West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Dec 1930, p. 7

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" White ground with kercm'ets .white ground and colored be}: with two My put up at for Christmas “stmas B at 596 .ISTNI.\S 'KERCHIEFS ORTSIILNI FRI)“ '-Z..')c-I}5(' BC! RISTMAS ' 59¢ at 29c at 196. 101-. 15c. and 25c (as at $1.90 MONTREAL by of ( anada ova Hints in ptemium ntracts. They we" ac safety and con- nsc annuities Ind w. your ma (eprcsmtth'w. in tan @116 my, . a group of North :53 men sold their Hogs. While tho ling thcy_dgcide_d 24 x48 WI 35c : proceeds in h“ 13 After investiga- the Sun Life A!!- D5 of men ban 1' on their bid- rs of unremitting e-invesrcd only to sin unwise specu- mnuitics providc >r0tcc1ioo amt: nent ANCE NADA in grey 31.25 49c d of thinking .‘ox‘t muscles. and IZE l- he started :cup of being "4:- Washing- »ulxtlcs.-Omo ll. --.v ‘vâ€" -vâ€"vâ€" to tote up the following courses: (1) Junior mutational. (2) Entrance to Normal Bchoon of all SPIRELLA GOODS Reduced Prices to sell. Old Brigham Store. Call or Phone MRS. A. B. NICBOL Residence Comm moxie 42:3. Auction eer. Grey and Bruce. Sales promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms on application. Phone Allan Park Central 9r 515; Hanover H. R. 2, P. 0. 524m Insurance. etc; a general financial mines: transacted. All lead docu- ments efficiently and centrally pampered Your patronage solicited. OFFICE : 1 door North of Molnaghfln’o Tuesday Make appointments with the clerk in office. Lambton Street, Durham. Phone 97. Coileg e Toronto. Office in Mocha-lane Blockg. Durham. Day and night phone '-'--v _._"â€"V_“.‘ Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentis- try in all its branches. Ofllce Calder Block. Mill _Streethecond door east or Honor graduate of the University ox I‘oronto, Graduatq 91 Royal gouge Office and residence at. the corner of Countess and Lambtorx Streets. oppo- ute old Post Office. Ofllce hours: 9 tq ll_a.m.. 1.30“?! pm, 7 to 9 pm. (except Sundays). mce east of The Hahn House, on Lunbton Street. Lower Town, Durham. Oflice hours. 2 to 5 p.m., 1 to 9 pm. (Bundays excepted) . FRANK IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor rsonsâ€"is advert . and it will be eated as such. 1 no instructions occornpany the notice ndvising us whom to charge it to, it will be charged to the person phoning or sending it in. Advertisements ordered for insertion “until forbidden" and those sent without written instructions. will ap- r until written orders are received or their discontinuance. Barristers, Solicitor; Etc. I. B. Lucas. K.C. W. D. Henry, KO. 1. B. Lucas, Jr. A member of firm in Durban one!) Every advance notice of any kind. where the pbject is the benefit or con; vemence of tiny ADVERTISING um Judebl. Legal. om and Govern- cent Notionâ€"12c. per count line tor arstinsertion.nnd6c.periineiorcech subsequent insertion magnum 1m. per word each insertion, with four consecutive insertions for the price of three; a discount of 3-1/3 gr cent moved for cash with order. inimum charge, 25c. cash with order DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL “stone: 3. DUNCAN Licensed Auctioneer for (flay Qounty ”I. W. C. PICKERING. DENTIST Oflice over .1. a; J. hunter’s store. J. 1.. SMITH. M. 8.. M. C. P. S. 0. omce and residence a snort dist- C. G. BESSIE McGILLlVBA! DRS. JAMIESON JAMIESON J. B. MuQUAIIIE. B. A. LUCAS. HENRY LUCAS Federal Building, Toronto Thursday. December 11. 1030 Med ical Directorv Mental Directorv Legal ‘Dz'rectorv. Clearing Sale rBusiness, Eta efluctionem on at 3112283: 119 THE CHRISTMAS CONCERT OF S. S. No. 3, Glenelg (Edge Hill Schbol) will be held on Thursday, December 18 at 8 o’clock. Admission 25c. and 15c. SUNDAY EVENING BETWEEN Smith’s garage and Stone Plant. comer change purse containing two keys. Finder please leave at Chronicle office. DOG FOUND BLACK AND TAN BOUND STRAYED to my premises. Owner may have same by paying expenses.â€"H. Allen, Brigham’s Old Stand. Can' or phone 11'9 â€"Mrs. A. B. Nichol. Durham. 12.113 FOR. SALE on BENT BRICK HOUSE. CENTRALLY LO- cated; good garden; terms reasonnble; early possession. Apply at Chronicle office for further particulars. 9 lltf HOUSE 10 RENT FURNACE AND DATE. HARD AND soft water; 1mmcdiate possessionâ€"Ap- ply Mrs. Nell McKeehnle. 10. 20 tf. Stamped goods. Ladies’ Silk Lingerie, Hqsiery, Penman’s best, all kinds and PHOTOGRAPHS CHRISTMAS SPECIALâ€"One large 8 x 10 photograph beautifully mounted and finished in the new silk finish will be given with each dozen cabinet photographs from now until Christmas. These will make lovely Christmas gifts. Come early. I“. W. Kelsey, Durham. 11 6 8nd. Holstein. Would people wishing to send stock please give three (3) days‘ notice. Phone Holstein 15 r 1-6. â€"W. A. Renton. 12 4 2 NOTICE TO FARMERS THE UNITED FARMERS CO-OPER- ATIVE have advised me to ship live stock by rail during the winter months. I will ship Tuesday of each week from FARM FOR SALE To Close Donald McDonald Estate Lots 41, 42, Concession l, N.D.R. in the Township of Glenelg, on highway 2 miles west of Priceville and known as the McDonald homestead. Frame barn, 8-roomed house. A place that can be made into a cmvenient, com- fortable home. 20 acres of hardwood bush. For further particulars apply to John A. Graham, Executor, or to Lucas, Henry a: Lucas, Solicitors for Executor, Durham, Ont. 12 4 ti. spring creek; drilled well, water in stable; good brick house and bank barn, driving shed, hen house and oth- er outbuildings; centrally located for High and Public schools. For partic- ulars apply to Thomas Ritchie, Dur- ham, R.R. i. 10.3.“. 200 ACRE FARM, 100 ACRES UNDER cultivation, well watered, % mile from school in a good location; good roads to town. For further particulars apply to the office of the Durham mum-e Company or D. Klnnee. 9 25 tf FARM FOR SALE LOT 47, CON. 3, E.G.R., GLENELG, loo‘acres; well fenced, well watered by tlon; reasonable briée. Kpply at once to Mills dz Paterson, Hanover, Ont. 13 13 t1. o_n main street of Durham, known as These two animalé are 'of splendid quality-Apply Steve Dustow, R. R. Durham. 11 27 3 NO. 1 POTATOES 90¢ BAG FOR balance of December.â€"W. B. Patterson R. R. 4, Durham, Phone 611 r5. ONE GOOD YOUNG HORSE 1400. 2’33 chestnut driving mare good action. LUMBER SAW, SHINGLE SAW, AND lath mill; also lath for sale.-Apply Zenus Clark, Durham. 7 3 tr. PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT passing the saving on to you. Secretaries can save their Societies 33-1/3 per cent by pay- ing cash for advertising, de- manding receipt for same and turning it in as cash. In future this method will be strictly eniorced. Our rate tor Chasm“! Adver- tising is 1-1/2 cents per word. with 33-1/3 per cent discount for cash at time avenuement venmng columns save money by paying cash {of their adver- LOST AND FOUND You Can Save COMING EVENTS This method has been adopted Money By Paying Cash NOTICES FOR SALE GROCERIES KEYS LOST FOR The Chronicle. 12112 Mter such date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and will not be liable for said assets to any persons of whise claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distribution. _ Dated at Durham, this first day of ‘gAA THE CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT Bunessan School 8. S. No. l, Glenelg, will be held December 16, Tuesday, at 8 o’clock. Admission 25c. and 15c. The Mississippi river near Memphis, Tenn, was over forty feet deep during the flood waters of 1927, as compared to less than five feet during the recent drought. NOTICE is hereby given that all 'persons having claims against the Es- tate of Mary McClocklin, late of the town of Durham in the Comty of Grey, Widow, who died on or about the first day of November, A.D., 1930, at the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, are hereby required to send or deliver to the under mentioned solicit- or for the Executors full particulars of their claims duly proved on or before the First day of January, 1931. Solicitor for the Exeéutors. TEACHER WANTED FOR 8.8. NO. 11 BENTINCK. DUTIES to commence January 5, 1931; state qualifications, experience and salary expected.â€"â€"Robert G. Hopkins, Secre- tary, Durham, R. 3, Ontario. 12 ll 2 It will pay you to advertise i: The Chronicle from staxt. No experience or capital required by right parties. Write today to J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 11-100 149 Craig West, Montreat, P.Q. 12 44 In the Matter of the Estate of Mary McClocklin. late of the Town of Dur- ham, in the County of Grey, Widow, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS GIVE US YOUR. FILM BUSINESS FILMS DEVELOPED, PRINTED AND enlarged; 24-hour service.â€"F. ‘W. Kel- sey, Durham. 11 6 am. MALE HELP WANTED, RELIABLE MEN To DIS- tribute Watkins Famous Household and Farm Necessities in the townships of Nomanby and BentinclL $10,000,000 organization. Established 63 years. $35.00 to $50.00 weekly earnings right IVâ€"Dorothy Taylor, Lorne McMur- do, Elsie Morrison, Harvey Leith, Clar- ence Moore, Lawson Morrison. IIIâ€"Lorne Eccles, Howard Keith, Elsie Hooper, Carlyle Geddes, Alec. Mb- Murdo, Bessie Moore. Dorothy McNalty. 8r. Pr.â€"-Ruth McKenzie, Calvin Ged- des. Jr. Pr.-â€"Ca.lvln Nott. Pr. Aâ€"Marjofle Hopkins, Marjorde Hiscox, Eileen Manta, Grace Murdock. *â€"â€"Missed examinations. Jr. IIIâ€"Smith Hopkins, Viola Poll lock, Milton Manto“. Sr. Iâ€"Norman Robins, Orin Pollock, Jack Hopkins‘. Sr. Pr.â€"Ross Roseborough, Doris Robins, Jean Hapkins. Sr. IVâ€"Raymond Hopkins, Freda Ritchie and Irwin Hiscox, equal; Dan- iel Armstrong, Fred Roseborough, Wilhelmine Manto“. Sr. IIIâ€"Ella Vollett, Melville Robins, Margaret Murdock. Sr. IIâ€"Wilhelmlne Manta, Milford Robins, Ernest Murdock. Jr. IIâ€"John Murdock, Howard Bai- ley', Alvin Manta. SCHOOL HONOR ROLLS FOR PAST MONTH COMING EVENTS anada is sold on “Melody Mike.” Every Monday night when you tune in on your radio this is the genial old soul who delights you and whose popularity across the Dominion is attested by the fact that more than 15,000 tan letters of praise and congratulation have been received in a month by the Canadian Pacific Radio depart- ment under whose auspices “Mel- ody Mike's Music Shop” feature has been sent out over an all- S. S. No. 13. Enemont S. S. No. 11, Bentinck VARYING WATERS Florence MacDonald, Teacher -â€"Annie McKinnon, Teacher. WANTED Melody Mike Greets You THE DURHAM CHRONICLE that they have never been oflered an elephant for a dollar down and easy weekly payments. The regular meeting of the C. Y. P. S. was held last Thursday evening. The meeting was under the leadership of Miss C. McLean, Mr. W. Wright and Cameron McDougall. The Advent Story was the tapic of the evening and Miss McLean gave a splendid paper on this subject. The Scripture lesson was read and explained by Mrs. W. Wright andshe also readapaper on the author of Children’s Christmas poems and read the poem, “The Night Before Christmas." A dialogue by seven children entitled “Telling about Christ- mas” was well given. Mr. D. J. Mc- Donald led in prayer. The meeting closed by singing “Come all ye faith- ful” and two contests were enjoyed at the close. “Me husband is in the dumps most of the time.” “Is It wan of thlm pessimists he is?" “Nah, he's a garbage and junk col- lector.” The only reason a. great many Amer- ican families don’t own an elephant is Mr. J. D. Brown of Owen Sound visited with his cousin, Mr. Dougald Hastie while Alexander accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Stewart to Toronto for a couple of days. A number from this community at- tended the play “Aunt Lucia” in the town hall Hanover and report it to have been a most successful event. Mr. Duncan Livingstone is spending a holiday with his many friends in Durham. Crawford (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. Thos. Shaw and two daughters, Marine and Jeannette of Huntsville, Muskoka, were guests recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hastie. Mrs. Dan MacArthur of Durham was a welcome visitor with Miss Tena Liv- ingstone last week. Miss Mabel Pinkerton spent the Week-end with relatives in Durham. President, Mrs. Alfred Haas; lst vice- president, Mrs. R. F. Mercer; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. W. H. Sim; Recording Secretary, Mrs. G. Hostetter; Corres- ponding Secretary, Mrs. R. Sim; Treas- urer, Mrs. John Stevenson; Steward- ship Secretary, Mrs. E. Theme; Stran- ger Secretary, Mrs. R. Irvin; Associate Helper’s Secretary, Mrs. John Mather; Young W. Circle Superintendent, Mrs. R. Haas; Mission Band Superintendent Miss Stevenson; Mission Band Assist- ant Superintendent Mrs. C. Fenton; Missionary Messenger Secretary, Mrs. G. Fenton; Watch Tower Secretary, Mrs. John Roberts; Press Secretary, Mrs. G. Hostetter; Organist, Mrs. R. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence of North Egremont spent Friday with grgeir gen-inflaw and daughter, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Kennedy and children spent Thursday last with friends in Durham. Mr. William Tyndall recently sold his farm adjoining the village to Mr. Wm. Aitken. Another recent sale of farm property was Mr. George Aitken selling his farm on the 2nd concession north of Holstein to Mr. Howard Finder. The Women’s Institute will hold their meeting on Thursday of this week at the home of Mrs. John Brown. Miss Margaret Arnill of Stratford Norman School spent the weekâ€"end at her home here. The Women’s Institute held their bazaar on Wednesday of last week in the Agricultural Hall. Most of the articles were sold. The tea tables and fish pond were well patronized. Al- though the sum reallzed was not as large as last year, the ladies were pleas- ed that lt turned out so well as weather condltlons were not very favorable. At the W.. M 8. meeting of the United church last week election of of- flcers took place as follows: Holstein . (Our Own Correspondent) Holstein Public School Concert will be held on December 19th in the Agri- cultural hall. Mr. Clarence Calder of Hamilton vis- ited his home here last week. -â€"most difficult of men to conâ€" vinceâ€"who state that in their considered Opinion, this feature is with one exception the most pop- ular radio offering on the air to- day. Remember too that artists. presentation, and radio outfit are all-Canadian. Canadian 0. P. R. network. This huge fan mail is doubling and at the end of November 970 letters came in on one day. The opinion of radio fans is borne out by the views of radio station authorities i Knox Corners ‘ (Our Own Correspondent) 5 Mr. Honeyman in his sermon on 'Sunday spoke of the good Samaritan, jshowing how those in authority in the church passed by the wounded man and a despised stranger came to help him, and of how Jesus included all the commandments in one. Go love God with all our heart and mind, and our neighbor as ourself, and are we obeying this command? A week ago our pastor gave a fine sermon on Daniel and his courage in standing alone for God. He prayed three times a day with his windows open toward Jerusalem and gained strength for his time of need. 80 do we need to pray, not once a week, but three times a day and oftener that we ‘may be strong in times of temptation. We are glad to know that Mrs. Wm. Knisley who has been seriously ill in ngen Sound Hospital is improving. Our W. M. 8. met at the home of Mrs. Bert Barber on Thursday, Dec- ember 3rd. About twenty ladies were present and an interesting meeting was held. The roll call was answered by Scripture verses on Peace. This being the last meeting for the year, new of- floers were elected as follows: Pres., Mrs\ G. MacAlllster; Vice-President, Mrs. '1‘. Wallace; Secretary, Miss T. E. Byers ; Treas.. Mrs. C. MacAlllster; Secretary of Tidings, Mrs. Alex. Smith; literature Secretary. Mrs. Patterson; Secretary Expense * fund, Mrs. James Marshall. At this meeting, Mrs. Mar- shall, on behalf of the society present- spent Tuesday afternoon with her 1 ents. Mr. and Mm W. C. Caldwell. The young people are busy practising a play to be given about December 18. Mr. J. J. Wilton and ms. Bert Bar- her are attending the U. I". O. conven- tion in Toronto this week. Knox Women’s Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. Bert Barber last Thursday. the sick list but at time of writing is improving. Picken. Donald Watson of Varney Ladies‘ Aid met at the home of Mrs. C. u. Leeson last Wednesday. Rev. Mr. Mercer hod charge of the meeting. The following officers were Durham VOLLETT’S CASH PRICES (Our Own Corréspondent) Spy Apples. 6 lbs. for ......................... Mince Meat, 2 lbs. for ........................ Hand picked Beans, 5 lbs. for .......... Ocean Qualla Salmon Fish, per lb. Fresh Water Herring, per doz. .......... Fillets, per lb. Sun Dried Coffee. with cup and saucer Fig Bar Cookies. per lb.. ............ . ..... _. Dill Pickles, per can V ._ Bread, white or brown, 2 for THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH ONLY W. J. VOLLETT DRESSED POULTRY BOUGHT EMBARBASSIN G MOMENTS Phone 70 or 59 ’. for The twenty-second annual report J the Canadian Record of Perform-n. iorDairyCattleisnovreadyiorbâ€" tribution by the Pubiicattone branch 1 the Dominion Department of w- ture. The report contain not any the individual records of animals en- teredintheschemebutcompletein- formation with respect to reculatiul and standards. and a list of owners. It contains information of special in- terest to farmers and dairymen who are striving to improve the stand”! of their herds. and is available without charge on application to the Publicaâ€" tions branch. candy for a tract. TheYJVJtmdm at Mrs. John Wuhan Quite u number were mt pmtmdprontgblettmem Mrs.umhnuservedlunchand alotthemcmhenprovidedhome 53% Hi edws.8mlthwithIMemelnbel-d|b certificate. A dainty lunch was eel-Id bynn-s.8erbernttheclcce. w. and ms. Harry Cnldwell and Friday evening with Kr. and In. w CodLiverOlLOysterShdLGl-It. BoncMul. ”Sci-spine.“ nothing better for car ”no“ Try our Pig Chow for your hogs. It pays! B. 0. P. POI DAIRY CAM Ontario PAGE '1.

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