanzees. Each band in- aglned he has been chosen at some WWW." ‘0' â€0.00000'00'000000 We have made our choice. deposited are sub- tion and coâ€" operation. account. all money with Joe Mendez. whom I took at Cape1 11101;.11t. to camp. But I knew l‘limt lgeneral purpose horse. colt. bushels impr'OV ed Banner seed eats. And he did this VV hen I or'deled: 1 bird or pony or rabbit or racoon. lease of shipping coal to New- There exists in all of us a certain amount of NatiVe Vanity. in that we feel that our judgment in matters affecting our own requirements is superior to that of a stranger. And this is quite in order and absolutely justiï¬ed. We know the require- ments of our own business as to quantity required; we have, by experience and actual practice, concluded that a certain grade, color or quality suits our purpose best. In Printing, , 1 what we want. and how we‘ want it. Co- operation in securing this can best be obtained from the home printer. for it is his desire, in fact his duty. to see to it that be secured for you just what you want, and that he carries this regularly in stock. In the printing also your wishes can be carried out by consulta- The carpet-bagger, howeV er, will always try to sell many times your ordinary requirements; he will most likely try to work on a job lot of paper. And as for style of work. .since there is no chance to consult, and as no proof is submitted, the . customer must take it as supplied, regardless of his own ideas. Therefore, in order to get what you want. and when you want it, in the matter of your printing requirements, consult The Durham Chronicle Issued by“ the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. .313 Manning Chambers, Toronto CANADIAN GREYS I. o. n. E. WILL hold their annual meeting on Tues- voyages are over and I settle down day evening, February 28 when the at home. -..I will ï¬nd a teachablo- years business. ï¬nancially and young chimpanzee“ for pe. and Miss F. Hopkins was in Toronto otherwise will be reviewed A“ companion. Of the animals I haV'e last wgek attending the spring mil- members are asked to attend. handled they interest me m‘cst. linery openings. They may be our cousins. or again Mr. Neil McQueen and 1 . . Slster. the} 33.33 “Oi be ButVthey are Florence of Stayner, visited their to me linquenchably. fascinating. aunt, Mrs N McCanhel last week \\ 11111131031 10011133. mysterious Mrs. Neil McMillan of Swinton Park nlOI‘Oseâ€"f51111pIVillg antics 101‘ a was also a‘ guest .at the same home. ,1 R EXA L L merry hour and meditation when ‘ . Mr. Samuel Robinson of Owen S" J b“ Sal the hour of play is passed and an , , old animal man sits quietly, ponder- 3:211:31 nl‘iialiomiï¬i (111 ï¬ttï¬nd??e? 3E I vet u ee e ing the riddle of life. 9 no 0 19 1‘19} ' » ‘ Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance Com- CREDIT ‘ . pally, at Hanoy‘ er last week, Visited AUCTION SALE . over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petty. here. and VV'lth 1 Farm Stock and. Implements - . . - - 1 Charles H. ReaV' will sell by pub- Ills brother, M1. DaVld Robinson. .111 be Auction at Glenel". LOT 52 DURHAM ROAD MPXYOUDg has shown exceptional (3/2 miles West. 111' Durham on‘ ability in recitations and piano Provincial Highway) .. monologues of the humorous var- TUESDAY, MARCH 5’ 1928 3 lety. Don t..-.1'all to. hear him in HORSESâ€"Matched swan mares. Durham Baphstchurch on March 1. ‘ ' Mrs. (Dr. ‘1 Ross Jamieson of Tor- 1:.~V'1'TL1:â€"â€";11VVâ€". fresh. calf at. foot: 01110-1 1.511111 81’0"“ â€f D"- 1.11111 '“I‘S- “- Durham cow. calf at. foot: Durham 11115111111950" this week. 1.0“: fresh' 11311.0“. CO“..'H(V1efOl.1-11\llss I'IV'elV'll Wilkie of Saskatoon. c.11w due April 11111111111111 cow. 'ia‘k" i" ‘iSitil‘r her â€1101‘" Ml" And I say this slowly, for "I have loved more than one 111111111 dog in With every purchase of One Dollar or more of these Puretest and Rexall Products We will give you FREE one 250‘. tube of Rexall Milk bf Magnesia Tooth Paste Rexall Emulsion of Cod i Liver Oil ..... 500. and $1.00 Puretest Castor Oil. 4 oz. .25 Puretest Mineral Oil liussian Type.. .50 and 1.00 Rexall Health Salts. 7 07.. I I 1 1 tin ................. .50 due April" ~21 Herctord COW SUDDOS- 1111111111. Hm†“‘9’“ 1" Rexall 11111-111111111s. natural ed ‘.due May 20; 3 steers and 2 heif- ‘ ‘11"'l“1“" “1‘""4431‘lpl' has 1’0â€â€œ laxative ........ .25 and .50 (111-5 rising- 2 Vt’al'S; 3 )SICOI‘S and 3 III 101011“) aIId i‘SUiliaiO tilt? liaSi i(’\\ piilt‘i1i)3t (laxnphopated heifers. rising l Vcar;2 calV' es. baby â€â€™5 â€" l""~“â€"‘5 , . 0†11111111111111 125 and ~40 hppf typo ' , it'Na†S\"ll[l 0i. HV’pO- \1111 can dress and make up to ' ' 1 '1 . 1 . . - , , - phosphites ............ 1.00 H‘ â€â€œ810“! “7’“ ““9 1†e11111a1 Y make 3 1101111 11111111 17011 111-11 .V'ounr. n1-Va11 V1111111111111111 Balm .25 3'8; 1Q :101 91311-13 \‘elghmg ‘30 Ibs. but. you can't tool a slice of mince SHLLPâ€"iit) sheep. pic. IMPLEMENTS -â€"-â€" Massey â€"' Harris binder. (3 ft.: Fr1'1st_ Wood mower. AN ILII 5111 AT L‘D IECTI RI? (1V and .................... .50 l’urelest. (lliV'e (til .60 and 1.00 ltexall l.iV'er Salts .50 and 1.00 iit‘Ntlll Beef. \\'ine and 0.».« .00..o...’u.n.».n.¢o.« on. 09. 9.0.00." .99....0...“...o...’n.«.«.n.«.u.fl.“OOOONCO ‘0‘â€FWMM~WMM )1 (1' " .11- 1 1-1 1- .â€" (i'OIm'Sf‘ “'9'"! 111,111, 1.1 hoe, Mas 1111 the work among the blind of )Iltlll 1'00 s11.,_Ha1-1'ls haV rake, dlsc, Illtel'na-lflmmiH “in be g.iVe11 1“ U. H tum-lust. 1.1111 Lner (111 .40 tional VV'agon. nearly new: set. iron ( 11 1:11 Ol‘fJ‘llliZ' i “I“ ll ti .11; in“! 1, 11111111 111111 ~75 barrows set bob-slme‘hs '2 walkino ' ‘ ‘1 n ap ‘ Rexall Tasteless (1011 “ ' ' .' ‘7 ‘ chulch ThursdaV PV't‘llill‘". March 1 1 ' ' ' IIOllfli-ic 1‘] i1}. 1 . II . 3 1) 1 â€,0, “ 1 " ‘ 51' ' 1I\ii ()Ii .............. 1000 1 C '" '1 ""1 1" "1"?“16‘ The speaker will be assisted bV Miss . C. M- vocalist 1,1. "1 "l M†1. ‘l ‘_ and pianist and 3111'. 1111111111111 Young. 1 iiili'ri :. ' 5.11117 0 $11,111.»: N t. D ouch 111'111'1l'tai11er.tVVo blind artists, ltullils il’ï¬ii 111-111 L; :1} 01"“ . ‘ of the lh'antfcn'd School 1"ol the 1‘ _‘--')(’ _ Idlmd ROM‘ hens. blind. Admissiml 2711'. ,i‘in'l'ViltltiV bred to lay: (1 pure bred Rock l'oos- ., . .1. " ' , , VV1 lcon11. tcrs,13 ducks. 3 geese. g'lndel'. H- \Y AND (11R Al‘Vâ€"it) '10er buy 300 cutter. flat: rack. wagon box. StOCRiKatill‘Vn Sell: -\ '1‘ lack. turnip 11111111311, set 113.11,“ harâ€" 1 -» 1. 1 . .. McFadden’s Drug Store The. Rexall Store Successors to Mact‘arlane Co. 1 Wflw0‘WO‘MMO‘W iii,.ii.\ITi,RILâ€"i_101 or VV 0011 range. - ’ ' Itenl'rew cream separator, nearly l HE PEOPI E S MII I S '3 beds. 2 sets bed Springs. 11. couch, 2 extension 1 tables, Sldcboard; scwing machine. i 1/2 dozen dining room chairs. wring- f er, wash tub; and numerous other § articles. i I TERMSâ€"Hay. grain. and all sums ' .- . , . - - of $10. and under. cash; over that i and haVe put in a full, “me of amount any time up to '12 months‘ i FLOUR AND FEED credit on a1‘1proyed joint notes bearâ€" é ing interest. 31,.6 per (gent, per an- 3 which we are offering {It the IOIIOWinf: prices: - 1111;11:111111011313:1‘1}:flaws}11301151011313: 1 111111111. 1.11111 1711111111. 11:113...$4.40 Pastry Flour 111. bag .90 S C iiii3'ai IIOUSCiIO d l: 0111‘ 1113i i I)11i jc 1:1â€11' m â€415 Chas H Reay, Robt Brigham, i per bag ............... 4.40 Ftiedl Iglou; er bal g 235 Pro11rletor 223:2 Auctioneer 3 Majestic Flour, per bag 4.15 ', _ _‘ ,p g ' " â€" i (l (_Zanada Flour. per bag..4.15 Cl'lmi‘e‘i Oats. per ton.. 38 00 MRS EDWARD ROLAND E King lidwar1'l Flour. bag 4.00 Chopped Oats, [101‘ ton.. .38. 00 DIED IN BBNTINGK’; Pure Cod Liver Poultry Oil, per gallon, (bulk) ...... 1.25 T1 1.1 l ' l ' 9 111. 131:11i1i1i1i11 21331313113312?! “HE: i ' Gunn’ 5 Big 60 Beef Scrap and Poultry Foods , illg. February 16th 01 Mrs. EdVV al'd i BiaiChIOIdS ca" Pig and Poultry FCCdS Roland. after a 1:1l'otracte1‘l illness. i The deceased. whose maiden name was Elizabeth Martin. was in her i We handle only best lines and sell] at reasonable prices for cash. 561“ 179311 She came 88 a bride 10 Get our price before you sell your wheat, as we intend buying the Roland homestead which surâ€" VVheat to ship. mounts a large bill which after- wards becanie known as Roland’s i GOODS DELIVERED IN TOWN EVERY DAY' Hill. . The late Mrs. Roland 11111111111111 11111 Phone 8, Night or Day. Anglican church. Those left tel mourn a lOV'ing wife and mother I J O H N MCGOWAN are, her husband and one son.t George. at home. ’ ' Th: funeral was held on Saturday The People 8 Mills Durham, outmo afternoon from the family rcsid- . 111cc. Roy. 1“ Allison officiating. 1.1 Clearance Sale 111 Men’s 1 rint to Portland. Ore'. Another castle. â€â€"Lethbridge Herald. Underwear Sweaters Newfoundland is shipping news- Stanfield’s ' Underwear in Selection Red Labelâ€"A11 Wool, Unshrink- able, regular $2.50 for. . . $2.00 Green Label â€" Heavy Ribbed, Regular $2.00 for. . . . . . . . $1.50 Penman’sâ€"All Wool, Regular $1.75for $1.25 Q Men’s Sweaters, In Coats, Pull-oVers and V-Necks, at greatly reduced prices. -'~ ' J. 8: J. Hunter General Merchants Durham, Ont. mwoomcm.MWWMMQ‘OWWW'OWMWWOOWWQâ€.0000outflow-conga...".«Qu....u.o...muguongumoongu“unmanm. 00.00.0000 1 2 i 2 t t1 5 and usually know pretty well i i W \ rs , N 1’â€.¢. .1â€" ï¬w‘ a," ’ .e F - '3 . ‘ . . 1 . - . ‘ .1... 1, «1m ‘ ' ~ 1 1‘"... 11. .4 I a t . V - ‘ 111 ‘1 r. e, 1 '0 . .s- ‘ .1 1 ~ ', 1 . V . ' .4. ’