, cylinders Satisfaction on 8991163“ VER. NE I the wood- will be re- inual spring i113 program. n Work '9 Chicken r size. {L ARK afull Sts. Durham {831' whead 0U d with ouvres. e- ! all- beaded head- ,dlamp cover- 11an to supply none 98-13 'iller ï¬. ADVERTISING RATES JudichLluaLOMandGovern- meat Noticesâ€"12c. per count. line tor flrstinsettiomandac. perlinéforeach subsequentmsertion. 1175c. perword each insertion, with four consecutive insertions for the price of three; a discount of 3-1/3 per cent allowed for cash with order. Minimum charge,25c flush with order Every advance notice of any kind, where the object is the beneï¬t or con-' venience pf a_ny pegson or r_m_r_nner of accompany the nbtice advising us whom to charge it to, it will be charged to the person phoning or sending it in. Advertisements ordered‘ror insertion “until forbidden†and those sent without written instructions. will ap- FRANK IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor DRS. JAMESON JAMIESON Office and residence a. snort dist- ance east of The Hahn House, on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Durham. Office hours, 2 to 5 pm., 7 to 9 pm. J.L.Sl\flTH.M-B..M.C.P.S.O. Office and residence at the corner of Countess and Lambton Streets, oppo- site old Post Office. Office hours: 9 to 11 am, 1:30th pm., 7 to 9 pm. (except Sundays). {Iï¬irersity of TOronto. Eyes and corrected. Office hours: 2 9111., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays exec to 11 am, 130 to 4 (Sundays excepted). -“me â€"â€"â€" "w'V' Garafraxa Street. Durham. Grgdugte vâ€"__ "v for their discontinuance. Graduates Canadian 99He_ge,_ To_ronto._ Office in 123. U] A“ an aw w. wv-uvwv ' _V , , Block, Mill Street, second door east MacBeth’s Drug Store. daj Friday. Insurance, etc.; A general ï¬nancial business transac ted. -“J carefuin prepared. Your patronage solicited. OFFICE: 1 door North of McLaughlin’s Dates Auctioneer. Grey promptly attended guaranteed. Term Phone Allan Par] Hanover R. R. 2. 3 The School is thoroughly emptied to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Mttrimflation. Classiï¬ed Small Adver c G. a; BESSIE ManLIVBAY DURHAM man scnooL J. n. MacQUABRIE. B. A. Medical Directorv. NOTICE TO FARMERS ‘nnrham U. P. 0. Live Stock Dental Directorv. GEORGE E. DUNCAN Legal ‘Dz’rectorv. LUCAS 85 HENRY DRAMBELL documents efliciently Garage. JOHN I- VJ Lded "£31 Satisfaction ’erms on application. Park Central 9 r 515; 2‘ P- O. 5 24; 28t1 Day and night Phone and Bruce. 1, omce on 01' aoouu nun; a Graduate Brown, Phone Durham es taste: __ S I 2 to excepted)° m-BREBABqunnK about six months old; my vice.-James Marshall. DOMINION ORGAN cheapâ€"Apply Andr ORGAN FOR SALE. , WILL BE SOLD ew Derby, Bruce 001% FOR SALE SIMIMON S BED, _MA'2I street. Eï¬â€˜nï¬'g‘gj‘ ‘3“ né-{v_â€"léatï¬Ã©â€"1°:l36ttbm chairs, toilet set and other articles.â€"Mrs. Ar- rowsmith, Upper Town, Durham. 3.21.41) POULTRY MACHINERY FOR SALE ISO-EGG CAPACITY BUCKEYE IN- cubator; 500-0ka capacity Buckeye COW FOR SALE DURHAM COW, 8 YEARS OLD, D‘ on or about April 23. Apply J. Brown, Phone Durham 608 r 15. 0 n1 7 BOAR FOR SALE. WELL-BRED YORKSHIRE H O G about six months old; ready for ser- vice.-James Marshall. Varney. VWVVd-w- .wâ€"â€"â€"â€" t less than half pric'é. Fiom $1.00 3p. _â€"Sterling McIntyre, Bruce Street: ’ FOR SALE EIGHT WELL-BRED YOUNG ox- FORD ewes for Samâ€"Gordon Grant, Route 3, Durham , _â€"___â€" HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS, J ohn- ston strain, mated to male birds, pedi- greed imported stock, Parks strain, 15 eggs 75c.â€"-â€"S. J. Wilson, Durham. 3 28 tf. MANURE SPREADER, TRUCK WA- GON, and cheap team. Apply Geo. Collinson, Phone 611 r 31. 3.283 USED WASHING MACHINES FOR sale: One Bluebird. one Beatty Electric drive and one Beatty engine drive; also the new 1929 Model Gilson Electric Snowbird Washer, the latest and greatest washing sensaï¬onâ€"self-feed wringer, soft rubber rolls two inches in diameter. All machines guaranteed.â€" Durham Machine Shop, F. W. Moon, PROPERTY FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE IN GOOD LOCATION AND IN good‘state of repair. Apply at The Chronible Office. 7 26 28tf ON KINCARDINE STREET; rooms; all oonveniences.â€"‘Apply at Chronicle Office or Lucas 85 Henry., nurhnmy 10 18 ti PROPERTY FOR SALE SPLENDID BRICK STORE BI. on main street of Durham, knov the McKechnie property; ideal tion; reasonable price. Apply at to Mills 85 Paterson, Hanover, 01 12 13 t1. b; Sayiizg cash for theï¬r adver- Our rate for Classiï¬ed Adver- using is 1-1/2 cents per. word. with 33-1/3 per cent discount for cash at time advertisement FARM FOR SALE 108 ACRES, LOTS '1 and 2, CONCES- sion 4, S. D. R., Glenelg, bank barn. frame house, drilled well, watered by springs.â€"Mrs. Carrie Aljoe, Durham. than A... to save us booueepmg. ana passing the savms on to you. ham and also what is known as the Staples farm, comprising parts of Lots 41 and 42, Concession 3, E. G. R. Secretaries can save their Societies 33â€"1/3 per cent by pay- ing cash for advertising. de- manding receipt for same and turning it in as cash. In future this method will be strictly enforced. Hanover. â€"â€"â€"â€"7 FARM FOR SALE LOT 65, CON. 3, E. G. R... GLENELG. 100 acres; good buildings and modern improvements; running water; has been used as dairy farm for number A VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY ON the Durham- Hanover highway, within the Corporation of the Town of Dur- ham, containing about eleven and one- half acres of mellow productive soil, This method has been adopted BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE FOR of Apply W. R. Watson or Miss FOR The Chronicle. - ideal loca- 3213 228 1:1. 3212 etc; a DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL ' EXAMINATION RESULTS Wilson 22. ; Class Averageâ€"42. M. Leith 93, M. Corlett 84, M. Sharp 83, N. Kelsey 80, R. Renwick 80, M. MacEachem 78, L. Jacques 73. V. Armstrong '70, J. Falconer '70, E. Little- ;phns 69, J Ckrk 69, J. Henderson 63, _ _.-- ‘I mad-an“ £1 perience and a. desire to succeed, we can ofler you a permanent and proï¬tâ€" ,able connection. Write R. J. Snow, \1105 Federal Building, Toronto 2, Ont. 3t†Bei't’iné’i,‘ 66;? (Imam road. Cattle men take notice.â€"App1y to Angus McCormick, Durham, R. 2. 3 28 2pd. 0N GEORGE STREET. FOR. THER information apply to Watson, College Street, Durham. tering of the heart, faintness, snort- ness of breath, etc. It is unlike other preparations m that it feeds the nerves through the McFadde. “ w-ï¬â€™swbrilgâ€"Stdre, Dï¬rham. 3 14 u. THE LATIMER PROPERTY FOR sale or rentâ€"Apply R. J. Matthews, FARM FOR SALE OR. RENT LOTS 62 and 63, CONCESSION 2. N. G. R... South Bentinck. For particu- lars apply Mrs. Jean Corbett, R. R. 1, Hanover or phone Allan Park. 1p HOUSE TO RENT REASONABLE, modern conveniences.â€"Apply at The Chronicle Office. 2 28 t1 THE DURHAM WOMEN’S INSTI- TUTE will meet at the home of Mrs. ?§111ip_L_a,wrenc§ on Thursday, April 4. CV-.. ----â€" ":AA D’AQ‘H_ 11my and“ IV . vuvv v-- â€" â€"â€" Mrs. Sutton of Hanoveiw Vick-ï¬resid- ent of South Grey district, will visit this branch and _ give. â€gain address. recipe by Mrs. John McGirr. All members are kindly requested to be present. Visitors welcome. Dr. Agnew’s Heart Remedy There will he offered for sale at the residence of the proprietor WILLIAM JACQUES Lot 68. Concession 2. E.G.R., Glenelg, FRIDAY. APRIL 5. 1929 at 2 o’clock, the following: 42 pigs, 11 to 14 weeks old, York and Berk; 6 pigs, 6 weeks old, York and Berk; Berkshire Sow, due to farrow June 8; Berkshire Sow, due June 11; Berkshire Sow, due June 14; Berke shire sow, with pigs 6 weeks old. 2 grade Polled-Angus steer calves, about 11 months. uucn, ans. - TERMS“; OF SALEâ€"Six months’ cre- dit on approved joint notes without interest. After six months, interest willbechargedat'lpercentpera- num. Five per cent ofl for cash at 15â€"1313 01 salg.‘ In the matter of the Estate of Ar- chibald MacCuaig, late of the Town- ship of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, ty of Grey, Farmer, w 0 died on or about the Fourth day of February, A. D. 1929, in the Township of Glenelg in the County of Grey, are hereby re- luiredtosendordelivertotheunderg mentioned Solicitor tor the executors‘ full particulars of their claims duly proved on or before the twentieth day of April 1929. A treatment of unequalled merit Ior eak hearts, weak blood and weak FOR SALE OR RENT COMING EVENTS AUCTION SALE Farm Stock FARM FOR BENT March 14, 1929. FOR RENT THE DURHAM CHRONICLE J'OHN O’NEIL, Auctioneer. FORM V 2nd CONCESSION â€0 mu“ 1“, I“. UWL‘U; Jamieson3933rown383nG1-een wood36, Grant33,A.Kr¢ssZ?,.8 Hopkins26,E.Led1ngham23, B. Vol- lett17,C.Lawr‘ence 14,A.Campben7. Averageâ€"4.5. FORM I B mu ", “I w.Lawrww69,(}. un- 79, H. '. . - French Authors M. Beaten 83, E. Marshall 82, G. Mc- Culloch 80, 1. Matthews 89;“D, Young R. McFadden 86, R. Tinianov 60, F. Bailey 60, M. Brown 55, G. McCulloch 53, K. Wilson 45, S. McLean 45, I. Milne 34, R. Adlam 33. Averageâ€"56. wwâ€" D. Pickering 73, G. Glass 66, G. Mc- Crae 66M M.Noble 58, C. Traynor 55, D. Smith 54, V. McMan 47, A.Bell 46, A. McEachem 46, M. Moffatl:L 45, J. Ren- wick 44, C. Rowe 43, G. Noble 42, N. Burnett 42, N. Lowe 40, E. Harding 40, '1‘. Bell 37, N. McIntyre 36, E. Baird 29, D. Firth 28, M. McFadden 27, D. Ritchie 0. Averageâ€"44. em 80, M. Leith 7'7, M. Corlett 77, J. Henderson '75,’ J. Schutz 75, E. Tucker 75, M. Sharp 75, I. Twamley 73, J. Fal- coner 67. A- 491991 .637. .L- .{acques 67’ 'r “I - .J- FORM I B Literature - H. Young 86, G. Saunders 83, A. Walker 78, D. Knight 75, C. McGirr 75, M. Matthews 74, J. MacGillivray 73, R. Lawrence 73, E. Falkingham 72, B. McKechnie 69, C. McCracken 69, 1. Henderson 65, M. Moore 63, D. Mac- Donald 63, R. Willis 62, B. Whitmore 61, F. Meloshe 53, J. Watson 28, M. iPicken - 22. : Average 65.4. French G. Saunders 96, B. McKechnie 90, E. Falkinghqm 89, D. Knight 89, H. Young 89, C. McCracken 84, 1. Henderson 81, R. Lawrence 81,. B. Whitmore 81, M. Matthews__80, C}. Mcqyr _80, M. Moore ‘I -A ‘- 80,- AuWalker 80,0. MacDo'nald '79, M. Picken 79, F. Meloshe 78,RW11115 64, J.MacG1111vray 63, R. Willis 64, J. Watson 53. Averageâ€"79%. French W. Kent 91, D. Caldwell 87, M. An- derson 87, J. Grant. 83, G. Falconer 80, D. MacArthur 80, A. Turnbull 79, Greenwood 78, B. Jameson 76, N. Allan 76, I. J amieson 76, Brigham .Goodcpild 74, A. Kress 69, G. A- - - nL-..-.--- Giant 65, E. FORMI B f‘ORM I A Does - the Stock Market . Shut Anyone Out? ., M. Sto’rrey Anyone can buy shares of the Bell Telephone Company because they are listed on the stock exchange. and exercise whatever rights share-- holders may have in purchasing new issues of stock. 62, A. Campbell 58 B 30pm 55, C. Lawrence . Brown 49,3. 48 G4 one B WW ' 9 V Grant76,.D0a'i§'wei'17§'N.Anan6o, WmKent69,I.nJamieso 65,28 .Jame- Averageâ€"7L FORMIA COMPANY c F CANADA sonGO..A.Kress59 Stormyfl.u. AndermnWSSSHOptï¬ng.momp- son54.WM1ddleton53A.cam 53. Goodchfld 51. E. 48,A.E(3reenwood48.L.Brlghnm ..D MacArthur 42. A.Tumbun41. B. B_rown30. R. Vollettzs. C. Lawrence PAGE 7.