his. m In Mahatma!“ Wham-M“urwhonnawcui you“ â€'0". some of our earlier missionaries, such as Carey, who spent so many years in india; Robert Morrison’s work in China and his work in the translation 0! the Scriptures; the Gordons or the put on. Miss E. M Stevenson gave an excellent talk on the lives and work or °§ NEW CAR PRICES A good attendance was out to the community Circle on Monday evening, After the opening services and regular Mrs. Derbecker of Ayton visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bilton on Sunday in Montreal. Mrs. William Brown spent the week- end with her daughter. Mrs. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. R. Nicholson a few days The Book Committee of the Public Library met on Wednesday evening last and selected a list of books which we PAGE a Mrs. George Hoatetter left last Friday tr a few weeks’ stay with friends 0 “UK “I!“ 0110 Dpwu Uup “W‘ruea "H’Vu gn-fw “Mu vuyu nay awuauvs Handsome cash prizes are to the team making the fastest to the Winners. awarded, but this year interest is . . The icture shows: Upper left much above the usual. St-Godard game to; ‘ lap dunng the three t pical guskie, and right Chateai who has won the race four times y 3 0 racing: , rontenac, Quebec. Below, centre in the last ï¬ve years, has two legs The event Winds up With the last la of the race and lower righ‘ on the Speed Cup and another wrn Dog Derby Costume Ball held Emil t-Godard and his lead dog this year will give it to him per- at the Chateau Frontenac, the Toby. Emil St. Goddard, pictured above, won the 01y mpic dog derby at Lake Placid last week beating the much vaunted American teams with ease in two straight heats. ONLY A Town Sedan .................................. 160.00 Tudor Coach and Coupe .., ....... 100.00 (Our Own Corresmmdent) 5-Passenger Victoria ................. Greatlydleduce SMITH BROS. “ They're Off! â€â€"‘iâ€"lh Old Quebec The second meeting of the Literary Society was held in the upstairs room of the school on Friday, February 5. The meeting was opened by singing “0 Canada†after which we decided we should buy crests for the winners in Sympathy is extended to the Sim family in the death this week of Mrs. William Sim. Mrs. Sim was very well known and much beloved in this com- munity and will be very much missed by her many friends. The annual meeting of the Holstein United church took place on Wednes- day evening last with a good attend- ance of members present. Encouraging reports were received from various departments of the church activities. Officers were elected for the coming year. A unanimous call was extended to Rev. Mr. Mercer to remain as pastor (or the coming year. Hebrides; Geddie Judson and others. Miss Swallow then sang a solo. Mrs. Ritchie gave a sketch of the life of Moflat in Africa. Current events were given by Frank Cowan and the meet- ing closed by singing a missionary hymn, after which a social time was [MODELS LER FOR DISPOSAL 100.00 " Dinhnm, om; I 499.00 706.00 Now Canadian Paciï¬c’s great hotel, on Wednesday, February 24 at which prizes and'cups are awarded to the winners. The g‘icture shows: Upper left, t pical uskie, and right Chateau rontenac, Quebec. Below, centre, last lap of the race and lower right Emil St-Godard and his lead dog. I W W'U'oat m; 40 Martin ion (“The Climb . ' - - spending a few holidays at her home. Sorryto mportthatnev.noneyman hadthemidm'tunetotalllndm fTher-amtlcclubofnoothvilloam putting on a play entitled “A Family MM†onFridaymnina, RIF mrynatapm. ‘ ‘ Dromore “ (Our Own Correspondent) Sympathy of this community is ex- tended to Mrs. James Geddes and fam- ily m the loss by death of a loving hus- band and father. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGillivray of Fairbairn spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Williams. Mrs. William Brown, Holstein, is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Mary Morrison. in Toronto over the week-end. The Young People held their meeting on Friday evening. The president, ms F'lorenée Patterson, took the chair. Quite a number of our Holstein peOple attended the funeral of me late James Geddes on Sunday last. Hggeymgnaangaaolo. 'l‘heremto fi‘vebeenaaoklnolesodflbutitwfll bemangedforhbmarylomstead. Mrs.JIme8001a'ldge. munch Baird, William Issac and Wallace, To- ronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Bunston. Conmmhttonsareextendodtom. aners.CampbeIIWataononthear- rivalofayoungson. Gmwmmmeummn isteenng better “tubal-mick- unandmcmlesucbmmnvis- mm.mms.wmnmsonsun- The meetings of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. which are being held in the Agricultural ‘Hall during this month are being fairly well attend- ed over thirty girls taking the course in Home Economics. Mr. Robert Nicholson and family moved into our village last week and are nicely settled in their home on South Main street. the Field Day Games with the money that we earned at the Christmas con- cert. Ruth Wells gave a humorous reading. Bert Mather chose an inter- esting topic “The Making of Pulp". Lyall Mercer gave the current events. He would like the third form to send a few mice downstairs for them to catch. "The Echo", our paper, was well pre- pared by Ivan Christie. Irlma Rife led the community singing. The meeting closed by singing the national anthem. ill; Durham “ ‘ Play had not been under way long in the first period when Monr and El- vidge broke through the defence and McGh-r gave Elvidge a pass near the net, but as Irving coasted in to make Wlarton net with Williams down on the ice, but being over anxious in try- ing to lift it into the net. he lifted it right over. their combination plays were not click- lngasusual. Murdockmissedaroyul chance to tie the score in the dying minutes of the last period when he got the puck in a scramblejn front of the weu~be seen by a 106: st the line up, and the “termites do not seem to weaken the team to any large extent. The locals played nice hockey, and were in there ï¬ghting from start to ï¬nish, but somehow they seemed to andsooreortotakeapaunearthe‘Mâ€Glldnex-on detenae make am" netlsnexttolmpoeslble. Themlamrearzuardhardtobeat. Inthelut “rt-J ate all well-experienced players, as minutes of this period came Hur- ters m0“ weu~be seen byalookatthe line up, dock's chance when wlththecoalle week-end and the alternates do not seem to down on the loe he lined the rubber JOY Otter weaken the team to any large extent. over the net from about thnee feet out. The locals played nice hockey, and “"Barney Schearer or Walkerton was A hardcnetoscoreon. Theytrehu'd Mynkht. Anexperlencedteem. WWymdetenslveucttee mdthe breaks gotn'g mum them were too muchfortheloahmduamutthe for the return game xmmno-aaumh Wiaflol Wis In Wen Sound 2-1 Double bed sizes $19.50 and $28.00 5E With each Mattress sold we inchde a $4.00 SlipCover Till Saturday, February 13 SIMMONS BED OUTFIT SPECIAL FURNITURE SALE CONTINUES Both sizes in stock for delivery 04 acne-mile“ ,_, House Fhmlshin‘n tieswerehnndedout.sixtowurton andtwotoDurhum,bothofwhichwere served by Dean. The return game tonight (Thursday) will be well worth seeing. The locals have a one-goal lead to overcome, and are conï¬dent of doing it, but they will have to play real hockey to do so, as this Wiarton team is no set-up for any- dock's chance when withthegowe downontheloehelmedthembber overthenetfromaboutthreeteetout. “Btrney†Schurer of thkerton m theomcmmclummdhemaden very fair job of the “smut. Benet ontmoflsldesmdroughphyhokept thegamewellmhmd. Etc'htpenu- um‘mmm‘wmm 'body. awmmuum mumwmwm mheltoaeethem. manpontt. mum-up mam wwu~ M manna-manna“ toMtvltthW.“ mmmvm. Ir. mmuwu ttmntumthntmmmm SOCIAL AND PERSONAL “The mange! appears to be one of theoldeltotourculttvuedrootm" sates the Dominion W. dbâ€" culdnc “Held Roots In Genusâ€. “A1- thouch enct records m not even-hie, theptoductionoftbemgelcmbe tracedbeck astuuaooosc. The evidence of its production et that date isoonteinedonanoldpletefoundm rumpus-t red and white roots were commonly culuvatedm Ash Minor» furbwkuflOBC.†Joy attended the Noun-.1 At Home. Panel Steel Bed Cable Spring (Inch Riser) uyer Belt mm m W Pillow: Walnut AN OLD ROOT CIOP $3975