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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Aug 1928, p. 7

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~ “w-““ pl‘PSPnt year at a mum, of 7% cents. will have black [:ht grey back- |"l)ntari0” Will usual, but the ! snmo‘what dif- to idpntify and 6 C arâ€"â€": GETS " RKL'R con-mum. nuns: 9, to v 0 our new may they They had just met at Atlantiq WY and were sitting on the beach.- SIw: “What a. wonderfully de-: “-1195 'Odgtrm you hqu.” I-..:_... kna_‘ WIL‘(.I.VWJV“I-luvo He: Yes, I got that playing bas- k. tball. By tihe‘ way, were you" ever on a. {rack teani? RR. No. 4. Durham. Phone ”-11 Water! Water! Water! Imvmnng pupils should prepare to enjvr at heginmng of term. ‘A‘-- A 'l‘lw School is thoroughly equipped tn take up the following courses: (:11 Hmior Matriculation. '2. EntranCe to Normal School. {Him 11 member of the Stall is 3 lim- unity Graduate and experienced Tear I101. Phone: 601 r 13 The Durham U.F.O. Live StOCk As- 5uciazmn will ship stock from Dur- ham un Tuesdays. Shippers are x-mwestml to give three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. \.\'\H\'E THINKING OF ERECTING l monument or having inscription \ ()I'k done Should see me before pinning their 0Pd81‘..â€"-â€"W' J. McFad- IiI-n. Durham, Ont. 2.16.tf LH'l‘ 7. CON. 21. EGREMONT, THE property of the John Lawrence Es- tate. comprising 100 acres in good mmlition; brick house, bank barn, :oml water from drilled well; wind- rmll: good silo; reasonable price to quick purchaser. For further par- fimlars apply to Philip Lawrence or W. J. Lawrence, Durham, Execu- ~ 2.16.“ TU», JOHN AITKBN Auctioneer, Grey and Bruce Sales promptly attended to. Sat- i~t'uction guaranteed. Terms on ap- plication. Phone Allan Park Central 91'31‘3; Hanover R. R. 2, P. O. 524 28tf GEORGE E. DUNCAN Licensed Auctioneer for Grey County. Sales taken on reasonable terms. Dates arranged at The clhroniclo office. H00. E. Duncan Dundalk, Ont., Phone 42 r 3. 3'1D9028pd LUCAS 8: HENRY Bill't'lslcrs. Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber (If the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments nfxrzq- he made with the Clerk in the a mu. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL J. F. GRANT: D. D. 8., L. D. S. Honm Graduate University of Tor- out” Giuduate Royal College Dent_al Smgcons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its bianclies. Office Calder Block, MillStreet, second door east “if Maclicth’s Drug Store. DP. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTISTâ€" uh”: oxer J. 6; J. Hunters store, Durham Ontario. Chiropractors Graduates Canadian Chiropractic com-go l’monto. Office Macfarlane Blmk. Duxham. \Day and night phone 193 6 M 23“ Physician and Surgeon. Office Lambton street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ato University of Toronto. Eyes tested and cogreptegl. Office hours: 2 to 5 p. m.. 7 to 9.p.m., SundHis} excepted. pairs. Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use, when Pure Water can lye had by having a well dulled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- J. L. SMITH, M. 3., I. c. P. S. 0. (Mice and residence. corner of aluuutess and Lambton Streets, oppo- 51:9 nld Post Office. Office hours : 9 to 11 a.m.. 130 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). DRS. JAMESQN 8: JAIIBSOR {Mice and resxdence a short dist- axu'c cast of the Hahn House on Lumbton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Office hours 2 to 5 pm” 7 to 55 p.111. (except Sundays). c. a. AND 3312331}: McGILLlVBAY Limhering-Up Exorcisqg ("A RMS FOR SALE Satisfaction Guaranteed J._H. MacQQAgmrz, B; A., DURHAM tiranch otl‘ice at Dundalk open all day Friday. NOTICE TO FARMERS ED. J. PRATT Barrister: Solicitoi'. Etc. Thursday, August 9, 1m Legal ‘Dz'rectorv Medical Directory . Dental Directorv. MON UMBNTS Durham, 11.11. 1. -uv vv‘â€"vâ€"â€"v An! {hereby call upon all voters. _to take immediate proceedings to have any errors. or omissions corrected according to law, the last- day for appeal being the 27th day. of August, 1928. - ‘ ‘ ' . Dated Auguét 6th, Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section VII of the Voters’ Lists Act, and that I have posted up in my ofl'ice at Egremont Township, on this sixth day of Augpst, 1928, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipaliy at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. -- , .. SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS NEW DAIRY PREMISES Watson’s Dairy is now situated in its new premises north of The Chronicle ofi‘ice. Pure milk. cream and butter, ice cream and soft drinks always on hand. Meals served; lunch counter. All milk bottles taken from shop will be charged for and money refunded on returnâ€"Watson’s Dairy. 7 26 28“ required for construction work. Requirements: age about 20: pre- ferably with some High School education; willing to be awa\ from home minimum weight 150 pounds. Steadx work for suitable applicant. Good chance for ad\ancemen‘t. Apply Box 215,D1§rham Chronicle. NFMBER OF BRIGHT YOUNG MEN COMFORTABLE FLAT TO RENT; good location; hard and soft W,ater electric lights; small garden. Apply Chronicle COfl‘ice. x 3 10 tf A LIAN PARK 15' ST IT IfT E GA EDEN Party. on foxdinand Breutigams lawn. Friday August 2’; programme and retreshments; lunch served; Admission 250. and 100. 8.9.2 DURHAM BAPTIST CHURCH THE 75th ANNIVERSARY OF THE Durham Baptist Church will be hold «m Sunday and Monday, Sepâ€" tember 16 and '17, Rev. Hugh Stewart. 1\-I.A., pastor of the Ontario St. Baptist church will be the Spec- ial preacher and will speak on the Monday night. at the annual con- cert. EXCELLU WASHING: MACHINE and wringm. both in Inst-class condi- t..i0n Applx at Ch10nicle Office or phone 1’9. 8'9 .. 2 SEVEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE ON Garafraxa Street, electric lights, furnace and \\ ater, good location and in good state of repair .â€"George 8. Lawrence, Mount Forest. 3-1tf [’111'11 White Glover and Basswood Hii‘n‘it'ii imneV at $1.00 per pail. W11 \\ill guarantee Hm same qualitx as H11 1101191 1111, inuk fiist wize on in London 11:11:, land, in compvtitoin \\ 1th the Whole British Empi1<1."111yit, iolks; it’s delicâ€" ions and l1a§ a flaxm all its own-â€" H. I). \lclntyi'e 6': Sons, B11100 St., D111 l1an1.8.9.6 PROPERTY FOR SALE HONEY FOR SALE FUR THE FIRST TIME IN '1‘\\'l£.\'TY years we haw decided to sell locallylefNHgn lb. [)3sz of our NASH CAR FOR SALE NASH ADVANCED SIX, F IVE passorm. er ambassador sedan 1928 model only 11m mo months, five \xiin “howls, _slip covers, full equipment. all in If'mliQCC condi- tion. Mlimap f0! quick sale.â€"Kil- hmnn Kilbourm Barristers. ()vwn Suuml. 8 S) :3 IN GOOD LOCATION AND IN good state of repair. Apply at The Chronicle Office. 7 26 28“ S ALE .â€":APPLY ZEN US SITUATION S VACANT We are in the market for any number of. Hens and Poultry 01' all kinds every Monday. Highest prices. W. J. Vollett. 8 9 3 3 STICKS, 38 FEET LONG, would flat” 8 inches sma cedar would do.â€"J. W.] Son, Durham. ' NOTICE OF POSTING 0P VOTERS’ LIST COMING EVENTS WHEAT FOR SALE PLAT TO RENT POULTRY WANTED HOUSE FOR SALE? TIMBER WANTED FOR SALE u ' a: w J!!! inchgs __sméll end; '. Eweri ',_ _ THAT v ‘_ __.-_-- VVVVUVL V 1 HOLSTEIN September 25-26 - Ilderton ............ September 26 - Ingersoll ........ September 27-23: . Jarvis ........... September 27-28 3 Kilsyth .......... September 26-27 - Kincardine ...... September 19-20 . Kirkton ............... October 2-3 . Lambeth .......... .. September 19 l Leamington .......... October 1-5 ' Lion’s Head ....... October 3-4 I Listowel ............ August 21-22 . London (Western Fair) Sept. 8-15 r Lucknow ........ September 27-28 . Melbourne ...... ‘ ........ October S! . Merlin ................ October 8-9 Mildmay ......... September 18-19 Mitchell ......... September 25-26 M ilverton . ........ September 2"-28 Iuount Brydges ........ October 5 Mount Forest September 19-20 .» Muncey (United Indian) Sept. 26 Neustadt ............ September 29 New Hamburg September 14-15 ‘ Norwich ........ September 25-26 Ohsweken ....... September 26-28 Orillia ........... September 20-22 Owen Sound ......... October 4-6 Paisley .......... September 25-26 Palmerston .......... October 2-3 Paris ............ September 18-19 "Parkhill ......... September 18-19 Petrolia .......... September 18-19 Pinkerton .......... September 21' [Port Elgin ........... October 5-6 Rainham Centre October 21-22 Ridgetown .......... October 8-10 Ripley ........... September 25-26 Rocklyn ............. October 9-10 Rodney .............. October 1-2 St. Marys ............ October 4-5 Sarnia. ........... September 26-28 Sarnia Reserve 'September 15-16 Saugeen Indian (Chippewa Hall October 4-5 Seaforth ........ September 20-21 Shedden ............ September 19 Simcoe .............. August 14-16 Springfield ...... September 20-21 Strati’ordville ....... September 19 Stratford ........ September 17-19 Strathroy ........ September 21-26 Tara. ................. October 2-3 Tavistock ........ September 2’-25 Teeswater ............ October 2-3 ,Thedford ............. October 1â€"2 'Thorndale ........ September 24-25 Tillsonburg ......... August 21-23 Tiverton ................ October 2 Toronto (C.N.E.) Aug. 24-Sept. 8 Underwood ............ -. October 9 W allacetown ..... September 27-28 Walpole (Indian) Aug. 29-Sept. 1 Waterford ............ October 2-3 Wellesley ........ September 11-12 \Vheatley ......... '. October 13-1-1 Wiarton ......... September 18-19 Windham Centre September 27 \Vingham ............ October 9-10 .W‘oodstock ....... September 20-22 Wyoming .............. October 3-4: Zurich ........... September 24-25 I "What shall I do to keep from falling in .love?” "Try prlcing apartments.” ............. : Ailsa Craig ...... Septem‘fi‘é??6-2I Alvinston .~. .......... October 2-3 Arthur ............... October 2-3 Atwood ........... September 21-22 Aylmer . . .‘. ....... .. September 5-7 ’ Ayton ................ October 3-4 Bayfield ......... September 25-26 Belmont ............ September 25 Blenheim ........... October 16-18 Blyth ' ............ ' September 19-20 Bothwell’s Corners September 18-19 .Brlgden ..., ............. October 2 Brussels .............. October 4-5 Burford ...... *‘. ........ October 2-3 Caledonia ...'.........1. October 4-6 Cape Croker Reserve Sept. 25-26 Chatsworth ......... October 11-12 Chesley '. ......... September 27-28 Goldwater ........ September 18-19' Comber .......... September 13-15‘ Courtland ............... October 4 Delaware .............. October 10 Desboro ......... September 20-21 Dorchester Station October 3 Drayton .......... September 25-26 Dreden .......... September 25-28 Drumbo ......... September 25-26 Dundalk ......... September 2"-28 Dungannon ............ October 5 Dunnville .......... September 4-6 DURHAM ........ September 18-19 Elmira ...August 31-September 1-3 Embro .................. October 4 Erin .................. October 2-3 Essex ............ September 24-27 Exeter .......... September 18-19 'Fairground ............. October 2 Flesllerton ..... September 20-21 Florence ............. October 4-5 Forest ........... September 20-21 Fordwich .............. October 6 Galt ............. September 28-29 Glencoe ......... September 25-26 Grand Valley ........ October 11-12 Goderich ........ September 17-19 Hanover ......... September 19-21 Harrow .............. October 8-9 Hepworth ........ September 11-12 H ighgate ............. October 5-6 Panama; is a list of fhe'fall fairs in estern Ontario, with the dates on which they will he held: 0000000000000 ...... September ...... September ...... September ...... September ...... September 28-29 ...... September 23-26 *y ........ October 11-12 ....... September 17-19 ...... September 19-21 ........... October 8-9 ....... September 11â€"12 ........... October 5-6 ...... September 25-26 ......... September :26 An .. September 27-23: September 7.7-28 September 26-27 September 19-20 ........ October 2-3 September 19 ....... October 1â€"5 “Shall I bring you some dinner?” asked the steward at the ship. “Yes, you may bring‘ me 6ne on approval,” ‘ replied the pessenger, as he gazed over the boundlgg’ deep. “I “A“ -A‘ manual» ‘1‘ Iran“ ‘ “I ma? not want to keep it: Mrs. James Tucker is Visiting with friends at Thornbury this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison of Swinton Park, also Mrs. James Weir and children, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrison, Sr., on Sun- day last. ‘ _ __ _ - d4â€" Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Heard and son Bruce, Toronto spent three days last week with Mr and Mrs. T. B. Weir. M_r. Varâ€"1d Mrs. Kobe of Hanover ViSlted one evening last week at Mr. Alfred Tucker’s. Glenmont (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harrison and daughter, Miss Roberta of Detroit, are spending their holidays with friends here. These four angles. taken with sexeral more of minor- importance. are tending to make the fans more skeptical than ever oxer the box- in" game as it is run in the met- lOpUliS and “in lime quite a de- pressing effect on the ballyhoo for the next. titular scrap, when and where it may be held.’ Others are wondering whether the Ne“ ank comissiono will bar Turmm and Rickard for \iolating its 11110 regardinrr percentage. This “(111111 leaw T11nneVs share as $195,533.22 T\\o fighters and their managers drew a year’s susnension and a match maker indefinite sus- pension recently for the same 01'- fense. \\ ith 1e: s than half the pre: ious minute. in “hich to rmixe Tom came back, faced the. champion. took all he had and kept. on his feet. The bout was stopped eight seconds [from the end of the round. E\ en had Tun- nev scored another knock down the. hell again would haxe saxed Tom and had he gone through the eight SQtOIldS he might have so recuper- ated he could l1a\ e lasted the re- maining distance thus robbing Tunney of the k.o. Argunicnt ox (.212 111nney" right. to claim a knockout is smnexxhat. i11- \01\(.2,(;1. It, is pointed out. the con- t'usion in tho ring: at. the (211(1 of tho tcnth whcn A11111oun((212 Humphrio: hounccd intn thc circlo and at.- tempted to raise Geno's hand 111 token 01‘ victory prevented Hemi- (2)11: seconds from working on him. If this plan was follmvmi. tlm WiSP (mos insist, Tunney actually drew down $363,007.25, 3 difl‘m'enco of $161,992.75 from his announced guarantee). and more than enough to cover Tex’s alleged Iosses_. _ This arrangement. was made, so it, is claimed. on the basis that Tunnny would pick his own man. He (huso Hmmvv, knmving the New Znalamhrr was made", for him and \\ith the hope of a 1mm kout that would boost his prestige and make him a hirrger card his next time out. The story that Rickard lost $155,000 plus on the fight. is being questiom‘ul by many. Persons "on the inside” (many of whom bet on a k.o.) are saying Tex would have lost. that. had the original paper been retained but. that when he saw Dempsey was not. coming back. he and Tunney got. together in Florida and the champ agreed to a 50 per cent cut of the gross. Tefl‘ries, repling and staggering 3110111111 the Conov Island 1mg, pushed out his big hams 111' 11sts as (1111131111 rushed in, the 11111 oppos- ing f1ncesmetâ€"an1l Corbett. went down and out. And there was the ’ 9-110un11 thing between Wolgast and Nelson where U111 \Vildcat fainted from exhaustion while standing abm 11 the champion as 11111 Battim was taking the count. that lost him the title Those who hold the referee erred in stopping the bout. recall one man, Jim Jefl'riesâ€" then champion of the world, blinded, dazed and helpless before the greatest boxer of his time, .Jim Corbett, trying' to regain the throne. (3) VV'hether Tunney expects to cash in on a questionable technical knockout as a “killer” and his gesture of quitting the ring a new play to the galleries. Kb." What” theNew York com- mlssmn WIII do If Tunney accepts more than the {egg} percentage. (2) Whether . Rickard’s moan about losses is not just some more ballyhoo to continue his reputation asp. sportsman. (1) Whether Referee Forbes was justified in stepping thebout with thenchallenger stlll on his feet. Now the disputants have several angles of argument: l .The Johnson-Jeti‘ries match had the question of doping of the cen- tender, the Williardâ€" ohnson that whether the negro really “laid down”, the Dempsey-Willard that of the ability of Big Jess to come back if he had not had a break on the timing at the end of the first round, the Dempsey-Firpo meeting the question of Dempsey’s right in the ring after that “airplane ride", the Dempsey- Gibbons meeting the talk of "six-gun” arguments il‘ Dempsey knocked out the challeng- er, the Dempsey-Tunney first bout the query as to whahreally was wrong with 'Jack' and tne second the “long count”. ' Most of the recent heavyweight battles have gone down in history with some angle or discussion un- solved but already the Tunney- Heeney thing looks destined to take the leadership. . 0F mum-11mm co WW :cmc-ONIGLE - - leave 'l'o .4 -, pot. Though Phlox of girls you see, And please don’t flirt with Violet Sweet. William, so the story goes, In courtship Very bold, Though thinking quite a lot of Rose Provoseri to Mary Gold. Said he: “I’ll have a Bleeding Heart If she refuse. mo still.” Said she. “A foolish chap thou art. I’ll not. re-fnschia, Bill.” Her Tulips then he kissed, and 10, She turned a pretty Pink; The “VP“: took on a Golden Glow Of liaiminess. I think. -- "Forget-me-not,’ she heggod, my Mr. and Mrs. J. R. MacNicol of '.l'o_1*0nto and Mr. and Mrs Sells of Wandsm' \vmo guests of the Mo.- Favden family on Tlmsday ex ening 1" ....... Mrs. W. A. Williams and child- ren 01 Mimico am \isiting the \\ 111mm» families this \xeek. Mr. and Mrs. Warling of Toronto are \‘iSitlIlg their daughter, Mrs. .-\I_b_ert_1\lg;\'_ally this week. Miss Christine Anderson is spending the summer vacation with her brother and sister at Hawkn- stone. Mr. J. J. Moi‘tley oqu‘ixziiiur SpPllL the first of thn wank WIth Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams. JOIJOlWJJUDL. ‘ ... Miss \elma McAallV IS V'lsmng her aunt at Eugenia. Mr. E. A. WEI-undi- 1.211. on Mon- day on a motor trip to speers, Sask, . and Mrs. Robertson, B1 0“ n Walden. and two , Visited HIP .-â€" vv-A ' ‘1 ull‘-‘ s' “ tjo 0 VV ll“ “11". Misses Marjorie and Dorotliv Ritchie \isited Miss Jean Lnding- ham of Domoch. The Won children of Hanover are \isiting thelr aunt. Mrs. E. Green\\«'i_md and MI“. V. W’llllams. ut‘J Mrs. B‘xfiadléy of 'loxonto was the gunst of Mn. and 3118. 1). Robinson th_(__: first, (H Um week. Mr. 'Jhomas Ritchie \isitml thn holiday in 'luesxxatm‘. (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. J. Staples has yummm! homq aftuy :1. 1w” wwk‘s US“. with regatlves m Torontn. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Phone 60 When you’re in need of service in a hurryâ€" you’ll get it here and at moderate cost. O‘u r complete facilities a n d f a s t, efficient mechanics enable us to do a good job in the shortest possible time, and that means a saving to you. . . . Drive in and let us change the oil and give the car a thorough greasing While you wait. . . We carry a full line 01 oils and greases, also accessories of all kinds. Edge Hill Ford Sales and Service UVHI‘ D. M. Saunders, , __--\ .. ‘V'U D said the bishop, “that profanity was so prevalent.” “Do you hear much of it on the road?” . “Why”. I'PlePd the hisholv. “near- ly everybody I bump into swears dreadfully.” She told her folks, (she was not Mum That Hill had. Astor hand; Her father said: "That chap is dumb." Said she: "I think lm‘s grand.” To wed they swiftly did agree, The marriage day was set; "What. n'iinisler‘?’ he asked. Said she: “Jack-in-tlie-Pulpit get." 80 one fine morning when the sun In Morning Glory Rose, Old Jack in marri ge made them one, Or so the story goes. Bill flirts no more with Ruth or Maud, Wee wifie is his «love: She’ll rule him with a Golden Rod 0! everlasting love. Men’s and Boys' Ready-to-Wur The Forsyth Insulin“ Policy assures you of complete shirt 83me- shades. wear. They provide real summer-time comfort for work or play. Attractive new stripe. ohecka and popular plain 01- Lily. but. just. 111v with collars attached or with soft collars to match are now futured fox summer and vacation nm-‘m' know until I got a car’I 11,- 1° Reg. 50c. for 35¢. SPECIAL ! ! For Saturday Only MEN'S BOW TIES or 3 for $1.00 Durham

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