to advert 288 preached a. ï¬ne '. Two old It“ nmenting on ht Jlokinds for flarkets for y the High- ice. und Flax, Flour, rurs ted ’TQ rIcLaughlin's 'ES KINS {HAIR VEATHERS 1C9 o my ware- ' or phone fnr them. DS anov [try inds of kneva‘ s anew-.W LS Durham if. DRS. JAMIBSON 8: JAMIBSOI! (Mice and residence a short dlst- mute east of the Hahn House on Lamhton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Ofl’ice hours}! to 5 p.m.. 7 to 8 p. m. (except Sundays). J. 1.. SMITH, M. 3., M. c. P. S. 0. Office and residence, corner of tluuntess and Lambton Streets, oppo- site old Post Office. Oï¬ige hours : DE. A. M. BELL Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce Lambton street, Durham, Ont. Gradu- ate University of Toronto. Eyes tested and correcteg. Office; hoprs: {gin-dag'gâ€"éxcepted) . 2 to :7 p.m.. excepted. Chiropractors . . Graduates Canadian Chlropractlc College, Toronto. Ofï¬ce Macfurlane Black. Durham. Day and night phone 123. 6 M23_tf -â€"". â€".__.,._â€"â€" _..- 1m. w. c.1ncxnmna, DENTIST umcc, over J. 6: J. Hunter‘s store. Durham. Ontario. J. F. GRANT, b. D. 8., L. D. 8. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate ltoyal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Block, MillStreet, second door east of Macbeth’s Drug Store; LUCAS 8: HENRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- mar of the ï¬rm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments my be made with the Clerk in the Licensed Auctioneer for Grey County. â€Sales taken on reasonable terms. Dates arranged at The Chronicle otl‘ice. (ieo. li. Duncan 'Dundalk, Ontâ€, Phone 4'3 1' 3. 31D8028pd Gail-e. Auctioneer, Grey and Bruce Sales promptly attended to. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Terms on ap- plieation. Phone Allan Park Central 9161?); Hanover R. R. '2, P. , :07. OQH‘ a monument. 01‘ having inscription work done. should see me before placing their ordeaâ€"W. J. McFad- â€"â€"â€"â€" NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham l".l“.(_). Live Stock AS- .wciation will ship stock from Durâ€" ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days†notice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 Durham, ILR. 1. Durham is healthy towm tion can be 0 rates. "1 in] Is Good Health Worth? Water! Water! Wager! DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL *DtRHAM Branch ofl‘ice at Dundalk Open all day Friday. Medical Directorv. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY H. MacQUARRIE, B. A. Barrister, Splicjtor. Etc. Why 1;; a chance and use water that is polluted and unï¬t for dumestic use. when Pure \Vumt‘ ("an be had by having a WP“ drillod. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- No. 4. Durham. GEORGE E. DUNCAN Legal ‘Dz'rectorv. JOHN AITKEN â€"'â€" {0.3- p. m., Sundays Phone 98-13 WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning‘out. the ï¬nest work on short order. tf USED PIANO FOR SALE. APPLY McLaughlin’s Garage. 3,29,tf. CHICKENS FOR SALE BRED T0 LAY RINGIET ROCK cockerels; also show birds.â€":John Vollett, toes $125 FOR SALE GRADE A IRISH COBBLER Pom;- RABBITS FOR SALE THREE PEDIGREED CHINCHIILAS, one male and two females; reason- ableâ€"Apply Neil McArthur, phone 608 r 6, Durham or write Priceville, Route 1. 213d HONEY FOR SALE FINEST QUALITY LIGHT AMBBn. honey. $1 for 10 pound pai1.â€"W. A. Macdonald, Countess St. HOUSE FOR RENT APPLY JOHN MORRISON, GEORGE street, Durham. 11.152 GOOD HOUSE ON ALBERT Apply to Harry Bumetc: THE LATIMER PROPERTY FOR sale or rent.â€"App1y R. J. Matthews, IN GOOD LOCATION AND good state of repai1.App1v at Chronicle Office 26 ON KINCARDINE STREET; SIX rooms; all conveniences.â€"Apply at Chronicle Office or Lucas 85 Henry., Durham. 10 18 tf 100 ACRES WELL WATERED LAND, good bank barn and hen house, frame house, medium orchard. also hard- wood and cedar bush. Lot 26, conces- sion 5. Bentinck. Apply on premises to Mrs. Hannah Hepburn or to Mrs. Wm. C. Hopkins, R. R. 2, Durham. Hall on Monday, November 26th, 1928, commencing at 1 o’clock pm. for the nomination of Reeve and four Coun- cillors for the year 1929, or whicn all ratepayers please take noticeâ€"H. H. MacDONALD, Township Clerk. baskets, free. NOVEMBER 24 AT A. Y. P. A. ROOMS, SATURDAY, November 24. at 3 p.m. sale home- made baking, candy. flowers, fancy work. afternoon and evening tea. 2p FOWL SUPPER THE PRICEVILLE6 PRESBYTERIAN church will hold a fowl supper Mon- day evening. November 26, from 6 to 8 o'clock. which will be followed by a - E m-_A.- U V‘VUOIQ vvvvvvvv lecture by Rev. Dr. Inkster of Toron- to: also a programme or song and In- strumental music by the Clark family of Macirltyre and others. Admission money can't my arm ULuy yuu u... giveâ€"Your Photograph. We are giv- ing three extra Photograpns with eacn dozen. Studio open every day. Sit- tings made from 9 am. until 4 p.111. .‘ ‘Pn FOR SALE OR RENT How would you like to spend ten ' ite in hospitals? Per- aps you would be glad to if you had trouble? Common enoughâ€"consump- tion and she is poor and almost friendiess. Her present stay at the ' tor Consumptives anxious to et away to a quiet life in some sma l town, perhaps to open a small millinery shop. The excellent treatment she has been getting has put new life and new hope in Mrs. Patrick; but. of course. she and so many hundreds or others who have spent their last cent in the search for healtl ' must he helped by warm- hearted friends. A contribution from on would be greatly appreciated. y W A. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE Eâ€"LENELG NOMINATIONS BE HELD IN TOWNSHIP J COMING EVENTS PRESBYTERIAN HATS AT REDUCED PRICES.â€" m 'T‘rna? 11.152 MISCELLANEOUS Ten Years In Hospital: HOUSE FOR RENT per bag.â€"Phone 611 r 5, Route 4.â€"W. B. Patterson. 11.153 FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE FOR RENT FARM FOR SALE PHOTOGRAPHS .‘t buy and_ only you '7 26 28tf end ten lpd IN ernzie,â€"l;te of the Township of Glen- elg in the County of Grey, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died ‘on or about the Eighth day of November A. D. 1928, to send or deliver to the un- dermentioned Solicitors to; the_ 1_sx- ecutors, full particulars of their claims duly proved, on or before the Fif- teenth day of December. And take notice, that after such last mentioned date, the Executors shall proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entit- led thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have- notice. and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim, notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. ’ Dater at Durham this let day of November A. D. 1928. LUCAS HENRY Solicitors for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of RICH- ARD BARBER, late of the Town of- Durham, in the County of ‘Grey, Re- tired Farmer, deceasee. vâ€"v“ Notiee“ is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. Chap 121, Section 56, and amending acts, that} all persons hav- l' “E_'_ ing claims against the Estate of Rich- ard Barber, late of the Town of Dur- ham in the County of Grey, retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the ï¬fth day of November A. D. 1928, to send or deliver to the under mentioned Solicitors for the Executors. u.vuv-v--'vv â€" full particiléE bf their claims duly proved, on or before the Fifteenth day of December. - -Vvvâ€"-w 'â€" v And take notice, that after such last mentioned date, the Executors shall proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. NO‘ Farm Stock and Imprements The property of Ben Whitmore will be oï¬ered for sale by Public Auction on his premises Lots 8 9. Con. 2. SD. R.. Glenelg FRIDAY. NOV. 30. 1928 HORSESâ€"General purpose horse, 10 years old; general purpose horse, 9 years old; driving mare, 8 years 01a. - CATTLEâ€"Black cow, supposed due January 9; red cow. supposed due March 13; Ayrshire cow, supposed due January 23; Brindle cow, supposed due April 24; Hereford cow, supposed due July 12; Hereford cow, farrow; 5 spring calves. V"- - vâ€"v PIGSâ€"Brood sow. supposed due December. IMPLEMENTSâ€"McCormick binder. 6-ft. cut; Massey-Harris mower, 6-It. cut; Massey-Harris spreader, No. 4; Frost 8.: Wood cultivator and seed box combined; sulky rake. 10 ft.; scuffler; ‘ turnip seeder; turnip pulper; Cock- shutt two-furrow plow; Fleury walking plow, No. 21; Adams’ wagon; wagon box; cutter; buggy; buggy pole; Prem- ier cream separator; set harrows, four sections; set of Renirew scales; set heavy harness; set double driving harness; set single driving harness; set plow harness; 5 horse collars; set sling ropes; hay fork; quantity of hay; forks, chains and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale Commences at One O’clock Sharp ; TERMS' OF SALEâ€"Hay and an sums of $10.00 and under, Cash; over that amount any time up to 10 months’ credit on approved joint notes Ibearing interest at 6 per cent per an- The property of WALTER FERGUSON will be offered for sale by Public Auction on his premises Lot 14. Concession 3. Egremont WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1928 HORSESâ€"Heavy horse, 12 yegrs _old; mare, 14 years old, supposed in roar; driving horse, 10 years old; driving mare, 6 years old. CATTLEâ€"2 Durham Cows , fresh; Hereford cow. fresh; Jersey cow. sup- posed with calf, due January 5; Jersey Cow, milking; Jersey cow, supposed with calf; cow, supposed in calf, due. in March; cow, supposed in calf, due in Feb; cow, supposed in calf, due in April; one-year-old heifer, supposed in calf, due June 2; 2 one-year-old heir- ers; 3 two-year-old steers; year-old- steer; 4 spring calves; 4. fall calves. collie pup. PIGSâ€"2 Tamworth sows, supposea in pig; 2 York sows, supposed in pig, due February 2 and February 8; 3 hogs 160 Ibs.; 7 hogs, 65 Ibs. FOWLâ€"40 Rock pullets. binder, 6 ft. cut; McCormick mower, 5-ft. cut; McCormick hay rake; In- ternational. ‘hay loader; steel roller; Frost 82: Wood cultivator; Massey-' Harris Fertilizer drill, 11 hoes; No. 2, Fleury walking plow; Crown gang plow; Cockshut riding plow; John Deere riding plow; set narrows; wagon; set sleighs. heavy; cutter; rubber- tired buggY: turnip sewer; corn culti- vator, almost new; scuï¬ler; turnip pulper; Chatham fanning mill, .;with bagger; hay fork; wheel barrow; set double harness, set single harness, stone boat; hay rack; cross-cut saw; sling ropes; 3 horse blankets; toms, shovels and Farm Stock and Implements AUCTION SALE GEORGE DUNCAN, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “THE HAUNTED SHIP†COMING TO THE STAR TREAT. -v“ â€"â€"â€" accused of being the child’s father; made prisoner, and the‘ wife and son set .adrift in an open boat in the Pac- ific. For eighteen years the First Mate was held prisoner and beaten daily to confess that the child had been his. On a Paciï¬c Island the boy, miraculously saved meets the Captain for the ï¬rst time. Here also is Goldie Kane, a stranded show girl, who is at- tracted to the youngster. During a scuffle in a low dance hall where the girl was engaged, the Captam recOg- jnizes his son from a scar and he has ‘him and the girl shanghaied and brought on the ship. They set sail and the boy is placed in the dungeon with _ __Lb_-- U--V I. v“ â€"â€"' ‘. v , the mate. The crew later mutiny and through the efforts of the girl both men are freed, and the Captain infuriated blows up his ship, just aiter the crew and the boy and girl escape, while he and the mate are lost. Noted! Stage Comis is Fireman .Lupino Lane will portray a charact- er he has never before assayed in his. new comedy, “A Half-Pint Hero,†which will be on the bill at the Star ITheatre Thursday, Friday and Satur- day. The former Follies’ star will be seen as a ï¬reman, who braves the flames, to save his sweetheart. Only Lane’s pic- ture will not be as dramatic as the ï¬re-ï¬ghting episode would lead one to think, for advance reports are to the effect that Lane got more laughs out of the ï¬re in this picture than anybody ever obtained from a simizar conflagration anywhere. MOMIES Charles Lamont, who is noted :or his direction of “Big Boyâ€, three- year-old star, has crowded the comedy with fast action and hearty laughter. BALANCED CAST IN “The players in ‘My Best Girl’ are so well chosen for their parts that the audience thinks of them as real people rather than as actors and actresses.†L O] sensations of ï¬lm circles. Hobart Bosworth, who is noted for his char- acter portrayals, appears as the mil- lionaire in Mary’s “nickel-and-dime†story. _ - _. It _ -_--_..L_†m;+h U Miss Pickford’s “parentsâ€, with Lucien Littleï¬eld as the hen-peeked postmap-fathpr, and Sunshine Hart 9 _ _ â€A‘LA- “fln‘fian igï¬d 2‘Saaiety Lastâ€. FUD ULLLuLA .5“ Innov- , w..- -_ as the hypochondriac mother, provide many of the laughs. Mack Swain, the famous comedian of Charlie Chaplin’s “The Gold Ens ,†appears as me CL auu LL“...- -â€"â€"-__ ure was directed by Sam Taylor, who handled the megaphone on such Har- old Lloyd successes as “For Heaven’s Sake,â€A :‘Ihe_ Freshman,†“Girl S‘ny' a.“ ..... Carmelita Geraghty plays the star's wild and wayward “sisterâ€. Avonne Taylor, known as the “perfect society type,†enacts the part of Rogers’ ï¬ancee, and Evelyn Hall, the well- known English dramatic star, is cast as the millionaire’s wife. John Junior appears as the “cheap sport†and smaller parts are handled by William Courtright, Pat Harmon, Harry Walk- er and Frank Kinch-Smiles. The pic- - - - - m- â€"‘A- “kn 355,.an jo-int notes. at 6 per cent. per am -â€"A“l 11.152 {he voyagé to Margate. “Civil of you to say so,†said ’Arry, “but you should just see me of o a Sxmday.â€â€"Inndon Opinion. A quantity of timothy NEW PICKFORD FILM J udgeâ€"“I cannot conceive a mean- er, more cowardly act than yours. You have left your wife. Do you realize that you are a deserter?†Samâ€"“Judge, if you knew dat lady as well as I does, you wouldn’t call me no deserter. Judge, I’se a refugee.†here that men grow bald because a the intense activity of their brains.†Hubby: “Exactly, and women have no whiskers because of the intense ac- tivity of their chins.’ Wife (with neWspaper): “It say. PAGE 7.