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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Jun 1928, p. 6

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y? Bate Is AS Mills 'l‘hv 111111 111' 111x11ti1‘111 1'1’11' H111 town. of 1Zh1-sl1-y was s11'111'k by 11111 cmuu'il 1111 'l'111-sol11y 1-\'1-11in;.' 111. 1’15 mills \Vilh'h is 1h1'111- mills highm' than 1114 \11111. 'l'h11 1'1111s1~ 111' H111 i11111~11s1~ is 1-11sil\ 1x111111111-1l. 'l‘h1' 1.1111111} min is nwr 1x111 mills high- 91' 1.111111 111st _\'1111'1111 H111 1l11'sl11} assvssmvnt. 011 111-1-1111111. 111‘ H111 111-\\' 31111 i111'1'1-111s1-1l 11ss11>s1111-11t.1111111111} into 1-11'1-1'1 this \1111' 111111 1111- g1111~ (11'111 11111111\ 11111- 1111111" 1111” 11 mill higher than in 1921'11111 high schnnl I1-\_\ is i11111'11s111l ln $111011 1n the 111lolili1111 11f 11 si\1h 11~111h11111111l 1h» 111111111: s1h1ml 1111'1'1 11s1e 1.11 11111- 1‘11l1~ 1'01'11111-11' 1'111'11111-1» is $801) 1111111'11 than last }'1~111'. 'l'h11t. 111'1_'1'111111s NW :1 lilllo- ”WW '1 mills. Hut. Hm sl-hnnl alvlwnlum' nl‘ $867 was \Vipl'll m'f last, war. realm-inf: llw incwase by unu mill or. with a slight. 1-P- alimlinn in Hue lmVn l'all‘. making the rim 0f luxalinn l'm' Hm vux'x't‘nt v-zu- vxat'lly 3 mills higher than in 1937. llheslcy .l‘lnlm‘l'u'ise, Withdraw from the 0.A.L.A. \Vulkvrlnn will nnt 1w I’f'DX'PSO'Ilt- mi in NW Untm'io .-\m-at.vn_;' Lawnsse is said tn ho! I'e".~'[mn.~'ihlv ('m' tlw. dt'cisinn roaclmd by the \Valkerton Him!» to witlulraw from Hm Assnv- iation. This came as a surprise to iwul and district enthusiasts. who va- vxpm'ted to have two \Valker- tun towns in the O..~\.L.A. this sum- ;nwv.-~~Hanover Post. ' -\.~~'nii:1tim1 this snasmi. it. was an- 11.11111 ml 13% Satuuizn Failum to Miami suitable "unwing i11 PithPl’ he» 11111-1 niuhatv 111' iuu__1_1ilo smivs, The late Mrs. Nofsworthy was om- ul' the! Parllest settlers 0! Han- mow. mming how about 68 years Unfortunate Accident .\n um‘nr'nmatn zutvidvnt hamwn- ml tn \‘iulu Hrysnn. little daughtvr M’ 311'. mu! .‘lvs. mun-3:0 Brysnn. Juhn Shun-t. Whiln a numhm' of Emys \wrv playing sun. hall nn Thursday M'vninr.’ last. Hw bat slimmol nut, nl' tho' hands of Hm «»I' Hm hnxs whvn hn struck at. the: ago. Slw was of a kindly. quiet dislmsitinn and a devoted wife and mulln-l'. always I't‘aoly and willing: to lwlp nlhvrs. Hm' memory and 2610.1 tlo‘vols will lw lll'ld in ll‘lllh‘l' t'onwmln'ancv. 'l'lwrn tum lvl'l. lu mnm'n hm' loss. threw clmlglllvrs, ”110 mn. \Vo'slvy. PH'W} a numlwr ul' yo‘m's mm. 'l‘lm {unvml lcmk plgu'w ln thn llanmw' «Hun-hwy un 'l‘m-sdny al‘l¢~1't’l«’»on.â€"â€" llamm‘vr l’ns‘l. vallnxxing an illness of a “Heck Sh \Imx \nn NOI'SW'OI'th) passed {max at lu'l' home. how on Saturday (3%. hme 9. at. thw age 0t 88 mars. Th0 0J¢(€fl$0d “11.33 dgughteg' of slimmol nut. nf Hw hands: of one m “w boys whom h» struck at. the} hall. \‘inla Brysmx. who was Handing war by. :Jot Hw full fnrcn m’ the thin: but. being struck in tin" tc‘mplv. Dr. 5'th was at. ”HOP cation! as lhn girl has! taken mm- Vulsions. and it. was Hmught. {01' 9. hmv that lat-1' skull was t'rzwturmi. Hum-"WP. this is nut. 90. but shn is still mnlimul tn lwr bml. sutl'm-ing {rum Ult‘ o-tTowts of the smash.“ “Canadian lit-1m, \Vim'ton. :lzw. She was" twice marrfed, first at. the age of twenty to_ Mr. Samuel {"5 1,;{IJCVHL'am1 Mrs. Jofin Spry. I Sin. was born in England, coming {n Hus country‘xyhen 51x years of J (3“.1 41’; Hit; ugc u; Ln;u.,; w, -.--- ,-._____ _ .\'nr_~‘\\'nrthy. who predeceased her 36 years ago, and the second time '.«_.- oihm'les Norsworthy. A. __, Car Hit Man While on Sidewalk .iilllli‘s’ ijllllll‘lwii Hi ihi‘ tnwnt‘hipi m‘ Alho‘marle was seriously injured on Berl'oril street. \\'iarton’. on Saturday when he was knocked dqul by an automobile .h-iven b." Angus Smith of (Men Sound. Mr. Campbell was unconscious when taken in a «lorlor's office. \Vhile no bones were broken he was badly cut about the head and his leg badly bruised. Owing to his art- Vanced age. it is feared that ser- ious results may attend the accid- em. Mr. Smith was about to park his car on the west side of the street when his bpakes failed to work and the car ran over the sidewalk for about twenty feet. Charles Patton was also knocked down. but unin- jured beyond a couple of bruises to his arm and shoulder. Several people were passing along the .- -. um timeâ€"Hanover Instead of reducing the power and light. rate to hydro users the ”luv“ 15' $81)” . That. :u-(munts mills. Hut. Hw mmmission in Tumnm has decided in lion-p HH- big surplus in (.Ilwsley t'mm piling up by giving the: users nl’ electric power one-sixth Off tiwii' hydro bills 01' 1927. Instead Of i'o-I'unciing in. rash. thmv will km 110 light. hills I'nr May. and there will 1w o-nuug'h i'o-l'unil (50111ng to also my part ut’ tlw .11in account. How mm tin: largo-r I'Pifiitt‘h' fur power lisuz's: (Elmsâ€"Ivy Chair (10 S’6‘J.84: Krug Bros. (’10., $408.:80 \0r-theui 'l‘o-xtilvs. $201.64. 1110, Eiitmmise What" i'm' linntype‘. pnwm', oii'ice and imusv lights is $153.58.~â€"«Cliesley i'lnlm‘pl'isv. . A Big Elm . Hm- nl' tlw lax-gust lugs soon In tuwn in a lung limo was ln'ougllt in by HM H, Armilagv's gang on 'l'lml-sclay nun-Hing. ll. was the so-mmcl lug nt' :1 giant elm that. was ml nu .lnlm lll-nrwltfs farm in Mun”, 'l’lu- stick was five feet. llm‘mgll at. the largo mud and was ”r l'nur H) l'm'l lugs taken from the trunk ml the? tum. It, is ostimatml jtlml. lwrv wvro' about, 4.000 foot 01' lumlwr in tlw lugs. which were shippml tn Hakvillv. whom they will lw made into. l;)askot.s.â€"â€"Urange- lx'illu liamwr. A Real Profit .-\ l'armor‘s wit'o noar (llonroo rocontl)‘ had :a' call from a prospec- tiw huyo'r of hor fowl who asked to ho' allowoul to hnvo a look at. tho birds. 0n the l‘olhm‘ing morning on going to tho rhirkon pens she found them minus their occupants. hut cliscown‘ml on the ground a roll of hills amounting to some $200, which she quietly took possession of. Later lwr 1’i1'ospm:ti\'o buyor of tho «lay bot'orc roturndd on pro- tc-nro of having another look at tho fowl. which of course were not their“. and improvml tho opportun- ity to muko an insm-rtion of tho surroumlings as it' in Search of sumo ohjt't‘l.. 'l‘ho l'armor’s wife simply kopt. her own couusol and at. tho- samo timo Ctu‘ig'atulatml ho-rsolt' on having: for one» at, least, mad» a profit on her multry.â€"Star and Vich'tto. Grand Valley. Tragedy. Near Wingham On Friday of last. weak, the four mnnllls nlll «laughter of Mr. and Mrs. i’l‘l‘l'}' Jarvis. {Hell in \Ving- ham Husglilal l‘rnm llurns rocoivml ll., mm ”1' llw must. lvrriblo tragml- ivs nl' that. Sl‘l‘iilflll. 0n the \le- nvsllay [)l'o‘VlmlS Vc'lma and Laura Finlay. agml l8 and lb rvslwclivoly :liml l'rum lvrrililv burns rowivml wlwn llw l'nrmvr :lltvmplml to pnur rnal nil on lho lira. which Caused an cxplnsinn at the home 01' Mr. annl Mrs. Muir/.0 Finlay. 0011.. ll. 'l'urnlu-rry lliwnsliip. two Ulill‘S l'rnm \\'in;_:lian'1. Mrs. Jarvis. the mnllwr of tho infant who diml. is alsn a «lauglilvr of Mr. and Mrs. Finlay. ancl Sill? was Severely burn- ml in tlw “1'“. 1le is expected to ro-rnwr. le immoral 0f the two girls had been arranged for Friday al'lvrnlmu and whom the baby passml away lhu lot. was also bur- iml that day. The triple burial was «mu ol‘ llw salllll-sl «wants over \Vilnvssml in llial. soclitm.-â€"â€"\Ving- ham Advancv. Band Contest in Walkerton Hn Satuulax. Junn 9th. a suc 0095- till ham! Contest “as hold in \\ alk- oxtnn. le mmpotim bands “om ciiviilmi into two classes, A (3111.145 and B Class. A Class included hands numhming 2) pIawrS and B ‘ lass consisted (it bands of 18 play- ers. In the latter class the new Mount Forest. Band acquitted them- selves wry creilitably. carrying off third place in a close contest. The margin of points which gave South- ampton the second place was very small and in the Opinion of no small number the local boys earned higher honors. The work of the judge was indeed difficult, each band displaying .inclivii‘lual points of merit in the various passages. Daret‘ul preparation was apparent in the rendition by each band of BATES BURIAI. C0. Distinctive funeral Service at Moderate Cost No extra charge for the use of our Parlors. Phone KI 4344 'l‘ 499-19A Avonnn Rd orolto Phone KI 4344 122-124 Avenue Rd. Toronto John W. Bates R. Haddocks PORMBRLY OP PLESHBR’I‘ON Rev. Dr. Samuel G. Bland. ac- countml by his writings one of the best. known churchmen of the day. who is retiring from ministerial work from the l'nitec't church. He has seen half a century in the Ser- vice. of the church. He graduated from .\Ie(_';ill universit) in 1877 and served in the pulpits ol man} One- hec Churches. Then he went \\'est in 1903 to occupy a prol’essorial chair at, Winnipeg. He held this until 1917. when he returned to the east. About, a year ago he mar- ried. He is nearly 70. the chosen selection. the varied in- terpretations adding much to the interest and to Um task of jmlging. We congratulate Leader H. Steele and the members of the Mount For- est band on their good Showing._ At the close of the contest. the lnnngn-s fell to Hanover and Palm- .§"I'Sl¢.)11 of winning: first place ’in their respective classes.â€"â€";\It, For- est Confederate. High School Section to be Reduced \ [11‘titi1111 is being (filC‘lllath and “ill be 111-1131111t111l [11 11113 (1111111- ty (1111111011 at its 111).“ 9111391111 ask- in: that. H111 i11111111iz11i11s 1:11 the 3111111113111 High S1~l11111l section be reduced to include unly that. tor- 1iton 1111111111111 111 11111 11011101‘ati011 0f the \illagc 111 Mai'k1iale.P1‘acfic- :111\ all th11s11 i11 1.111151n1'ti011 but cuisidv U111 \'~‘i111g11 haw, sianml the 11011111111 -â€"\I111k1lale Standaid 111111 of tho p111ttiost lune wed- dings took placn at the home 01' 311'. and Mrs. W. A. Laumnce in ligrnnmnt 1111 \\'131l111151,1~a'.v. June '13, \x'h1111 flu-iv 011111st daughter. Gert- 1111111 .1111111 111111211111) 1.1111 Wife 111' James .\l11xa111;l1'11' Henderson. 8011 111' Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson or 13110111019. T1111 house was be‘au- titulh 111101111 11111111 \\iH1 ilowsei' and sharp at. ’1 110111ck.tlm 111'i1l(r.l(‘-an- ing on the (11111 of [1111' i‘..at1101' (111- teiod the (iiaxxing mom to the stiains 111 the \\1.11l1li111 music 1113\â€" 1.111 in Miss \gnvs R111mi1‘1k. 0f DI'O- 11111111. “11111. R11\..\11'. 1311111113111 of l>111n101111pmf'oxmod th- marriage 1111'11mnm in the ['11'113611101: 01' 50 "firsts, all relatives ' Of the young couple, ‘ a‘n I The bride" was very beautiful in her wmlding gown of white Silk goorgelto trimmml with silver lace. Hor bridal \'(‘ll was caught with orange blossoms and she carried roscs. Hcr bl‘iclt‘Smald was her sislcr Eva. who lookcr lovely in her gown of yellow gcorgctto trimmed with gold lace and ribbon and carried a basket of flowcrs. Mr. Hanson of Toronto was the groom's assistzn‘lt. Aftcr the ceremony and best wishes wcro over a wedding supper was scrvcrl. In the even- ing a reception was hchl with'200 in attcndance. The bride changed her wedding gown and wore. a. rose HENDERSONâ€"LAWRENCE HYMENEAL QUEEN STREET MISSION CIRCLE The Young Ladies’ Mission Circle 01' Queen Street, United church met 'at the home of Mrs. R. Padfield on Thursday evenin", June 14. Quite a large number were present. Mrs. Pacifield presided over the meeting, which commen- ced by ginging‘ “I am Thine,“ O ‘-‘V‘â€"â€"vw_ _ It was decided to hold this in Harrison Park. Owen Sound, in July. Miss Etta Twamley read the Bible lesson, also some choice poetry on the same thought. Mrs. Fiddes gave a report of the Pres- bytery meeting held in Knox church recently. This was a brief account of the addresses given by Mrs. Staples, Mrs. Longley, a re- turned missionary from China, and Miss Jamieson and was much 011- joyed by those who were unable ito be present at, Kno‘x church. _- ~..1 Vuu ”9' ""“"C""CJ â€" * . Lord" followed by prayer by Mrs. Fiddes. Miss Sadie Holmes, secre- tary, read the minutes of the pre- vious meeting, which were then adopted. Mrs. Padficld led in a discussion as to the annnal picnic. Mrs. Bert Farrell took the next chapter in the study book. This dealt with Christian Missions and Racial Attitude and condemned our treatment 01' the Orientals living in our country. We may send teachers. doctors and mis- sionaries to their countries yet we do not care to mix sociably with them in our own country. A prominent Japanese worker says if we do not convert ,them fully to our religion they will some day actively fight and oppose it. As there are 40,000 Chinese and 16.000 Japanese in our own country we must break down all barriers be- tween us and do away with their loneliness and bitterness. l I AV \[W wâ€"u _.__ '1110. meeting closed with the singing of H0“ 111m a foundation and the. Milliah. ‘ A n o ‘ georgette for the evening. The young couple received many beau- tiful r"ii'ts and the best Wishes go with tflem to their new home in Detroit. A pleasing part of the social hour was a miscellaneous shower in honor of the bride, Mrs. Elmer llulton (nee Miss Ada Metcalfe). As the bride sat in the midst of the Circle, members opening and pass- ing ea‘cl'i dainty gift from the beautifully decorated baskegt be- fore her, thc merriment was at its height and all enjoyed the many jokes both written and spoken. The many pretty and useful gifts Realize the immense change in conditionsâ€"in just a few years â€"- that the telephone has helped bring about. The store in the smaller town now carries pretty much 'the same up-to-date styles as the big city store. Thanks to Long Distance, Manufacturers’ or Whole- salers’ warehouses are prac- tically at the storekeeper’s elbow. The time required to telephone an order by Long Distance is now only a few minutes; connections are now often made at once, without hanging up the receiver. And the cost of Long Dis- tance messages is small â€" is often quite a little less than is generally supposed. Call up our Manager and ask him the rate to points you are interested in. 85! E( "w,- W3: attested to the pepularlty of the fair young bride and all joined in wishing her much happiness and J0)’. Mrs. Padfield served a very dc- licious lunch and all went away feeling that they had had a very profitable and enjoyable evening. HANOVER BAND MEMBERS RECEIVE MEDAL, TROPHIES The presentation of medals and tmphies won by the Hanover Brass Band and individual players at the band competition at Walkerton a week ago took place. in the town hall in that town Friday night. IIL Jul. unawu The program was undervthc di- rection of the Town Council and the band committee. The hand played the test selection “Recollec- tions from Verdie”. Mr. Locksley, the conductor. was highly commended for. his zeal by the speakers. After Um premium”. tion to the members of the band, Milton Kalte, winner of tho. 11’03'5‘ comet class and S. Lobsingcr. SM}. 0111' prize. winner in the senior clarinet. soction. were prosvntmi with silver medals. Hanovm- has; Band took first prizo at. tho hand competition held in \V’alkm-ton on June 9, under the. aUSIDiCPS Hf Hm Northwestern Ontario Bands' Ass-0- ciation. Thursday, June 21, rDlKS. JAMIESON 8: JAMIESO. ("We and 105m. ,m- a . once east of the» 1m. 11 1.11,. Lamhtuu SW" lmxug 'I'..-.x.:-_ E o - ham. ("TH-(f 11mm 3 1% ;*~ }’ 1'. 8 p.111. (cxcvm 5'1mizr;~ \ ‘ I (Mice and wsniv: Cuungess and 1.3mm. site bid l’mt (HM-v. 91011 a.m..1.30tn+ Ph\suuun um [.amhtun ~1vm t 1 an: l1u\v1>n\ tcshnlznulthWw 2 to 5 p.HL.4 excepted. Chiropractors Graduates Cambium (‘ College. THI‘HHIH. (:‘-'1‘;w.- Block. Durham. Day 111‘. i : I23. ,,_ 7 I\' _ "BMW. 0. PICKERING, ()flh'u, 0V0? J. A; J. iii; l)l11'ln:utr1. ( vxztzxx'1(:. J. F. GRANT, D. D. S. flown-GnMUMv!dumws OHU', (il'fldlliih’ “(QM ‘w Sunymns!fl(nnunw 1 an us lwmuwa «u! Bluck. MillSU‘w-I. .wmn 0f Naclicth‘s hm; Stun lial‘l'isl.¢‘l'.~‘. SULH'IUH': our of the lirm “'11". {w Tuesday 01' each week may be made with U Oflicu. County. terms. Chmniclt Geo. 1-1. . Phone 4'.‘ CASH \VITH URUUK: m; m; 0‘ four. TQHPI'uhm’w ('31:, 1;...“ saturday night (if \Vf‘o'}; ”IVE“? 25 cents. 011 ai': char.» 1.:-.;..; Will be made ('avh inwz“. u . LOT 7 (1H). 1’ pr01_'.(‘1t\ 01 1h tatp (fnnll‘lL‘H condition 1W“ good mm W mill: 90M ’1‘- ‘ QUiCk ‘vlll't'llll‘ ticulaxs 311‘1.‘ or \\J.1.'d\\l tors -. ANYONE '1’!“ a monument. “'Ol'k (imw. placing Hwn‘ den. Durham The Durham 1'.| sociatmn will shx ham 0n T11c‘->‘«1u_\' requested in gm .- Phone 601 nationifl HiH'Vt's‘H' derson. \Vilkmsmx 1‘ Deel‘iIm-Mmim'mick tore anivn. Litfm Bain Buggies. _ w garago.â€"~.l. 11.3010» .Thursday, June 21, 1928 L. SMITH, M. _B TWO («MD Lamhton s‘m Dr. A. C. \V' Advertisements_ undo? I'm ,, mi icons« COMFORTABH good location: electric lights: Chronicle Oil‘ic The annual held 3} F139“ Medical Din-2029;"; AND BESSIE MCGILLIV’R AY . it. MacQUARRIE. Barrister. Solicitor M HH \\1 ‘ AR} Classified Adv DR. A. M. BELL tx 0f HI" 1 01111.1 i511)" ion- brick gator from am Dxn‘hzm‘ Legal "Direaon I )uh's [is OlllCC. Duncan LUCAS HEN RY EFOR SALE MONUMENTS 'l‘HlNKINi "1" James ch‘of’t “t \\ olfe :1 .-\uct 1011001 .5? takvu 0‘ 5 anally: DH NOBLE HI 9. n‘ ,M.C Uh CREAM 5 mum H I) Hi \\ DENTIST U m COHSQCUUVQ: 11 nm Li TU 1,01 111* an m wa‘i Nil \\

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