the wood- will be re- mal spring 1g program. LS. Durham Phone 98-12 1y of these tlce. Work Chicken :ize. oors 1min gs on applica- Driller ARK wing manure 133p; to supply fouf coï¬secutive insertions foi- the price of three; a. disemmt .01 33-1/3 per centenowedfgmhwlthorda'. accompany the notice advising us whom to charge it to, it will be charged to the person phoning or sending it in. . Advertisements ordered for insertion “until forbidden†and those sent without written instructions, will ap- pear until written orders are received for their discontinuance. DES. JAMIESON 8 JAMESON Office and residence a snort dist- ance east or The ï¬ahn House, on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Durham. Office hours, 2 to 5 pm, 7 to 9 pm. (except Sundays). 'Minimumcha'rge.25c.cashwithm Every advance notice or any kind, where the object is the beneï¬t or con- venience 91 any 13913301: or number of FRANK IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor Oflice and residence at the comer of Countess and Lambton Streets, oppo- site old Post Oflice. Ofï¬ce hours: 9 toll am..1.30to4p.m.,7to9p.m. (Sundays excepted). Colleg e, Toronto. Oflioe in Maoist-lane Blocks, Durham. Day and night phone AA- Honor graduate of the University 01 Toronto, Graduate of Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentis- try in all its branches. Oflloe Calder Blocg, M111 _Street_,_ Asecond door east 01 MacBeth's day Friday. Java‘sâ€"4-- _ _ 118111 On requested to give three days? notice. Jamel Durance. W. Phone 601 .r 13 Durham, R. R. 1 Phone 42 r 3. Auctioneer. Grey and Bruce. Sales promptly _attended to. Satisfaction m-__._ A... annï¬mtinn- ifohr hatronage solicited. OFFICE: 1 door North of McLaughlin’s -â€"â€"v.â€"__ A general, ï¬nancial business transacted. All legal documents eï¬iciently and DR. W. C. Plcmm G. DENTIST Office oVer J. 82: J. hunter’s store, Judicial†M Ofï¬cial and Govern- 1.1,. smumuc.r.s.o. DURHAM HIGH SCHO0I. Notary Public, Conveyancer. Licensed Auctioneer for Grey County up; taken on reasonable terms. C. G. BESSIE McGILLlVBAY Phone K1 W 122-121 Avenue 3% -“A- J. B. MacQUARBIE. E A. NOTICE Thursday, Ar!) 4, I!†Medical Directorv . GEORGE E. DUNCAN Dental Directorv. Legal ~ ‘Dz'rectorv. LUCAS HENRY JOHN won‘t-vâ€" Terms _ 6n application. Park Central 9r515; at at ganditwfllbe 3112281) openan 52428131 l-‘OB SALE SIMMONS BED. MA'ITREBS AND springs, 3 new leather-bottom chairs, toilet set and other articlesâ€"Mrs. Ar- GoN, aim 'chehp teani. Apply Geo. Common, Phone 611 r 31. 3.28.3 EATCEING EGGS FOR SALE BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS, John- stonstrain,matedtomalebirds,pediâ€" greed imported stock, Parks strain, 15 eggs 75c.â€"-S. J. Wilson, mum on All A.. I ON KINCARDINE STREET; SIX rooms; all conveniencesâ€"Apply at Chronicle ' Office or Lucas 85 Henry., Durham- 10 18 t1 PROPERTY FOR HOUSE FOR SALE IN GOOD LOCATION AND ood state of repair. Apply at hronicle Office. 726 PROPERTY FOR SALE » SPLENDID BRICK STORE BLOCK on main street of Durham, known as the McKechnie property; ideal loca- tion; reasonable price. Apply at once to Mills 8; Paterson, Hanover, Ont. ‘ 12 13 t1. A VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY ON the Durham- Hanover highway, within the Corporation of the Town of Dur- ham, containing about eleven and one- half acres of mellow productive soil, lot, never railing well, cistern, etc.; a variety of small fruit trees, fair good buildings and very convenient to center of town, church, school etc.; priced right for immediate sale, as the owner desires to remove from the present amiably suit market gardener, or one desirous of poultry raising. For further particulars apply on premises to Wil- liam Walker, Durham Ont. 3 "l 4 ON GEORGE STREET. THEE information apply Wats'on, College Street. Durt LA I. “I. vsv -o.‘ â€"â€" _-_ _ ofv Bentinck. west of Garafraxa r Cattle men take noticeâ€"Apply Angus McCormick, Durham, R. 2. 999 LARGEST FIRM OF ITS KIND IN Canada is now Opening up territory in rural districts. If you have selling ex- perience and a desire to succeed. we can offer you a permanent and proï¬t- able connection. Write R. J. Snow. 1105 Federal Building, Toronto 2, Ont. FARM FOR RENT 108 ACRES. LOTS 1 and 2. CONCES- sion 4, S. D. R., Glenelg, bank barn. frame house. drilled well, watered by snrings.â€"Mrs. Carrie Aljoe, Durham. THE GUELPH CARTAGE COMPANY has unexcelled facilities for long dis- tance moving in padded vans, with soft quilted wrappers, and handlers of long experience. Goods insured in transit. Phone 266 at our expense for farmg 3 21 6 Dr. AgneW’s Beam 3"“! FOR SALE OR RENT BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE COMING EVENTS SALE SMAN WANTED FARM FOR SALE FARM FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT NOTICES FOR SALE PROPERTY 2nd CONCESSION TRUCK WA- â€2.x '7 26 28“ ., etc 8 3.21.49 tarygenlm? 'I'heqmsflonisraisedby tory. To know how great Foch was one would have to understand all the problems he had to solve, and also the contribution to the solution made by his assistants. One would also have to gauge correctly the ability of the men opposed to him. Having all these facts and made . the proper deductions from them it would also be necessary for the critics to have similar informa- tion concerning the men with whom he is compared. They would then make the necessary modiï¬cations brought about by the changed conditions of warfare and carefully advance their opinions. The present writer disclaims any such qualiï¬cations for the task, and merely suggests that the custom is to ascribe great military gifts to the lead-J ers who bring off great military vic- tories. The winner is the champion, and Foch is the champion of modern warfare, waged on a world-wide scale, and win continue to be regarded as the champion until another such world war is waged under conditions approx- imating those under which he fought. Before the world war the Russo-Jap- anese conflict was accepted as the ï¬rst great modern war, but all lessons that might have been learned by the Russo-Japanese war could have been absorbed in the ï¬rst fortnight of the later conflict. After that Russo-Jap- the property or REVEL BOYCE Will be oflered for sale by Public Auction on his premises Lot 32, Con. 10, Bentianck 7 THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1929 HORSESâ€"Matched team geldings, 9 years old; general purpose horse. CATTLEâ€"Red cow, 8 years old, due to calve; grey cow, '7 years old, due May 30; Hereford cow, due June 9, Hereford cow, milking well, red heifer, milking well; red cow, with calf at foot; steer, 2 years old, heifer, 2 years old; 2 steers, year old; 2 heifers, year old. Harris binders, I nearly new; McCor- mick mower, 4-section harrow, Cock- shutt drill, 13-disc; Fleury plow No. 21, PIGS and SHEEPâ€"10 store pigs, brood sow, due in May, 11 ewes, ram. FOWLâ€"About 100 hens, 3 geese, 2 ganders, 2 ducks, drake. new; Massey-Harris scuffler, new; top buggy, rubber tired; open buggy, bob sleighs, wagon, with gravel box; cutter, sugar kettle, wheel barrow, stone boat, 3 barrels, cross cut saws, hand saws, axes, 2 sets whiï¬le trees and double trees, Renfrew cream sep- arator, 2 neck yokes, set plow harness, set double harness, nearly new; set single harness nearly new;r robe, forks, rakes and many other useful articles. GRAINâ€"ISO bushels oats, 75 bushels mixed grain, 20 bags potatoes, 75 bus. barley. 30 bus. buckwheat. TERMS OF SALEâ€"Six months’ 'cre- dit on approved joint notes without interest. After six months, interest winbechargedat7percentperan- num. _Fiv_e per cent ofl for cash at There will be oï¬ered for sale at the residence of the ropriebor WILL JACQUES Lot 68. Concession 2. £63.. Glenelg, FRIDAY. APRIL 5. 1929 at 2 o’clock, the following: 42 pigs, 11 to 14 weeks old, York and Berk; 6 pigs, 6 weeks old, York and Berk; Berkshire Sow, due 1:0 farrow June 8; Berkshire Sow, due June 11; Berkshire Sow, due June 14; Berk- shire sow, with pigs 6 weeks old. . _-L 2 grade Poned-Angus steer calveS, about 11 months. In the matter of the Estate of Ar- chibald MacCunig, late of the Town- 553313; Glenelg, in the County of Grey, in the County of Grey, are hereby re- quired to send or deliver to the under mentioned Solicitor tor the executors full particulars of their claims duly prayed “0133 before the twentieth day HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS â€" Sewing machine. lounge. sideboard, 2 wash stands, 6 chairs, 2 tables, kitchen cab- inet, 2 stoVes and pipes, rug 9x12, single bed, churn, butter bowl, glass side board; many other useful household articles. No reserve as farm has been rentea Sale Commences at One o’Clock Sharp TERMS OF SALE zâ€"All sums of $10 and under, Cash; over that amount am time up to 10 months" credit on furnishing approved joint notes bear- ing interest at 6% per annum. CHARLES SHEWELL. Auctioneer. tune of sale. “vâ€, â€"â€" mmmpersonsofwhoseclam noticeshannothavebeenreceivedat thetimeofsuchdistribuï¬on. DATEDatDm-ham thistwenfleth mamm. . J. H. MOQUARRIE, Durham, Out. 3213 (80116112! for-the W) AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Implements NOTICE TO CREDITORS GERMANS ' mm mm 11mm cams The Reigning Champion AUCTION SALE Farm Stock JOHN O’NEIL, Auctioneer. THE'flURHAM CHRONICLE '- amestandardsbecamerasonsoleteas thestannardsofthePeninsmarcam- wensotthemxkeotwmmgmmen the factors which remained constant mare usefully compiied than a ï¬ght with penknives could? be compared with a’ ï¬ght With broadswords. Wu Gel-mars Foe - The comment of thech Press, enterprisingly collected by the New York Herald-Tribune, shows a marked bitterness to Each. There is not much gallantry in the newspaper observa- acale,and'thesmigglecmndnotbe tions, nbhamngofla kréat opponent. Fochinsteadisbelittledasamflitary andisaléoanathematizedasabitter toe of Germany, - We might observe thattobeabitterfoeotGermnyis no crime, nor in a soldier who fought Germany for more than four years, most of the time on his native soil, is it an offence against good taste. We are surprised that the German press has not been able to extract from the cucumber of the bitter terms that Foch imposed at Versailles, the sun- shine of a compliment ‘in his fear or Germany, his abounding faith in her military prowess . and recuperative powers. One .writer points out that Foch was able to bring about no such completeness of disaster to his enemy as was produced by WellingtOnâ€"should we say with the assistance of Blucher? â€"at the battle of Waterloo. It is of course one thing to bring about com- plete rout of an army in the ï¬eld and quite another thing to bring about the complete collapse of a whole nation. If some of the more bloodthirsty of the allied generals and politicians had had their way Foch’s triumph might have been as complete as anyone could have wished. A few month’s military operations in Germany would have sufficed. thetimewhenFochwas m; nostottheuiaeemtocon- www.muksupon'thaflght- inginthemmmer and autumn: of 1918,3ndotcom'sethatspansmostot DURHAM, ONTARIO for Dru. ovetéi ht with a hard that withstands leauï¬fuldndu. Wauhable and PAGE 7.