ion a card ‘it in one tkets. It ‘that will i' immed- a road- day or vent you need it. s moder- ng. Re- number. 1N 'Laughlin’s L91“ .ds of .d Flax, Your, AIR 'lll’S ed Kinds for rkets for ATHERS m y ware‘ )r phone 110V Durham 2r 8, H HY The School is thoroughly equipped tn take up the following courses: tt,‘ Junior Matriculation. (‘3‘ Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the sum is a Uni- wrsity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning of term. Information as to Courses may be obtained from the Principal. The School has a creditable record in the past which it hopes to main- tain in the. future. Durham is an attractive and healthy town. and good accommoda- tion can be obtained at reasonable rates. ANYONE THINKING OF EREGTING a monument, or having inscription work done. should see me befone placing their Owenâ€"W. J. McFad- den. Durham. Ont. 2.16.“ NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham 17.F.0. Live Stock As- suciation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 INT 7. CO.\'. '21. EGREMONT, THE property of the John Lawrence Es- tate. comprising 100 acres in good condition; brick house. bank barn. groml water from drilled well;.wind- mill: good silo; reasonable price to quick purchaser. For further par- ticulars apply to Philip Lawrence or W. J. Lawrence. Durham, Execu- ini-Q p4 U m JOHN AITKEN Auctioneer, Grey and Bruce Sales promptly attended to. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Terms 011 ap- plication. Phone Allan Park Central 91-51;"); Hanover R. R. 2, P. O. 524 28tf GEORGE E. DUNCAN Licensed Auctioneer for Grey County. Sales taken on reasonable terms. Dates arranged at The Chronicle otl‘ice. Geo. 1%. Duncan Dundalk, Ont., Phone 42 r 3. 31D8028pd LUCAS 8: HENRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments ntnrzty be made with the Clerk in the 0 we. J. F. GRANT, D. D. 8., L. D. S. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Block, MillStreel, second door east ol Machlh‘s Drug Store. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY Chiropractors Graduates Canadian Chiropractic College. Toronto. Ofï¬ce Macfarlane Block. Durham. Day and night phone £23. 6 1/1 23“ DR. W. C. PLCKBRING, DENTIST Umco, over J. J. Hunter’s store, Durham. Ontario. "I have no more DR. A. M. BELL Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce [.ambton street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ate University of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Office hours: 2 to 5 p. m.. 7 to 9 p. m., Sundays excepted. J. 1.. SMITH, I. 3., I. c. P. S. 0. Office and residence. corner of Countess and Lambton Streets, oppo- site Old Post Office. Office hours: [onto 1} 3.111.. 1.30.to_‘4 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m. DRS. JAMIBSON 8: JAIIBSON (mice and residence a short dist- once east of the Hahn House on Lamhton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. (mice hours 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundays}. ( Sundays excepted). DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL l{‘.-\RZ\'IS FOR SALE J. H. MacQUARRIB, B. A., Barristgr, Solicjtor, Etc. DURHAM Branch otl‘ice at. Dundalk open all day Friday. Thursday, November 8. 1928 Medical Directorv. Dental Directorv Legal rDirectory. MONUMENTS Durham. NOTICE OWIN G TO THE COUNTY COUNCIL holding their November Session next week, Glenelg Council will meet on Saturday, November 10th at 10 am. All persons interested kindly take notice. N0 TRESPASSING ALL PERSONS FOUND TRESPASSâ€" INC on Lot 29. Con. 3. Normanby, will be prosecutedâ€"Chas. Halliday. SITUATION WANTED HOUSEWORK PREFERRED. APPLY for information to (Miss) Edith An- derson. at residence of Mrs. Harry Mc- Dougall. 11.1.2pdtf SITUATION WANTED HOUSEWORK PREFERRED. APPLY for information at residence of Mrs. Harry McDougall. 11.12pdtf FARM FOR SALE 100 ACRES WELL WATERED LAND, good bank barn and hen house, frame house. medium orchard, also hardwood and cedar bush. Lot 26, concession 5, Bentinck. Apply on premises to Mrs. Hannah Hopkins or to Mrs. Wm. C. Hopkins. R. R. 2, Durham. 10183 BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE ON KINCARDINE STREET; SIX rooms: all conveniences.â€"App1y at Chronicle Office or Lucas 8: Henry.. Durham. 10 18 tf HOUSE FOR SALE IN GOOD LOCATION AND IN good state of repair. Apply at The Chrunicle (Nice. 7 26 28tf THE LATIMIER PROPERTY‘ FOR sale or rentâ€"Apply R. 'J. Matthews, Durham HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"APPLY ZENUS CLARK, DURHAM. 6 9 27tf SEVEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE ON Garafraxa Street. electric lights, furnace and water. good location and in good state of repair.â€"â€"George S. Lawrence. Mount Forest. 3-1tf FARM FOR RENT 150 ACRES ON PROVINCIAL HIGH- way, four miles north of Durham. Ap- to Neil McLean, Durham, route 1. ~HOUSE FOR RENT APPLY AT CHRONICLE OFFICE. 9. 20. tf PROPERTY FOR 2 SALE HOUSE TO RENT CAN HAVE IMMEDIATE POSSES- sion. Apply Box 10, Chronicle Ofï¬ce. 11 8 ti FINEST QUALITY LIGHT AMBEh. honey. $1 for 10 pound pail.â€"W. A. Macdonald, Countess St. YOUNG PIGS FOR SALEâ€"APPLY Alvin Noble, Varney. 10.18.2pd. STROLLER BABY CARRIAGE AL- most new; Apply Mrs. Hugin, Durham. 10 25 2pd years old, good working horse, apply Mrs. William R. Firth, R. R. 1, Mark- 12 PIGS, 5 WEEKS OLD; COLT, 3 USED PIANO FOR SALE. APPLY McLaughlin’s Garage. 3.29M. WunK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle an Mam 13 well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short Greer. tf SITUATIONS WANTED FOR SALE OR RENT ARTICLES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HONEY FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR SALE H. H. McDonald, Clerk. There is said to be erected upon this parcel a saw-mill with “water wheel, shafting and other saw-mill equip- ment. ‘ There is also said to be considerable valuable timber on this parcel. Parcels Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5 are sub- ject to prior ï¬rst mortgages, partic- ulars of which may be obtained from the undersigned. TENDERS to be sealed and ad- dressed to the undersigned and mark- ed “Re McKechnie.†- . A marked cheque payable to the undersigned for 100’ o of the tender to accompany the same and In the event of non-acceptance of tender cheque will be immediately returned. The highest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. For further particulars and arra'nge- (5) Lots Twentyâ€"eight (28) and Twenty-nine (29) in the Third Con- cession East of the Garafraxa Road in the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey. TENDERS may be for all parcels or any one of them. ments as There is said to be erected on thi parcel a ï¬ne brick residence. (3) Lot Number Sixteen (16) on the West side of Garafraxa Street in the Tovm of Durham containing one-half acre more or less. Thereis said to be erected upon this parcel a warehouse building suitable for machine shop, implement sales- room, garage or other purposes, located on the Main Street of Durham. (4) Lots Eleven (11) and TwelveflZ) on the West side of Kincardine street in the Town of Durham. (1) The Stock and ï¬xtures belonging to the Executors of the Estate of John McKechnie, deceased, and Nettie Campbell McKechnie, Durham, On- tario, consisting of dry goods, wall papers. provisions, groceries, boots and shoes ...................................... $3142.48 Store ï¬xtures .............................. 970.25 (2) The Northerly portion of the South half of Lot Number Fourteen (14) on the West side of Garafraxa Street in the Town of Durham, hav- ing a frontage on Garafraxa Stveet of twenty-four feet, and extending bacx with a uniform width to the rear of the said Lot Number Fourteen (14). There is said to be erected on this parcel a valuable brick store building situate in the heart or the business section of the Town of Durham. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to, and including 2.30 o‘clock p.m. of November 20th, 1928. for the purchase of the follow- “Grandma’s Boy†comes to the Star Theatre for a three days’ showing com- mencing next Monday (Armistice Day) and, coupled with “The Dog Showâ€. one of Charlie Chaplin’s best come- dies, will be without exception the best full-night all-comedy perform- ances imaginable. The popular prices of 25 cents and 35 cents should assure capacity houses at all showings. Being brave is a great thrill to Harold, so while, in his courageous mood he seeks out the Bully and gives him well deserved ï¬stic punishment. Then Grandma, dancing for very joy, shows him that Zuni is only her um- brella handle and not a charmâ€"that he had within himself real heroism. To prove it, Harold throws the charm away before proposing to Mildred. It worked! Tenders Wanted Granny is torn with pity for her Boy, and the next morning gives him a Magic Charm that she claims made a great war hero of granddad. With a faith in Zuni, the charm, that he had never had in himself, Harold went forth. When the posse refused to follow his daring lead, he captured the bad man single ï¬handedâ€" captured him and lost him, only to get him again and see him ï¬nally landed in me village gaol. In the midst of the party’s gaiety, which, however, was torture for the Boy, the sheriff comes with word that a tramp has robbed a Jewelry store and killed a man. Every man is given a badge and a gun and the posse sets forth to get the only desperado who had ever terrorized Blossom Bend. Harold is scared by the countless shadows and noises of the dark night and runs home a pitiful coward. He spends the night behind his barricaded door, buried in his bed covers. THE STORY OF “GRANDMA’S BOY†Timidly Harold dared love the Girl, for whose affections he had a rival in a Bully. whose best fun was in tor- menting Harold. Mildred gives a party for her two beans, and Harold has to go in an ancient suit of grandpa’s, smelling of moth balls. His other only suit had given the lie to its guarantee not to shrink when the Bully had toppled him into the well. Only in his own dreams of an ideal for himself was grandma’s boy brave. In reality he was meek, modest and retiring, never having done anything bolder than sing out loud in church. Even Granny had more courage, for, when Harold shrank away from the snarl of a big tramp sitting in their garden, Granny went after him with the broom, and you should have seen that big fellow run! GENERAL STORE BUSINESS AND VALUABLE REAL ESTATE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE lES of inventory J. B. Bowes, the Chatsworth weather prophet, was hurt in a motor accident Saturday night, and will be conï¬ned to Owen Sound Hospital for at least a week. He is badly out about the head and otherwise bruised, according to the Owen Sound Sun-Times. Again we hear rumors of a railway from Meaford to Owen Sound. Of course this is pleasant pastime when there is nothing much to talk about. Will some person explain what bene- ï¬t a railway to Owen Sound would be to Meaford? At the present time we have an excellent truck service which no railway could. benefit and passeng- ers can now go to Owen Sound while they would be waiting at a railway Station.â€"Meaford Express. Weather Prophet Hurt Percy Spencely, of Route 3, Bramp- ton, formerly of Melancthon, had an interesting experience one evening lately when coming in from plowing. A large animal up in an apple tree attracted his attention. He got his dog and then threw stones in the tree to get the animal down, but it jumped It Was a. Wildcat apply to the undersigned. J. A. PATERSON, Trustee in Bankruptcy re Estates of John McKechnie and Nettie Campbell McKechnie, c / 0 Mills 8: Patterson, Hanover, Ontario. . 11 8 2 The Owen Sound Railway Can. any one of our neighboring towns show a red-shelled egg? A few days ago Mr. Cranston Brubacher brought an egg in from the farm of Mrs. Martin Brubacher who lives about two miles east of Hawkesville. It was laid by a barred rock and was perfect- ly normal in appearance except that it was brick-red in color. An inspec- tion showed that the shell underneath was the usual whitish color and an expert opinion is that the contents of the egg would be rather watery. The unique specimen of hen fruit was on view for several days in the window of the Elmira Signet and attracted must attentionâ€"Elmira Signet. The Hamilton hockey club was in communication with Frank Kemp this week endeavoring to have him sign with the Hamilton Canpro team. While Frank has speed to burn and can deliver the goods, his weight r: somewhat excessive for a hockey for- ward. This, together with his business interests here. will likely keep him out of the big company.â€"Listowel Stand- A Red-Shelled Egg Two years ago a box of tools was being taken by James Hudson from Toronto to his garage in Orangeviho when the tools fell off his truck and disappeared. Provincial Constable Owens has been working on the case for some time, with the result that James Garrity, Verne Jones and George Jaggs, of Caledon township appeared before Magistrate Crawford Friday and pleaded guilty to the theft of the tools. The box was valued at $206, and of this amount $160 worth is still missing. The men were ï¬ned 31o and costs each and given suspended sentence for one year. They have to make restitution for the amount SE11: missing and will have to pay into court $70.50 each. If the money :5 not paid within one week they will spent sixty days in jail.â€"Orangeville Sun. After Listowel Player The other day a well known town dog called “Doc†endeavored to at- tract his mistress’s attention while at her sewing, by restlessly going in and out the upstair room where she sat. “What’s the matter, Doc?†she en- quired, “Do you want a bone?†Up went his ears and his tail wagged :n joyful anticipation. “Well,†she con- tinued, “we can only get that at the butcher’s and I have no money. "’ “Doc†walked out and away downstairs and was forgotten. After a snort while he returned with the household purse in his mouth, and rubbing his nose on the lady’s skirt to attract her attentlon, he looked up proudly as much as to say, “Now won’t you get it for me?†“Doc" is a Belgian police dog. This is no hatched up story but an actual fact.â€"Dundall< Herald. Electric Bulb Caused Fire. Smoke issuing from windows in large clouds greeted the ï¬re brigade when they arrived at the residence of Mr. J. Buckingham in response to an alarm sent in on Tuesday morning about sm o’clock. Rushing upstazrs me ï¬remen found the mattress and bedclothing or a bed in flames. The thick smoxe necessitated the donning of gas masks, but with the use of chemicals tn: flames were quickly extinguished and the smouldering remains of the mat- tress thrown out the window to the ground where water from a small hose put an end to all traces of the ï¬re. The cause of the ï¬re was an electric light ï¬xture becoming loose and drop- ping on the bed, the heat of the bulb causing the bedclothing to become 1g- nited. It was not until the smoke began backing down stairs that Mr. Buckingham became aware of the ï¬re and sent in the alarmâ€"Collingwooo Bulletin. Convicted or. Twoâ€"year Theft A Sagacious Dog In Other Communities from the top of the tree and away with the dog and Percy after it. It took to a big elm tree and Mrs. Spencely phoned Lou Galley to bring his gun. The gun did the trick and brought the animal down, but the sur- prise of the men can be imagined when they found it was a wild-cat as big as a dog. The Spencely children had been playing in the ï¬eld many times and picking up apples.â€"-Shelburne Free Press and Economist. Cross Sutherland Hardware Co. Thanksgiving With its shooting matches 1s with ,us again. We have a full line of am- munition of all kinds, and also some real buys in rifles and shotguns. SPECIAL 10 gauge, smokeless, box of 25 12 gauge, smokeless, box of 25 16 gauge, smokeless, box of 25 20 gauge, smokeless, box of 25 Black Powder Shells, per box And we are ready to supply your needs Dominion Shot-gun Shells 22 Rifle ...... Be-.e th the spreading chestnut tree The smith ncrl-‘s slike the deuce Po: nov» he .. selling gasoline. Ho (30;: sand orange juice! Beneath the $1. 50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.10 PAGE 7. Wat-com a“?