West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Dec 1930, p. 7

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i thrift reduced to a bid) converts the in- ns of every thoughtful fit: you start the lea sunnce will coal. :th at 'm matter isâ€"and even 13 5 M] 11”) admitting “r 4113!. 4 It\\ «)1 thought in my Ah“ .1 « mnot be explained ‘7! mm: ur xt'sponse to speak VVHP'ht’I‘ or not this m1- .;\‘onm<: is largely a matter of 1 "Axumal Conduct,” say; 18 "parallf'ls human 0006M pdr'uulaz'». but to say 1.th it 51111 of the same mental no- I W‘IH'EJ‘. to make a capim ' Mn the same mental “'0- rob-ably. but yet undenhbly 7 plan of life usur- the extra risk is what :5 the premium that Is at xxatumhst and keen 0m, zdson. dxscusses the same ques- "A Hind m Richmond M”. (it-mm “mu animals think as wing: (in. but he insists that 'hm'n' ~15 animals. They do .nn .:1 gn'vCiSPly the bum r, ‘:.-'.» do rt-ason in an animal (if‘d- 1x: wqm'nce occur to m \!,).N‘JI' 'n t’XPI‘CiSQ the W "m. 1H! mdament. film . {irtxmtr- mind-life in an!- its financial merit. RANCE ANADA $164.25 MONTREAL ng‘umw Improving .gical val-0i: u )YOCE ONTARIO rooms of intel- nmtitutes m‘ (xvmic quatm. 1y comprehend u-ntal processes ' human intel- zmy case. the o-lligence are 11;: things thlt u- study of the ; magnetism. I Wee f essor. m2 I‘he children now." on with 1%c. per word each insertion. with four consecutive insertions for the price of three; 3 discount of 33-1/3 cent snowed for cash with order. inimum charge, 251:. cash with order Every V xdvuncevnotice of my kind. where the object is the benefit or con- vemence of apy pegson a}; 9%55. 2E “company Advertisements ordered for mentor: “until forbidden" me! those sent without yfltten Instructions, will up- ______ A_‘- - 'I'v Office and residence a snort dist- east of The Hahn House. on Durban. mce anbton Street. Lower Town, Office hours, 2 to 5 pm.. 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). Graduates Canadian 11: College; Tqronpo. 011108111 n... .mA I 123. Toronto. Graduate 0 Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. try in all its branches. Block. Mill Street._second door east or LUCAS, HENRY a blunt: Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. J. L. SMITH. M. 3.. ‘nsurance. etc.; a m» min ted All lend docu- ments efliciently an d carefully pre Your patronage solicited. OFFICE: 1 door North 0! Monughlin’a 'iucB'eth's Reduced Prices to sell. Call or Phone 119 MRS. A. B. NICHOL ”Hence Corseflere 7 vâ€"â€" The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning of term. Information as to Courses may be obtained from the Prinmpal. AQL-‘_“ CIAM’A Thursday, December 18. 193. _____________..__â€"â€"â€"â€" GEOBGB I. DUNCAN [deemed Auctioneer tor Grey â€"- â€" - ----In1- w Uni-lav“ ’- vâ€"â€" _ The School has In the past whic m the future. Durham is an _ Hereditable rrdéco h it hopes to maintain attractive and healthy UUIIlalll to ma "UV- v-â€". _ town. and good ac'éommodatlon be obtained at reasonble rates. JOHN MORRISON. 011811 J. A. M. ROBB, B. A.. Prm DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Medical Directorv I hula! Directon’ mat ‘Dz’rectorv Clearing Sale “Business, Etc. fluctionem v---" w.â€"â€"" 5,“ Day and night phone 1t or number 01 and it wt)! be Phone 97. Grey <30th 3112289 LUMBER SAW, SHINGLE SAW, AND lath mm; also lath for sodaâ€"Apply Zenus Clark, Durham. 7 3 t1. ONE GOOD YOUNG HORSE 1400. one chestnut driving mare go_od $131931; VCOV Vnovv v.- v- v These two 33131;]; nine '01 splendid unlit .â€"Ap 1y Steve Dustow, R. R. lqfinv-th p 11 27 3 NO. 1 POTATOES 90c BAG FOR balance of December.â€"â€"W. B. Patterson R. R. 4, Durham, Phone 611 r5. 12 11 2 FOR SALE YORK SOW CARRYING SECOND litter due to {arrow January 20.â€"Af- thur Lawrence, phone 611-13, R. R. 4, Durham. 19d on main street of Durham, _know_n as m0 Mcnecnluu IIIâ€"UPC} II, , Jaw. OM“ “on; reasonable price. Apply at once to Mills Paterson, Hanover, Out. 12 13 t1. LOT 47, CON. 3, EBB... G , 100 acres; well fenced, well watered by spring creek: drilled well, water in stable; good brick house and bank -â€" 3 -LL FARM FOR SALE To Close Donald McDonald Estate 'Lots 41, 42, Concession 1, NDB. in t1 ‘Township of f CllepelgL on highway __._I Lag-.0.- , barn, driving shed, hen house and oth- er outbuildings; centrally located for High and Pumic schools. For partic- ulars apply to Thomas Ritchie, Dur- chat. ham, RR. 1. 200 ACRE FARM,‘100 ACRES UNDER cultivation, well watered, 1/6 mile from school in a good location; good roads to town. For further particulars apply {to the office of the Durham Furniture ‘Company or D. Kinnee. 9 25 t1 by 'pgyfng cash for passing the saving on to you. Secretaries can save their Societies 33-1/3 per 099? by I)!" In future this method will be strictly enforced. L VV‘OCUCCCr -_ _ miles west of Priceville and known as the McDonald homestead. Frame barn, 8-roomed house. A place that can be made into a omvenient, com- fortable home. 20 acres of hardwood turning it in as FURNACEE'AND BATH. HARD AND soft water; immediate possessionâ€"Ap- ply Mrs. Nell McKechnle. 10. 20 t1. â€"_â€"â€" Money By Paying Cash ‘ _ ' Gnocnmns ! Stamped goods. Ladies’ Silk Lingerxe. :Hosiery, Penman’s best, all kinds and ‘colors; Chintz Smacks, Sweaters and Pullovers, Ties, Shirts, Socks of all ikinds. A look costs you nothing. lmignam's Old Stand. Call or phone 119 1011 0 Patrons of our CHRISTMAS SPECIALâ€"One large 8 x 10 photograph beautifully mounted and finished in the new silk finish will be given with each dozen cabinet photographs from now until Christmas. These will make lovely Christmas gifts. Come early. F. W. Kelsey, 11 A QnA Durham. BLACK AN15 'i'AN HOUND STRAYED to my premises. Owner may have same by paying expenses.â€"H. Allen, FOR SALE OR RENT 15.551“ .Wâ€" "__-. -M_.r A. B. Nichol. Durham. 12.112 LOST AND FOUND For further FOR FARM FOR SALE The Chronicle. NOTICES WANTED KEYS LOST tor 11 10.3.“. FOR 8.8. NO. 11 BENTINCK. DUTIES to commence January 5, 1931; state qualifications, experience and salary expectedâ€"Robert G. Hopkins, Secre- tary, Durham, R. 3, Ontario. 12 11 2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter or the nsww 01 many McClocklin, late of the Town of Dur- ham, in the County of Grey, Widow, NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the Es- tate of Mary McClocklin, late of the town of Durham in the County of Grey, Widow, who died on or about the first day of November, A.D., 1930, at. +1.... mnnm nf nan-ham in the County Of: MAW-w .....---., - .. . . .. tate of Mary McClocklin, late of the| Reeve Hunter, Councillors N. Mc- town 0‘ Durham in the County or I Eachern and W. J. Watson reported as Grey, Widow, who died on or about the‘ follows: To Egremont Council: first day 0‘ November, AD" 1930' at. Gentlemen: On account of a protest the Town of Durham in the County of . which was entered by Mr. John Mcphee Grey, are hereby required t° send or on October 13th against a part of the deliver to the under mentioned solicit- | steam shovel operation in connection or for the Executors full particulars of with the digging of the new channel for their claims duly proved on or before straightening the river on his land the First day 01 January, 1931' north of the new Drury bridge, which‘ After such date the Executors will he claimed would endanger his property ‘ roceed to distribute the assets 0‘ the by increasing the liability of a repeti- estate, having regard only to the claims tion of last spring's gravel pit wash Of which they shall then have notice, out. A conference was held on October and will not be liable for said assets 14 between Messrs. John mph” and 'MUV u.- v- v"--- After such date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and will not be liable for said assets to any persons of whlse claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distributicn. A ,A ..___ -' THE first passen er ship ever to leave a Canadian port for South Americaâ€"the new Canadian ational liner Prince Robertâ€"sails from Halifax on March 2 with a pagtdy of Canadian trade del ates, their wives and others pleasure bound. The Can ians will visit several tin-American countries. Special attention wil' be paid to Buenos Aires, capital of the Argentine, where the Prince of Wales will open the British Empire Fair which will s read over 25 acres of ground and which will include a handsome Canadian pavi ion and seven other Empire show buildings. Pictured here are Angus McLean, president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, pointing to the Prmce Robert's chief port of call, and Elmer Davis, president of the Canadian Manufacturers’ Association. These two organizations and the Canadian Government are responsnble for Canada's part at the far, one of the largest of its kind ever held in. the world. Both Mr. Davis and M»- Holstein (Our Own Correspondent) Dr. and Mrs. Brawn spent the week- end in Toronto. Miss Eunice Tyndall of Winng spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Merton Reid of Seaforth spent Thursday last in the village. - -i-Iwélen and Arthur Buller came up from Willowdale to spend Christmas holidays with their father, Mr. Alf Buller. Mrs. Harold Grasby of _ Durhag v‘is- over Sunday. v- v. wâ€"â€"v-vv VA number from around here attend- ed the funeral of the late Mr. Hock- ridge at. Hepeville on Sunday. cently. with relatives in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Reid of Hamil- ton were week-end guests of Mrs. Henry Reid. â€"‘ g._ - --_ ,____‘ --'--- a â€"â€"â€" Messrs. James A. Smith and Howard Pinder motored to Alma on Friday and attended Mr. Murray Henderson’s sale. We understand Mr. and Mrs. Hender- son are moving to Palmerston. A very enjoyable meeting of the W0- men’s Institute was held on Thursday last at the home of Mrs. John Brown. mells IIIDUIDUDC WED llCLu U11 L‘swuuw" 1‘5‘5V“‘b "O.“ Yâ€"--. last at the home 0f Mrs. JOhIl Bl‘OWIl. credit of Police Village for current ex-l A crokinole social was held on Friday musesâ€"Carried. evening in the basement of the United H. McEachemâ€"Watson: That E.‘ church. When the game of crokinole I Murphy Estate be paid $56.25 for grass was over a short program was enjoyed. lseed for McQueen property.â€"Carried. Lunch was served at the close. = Bylaws were passed appointing The Women’s Association of the Um I Victor Adams, Nichol McDougall and ited ChllI‘Ch Will meet this Thursday ill John McPhee school attendance officers the basement of the church As this and John T. McAinsh collector of taxes is the last meeting of the year, election remaining unpaid after December 31. of ofl’icers for the coming year will take - 1930, place. i The annual report of D. T. H. Sneath. The Public school concert will be M.O.H. sheweth as follows: vital sta- held on Friday evening, December 19- tistics according to the records of the A good program is being prepared. division registrar: there were during a an A--LL-o nm_ The Women’s Association of the Un- ited church will meet this Thursday in the basement of the church. As this is the last meeting of the year, election of officers for the coming year will take 3"“"' The Public school concert will be held on Friday evening, December 19. A good program is being prepared. We extend our congratulations to Mr. Alex. Sim who has been elected as South Grey’s representative to the Older Boys’ Parliament. The Holstein Trail Rangers are fortunate in having a representative sent from their group. Mr. Gordon Lam). Secretary of the Boy’s Work, Toronto, gave a short talk to the Trail Rangers last Wednesday, giving an outline of the Trail Rangers’ work in Canada and also the work car- ried on by the Older Boy’s Parliament 'which meets for five days during the iChristmas holidays. “How did Brown come to be so highly esteemed as a weatherlrophfit?" thé Matter of the E_state of Mary TEACHER THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Council met December 15. Membersl all present. Minutes adopted. Watsonâ€"H. McEachern: That the re- port of the Road Superintendent for expenditure on roads be adoptedâ€"Car- $2.00 from John Goodyear for his share of Engineer Bolton’s inspection of Cantlon drain; $2.20 from Thos. D. Brown for cement and sacks; $275.80 from Provincial Treasurer fo rrefund on cement sacks Drury bridge; $5.00 Vvsnnvso v wâ€" v from John A.MFe}gus5n foi' lumber P. V. Holstein. â€"- on. _ ‘ " ‘.‘ 1C “was“ I""' _--.. at as follows: Thas engineers plan to .widen out the mouth of the new chan- nel north of the Drury bridge to a width of forty feet be carried out and that Mr. John McPhee be paid $55.00 for the damage done to his land and he binds himself to furnish forever . water privilege to the Keith farm by removing the line fence which is now east of the new channel to the west side of it. N. McEachernâ€"Watson: That report of October 14 re change in Drury river channel be accepted and approved. -â€" taxes on said building to the amount of the Township rateâ€"Carried. N. McEachernâ€"Watson: That w. Charles Gilstorf be paid the bounty of $10.00 for killing dog found worrying sheepâ€"Carried. N. McEachernâ€"H. McEachern: That ' the Treasurer be authorized to pay the . following: To the County Treasurer {$23,180 being county rate for 1930; 1| School Section Treasurers, Trustees‘ 1' levys $6,576.78, together with $691.30 - for school debenture purposes, S. S. No. 'I3 and U. S. S. No. 9, as they become due; also special mvy’s P. V. Holstein - 727.00 for Hydro debenture and street I lighting and $295.13 to be placed to the -u-.uc n0 DanD Village for current eX' division registrar: there were during the year 48 births and 24 deaths; com- municable disease, chicken pox, 2 cases, influenza 36 cases, measles 8 cases. pneumonia 12 cases, scarlet fever 12 cases, tuberculosis 5 cases, typhoid fever 1 case.. The expenditure for Public Health purposes during the year am- ounted to 8108.90. Philpâ€"N. McEachernz‘ That the Clerk Egremont Council $25.00; Pay sheet No. 12 expenses on roads $1165.89; Supt. services $36.00; Treasurer 1-2 'yeau's salary 0100.00; Postage, phone $10.00 preparing an- anctal statement $12.00; Clerk. 1-2 year’s salary $175.00; postage and phone $15.64. Reeve, search Registry otflce 70c.; members of Council. at- tendance at meeting to date $15.00; R. Chrtstie, use of room $2.00. N. McEachernâ€"Watson: That the urer cunt to ploughmen's Assochtton. $25.00; Pay sheet No. 12 expenses on roads 21165.89; Supt. services $36.00; Treasurer 1-2 'yew‘s salary $100.00; Poem. phone 810.00 preparing fin- anc1al statement 812.00; Clerk. 1-2 year’s salary 8175.00; postage and phone $15.64. Reeve, ecu-ch Registry thankfulness to our Reeve for the very courteous and gentlemanly manner in lwhich he has presided over this Coun¢il during the year. The Reeve in a short address thanked the members of Council for their resolution also the oflicials for the kindly assistance they had render- :ed in carrying on the work during the yea. I The Members of Council, Road Sup- 'erintendent, Treasurer and Clerk spoke briefly. 1 Council then rose. Deputy Reeve Phnp read the follow- ing: The members of Council deserve Calderwood (Our Own Correspondent ) It was with the deepest regret and sorrow that we heard Mr. James Mc- Master had passed away at his ho_tpe on the 4th concession on Friday. The funeral service was held at his late home on Monday afternoon. Inter- ment took place to Monnt Forest cem- * ‘ L‘- â€"â€" ‘7“ L‘- IIIUIIV etery, UR extend'oh} sympathy to his two sisters who are left to mourn the loss of a kind and aflectiogofte pmther. home here. Mrs. Angus Hermiston is under the doctor’s care again. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Henry Feick, Salem, spent a few days last week at Adam Feick’s. Mrs. Archie Shand, Hopeville, spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. McDougall at Jasper Smith’s. ’ Mrs. Carl Leibold, Preston, visited ’friends the beginning of the week on this line. Mr. and Mrs. Darroch spent a day last week in Guelph. | Mr. William Shiel, Hariston, rnade s VOLLETT’S CASH PRICES Durham Spy Apples, per pk. ........................ Thompson’s mnoemeat, 2 lbs. (or Eatmor Cranberries. per tb. . . ....... California Grapes, 2 tbs. for ...... Grape-fruit. 3 for ........ Mixed Nuts, per lb. .................. Cream Cmdys, per lb. ......... Jolly Mlxtures, per lb. .. Assorted Fruit Drops. per lb. Assorted Chocolates. per Tb- THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH ONLY EMBABRASSING MOMENTS We have the Bread that suits your appetite Koewn. Mot Galen. Jr. IIIâ€"meme! W m Galen Isabel amen. Inn-y mu. 8r. nâ€"mry Huey. Donald O'Neill. Jr. IIâ€"Bobbte omen. Iâ€"Dtn My. Relax O'Neill. III» SCHOOL HONOR ROLLS “I'm thinking of coins to the m for the scum." aid his wife. “30' much would it cost me?" “Nothing. I should think. he 1'09““ 'pr Patch-£1 huntm. Jimmy can mdv Galen. Jacue Wrath. mu- Phone 114. Purina Feeds for Farm Stock J. W. EWEN Ontario PAGE 7.

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