under 12 years ï¬dd EDAYS: , 19, 23, 26 piles yard 32c. .I 11 p.m. ..P. 'P '7 r 'P'r D 9-" ."'PP .Ia'". .P.-Iva" .ers and pick will follow 1 price 7.!!!o-pfl "I'.’ r. O C P'PIOP'I'I' PPPPPPPP PPPPPPPP P9799??? ‘1 ‘II ‘II policy of me steady strongest phase of is taking ' trade in 'O'DAY aï¬on § r c x 53â€"23?) 0 of : .roadcloth CIT 10$ Phone 611 r 3 7hildren lb. iuilding to advertise Q UES 00L Ontario CALL BBS. JLIIBSQR't JAIIBSOI Office and resndenee a short dist- Ince gast of the Hahn Rome-=01) Lambton Street, Lower Town. Dar.†ham. omce hqurs‘z t9 5 pm. 7 to a p.111. (except Sundays). 1.1..surrn,u.n.,u.ar.s.o. Oflice and residence, comer of Countess and Lunbton Streets. OPPO- oite old Post Ofï¬ce. Oflice hours: 9 to u 3.1m, 1.3039} pm, 7 to 9 pm. Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce [.nmbton street, Durham, Ont. Gredu. ate University of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Ofï¬ce hours: 2 to 5 9.11:. 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays ' wv -- wvâ€"v‘ (Sundays exiébtedfl exéepted. c. G. AND BESSIE chILLIVRA! Chiropxjactors Graduates Canadlan Chiropractic College, Toronto. Ofï¬ce Macfarlane Block. Durham. Day and night phone 123. 7 6 u 23“ Uti'rï¬ham'. Ontario. ;_â€"_______________â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- D. S., L. D. S. J. 1‘. GRANT, D. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal CollegeDental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Block, MillStreet, second door east of Macbeth‘s Drug Store. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber vi the ï¬rm will be in Durham 0n l‘uesday of each week. Appointments mzw be made with the Clerk in the uuvlluu .' â€" Licensed Auctioneer "for Grey County. Sales taken on reasonable terms. _Da_t"es arranged at The may 1 0mm. Chronicle office. Geo. E. Duncan Phone 1:2 r 3. JOHN “v--. , Auctioneer, 65} and Bruce Sales promptly attended to. Sat- isfactlon guaranteed. Terms on ap- plication. Phone Allan (Park Central 91615; Hanover R. R. H, P. 0. 5242811 ________________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" GREM ONT, THE LOT 7, CON. 21, E property of the John Lawrence Es- tate. comprising 100 acres in good condition; brick house, bank barn, good water from drilled well; wind- mill: good silo; reasonable price to quick purchaser. For further par- ticulars apply to Philip Lawrence or W. J. Lawrence, Durham, Execu- tors. ' 2.1631 Advertisements under this heading. 1 cent a wqrd each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions given tor the price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash With order it paid for hetore Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. 25 cents. on all charge 9rders a straight. charge of 1-59 cents a word BITW. c. mcxmune, nuns-f umcc, over J, J. Hunter's store, 35m vfleâ€" bade each in's'ertion; minimuï¬ charge?!» cenï¬. ANYONE THINKINEOF ERECTING a monument, or having inscriptlon work done. should see me before placing their order.â€"-W. J. McFad- 2.16.tf don. Durham. Ont. Si‘lie Durham U.F. suciatiou will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days’ netice. James Lawrence, Manager. an A 0. Live Stock As- Phone 601 r 13 rket for the 3 milk and for chmce 'but'tex: dehvered ofl thq rig; C.(.‘).\IFORT.:\BLE §§.agd'£gft $3911.; 300“ IOCQUPI‘I} Il-Enllannrapn ADDIV 200d weapon: uuru am. U--- . olectrnc hghts; small garden.3Aipg)lyé Chronicle Office. )1 I OF JOSEPH Township of ty of Grey, Nootice is hereby given thatoall credltors and others having clalms - .J- 4' Inconh Blvth. A BUTTER. MILK, creditors ana Dunn: â€Hug - against the estate of Joseph Blyth, late of the Township of Egremont. m the County of Grey, who died the seventeenth day of February AD. 1928 are required on or before the 9th day of July, 1928, to send or deliver to the under mentioned the Executors full ftheir claims duly NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the. bounty u; out.†the seventeenth day of February AD. 1928 are required on or before the 9th day of July, 1928» , or deliver to the under mentioned Solicitor for the Executors full particulars of their claims duly proved. After such date the exec- ' distribute the only to the claims of then shall have Thursday, July 12, 1928 Those who play the saxaphone by ear should be careful whose ear they play it by. . k _ J. H. MacQUARRlB, B. A., Barrister,_§9}ip_i§or. Etc. DURHAM Blanch oilice at Dundalk Open all day inday. Medical Directarv . Classified Advertisements Dental Directorv. Legal ‘Dz’rectorv. LUCAS HENRY Dundalk, Ont... 3-1De0289d Durham, Rh. 1. TO mm; \\ ORR WANTED. â€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for LATE FOR SALEâ€"APPLY ZENU S Clark, Durham. USED PIANO FOR SALE. APPLY McLaughlin’s Garage. 3.29.“- SEVEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE ON Garafraxa Street, electric lights, furnace and water, good location and in good state of repainâ€"George S. Lawrence, Mount Forest. 3-ltf PROPERTY FOR SALE EIGHT ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE, in good repair;.good stable 20x40 in connection. For particulars apply to Chronicle Ofl'ice. ' 3 8 tf S. S. N0. 9, GLENELG- SUNDAY School will hold a garden party on the school grounds on the evening of July 19. Ball game at 7 o’clock. Supper served from 6 to 8. Blu- Bell Orchestra will provide pro- gram. Admission 35c. and 20c. 7.5.2 FURNITURE FOR SALE PARLOR SUITE, - D I N I N G-ROOM table with six chairs, sideboard, iron bed complete, stove, small De. Laval swaralox'. a number of dishes. Will sell cheap for cash. Apply Macfarlane's 01d blacksmith shop. near Anglican church. 7.12.3p TENDERS WANTED Marked Tenders addressed to the undorsignoi‘l. will be received up to Friday. August 3. at. 6 pm. for whole contract or separate trades involved for the building of an ad- dition to Durham Red Cross Mem- orial Hospital. Plans and speciï¬- cations may be. soon at the resid- ence of the Secretary. J. A. Gra- ham, or Ed Kross. Durham, at any Wimp. The orection of this addition lis dependent. on the vote of July 30. L0“ est 01‘ am tender not neces- sarilx accepted. ..I \. Graham, Secretary. ‘ ULL-lfl L-LtcuO\/uu -v- 100 -V_--_ Mr. Dolphie Lawrence cut wood for Messrs. Thomas Atchison, John Lawrence and James Wilson this week. ‘- a ‘ 714 :--_‘ Darkies’ Corners (Our Own Correspondent) Our teacher, Miss Donalda Nichol has been engaggd for another year. .....-I ARTICLES _WANTED ‘V \JLllo Mr. and Mrs. Crawfoml Ham'jspn and (fll.lld1‘€n of Detroit were V'lSlt- 01's tins week w1th Mr. and Mrs. Clark Watson. â€iii-C zih‘EFSiin's. William Williams and children of Toronto are visiting with Mrs. Robert Bell and other f riends. Mr. David Hamilton visited oven the. holiday with his daughter, Mrs. Murray Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. James Lyon and Mrs. Neil Macphail 01' Toronto vis- ited over the holiday with Mrs. Hargrave and family. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Brown and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Brown and family were also visitors the first oi the week. at. the Hargraye home. At. a Sunday school meeting held Monday evening it. was decided to hold a garden party on Thursday Julv '19. N \Ve wish Mr. and Mrs. bam Pat- terson a pleasant time this gummer throughoup thglr western trlp. :0 1‘4““ 11:11 La. [[11 UL lbuuuu Lstx... --__ Miss Aloda Stamés 01‘ 131.11%}:‘11111 is holidaxinu “1111 1101' sister. Mrs. 1 12111: \\ atson M13. 11111111115 Noblé‘ 01' Montreal vi<it1~11 a 11:1} last. “geli with her l . .. UV. . MI. and Mrs. J Hamilton \is- itt‘d friends at Owen Sound the I.‘ V.‘ ï¬rst 01' the. week. The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2‘, Entrance to Normal-.Schooi. anh member of the Staff 18 n Um- Teacher. . Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning of term. obtained from the Principal. The School has a creditable record in the past which it hopes to main- tain in the fpture. . Durham 13 an attractive and healthy town, and good accommoda- tion can be obtained at reasonable rates. J. A M. ROBB, B. A. Principal. JOHN MORRISON, Chairman. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL COMING EVENTS Why take aphance and use water that IS polluted and unï¬t f9}: domeetje use, when k- k-‘ k“ ï¬m’ï¬â€˜ï¬ 3m SYNOPSIS OF PROPOSED BY-LAW Ol’ IUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OI: DOW“. To guarantee‘ debentures of the Durham Red Cross Memorial Hos- pital to the amount of $10,000.00 for erecting and equipping an addi- tion to the said Hospital. The De- bentures to bear interest at the rate of ï¬ve per centum per annum and he re’payahle in thirty equal annual payments with interest, such payments not to exceed $650.51 annually. - Take notice that the foregoing3 is a true synopsls of a proposed - Law of the corporation of t 6 Town of Durham to be submitted to the votes of the electors on the Thirtieth day of July, A. D. 1928, between the hours. of nine o’clock in the forenoon and ï¬ve o’clock. in the afternoon at the Iollowmg places: The North Ward at the Public Library. The East Ward at A. McFarlane 5 Shop. The West Ward at. the Town Hall. And. that the Twenty-eighth day of July A. D. 1928 at ten o’clock in the forenoon at the Town Clerk’s Office in the said Municipality has been ï¬xed for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places, and at the ï¬nal summing up of. the ‘votes‘by the Clerk. â€" â€"â€"‘-_-.l A, ‘L‘A A “:1 V4- VOOV v vvvw And that if the assent of the e-l lectors is obtained to the said pro- posed By-law it will be taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the said Corporation at a meeting thereof to be held after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, and that such ï¬rst pub- lication was made on the Fifth day of July, A. D. 1928. ‘ W. B. VOLLET, Clerk. , Take notice further that. a tenâ€"‘ ant who desires to vote upon said proposed Byâ€"law must deliver to the Clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote a declaration under the Canada Evidence Act, that he is a tenant whose lease extends for the time for which the debt or liability is to be created, or in which the money to be raised by the proposed Byâ€"law is payable, or for at least twenty-one years, and that he has by the lease covenant- ed to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property ol'twhich he is tenant other than local improve- ment rates. Holstein (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Lena Allan of London is spendin" holidays \xith 1101 b10â€" tlier. MI. Daxid Allan and familx. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Reid 01' Hamilton and Mr. Merton Reid of Seat‘orth, Spent. the week-end with their mother, Mrs. H. Reid and at- tended the jubilee scrvxcles in the Presbyterian church here. Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong of Proton, spent Sunday with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. G. Calder and attended church service here. Miss Margamt Christie left on Tuesdax t0 C"\isit friends in Detroit. 1- ‘V Miss B. Davidson of Newton at- tended the Jubilee services here and visited friends the ï¬rst. of the week. ' Rev. Mr. Little of Conn, a former pastor was a welcome visitor at the jubilee on Monday evening. Mr. Little has hosts of friends here and all enjoyed_ hisnï¬n'e gddress. -“J littl.‘ ul‘ ‘ L'ld\ M".\ â€"_-_ Dr. and Mrs. P. I. Ross and little daugl1t111 Eleanor of Detroit. spent the. “oak-11nd with Miss 31.11083. Mrs. Ross and little daughter re- maining' 0x111. for a wepk. $111.15.- . l.â€" MI-s. Albert. Sturrock and young son Hf Toronto spent. the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Manary. - â€" - n m ‘ 7 ' .Migs‘ Maud \Varlipg of Toronto. \jlsitmg her cousm Mrs. J. Brown am! other mamas. Rev. Dr. Marsh of Jarvis and 5011, Mr. John Marsh of Hamilton at- tended the Monday evening part of the jubilee services in the Prosâ€" byterian church. Dr. Marsh gave a splendid address and Mr. John Marsh sang very acceptably, being warmly cncm'eql. -- 0‘ ‘ - A- “> \‘fllllll'V ‘. llL"! The W.M.S. of the United church met on Tuesday with a good at- tendance. Splendid papers were read by Mrs. Conrad Schenk. Mrs. Andrew Hunter {and Mrs. J. D. Roberts. _ ‘ J I‘UULL L0. The football game on Monday evening between Holstein and Owen Sound resulted in a score of .-'1 in‘favor of tile heme team. A “A -_1n-_-.J 0J-1 Ill. [(LVUL v; ..v â€"-v___- Mrs. Thomas "Smith of “Stratford visited her grandmother, Mrs. Hoy, th9__past weelg. ' 117-“-..3- TnnHI11§n Lur.’ lluqu ‘7 UV“. V The annual ' Women’s Institute picnic wil! be held on Tuesday, July 17th, Instead of on the 19th, Decline the‘ Verb “To Cuss†The other man had darted to. the I I n O As Cusser burst yelling from the door opposite them they leaped up and the four sped after the fugi- tives. . . At police headquarters Cussed identiï¬ed both men, as did Miss Reardon. And this from The New York And Times! “Oï¬â€˜isber‘, you’d better look me up. Just hit my wife over the head wish _a club.†“Did you kill her?†“Don’t ‘ think 3130. fphash why I v-- v want to be locked up.†Notice Safety First :4. .V b on the quite novel plan of spend- ing the money in a short course. in geographï¬â€˜ by the sight-seeing system. iss Eunice Webster, one of last year’s Normal graduates and the present. teacher of the school, disclaims the credit for the idea of either the play or of, the trip to Niagara and Hamilton, but she is directly responsible for much of the success of both. VVVwâ€"vâ€"w as well as hard ,work in the pre- paration}, and demanded a good deal of 'the teacher, who, by the wai, did not nab the star role, but too the unromantic and ludlcious pay. o_f “Mary. Appâ€. -7- _ J...‘:.- A“ V The play “Safety Firstâ€, was the occasion of _ mapy ev_en§ng§. of _fun yua- ' VA .V._. a â€"â€"â€"â€". Having carried the production ofl joyfully in the home school, the young people gave .their perform- ance again in the community hall in Williamsford.. It must be admitted that the stunt was something of an achieve- ment when one takes into account that the players were not chosen among numbers of the most likely talent in the community, but they were actually all the young people available in the small school sec- tion. The musical interludes were also supplied by clever young iviolinists within the locality. "V‘.-.-VVI~I vâ€"â€" _ Haring decided that a motor trip would be a sure and swift way of ridding themselves of the money that was burning holes in the club pocket, three motor cars. locally owned, were requisitioned. and '14 young people set forth to see a bit of Western Ontario in June. Only for a week-end had they leave of absence from the farm.- but keen and appreciative young eyes can see a good deal in three days’ journey, "‘ 'l"_II‘ (Continued from D886 1) Rel! Achievement Fair wrrn rut star was sa ing, “though the story‘ of ‘ Tecumse appeals to me even more, than that of Brock. One thing seemed to strike me especiâ€" ally and that was the tremendous contract the building of that great monument must have been, and so 'long ago; the dimensions of the concrete work in the base impress- ed me so. . We came home by way 01' Ham- llton on Monday, but the rain spoiled our plans for shopping: VDOV“ vâ€"â€" Yves. indeed, the country we passed through was lovely, though blosâ€" som time. was over. We are plan- ning to go by Toronto next year and to take the boat trip to Niagara.†, A . - 4 The idea opens a wide ï¬eld of possibilities in what. might be ac- complished by community groups in motor excursions about our own province. Already there have been the county pilgrimages to Guelph and the 0.A.C., and Mr. Stewart Cooper’s busloads of Grey County farmers who vex-o so loyally wel- comed at the points of their tour. When it came to spwncling the. pro- Quality and service result in mileage. Look over our low pricesâ€"and keepin mindthuetiresarebuilt $10.25 SMITH BROS. x ‘t' coeds of the young people’s enter- tainment, they might do worse than to spend it in getting an ‘e e- opener on Western Ontario. he trip would be increasingly inter- esting in proportion to the mapâ€" study, plans, inquiries and inves- ltigations made, say, in connection [with between-season meetings. - 1 Wigg: “Sorry to keep you wait- ing, old man, but I’ve just been setting a trap for my wife.†' \V‘agg: “Heavens, what do you A suspect?†Wigg: “A mouse in the pantry.†BATES BURIAL Co. Distinctive Funeral Service at Moderate Cost No extra charge for the use of our Parlors. Phone KI 4344 Toronto 122-124 Avenue Rd. John W. Bates R. Haddocks FORMERLY OF FLESBERTON $7.75 PAGE 7.