West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Nov 1930, p. 2

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PAGE 2. X-RAY NAS MANY USES NOT COMMONLY KNOWN! ltsAbllltytoheelnsldeObjects mul- ont Destroying Then Has at Last BeenAppeeiated by Can See Through Steel. The days when the X-ray was can} W $3.33., l sidered useful only to a doctor or den- tist have passed. Its ability to see in- side objects without destroying them hasatlastbeenappreciatedbyindus- trialists, and now, as an aid to inspec- tion,itisusedinfactoriesofallkinds. An article in the Review of Reviews states: “The effect of difierent methods of production can be determined quickly by means of a photograph. Flaws and defects may be detected before costly machining operations have been performed. The relative suitability of various materials, shapes and sizes may be readily determined beforehand. X- ray inspection is already being applied tocaststeel,brassand bronze, mag- nesium, aluminum, rubber, ceramics. glass, and such raw materials as coal. The increasing use of welding and of airplanes Opens two great fields where x-ray inspection ought to play a vital part in protecting life and eliminating uncertainty. “Until about 1918 X-ray examinations were limited to steel not exceeding one ash content. consisting largely of cal- inch in thickness. But the modern cium and iron salt. These are opaque x-ray can penetrate mild steel 3% to while carbon is transparent to the X- 05 inches thick, or show an internal 1'3!- Electrical insulators may be ex- flaw of 3-10 of a diameter, that dist- mined to determine incipient and in- ance from the surface. within these term tracks. limitations, therefore, it is no longer “There is another side to the X-ray necessary to destroy materials or pro- in industry, a more human side, of ducts to determine their intemai condi- probably wider, more general applica- tions. Radiography places a new in- tion. That is for inspection, for routine spection tool at the service of the sin- supervision and observation. The cere, progressive and honest manufact- radiograph shows up the careless work- urer. er, compelling him to be more careful Una] may it W‘s the custom to 01' 1” his 1%. It “t3 as a deterrent to manufacture a few sample specimens the 0"” conscientious inspector who that could be cut up for inspection. finds fault needlessly for his own gain, Now the X-ray may be used. This el- just as it shows up the careless inspec- iminates the expense and time for tor. Being vastly more sensitive to making the additional pieces. All the didmnoes in intensity that the human valves and piping required on a steam eye, the photographic process is able system designed to work at unusually ‘0 detect flaws Wh1¢h otherwise would high pressure were recently inspected m mvmble. These pictures may be by x4”. Several pieces were rejected made in the fraction of a second, so because defective. And there has been enabling rapidly ”10va parts to be in- no breakdown or trouble whatever with spected. Moreover, the photographic the pieces that passed the X-ray test. process has the advantage of affording One shutdown, of course, would have a permanent record of actual condi- x-my pictm-e. 11100113. 01' alertness Of the indiwdual. “It can be seen immediately what an “Another industrial present time. buildings and other important struc- by the human eyes and unsuited even tures. X-ray inspection tells the story to the microscope. The human eye can without ruining the product or des- .never hope to see objects smaller than troymg the evidence. 100,000th of an inch. But with the X- “One rubber company uses X-ray in- ray it is possible to see the most minute object, because the ray is an electro- 8 tion on its olf balls to determine ”1:? centreing ofgthe core. Another im- magnetic disturbance of the same gen- pregnates the cord or its tire with lea d eral nature as visible light. It is 10,000 ANOTHER OP GERMANY’S GREAT PLANES This giant Junker plane G-38 (also known as the D-2000), is the largest land plane in existence at the application of | country important factor X-ray inspection will the X-ray. less known than its appli- evidence of spring in the autumn in the national campaign in favor of the use ultimately be in airplane construction, cation to detect flaws is that of study green fields of wheat, he also noticed of made-in-Canada goods. and in checking up the welds of mg minute particles too small for study the stones and large boulders in the THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Thursday. November 1:. mt leader-sham} Rllnnlnt along me of the lines to the north and south of Alliston after dark these evenings one is attracted by the lights in stable windows. Mon- day evening The Herald came up the fifth sideroad of Mmseth. Basements of the barns of w. a. Hawkins. mos, . T. Cassin were all . Mr. CASSiD’s place Have your hardwood m “I“ ‘ ”met; mwzgfisgzmi 900’s sanded and P01' lamp outside lighted up the yard. Al. lshed by machinery. ready then people say they “wouldn‘t Cleaner, better and be without Hydro for thymine .â€"Ai- quicker. SANDING and POLISHING It will on you to advertise in The Chronicle' . N OBLE’S . “it the Feet of tie Ilil" DURHAM is where the particular motorists secure their supplies of McIlraitll’s for your next pair of . ONE MILE OI' ICE covaltg THE counm. Our Ottawa Letter ' Professor A. P. Coleman, huh, L.L.D. - G“ ' M ' W F.R.8., for many years Pr0fessor of The establishment of stable markets ’ Geology at Toronto University and now for the products of Canadian farms, we have a large BtOCk I“ Ran“ Professor Emeritus, internationally agriculture and livestockâ€" presents the known in the field of research, recently most important and, in many respects, spoke to the Kiwanis Clubs of Orillia the most difficult problem confronting and Barrie on the waterways of this Canada today. At the present time the portion of Canada in their relation to marketing end of the problem is being the ice age. Professor Coleman spoke attacked by the Departments of Pin- as the guest of the Barrie Club which ance and Trade and Commerce. The 'went to Orillia for an interclub visit Finance Department is endeavoring Wilfred McKinnon presided and about through tariff adjustments to build up 47 Barrie Kiwanians were present. the home market and at the same time Here you are between two lakes, said to conserve it for the benefit of the Professor Coleman, in introducing his Canadian farmer. The first move in subject, on the Trent Waterway, which that direction was made in September. you expect soon to be carrying the Steps are now being taken in gathering grain of the West to the seaport. Barrie information upon which more wide- even now was planning docks and ele- spread plans will be built for submis- vators, he said, with a humorous 5‘0“ to Parliament this winter. twinkle in his eye, and if memory The Department of Trade and Com- scrved him right Newmarket and Brad- meroe has its entire staff abroad ford were connected with the water- 888113111118 for new or greater outlets “way. As he came along through the for grain, dairy products and live-l to Orillia observing the stock and at home it is posecuting a of everyday or dress Shoes for men, ladies, misses and children to choose from. SUPERB OA‘I‘I'EIY SERVICE Competent mechanics are always available to solve your troubles and “speed you 0 n your . way.” ' We also have the best $1.00 Silk Hose on the market in all different shades. Let us serve you. ‘ Repairing as usual. J. S. McIlraitIl Those activities. however successful Read The Chronicle ads on me 7. fields. Some of these weighed tons. they my be, do not meet all the re- How did they set there? There must quirements of the situation. It is nec- have been a powerful force to move essary that film producers fit their some Of them. There W38 a time, said production in kind, quality and quart- Prof. Coleman, when the climate of this tity to the consumptive capacity of region was considerably 'warmer than the available markets and that they at present. the average being five or conduct their operations along methods six degrees higher temperature. Grad- lwhich will yield them a profit as well Albert Noble Proprietor Ontario Durham - - THE PEOPLE’S MILLS times as short or only one hundred- ually the winters lengthened and be- as a k t f h ir l salts, making possible an x-ray exam- mar e or t e abor. ination to determine the condition of millionth of an inch in wave length,â€" came longer and longer due to the the union of cord and rubber, to elim- about the size of atoms themselves. great ice field whose cap started near inate any faults suffered from strains “Methods of X-ray diffraction are James Bay and slowly moved south mg the manufacturing m now in use to study the performance of over all this portion of Ontario and portant program will be launched “Another company examines its fibrous materials such as rayons. silks ““0 New Y0“ Stat“ “1°” mam within a few weeks under direction of metal radio tubes for the proper spac- and wood when stretched, as well as Falls. There was ice one mile thick, Hon. Robert Weir, Minister of A811 cul- tube being viewed in two directions at “The X-ray is a new tool for indus- the ice moved down it spread boulders federal department into a more direct right angles to each other. Thermmn- try. But it is vastly more. It is the and fertile clay over the whole region. contact with the farmer than has eters are now being x-rayed to make key to undiscovered worlds and un- For tens of thousands of years it hitherto been the case. To launch the sure that the 81888 meets specifications dreamed of opportunities that lie still changed the whole surface and the campaign the Minister will shortly and is not a cheaper 81 ass containing hidden in the maze of doubt and m- animal life and forest growth which make a tour of Canada, meeting prov- soda. The amount of tetra-ethyl 1m tery of an undiscovered world.” had been suited to a warmer climate incial agricultural officers and leading in commercial line is being deter- were completely altered. political farmers. He will discuss with mined by mews Of X-ray. Ammuni- m3 EXPORTS After fifty or one hundred thousand them the methods he proposes to use an also came in for radiographic ex- AHEAD or LAST YEAR years this ice field, whose tremendous ' methods used by himself as a success- weight had bent the earth crust in amination to determine the correct The market report of the Dommton upon the lower regions, melted, 1 ins nil farmer. and others susserted by position of the fuse and the internal Fruit Branch shows that Canadian a the information which has come to him p- mechanism- Ball bearings. heavily in- ple exports this year are well ahead of a very 1” ‘8 lake much “whys“ have as a minister of the crown. sulated cables and wire , grinding last. As tobe named Lake Algonquin. This lake wheels that are s bjectead to great standing :ds'oc Bari'elio 131;; 1:61; 317v: ma out over the ”931°” “OW occu- e mustive study With all the ' u ' ’ ' ' ied b Lair 8 i facilities of Government, covering three strain, firebrick that may possess m- 1929, 157,558; half barrels, 1930, 19.225; p Y e uper 01' and Georgian ternal flaws, or metallic particles can 1929' 10305; boxes 1930 168,865; 1929, Bay and had an outlet through the motiletrll‘s' phinges mieny years fractical ex- be inspected internally with the rhdio- ““57- Trent Valley into the ocean, which at , 9" °°t 3 Own cont velvety that mphâ€"without injury Even coal can Increased efficiency all around is the that time reached as far west as the the future Of farm life depends “90h outstanding characteristic of the fruit site of the city of Toronto. Toronto energetic development of markets and be examined by X-ray to determine its industry in Canada for 1930. was then a sea port, Hamilton being the lowest possible pronuction costs of . Another outlet of Lake Al- I The Government plan is to locate the gonquin was through the thumb of 1 markets, to advise the farmer what what is now called Lake Michigan, into I can be 50m in them and to assist him the Mississippi Valley. “You have I in producing the quality of goods de- I heard of the Chicago Drainage Canal, ' manded at a cost which Will allow him the terrible steal,” interjected the a ma" Speaker, amid laughter. There was NO syStem or bonus Offers any 301“- good evidence that Lake Algonquin “011- This year, for example, to give lasted for nine thousand yearS. the farmer $1.10 a bllShel for his Wheat I Another great waterway which ex- lâ€"not much profit at that price eitherâ€" 3 i It is to thus complete the program of the government for the stimulating of agriculture that a new and highly im- Georgian Bay down the Ottawa valley ' nually on all services apart from fixed and emptied into the ocean above the 1 interest on war debt and the money . site of the city of Ottawa. isoins into pensions and soldiers re- After thousands of years the plastic establishment. surface of the earth, which had been] At least Nova Scotia and Alberta weighted down with the ice, slowly f are deeply interested in studies nowI getting lighter and lighter as the ice ! being made of methods by which the melted away, came up again, and set .' distribution and sale of Canadian coal free from water the land as it is now. ,‘can be extended in the Canadian The present adjustments of the earth’s . market. A plank in the Bennett plat- crust were, of course, brought about 3 form was the active encouragement of during tens of thousands of years, ex- [the use of Canadian fuel and an inves- plained the speaker. All the old shores i tigation is proceding to determine were deformed, but there were still along what lines that policy can be these old shores in evidence in many Imade most effective. Those who have places. How did he know the sea ex- the work in hand expect that it will be tended above Ottawa? Professor Cole- tooncluded before Parliament meets and man said by reason of the fact that he I that 1931 will see .the inauguration of a had discovered small fish of the sea in more expansive machinery to promote concretions found at Lake Coulogne. the economical use of Canad Clam shells were also found. The fact in Central Canada. ian fuel that there were interglacial times when . the temperature was five or six degrees Learn what a great feeling it is to start the day without that dry. stale. morning-mouth taste. Try this pleasant, half- minute treatment when you wake up tomorrow morning. Shake a few dashes of Astring-o-sol into a quarter glass of water. then gargle and swish the tingling liquid through your teeth. Feel the magic change that Astrong-o-sol makes instantly. It wakes up and refreshes mouth and throat tissuesâ€"corrects that dry, fuzzy tasteâ€"purifies the breathâ€" attacks germsâ€"leaves a tangy after-tasteâ€"and gives you that delightful feeling of fitness. Get a bottle today. FREE! . . . FOR YOUR BATHROOMâ€"THE NEW LANSTER GLASS TUMBLER in pastel shadesâ€"FREE with each Astring-o-solâ€"the morning mouth wash bottle 0‘ higher than at present in this region . The celebrated was proven by the discovery of the re- middle of her 801303133? 1135:: nghntii‘; ’ mains of forest and animal growth said to his mother. referring to the M A C B E ' I " H S pertaining to the state of Pennslyvania. conductor of the orchestra: “Why does Likewise the age of ice and cooler the ”2,33 h“ “t the woman With the ~ Phone 3 climate was revealed by the finding ”39;: is , of remains of the My bear and the the Matuhftting “5 her," W / giant beaver as well as a type of-deer “Well the 30h? qutet.” .betweentheeikandthemoose. 13-?» ' n,w thmhm'” ? We have on hand for sale the best qualities of Flour and Feed at reasonable prices: I O I ‘. ’0 V, g. I" . Western Recleaned Screenings, $22.00 per ton MUIANDMS Royal Household Hour Crimped Oats O Canada Flour Meanings Chap Pilot Hour lined Chop Castle Flour a Prairie Pride Flour Oilcake Rolled Oats W Feed Flour m Shell Oat Chop Chick Grit then absolutely refuses to move it’s why a case of battery trouble, But don't think you need to buy a new one. Durham Pontiac Sales 1'. Kl"... m . Durham We sell Gas, Gill. Greases and Accessories. \ Garafraxa S Thursda ~ (‘Hmi Emma D. . . The Canad' pany dishes. exilenil've by preparation 0 for daily n '- mellUs for to season out . ol heirloom ' rectlws which self or happeu acoldcnt. So are from .u communities synonyms for Some of the prizes more . regularly at entertainmen served anywh own table. Ev tested in mm The first r ~ FOSldlng in t . a delicious pl joyablc to a non-vegetaria . \' 1 lb. raisins. mixed peel . l crumbs. 6 eg_ pine kernels. nuts. 3 lemons Put the al through a ml the peel and Chop the fru crumbs. sugar. and orange r' butter and it eggs. Put 1 moulds and b A mother 0 friends know always well-' mends ”1950 t Br Whites oi cupful bran. 1 of salt. 1 cup!‘ nut grated. 1 Add sugal ingredients ll". small spcolliul. bake fifteen oven. RPnlOVP cool or tho m ll 1 our. shor honey. 1 cup c baking: t)(“\‘.(it'l‘. cups flour pm Cream .\I‘1(ll' iher. Add ill egg. TIli’ll Ill which hit: owl dcr and salt : sheet about 1:”) mm: ”l‘lltwt Ups for ion The pl‘opl'lct CIllllt’H‘ lwtmil the l't"(‘i})t . to.“ t (‘hil‘N'Sf't ’_ (“up illlillt'n gar. ‘_ 't‘fifelltld cup butt.» : 3 ==

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