re for any 09° I of cotton ex- ‘rhum colicâ€"xii the 101m 00‘1â€â€œ: M38. A. B. NICHOL, comm “Women Must Wear Corsets†with the new silhouetta We hue them for you whether tell, short, stout or 311m: cell or phone 119; free demonstration by named Cox-senate. Spirals representa- Phoné 4:! r 3. tive. "Ltlmélca *0 â€UV? vv‘u vpâ€"â€"â€" vvvvv Cm F" ‘ u" lMulqcI; Cogner. on. y. April.8 at A huge mirror which took nearly a .1 0: cl ochâ€"William ton. may; year to cool down has been made in Jéhn â€than. Auctioneer. 3 27 % England for a largo rem “19‘ scope. Weighing more than a ton and a half. it is 69 inches in diameter and ten m3h€~o thick. m of glass of this size ,, . ronto? are dlï¬icult to get free from defects. sum ggent: “Well. madam, tho and after the molten 81““ h†â€â€œ5“ Board 01 Directors. the Division's! Su- DOured into the mold it has to be W.ï¬a1nteudent, the conductor. the en- hotbyelecmcmmmdmtmmmflmw.wlm over aperlod 01mm [11 malt!†Quito Probable Old Lady (for the twentieth time): Ixxsnx-iaIrâ€"xvccz'.~ 33th a géneral 'nnanctal business transacted. All legal docu- ments efliciently and caregnny qrepared Barristers, Solicitors. etc. A member 01 the ï¬rm wmbe mDurhaman Tuesday of each week. Ap mtmenta mgybe made withtheo erkinthe oflfce. Lambton Street, Durham. Phone 97. N You? bubonic. soncliea. ' OFFICE: 1 door North of McLaughlin’s Honor graduate of the University or roronto, Graduate of Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentis- try in all its branches. Oflloe Calder 0mm md residence at the corner of Countess end Lambton f ta. oppo- llte old Poet 0111a,. . lee home: 9 toll em..130to§p.m.,7t09p.m. (Sundays excepted). Bfock. Mill Street, second door east 01 WacBeth’s Drug Store. mm Street. Lower Town, Durban. Qfllce‘hgms: 2 _to 5 pm. 1 to 9 pm. College *Tdi'ontb.‘ mb'ï¬fcwe milâ€"“751353 Block, ham. Day wd night phone (uecpt Sundays). and corrected. Ofliee noun: a too 9.111., 7 to 9 p. m. (Sundays excepted). 63036! B. DUNCAN Licensed Auctioneer for Gljey County Notary Public, Conveyancqr, _Realt9r., DURHAM HIGH scnool Oflice over J. a J. hunter’s store. J.L8mH.B~M.C.P.S.O. C. G. I 328813 McGILLIVRA! J. B. MacQUm B. A. human-MAW†Medical Directory. Dental Directory. Legal 'Dz'rectorv. LUCAS b HENRY ‘Busihess, Etc. DIAMEELL efluctioneers at 3113289 91115: ms. 14' ' mzopcm. 7,.Bant1nck. Mflw33°§v mzqu AW“ “ a--. mA-JA‘MI. 1 . ozélo‘ck.â€"Iwnnam Fulton. Proprietor; John Anton. Auctioneer. 3 27 g WILLYS-KNIGHT-OVEBLAND CARS WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRONICLE is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. :1 Knight cars placed from 81,500 up, the lowest in Winn-Knight history.â€"-C. 8. Lawrence, Durham, Out. 2 6 t1 FARM FOR RENT GOOD FARM ON 2nd CONCESSION of Bentinck, two miles north of Aber- deen, the former S. Putherbough farm; 200 acres; will rent either the one or the two; good buildings and good farms; good reason for renting. For further information apply on the prem- i§es or write J. W. Willets, R. 2, Dur- ham, Ont. 2 13 4p WANTED TO BUY {SO-ACRE FARM WITH BUILDINGS; in Grey County; might consider 100 acres. Apply Chas. Ehmke, Hanover, Ontario. 227.4pd THE LATIMER PROPERTY FOR stock of Wallpapers on display in my store next to Whitman’s Barber Shop. 2 27 4pc! Imagmttortheaewenknomm and would appreciate Wynn des- er outbuildings; centrally located for High and Public schools. For partic- ulars apply to Thomas Ritchie, Dur- ham, RR. 1. LOT 47, CON. 3, 13.03., ammo. 100 acres; well fenced, well watered by spring creek; drilled well, water in stable; good brick house and bank barn, driving shed, hen house and oth- BPLENDID BRICK STORE BLOCK 911 11331;: street of Durham, known as tion; reasonable briée. 14wa at once to Mills dz Paterson, Honozter, Ont. 12 13 . MACHINE SHOP FOR. SALE FULLY EQUIPPED; GOOD BUILD- E. G. R... Glendaâ€"Apply Elizabeth Scott, Durham. 3 20 Zn HONEY FOR SALE FINEST QUALITY LIGHT AMBER honey, 85c. for 10 poundsr-W. A. Mac- {may {on SALE, LOT 65, CON. 3, FORD CAR FOR SALE 1930 SEDAN MODEL, NEVER USED, PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT ï¬ed-cuties can save their Societies 33-1/3 per cent by pay- Inc can for advertising. de- Money By Paying Cash You Can Save COMING EVENTS FARM FOR SALE AUCTION SALE FOR RENT FOR SALE WANTED NOTICE FOR SALE The Chronicle. 2274pa Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the Nineteenth day of February AD. 1930, are required to deliver or send by post prepaid to Lucas, Henry 8: Lucas, Solicitors for the Executors oftheEstate,onorbeforethe29th been received by them at the time of such distribution. DATED at Durham thh 12th day’of IN THE MATI'ER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS MILLIGAN REID, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey. Gentleman. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the Estate ofThomasMReld,lateottheTown of Durham in the County of Grey. to two o’clock Monday, the 14th da'y or April, 1930, addressed to 3.27 .3 In the matter of the Estate of Wil- liam Beleher Vollet, late of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, Town Clerk, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all per- sons having claims against the Estate of William Belcher Vollet late of the Town of Durham, in the County 01 Grey, Town Clerk, who died on or about the Twenty-seventh day of No- vember, A D. 1929, at the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, are hereby required to send or deliver to the under mentioned Solicitor for the Executrix full particulars of their claims duly proved on or before the twentieth day of April, 1930. house. sitï¬ated on Highway between Hanover and Durham. will be sold by sealed tender accompanied by marked cheque for ten per cent of the amount The highest or any tender not neces- §ariï¬y aceepted. _ 7, Tandem received up Solicitor for tho Executors. Clark Torry. Mark Mervyn, R. R. 3, Hanover. Elmwood. After such date the executrix Will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and will not be liable for said assets to any persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. DATED at Durham, this Twentieth day of March, 1930. land, situate, lying and be Township of Bentmck in of Grey and ldescribed In the matter of the estate of Agnes Bailey, late of the Township of Bent- inck i_n the County of Grey, widow, de- Terms of Saleâ€"IQ months’ credit wilt be given on approved joint notes bear- ing interest at 6 per cent. JOHN STOTHART, Proprietor, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS CREDIT AUCTION SALE “Farm Stock Implements LUCAS, HENRY a: LUCAS, Solicitors for the Exe Water-Well Driller JOHN O’NEIL. EXECUTORS’ SALE E. J. PRATT Solicitor for the Executrix. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 3.4 Pflcevme. Ont. tions of that country brought up in a state of infidelity. godlessness. an- archy and worse. While their religious belief may diner from ours and. may not be worth following. yet from our judgment of the situation, to tear the preachers and churches out of any country is robbing the children and the state of all that is worth while. Pleased to learn that m Grace Hopkins has so far recovered from her misfortune as to be able to return home from the hospital. Now for a word on Russia. Poor old Russia. robbed of her churches and re- ligious freedom! The closing of some seventy churches in Moscow of late is looked upon by some of us saintly old fogeys as something deplorable. Russia has apparently been going to the dogs: for yeam and the legislation of the Soviets appears to be sinking the coun- try mm a further state of corruption. Think of the civilized world standing verger aimounced to another. “What’s the matter?†asked the othet. Mr. George Cut! is engaged with Mr. Hebert J. Lawrence at present. Mr. Andrew Hay of town 11% been assisting Mr. Lawrence McFadden to cu'; M: E. J. Pratt is drilling a well for Mr. R. J. Lawrence. Mrs. G. A. Watson and Joe visited her Sister. Mrs. Gregor in Mount For- tst. who m quite seriously ill. renown. We hope his next: move will. be to petition the C. P. R. far shipping accommodation at our station here. Mrs. William Moore is quite indis- posed with a severe cold at present. Mr. H. Tucker is busy} moving to his now home north of Priceville. Mr. Farr Iawrence is again buying up stock for shipment this week. He is fast becoming a drover of old time (-Too late for last week.) - The weather has again turned spring like but who knows what we may have for weather by the time the Chron- icle reaches its readers. Mr. Reuben Watson has returned from Detroit where he has been work- ing the past two or three months. He reports times dull in that once busy city. her son. Mr. Thos. Burke list week. _Mostc£thepupilso!th1$schoolhave appearancc. “sawmill“. Wfltaorantorlnfm DOMINION Ml SCHOOLS. [.11). Eastern Handgun-ten 163 King St, W.. Tau-onto. mm. M t. and. Whyltwmhyto Buy'l‘woollc'l Blood-WChlchNeu-nome. 1. You can see the breeding stock and chicks] before you buy. mechanics, house wiring. electric and acetylene welding, bricklaying. drafting. Endorsed by graduates. Free railroad fare. Earn part time. Free employment serivoe. Write for illustrated booklet, “How to make $50 weekly upwards." Commercial Engineering United The short, sure way to stearier jobs, better pay. Increasing demand for experts. Positions opening. Few weeks, guaranteed, practical shop “Church wardens decided he was not “How’s the new man?†“0h, he’s all sound.†“Had to let our minister Earn 36 to $10 per Day (Ogr an Correspondent) "alderwood (Our Own Cmrspoudent) MAKE MONEY EASIER 57 Queen W., Toronto .l. G. MD“. m have go! 9’ transportation brought much to the markets of all municipalities together with an increase tourist traific which during the past year had expended. some $200,000,000 in the province. Con- sequently, said the Premier, them was to be no contribution made from trust funds of the government on the Premier Ferguson also laid down the government’s policy on Hydro power. The province, he said, was prepared to purchase power from any one in the province on a fair and equitable basis. In regard to the development of the St. Lawrence, Premier Ferguson said the province intended to secure their rights and maintain them for the people of the province. Nothing would be given away, while he hoped that the whole question would be shortly settled in the best interest of the province. Power development on the St. Law- rence, continued Premier Pcrguson, did ,not end. the difficulty of securing power. Many other deveIOpments must be undertaken in order to assure a complete supply of power for years to ment from the “assumed obtuseness" of the Progressive leader. Two important announcements were made by Premier Ferguson. Upon the suggestion that municipalities should receive a portion of the gasoline tax Premier Ferguson flatly stated thi; would not be done. The Government said Premier Ferguson, had established. an extensive system of transportation to serve the entire province, and mun- icipalities were entitled to contribute to that system. Such a system of ORDERING FOR SPRING PLANTS sfterthefrostisoutthebettertho resultswllbe. Thisisbuedonlong experience at the Experimental Fums. One should also know in good time what are the best varï¬eties to plant. or sow,snditonehasnotthmmtorms- Station for adxicc as to what to phat. buying quite unsuitable, or inleflor. planmandseedswhlchcouldbepre- ventedtoahrgeextentbyustnxttm information freely given by the Expat!- menta! Stations. upon the ectdvittes of the government whtch brought thumping applause from the Government. When he hnd con- “We need. every bit of power we can produce and we propose to buy every horsepower of energy we can. purchase anywhere.†said Premier Ferguson. “If we had all the power out of the St. “on at home. I'ppliamon shout! bu eluded, there was no doubt in the mindsofthosewhocrowdedthenl- leflesastowhowasmoompletecon- trol of the situation. Premier Rm the went-ot-oonndenoe amendment in- troduoed by 8. C. lined. Libel-:1. North Waterloo, which condemned the gov- ernment for unnamunlcipumesto contributototheOldAsoPenflons. Aninteresting feature otthevoto mmdedmmgtovoteotmlaut- chenaon. labor, Xenon. Mr. Hutchen- Minister, in concluding the budget de- It often. happens that we do not give much thought to on" gardens or frank. plantations and what we are going tc plant, or sow. until spring is almost or quite upon us and then. by the mm the plants, or seeds, an- ordcred or reach us, it is really too late to get the best results that year, if ever, fer in the case of some plants. such as roses for instance, a delay in planting may mean that they will not grow at all, as when the hot dry winds blow over the newly set bushes, it is very hard on son and get supplies ordered in good plants should reach you at a certain timeasmthecaseofmosttreesmd Now, then, is the time to look ahead and to make plans for the coming sea- thetr stumblings through jungle dark- mired with w. s. N.8l1ch1r.flbeul (Experimental Farms Note.) Wealthy Uncle (titer: trial (up): “Well. thnnkyouforthe m ridesmyournpwcnr." Nixon, The Ontario Legislature Toronto, tin-ch 21, 1930. for luwlngasmrtmthevlclnltydm er’s Corners west of Htchm lo. 8. and run southwesterly to Fulï¬ll. Q thehlll ester“ WI! um church where it will run wat to (In ME m:w â€Wm mmm mag mumps-1;... Central. Ontario Electric Power 8". am given under legislation W by Hon. J. R. Cooke. High 0‘» sioner. the bill providing an M Cooké sad. that the provinco W hlghway mm Hamilton will be and this year. Engineers of the m- meat of Public Highways have .ï¬ sun/cw and mapped out the m. no- Minister of HighWIYS. who I“ II. Counties. skirt the top of 31‘. Mountain and enter Hamilton. Ontario Power System owned and qr- erated by the Seymour Power 00.. VII the object of placing the service a! the same basis as the Ontario Hydro. Second reading was given to Plan-- ierl Ferguson’s bill providing (a a nu- year term of legislature. Premier lur- guson explained that the life of a pv- ernment depended. upon its vat and administration than upon any tom 11 years fixed by legislstion. m Ferguson added that it. would â€I I saving to the public and W to legislation in force in every other unv- inoo of ï¬re year terms. A SW. u Sbvc Storm not the gates of song. mightbevouchedtormmhn agency and company in Ont-1o '- b future be compelled to uh VIII (In superintendent of mun-om a win I stetisticoibumworcoordotlil‘o- mobile insurance premiums and d in loss and expense costs m h I bin introduced in the W by Attorney-Genera! Price. But for a whisper or.- the bl In humble patience wait! A lover and a slave. t. 00 You. are condemned to pun, And you. must know the we: For you the deathless flame. Fm'youthokeendencht. Foryoutheonecleusurflutcbn Throughdnrkestmlmsofm A supplicant. a shve; But what rare buss is your: www.mmmd’ nous. 8.0 m J. n. mums OOIPAII1 um. I. u Whyputofltmtomamfln wanttobecomeenmedmum proaublebusmesswimthe“ 018m? Even “that“ tenoe you will um ‘50.“ d Famousnoducmmmm Every licensed automobile W The lyric splendor pom-s! For every lyric strain. 70MWG“. W“ AGENTS WANTED â€"Tho Pulling Int. PAGE 1.