mx' cont. Short on facts frlmjossax'y to compile a .md accurate forecast, rm: nnt available be- an o?X[H_‘llSB of obtaining Bmw's hopes to be in a mxtually to secure the ni‘ormation and give the [-3.45 that, will be about, u stablo lad came to his Impurtmi that the six [2095 had been stolen. s-xclaimed the master, my leave any traces!†â€mm; mo boy. “he took 3‘. “1-11." 1.11 hatch the wk seeks is to You will get ilm‘oei‘ Of eggs the eggs were .‘Lli ever lived. mural incuba- eat. Moisture 111.1 not just ap- ' that there is Fa After you Second week of lumber of live z'tility. you can 3 going to have @2111)" takes the Ed is good eggS, OMATICâ€"and Broader g is of Ice rr Fine Teas Co., Limited lay, March 1, i923 correct. Blond. 43: 36*. BUTTER. MILK. CRBAH SERVICE “'9 will be in the market for the winter months for pure milk and rreum Orders taken for choice rlain butter delivered off the rig; 31:0 buttermilk. â€"Watson 3 Dairy. Chronicle Advertising Pays! Try It. >9: Durham NHll'l‘ll PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. 3‘3. ligremont. containing 66 acres; :35 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush: in good state of cultivation; Frame barn 55x50. stone basement. ’wnvrete stables; drilled well and wment tank at barn. Also Lots 6 *nai 7, Con. 5. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- rrrrrng 110 acres: 100 acres cleared «' .l in good state of cultivation: on t‘w- premises are a brick house con- Mining: seven rooms. with good frame woodshed attached; drilled‘ m-l: at door: never failing springs on em farm. making a choice stock farm. This property will be sold :‘ith ll» quick purchaser. FOP pal“ liriilars applv at \Vatson’s Dairy, , . A . .nn: 094! fel'l‘ 7, (ION. 2f. EGREMONT, CON- rzmmu: mo acres; 85 acres under f‘lllllVallHll. balance hardwood bush; rmzx-nnient to school; on the premâ€" w< are a frame ‘narn 42x65 ft. with slur.» foundation; concrete stables; liq. hay barn 30x50 with stone baseâ€" ml'nl: hug: pen 20x40; twelve-room ‘m-n-z; house, furnace heated, also 5mm.“ woodshed; drilled well close to hmxso, with windmill; concrete Wutvl‘ tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; u: (H'X'l‘s to sweet clover: this farm} ~ awll fenced and in a good state of’ ‘zzfin'zltion. For information apply w Watson's Dairy. R11. 5. Durham. Hilario. 102523 tf JOHN AITKBN Auctioneer Grey and Bruce sales promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tex-ms upon application. Phone Allan Park Central 9 r 515 Hanover, R. R. 2. 2.9.2m GEORGE E. DU‘NCAN Licensed Auctioneer for Grey ‘lnunty. Sales taken on reasonable tm-ms. Dates arranged at The Hill'uniclu office. Hm. Ii. Duncan Dundalk, Ont.. Phone 42 r 3. 31D0028pd P. F. MacARTHUR Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc. Durham, Ontario humk \101tg awros, Discharges LHISI‘S. \~~1â€nm+-nts, “ills, Agree- 1111 His 1.111311191131911 on the shortest nutico and tulh and proimrlx ex- .1 111ml. You1 business solicited. Office in residence, opposite McLaughlin’s Garage )( II J 3mm! Phone Kingsdale 4344 122-124 Avenue Road LUCAS 8: HENRY Barristers, Soilcitors, etc. A mem- xwr of the ï¬rm will he in Durham on I'm-sziuy of each week. Appointments. muy he made with the Clerk in the I“.H'(f. MIDDLBBRO’ 8: MacQUARRIB Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. IH'RHAM, OWEN SOUND DIS .\' DALK, FLESHERTON Lumhton SL, 868 2nd Ave., Durham. Owen Sound. 1"Io3shm'10n Ofl'ice open every Satur- day. 1.30 to 9.30; Dundalk Oflice alwn c-very Friday all day. C. C. Middlebro’, J. H. MacQuarrie, ()wun Sound. Durham. BATES BURIAL C0; J. F. GRANT, D. D. S., L. D. S. éhmw Graduate University of Tor- out“. (irmiuzltc Royal Ctnlcge Dental Surgmms ui' (mtario. Dentistry in ail m: branches. Office Calder muck. Alillb‘treet, second door east '1' Maclicth‘s Drug Store. aux-mun. Uutax‘io tiraaiunfos Collugu, '1‘ Block. D111 10': DR. A. M. BELL Phys-Man and Surgeon. Office Laminaâ€: stront, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ato- I‘niw'z's‘ity Of 'I'OI'OntU. Eyes [swh‘ai mui (em-rooted. Ofï¬ce hours: 2 m I. p.nn.. 7 to 9 p.m.. Sundays uxm-phw‘i. __ __- __._-â€"-â€", a.-. â€a, Iâ€. U. r. a. U. mm.» and resxdence, corner of umnm‘ss and Lambton Streets. Oppo- c.::u um Dust. ()ifice. ()tfice hours : u m 9': am" 1.30 in 4 9.111., 7 to 9 pm. ‘>HW!8}'.~‘ excnpted). DRS. JAMIBSON JAMIESON nn'm- :md residence a short dist- emu.» Nb! of the Hahn House on {.muhtnr: Street. Lower Town. Dur- ‘mm. Hirice hours 2 to z’; p.m.. 7 t0 '1 :«m 'chvm Sundays. . C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY Chiropractors it'aoillnfvs Canadian Chiropractic :nngu, 'l'nmnto. Ofï¬ce‘s Macfnrlane Hm'k. Jun-ham. Day and night phone 23, 6 Li 23tf FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Mi. W. C. PIGKERING, DENTIST nmm, 9“?" J_. 6; J. Hunter‘s store John w. Bates R. Haddocks Formerly of I’le‘sherton 1,1,. SMI'IjH, M. _B., FARMS FOR SALE Thursday. larch a, 1923 1.5262! ‘Dz'reciorv .-:")ental Directorv Medical Dz’raaorv Classified Advertisements On‘. Toronto 10:25 23M 107tf WANTEDâ€"A MARRIED MAN AND his wife tn run a farm for the sum- mer or a war; duties to commence next month. Apply at The Chronicle ofl'ice for particulars. 2 29.. 9 BRICK DWELLING; ALL CONVEN- IENCES: on George Street, near High School. Apply at once to W A. McGowan. 79 Frederick St. Kit- chener. ‘ 10 20 tf FARM. COI'NTY GREY. DURHAM. nice house and barn; 100 acres (small portion maple bush}. fertile land. portion sown to wheat: good water; just 51/; miles north-west 01' Durham.â€"Apply John A. Macdonald. 6.2 Pinewood Avenue. Toronto. 3.1.1. Bentinck. containing 100 acres; good house and barn; good well and plenty of running water; must be sold at once to close estateâ€"Apply D. Kinnee. Durham, or Mrs. I. Levine. Mount Forest. 2 23 2pd LOT 60. CONCESSION 2, W. G. R; LOTS 62 AND 63 CONCESSION 2. S. D. R.. Bentinck. consisting of 100 acres. For information apply Mrs. Jr'an Corbett. 1614 Lorne Ave., Sask- atoon. Sask. 2 i 6 LOT 7. CON. 21. EGREMONT. THE y‘vi'oi‘mrty of tho John Lawrence Es- tate». comprising MO acres in good condition; brick house. bank barn. gnml water from drilled well; wind- mill: gom'l silo; reasonable price to quick purchaser. For further par- ticulars apply to Philip Lawrence or W. J. Lawrence. Durham. Execu- tors. 2.16.“~ LOTS 1 AND 2. CON. 4. GLENELG, 108 acres in good statp of cultiva- tion: bank ham. coment stables. implpment shed. eta: six-momed frame house: drillml well and never- failinr: spring. Possession March 1. Apply Mrs. Carrie Aljoe, Durham Ont. 2 9 tf. SITUATIONS VACANT MONUMENTS ANYONE 'J‘HINI{I.\'('; ()F‘ ERECTING 'a monument. 01' having inscrimjon work done. should see mo before placing tlwir m-dm‘.â€"â€"-\\'. J. McFad- den. Durham. Ont. 2.16M KEEP THE DATE OPEN FOR THE 'ANNI’AL ST. PATRICKS banquet of the. Queen Street linited church. to be hold on March 16th, 1928. followed by good programme. Admission, adults 500., children. 25c. 2.16.1 13.1.3 COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS to the concert. tn be given by the Ladics’ Aid in the Baptist, church on \\-'c<lncs¢la,\i. March 7, at. 8 0‘- clock. Address by ROY. Sponsor. good program arranged. refresh- mvnts scm'm‘l. Silver collection. THE ;\.;\'(.,;LIC..\;\' MONTHLY SALE of homo-made baking'aml afternoon tea will he held March 3rd in the .\. Y. P. A. rooms. 3-1-1 V v x v SPA I*.:\ ROOMFD BRICK HOUSE ON Garah'axa Street. electric lights. furnace and water. good Imation and in good state â€1' repair.â€"4iuorge S. Lawrt‘nve. Mount. Fnrnst. 3-1tf COM! ()RT \I’LE I)“ ELLING HOUSE and lot, on Albeit street Durham, inside \Vatei, chicken house. For: particulars apply John Crutcllley. Durham. 1 12 tf. regarding this prupeftyl "55613751 The Chronicle Office. Durham. tf THAT PRUPERTY KNOW'B.Y AS Park Lot. 6. Jackson’s Survey, \within the corporation of the Tov‘vn of Durham. containing approximately four ï¬rms. For further particulars FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on Genr'ge street. North of Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to I). â€UpkillsT. 2 21 ff TWO moor) YOI'NG UHVS DI’E May and Jum-z mw sow: ninc- pigs. five \vrwks old; one single Cockshutt riding: pluugh: nnv huggy.-Gvorgn Cnflinsnn. H. R. l. phmw 603-13. 3-1-3m! PE’OPERTY FOR SALE FINEST QUALITY LIGHT AMBER Hmwy. 10-110mm pail, $1.00: 60- pmmd can $3.40.â€"â€"\\'m. A. Macdon- ald. Countess Street. Durham. 296p LATH FOR SALEâ€"{1513' ZENUS Clark. Durham. WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- xcle Job PLant is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. tf FARMS FOR SALE COMING EVENTS HOUSE FOR SALE FOR SALE rnts' ach insertion tor the price lid for before rst insertion. :ents a word W 1-1 Durham is an attractive am: healthy town. and good accommnda- tion can be nbtained at reasonabh rates. J. A. M. ROBB. B. A†Principal. JOHN MORRISON, Chairman. v v .v--. Informanï¬n ééfltuo dqurses may h» ohtmned‘fro‘n‘) the Pmpczpal. th IN n I-..“ The Schorrilnï¬avsflé c-reditég‘lw in the past. which it hopes t x :ai_n up the future. The School is thoroughly equippec to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Staff is a [3-m- versity Graduate and experienceo Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare h en'ter at beginning of" term. LOT 4. CON. 2, EGREMONT. 100 AC- res; good buildings; plenty of water; well fenced and in ood state of cultivation; possession . ar. 1. For further particulars apply to Thos. Tucker, Durham, Ont. 1.26tf ing interest at, 6 per cent. per an- num. Everything must be sold as the progirietor is giving up farming. Chas. H. Beay, Robt. Brigham, Progrietor 2 :23 2 Auctioneer TEHMSâ€"Hay. grain, and all sums of $10. and under, cash; over- that amount. any time up to 12 months’ credit on approved joint notes bear- FI R.\ITI__ HISâ€"Goa] ()1 \\ 00d 1anae Renfw“ moam separator, nearly mm: 25 beds. 2 sets bed Springs. Daisy churn. COUCH 2 extension tables, Sideboard sewing machine 1/2’ dozen dining 100m chairs. “ring- 01". “ash tub; and numemus other articles. uttc. J uu AT. 0) 9.! "CD!“ .. pd!!!“ ".I H. \Y \.\I)(.i R \l.\â€"â€"30 tons h'aV. 300 bushels implm ed Banner semi oats. , a: rod Rmk hens, hunt to lay: 6 pum hmd Bock 1008-- ters, 3 ducks. 3 goese. gandm‘. soyâ€"Harris lnay rake, disc, Interna- tional \x'agon. nuarly new; set iron barrows. sot lu‘vl‘)-sloiglls. 2 walking ploughs. ruhhm' tire lop huggv cum-1- . llat lack. \xagcm box, stock lack. tmnip pulper set team har- 11055 Set single harness, set, plough 1131116sz pair collar tons PIGSâ€"«Brow so“ due Febiuaiy 28:10 SIUIC piws \xeighing 130 IDS. SHI BILâ€"30 <Imep. [\II’LIZME .\"IS - Masse} - Haiiis binIIm, 6 ft.;I*1ust \Vood m0w,er Mchmick seed (hill 11 1109; \Ias- DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL CATTI‘LI‘lâ€"COW, fresh, calf at. foot; Durham cow, call‘ at. foot; Durham cow, fresh: fart-0w cow; Hereford cow. due April 12; Durham cow. due April 22; Hereford cow suppos- ed due May 20; 3 steers and 2 heif- ers rising 2 yuars: 3 steers and 3 lu-ifers. rising l ypar; 2 calves, baby beef typo. Farm Stock and Implements Chailos H.1{eaV \xill sell bx pub- lic Audion at. LOT 52, DURHAM ROAD (31/; miles West n1 Duxham on Pimincial Higlma}, TUESDAY, MARCH 6,1928 HORSES~Maichcd spun mares, general purpose hOI'SC, colt. Advertise in The Chronicle. It pays! Mr. Kcyland spent practically his Whole life 011 the farm “hero he died. He was [Hinpdeceased hv two brothers and a sister, the latter. M15. \11gus Black, haung died ea1lx HHS war. William was one 111' 1111-011 111°0- 1.111115, all l1acl1e101s. VV110 lived 011 11111 3111 1011c11ss1'011 (1111111111.; N. I). R. The 01111115 3113 John and Dennis. \\illi1am had 11111311 failing: 1'01 some time and passed mum on Sundziv, 11111 19111 inst at 11113 31111 01 70. H11 51111511111911 to 1110 Roman Catholic faith and was 1111111111 111111111 11131 church's 1aus1'1i1’cs. The 1111113131 of Wm. Konaml took plath 011'111111sdaV last 11111181 being :11, St. 10113111 3101111101121}: Glenelg. Long Resident of Glenelg Passes Away at Age of Seventy Years. (W‘alkerton has made a good im- pression this year and with their new rink will no doubt be contend- «21's in district hockey from now on. The seventy-ï¬ve or so hockey fans who saw the ï¬rst game be- tween VValkerton and Kitchener in the former town on Monday of last week had little doubt as to the tin- al outcome. Walkerton was out- Eclassed at every point of the game, the linal score being 7-4"). ‘At Kit- ,chener on' the following Wednesday night, the Bruce boys held their op- [.N'Jllt‘l'ltr' In a 6-2. SCOI‘L’. and played the gave as an exhibition ï¬xture. For the game they had Elvi'go of .Durham and McArthur ot' l’vaisley on the lineâ€"mi. the Durham right \Vlngt'l‘ talkingr one of the two goals. The derision ot' the» \\'alkm'- ton mrmagen‘wnt to play out the scrim" in tho. trace of certain defeat is worthy oi' comnmulation. and; was :1 tlm-idml improx‘emenl, 011 thei manner in. which somu other teams pm'l'm'm. The Welkvrtoniuns would haw (lotiuiltml, but decided to stick by the ship 5Ԡlong as tho oars held. WALKERTON LOST ROUND WITH KITCHENER Beaten in First Game 7-0, and In Second Contest 6-2 .â€"-Final Contest Was Played As Exhibition Fix- ture’. DEATH OF WM. KEYLAND AUCTION SALE FARM FOR RENT CREDIT THE DURHAM CHRONICLE \_ BOARDERS WANTED 31mm 511 CHRONICLE OFFICE. Durham. for particulars. Jamés Lawrence,'Méhé§ér Phone 601 1' 13 Durham. Mi. 1. NOTICE TO FARMERS H'nc Durham {2.1%}. mve Stock As- suciation will slnp stock from Dur- ham on 'l‘uesdays. Shippers an: requested 1,“ give three days: notice. It 5110111 1 I)“ 11111111151001! that. “hen .‘111. b13011ce1' saw this is Hm \u-ettvst Bmember 1'11 :36 \ca1>,h(r is not Speaking 111‘0h1blt1011allvâ€"-IJuflaln 001111121 -Exp1 ess. Judging from tho account 01' the U-zlcbmtiun the old couple must have a host. 01' friends whenâ€: they reside. Mr. and Mrs. Bone were married in Durham, February 13, 1878. and rcsidml hum about a year before: moving to H10 Western Statvs. They were related tn Mr. James 'J'mker and .‘dr. 13am: Hoomr 110111 (11' 11551111110111 and 211511 to Mr>. Arthur realm 01 Lamhtnu St. wast. 111' Hm 1mm. With a mmrwal of their subscrip- tion [0 Hm â€Uhrc')nicl(_e", Mr. and Mrs. \N'm. 150m: 01" Beardsley, Min- nesota, scent, us an elaborate ac- count 01' UN} nelobl‘ation 01' their golden anniwrsam‘. His family consists of one son. Douglas. who is attending college in Toronto. OLD DURHAM COUPLE CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING licv. Kerulull was Ifnitcd Church ministur at. Dundalk. but had form- erly occupied the pulpits at Dmâ€" mom and Knox, Nor-I‘I’lanby, whore he was very “Opular. Goods Deliveféd Anywhere in Town Pastry Flour 24 lb $1.00 0n '[‘?1111->r£a:.' 01' last. \x'w'k. i'rivnds of {mu (3m. KMMPH (‘allmi at, his home to sm- why 320 had faiiml to put. in an appearance at. a film-ml (It Whirl) he was (#vactl‘d in (“Tir- ivato. He was found llIlC-OIISCiOUS in Hm house when! 110. Iivm! almw. The times were out. and it. was evident, that the unfortlmatu man had 5111': form! cunsim-rahh: (exposure as \wll as the paralysis, His frivnds gran-(.- ly Max: for Um resmlts. Baker Confectioner Bakery Provision Store REV. GEORGE KENDELL FOUND UNCONSCEOUS Former Dromore Minister Suï¬'ers Stroke.â€"Seriousgly Ill. The Finest Manitoba _per bag world of trade and commerce into sylvan retreats. . .. the year and for every age. In winter time it affords numerous paths for the ski enthusiasts, providing level ways for the leisurely and swift runs for those who want thrills. Mount Royal has the further distinction of being forbidden to the automobile at all times. “ From the point where the camera man has found the ski pair resting a wide view of the city and the surrounding district is obtainable. Manufacturing plants vie with the spires and just to the left of the middle distance the fane of Notre Dame contrasts with a vast grain elevator. At the right may be seen the great Victoria Jubilee Bridge connecting the Island of Montreal with the South shore, crossing the St.ll.awrence now covered with its winter mantle of ice and snow. (Canadian National Railways photograph). ‘_†$4.50 'cs'w'k. {'I'ivnds «3110‘! at. his had filiiml fO 1121f “Can I ham 3 mixatv hath?“ tskmé HH- mm lmlgmn "\(BS. sum! \cs. suh. returned the? (301mm! maid. â€W02" ()an gut mm hath-tub but monhmh takes (in); bath prixato in dis housv. snh. “Canada is a country. Canada has her own gowrnrm-nt. .\'n ulhm' (:mmh'y. nu Oiilt‘l‘ gi‘wm'nmnni. has anything In say rvgai'dinx Canadian affairs, durrwsiic or i'in'i-ig'n. Can- an has hm' own Ministvi‘ at, Wash- ington. Canada is (â€I the ow 01' appointing a Minish'i' tn I’ranvv. Canada proposos in Ilamn her X'Ppi'v- sentatim in London and ntlwr c'; itals. Yet the word Canadian duos not muan a thing in Canada's uwn niTicial (wnsus i-vgnlatinns. “Stupid." I - l'(_’I]H'(i;"‘. m :10 \xlmsv :111(‘~.<!m.< for thrm- 01‘ 111111‘ gunmzninns 1.1.1111 \wx‘u Canmiian have a right in 1:0 callml by that n-amv. The 801‘1101‘(.~;Liliv Star “111111 (falls [:10 111‘051‘111 1‘1‘g11latiun 5111111! pub if \'_11‘\ (‘flM‘HH-h in â€11° in}- lowing: pmwnaph: "Ji (I'I‘IIII'il (If \\'II:II:II‘. in); 11mm?» l'l']()!_l:<i}.' passvd :‘I 2‘I“>'~(I".IiiHI‘ 14: iIII I'I’II'waI'dmi In iiH‘ iWiI‘.‘ :II (iII\l‘!‘H-- mmâ€. ream-sting that at. â€14' (akin: «If HIII HI‘Xi III‘II'IIHiIli WINK “Hiâ€â€" Uf‘ii)’ 1w ,‘."i\'¢’!l I'm- Min 1ngle My» uI' the word "Canadian" iII Ih‘ï¬iï¬llliiiil'nz «II' Hm III‘IOIIIII m' (,IIIIIIIIII'a. 'i‘iIII (IIII'I’IIIECII‘I Iwiinws' (ha! SHI'iI :I ("lIaIIg'II \I'IIIIH haw iizl' iII'III'IiIIsI ;III;I:'(I\' iii 0i Hm IIIIIimiIx «If Hm I'I'S» ilil’lliR (I. this HIHllil\_ IIIIIIII' Iho- III'IIsr'III (fMNiiiiUil Hu- tum: “Canadian" ItaIIIInI 1w alh l'w :Ipplim! vvm In Hmsi- I9: {MIMI «Ix- IIaI'IinII IImII, in “w IMmIiIIiIII: \\.Insu nflici a! «insign'uiun i.» sinIIIlI i'IiIisII ('iiizvns liIiIIg in Canada. I! is hign IimrI this situalim! wa~z ..â€"__ _-___.._â€"-â€"_._ .-â€"_.¢â€"_..._...‘.-.. â€". 5 - --V- .--- v Htiawa Em run-i1 0f \\ WHY NOT “CANADIAN?†(If iiw Kali“!!â€" !‘. HIPS 31113312» *[H'U- (‘ (1m; U“ H !.I“.‘."~'- I'. Uti'.'."'~'. ‘.'..".:"3.','. 2:2 Sing Sim: i’l'is‘fli). .\'~\‘.' VIII-‘6. in his first pHiIiiI' i!“ilH’I‘ siIII'I- iIIIe t‘iN'U'UCU- IiIIII II" .".II.' i! HII‘I‘I-I :IIIII .IIIIM Gray, IiI‘I luv-III that â€I“ “it†II iI I iIaIr kills IIIIII H} mm ‘.ii'$liilli"i}'. .\II IIIII' can fâ€'~>iiI.".' in. I'I'~'P:.~‘IԤi::l"I! 'iiI’I'l' {30l- I'iII;." II >ildl(‘i\ III â€le I'iIW‘ili!‘ Iliair,†III- said. “\ III'ISOH is killed ten iimI's fa. H“ â€van iii“, SI‘IISI‘S can re- cord â€H? fact, so there is no pain. \Vaz‘dcn of Sing Sing Says It. 10 Times Faster Than Senses Record. FAST AND HUMAN}: 23's It Kills PAGE 7.