West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jul 1928, p. 6

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fl DISTRICT HYDRO the matter of available power with Ontario next. then Manitoba. Bri- tish Columbia, Alberta. Saskatche- wan and the Maritimes. The whole world was watching the hydro electric system in Ontario and it was also having its atl‘ect in reg- ulating the prices charged by. the privately owned plants in the province of Quebec. Ontario. he said. was wisely buying power from Quebec and establishing a prior claim as a customer of the Sister province. .‘Jeantime 0nâ€" tario was ('Hl‘aSt‘l'Vill}; her own powo-r. Dr, Fowler mam: an 910- quo-ul, appeal for greater effort. to make a prosperous muntry from Canada‘s nim'\'o-lluu.~' natural re- source-s Zillti winter! \Vehsh‘r‘s words to early .‘lllt‘l'lCflZ "l')o~w_.-lc‘)p our resources. llall forth our gmu‘o-rs. Build up ntll' industries. Y-Zx-Mayuz- LUIMI'} upon “hose imitation last. yvai the assm iation {1311-1-11 to 11mm 11) Moutmc! said he “as not. responsible for the bad weatlun. Thv fish in the 133} had agi'wm h) bitv f-‘111131} and menthing “as arrnnwni 1'01 a splendid 11m until the “oatheiman poxvm-s. Build up our iluilustrles. Prnmutp the vast mh're’sts 01' our Country." Sboiles! it .‘lt'. t2. J. Halliday of (llwslt‘y in prnpnsing tlu- toast tn the press spokn nt’ thu t‘wrvssity for publi- city work by ttw miniiripalitio-s in. Hip systo-m. His rvmarks gum riste tn a wry impurtant disrussinn in which Mr. 'l'aylnr ut' Hannvvr was this main stmkvsman. Mr. Taylor wantt-d mnro- than talk. Hr- wantml actinn and wry tit'ilnllt' action and [wrsistml ttnlil hr Storm] his point. Thv tirst twn mun in M runsid- ('t‘ml. said Mr. 'l'aylnr. wvrv that t'arnwr and Min industrial \vnrkvr.‘ In tlnnzidu lhvrt- was no “new part than that. inrludwl on the Georgian Bay .s‘ystvm nt’ thn Hydro. It. was a lwalthy district. Thvrv was :- hnndanro- nt' gond \Wltt'l'. If the l‘lN‘ll'lt‘ dt-wlnpmvnts wvrv mvnml hy privah- into-rvsts they would be going' at’to-r industries wry strong- ly ltt' t'lnimmi. “- ht‘lltHIVt'ti tilt‘ publicly uwnml scheme to do like- wisv. My 'l‘aylnr suggnstt-d that rat-h rmnmission put. aside $100 t'nr advertising.r this ynar. Advertising hv runlinttt'd. shuttld 1M? l't‘gllitll‘. Mr. 'l'aylnr ttmnght. tl’m Untarlo rommissinn shnuld he lwhind the publicity and that it. should haw an industrial oli'pal‘flnt‘lll fur tlu‘ t-nrmiragwnwnt. ot‘ industry. Qnr- lwc. he tlt_‘t'ltll't"ti. was snamiing tn- dtislrio-s right. l't'nnl nndvr Un- illl’itl..~' tit‘isv. 'l'in- prushh-nt named 1*. mmâ€" mitt'om rnnsisting ut’ 'l‘aylnr n1“ Htlmn'c'l', Hillliottly Ht' tLho'sh-y amt Lucas 01' )larkdale t0 gm aha-wt with an attwrtising srhvmv. ;\lr. Hullhtay smuggnstmt that. this ynar it. ronthw itsrlt’ tn ttw matter 0f rural o'xtvnsion. Association should Broaden Out Mr. Luras proposed the tttiast t0 ttu- Engvnizz Assrwiation. That. it was at liw 2155c.)ciation. he said. was M'ittvncmt by the fact. that mm ramc hundreds of miles to at- tcuct un the worst. rainy day of the war. Mr. Lucas said that. the as- snriutiun was willing tn sink its identity in a greater assnriaticm to c-mhrarv all of the municipalities m the th-orgian Bay System. |\. Mr. H1illiii1u [mintml out that it “(mil iw inuinsiiiiiv lm tiw Hui“) in io-cnmmvnil 11m tovns tnr in- uiiistx'ivs us it “6111.1immmiiahix lmvlmx-gmi “ill! tawiitism. MI. Lucas nt' ’Markoialo said it. was up to iih' kurgian Bay system to imam itself. DI' Fowler said that \xhut “as inquirul “as (U- upma- iiw :iohm tisiug amonj' this incliu mlm it'imilii it's. .‘ll R. H. CStal', of Ul'illia. 1‘0- plied stating that his tnwn. al- though not a hulm hmn punwr \Vuulol join the association. Mr. H11111M of \Vingham also 5111711111 hxiotlv to the Mast. M1. X1n1>l1o1n2 111 Hanmm 51111110111111 H11- idva of a “1111;11111 Bin assnc 11111011. "I\'L\-ltnl. .Jâ€"“v “~\-. M1“. .lamt's. L112'inet‘1' hum the 11111211111 mmmission madv 21 splen- 11111 5111111011 trliing 01 H111 (10111212111 1’ 21\ >\>:111111.ils p21>t pf‘lhflfllfilltt‘m its 1111511111 produLtinn 211111 111111112 plans. 311‘. James 51111120 111 [1121ctiL- any 2111 11112 {2 n11111icip21lit1vs in H111 systo‘m when Hwy 11111'11111101’11] hydra prnpm' 1111-1111141 H111 11511211 laws: 31111121111! was 11111 first. born. systvm whon Hwy intmjnlucml hydra pmpor Hu-mlgh tlw usual laws. Midland was tlw first. born. Orill'ia. ultl‘mugh not. in Hm hydrn system was really a half brother as it. was a n’lunivipally uwnmi plant. (brillia was also tho father uf puhilc me‘l'Sllip in Untarip. \""\-- ~ thv mmmission has $2%.n01).000 in- wstei-d in plants. 0N2. and the municipalities of Ontarin had 366.000.000. T he capital invest- od in dovelopmmmt plants and transmission liners in the. ('wnrgian Bay system was tn be ro- - - - ,‘o.- ,, :_. pn .\l1. J1111111s 11l.~'11 1111\iS1-11i H111 bigger 11ss1111 111tio11 111 11111111111 all 11111 1111111- icipaliti1~s in th11 5.15111111 which 511'1'11111 1'1'11111 Kincal'dino 1111 lake. H1111111 111 P1111 P1111\' 111 (‘11 1111111 011- 1111'111 111111 H,11nt.~'\111111111 11111. 11111tI1. 51111111111 )111119 11311 130 1111'1411 1111\1111' \\'11< i111i11" 1111\111011111I in the G111u'gian Bax 81611111110111“ 2(1000 1101 ~11 110\\111' is [wing 1111\111- 11111111. Mr. James 11111111111! 11111 that I _ ._ 'b-Itr‘l,‘ III“) l\l\l\ ;‘\ ,D'd\ .‘35u u. vvux' .-,.V . _ V paid by the muieipalities in 40 Years. The Georgian Bay system had in reserves for renewals of equipment. contingency fund and sinking fund 31.500000. Only Pour at a Loss In 1927 only four municipalities of the. 5‘) had run at a loss and U of these only a few hundred dollars altogether. The total cost. of Howe" supfilied in the system was 36:1.090 and there was a surplps on this --- -A.‘ ___u_:..a. mall ho r0- PAGE 6. (Continued from page 1) there was a surplus on uus 01' 346.000 which will be re- ed to the municipalities. The .fmpnt of the municipalities The Need of Publicity in AT I’mronn in local plants and equipment in tlw system amounts to $2,150.000 and against that there is only ssmmm) «11111111111110 debt which is 1M5 than nnv hall M the plant \111- uvs,'_li|011‘ me msemes of $5 ’47 .000 t? a p I. a i n Alt‘rod Loewenstein. \mrld-t'anmus Belgian financier and mystm'y man 01' Europe. who «lisamwarml “THU-hi3 private aero- q'lmw whilv crossmg the North Sea I'mm lungluncl to Belgium. whit-h brings the nt‘t. debt down to lvss than half a million. Throw» hundrvd and fifty thou- sum! of tho I'm» millions hoi'rmvcrd haw lwvn paid back. Tl’ioro is a dvprwiation fund of $4,000.000 which is I!) [H'I' cont 01' the capital. In ru-am'anging tho rains for 1928: the commission did not dwsiro to mako a his reduction 1)('CallS(‘. of mnsidm'ablo new construction work to iw donv. Thoy did not, want to M in tho position of lowvring rates and tlwn increasing them again. 'l'lu're-t'ol'v Hwy did nHt. propose to makv big 11111111'ti1ms but 1'ath1‘1' 11"t Hw m1111i1ipalili1is build up :1. 3111'- plus. In all municipalitius how- PW‘i'. liwi-v “1111111 1111 inductions 111111i\'al1*nl. to 111111 month's power bill. In 12 m11nicipaliti1‘s there \Vulllll bu 1‘111111111i011 in strvvt lightâ€" i11:.: 1311515. )it'. lan111s told 111° 0111111111 in- 1"11111si113.' load on [1111 (morgian bav sv1st1111. [111937tl111 11111111101111 “as 31.001) t1111's11 [101111111111 load “as i111"111,11si11g 111 11111111t2,000 11.11.51 311111. 3111111 11111111at11111' must. 1111 s1'1'111'11d. [111 said. '11111 commission was 3.1'1.1tti11.1.' .s1'_111111 power from 1)1'ilti11. -\ 1111\\' plant. was being built in Muskoka and H111 old (1111111 311111111 st1111m plant “011111 1111 put into 1111111'11li1111."'\1111 111111 t'1is tall in- 11s1111d to 1111't11il )1'1111 sti'111t. lighting." said Mr. .t'am11s. "but you 11111 1'1'sl.11ss111'11d that ”111 Georgian H111 “it! got tall 11111 [111\\111' it “ants. \\ 11 can hook 1111 \xith U111. Niag. 111111. 111 (£11ti11111111 li1111s.“ M12 I11m11s said that tho 112113.11111ia d11111l11pm1111t. “as not. big 111111113111 to 11111k11tt€11° the 1'1113.1_'1111111 111111‘111'ipaliti11s_ lt, 11111111! 1.111 111'1'11ss111'1 stiox'th t11 i111'1'1aso H111 \11lt111.111 1111 th11 1311341111111. lines to 1.1111111, M 1'. Jumps said that. H111. great 11x- t1111:sion in the next. twenty ,1‘11111's would i111 in tho 1'111'111 1.1ai'ts. All H111 i111'111'11111'at1'd towns and Villages in this district. now had tl111 hydro 1111'.\\111 The urban municipalities “1111111 111111 it. to ti111i 11' 111'11at 111111111â€" 11131.1111 1171 help tt111 rural people get pd\Â¥01‘ and fight. Mi. Purcell told about the. recent visit. of the \Yisconsin Government party to Ontario to study the. hydro. He said that. the aVerage power cost. in \Visconsin was 7.6 cents per l<.w. as compared, with 1.66 eeuls in Ontario. He. said that, the. Visitors were much itmu'esse‘l. Mr. L. Purcell who is the. rural t'lt‘t‘ll'lt’ expert, Of the Ontario (Zom- mission dealt with that. subject in some 4letail as he did at. a recent meeting of the St. Vincent. farmers in Meal’ortl, He said that. rural 0n- tario was the great potential market for hydro electric- power in the province. The Georgian Bay system had a great. opportunity as up here there were 2.2 rural persons for every urban one, while. in the rest of Ontario there were 1.8 ur- ban people. to every one rural. He illustrated the farm market. for pu\\'t'l‘ by quoting from Norwich. a village in Uxt‘oul County which today sold 500 horse power. Rural lines were put. out Owen Sound to .-\llenforcl and to near Hepworth. .\lr. Purcell said that. a farmer was a better user of power than the ur- ban dweller. Therm» was considerable activity now in rural districts near Owen Sunnii. Wingliam. Ripley. Kincai‘d- iiw. Grand Valley and Meat'ord. "But, tlm Homrgian Bay System lags mwt'ully behind Um Niagara Sys- tem with respect. to rural imwor.” said Mr. James. “You" are also be- hind Eastern Ontario. Boost rural lIVih'n.” Thorn wore only 331/; miles of rural linPs in the Georgian Bay systnm. However. rapid extensions were now being made all over the province. Mr. Milligan spoke on safety matters. He said the record of ac- rident in the Georgian Bay system was very good. Eugenia had only one accident last vear when a man got a leg broken. He urged com- missions. A vote of thanks wasmoved to Mr. and Mrs. Paul. the host and hostess to “hich Mr. Paul replied inviting the association back any time it wished to come. Lynchings have decreased con- siderabl} in the United States of late. but they still have a lot of saxaphonists left. 1 GIOW‘UI in Power Use Rural Extensions evening. v-----‘v \t. this session. which was .,at- tended b) a full representation 01' the Board, the Mayor cited the fact that the receipt of a letter from Mesns. R1'1bertson and Row- l_a111tthat.1laV officially notifying the Council that the\ had (tisl10se1l 111 then electrical business in \\v'alkerton to a [- 111t111l States c011â€" cern had appealed to him as be- ing an occasion of so great moment to the tonn that hob ielt. no time should he lost. bx the Council in getting;1 in touch \Vith the. le1111 E'lecttic Commission and 1111111111V'_1111- i111 to secure for the municipalitV control 111 the light. and power sil- uation he1e, hence the $111l1l11nnes1 with which this 1111.1111ng had been called. Maintaining that. over 771 11.11111 cent. 01' the. Iatepay1i11's 111' the town wanted 111111111 3121\111' Halladax 11e- clared that as their 1'11111e~11nt11L1\L it “as up to them t11. 111111111V01' to obtain What the people favored. They had not onh exp11155111t themâ€" sehes 0\"1e.1w;h1lmin"l\ at 11111. 1111118. when the. issue 1 ms submitted sumo. HON. JOHN S. MARTIN Cross Sutherland Hardware Co. ., Limited - - - Dun C 06111 Fireproof W61 1) Millions of Insulating Air Cells! Each year weeds destroy Ontario‘s crops to the ex, tent of millions of dollars. You must help rid your community of this menace by cooperating in every way. See that your own land is clear. Re, port' weéd growths on'roadways, vacant proPero ties or uncultivamd fields to your representative on your local council or to you; weed inspector. Thus youwillbedoingyourdutyinexterminadngoneof the grmtat enemies of awful farmingâ€"noxious weeds. Write for Bulletin, “Weeds of Oman‘o.” ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Parliament Buildings - Toronto THE DURHAM CHRONICLE CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMITS? Along the roadways of your district. In fence corners where the plough- share cannot penetrate. In vacant lofts and partially culti- vated fields. For Sale By While Mr. Harris Rife was m0- toring back from .the Old Home celebration in Mildmay about 9 o‘clock Tuesday night in a Mo- Laughlin touring car, he beheld another motorist stalled on the road near the cemetery corner. fixing a flat tire and as be ap- proached the anchored roadship. which was facing him, a Stratford motorist named Stone in a new Chevrolet sedan suddenly loomed up in front of him and attempted to pass. Somebody miscalculated and there was a bang. ' Tim Rife car turned over a couple of times in the ditch, and was wrecked bey¢“»n«'l repair, Har- ris. who was thrown gainst the stvering wheel in thn crash, sus- tained a black eye and a cut arm. Tim Stratfom‘i chariot lost. a from. wlwvl. and. had a fender and lamp (IPmOliSllPd by tho impact. but othm'wiso the driver and the car (iscapmi unhurt. As the Stratfordito is a brother of Mr. Stone. one of the speed GODS up this way, who was present at Hm mixup. a lot 01' argument on- suml as to who was I-oslmnsible for the mishap without anybody getting anywhoi~e in the debate.â€" \\'211k01't0n TlmCS. It will pay you to advertise in The Chronicle. Write for Free Booklet, "Walls That Reflect Good Judgment,” con- taining interesting information on home planning with Gyproc, Rocboard and Insulex. Durham, Ont. '. B. ROADHOUSE D¢Duty Minister 1% A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at Queen Street parsonâ€" age, Thursday, July 5, at high neon. when Mary Agnes, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George Alexander, of Bentinck, was united in mar- riage to Mr. Fredrick George Wickes 01' Buffalo, N; Y. Rev. H. S. Fiddes ofl‘iciated. Juqu Vflnnvpv-vv“. The bride, who was unattended, was charmingly gowned in a frock of powder blue georgettc crepe with hat and blonde shoes and hose to match and wore the gift of the groom, a platinum and diamond watch. Immediately at‘ter the ceremony the happy young couple left by motor for Quebec city, Visiting Toâ€" ronto, Kingston. Ottawa and Mont- real. Vwfi. On their return a reception will be held at the bri‘de‘s homo in Bentinck. after which they will pgke up home making in Buffalo, WICKBSâ€"ALEXANDBR To-day, one of the largest and strongest banks in the world, it serves every phase (f business and private life at home, and 1s taking a leading part in the expansion of trade in foreign markets. The Royal Bank "" - of Canada SOUND business principles and a policy of gradual expansion have marked the steady growth of this Bank for sixty years. 1869 HYMENEAI. PROGRESS It will pay you to advertise in The Chronicle. Thmdiy, July 12, 1928 93% BBS. JAMIBSON 8: JAIIESOR (mice and residence a short dish once gast of the Hahn House on‘ Unllvton Street, Lower Town. Dur-s ham. Ofl‘ice hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to: 8 pm. (except Sundays). ‘ -â€"_â€".â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"_ _ J. L. SMITH, I. 3., I. C. P. S. 0. 0!! ice and residence, corner of (kumtess and Lambton Streets. oppo- site old Post Ofiice. Office hours : 0 to H a.m.. 1.30 to 4 p.m.. 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). DR. A. I. BELL Physician and Surgeon. Office Lannnon street, Durham. (mt. Gradu- ate University of Torontv. Eye: tested and corrected. ()Hiw hours 2 t0 5 p.m.. 7 to 9 p.1n., Sunday: excepted. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY Chiropractors Graduates Canadian tlhxruwacth College. Toronto. Hfiiw Mm't'm-lrnv Block. Durham. Day and Inch? plum “n (3 Li 23f Ufixcc, over J. « Durham. (mtarlo J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8.. Honor Graduate l'xmvrm out", Graduate lmyni UL; Surgeons n! Untarm. 1». all its bx‘anclurrs. mm BIOCK, Ml” SU‘UM, Swamp} of Maclicth‘s Dru: 51mm, LUCAS 8: HENRY Barristers, Soilcxwls. Mu. .\ mo- ver of the firm \Vxli [w 111 Durham Tuesday 01' each \Vwék. Ammmtnw ngay he made “'1“! the (Link m 0am LiCCIlSUd AH Countv. $3115 1 terms. Duh-s Chronicle 011110 Geo. Ii. Dun1zm Phone 112 r :5. Advertisements under this hea CASH WITH ORDER: six consecu of four. Telephone calls treated a Saturday night of week ordered. 7 26 centsy On all charge ordersa s will be made each insertion. mini Dental Dz‘radorr. -____..._ - '61? w. c. mugging, DEISTIST LOT 7, CON. 21. HUM-2W v.\"l‘ property of (lu- Jnim 1.1: \‘1'6'1 tau; conundfln; 1N':nwws1 condition; brivk lmusv. M1211. good Water from (ix'xllwi \ij mill: gond silo: rvaumuidv p: quick purchaser. Fuz- mmm ticulars apply to l’t:i1:;- Lu or “I J. 1.3\\‘1'vn«_~w. I’m-3mm. tors. ANYONE THINKINH a monunwm. “1° im‘ work dam. shuniu placing their NHL-1'. den. Durham. (mt. The Dux h: m1 ‘ sociation \\ ill ham 0n 'IUPMI O"1\ PQQUCSWd' 1' ,- “.-l “'0 \Vi uintm 11 cream. dairy 1” also lmtt COM] HR'l Am 1 good 109111011 electrk lit-4'1" Chronit lo ”flit 1x Tm: 1‘2 BLYTH. ‘3‘" Egromom. in Gentleman. m Notice is hm'vl'y creditors and 0mm- against. tho osmtv . late of the Towns}: Thursday, July 12, 1928 BUTTER in the. County the SOYP-nh‘t‘nt! AI). 1928 Bt‘v l"“llll‘."“l the 9th day of July. or deliver 10 llw Ix» Solicitor for the l: particulars of the 1:“ proved. After sm-n 11 More will m'nww-«l In assets of the “stall". O'nly to the ClaimC then shall have llfill 1 'l'lIUDQ‘ \'\ uv run car should be caretul they play it by. Medical Directorv. 13mm 1: Those \}'l_10‘1"13." ”1‘“ Anm‘a4 I . H. MacQUARRIE. B Barrister, Solicitor. 1 1)! 1“.!i.\.\1 FARMS Classified A (Solicitor Legal "Dz'rm'on 2d Auctimr Sales 13km Datos emu I] ll FLAT T0 BENT MI. LK. CREAM SBRV liSTA'l‘l' 6; J. HUuter's slur daV mm 1338 1.110 ha Lawrence HI ”1141:0- U01 bum 1511's “ice (L81 éity of Toe \\ J11 1 l)‘ 01‘ at Ucm 1H L l( l ’1'

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