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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Jun 1928, p. 4

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‘Q ‘ ”figâ€"Pf! if... ‘3 '5‘ sluggicww.‘ .___ .' .4; ‘5, ,... DURHAII CHRONICLE Published every Thursday morning at the ofl'ice, Garafraxa Street, Durham, Ontario, 5y Frat Irwin, Editor and Proprietor. The Chron-t icle is mailed to any address in; Canada at the rate of $2.00 per year, 31.00 for six months, 50 cents, for three months, 2:3 cents for one! month. To any address in the United States of America, $2.50 per. year, 31.25 for six months, 65 cent! for three months. Foreign sub- scription rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly Newsâ€" papers Association. :7 k1 PAGE 4. Whosoerer is afraid of submit- ting any questirm, civil or religious, to the test of free discussilm. i3 mare in late with his awn opinion than with the truthâ€"WATSON. firmmem. whmwhy it. is obligatory for municipalitws t0 came for the rural cvrmm-riL-s is a good one, but mnnm‘. be compared for effi- r-U-m-y with the systerfi in \‘ngm: in bum-am. uspcecially as seen in Durham m-rrwtery. ‘3'" haw 10m: hwrr’ told (if our miW M MH' unm-smi's and how wp '-hmz!d hum: tin-m in kc-eping the Nuts in ninth Hwy Sim-p their last Wm: 31%;» in im-seniahl‘: (ondi- tinn. With th‘: Durham thhold- i-r-s, hrmwwi'. ”H? ward “duty" is (mi-Idbhn Judging from the turn- mi? :1! the annual “ark bee last lhnirsdm afhcz nonn, Vu- have sub- stihifvd tho “91d"918asure for thb harder sounding one and if. mm mm hn :-aid in the majority of cases that instead of it being: our mm to hvmdify mix cemetzer} we tr) inc-(<0 things. will .‘OUII W country pat! birds. nnwh 3th” .\ ~~'2tl'lt" tatiaL'o-t' l't't'5'llll}' Visitmtl in 'I'Ht'wntu. and Th“ tiltilw Hmtlzhl Um math-r hf o-nmiuii inuu‘irtanro' tn Imit- tliv o-w-Ht \\'ilh M'at't' ltt'ml. and in urtlI-r to {Ilfll't' inun'wss its Pity rvaoto-w hail tlw llt'lll insm'tt-ci in what is knnwn tn printvrs as a bait. that is. with a hurclvr surâ€" rminthm: it. Hvrv is what. The (”film Said: "\Vhilp a grmip nf “allll‘t‘ lmmrs math" merry tin Saturday aftvrnoon in a Swanso-a garilvn. fragrant. with pnrplc- lilar and ablazr with the glory of gnrgnmis tulips. a scarlet tanagpr camp avisiting. For a little whilo tlmrn was hrnathless silent-p in tlm gardpn as the guests watchml tho brilliant-plumaged bird flit from branch to branch of the leafy tree. As striking a note of color as was provided. by the 17 6m I)! {VII}: u the scarlet and mauve tulips-nod- ding their heads above the greens- ward. the scarlet-{rocked songster. although an unhidden guest. was welcomed heartlly to the garden party.“ That. item does not men very much tn those who live in the country. except that it may appear rather peculiar that a metmpolitan daily should make such a fuss over a scarlet tanager sittin in a tree in somebody’s garden. ut it does show that despite the so- called advantages of the city. its citizens have an unconscious long- -- ___.__. ma n: wild M‘Hn)‘ \\ (mm H 2512627‘98‘ Thursday, June 21, ’18 19 ll M'TY VS PLEASURE am‘rndmvn '. whereby mmpalitm curmtm-ics f3;- Hae country RUIK T0 NATI'RI imvnt to tin: statutes by the Ferguson (jov- H t-akv us away win-re d0 nnt hamwn and WP mo- fnr ”H" wands. tho. hs. Hw fish and the I'M \‘6- m ”I and fml ‘- 20in}: nhm mm H. \0 HM“)! Hu- ('HIHIH'} L” m notic“ .' Hn mum! Ricâ€"1' its wild I)“ n. “'5' (libllk1t V'IUC'U- '7- L' p here we have the scariest tan- agers, nuthatcbes. flickers, chick- adees. bluejays and goodness knows how many others, not’ to mention the beautiful growing country at our very back door and the trout streams only a few minutes' run out of town. ',1 life Fifty scarlet taqagers qould could sit in fiflv trees in the vicin- it} of Durham and little or no at- tention would be paid them. Naturally. the fact that a scarlet tanager paused in its flight for a few minutes in a tree in Toronto, does not arouse very much enthus- iasm in our country breasts, but for ail that we prefer it to time I'll W5 unnu- 1" -_ __ grinding of the street cars, the mad rush and noise of the city streets and the stink from a thou- sand automobile exhausts. Life in the country may have its drawbacks. but we sympathize with the pOOI' hicks in the city Whose daily grino'l is a hahylon of sounds and concrete pavements. broken only occasionally by a trip t0 the cmintry. A fishing pole, a handful of spring lilies, or a hike in the hush after- a warm rain, has more in. it. for us thanagame of dodgem or: Ynnge street. (‘Il'j V '4 I vv ‘J u- )- mm‘ln statemrént in this country that. the farmers of the limited States are sick. and tired of pro- tc-rslion is ml. based on a tmthful slatvment of facts, Mr. Taber's plan. too, is: almnst identical with that. so oftwn :ulvmrvatml by this pmwr fru- tlm placing of the Can- :ulimi farming industry on a firmm' liimmrile l'rmnul'atinn by putting 9. lay-iii (in all prmlurts that crime than l't‘yx'viuri lands whirl: can be '.-'l"f9‘\\'ll in Canada by lLati-ac'li1m l':i!'nwl'.~=. FARM HRS IN POLITICS Franklin Fansher. of United Em- pire Loyalist etock, is the one father in Canada who has two sons in parliament. Burt Wendell Fansher. a farmer at Florence. 0n- tario. was first elected to the House of Commons. in the 19:21 election. He was defeated in the 1925 election. but came back again in 1926. His elder brother, , William R ssell To The Editor . The Durham Chronicle Dear Sir: In the fissue of May 3rd. the“; artmle "Suppressegl’ book about Mrs, Edd)": contalng statements whnchfequu-e correctxon and ex- planatmn. ;'.'. u] I" 1", .‘4I.\g'~ wuâ€"C-u the allness and supremacy (Jr God. Whom. sheotanght her follmwrs tr.- worshxp amght and only. Regarding the book referred to: the facts arr. that in the Christ.- ian Scinnm: organization adoquatr- provision is made for the proper editing and publishing of all Christian Sch-nae“: literature. The book, "Memoirs of Mary Baker Eddy" compilm’l from certain data left by Adam H. Dickr‘y. was pub- lished without such proper author- ization, and Upon investigation could not hr: api‘irovm‘l in its on- tirnty her-ausn it was found to ho unjust to Mrs. Eddy. It was unjust to her in as far as it failml to pre- sent anything: like a complete or' balanced View of what was normal1 and usual in her life and work Much of the. book was given to human characteristics and trivial- ities. while it contained compara- tively little concerning Mrs. Iiddy's transcendent wisdom. her stead- fast reliance on God. her enduring love for all mankind: and the infin- ite care and patience which actu- ated her daily work as Leader of the Christian Science movement- To those in a position to pass judgment. the. book as published 'was not considered to represent the gwishes of Mrs, Eddy nor the inten- tions of Mr. Dickey. In fact Mrs. Eddy‘s commission to her secretary to makeareoord of what transpired in daily experience did not neces- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Fansher, was born at. Florence in 1876. but later went west, be- coming a prosperous farmer at Gavan. Sask. He was elected to parliament for Last Moantain con- stituencfi‘ in 1926. The brothers share. the same desk in the. green chamber. Tue illustration shows: '1 William; ‘2 the-father; 13‘ Burt. Miss Marian Bauer is visiting; for a few days 111 Montreal With her uncle. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. braâ€" ham. Mr. S. P, Saunders, who removed to Br-antford to live with his riaugkitet,1\1rs. R. G. Lindsay fol- lowinga sligiit stroke some weeks ago. is reneuing acquaintances in tom. Mr. Saunders looks “ell. savs he {921$ fine, and besides spending: sclbm‘o time with other members of his famii} in Toronto. onjowd a nooks outing “itii his son \\ A... trax 91191 for the Ganong 00.. in a trip thromgh \\ estem 011- tario. Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Musgmve and son Mom-is. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Hamilton. the“: former principal 01' the Midland public schools. and M z-. and Mrs. F. Mus-grow. Meafoxwil. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Jucksch. 'MI'. and Mrs. Joseph Trent and daughtvr Vivian. and tlm Misses Pearl and Alma. Irwin. all 01' T horn- bux-y. spent an hour with their cousin at. the homo of Y0 Editnr. while motoring through on Sunday. “11111: HUM Ull Hg; Ll 11111511 UN 1 :uuuug. )Iis. \an than and Mis.Cr_1ie 11f Mazaza Falls.\\it!1 the latters ciaiuxhtei . haw) been \is itim; With the Misses Scan. Miss S. \ollett. and other friends in town. They 33111e'foin1erl3 the Misses Rom- bmigh and 34) 3ears ago resided on the \31111- knoun Ronihough faim at the southern end of the tox3n. the site of the present Stone and " and {'ompan3. and which they did not recognize as the3 passed b3. This is their first \isit here since their departure three decades ago. A ‘l ,I _ 1,.. 1--..“ CMr. Oscar Moon. who has been attending school at North Bay for the past year. is holidaying in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.~ \V. Moon. )Ir. J. R. MacNicholl of Toronto. President of the Liberal-Conserva- tive Association, visited in town with the Misses Calder. and with Mr. and Mrs. T. Turnbull in Glen- in: Arden Whittaken and friend Howard Lott of Toronto. spent. the. week-end with Mrs. Kearns. They were accompanied back by Miss. I. Whittaker, who has spent the past two weeks in town. Mr. W. Ritchie of Bentinck is attending the High Court of the Canadian Order of For-esters this elg. ty Council at Owen 30mm this week. Mr. Donald McIntyre. and Master Donald Kinsman of Flint, Mich” are the guests of Mr. andxMrs. Arch. McLellan ‘this week. Mr. McIntyre - -- ‘:-1'-n-.. and a mwcxxau a“. is a cousin of 'Mviâ€"Mchllan and a brother of the late Norman McIn- tyre of this town. Mrs. (Rev; “2 H. Qmith visited in Toronto for a few days during the past week. Mrs. Charles Browne and daugh-l ter. Mrs. H. Ball, left Tuesday forI Hamilton. where they will visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. Harding he-l fore proceeding to Winnipng where Mrs. Browne will Visit for a time at the home of Mrs. Ball, later going through . to Indian Head. Sash“ to visit another daughter. Mrs. George Stinson. Mrs. Browne, who has been an almost lifelong resident of town. recently sold her ghome here and intends making an [extended \‘iéit with her family in “the West. and her many friends in town will join with us in wish- !ing her a pleasant journey. l Last week Mrs. J. C. Nichol pur- chased an Overland Whippet car from Smith Bros. of this place. and on Monday night sometime. thieves entered her garage at the rear of the Middaugh House and stole {our tires and rims. Recently the garage of A. Noble was also entered and 1a couple of tiles stolen 011’ a car left in for repairs. If there is anything in the old saying that if you give a rogue enough rope he will hang himself. the light-finger- ed gent who is working around Durham should soon he in the toils. week busx \xriiing on their exam- inations “i111 Principal Hamilton 01' Hanomi in charge. Mis.» Lenz of the same toxxn 11 as his assistant The High School pup_i_ls.are this MOâ€"TOR TIRES STOLEN WRITING ON EXAMS on Monday of ibis week. Principal Robb is presiding at Holstein and Principal Bild ard of Holstein has charge of the anover class. tu A young son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mighton of Egremont had a narrow escape about 10 o'clock last. night when attempting to cross Garafraxa street in front of The Chronicle office. He ran in front. of a car driven by W. J. Eden of Varney, was struck by tho bumper, thrown to the ground and between the wheels, the car passâ€" ing nearly over him before being brought to a stop. Hail the boy fallen under the whéels he would most certainly have been serious- ly ‘injurec‘l. Mr. Eden had little or no chance to avoid striking him as the little fellow ran «lirecziy in front of him, but for all that the car was Wright to a strip in less than ten feet. . v 90. “f.- Thursday. June 21: HAD NARROW ESCAPE SUCCESSFUL OPERATION TIN? II]“.~1 .“ be I'lut'mi H11 1 in" gvax is h mud hnlv MY 1 then 1 lungin: Thv {rum 02' a 1 free from dirt. 1 signs. Alsn Hu' iatox shun}! in that nothim: \xill culation of 111.. m it Prt’qwx'ly 3‘ of Vital .iml' 11mm drum; A (11:1;.';.'111;_ m'mhvaling mlght, nut um See that “'1”: a W: a good 1 {up 100k (1X11‘ £1.05 in tram engine- in an . that is of stalli MEN WHO WILL DIREC ACTIVITIES OF THE G CANADIAN NATH cowxw V0111. tho 11 \ViSl‘. {.31 we! and W" bih‘ it rect h: right t1 SO mm-i that th pair mus «- ayoidml 2th”: onomy may i the road. WV general. lwtt' mg, if only attended 1“ Slippifl The Archbishng. Most RM'. Randall son. who. \ViH: thl York. jOinvd in 1.“! 0n the cw nf Hu nannn-rrln “VP? ”1“ How Rear Axle is Thursday, June 21, 1928 MOTORS we! ‘3 _ Sp AND THEIR CARE ’ ”GARDHOUSE 0 Currect 3111!]0-7‘ An Efiicient Radiator Ii I] \\ n N 000 I]! T WDUGGA ”H H \\' 0 n \V l'l 1m“ mu ,‘ O‘O0.0~"MW Strained {nont 10 hi C» Q . ant

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