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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 May 1929, p. 7

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ng breeds like the they may become lie setpisfactory sit- well as green feed. sit as well as Other; regards it as m us to continue the rk for several Weaks. : by remOVing the s before they are continue to sit well flesh in may be p05. at work for several allowing them 03 ting them back igto nam g Mill [area to supply medium or larger >0 clumsy and éwk. ;ed for incubation. our in the circular in the wood- xat will be re- annual spring airing program. 1 Flooring n Hand 'er any or these rt. notlce. stom Work .1.an Chicken any sIze. :terior or ker-run-in-oil I Engines, Etc. :and a full line ms on applica- CLARK the same md wear. th hot or rr Sts. Durham II Driller Doors 'immings 'd with a or show y 2, 1929 DUCT sit better Phone 98-12 liq Intending upiJs should W W enter at beginning of term. Information as to Course: may be obtained from the Prmmpal. town, and good accommOdation can be obtained at. reasonbic rates. JOHN MORRISON. Chm J. A. M. ROBE. B. A., Principal. varsity Grad Teacher. Intendips .1 - -IV ‘vvuvv- to take up the-iofi'éiing' cdmses: LUCAS £5 HENRY Barristers. Solicitors, etc. A member of the firm winbe .mDurhamou Tuesday of each week. Appointments may be made with the Clerk in the Office over J. 8: J. hunter’s store, Durham Honor graduate of the University a: Toronto. Graduate of Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentis- try in all its branches. Ofnce Calder Block. Mill Street, second door east or MacBeth’s Drug Store. day Friday. GEORGE E. DUNCAN Licensed Auctioneer for Grey County Sales taken on reasonable terms. Dates arranged at The Chronicle ofl ice. 2 George E. Duncan, Dundalk, Ont., Phone 4:31'3. 3112281) Auctioneer, Grey and Bruce. Sales promptly attended to. Satisfaction maranteed. Terms on application. Phone Allan Park Central 9r515; Hanover R. R. 2, P. O. 52428t1 ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days’ notice. James Lawrence. W office. Notary Public, Conveyancer, Realtor, Insurance, etc.; A general financial business transacted. All legal documents efficiently and carefully prepared. Chiropractors Graduates Canadian Chiropractic College. Toronto. Office inMacIarlane Block, Durham. Day and mgnt phone 123. Physician and Surgeon. omce Garafraxa Street, Durham. Graduate University of Toronto. Eyes tested and c9rrect_ed. Ofijce noms: 2 to 5 p.m., Your patronage solicited. OFFICE: 1 door North of McLaughlin’s mas. JAMIESON a; JAMIESON_ Office and residence a snort dist- ance east of The Hahn House, on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Durham. Office hours, 2 to 5 pm., 7 to 9 pm. (except. Sundays). Office and residence at the corner of Countess and Lambton Streets, oppo- site old Post Office. Ofiice hours: 9 to 11 a.m., 1.30 to 4 pm., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). FRANK IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor vvvvvvvvv vv - -vvv- “a,“ “UU‘VW, pear until written orders are ; for then' dlscontinuance. Every advance notice of any kind, where the object IS the benefit or con- venience of any person or numner of personsâ€"is advertising, ' and it will be treated as such. If no instructions accompany the notice advising us whom to charge it to, it. will be charged to the person phoning or sending it in. Advertisements ordered for insertion "until forbidden” and those sent without Lyritten instrnctions, will an- 11,4.- c. per word each insertion, with four consecutive insertions for the price of three; a. discount of 33-1/3 per cent allowed for cash with order. Minimum charge, 2‘5c. cash with order ADVERTISING RATES Judicial. Legal, 0m and Gm- ment Noticesâ€"12c. per count ’llne 1m- flrst insertion, and 6c. per line for each subsequent insertion. DR. W'. C. BICKERING. DENTIST BATES BURIAL Co. "none DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL J. H. MacQUARRIE. B. A. Barrister,__ Solicitog, th., Durham. Q‘V vanv-w vvâ€"vâ€"VU ‘ of our Parlors. Phone KI 4344 122-126 Avenue B d, 'Toronlo mum J. L. SMITH. M. B” M. C. P. -'-"""â€"vv _ ._-__ , at. loder’ato Cost No extra charge for the use c. G. BESSIE McGILLIVRA! NOTICE TO FARMERS Durham U. P. 0. Live Stock Medical Directorv. to 9 pm. (Sundays? éXcépiéd): Denial Directorv. Legal ‘Dz’rectorv. Thursday. May 2, 1929 Garage. JOHN at. THE WOMEN’S U. P. O. CLUB WILL meet at the home of Mrs. George Tumbull Jr., Ebenezer, on Friday, May ANY QUANTITY, FOR. WHICH THE highest prices, spot cash, will be paid. â€"W. J. Vollett, Durham. 4 25 2 Grand ValleY. THE GUELPH CARTAGE COMPANY has unexcelled facilities for long dis- tance moving in padded vans, with soft. quilted wrappers, and handlers of long experience. Goods insured in transit. Phone 266 at our expense for terms. 3 21 6 FISHING PROHIBITED PARTIES FOUND FISHING O R trespassing on Lots 42 and part 43 and 44,- Bentinck. at Aberdeen, will be pro- secuted. Keep out.â€"W. and S. Mc- LARGEST FIRM OF ITS KIND IN Canada is now 0 ning up ten-itory in rural dJstricts. I you have selling ex- perience and .a desire to succeed, we can ofl'er you a permanent and profit- able connection. Write R. 0‘. Snow, 1105 Federal Building, Toronto 2, Ont. FISHING ON LOT 52,- CON. 2, W. G. R. Bentinck, is prohibited and all parties found so doing will be prose- cutedâ€"Alex. Hopkins, Proprietor. LOT 65, CONCESSION 3, E. G. R... Glenelg, 100 acres; good buildings and modern improvements; running water; will be sold at an interesting price.â€" Apply Miss E. Scott, Durham. 4 18tf HOUSE T0 RENT 0N GEORGE STREET. FOR FUR- THER information apply to C. E. Watson, College Street, Durham. 3 2813f FARM FOR RENT 108 ACRES, LOTS 1 and 2, CONCES‘ sion 4, S. D. R.. Glenelg, bank barn frame house, drilled well, watered b3 HOUSE TO RENT REASONABLE: the McKechnie property; ideal loca- tion; reasonable price. Apply at once to Mills Paterson, Hanover Ont. 12 13 t1.’ - vu.wv¢“wuu, modern conveniences .-â€"Apply at The Chronicle Office. 2 28 ti 1925 STAR COACH IN GOOD CONDI- T101": maybeseen at McLaughlns 881388; runon1y10,000m1es. 4111;: PROPERTY FOR SITUATIONS WANTED FOR SALE OR RENT AGENTS WANTED FARM FOR SALE OR RENT COMING EVENTS LATIMER PROPERTY FOR ' rentâ€"Apply R. J. Matthews, house, drilled well, watered by :.â€"Mrs. Carrie Aljoe, Durham. PROPERTY FOR SALE NOTICE TO FISHERS SALESMAN WANTED HOUSE FOR SALE EGGS WANTED FOR RENT NOTICES WANTED on Patieni and Has No 10 18 'u There is said to be erected on this parcel a saw-mill with water wheel and shafting and there is also said to be considerable valuable timber on this Parcel. PARCEL THREE Lot number sixteen on the West side of Garafraxa street in the Town of Durham containing one-half of an acre more or less. PARCEL TWO Lots numbers twenty-eight and twenty-nine in the third concession East of the Garafraxa Road in the Township of Glenelg in the County of Grey, containing two hundred acres more or less, together with water power and saw-mil! equipment. SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1929 at the hour of 2.30 o’clock in the af- ternoon at The Hahn House in the Town of Durham, the following valu- able property, namely: PARCEL ONE There is said to be erected on. this parcel a valuable brick store building situate in the heart of the business section of the Town of Durham. The northerly portion of the south one-half . of lot number fourteen on the West side of Garafraxa- street in the Town of Durham and having a frontage on Garafraxa street of twen- ty-four feet and extending bad: with a uniform width to the rear of the said Lot number fourteen. OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN- CLUDING VALUABLE STORE IN THE TOWN OF DURHAM Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Retired Farmer, deceased. . NOTICE is hereby giVen pursuant to R. S. 0. Chap 121, Section 56, and amending acts, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas C. Barlow, late of the town of Durham in the County of Grey, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the fifteenth day of April, A. D. 1929, to send or deliver to the under mentioned Solicitors for the Executors, full par- ticulars of their claims duly proved, on or before the fifteenth day of May next. AND TAKE NOTICE, that after such last mentioned date, the Executors shall proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then‘ have notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets. or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. The undersigned will offer for sale by‘ Public Auction on DATED at Durham this nineteenth day of April, A. D. 1929. LUCAS HENRY, Solicitors for the Executors. be liable for the said estate. or any part thereof, to any person or per- sons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. . LUCAS 8r. HENRY, 4 25 3 Solicitors for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ate of James McGnnvriy,"1ate otTlie gownship o! Glenelg, 1n the County of rey, farmer dgceased, who died on or ALA-4 L‘â€" a NOTICE TO CREDITORS AUCTION SALE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE on Friday night. Miss Ada Paylor of Markdale spent the week-end at the parental home. Pleased to report Mr. Will Timmins improving in health daily. Mr. James Bryans of town spent a few days with his brother, R. E. Bryans and gave a helping hand with the spring work. Mrs. C. W. Rutledge of Markdale spent a day or two among kindred dur- ing the past week. W. H. Edwards completed. his elec- trical course at Toronto university on Friday, arrived at the old home on Saturday night and enters the employ of the Hydro, under Mr. T. D. Berry of Markdale and begins work at Hanâ€" over plant on May Day. School days over, life’s work lies ahead. Traverston (Our Own Correspondent) Downpours on Thursday, land water- soaked Friday, Saturday fair, more downpours Sunday, cold and cloggy on Monday with a ripper of a frost at night, followed by snow and sleet; these all combine to hold up seeding and make farmers mutter execrations. We are sorry to hear of the illness of the little girl of Mr. and Mrs. Brown at McWilliams. She is at the Durham hospital and we hope to hear of her being better soon. We were sorry to hear of our old friend, Mr. Gilbert McKechnie being laid up, but hope he is better by this time. The Rev. Mr. Armstrong will have prayer meeting at the McDonald’s. Edge Hill, tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock. Pleased to hear Mrs. Staples is better after her long illness. She is at her daughter’s at Markdale. Assessor Weppler of Glenelg got thiqugh with his work some time ago. The roads are egtting some better after the floods of the past week, but bad ruts in many places yet. Quite a numbere gathered at the residence :of Arch. McDonald, Edge Hill, one evening lately, and enjoyed themselves in the usual way for some time. We were pleased to receive many greetings from old friends at Priceville last Sunday. Miss Gladys Baker returned from Toronto to the old home on the 10th concession, after spending the winter months in the city. Lamb massacres are beginnig early. Mr. Jim Morrison had three worried Quite a large audience attended the farewell sermon of the Rev. Mr. Corry at Priceville last Sunday. Some from Durham and Edge Hill were there in the morning. The Rev. Mr. Sullivan of St. Columba church. cancelled his service in the evening to give his congregation the privilege of hearing Pleased to heai‘ that Mrs. David ;\_T_ichol is getting better after a. long M1. Corry, and. a large number 01’ his congregation attended the service. The many friends of the Rev. Mr. Corry wish him and his family success in their new home near Toronto. only commencing. Those who had the misfortune of being laid up from ac- cidents are able now to be engaged in the duties of seeding time. We- are pleased to report that the sick ones are getting better and hope they will soon be able to enjoy the COmforts of the summer season. The many friends of the late Rev. and Mrs. Jones regret to hear of the )death of their only daughter, Bessie, at Tor- onto, some weeks ago. All their old. friends join us in condolences in their sad loss of a loving daughter. Glenelg Prioeville The Fergus News-Record in ‘its last issue brings to public notice the sea- son’s best joke. Some official in con- nection with the Department of High- 'waysofOntariohasmissedhiscalling. He ought to be editing a humorous magazine. A Fergus motorist. who lost one of his car markers last year, ap-- plied for another and was charged two dollars for it. He wrote to the De- partment a week ago with the sugges- tion that three markers might be is- suedwitheachlicenseinsgadoftwo. The extra one would be to carry as a spare, the same as any motorist carries other parts, so that he is prepared in case he loses a part or something goes wrong with it. As the markers cost the government less than ten cents each, onr‘ridayeveninglasttoafullhouse and were warmly applauded through- out. The people of Harkaway used. them right royally. kn Close-u fife Rilg R9 in mi: right- side- THE SEASON’S BEST JOKE Clown: PRESTON, ONT. 'MI 7 .tdl Gctdenilubouta- SPECIALSPRH' ‘_w_.v - w 'â€"â€"â€"â€"_-‘ and rafter meas- urgments for free Warehouses. and quick to lay on new roofs or n . t over 01d ones. b Boll u made to Council Standprd' quality. §end ndge has are under the department’s pro- tection. So if you are “careless” with your markers you are really fined $2.00 for the atrocity. And they pay a great number of needless omcials big, fat salariestowrltesuchsillylettersasthe above without any thought of how they throw around the public monies.â€"Kin- cardine Review-Reporter. careful bunch of ofilcials we have controlling the Ontario Department of Highways!. Why even the 20 cents worth of auto markers each motorist this would byno means be expensive. Motorists will admit the Fergus man's suggestion was one of good sense. He received a reply from the department. and one paragraph read as follows: “I would point out that this fee (82.00). ischargednotmerelytocovertheeost oiissumganewsetofmarkersbut also to discourage the public from be- coming careless with government pro- perty." Just think of that! What a ”Jeane at this time.” «:MR_sz W: V. RUSSELL, R. R. No. 6. Fenwick. Ontario. Fenwick, Ont .â€"“I amtaking Ly din E. Pinkham’ 3 Vegetable pompound After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’ 3 Vegetable ‘ Compound “A GREAT TUNIG,” SAYS MRS. RUSSELL getable Compound duripg the Change ' PAGE 7.

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