M 431-3. llICAS. BENIY a LUCA! W1. Scum-n. Ito. L 3. Lucas. 11.0. W. D. Hem, 3.0. I. B. Luca. Jr. A member of arm in Durban each My mo sppomtments with the clerk in office. omen: 1 door North 0! MoLouxhlln’a EDWARD LAUDER MD.,C.M.,P.A.C.8. Wendmtdenceetmemd emu-mummnmu. once wizï¬tonun†13:04pm, 7w Own. (My: excepted). biases of 'Eyes and ï¬tting a! Glasses Praia-Nd Telephone 178 to. p31. "Inâ€...flflm (my. Sudan). GIOIGI I. DUNCAN new-ed Auctioneer for Grey Conn†Auctioneer. Grey tnd Bruce. r.n.smmu.n. mmz,mm omen Bonn: Lactodpm, 730 J.Lm..l..l0.f.8.0. C. G. I .3881! MchA! Dentistry in all its bunches. 919 SECOND AVENUE EAST OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO cunning in Appointments IEMUMIA. Medical Directory. bl. (â€labia-lam- bda-â€" .mcountnnoxq M, m 17. an Dental Directorv Legal 'Ditedorv. over J. a J. hunter’s store, efluctio nears at slump 8.8.34: Wtcmm. then havenotice, end tlleaudExec- ,utorwinnotbenoblefortheaaldu- the time at such distribution. DATE) ATDURHAM thhmd doydMADJDa. or Jane Ton-y, late of the Township of Bentlnck, in the County of Grey. ma:- riedwoman,deceesed,whodledonor shout the tweuth any or Mun-y. AD. 1932, are required to deliver or chum, in "languid the netureor the security, it my, held by them. THE SUNBEAM MISSION BAND OF Presbyterian Church will hold a. sale of homemade taking at stare formerly occupied by Mr. Aljoe, at 3 pm., Satur- day. Much 26. ‘ 2 c. School, Thursday evening, March 24th. Admission 10c. 1 C. FOR RENT 0N COLLEGE STREET; BRICK; ALL conveniences; electric lights; good gar- den and garageâ€"Apply Mrs. E. Rose- borough. 2 25 t1. THE MONTHLY MEETING 01" THE Durham Club will be held at the home of Mrs. Seal-1e, 387 St. Clarens Ave., presented by Edge Hill Club, at No. 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS FABM FOR. RENT LOT 27, CONCESSION 2, BENTINCK, W03. For pasture. Some can be crapped; also hay for sale at barn. Ap- o! JANE TORRY, hte of the Town- Shlp or Bentlnck, 1n the County of Grey, married woman. deceased. THE DURHAM BRANCH WOMEN '8 Institute are celebrating their Thlrtleth Anniversary by a banquet in Knox Church, March 24th, at 6.30 pm. All tormer members are cordially invited. BRICK HOUSE; IDEAL LOCATION; good garden; all conveniences; wage. etc.; $4 acre land. Apply George Yum, Durham. 8 13 t1 FOR SALEâ€"FIVE ACRES OF LAND in Dui'ham; easy terms to quick pur- chaser. Apply to Mrs. James Watson. 3 17 2 pd. James Lawrence, Durham. 7 9 t1. THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Quality chick: that will develop Into layersotlamwlmeem Prieedrlcht. latch 14 cents, April 12 cents, my 10 cents. Write Hendrick Poultry Farm, Hanover, Ont., E. L. Gray, Manager. 65-300 BUCKEYE ' INCUBATOR; good as new, also broader stove com- plete. 315 takes the pair. John Lloyd, PROPERTY FOR SALE INTHEMA’ITEROP'IHEEBTATE FOR SALE OR RENT mtunmthhmethodvnnbe «Homeland. W can sue their Wï¬tlflmwï¬ww‘ mumâ€"it in]: cash. um. h 1-1/2 cents per word, yin: â€fl/3 pa cent dam: hy_puin¢mhtwtbehudm- You Can Save COMING EVENTS OmmmOWMm- Money By Paying Cash LUCAS: mm? a mom. LATIMER PROPERTY FOR 3. 17. 4c n mnerlnvitedthehdleatoherhomc forApx‘lehueunuchanceotm mambmmunmpuoe. John Heft put on an which was won by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Norman: Proctor spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, ham. Oranges were sent to two sick people. An old fashioned spelling match took upthe remaiï¬ingtime. at the home of ms. E. Dargavel. cm evening held in the Wflliamlord hall by the U. I“. 0. club. Moving pic- tures, lunch and dancing nude up the Miss Susie McIntosh returned to To. ronto after spending a couple of weeks with her sister and brother, Miss Mar- garet and Mr. Angus McIntosh. Mr. Will Greenwood, of Zion, spent Sunday with Misses Margaret and Bu- san McIntosh and Anetta. A number from here attended tm so- Some of the gentlemen from here at- tended the Owen Sound-Durham hock- ey match at Owen Sound. Dornoch (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. Neil Livingstone of Townsend Lake is spending a week with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Livingstone. Turnbull-McCaslin: That on account of the present depression, bylaw No. 153 of the township of Bentinck, re scale of wages and salaries, be amend- ed to reduce salaries for present year as follows: Members of council, meeting and commission work, per day, $2.50; man and team, gravelling, per day, $4; man and team, team graders, per day, $4; The amendment to bylaw No. 153 to be in force after this meeting. The following accounts were paid: G. H. Mitchell, printing, $140; World, stationery, 80c; meeting of council, $15; R. McDowell, balance on survey, $9; Chas. Emke, sheep, $10; Jas. Young, sheep, $4; H. K. Ridden, inspector, $1.50; W. Wright, inspector, $1.50; D. J. MacDonald, expenses to convention, $12.65; D. J. MacDonald, fees Road As- sociation, $3. Voucher number two: G. Alexander, pay sheet, $10.19; P. Twam- ley, pay sheet, $174.40; W. N. Campbell, pay sheet, $104.60; Hy. Patterson, con- vention, $12.60; Hy. Patterson, salary, 810; G. G. Wise. gravel. 32; J. Willets. gravel, $22.30; J. Walsh, gravel, $10.50; 8. C. Vlckers, wire fence, $10; J. Dir- Council adjourned to meet Monday, the fourth ’day of April, for general be paid $10.00 for one sheep killed and Jas. Young estate $4.00 for one sheep injured. Carried. Bailey-McCaslin: That a by-law be introduced to provide for the expendi- ture on township roads during 1932, a capy to be forwarded to department of public highways. Carried. 34; man, including patrolmen, per day, $2; man, operating grader, $2.50; as- sessor, $110; superintendent, per hour. 400; treasurer, $140; clerk, $375. Grlerson-Balley: That by-law No. 154 be read a second time. Carried. McCaslin-Tumbull: That by-law No. 154 be read a third time, finally passed and sealed. Carried. McCaslin-Grierson: That all ac- counts, including voucher number two, as presented, be passed and cheques is- Pursuant to adjoumment council met on Monday March 7th. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. 33.3.c Estate Agent tor the Sxecutors Enroven, on or before the Twenty-sev- enth day of March, A. D. 1932. Amer such date the Executor: will proceed to distribute the assets of the Estate, bovine Wt! only to the claims of which they shell then have notice.nndwmnotbelicbleforsaid assets to any persons of whose claim notice shell not have been received at“ the time or such distribution. DATED at the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, this Twenty-sev- enth day of February, A. D. 1932. tinned Estate Agent {or the Execute“, Gentlemawhodiedonoruboutthe eleventh day of December, A. D. 1031, aimerownotmhm,mthenm CountyofGrey,mhuebyreqmd toaendordeuvertothemder-men- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Bentinck Council ï¬nk J. H. CHITTICK, Clerk. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE day. $4; per day. per day, per day. We are sorry to report was Grace Reay and Mrs. Gem mghton under the weather at present. (Our Own Correspondent) We are having very wintry weather at present. It seems quite a. change af- ter such a spell of ï¬ne weather. I The Varney Wideawake Community Club met at the home of Mr. John {Marshall with a good attendance. Mrs. iRonald Smith, president, opened the meeting with community singing. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson gave an in- strumental. Susie Marshan gave a read- ing. The secretary, Mr. Melville Watson, took the roll call and the minutes of ast meeting. Arthur Petty prepared and read the Gazette which caused lots of amusement. Mr. Cecil Barber gave a humorous reading. The remainder of the evening was spent in contests. Re» freshments were served. j Varney * ( Our Own Correspondent) 1 The funeral service of the late Mr. Thomas Allan held in Knox United church on Thursday, March 10th, was largely attended. A number of de- ceased’s relatives, friends and ex-pupils attended from this community. Mr. Al- lan was known by all classes in coun- try and town, and held in the highest respect by all. Rev. W. H. Smith spoke lfrom Acts xii, 10, referring chiefly to 'Mr. Allan’s life work of teaching the youth. This story in the acts of the apostles as a parable showing how Mr. Allan had taken his pupils along the road of education, but he could only go so far with them in life. He lead them to the corner and pointed the way which they had to go themselves, and are now in all parts of the land. He is gone but his good work and teachings still lives after him. His two favorite hymns which he often had his Sabbath school children sing, were sung, “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,†and, “My Faith Looks Up to Thee.†The members of Session were pallbearers. Master George Wells, nine-yearâ€"old son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wells, who was operated on two weeks ago for ap- pendicitis and later developed pneu- monia and lay for a time in a very ser- ious condition is now doing nicely in care of nurses and doctors at Durham hospital. His mother is staying with Mrs. J. Moran in town to be near him. Winter is still here, with cold wea- ther, and snow drifts. The influenza is very prevalent in the community. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bilton spent Wed- nesday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. HOOper. Master George Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wells, was operated on in: Durham hOSpital, on' Thursday last, for: appendicitis. We wish him a speedy. recovery. 1 Mrs. A. Brock and Miss M. MacMil- Ian visited Saturday afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Hoop- er and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lawrence spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J im Hooper. Tartan ( Our Own Correspondent) Looks as though we were going to have some winter after all. The roads are bad, neither sleighlng or wheeling. The crossroads are drifted and the con- cessions almost bare. Miss Edith Hunter was home from Orangeville Business College over the week-end. Prank McArthur. “The Other Fellow’s Job†was given by Miss Jessie Nichol. The Gazette for this meeting was pre- pared and read by Mr. Neil MeArthur. The singing of the Notional Anthem closed the program. The next meeting is to be held at Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. McArthur’s home on March 21. with Lizzie McMillan, Donelda. Nichol, Jack Shortreed and Neil Maciarlane on the progrnmoommittee.Alltookpertin freshments were served. mm." Community singing was follow- eabyamgmz.“m1ymmyoz Grey County†by Mrs. DanuL. War, which was very interesting. Violin and piano music by Jock McKechnie und sister. was much enjoyed. A reading given by Mr. Irwin Matthews, tad an (Our Own Can'uwudent) The Supt-.1101- Club of Banana met atthehomeottheucxechmemembm on March 9th. with a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Dawson. and Im- 6“ North Vickers The A.Y.P.A. meeting was held in the church on Friday evening last, but ow- ing to the absence of one of the princi- pus the scheduled program could not be held and a short impromptu pro- mm was put on. The meeting opened in the usual way with the pnesident presiding. The ï¬rst item was a solo by Douglas Donnelly, “Safe in the Arms of Jesus.†after which he gave a comm- Mr. Alf. M0000; is employed with Mr. Adam Fiaell at present. Miss Jean and Mr. Jack Coutts are on the sick last, stricken with the cold. Mr. Edward Winn of the second con- cession passed away on Saturday morn- ing, and was interred in the Switzer cemetery on Monday. A service will be held in the Anglican church here on the evening of Good withhisiatcattleandisremaininga few days in the city. A number in our neighborhood have been laid up with grippe and colds, but we how they will soon be around again. Our W. M. 8. met at the home of Mrs. T. MacAlister, the president, on Wednesday afternoon, March 9. It be- ing such a cold day there were only fourteen ladies present, but an inter- esting meeting was held. Mrs. J. M. Marshall read from the Study Book. 'What the Master requires of us is faithfulness, and all our talents con- secrated to His service. Mrs. MacAllis- ter read of the work undertaken by W. M. S., and also a letter acknowledging the receipt of the bale sent for relief work in the west. T. E. Byers read a letter from Mr. Anderson of Toronto, secretary of S. A. Inland Mission, and also letters from missionaries on the ï¬eld giving most encouraging reports. The roll call was answered by Scrip- ture verses, or the name of a home mis- sionary. A special Easter meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. John Mar- shall on Good Friday, March 25th, and our Easter offering will be taken at this meeting. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting and a pleasant hour spent. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Aberdeen and baby, of Ailsa Craig, are visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. D. Mar- shall and other relatives, and while here attended his uncle’s sale (Mr. De- vid Bruce), near Holstein on Tuesday. of a woman who hid gone to heaven, and 'when she saw the monsion prepared for her she felt disappointed. as the one for her semnt mm more beautiful. but the angel told her. the ent ct 0.11 our “matings, only “were we gather “in ms name." In his an: tortheymmgpeOpleommtox-tolda mansions were built according to the material sent up. What are we build- lng for enmity? Sunday. “A Cm of Jesus.†and cut purpoeemgoing?lsitthntouraouls mayberefmhedmdstmencthenedby feeding on His word. If Jesus, the sin- mnehasnotpromisedtobepng- McKeclmie Mills 3 Fertilizers FEEDS .j A car of choice 0' urn-Med, duo W Pulllinuofotlnr -. OIL CAKE m 8m BEEP sour -,.|‘-¢ PU ' I. ' 31.4! . CAL!l ' T ; “by“: . anomaapoa 1..†III-out spent my evening with In. In. Mulmwmucwuum Mrs. J05. Ymuwm Mmmaum. mum: and mulcemup‘ mam-mnmmuu (Our Own 003W) Mrs. Omen Part. at Zion. u M a few days with her puents, ur. Ii In. mu. m. GERIAN REMEDY STOPS 30-YEAR CONSTIPA'I'IM Most remedies reach only lower in.- el. That is why you must. take h often. But this simple German Adlerika washes out, BOTH upper lower bourel. It brings out all as ‘ rids you of poison you would nova .- lieve was in your system. Even h FIRST dose will surprise you. (Mom- den’s Drug Store). f‘N: 30.)!» I m 9mm PLENW d (URI PARKING SPACE GARAGE ONE MINUTE WALK Sin I: 31.50 am Rates 00:51: $3.00 :2 $5.09 HOTEL WAVERLEY Spoil». Avenue and Callous Shad ‘ DcLuxcquxl fro. YOU WILL ENJOY OUR SERVICE IF YOU PREFEII A QUIET WELL CONDUCTED MEDIUM SIZED HOTEL. TRY IT NEXT TIME YOU ARE IN TORONTO. LUHEH In W TORONTO Cheerful. comfortable roonm Tasty food. Rculul Surroundings Dcpo' 'IBr'Wï¬iHSc' ' _-__- PAGE 7.