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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Jul 1928, p. 7

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1928 listm- Jackson, liko t..o erâ€" me been going 2'02- the vears” I “hat do you |}' 10 test the r eager fisher. of : ’oadcloth mir connecting le paradise to »t. and angler, mum-s by train Lge-s. boarding mip Lice, mv r‘iicide W25c ard 32c. ork after he“ celebration Ire death cct. ilding increases Ontario price CALL .tion lt‘ .Oco...‘:.:.co.:.o: DRS. JAIIBSON 8: JAIIBSOR (Mice and residence a short dist- nuce east of the Hahn House on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Office hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundays). ”no A. Ill. 8..- Physician and Surgeon. Office [.ambton street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ate University of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Office hours: 2 to 5 p. m.. 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays excepted. Chiropractors Graduates Canadian Chiropractic College, Toronto. Office Macfarlane Block, Durham. Day and night phone 1! AI. 00‘! (Sundays excepted) £23. J. F. GMT, I). D. 8., L. D. 8. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College .Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block, MillStreet, second door east of MacBeth’s Drugstore. .___'-'â€" M - .-â€".“-~â€" -7â€" DR. W. C. PICKBBII‘G, DENTIST umce, over J. J. Hunter’s store, Durham. Oglario. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments may be made with the Clerk in the Office. GEORGE E. DUNCAN Licensed \uctionem £01 Countx. Sales taken on 198 terms. Dates auanged : Chumicle office. Geo. 11.Du11ca11 DungailJ _____________.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" JOHN * AITKBN Auctioneer, Grey 3 nd Bruce 1y attended to. Sat- d water from drilled Well; wind- : good silo; reasonable price to 'ck purchaser. For further par- ticulars apply to Philip Lawrence or W. J. Lawrence, Durham, Execu- tors. 2.16.tf I won-1; done; should see me before placmg their OI‘dCI‘.â€"-â€"\V. J. McFad- 2.16.tf f NUTlL-n LU l“-.â€"â€"â€"_V The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- swciation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days’ notice. rence, Manager. Durham. RR. 1. BUTTER, MILK, CREAM Shnvxun We will be in the market for the winter months for pur ° cream. Orders taken for choice dairy lmlter delivered off the rig; also buttermilk.â€"â€"â€"\Vatson’s D?gr§.tf I _â€"__â€"-â€"___â€"â€"â€"â€"- LOTS FOR SALE TWO GOOD BUILDING LOTS Lambton stree‘t near C. N. R. A Dr. A. C. \Volfe :3 17 j Advertisements under this heading, 1 cent a word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions gym for he price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid . r before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. 25. cents. On all charge orders a straight charge of 1% cents a word will be made each insertion. minimum charge 35 cents. o with Fertilizer or an; ‘ and analyses, Onâ€" tario an uffalo; also Super Solâ€" ' ure Lune, Just the a “"3 w' , Park. Hammer or Elmwood In car lots. .Club orders espemally appreciate ’ ' and leave? your order \Nkfite 0F c: a eaflY ’ F ARMS FOR SALE Branch ofl'icu at. Dunuz Open all day Friday. Thursday, July 5, 1928 Medical Directorv . H. MacQUARRIB, B. A., Barrister, Solicitor. Etc. DI RH AM 51311011 Oflicu at _Dundalk AND BESSIE McGILI-IVMY NOTICE. Dental Directorv Classified Advertisements Legal Directory. S, 81.6. A mem- 7. . . R. prl‘ 17 find 6'12. 23“ Twelfth in ' The WORK WANTED.â€"T'HE CHRON- 1cle Job Plant is well equipped for tmjning'out the finest work on shag; LATH FOR SALEâ€"APPLY ZENUS Clark. Durham. USED PIANO FOR SALE. APPLY McLaughlin’s Garage. 3,29,“. PROPERTY FOR SALE SEVEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE ON Garafraxa Street, electric lights, furnace and water, good location and in good state of repair.â€"George S. Lawrence, Mount Forest. 3-1tf EIGHT ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE, in good repair; good stable 20x40 in connection. For particulars apply to Chronicle Office. 3 8 ti TRINITY CHURCH LADIES’ GUILD will hold their monthly home-made baking sale Saturday afternoon, in the A. Y. P. A. rooms. Ice cream, cake, homemade candy, etc., will also be served. 6 28 2 BI’RNS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Rocky Saugeen. will hold their 50th anniversary Sunday, July 8. at 2.30 pm. Rev. Mr. Mackay 0f Walker-ton will occupy the pulpit; special music by Durham Presby- terian choir, Monday evening the annual supper and programme will be given. with Rev. M. MacKay and Durham clmir again in attendance. Admission 35v. and 1%. Do you sufl'm' from rupture"? If so, your big opportunity has now arrived. Mr. Rcayely, the knotetl rupture cXpert, will be at tho Hahn House, Durham. for one day only. Wednesday, July ilth, and will be pleased to give free ex- amination to any sufl’erer and to demonstrate his famous appliance. This appliance will contract the opening in it) to 15 days and has cured cases in from three to six months. 'This appliance is posi- tiwly demonstrated to you right on your own person without any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right appliance for you. _‘_-“-. I" I ’0'- w "I Iâ€"â€" v_, V A cnnsultation with Mr. ReaV elV will cost Vou nothing. Dont let this OppmtunitV get 3“ ay from V‘mi Remember the date. 6.28.2 TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to and includ- ing Saturday, July 7th, for the con-m strurtion of a concrete slab bridge (20x3) opposite Lots 5 6.: 6, Con. 9. Egremont Township. Plans and Specifications may be Seen at. the ofl‘ice of the Engineer, .Court. House, Owen Sound. Tenders must be accompanied by a marked Check for 10% and the successful bidder will be required to furnish a contract bond for 50% or the amount of the contract. The lowest, or any tender not. necessarily accepted. " R. C. McKnight. Engineer, Egremont Township. IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH RLYTH. lam of the Township of Egrpmont. in the County of Grey. Gmtleman, deceased. Notice is herel‘iy given that. all creditors and others having claims against the est-ate of Joseph Blyth. late of the Township of Egremont. in the County of Grey, who died the seventeenth day of February; .\.D. 1928 are required on or before the 9th. day of July, 1928. to send or deliver to the under mentioned Solicitor for the Executors full particulars of their claims duly proved. After such date the exec- utors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate, Ahoaving regard ;only to the claims of which they then shall have notice, and will not be liable for said assets to any person of whost claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. Dated this 9th day of June, 1928. J. H. McQUARRIE, ARTICLES WANTED NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' It is not often. that children dumbfound the doctor, but an exâ€" change reports the case of a family physician who asked the little girl to come and live with him, and the child replied: “You had me onceâ€"â€" why didnt you-keep me?” COMING EVENTS RUPTURB EXPERT HERE Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use, when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We haudle Pumps and Pump Re- pans. Satisfaction Guaranteed ED. J. PRATT TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE Phone ”â€"11 Four brave. biaany boysâ€"and our fond foolish hearts Beat high in their joy and their pl'idoe; Four treasures immortal entrusted to us To rear, to guard, and to guide. It “as ours to fathom the gilts 01‘ each mind, VIRV‘Q - 0“-“ To study the depths of each heart, And discern, if we might, the labor 01' life That Dame Natme designed for tlwir palt. We pondered it long, but ’twas settled at. last That, our Henry a preacher should be, And our Jolm, yet} should see, for :2 lawyér was born,- And .lnsm‘m should make. 311.31. D. But the fourth was so mud. and queer in a way Thai. 'twas haul to decide ahdx‘lt him And we umw_h1_11is help, so we said - withâ€"a Sigh . _. "We’ll Just make a Farmer of .]1m.’ So the three went. forth from the farmyard gate In the kingdom of bqoks to toil“ To delve in scholastlc lore, whlle ered by For use in the hour of need; ’Twas the savings slew of the fruâ€" gal years But ’twas spent with a reckless speed. "l‘was a goodly sumâ€"like the wind 11; went And the three never knew how we planned, How we‘ worked and scrimped, and struggled and saved, ‘To furnish their large demand; 'And Jimâ€"how he toiled through the ceaseless round, Till each we'arisome day was done: l'nc'tauntml he by the scathing Jimâ€"'- He delVed in the farms Twas a goodly sum we rich soil. had gath- storm . . . 01- the noontlde's scorchmg sun. ml, it. was from the pages of Nature’s book, . F rom the blossom. the mm, and skies . From the mountam and the. surgmg $03 That ho learned of the deeper moamhg of llfe. Loarnm'i Its scheme and scope sublime _And 111 walms that brood in soli- tude Leann-d the needs of the soul We Just Made a Farmer of Jim school His mind looked up from the sod. Angl his thoughts grew broad as ' the universe ' ' And deep as the things of God. And the people came and besought qur Jvim . Of lusknowledge to Impart. And he taught with the simple e10- quenpe That thrllls the human heart. “san‘ bf tojl, A ‘And they cruxlthafi need . Was his steady braln heart . And his honor 1n word and deed; And they came from near and they came from far | m [H mm mums QUEBEC i | The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. ‘. (2) Entrance to Normal Schooi. Each member of the‘Stafl‘ .is a Uni- verSIty Graduate and experienced Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning oitenm. ----â€"A ‘1‘“ kn CIILUL' all ”Galllllluo v- -v..._-- Information as to Courses may be obtained from the Principal. . The School has a creditable record in the past which it hopes to main; tain. in the future. Durham is an attractive ‘ and healthy town. and good accommodao tion can he obtained at reasonable rates. J A. M. BOBB, B.A.. Principal. JonN MORRISON, Chairman. urettercd by rule of Now that Shakespearean produc- tions are staged in lus fours, evening clothes and k aki there does not appear to be any solid ob. jection against Father Neptune discarding his traditional garb of seaweed in favor of seaboots and sailor togs, and the Canadian National Railways photographer recently found the son of gaturn endâ€"6,133â€" 'gâ€"feâ€"cetuily lounging in Quebec City as depicted above. It .will be noted that the old gentle- man retains trident and helm but DURHAM HIGH SCHO0Lâ€" {.1 ivine. v - â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" adopted a modern steering rob” , xx '11“: Mi... ,1.‘ it long, but ’twas THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 'W’Wfiw the nation's measure 01‘ and noble wheel in place of horse and dolphin. This particular efigy may be found on Mountain Hill and appears to replace one which up to 1850 bad place of honor over the entrance to the “Old Neptune Inn” then a noted cofiee house in St. Peter Street frequented by sea-faring men. Time was when carved wooden .figures frequently marked hostelries and commercial establishments in Quebec and Montreal but only a scant few have withstood the advancmg him .50 thm cxoxxned him with title and wealth and 131m: And they made a statesman of Jim. The 31011151 they are by, and I sit a'nd sigh _ O’er the fate of [he cluldyon three, For the world’s bvvn unkind to the la“ \ er 110111 \ml the M D and LL.D. 1 think Oithlfil sta1vin, strug- years. And they wouldn’t take ”NO" from -7 gling, lives And then I think of Jim, And thank the Lord that We had the Sense To make a iarmer 01 him. , Rather Mixed 0n returning home from church, a Shelburne little girl demanded. “Mamma, who is Sim?” “What do you mean,” said the mother, “I don’t know any Sim.” “Yes you do.’ said the little one, “you singed about him at church. All the people singed, ‘Praise Sim?” Fur- ther questioning led to the conclu- sion that the Doxology had led toi the misunderstanding. This story reminds us of the one about the little boy who had been to church for the first time, and the next Sunday asked to be taken to church again. When pressed for a reason, he said he wanted to hear them sing about the cross-eyed bear again. He had the household pretty badly at sea until someone remembered that one of the cl'ioral numbers had contained the words, “The consorated cross I‘d hear.”â€" Shelburne EcOnomist. I’ve Often wondered what became Of you, wim walked your way to fame. Did you walk back? If so. and how We'd never think that. 01’ a cow. I‘ve often pondered O‘m' your fate. But now I have upon my plain. A pince Hf mvat. I cannot. chmv. I think, () (low. it. must. 1w you! It will pay you to advertise in The Chronicle. To Laura Secord’s Cow “I wonder if it’s loaded!” “Step on the accelerator and we’ll try to get across before the train mmes.” viiilieyvâ€"S'éy theSe things can’t pas. s1bly explode no matter how much yolg “11‘0“" them around: ‘ f. ‘ U "‘"I guess this rope will hold my weight.” “Lefs go out beyond the life line.” makes.” rail. anyway?” “That, fire cyacker mgst have g01]_(}_-0ut:, “1’11 light ignagam-I ‘V-_A "\Vhat’s wrong with “you? You can't see the scenery unless you lean out.” “It. smells like gas. but I guess it is all right. Lend me a match.” Cu o “I lookvsvbvfim 7 medicine in the dark and I must have got. hold of tlm__\\°r0n,_ 1 111113;." ‘ n ‘1 - . ‘I_- “Lot's paddlo. " ”"4135 an aft-{lid to walk on the :raoki’ Good at Figures Kind old gout: "How old are you, 11)) little. man?" _ Small hoV' (tmsolw: “Eight." “\nd VVhat axe \ou going to be?” ‘ M110. ' "What, a funny noise that snake ITMfich one of those is the third rlv‘lwse traffic cops can‘t stop FAMOUS LAST WORDS change. places and I’ll PAGE 7. -‘

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