A business session of the council fol- lowed the social part of the day’s pro- gram when highway matters were discussed. A resolution was passed} which stated that the county council of Perth would welcome the completion of the highway from Listowel to At- wood. providing the government would deter payment of the county’s share until next year. This motion was pass- ed unanimously. Some citizens are now at the opinion that the depMment BW Bold m It was a nvély meeting of the share- Word has been received that Mr. near Wt Cue On Wednesday evening the town hall was packed to the doors with an endi- ence unions to hear turther detail: re- gudmc the untimely death of Neil June 11â€"min: News-Record. A Mm ï¬gure in Hanover and a man 1‘1th 03mm and hm 1y sinking, death coming without ap- parent pain or suffering while he was Will Observe myfltht Saving Hespeier will go on daylight saving time at midnight, on Thursday, June 30. Many of the Preston iactories are using the new time, athough the town is running on standard time. Acton is said to be running on fast time, but the clock on the pOSt oilice is still 30- mg by standard time. The Beatty tac- tory is also going to start and step work an hour earlier for the next two monthsâ€"Fergus News-Record. Golf Club to Be Opened 'vâ€" The. Alliston Hospital Golf Club on the course and club house of which Mr. T. P. Loblaw has not spared expense is to be officially opened next Thursday, July 7. The occasion will be marked with golf, a supper, cards and dancing. Members who have already Joined the club and their friends and prospective members will be formally invited to attend this opening. the activity of which will commence early in the ef- PAGE 2 Made Cheque Good Andrew Zimmerman o! Garrick town- ship charged with issuing a worthless cheque was let off on making good the amount and Dam the 00““ 0““ whpn he appeared before MW“ temoon.â€". Spereman here last week. Zimmerman had purchased a horse and some 1m- plements at Vincent Hoffman’s auction sale near Nemtadt and gave a cheque for $28 onthe Royal Bank, Clifford, where he had only some 18 cents on Whip Gut) W championship oi the group series by going up to Midltnd last Monday night Last Thursday {night the um game or the semi ï¬nals was played here and Mirna“! made it 10-9 in their favor. Mondey evening the boys went up to In 0th! Comities the tourist carnvp town and wiped out that disgrace by pulling their total up to 19 against 14 for Midland, leaving a clear winning margin of five goshâ€"AJ- iiston Herald. Perth County Council Favors hm: Mayor E. M. Creighton and Reeve J. F. Vundrick delightfully entertained the members of Perth county council, the county officials and their wives, on Tuesday afternoon and evening. Pure Drugs at Lowest Prices McF ADDEN’S DRUfTORE (3...? R. Tick â€Week-ell 'l' and Return $4 25 will act on this resolution and the highway paving may be continued to Atwood.â€"Llstowel Banner. Derdge Sinks in Lake On Thursday morning last the De- partment of Public Works dredge No. 1 on her way to dredge at Kincardme floundered oft Goderich and sank in 75 Ieet or water. Two members of the crew, 'r. Scanlon, of Port Burwell, who is suffering from three cracked ribs and Louis Lorio, of Windsor, feared to have developed pneumonia from the effects of the cold plunge, were taken to the Alexandria Hospital at Goder- ich. The two tugs, Peel and Max L. and the dump scow, No. 56, are now in the Goderich harbor, it requiring thirteen hours for the Peel to make port, a. dis- tance of 14 miles. Scow No. 57 is an- chored 25 miles from Goderich, and the coal scow broke up when it cut loose.â€" Kincardine News. Heavy Loss by ï¬re The tire fiend took a heavy toll on Wednesday morning this week about 12.30 when the barn of Joseph Reilly, on townline Brant and Elderslie, was burned to the ground. It is supposed to be a case of arson. About 9 o’clock on Tuesday evening a man called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reilly and asked for something to eat and to stay over night. As Mrs. Reiily was alone with small children, her husband and old members of the family having gone to a post-nuptial shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Maxwell on 2nd concession Elderslie, Mrs. Reilly would not let the stranger in her home but directed his to neighbors where both the parents were at home. The itiner- ant never called at the place to which he was directed and it is suspected he is the man who set the burn on fire.â€" Forgery Case Norman Leno of Sullivan Township, was arrested by Provincial Officer Mcâ€" Clevis on May 20 and remanded to the county jail until last Thursday when he apeared before County Magistrate Walker in police court here. The trouble my, local Hudson-Essex dealer, and received a better automobile in ex- change. In addition Leno gave a prom- missory note for $200 and is alleged to I Jessie Watson, Gordon Rimmer, Aud- have forged the signature of his em- ' rey Moore, Clarence Caswell Homer ployer Henry Janke, well known Sulli-' Gerber Douglas Dobney, George Thom- van farmer 9‘3 backer 0‘ the note son Robert McGowan. Vera Rimmer. After hearing the evidence the Mag-a istrate reserved judgment until the fol- . JUNIOR PRIMER TO I. lowing day when a sentence of two' Ethel Atkinson, Jimmie Lamb, Don- months suspended sentence was given, aid Dewar, Helen Renwick Edith Mc- the cadi tempering his justice with Donald Norman Noble Angus McGil- mm? 83 it '85 apparent Leno didn’t livray June Hood, Grace Cordick, Nor- realize the seriousness of his offence. â€" ah Kearney lChesley Enterprise. i -â€"-5 turned in a used car with R. J. STAMINA There are far too many persons who. dearly love to start things, but who seldom finish them. They lack steadi- ness; they work by ï¬ts and jerks. A wise old horse trainer once remarked, “It isn’t the 2.10 horse that trave's farthest in a day.â€â€"Grit. )‘n'i' or THE WORLD â€scum. RATES ILET LINE LINE (Orange Blossom) n8, Powders, Kodaks, Films, Thermos, etc. An enterprising Sydney, N.S.W., newspaper, in order to convey to its readers the magnitude of the huge new Harbour Bridge recently constructed at the Australian port, printed the com- posite picture shown above for the enlightenment of its readers. Thrilled by descriptive stories of the new Canadian Pacific liner “Empress of Britain†that appeared in Australian papers when that giant liner was sped on its maiden voyage last year by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Australians have taken as prideful an interest in the “Empress of Britain†as Canadians, and the picture, labelled “Empire Achievements†paid tribute to the enter- prise of the Dominion and the Commonwealth. Underneath was the legend, “Sydney Harbor Bridge, opened March, 1932. Length of Arch Span 1,650 feet, breadth 160 feet, weight of arch steelwork 38,000 tons. “Empress of Britain,†in service May 1931, length 760 feet 6 inches, breadth 97% feet, gross registered tonnage 42, .†The “Empress of Britain" on her voyage from Canada June 16th, 1932, justified Australia’s faith in her as an Empire achievement by creating the magnificent new record. Father Point to Cherbourg, in four days, seven hours, 58 minute» 862. deal in which Leno TIME (Continued from page 1.) Philip Sparling, Phyllis Wilson, Jean Herringtm, Mae Levi, Mary Bourne, Violet Dunsmoor, Will Noble, Audrey Wells, Eileen Whitmore, Thomas Con- nolly, Catherine McMeekin, Gilbert Trafford, Starr Jamieson, Clarence Mc- Lean, Iva Sibbald, Florence MacLean. James Sloane, Ross Cain, Harry Schenk, Jim Wilson, Lorne Long, Helen Atkin- son, Stanley Falkingham, Will McGirr, Laura McGowan. Promotion Examination Results Vera Lauder, Florence Martin, Mar- garet Derby, Jean Town, Anna Mac- Lean, Sadie Osborne, Evelyn Becker, Ross Greenwood, Ruth Hillis, Gladys Gray, David Rowland, Gordon Arm- strong, Gordon Gray, John Collier, Ber- tha Glass, Hector Dewar, Irene Atkin- son, Robert Caswell, Mary Noble, Keith Greenwood, Abie Tinianov, June E1- vidge, Agnes Atkinson, Ishbel McCorm- ick, Wilmer Vollett, Emily Whitmore, Norwood Hutton, Russell Murdock, Ralph Wilson, Hammill McCaslin, Ron- ald Watt, Jim Garland, Gordon 06- borne, Douglas Dunsmoor, Howard Chatreau. Ronald McQueen, Vernon Aljoe, Ef- fie Collier, Mary Gagnon, Wilfred Lake, ‘James Scott, Margaret MoGilllvray, ‘Mary McGfllivray, Ada Tucker, Clar- ience Trafford, Viola. Monet-mid, Mae sThomson, Beatrice McDermld, Stanley :Vickers, Stanley Wyvflle, Roy McLean, Jessie Watson, Gordon Rimmer, Aud- rey Moore, Clarence Caswell, Homer 5 Gerber, Douglas Dobney, George Thom- Alex. McDonnell, Bertie McMeekin, Jack Wesley, Stella Connolly, Eugene Lake, Hazel Becker, Audrey Collier, Marie McDougall, Donald Saunders, Andrew Dewar, Russell Long, Cather- ine Robb, Bob Bralthwaite, Jack Cas- well, Jean Levi, Velma Vollett, Helen Cunningham, Ray Innis, Jack McGow- an, Jack Cain, Stanley Greenwood, Floyd Lawrence, Doris Herrington, James Wells, Ina McLean, Lorne Al- mack, Lorraine Pinkerton, Doris Rob- ins, George Burnett, Kenneth Mighton, Kalmon Gerber, Marie Morton. 8" "N" THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ins, Lorna Aljoe, Archie Dewar, Harry ,Voisin, JWH, Bert Bailey, Robin Lowe, Eileen Tee- ter, Eileen McGillivray, Wilfred Duns- moor, Bernice Randall, Hubert Hay, Charlie Atkinson, Lorna Cain, Audrey Herrington, Ross McDonald, Ross Rob- JUNIOR II. TO SENIOR II. SENIOR I. TO JUNIOR II. SENIOR PRIMER TO I. Everything in Medicine for man or beast Andrew Schenk, Harold Voisin, Wal- ter Thomson, Marguerite McKechnie, Garry McLean. Sr. III. to Jr. IV.-Edna Bell, Arlene Bebb. Jr. III. to Sr. III.â€"-Douglas Bowman, Jack Williams, Cecil Anderson. Jr. II. to Jr. III.â€"Torn Bebb, Ellison Edge. Margaret Williams. Leona Mc- Nally, May Scheuerman, Emma Schen- erman (rec), Tom Firth (absent for exams, year’s average 78 per cent.). I. to Jr. II.-â€"Danny Edge, Billie An- derson. Jr. 1. to Sr. I.â€"-Beatrice Kenny. Primer to l.â€"Vivien Bebb. HOLSTEIN CONTINUATION SCHOOL Students promoted to Form Ivan Christie 83; Lyall Mercer, 71; Aileen Brown, 69; Elsie Pinkerton, 67; Irlma Rife, 63; Vincent Ellis, 62; Edna Dowling, 56; Beverly Gibson, 55. Students promoted to Form 11.: Gordon Dickson, 78; Ruth Walls, 67; Wilbert Schenk, 65.3; Elmer Love, 65; David Rahn, 63.2; Margaret Elder, 63; Findlay Lewis, 60; Willard Stevenson, 60; Alma Leith, 59; Eleanor Holliday, 57; Lorne McMurdo, 56.2; David Alt- ken, 56; Laura Henderson, 53; Edith Drimmie, 52. U.S.S. 10. GLENELG EGREMONT (In order of merit) Jr. IV. to Sr. IV.-Mary MacEachex-n, Andress Eckhardt. Sr. III. to Jr. IV.--anqes Smith, Rosalie MacKinnon, Orval MacKinnon (failed). ' Smith. JR. PRIMER C to JR. PRIME-1 B Sr. JOY T. PRIEST, Teacher. ', Principal. Jr. In. to 8r. III.â€"-Beth Byers', Lee- lie Bell, Gertrude Hartman, Nellie By- :::, may 6 Fritz. Jean Henderson. Rus- sell Yandt (recommended). 11. to Jr. IIIâ€"Nelsen Wldmeyer', Betty Henderson', Irene Pfeffer. Geor- Seim‘, Clayton Mk1", Billie Bhup'. Sr. Pt. I.â€"Beatrice 3311‘. Mildred Br. III. to Jr. IV.-Violn Pollock (Hon), Elmer Noble. Jr. III. to 8r. IIIâ€"mm Murdock. Wflhelmme Honklns (Rec). Sr. II. to Jr. IIIâ€"John Murdock (Ron), Howard Bailey, Alvin Memo, Orrin Pollock (Rec). Jr. II. to 8r. II.â€"Ross Roseborough (Hon). Jean Hopkins. Jr. I. to 81'. I.â€"Marjorie Hopkins, Eileen Manta, Grace Murdock, Marjorie Pr.-â€"Donnetta Lang-111, Faye Pol- lock. 8.8. NO. 9, GLENELG (IIâ€"Honors; Pâ€"Passed) Sr. 111. to Jr. IV.â€"Olive Newell (H) Charley Brown (H). Jr. Panâ€"Jessie MacDonald. Jr. III. to St. III.â€"Jea.n Jacques (H), Doris Pratt (P), Catharine Dyer (P). Murray Greenwood (P), James Arnett (P). Sr. II. to Jr. _ III.â€"-Archie Lawrence (H). Primer to Firstâ€"Allister Aljoe (P), Bert Chapman (P), Clarence Atkinson (P), Irene Newell (P), Murray McFad- den (P). S. S. NO. 6, BEN'I'INCK Sr. III. to Jr. IV.-â€"Els£e Biemann (H), Gordon Vickers, Kenneth Mc- Cuaig, Ruth Vickers, Carmen Hopkins, George Porter, Ffank Sharpe (R). Jr. II. to Sr. II.â€"Grant Greenwood (P). First to Jr. II.-Glenna- McFadden (P); John Weir (P). Jr. to Sr. Primer.â€"Newman Pratt (P). Jr. Beginner to Jr. Pr.â€"Ema. 88m. ér. II.â€"Bobby Mighton, Alfred Jr. Sr. II. to Jr. IIIâ€"Edna Porter, May HELEN M. MILLIGAN, Teacher. GEO H. BROWN. Teacher. Att- Ion. Stella. Oct-bit, Goldie Wilma. Cecil Lane. M“ uni-tin. Elm. W. Clifford Helm. Gertie Wilton. m:- cuerlte “chew. Archie Bun-rock, Lou Stewart. 000m lane (1"). Helen m- ling (r). Br. II. to Jr. HIP-rummage Porter. water Thompuon. 0011100 Lune. Jr. 11. to Sr. [1â€"3. J. Ken-m. Mn Pride, lax-via Btu-met. nu Oahu. Br. Pr. to 1.4m Campbell. 1m 8r. Prâ€"Betty “any. Aches Hurl- son. Jnck mo. Eddie Cal-bit. Jr. Punâ€"Gordon m. 0904 Lane. Earl Love, “omen Inï¬nity. 8. 8. NO. 14. NORMANBY Jr. IV. to St. IV.â€"-Bruce Hallway. Sr. :11. to Jr. IV.â€"Ghdys )1ch (H). mm Wilton (R). Jr. 111 to St. XXLâ€"mite Mucky. 8r. II. to Jr. III.â€"Dou¢lu mum: Jr. III. 00 Sr. IIIâ€"Mums; Shut. Lloyd Subject and Jack Bhewell, equu; Lenora Hodgson. 8r. II. to Jr. IIIâ€"Jack Bunborouzb (H), Jack bounds, Orvil Hodgson. Jr. IV. to St. IV.â€"Vem Mac: (H). Alice Subject, Grace Houston. 81'. III. to Jr. IV.-â€"mry She! Lounds. Sherk, equal; Basil Bhewell. Jr. Pr. to St. Pinâ€"Della bounds. Ralph Campbell, Arthur Btmson. Jr. Pr. A to Jr. Flaâ€"Amy bounds, An- thony Shewell. CATHARINE D. MacLEAN, Teacher. “my, "’ 7O I. to II.â€"-Anne Wilton (H). Pr. to I.-Brbun sunny. S. 8. NO. 9, HOWL WAVERLEY HAS ALWAYS IEEN POPULAR VIIYH MOYM KCAUi OF ITS FINE ROOMS-'ASTY ONEX'ENSIVE FOOD AND PAMNG FAGUTES. "i GARAGE '5 ONLY ONE MINUYE WALK. AYYENOANYS TAKE CARS YO GAIAG‘ mo W 1% “N If- OUREDPLENTYOFCW PAMNG â€ACE Sam. :1 .so a $3.00 RON! Doubk 33m to $5.00 HOTEL WAVERLEY $9.4m Avenue «J Count 5'“ MOTORING TO TORONTO ‘ Wank-kw O t O 'OW.M~