)111'198, ME 30, ’30 .11 the rutside 213 will be you yours? ongum chewa- rsh Eggs Orchestra Farm .nd pay- of the United home 70. Jmen’s charac- L’d do it on m- ET DANCING FREE Youth o! ADVERTISING RATES Judicial, Legal, Oflicial and Govern- ment Noticesâ€"12c. per count line tor first insertion, and 6c. per line for each subsequent insertion. Classiï¬ed Small Advertisement- 150. per word each insertion, with four consecutive insertions for the price of three; a. discount of 33-1/3 per cent allowed for cash with order. Minimum charge. 25c. cash with order and 35c. if charged. Every advance notice of any kind, where the object is the beneï¬t or con- venience of any person or numoer of persons-~15 advertising, and it will be treated as such. If no instructions accompany the notice advising us whom to charge it to, it will be charged to the person phoning or sending it in. Advertisements ordered for insertion “until forbiddenj’ and those sent without written mstrnctxons, will ap- -_ 4 A-â€"-‘_ mafia-11' written orders are recewea for their discontinuance. FRANK IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor Office and residence a snort dist- ance east of The Hahn House. on Lambton Street. Lower Town, Durham. Office hours. 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (except Sundays). Office and residence at the corner of Countess and Lambton Streets. oppo- site old Posp _9flice‘. Oflic_e ‘hogrs: 9 Physician and Surgeon. omce Garairaxa Street, Durham. Gradmte University of Toronto. Eyes tested Ind corrected. Office hours: 2 to _-_L__-\5 “UV -“ â€" v to 11' 3.111., 1.30 to 4 .m., 7 to 9 . (Sundays excepted). p pm Chiropractor! Graduates Canadian Chlro ractic College. Toronto. Office inmc arlane Blgck, Durham. Day and night phone 12 . .93. W. C. PICKERING. DENTIST 9 Office over J. J. hunters store. Durham Lambton Street, Durham. Phone 97. J. F. GRANT. D. D. 8.. L. D. 8. Honor graduate of the University 01 l‘oronto, Graduate of Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentis- try ln all its branches. omce Calder Block, Mill Street, second door east or IacBeth’s Drug Store. LUCAS, HENRY a: LUCAS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, I. B. Lucas. KC. W. D. Henry, K.C. I. B. Lucas, Jr. A member of ï¬rm in Durham each Tuesday Make appointments with the clerk in office. Durham â€"~ Dundalk -- Markdale Federal Building, Toronto Notary Public, Conveyancer, Realtor, “insurance, etc.; a general ï¬nancial a siness transacted. All legal docu- ments efficiently and carefully prepared Your patronage solicited. OFFICE: 1 door North of McLaughlin’s Auctioneer. Grey and Bruce. promptly attended to. 83th guaranteed. Tapas 2n . 12p) ENSEMBLE SUITS, PAJAMAB AND A. B Nichol, CW. 3 ‘ 1’" enter tt nus. JAMIESON a JAMIESON GEORGE E. DUNCAN Licensed Auctioneer for Gljey County {x G. BESSIE McGILLlVBA! DURHAM HIGH 563001. I". MacARTHUR. DURHAM. ONT. ‘7 . it; '9' vim: '(Siindays excepted). J. H. MacQUABBIE. B. A. Banister. Solicitor, etc., Thursday. May 29. 1933 i )c'nlal [)t'reclorv Legal ‘Directorv ’ediml Direttorv. ‘Business, 5!: Garage. 1.me SALE e/Iurtiom’ers at 311228]: FORD CAR FOR. SALE _ 1930 SEDAN MODEL, NEVER USED, will be sold at a bargainâ€"Apply C. B. Lawrence, Durham, Ont. 2 6 ti WITH WARFORD 6-SPEED TRANS- mission; in the best of condition; equip- ped with cabin body. Apply Noble‘s Garage, Durham. 5 22 tf. FOR SALE STANDARD UNDERWOOD TYPE- writer, No. 3. in splendid condition $35. Apply J. W. Ewen, phone 114, Durham. 5 29 tf SPLENDID BRICK STORE BLOCK on main street of Durham, known as the McKechnie property; .ideal loca- tion; reasonable price. Apply at once to Mills Paterson, Hanover, Ont. 1m tr. PROPERTY FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE LOT 47, CON. 3, E.G.R., GLENELG. 100 acres; well fenced, well watered by spring creek; drilled well, water in stable; good brick house and bank barn, driving shed, hen house and oth- er outbuildings; centrally located for High and Public schools. For partic- ulars apply to Thomas Ritchie, Dur- ham. RR. 1. 10.3.“. THE LATIMER PROPERTY FOR sale or rentâ€"Apply R. J. Matthews. Durham. AGENTS WANTED WHY WORK FOR A SMALL SALARY when you can make $50 and more each week by selling Watkins Products in your County, even without experience? Here is your opportunity to establislé paying business of your own if you are ambitious. Try it this Spring if you wish to convince yourself.â€"The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. R-17, 749 Craig West, Montreal. 5 15 4 WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRONICLE is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. t1 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED RELIABLE WOM CAPABLE OF taking care of duti of me. Highest wages paid to righ r . Apply Mrs. P. J. McLean. 1 NOTICE is hereby given that tres- passing on my private lane at Hay- ward’s Falls on Sundays is prohibited andpersomfmmdaodoincwmbepro- seemedtothemnextentofthehw. You Can Save ‘ Money By Paying Cash Patrons of our Classiï¬ed Ad- vertising columns save money by: paying cash for their adver- Our rate for Classiï¬ed Adver- tising is 1-1/2 cents per word, with 33-1/3 per cent discount for cash at time advertisement is ordered. 5222 This method has been adopted to save us bookkeeping, and we passing the saving on to you. Secretaries can save their Societies 33-1/3 per cent by pay- ing cash for advertising, de- manding receipt for same and turning it in as cash. In future this method will be strictly enforced. FOR SALE OR RENT FORD TRUCK FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED NOTICE The Chronicle. Rocky Saugecn' (Our Own Corresmondent) Miss Margaret McLean, Toronto, was a holiday visitor at her home here. Mrs. Mary Brown and two sons of Owen Sound. and. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hastie and son. Crawford, were holiday visitors at the home or Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKechnie. Mr. I. Stanley and Miss Perrins oi Kincardine were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Addie Symon. Mrs. John Vessie spent a day this week with Mr. J. S. Davey, Aberdein. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Read. Toronto were week-end visitors ‘with Mr. and Mrs. L. McLean. 'Miss Beatrice Grasby, Listowel, was a recent visitor at. her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lauder, Jr., Elm- wood. spent the holiday with M1. and Mrs. '1'. G. Lauder. Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Acheson. Wil- liamsford were visitors. on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. George Searle, Guelph. spent the holiday with the latter’s brother. Mr. Wm. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Lamlash. were recent; visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Allord. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClocklin and sister. Miss Minnie. spent over tho. holiday at their camp at the Rocky, Mr. Tyndall and. two sons. Toronto were callers: with Mr. and. Mrs. Jas Miller on thze 24th. ANNUAL U. 0. MEETING held. in. Fle§hert p. Saturday. June 14 at 10 am. to ive reports and for election of officers. Picnic lunch. R. L. 'Aitcheson, HMQKechnio. Countv Du ector Secretary . rgpd to be present. The roll 0 be answered by favorik bjrd.1 OF H0 HOLD FURNITURE The property f John Vollett, will be held. at his res ence. arafraxa Street, Durham. Satur y, J ne 7, 1930. com- mencing at l 0 oc The sale will consist of the en e ousehold furni- ture and effects of e proprietor. who is giving up housekeeping. Terms cash. R. Brigham. Auctioneer. 5 29 2 0F FARM PROPERTY Under the Powers of Sale contained in a Mortgage held by the Vendor, which will be produced at the Sale, there will be offered for Sale by Public Auction, subject to a reserved bid, at THE HAHN HOUSE. Durham, Ontario, on FRIDAY, JUNE 6th, 1930, at two o’clock pm. by JOHN O’NEIL. Auctioneer. THE FOLLOWING LANDS: Lot Twenty-seven (27) Concession Two 1 n--_: -...1 1‘ no. THE FOLLOWING LANDS: Lot Twenty-seven (2'7) Concession Two, Sout 2 ' O 2 ° Road and LOt ' «enty-eight - ssio Three, . . . . g . .. - s the Township of lenelg. cotaining One W~1ndr9d acr ._ Seventy-veg of Which Wéigï¬t ssio Three, Township of lenelg. cotammg One Hundred acru Seventy-u ve of whfih is cultivated =' d the bal ce bush pasture, with brick ho se and st ne foundation ba n. TERMS OF SALE: to pay a depos t of t per cent (10 per cent) of the p ch -- price at the time of the sale and th balance of the pur- chase price on onth thereafter. For further prticulars and condi- tions or sale. apply to JOHN O’NEIL, Auctioneer, R R. 2, Priceville, Ont. or to J. H'. McQUARRIE, Vendor’s Solicitor}. râ€"Aâ€"A A“. e Purchaser is County Director COMINq EVENTS MORTGAGE SALE AMTION SALE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Dromore (Our Own Correspondent) The annual meeting of the Women’s Institute was held irrfRussell Hall on Friday afternoon with thirty-ï¬ve ladies present. The following officers, were elected for the coming year: President, Mrs. Frank Hopkins; lst Vice President, Miss A. Renwick; 2nd Vice President. Mrs. J. R. Wilson; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Victor Adams; Lunch Convener. Mrs. Jos. McNalty: District Director, Mrs. W. J. Philp; Directors. Mrs. John Eccles; Mrs. John McMurdo and Mrs. S. M. Patterson. After the election of officers the. ladies were addressed by Mrs. Towriss. Departmental Speaker who spoke on “The Ideal. Memberâ€. Her address. was; very interesting and instructive and was much appreciated by all the mem- bers present. Miss McComb. Miss Weir and Mrs. Giles accompanied. the In- stitute speaker from Durham. After the speaking lunch was served and all enjoyed a social time before the meet- ing: wa': closed. Among the visitors to Dromore and vicinity over the holiday were the fol- lowing: Mr. and Mrs. John M. Findlay and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Findlay of Tor- onto at Mr John Scott's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Atchison of To-'; . Egremom route at M1.Maj01 Eccles a Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Renwick son and ‘ CPWC‘V 17195 May daughter of Wellesley; Mr. and Mrs John Renwick. and. son 01' Toronto. Mr. George Renwick and Miss Jean Renwick of Toronto at Mr. Robert Renwicks. Mr. Wallace Isaac. who has been vis- iting at Mr. John Eccles for the last month returned. to Toronto on Sunday. Service at Amos church. on Sunday morning was taken by Rev. M. Thomas with a good congregation to hear him. Mr. Robert Taylor lost a valuable horse from indigestion last week. Traverston (Our Own Correspondent) The summer meeting of Zion’s wo- men‘s Institute was held in Zion church last Thursday afternoon at. 2.30. The re was a large attendance M. M. Ed~ wards presided and. Opened the meeting with the singing of the Institute Ode and repeating the Lord's~ prayer. The secretary, Miss K. M. Firth read the report of the year's. work. The chair- man then introduced the speaker for the day. Mrs. Louise Towriss of Athens, 3. speaker from the Department of Wo- men’s Institutes. Her address was on “Helps. Hobbies and Handicaps" and listened to by an appreciative audience. Misses Lily Black and Viola Neely con- tributed. recitations and. a duet was sweetly sung by Mrs. T. E. Glencross and Mrs. Arthur Robinson. The com- pany joined in communl‘ty ringing. r ""V Mrs. J. S. McIlraith spoke a few words along Institute lines and the meeting closed by singing the National Anthem. The members served a dainty luncheon at the close of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Dugald Clark of the Rocky spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walte: Clark. Mr. and Mrs John Cushnie of To- ronto, Mrs. Neil McKechnie. Mrs. Alex. Rutherord and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hastie and. family of Durham were visitors on the 24th at the home 01 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patterson. Mr. Cecil Patterson and two sons of Brant- ford. spent a few days: recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robson and sons. "“Mxi'Aï¬d Mrs. Chas. Sparling and Mrs Harold. Henry of Owen. Sound. visiter the latter part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robinson. -. Mr. and Mrs. Hawley Hawes and. family of Meaford spent Saturday at the Davis: home. Mrs. T. E. Blair and Miss Eola Little- johns of Durham spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Timmins. CV. or--. “-â€"â€"‘ â€" M}. and Mr; Colin McIntyre and family of Domoch visited on Saturday with Mrs. J. O. Greenvgoqd and family. with Mrs. J. 0. Greenwood and 1amuy. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jack and daugh- ter Clara, Misses K. M. and Gladys Firth and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mays at- tended the Golden wedding .celebration ' Philpâ€"Watscn: That. the report 01' the Road. Superintendent re work or. groad‘: be adoptedâ€"Carried. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Pickard. and Mrs. J. E. Pickard. spent the week-end at the summer home here. Mr. Exie Sweeney spent Sunday at home. he is working for Mr. Albert Owem 01' Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Brown of God~ erich spent. the Week-end with the lat- ter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith. riding of South East Grey. Mi. Fax. quhar Olive: and Miss Macphail both gave very interesting addresses. Miss Cassie Muldoon. who had her leg broken a couple of weeks ago by being struck by a car has been able to leave the hospital and is at the homo of her niece. Mrs. Jack Heft. Mr. Bert McIntosh had the misfor- tune to have his car all. smashed. by an accident. but was: very lucky in es- caping with hi". life. Miss Annie Morrison. Miss Katie and. Miss Mary. spent the week-end at. horns. Mrs. Wm. Eldrid. spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ro- bertson. Mrs. Lefl‘ler of Owen Sound. 5r. -':p:ncf- ing a week with her daughter. Mrs. Joe FrizzeIE. Tb 24th was. spent ï¬shing by a num- ber of people along the streams. present. Minutes of meetings held Apri? 7th and 29th. insu. adapted. By-lav; NC. '1 to sel‘. thi- land contain- ed in origina‘. road allowance between lots 15 and 16. concession 5 was paszed. By-law N. 8 to purchase the Dunc-am McQueen property Lots No. 18 and W part. of lot 19. concession 5 W3."- passed N. McEachernâ€"Watson: That the Clerk be authorized to advertise or sale lots No. 18 and the W. part of lot 19 concession 5, tenders to be in clerk's: af- ï¬ce on or before June 23rd.â€"â€"Carricd. Philpâ€"N. McEachem: That the Council form into a Court of Revisi'm cn Assessment Roll 1930 with Reeve Hunter in the Chanâ€"Carried. Members subscribed to the requim‘d declaration. There were three appeals disposed of: W. J. McLeod. lot 27. con. 19, no eduction; Walter McMurdo. lot 25. concession 14. no reduction; John D. Drimmie, lot 7. con. 15. no reduction. Property changes: Colin Rae. tenant. lots 9. 10. 11. 12, con. 1; Albert Ovens tenant, lot: 3 of 25 and 1 of 26. con. 1; James Weber. tenant. lot 21. con. 2; Fred MoCaw. tenant. W. part lot 44 con. 3; Oscar Duck. owner. W. part lot 2, con. 9; Joseph Twohey, tenant W. part Lot 2. con. 9. ' N. McEachernâ€"Philp: That Court of Revision adjourn to nevt meeting or Council.â€"Carried. Council resumed. Resolved that tshe following accounts he paid: J. Good- year, lamb killed $10.: L. Matthews. sheep valuer $1.50; Municipal World. cash book re treasurer. 818; do. supplies for clerk. $5.95; W. A. Reeves. balance salary 315;; postage and telephoning $5.50 W. B. Rife. express 60c; Clerk search registry office and. services re road allowance between lots 15 and 16. con. 5 and lots 18, W. part 19. con. 5 s7 .;70 pay sheet No. 5 £01 road. improve- ment $767. 52; superintendent. sen 1ces $60; members of Council attendance at meeting to date 915; R. Christie. use 01’ room "Eb'udéu adjourned to meet Monday. June 23 at 10 o‘clock am. for genera! business and as an adjourned Court of Revision. It will Egremont Council If It’s Taylor’s It’s Good -â€"DAVID ALLAN. Clerk. 'dnh ï¬hwrs a]? ADIAAR at your dealer’s. and Battlers 0t Art and Gift Store Phone 541 OWEN SOUND Your heidquaricrs for W photo ï¬nishing and enlarging. Albert J. Jackman Phone 13 79 Second Ave. E. OWEN SOUND Jeweller: ’ and ulcanizing Latest Improved Methods! Expec Tire Repairing Owen Sound Fram‘ Bicturse and Picture . .I. [Xv LAS SON Dia Merchants WHEN IN OWEN SOUND CECIL G. TOMS Bic“ Owen Sound We pay charges one WIT- ' J. JAMES hotographer 32: Tenth St. East Ice Cold Drinks 132 Ninth St. East 0“’FN our special $25.00 Dhmond lung Phone 305 PAGE I.