West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jan 1930, p. 7

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ful will yield The School is thorouhly equipped to take up the following courses: (2) Emu-moo to Normal School. Etch memberp! the _8tafl is Uni- germ emcr at W 01 um. ham on Tuesdtys. Shippers requested to__give tyne days’ notice. Licensed Auctioneer for Grey County Sales taken on reasonable tarmac. Dates arranged at. The Chroma 061cc. .. George E. Duncan, Dundnlka,l 1202?:p Phone 4:: r 3. Auctioneer. Grey and Bruce. Sales promptly attended to. Saturation :‘taranteed. Terms on application. Phone Allan Park Central 91'515; Hanover R. R. 2, P. 0. 524m ‘ ‘v‘i‘uvvvvâ€" v' wâ€"- - June- umdc. unmet. Phone 601 r 13 Durhun. R. R. 1 1. way Public, Conveyancer, Realtor, I;.~~z:'uz‘.ce, etc.; a general financial 0.0mm; transacted. All legal docu- liwzxtrs efficiently and caregnlly nrepared _Y_di1rnba'tronago soliciiea. ' OFFICE: 1 door North of McLaughlin’s nus. Minnow a minnow 01M hours, ‘2' f6 33.51.,"7' t3 '5pr (except Sundays). F â€"v' Gara'rraxa Street; Durhaii. mGnInâ€"ntq Ungverslty ‘of_ T139930. Eyes tested Graduates Canadian Chiro nctlc College. Toronto. Office inmc atlano Block, Durham. Day and night phone 123. 1,,1 iorers. Solicitors, etc. A member : um firm will be 111 Durham an . t of each week. Appointments (1:1. be made with the Olfl'k 1n the z- I. )lacARTHUR, DURHAM. ONT. and corrected. Office hours: 2 to a pm, '7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). Barriste Branch 1 day Frida‘ Oxfice over J. a; J. hunter’s store, Durham. DR. W. C. PICKERING. DENTIST DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL 1164 526%: 3-17, 749 Craig West, Monmu, J.LBHITH.H.I~M.C.P.8.0. C. G. s: 338813 McGILLIVBA! 4101' graduate of the University 01 mo. Graduate of Royal College .u Surgeons of Ontario. Dentis- :: 3.11 its branches. omce Calder _;‘ .mll Street. second door east or .13‘ Drug Store. Friday. F. GRANT, D. D. 8.. L. D. S. NOTICE TO Thur-by, hwy 10, mo Medical Dilation . GEORGE E. DUNCAN Dental Directorv L 1} CAS HENRY Garage. DELEBELL JOHN AITKEN 4.11 ‘Direclorv L! a'Ql'ARRlE. B. A. nu Aprdaod for should W to )1‘. etc., Durham. Dundalx open an THE LATIMER PROPERTY FOR sale or rent.â€"Apply R. J. Matthews, LOCAL AGENT WANTED WANTEDâ€"ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD character, fair education and some bus- iness experience ( with some knowledge of farm conditions) to )ist farm and other pr0perties in Grey County around Durham and handle prospective pur- chasers of such prOperties. The man chosen will have the close co-operation. valuable connection and widespread advertising of strongest national or- ganization of its kind in Canada. Ad-. dress in confidence to “A. F. N.”, care of The Durham Chronicle, Durham, Ont- 1 16 lpd WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRONICLE is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. t1 LOGS WANTED WE WILL BUY ELM, BASSWOOD, Maple, Birch and Beech 1088. delivered at Durham. Highest prices paid. Ap- ply at ofiice or Mr. Kinnee. â€"Durham Furniture Co. 12 5 tr. FOR SALE ADJOINING TOWN, 25 ACRES, 6- room house, barn stable, driving shed and hen house. Buildings all in good condition. Watered by creek and good well. Price right for quick sale. Immediate possessionâ€"Herbert Mur- dock. _12 5 tr. FARM F OR SALE 320 ACRES, 270 ACRES CULTIVATED, 80 acres seeded to fall Rye, 80 acres plowed for spring crop; equipped; $2,000 cash, balance easy terms. For further partlcuars apply to P. O. Box 105, Summerberry. Sask. 1 16 31) SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE IN UP- PER town. Apply Miss F. H. David- son. Durham. Ont. 10.3.t1. FARM FOR SALE LOT 47, CON. 3, E.G.,R. GLENELG. 100 acres; well fenced, well watered by spring creek; drilled well, water in stable; good brick house and bank barn, driving shed, hen house and oth- er outbuildings; centrally located for High and Public schools. For partic- ulars apply to Thomas Ritchie Dur- ham. R..R 1.10...3tf HOUSE FOR. SALE FRAME HOUSE ON EEN STREET South; in best of co ion; sev room and bath; electric lights; t -auar- 7-ROOMED HOUSE IN GOOD CON - DITION on bton Street, newly shingled; 3-pl bath; hard and soft water; lights, , umacq find modern conveniences; garage; "must be sold im- mediatey as owner is leaving town .-â€"A. M. Elliott. _ 1 16 4p SPLEN DID BRICK STORE BLOCK on main street of Durham, known as the McKechnie property; ideal loca- tion; reasonable price. Apply at once to Mills Paterson, Hanover, Ont. 12 13 tr. ter acre (if 1: PROPERTY FOR FOR SALE OR RENT AGENTS FOR SALE WANTED NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of MAR- GARET McCRACKEN late or the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, widow. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that all ns having claims against the es- te of MARGARET McCRAOKEN, late of the Town of Durham in the County of Gre , Widow, deceased, who died on or ut the twentieth day of November A. D. 1929, are required to deliver or send by post prepaid to Lucas, Henry 8: Lucas, solicitors for the executor, of the estate, on or be- fore the twenty-fifth day of January 1930, their names and addresses, a hill desertigetion of their claims in writing, and nature of the security, it any, TERMS:â€"Hay, feed and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount any time up to ten months’ credit on approved joint notes bearing interest at 5 per cent. 1162 will 0W for sale a' parcel of land ntaining five acres, this latter su§j_ t_ [:9 a ygserved bid. A 83%, Jan‘ 18, '30 sure way to become an expert. The World’s biggest, most fascnatlng, top pay trades need Auto and Aval- tion Mechanics, Ignition Men, El- ectric Welders, House Wiremen, Electricians, Bricklayers, and Plast- erers. This is your chance to BE A CERTIFIED MECHANIC Few weeks, guaranteed, practical, unlimited, shop training. Live en- gines, real equipment. Canadian employment servgse. E3111 part time while learning. Free Railway Fare. FIND OUT HOW to make 350 week- ly upwards by writing for Illustrat- ed booklet. Commercial Engineering Limited, 79 Queen W., Toronto. Make Money easilyâ€"The quick, sure road to $75 weekly upwards. Increasing demand for expertsâ€" Learn Drafting, Architecture and Building estimating. Few weeks. Practical blue print and shop. A Guaranteed training. Endorsed by Engineers. Instruments supplied. Canadian employment service. Free railway fare. Earn while learning.- Limited education sufficient. Write today for illustrated booklet. Commercial Drafting Schools, 79 Queen W., Toronto. commencing at 2 pm. ' usehold effects, including dining oom, bedroom and kitchen furni- ture, dishes and many other house- hold articles. YOU ARE WANTED FOR A Big Pay Job OF HOUS OLD EFFEC th property of Miss ulia cLean ‘ AUCTION SALE IVIEN WANTEDâ€"DEAF TING Auction Sale TERMS CASH. CHAS. SHEWELL, Auctioneer. ROBT. BRIGHAM, Auctioneer. Street Philpâ€"Watson: That the rate of payment for Deputy-Returning officers be $4.00 and 5c. per mile each way receiving and delivering Ballot Boxes. Polling place $3.00; poll clerk $2.00.â€" Carried. N. McEachernâ€"Watson: That the Road Supt. attend the annual conven- tion of the Ontario Good Roads Assoc- iation to be held in Toronto on Feb- ruary 26, 27 and 28.-â€"â€"Carried. Reeve, W. H. Hunter; Deputy Reeve. W J.. Philp; Councillors Neil McEach- ern, Hugh McEachern and Wm. J. Watson. The Reeve addressed the Council fol- lowed by the other members. Minutes of meteing held December 16th, 1929 were read and confirmed. Philpâ€"Watson: That the Reeve be instructed to sign Paysheet No. l for work on roadsâ€"Carried. Philpâ€"McEachern: That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and submit to the Minister of Public High- ways of the Province of Ontario the Petition of the Corporation of the Township of Egremont showing that during the period January 1 to Decem- ber 31, 1929 there has been expended upon the Township roads the sum of $17,177.87 and requesting the Statutory grant on that amount as provided by the Ontario Highways Actâ€"Carried. Watsonâ€"N. McEachern: That the payment by the Treasurer of $59.40 to the various banks for receiving taxes 1929 be validatedâ€"Carried. N. McEachernâ€"H. McEachern: That the Clerk be instructed to order 8 cop- ies of the Municipal World.-Carried. H. McEachernâ€"Watson: That a grant of $5.00 be given to the Sick Children’s Hospital. Toronto.â€"Carried. Bylaws authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow money, appoint- ing auditors and a member of the Board of Health was passed. Watsonâ€"Philp: That the following the year 1930. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Egremont Council V bia, whose golfers enjoy their game the year round. owing to the ameliorating influence of the Japan current, will hold ita aeeond annual Mid-Winter Gold Tournament un- der the auspices of the Empreu Hotel Feb. 17-23, 1980. E 35th.." “Mb tctoria. capital of British Colum- biu, whose golfers enjoy their Ca nada’s g’.i’“.;‘--‘qngate? Golf Tournament Cum 00;: 40000010.! Cum receive the Auditor's Report and Gen- era! business. - pointing 01!ch tor the yen 1 Turnbullâ€"McCaslin: That Hy. Pat- terson. Supt., and Reeve McDonald at- tend good roads convention at Toronto. â€"Carried. Griersnâ€"â€"Turnbull: That Supt. be authorized to have bridge on 3L. 5. Con. 5, completed as soon as possible.- Carried Officials and salaries as confirmed by By-law 138: Auditorsâ€"James Brunt and J. H. Ahrens, $6.00 each. Clerkâ€"J. H. Chittick, $400 and legis- tration fees. ' Griersofiâ€"Bailey: That Elmwood Pu_bli(_: Library b_e granted :55 .aâ€"(‘ trig d. Baileyâ€"McCaslin': That 'eight copies of the Municipal World be ordered for council and officials.â€"Carried. Treasurer-4W. G. Hastie, $150 and bonds provided by the Council, Superintendent of Roads â€"-Henry Patterson, 40¢. per hour. Assessorâ€"W. J. Adlam, $115. School Attendance Officerâ€"A. C. Mc- Donald, $1.00 per call. MHOHHâ€"Dr J. L. Smith, 8150. 7- v-“â€" â€""v‘ By-law No. 138.-Curied. Griersonâ€"Turnbull: That Treasurer be instructed to write County Treasur- er requesting him to cancel arrears of taxes on Lot 8, Con. 13, amounging to $38.55, said taxes being paid to the township treasurer.â€"Carried. Turnbullâ€"Grierson: That By-law No. 138 be read a first and second timeâ€"Carried. Baileyâ€"McCaslin: That Clerk be instructed to prepare a by-law provid- ing that a fee of $100.00 be imposed on transient traders operating in the munici ity.â€"Carried. Turn ullâ€"McCaslin: That Superin- tendent be authorized to dispose of trees complained of by Louis Dietaâ€" Carried. McCaslinâ€"Mnbull: That Voucher No. 1 and all other accounts be paid and cheques issued by treasurer. - Tar- ”M0 C.M®$1010;N.m.do, 310.”; 8M6!) 311.” mm- mwcusmitoo; mm. SchoolAttendInca omen-”33m a. mmmmmmmcy Baileyâ€"Grierson: That ‘3y-‘aw No. 138 be read a third time and finally pa_ssed, signed and sealedâ€"Carried. Griersonâ€"Turnbull: That Treasurer be authorized to accept $5.50 from C. Cotter and $5.00 from A. Anderson ior timber sold by Charles Bailey on the road. allowanceâ€"Carried. ramming amour tor when $16.5? W7: yam. do. $11.10; w. n. Baum. do Member of Boardâ€"Alex. Wilson . otDou ufin,noinoofthem25 foot in rwmfenna- 1nd ”dent, led oak- nnd codm tinting Mrs. Hew Pateraon of Victoria. although a large list of other priaea is being posted. The tournament will be la ed over the Colwood Golf an ountry Club's oourae. xhish wind-shrew: . mt tor-es Bentinck Council Victorin. often celled the “Ever- green City." in on the Southern tip of Vancouver Islnnd end in one ol the most Woe nnd intel'b eeting citing in Conndn. In is the tontoViau-hmclflhbhrthh tournament. fimimmv I. 2. m. a. km; 8. (I. O] Nearly Killed by Gas â€"Druggist Saves Her "Here and There ((51) the total value a: mo prw Held crop- ot Canada for ”I. b estimated a ”06,906.00. M "0.000.000 has than I. 1083. Cnnatrncuon n! ma new aha-at for tho anrflca batwean Saint Jo. and Duty on tha Bay at l‘nndy In wall advanced and It la bound to have it In opal-anon by next am“. Grant Hall. aenlor vice-preatdant o! the Canadian Pacific Railway. an- nnuncnd recently on a mu to tho New Brunawtck cfity. indicating western Canada's in- portanoe in the livestock world. 80 bend of registered Aberdeen Angus cattle from Glencsrnock Farm. tant- ons breeding establishment operat- ed near Brandon by lion. J. D. Ic- Gregor, Lieutenant-Governor of the province. recently arrived at Van- couver by Canadian Pacific Railway for shipment to Australia and New Zenland Designed to furnish the immennb tractive effort of 83.200 pounds, 3 new locomotive. first of its kind on this continent, to be operated on n high steam pressure principle. will. be immediately placed under con- struction at the Angus Shops of the Canadian Pacific Railway. it will be one of the most powerful in the world and will supersede the 5900 engine of the railway as the most powerful in the British Empire. Locomotive and tender will weigh 764,000 lbs. or 14,000 lbs. heavier than the 5900 engine and 120 000 lbs. heavier than the 2800 locomo~ tive. PAGE I. 'ottl teat: aver mm It IOW8( revel shim ustm lecte< ant h [1 th‘ leg: thnv It am

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