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Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Nov 1930, p. 4

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Liquor Control Board is doing everything in its 19 power to curb the liquor evil, and should have the 'omER PAPERS "Pluto” LARGE ”mar support of all who have temperance at heart. If civil or religious to the test of free discussion, is more iii love with his own opinion than with the For burglary, 15 years. . ' Truthâ€"WATSON better than some other measure. This paper has mm to m tall and do bod- t haul. Imam. Ilium M is , ' - taken the stand that prohibition never was as good 11! harm. 14 ream N ' 3'5“; “a”? I”! . at h" Thursday November 13 1930 as its advocates believed, nor as bad as its opponents Attemm to deliver a loaded re: Alter the,most careful survey. he ' ' said. The same might be said of the Liquor Control m to . manner. seven years saidt new taxation and reduction “a" ' ' ' ' Act. Hanslaughter, ten years. Wm‘wshgfindltures had POLITIOCS AND OLDO AGE PENSIONS . People who oppose the Liquor Control Act mAflMmWhg to wound an officer. ten able ammo” .and The Collingwood Bulletin that week “It’d “Oht‘ should not think that those who favor it are not This is the sort of language under- Wm "Unit? mm to ‘50. orially, “Is the Old Age Pensions plan being abused?” A quite natural question after some of the recent accusations. Continuing, the Bulletin makes the remarkable statement: “As is well known, the number of pensioners is steadily increasing, busy body politicians being given much credit for building up the list.” We wonder where the Bulletin got its information, or rather, misinformation. . This is the idea of liquor control anywhere and Surely a well-informed newspaper man must , , , , 'bl h is the system under which Ontario is endeavoring to public New and public interest â€"Ai- know by thls time that politics cannot possi y ave solve its liquor problems. The saying of Junius that ““0“ Md“ anything to do With the enforcement of the Old Age ooo (roughly 334,400,000. 0‘ “a”; . compan - . . “The subject who is truly loyal to the Chief Magis- Great New American m the-Governments financial proposals and the , Pensions Act! The enforcement of the Act is, gen- trat e will neither advise nor sub mlt to arbitrary U I P llllll Mr. Lyon stated included. erally speaking, not under the control of the Commis- Ladies’ Silk Bloomers. good Asupertaxof'm percentonallin- ' - - quality silk, all shades 49c. Mr- an O O measures” is as true today as in the late sixties of 1 Wine growers in Italy and Frame are. sion at Queen’s Park at all. To receive a pension, the eighteenth century when they were penned by "3101““! over the “81118 sentiment application must be made through the local, or Elora s Veststomatch........ 49c. _ than 2100. Mrs. Jam - . . - against prohibition which was made A 15 in children's pure wool cash- Miss Sir Philip Francis. . . . per cent crease tn the t“ 39c. Toronto ' County Pensions Board. This Board must pass on . . - ’ . the” t“ test new" "we“! elee‘ on earned incomes of more than £500 mere 11°”: ‘h “the“ 9" Mr and . t Th Cou t Pensions Board is composed of A BLAST FROM PALMERSTON teehhh Amthedmaehtadr’exedtheafdgh; A3226,“ 2: 10 :0 lshfighwht :92}: all shades. pr. _ 49c. the week i e n y . . . on al- 5 o m rs 0 members appointed by the County Council, and Refer r "‘3 to the Dr. Ba” case last week the great market Opening 1“ the American Government, members of Parliament Bobby Hair Clasps, as on Magi-”OR usually from the members of the County Council it- Palmerston Spectator says: mgcoffgghfoteggtgfimm: 10:3; and civil servants. cards for ,_ _ 10c. ems Mr. - . New customs and excise duties, es- ‘ self, though this is not necessary nor advisable. What “We are glad to note that Durham Chronicle York newspaper declares: tlmated to yield an additional £2,000,000 Ladies' silk Neck Scarves O OhO‘cf-Oehd - - - . - ~ - - . . . “It would be only fair to warn the WM, th t fiscal all colors. Specie! - 931‘- a' N chance 18 there for DOIltleS 0! DOhtlelahS to get In is able to devote so much time and space to pollt- would-be exporters to our shores of If the sepmsen at?“ tin Toronto. . - - , , ressed can on con lies, . - .- thell’ work here? We do not know the political ical matters outSide of Grey County and suggest Marsala and Chablis that even it Am- 1; trade ”Em,“ to lag and unem- Tmfiwhahwzet‘pht Ch.“ 390 3": “ 3:1 leanings of the members of the County Boards gen- that after it has cleaned up the Dr. Blair episode erican prohibition were done away with, pioyment consequently increased, it was ’ ' 0M1; Oh erally, but would think they would naturally belong it might start a crusade to clean up the situa- the“; Eight betosglhte?r:h:s gaggle: hoisftbtebit‘e muggyoogggd face a de- Large Sized B‘th Towels. 25" and dang - - ' . . . hate king ~ C O ween , , and £15,000,- - . . to all 9011th31 parties. tions created in other parts of the provmce by largely driven in upon their own ef- 900 when the financial year closed, Mr. Pillow cases, hemstitched, 25c. l O‘JO‘O-‘Od ‘35; While the list of old age pensioners is growmg Clifford Case and Dr Forbes Godfrey v forts for ten years past, Americans Lyons pointed out “ ° " ° . - Mr. and daily, it might fairly be assumed, it is also dimin- . O . have, under the Spur of prohibition. But, with a restoration of confidence Lagéisr :31 Weight Under 590 Billie oi . i shin g in about the same ratio If there is any appre- We appreCiate the compliment paid us by the 1:33:33 tomard a 10118 way in the art of and revival in trade and employment, ’ g ' mm M. . cable increase in the number of pensioners rather Spectator, and would respectfully call its attention id: thgigr 0;: 1:33:31? “3:36:11; gcxaififimge to eztimhgtgoothgo d; t M" a“ , ' n excee ' ' daughter than convey the impression that it was a case of busy to the fact that the Dr. Forbes Godfrey case, as Well time pmhtbttOn is repealed, we may £12,000.000 he added. A most careful 0 ’ gmhg mt . . . . . . . . as that of Clifford has been pretty well cleaned up have developed» under its Stimulusv a survey 0f the 11113110181 position Showed e 3"“ l0“ ' politiCians we would incline to the opinion that if . , Kai bl '. t b tt h d . t h l d b l 'd t th by Premier Ferguson and the Conservative party. a?“ new waft inguitryh Whmhhhthgth it was ImPOSSible- Within the remain- any ame is o e 3 ac e i s on e a1 a e . . . . . . necessary pro c y pro ve door of the County Boards who “have erred on the So far as taking an interest in politics outSide of ing eight months of the fiscal year, to R. L. Saunders, Prop. PHONE d DURHAM G (3 d h Ch I d . Thi i h' hl lgnifi t f i so reconstruct the budget that a bal- . . ,, . . . . . rey ounty is concerne , t e rom’c e is intereste S 5 a 18 Y S can con e55 0" anced ledger could be secured. Slde Of humanity m their disposal 0f applications. olitically on a larger scale apparently than the 30f What the VOISteed Aet has done for The most that could be achieved In any event, the County Boards must first pass p O . l . . our neighbors. It is not to be expected, on the applications, and if there is anything in the Spectator thinks it shou d be. Had the Spectator however, that the domestic American Bulletin’s rumor that busy politicians have been re- editor read our comments at the time of the Godfrey- beer, wine and hard liquor industries . . . . will suffer legalized competition from sponsible, it would be well to get at the root of the Case episode, he would know our 0911110118: Whleh . abroad for some time to come. As we troubleâ€"the County Pensions Boards. were expressed when the question was before the that. frequently remarked, the wets have a considerable distance to travelO . . . before they can repeal the Volstead Act . LIQUOR CONSUMPTION DECREASING In the paragraph immediately followmg thel O or take the Eighteenth Amendment Despite the statements in the press by those one above quoted the Palmerston paper admits that - . - . - Dr. Blair should be willing to go into further details, time. more or less imperfect alcoholic who oppose OOntarios Liquor Control Act, . statistics and that with the municipal elections coming on beverages produced in the United prove that liquor consumption in the provmce is de- . . O O ’ States will continue to satisfy Ameri- creasing. Only recently a statement issued from the should any of the munlClpal candidates be involved, can thirst, with the aid of such contra- office of the chairman contained the gratifying in- the electors would be able to deal m“ then“- “If band liquors as can be smuggled across formation that last year the purchases of liquor had none are involved,” says the Spectator, “they certain- the border from Europe and Other 1 h ld b 1 d f . . ,, countriesâ€"Toronto Mail and Empire. fallen off, and while there is still far too much money y S 0“ e c ear e 0 any 81189101011. spent in alcohol as a beverage, we believe that a fair The Spectator apparently ObjeCtS t0 the Chron- trial of the Liquor Control Act will prove it to be the me taking any interest in the DR Blair “3189' f" the The purchaser of oranges in Alliston best temperance measure we have had in this prov- reason that he is outside of Grey County. In the very 0f even in Toronto is accustomed to fl Ask for South African Oranges car may do, whether driven by yourself . . seeing «Sunkist» or «Blue Goose» or not. Why not let us, through a good Insurance ince so far. Liquor Control will not stOp drinking; neth Obyeath It advocates the same thing as the stamped in black letters on the fruit CompanyO carry your risk? neither did prohibition. But Liquor Control does 31- Ch’omc'e- OO O . . and might very easily ran to notice an low of the legal purchase of liquor by those who Bht why worry. The Spectators editorial con- orange with no brand name stamped on insist on having it, and does not force those who do tains about the same. kind Of argument as it has had it. In the 13“ week or two oranges have been sold in to th t not care for it to do so. for some months with the Fergus N ews-Record over w" a .were gm“ Liquor Control has not eliminated the bootlegger Wellington County COUhell matters. . . on it this legend: “Citrus Estates, Ze- absolutely. We still have those With us who peddle bediela, Transvaal”. In flavor the a drink or two at a time, but they were here under WELL DONE LADIES! South African orange is indistinguish- prohibition, and have been pretty well weeded out There was a dinner in the Royal York hotel in able from the California pmdhch there since the Act came in force. There are some of the are few seeds in it and its size is about Toronto last Saturday attended by those who had the same as the average California smaller bootleggers still operating, but the big fel- lows have been put out of business. We carry nothing but the best insurance. We do not sell any of the “how cheap” kind. Bu do guarantee that O our insurance pol' won the Victoria Cross in the last war. They ar- orange. In color the Transvaal fruit ranged for it themselves, and expected to pay for it. is thh darker than that coming tmm O the Southern States. But the most When they came to settle the bill they were told there interesting feature of the sale of these was none. The hotel management had assumed all Ioranges is that they were shipped by ing is further from the facts. There is scarcely a the expense. It was a credit to the management boat from South Africa to England and b vessel from En land to a Canadian week passes that some new method is not adopted to that they did. y g curtail the sale of liquor. The 1930-31 permits have seaport where they were picked up and brought inland by rail. Yet the price a space in them for filling in the amount of the purchase in dollars and cents, with a space for total- ling the purchases at the bottom of the page, and a “Brought Forward” space in the next. In this . , , , , . ifornla oran e f Simil ize. It would meeting on Armistice night. They were Willing to n g 0 at 8 pay for it. But Durham had no Royal York Hotel, I so the soldiers approached the local Red Cross ltmde in the pmd‘mts 0‘ the W0 coun- ° - tries develo d. C dis 5 hi Society. The ladies accepted the challenge, but on he aha h can t p by asking their dealers for South Afri- one conditionâ€"there was to be no charge. The ladies can oranges. And there are other pro- of the Red Cross Society would see to it that the war ducts °t 5°"th Am“ that can be h h veterans had their party. They solicited the aid of roug t to Canada and 501d Just as cheaply as is the product from some the I.O.D.E. and the Women’s Institute. These country outside the British empire. One te two societies were glad of the chance to serve. And xhsm‘tizmugz? :1 Ozpesitzihmzm i: or “hale similar enactments have been made since the Act they did. It was to their credit. ' order to greate a market for seed p0- came in force. The ladies of Durham only did their duty. tatoes grown in this district. It is but . In a circular just issued, bearing the date of But they did it. We are not going to even thank a few weeks “3° that MI” 11105-0335“! November 8, and sent to vendors, brewery ware- them for what they did. They would not appreciate Shipped a ma] om” Of Doom” to house and winery inspectors, permit issuers and ' ° DJ other officials, the Board calls attention to the fact cow that up to November 8 a total of 36,926 permits had CH} been issued this year, as against 53,810 in the like period last year, a decrease of 31.37 per cent. “This decrease,”O says the Ocircular, “is welcom- of our goods that the U nigh] 32;; Off ed.” Further, the circular p0lnts Wt that liquOr Durham, or Canada, can never repay what its fuses to buy then by all means let Ii must not be sold to those who abuse it, and “sales army of fighting men did for it. The war veterans Canadians demand South African “. should not be made so as to render posmble a contin- saw their duty and did it. They do not ask for my and “he" “we-“mm“ mines of drunkenness.” Another section says: thanks for the months of service they put in over ‘_. “Liquor must not be 8016 when the financial in France, with its shell-holes, its trenches, its standing of the purchaser is such that the sales must ' - - . O be followed by a diminution of the comforts of life were forced to live 0 bythe school board in a Canadian cityO ' in the family.” . And so we say: “Well done, boys; well done; deem 9W W the leading The RE It will be seen from the above that the present ladies!" . choice 0‘ the boys

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