radio. Buy set with the that of sets unfacmriag alue. W'c're e in today. new y. Come in inn-Warner I. Learn what distance-get- p-ofl' stations Dice. Volume crop will be a little ecause of weed m- it was found that need when u nun control and could reduce their weed of small white med about two pet I) 7.) tour mmnwm.mmm Ofï¬ce and residence a short dist- mce east of The Hahn Home, on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Wham. Office hours. 2 to 5 pm, 1 to 9 pm. {except Sundays): J. L. SMITH. M. 3.. M. C. P. 8. 0. Office and residence at the corner 0! Countess and Lambton Streets, oppo- site old Post Ofï¬ce. 03100 hours: 9 to 11 a.m., 1.3oltoh4 pm., 7 to 9 pm. Physician and Surgeon. omco Garafraxa Street, Durham. Graduuo University of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m. (Sundays excepted). Lmu, « Sundays exéepted). v- vâ€" â€" Chiropractor. Graduates Canadian Chlro tactic College. Toronto. Ofllce inMac armne Block. Durham. Day and night phone DR. W. C. PICKBIING. DENTIST urticc over J. 8; J. hunter's store, Dru-ham. .I. 1". GRANT. D. D. 3.. L. D. 8. Honor graduate of the University 01 Tux-unto. Graduate of Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentis- try m all its branches. Ofllce Calder Block. Mill Street. second door east or MacBeth's Drug Store. A, ,_ Barrister, Solicitor, etc., Durh Branch ofllce at Dundall open day Friday. oflka omce. Phon'e 4:! r 3. BEE “mason a 1mm C. a. BESSIE MqGILLlVRA! “may, W M. I†Auctionect. G!!! ‘3‘ m‘ mmnsma um .I. ll. mcqvmm. B. A. Medical Directory. Dental Directorv Legal ‘Dt’reciorv DE. A. M. BELL at munv 6:515: sun FOR SALE OXFORD DOWNS, PURE BRED; three run lunbe, 12 ewe lambs, prices Harmâ€"Walter Willis, RJ, nugget} phone Allan Put; . ' ' 10 17 ti. ABOUT 150 mom CHAIRS NOW in use at Star Theatre. Will be, sold cheap. Apply Variety Store. tf PROPERTY OCCUPIED BY GEORGE Campbell’s store and Kelsey Studio, in- cludlng six rooms above, large cellar and garage. Apply 1". W. Kelsey. _ PROPERTY FOR. SALE SPLENDID BRICK STORE BLOCK on main street of Durham, known as the McKechnie property; ideal loca- tion; reasonable briée. Apply at once to Mills 8.: Paterson, Hanover, Ont. 12 13 tf. FARM FOR SALE LOT 47, CON. 3, E.GR., GLENELG. 100 acres; well fenced. well watered by spring creek; drilled well, water in stable; good brick house and bank barn,‘ driving shed, hen house and oth- er outbuildlngs; centrally located for High and Public schools. For partic- ulars apply to Thomas Ritchie, Dur- ham- 12.12.. 1- 10.3.“. HOUSE FOR SALE ON LAMBTON STREET, NEAR FURJ NITURE Factory; .in gogd ‘cgndition; ‘1 _LL- 1‘1 ‘5 URI! “ “‘4 DU‘ J g 1“ now-v-vâ€"- hard and soft water, b‘é‘igctgc lights: good garden. stable and garage.â€"Apply Mrs. E. Roseborough. 10.10tf HOUSE T0 RENT 6-RO0M HOUSE CENTRALLY LO- cated on Garafraxa street; modern conveniences; immediate possession. Apply Sam Patterson. 10.10.“ SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE IN UP- PER town. Apply Miss F. H. David- son. Durham, Ont. 10.3.“. '1‘0 BEN '1‘ ADJOINING TOWN.6-ROOM HOUSE with 3 acres land, stable and henhouse; possession soon. Apply box 247, Dur- h-m 10 31 t! is well equipped for turning out the finest work on ehort order. t1 You Can Save MAS RATES October 19th, giving three extra Photos with each amen. Studio open every day from 9 am. until 4 pm. - ‘fl 1‘ 1‘ J-r. w. Kelsey. FOR SALE OR RENT §frUAT10Ns VACANT WANTED NOTICE NOTICE 10 314 10 1‘5 11 NEWS AND INFORMATION cent larger than last year. The Euro- pean production is about normal in contrast to 1928, when the crop was t.o.b. ers ï¬heve been trying to discover whether the use of electric light in by- (Continued from page 6.) Through the co-operation of the Business M'en listed below, we will reproduce 'a series of educat- ional articles endeavoring to bring about a better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring about a more progressive community in which to live. AND DUCKS. AT THE DURHAM CHRONICLE BUSY FARMEB Community Buying Directory nnd Business Guide egg production among hens. The theory is that in prolonging daylight the hens were enticed to lay more eggs. Lwlth two pens, one supplied __with the oxtra 'ng'himg 'mcmtes and the other whout, show the following results: |\1I/.\1{/5\T/.\'. a A. C. it has yielded about 25 per Guelph district have reported excellent crops with this variety. for his supply now. R. D. Nodwell of Hubburg, one of potatoes,whenucfln¢usneldmnfor the Crops and market Branch during themstwmmer,hndmexcenent op- portunity of observing diam in potato claps. He says: “My eyes were per cent." This mum to my tum- mmnywulouoftromflowm perm.†Weednotonly R- “mwwmbutmmthe POTATO STORAGE mt! 0‘ ettnc'the building m'ord'er to curry lty on the beet and moisture meted . for endmcettmcthestoctmwedormnnt ng sate. Proper ventfletton during this 13- pertodwmeleo prevent tbedevelop- mento rotswhtchusuulyeetmet H mm. Durmcthe middle w used. Pamphlet No. 10 published by the Dominion Department of Agricul- ture fully explains the requirements (a a proper type of storage house. The itime of storage may be divided into the early. middle, and late periods. me early and late are the most critical periods. The early storage period us- ually includes the first six weeks. dur- oi! the bent and moisture mated . andincettincthestoetintoadormant stete. Proper ventilation during this The Finest Mnnltoh PAGE 7.