H mm In Naï¬onal M attacuvc rive fu'dctI. iIIlIv “luv med. ld pay- FREE Eggs 70. ADVERTISING “TBS Judichl, 1m], Ofï¬cial :nd Govern- ment Noticesâ€"12c. per count line tor ï¬rst insertion, and 6c. per line for each subsequent insertion. mgr where in. object 5' tiié be'ï¬enTér '36}; Vemenca a! any n or number of perspngâ€"ls adv_ g, andltwmbo whom 'to éharge it to; it will 3533'ng to the person phoning or sending it in. Advertisements ordered for insertion “until forbidden†and those sent without written instructions, will up- _ ‘_. _-__Ll‘ ~, four consecutive insertions for the price of three; adiscount of 3-1/3 ï¬gment allowed tor cash with order. imam charge, 25c. cash with order FRANK IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor LUCAS. HENRY a; LUCAS Ban-burs, Solicitors, Etc. 1. B. Lucas, KC. W. D. Henry, KC. 1. B. Lucas, Jr. A member of firm in Durham each Tuesday Make appointments with the clerk in office. "was “NWO, W“ JUNâ€, Ofllcehours, atospm" 1to9p1n. (acept Sundays}. Lambton Street, Durham. Phone 97. Ofï¬ce and residence at the corner of Countess and Lambton Streets. oppo- site old Post Ofï¬ce. Office hours: 9 toll am.,130todpm.,7t09p.m. (Sundays excepted) . Hosiery. Must be sold «am-inc May a I am to vmte sta'e. Speck! price- wmys and Saturdayl ’m- A' B Nichol, Corseuere. 3 5 1W- College, Toronto. omoe mmmima Block, Durham. Day and night phone Honor graduate of the University 01 Toronto, Graduate of Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentis- try in all its branches. Office Calder Block, Mill Street._ second door east or NOTICE TO FARMERS I have been appointed local agent for the International Harvester 00 W sndwlll can-y afullltne ol tam : machinery and repairs. Your pen-on- age is respectfully salamiâ€"George A. Noble, Durham 5 1 4pc! Gal-shun Street, Durhain. Gradmto University of Toronto. Dyes end corrected. Office hours: pm., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). Intending enter nt near until written orders For their discontinuance. .03. W. C. flCKEBING. DENTIST _ Office over J. a; J. hunter’s store, 1:“;99119" 90h martian with nus. JAMESON a “Masonâ€" Oflice and residence a short dist- 100 east of The Hahn House, on J.L.8MITH.M.B..M.C.P.S.O. CW Sun A“ C. G. BESSIE McGILLIVBA! J. H. MUM†B. A. “magma.“ Med (cal Directorv. 1 a... Non-h: at mum's Yielding is «Bier Dental Directorv. Legal Directory. 36“ DE A. M. BELL ,fludionem FORD CAR FOR SALE 1930 SEDAN MODEL, NEVER USED, will be sold at a bargainâ€"Apply C. B. Lawrence, Durham, Ont. 2 6 t1 FOR. SALE ONE ACRE OF LAND IN UPPER Town; has been seeded down for ten years; good garden soil; will sell at reasonable price .â€"Apply Mrs. R. Mil- burn, Durhpm. 5 8 2p GIRL’S BICYCLE $10.00 GOOD CON- DITION .-â€"Box 12, Chronicle. FOR SALE NEW PONTIAC 4-DO0R SEDAN taken on a new Fordâ€"Smith Bros. tr FLAT TO RENT â€" REASONABLE. Electric lights, hard and soft water, garden. Good location. Apply at the Chronicle. 5 l 4 spring creek; drilled well, water in stable; good brick house and bank barn, driving shed, hen house and oth- er outbuildings; centrally located for High and Public schools. For partic- ulars apply to Thomas Ritchie, Dur- ham, RR. 1. 10.3.tf. AGENTS WkNTED mwoax FOR‘A SMALL ï¬ALARY mp you . $50 and mere each wee; py, . Pfgducts c in your; County ven out emrience? Here is your 10 59th a payingbudn ‘ouromiryouuo WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRONIC)“ I: well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. t1 SPLENDID BRICK STORE. BLOCK on maln street of Durham, known as the McKeclmio property; ideal loca- tion; reasonable price. Apply at _once tlon; reasonable price. Apply at 01 to Mills 3 Paterson, Hanover, Ont. . 12 13 u- FARM FOR SALE LOT 47, CON. 3, E.GR., GLENELG. 100_acres; well fenced, well watered by When you ‘ week 1w. . YOur; County ven Here is your ambitdous. Tux}? this Swans i; yqu wishao qonvjnoe yourselfF-me J R. Watkins Company, Dent. R: 17, 149 Crag West. M6ntrea1.5 15 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE Noble. Patrons of our Classiï¬ed Ad- vertising columns save money by paying cash for . their adver- Om- rate for Classiï¬ed Adver- tising is» 1- -1/2 cents per word. with 33-1/3 per cent discount tér cash at time advcrtisement Societies 33-1/3 per cent by pay- ing cash for advertising, de- mnnding receipt for same and ttn'ningitinascnsh. In future this method will be strictly enforced. This method has been adopted to save us bookkeeping, and we passing the savlng on to you. You Can Save FOR SALE OR RENT Money ' By Paying Cash .ATIMER PROPERTY FOR rent.â€"Apply R. J. mtthews. FOR SALE WANTED NOTICE mmï¬ï¬. The Chronicle. 12 13 tf. for the 583m convention in the day after- pm. for tho Grey will hold Town Hall, Dur noon, May 24th, 19 purpose of nominat candidate for the next general elec . Miss A. C. Macphail, M.P., and Mfr. F. R. Oliver. M. P. P. and others will address the meeting. Ladies are 'oordially invited. R. D. Carruthers, President; H. Mc- Kechnle, Secretary. 5 7 3 WOMEN’S INSTI’IIUTR MEETING- THE WOMEN OF DURHAM AND' vicinity are asked 0 bear in mind the meeting tor be eld hr the Star Theatre 013 Wedne pm: 101 be addre . : Towriss of. Athens, nt. or; “Putting Unity mtg the - Co ' THE SUMMER SERIES MEETINGS ey Women’ s Institutes will Towriss of ,.Ont, is thexdelegato from the Department who will address these meetings. See bills. 1 Towriss of SCHOOL HONOR ROLLS FOR PAST MONTH Armstrong. Jr. IV â€" Wilhelamine Manta and Freda Ritchie (equal), Fred Roseborough, Irvine Hisoox, Sarah Dyer, Doris Dyer, Dawson Vollett, Dan. iel Armstrong, Gordon Dyer. 8r. IIIâ€" Melville Robins. Jr. IIIâ€"Ella Vollett. Smith Hopkins. 8r. IIâ€"Milton Manta. Elmer Noble, Viola Pollock. Jr. IIâ€"Erâ€" mgâ€"gwanéeed. Free employment service. Write today for free inform- WaterrWell’ Driller BIG FREIGHI'ER COMES TO GRIEF‘ IN COLLISION WITH VANCOUVER BRIDGE This is what happened to the south span of the Second Narrows Bridge, Vancouver, B.C., when the freighter 8.8. Losmar, outbound with a cargo of lumber, crashed into it at high tide one morning recent- ly. Damage to the bridge was estimated at $100,000 and to the ship, which is shown stranded on the shore behind the bridge approach in. this picture, about $50,000. COMING EVENTS “57 Queen W.. S. S. No. 11, Bentlnck RS CONVE‘. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE It is always pleasing to open a paper from some of the towns in Western Ontario and to read of some native son of the town who has gone away and. has made a name for himself. Very often the story is accompanied by a picture of the great man. Every town can supply such instances and in many cases the Old Boy‘ has: forgotten r. great deal about his birthplace and doesn’t even bother to come back for an occasional visit. It is even better to learn or rarer in- stances where young men have stayed in their home towns or have returned to them after receiving their education and have built up successful careers in the smaller places. Such men are the very backbone of the smaller towns and they are numerous, too. although they may not get their life history in the papers very often, because, having them always with us, we may be apt to overlook them. Fergus has been fortunate in having many young men who made their car- eers in their own heme town. The last two weeks have emphasized several cases. The incident of the two special freight trains which left Fergus on Sat- urday morning naturally recalls the great success of the Beatty brothers, assisted more recently bya large num- ber of other young men who grew up in Fergus. They showed that it was possible to build up the greatest indus. tryofitskindintheEmpireinan ;ordinary small town and it does not OTHER PAPERS’ OPINIONS reasons. It has always been popular withphymmevmfldeWt must be phyed m asylum. W gal-dam welcomeihalmli‘mm' odtyflnditueuyvxdpmt“ Miamexmmwmhrwm mmlym mum): todo wimttmmctmnyuurgdiow ammonfufflme. seem likely that the company 4 have done better, or even as well, large city. Aweek or so before that, l: Groves commenced the sixtieth year of Daylight swing, “be: m :10:- mgbattleforymseemstobem- mm the Mac!) of the small po- tato m oflicial’ seed grades. "“1 “5 increasing popularity in threw trade or seed purposes. the old familiar nnflhhbt “mnll W†m m ‘ new SMALL ro'ruons com its Famous Native Sons ‘a long time before an; Fret not for any days gone by, for grief or wrong they held; past deeds must with night’s shadows die. by dawn’s air glow dispelled. Grieve not! Unchanging rests the past. what has been done is done; new issues rise, new promise vast springs up with each day's sun. Enough, if each day's hours you fill with deeds of good intent, the boundless hope, the conquering will. the dauntless eflort spent, all these upon the scales are laid when Justice adds the score; forget the part you may have played in days that are no more. For, greatest of all boons men hold is this: with each morn’s sun new vistas to their eyes unfold, new labors are be- gun. That is past forgotten lies; take. then. the onward way; no spectres of dead hopes need rise to bar your climb When you look back. do you recall the grief, the care “that sometimes came; those things were but as shad- ows, flitting, brief, but joy is steadfast flame. When you look back, forget the loss and pain that dogged the weary years; instead let memory bring to you again the bliss that banished tears. So much of life is wrought of memory that it is well to keep the glad past’s beauty while the hours fly and let sad thoughts sleep. Far better. with dim eyes and hair grown gray, to cherish lovely things, though it is long since they have passed away on time s untit- ing wings, than welcome any phantom of tenet that would invade the hours. When you look back be sure that you forget all save the sun and flowers! The Rhyming Optimist When You Look Back Y K LPIN. Proprietors Auto body (1 der work Auto glass installed Up ring and Auto Painting 27828.? 8th Street Owen Sound - By Adeline Mich-cu: om 50m BRAKE ad cuss SERVICE If It’sT lor’s It’sGood for non-Inna.“ HG HOWE Phone 541 OWEN 80m Phone 13 779 Second Ave. I. OWEN SOUND headquarters for Rod-h. ï¬nishing and cum. POE latest [unmoved Methofl! CECIL G. TOMS Cleaners and Dyer: Albert J. J ackman Owen Sound We II! chm one my! ymmm Overhouledmw 326 Tenth St. East OWEN SOUND rt Tire Repairing and ' Ice Cold Drinks Vulcanizing 132 Ninth St. East OWEN SOUND J. JAMES ï¬UGLAs SON ,ond Merchants 'AITE ’DD’S PAGE