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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Sep 1932, p. 7

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_..._. __ " J. n. mounts. a A. first insertion. and do. per line (or each subsequent insertion. Med Snail Advertisements {our .conseoative insertions to: [rice oi three; a discount of 3-1/3 cent allowed for cash with order. imum charge. 25¢. cash with order and 351:. it charged. - Every advance notice of any kind, where the object is the benefit or con- venience of any person or number of greensâ€"is advertisin . and it will be eated as such. 1 no instructions accompany the notice advising us whom to charge it to, it will be charged to the person phoning or sending it in. Advertisements ordered for insertion “until forbidden” and those sent without written instructions. will ap- pear until written orders are received or their discontinuance. HANK IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor M nus. JAMIESON a “ransom 031cc ond residence a snort dist- once east of The fiahn House. on motor) Street. Lower Town. Durham. Oflice hours. 2 to 5 pm.. 7 to 9 pm. (except Sundays). 4 ‘ u.._...â€"â€"â€"r-"â€"â€"â€"â€" tobpm. IOYDEN 3mm“. M. n. V6 "Wivw ggnggeLTquQPBT‘iâ€"jflice in J. 1". GRANT. D. D. s. Dentistry in all its branches. X-Ray. Gas Extraction Ofllce. Mill Street, 1 “Durham. I. B. Lucas, KC. w. u. nemy. n.v. 1. B. Lucas. Jr. A member of mm in Durham each Tuesday Make appointments with the ambton Street. Licensed Auctioneer for Grey County Bales taken 91: {easombh terms. oâ€"Q. - M-l.-'fi‘- office. inan'megg. Auctioneer. Grey 3nd Bruce. awe: promptly _atte3ded to. Satisfaction Ann“nn§‘fifi annover J. 3. LONG Licensed Auctioneer for Grey Coun- ty. sues taken on reasonable terms. Dates arranged at Chronicle office or phone Noble's service station. 9d minis. Emmy a LUCAS Banish”, Solicitofszgtc. Teacher. Intending mails 830““ We enter it 01 m' be Information as Cam's“ may obtained from tho record The School In: I Ln the past it hopes to mum DURHAM men scuom Insurance. Lunbton Street. Dmhun. :c Hours: 1.30 to 4 pm. Medlral Direttorr. 'l'. B. 8mm. M. D. (gufxéays éxcepted). Dental Directorv 0:01:03 2.. QUNCAB! Legal ‘Directorv P. I". MSCARmUR Public, Conveyancer, etc. Estate Agent 'Businass, Etc. J OHN cfluctioneers '. C. BARKER Day and night phone it Dundalk. W. D. Henry. KC , Investments, prmme?“ appllpatjgg. 4 14 32 lyr. 3112289 HONEY FOR SALE MIXED CLOVER, BASSWOOD AND BUCKWHEAT Honey, 5c. 9. pound in your own containersâ€"W. A. Macdon- ald. _ 9.1M SHINGLES: EEMLOCK AND CEDAR timber, any size, any lengthâ€"Thomas Harrison, Varney RJ, Phone Durham 6121-2. '9. 29. 4pd. THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Anthony Lawrence; frame house. frame stable; garage; good garden. Apply to Mrs. Philip Lawrence, or James Lawrence, Durham. 7 9 t1. ERICK HOUSE; IDEAL LOCATION; good garden; all conveniences; gauge. etc.; ‘4 acre land. Apply George Yum, Durham. 8 13 t1 COMFORTABLE ROUGH-CAST, ON Queen Street, Durham. Stable, hen house and good garden. Electric light- ed, soft and hard water. Priced right for quick sale. Apply P. F. McArbhur, Durham. 9.22 am. BRICK DWELLING, CENTRALLY located in Upper Town; five rooms, electric lights, reasonable rent. Apply Misses Scarf. 9.22 tf éIâ€"i-ROOMED HOUSE ON WILLIAM Street; 111: acres land, orchard, gar- age. stable, sheds, soft and spring water. Apply Mrs. Harry Simpson. 1p bVER J. H. McQUARRIE’S OFFICE; possession soon. Apply Mrs. J. C. Ado ams, Varney RI. 9. 29. 4pd. GOOD HOUSE ON GEORGE ST .â€" For further particulars apply to C. E. Watson. College Street. 9.8M. THE DURHAM WOWNS INSTITUTE will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. J. C. Nichol, on Thursday. Oct. 6th, all members and visitors cordially invited. Mrs. J. F. Giles, secretary. 9. 29. 1c. DORNOCH PRESBYTERIAN CHUR- ch, will holdr seventy-fifth anniver- sary services on Sunday, Oct. 16th. A fowl supper will be held Monday even- GREY LODGE, N0. 169, 1.0.011, WILL hold installation of officers Monday evening, Oct. 3, 1932, with business meeting following. All members re- quested to be presentâ€"H. Falkingham N. G‘ 1c. Patrons ot our Classified Ad- vertising columns save money by paying cash for their adver- ing, October 17th. Further particul'ars later. 9. 29. 1c.’ cu} rate for Classified Adver- tising is 1-1/2 cents per word, with 33-1/3 per cerit discount . L1_____..A (or is ordered. This method has been adopted to save us bookkeeping, and we passing the saving on to you. Secretaries can save their Societies 33-1/3 per cent by pay- ing cash for advertising, de- manding receipt for same and VARNEY UNITED CHURCH WILL hold their anniversary services on Sun- day. October 9. Rev. Mr. Cole of Kenil- worth will speak at 11 am. and 7.30 pm. Monday evening supper will be served in the hall from 6 to 8 o’clock. Good ‘ programme. Admission 250. and 150. 9.29.2c turning it In as can. In future this method will be strictly enlorced. DROMORE BRANCH OF THE WO- men‘s Institute will hold their monthly meeting Wednesday, October 5, at the home of Mrs. V. Adams. TOpic to be given by Mrs. R. Taylor, “Uses and Storing of Vegetables.” Roll call: The month I like best and why." There lwill be an apple pie contest. Please re- member donation of fruit to Red Cross Hospital-Mrs. V. Adams, Secy. GET READY FOR WINTER! ' Have your chimneys, furnace and stove pipes, and cisterns cleaned. and over- hauled. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms moderateâ€"James P. McLean, Durham. office. FOR SALE OR RENT COMING EVENTS LATIMER PROPERTY FOR FOR SALE FOR RENT 'a-t t‘ima advertisement NOTICES The Chronicle. be left. at the Chronicle 'rumo m THEORY ‘ms'nwcnox Open ehr class in Plano and Theory this week. Bupils prepared for examin- NOTICE- Until further notice we will ship hogs, cattle and sheep on Tuesday of each week, instead of Thursday.â€"-R. Irvin, Holstein. lpd please telephone 120, or call for par- ticulars. ' 1c CREDIT AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLE- MENTS, on LOT 47, CONCESSION 3. TOWNSHIP OF BENTICK. three miles northwest of Durham, on FRI- DAY, OCTOBER 7th, 1932 Horsesâ€"Team of heavy horses, gen- eral purpose horse. Cattlcâ€"Five fresh cows, calves at foot; 4 cows to freshen, dates will be given day of sale; 6 two year olds; 6 Sheepâ€"6 good ewes. yearlings; 8 spring calves; thorough- bred Durham bull, 13 months old. pigsâ€"Sow, due October 23rd; brood sow; 8 pigs 10 weeks old; 11 chunks about 100 pounds. Poultryâ€"Number of pullets. Hayâ€"40 ton of good hay. Quantity of mangels. Implementsâ€"Wagon; set of Elder sleighs; truck wagon; cutter; Deer- ing Binder; Frost Wood mower; Massey-Harris side deliver? rake, near- ly new; Frost 85 Wood horse rake; Massey-Harris hay loader; Internation- al 15 disc drill; International culti- vator; set of five section narrows; steel land roller;disc; TudhOpe man- ure spreader; riding plow, nearly new; crown gang plow; double furrow plow; Fleury walking plow; democrat; turnip sower; scufller; fanning mill; set of Renfrew scales, 2,000 pounds; cutting box stock and hay rack com- bined; hay rack; Primrose cream sep- arator; set double harness; 40 ft. ex- tension ladder; 30 rod hog tense, good as new; forks, chains and other ar- Eticles to numerous to mention. Termsâ€"Hay, mangels and all sums of $10 and under cash; over that a- mount, 12 months credit will be given on furnishing a bankable notes with interest at 6 per cent. per annum. As this is a very extensive sale, it will commence at one o’clock sharp. Everything must be sold as propriet- or is giving up farming. WESLEY NOBLEâ€"Premium- ROBERT BRIGHAMâ€"Auctioneer In the Matter of the Estate of Mary Ann Hopkins, Late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Wid- Seven room brick house, furnace, hard and soft water, good condition, situated on the ‘west side of Elgin street, in the town of Durham, is here- by offered for sale by sealed tender ac- companied by a marked cheque for ten per cent. of the amount tendered, subject to reserved bid. No tender nec- essarily accepted. Tenders received up to two o’clock, Friday, the 30th day of September, A. D. 1932, marked, “tender in Mary Hopkins Estate.” Addressed to J. H. Mc Quarrie, Durham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, Robert Whitmore and Wesley Arnott. The municipal council of the town- ship of Normanby met in the town- Ship hall, Ayton, on Saturday, Sept- ember 17, at 10 a.m., as a special meet- ing to take the place of the regular meeting which was called for Monday, September 19. The reeve in the chair and all the members were present. Dated at Durham, Ontario, this 14th day of September, A. D. 1932. 9.15.30 Deputy-Reeve Aitken and Councillor Baetz moved that the minutes of the last meeting be adopted as read.- Carried. Deputy-Reeve Aitken and Councillor Baetz moved by-law N0. 9 of 1932 be read a first and second time.â€"-Carried. Couns. Halliday and Miller moved that Bylaw No. 9 of 1932, be read a third time, signed by the reeve and clerk, engrossed in the bylaw book.â€". Carried. Deputnyeeve Aitken and Councillor Baetz moved that Bylaw No. 10 of 1932 be now read a first and second time.â€" Carried. Couns. Miller and Halliday moVed that Bylaw No. 10 of 1932 be now read a third time, signed by the reeve and- clerk and engrossed in the by- law book.â€"-Cara1'ied. EXECUTORS’ SALE BY TENDER Bylaw No. 9 of 1932 relating to the defraying of expenses and liabilities of .the current year. Bylaw No.10 of 1932 relating to collecting of taxes for the current year. An account presented by George B. Smith,' re auto accident, October, 1931, no action taken‘ matter left to the Globe Indemnity Co. that voucher No. 8 be pathâ€"L. Geb- 3, Pat C erdt, pay sheet. No. 1, $52.80; 0. Reu- Brown 1. Normanby Council THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ber, pay sheet No. 2, $78.66; P. Doyle, pay sheet No. 9. 3:32.95; J. K. Fisch- er, pay sheet No. 11, “8.65; M. Schenk, sheetNo. 19, $49.85; W. Weber, pay sheet No. 20, 337; Oliver Manet, on ac- count of loading and trucking gravel pay sheet No. 14, 314.70; S. Koenig. pay sheet No. 15, $7.70; E. Taylor, pay sheetNo. 17, $36.65; N. Hopkins, pay sheet No. 18 $33.40; H. Braun pay $102; council meeting at date, $15; Jo- seph M. Lynch, balance of account re weed inspector, $10.50; Messrs. Wid- meyer Diebel, account to date, $4.64; Theodore G. Widmeyer, third quarter as treasurer, $25; Ada B. Fortune, third quarter salary as clerk, $67.50 The council adjourned to meet a- gain on Monday, October 17th, at 10 am. in the township hall, Ayton, for general business. Glenelg Rural School Fair Prize List Following is the prize list of Glenelg Township School Fair, held last Sat- urday. In the‘llst the names are given in order of merit and the figure fol- lowing denotes the section from which the pupil came. Oats, 1 qt.â€"-Clarence Vaughan, 3. Cats, sheafâ€"Tom Firt-h,3. Peas, 1 qt. --Jack Williams 3, Vivian Bebb 3, Ag- nes Andenson 3. Sweet Cornâ€"Murray Greenwood 9, Jean Williams 3, Glenna McFadden 9, Jackie O’Neill S. 7, Pat Gillen S. 7, Blanche Beaten. Writing, First Classâ€"Esther Peart 5, Danny Edge 3, Beatrice Kenny 3. Second Class Margaret Kenny 3, Adrian McAsey S5, Earl McKinnon 10, Ada Eckhardt- 10, Alex Smith 10, Ellison Edge 3. Third Classâ€"Frances Smith 10, Olive Newell 9, Sadie McKinnon 10, Essel Hastie 5, Douglas Bowman 3, Marjorie Brown 1. Fourth Classâ€"Velma McNally 5, Mar- garet Edge 3, Mary McEachern 10, Elsie Markle U3, Violet Collinson 9, Ag- nes L. Anderson 3. Sunflowerâ€"Esther} c Peart 5, Danny Edge 3. Map of Grey}, Countyâ€"Ada Eckhardt 10, Ellison Ed- ‘ I go 3. Map of North Americaâ€"Rosalie McKinnon 10, Essel Hastie 5, Ram ( ces Smith 10, Keith Beaton 1, Sadie 1 Eckhardt 10, Marjorie Brown 1. Un- it graded Wash with Silhouetteâ€"Velma‘ McNally 5, Ada Banks 5, Erma Stewart! 7, J. A. Brown 1, Elsie Markle 03, Mar- garet Edge 3. Window Stickâ€" Thos. Bebb 3, Grant Greenwood 9, Lloyd Mc- 1 Arthur 1. Neck Tie Rackâ€"Murray Greenwood 9, Tom Firth 3, Keith Bea- ' ton 1. Tea Pot Standâ€"J. A. Brown 1, Scrap Bookâ€"Thos. Firth 3, Margaret, ,Edge 3, Ellison Edge 3. Collection of; Weedsâ€"Thos. Firth 3, Danny Edge 3,; Ellison Edge 3, Velma McNally 5, Mar-l garet Edge 3, Essel Hastie 5. Collec-l tion of Snap Shotsâ€"Margaret Edge 3. i Ellison Edge 3. Collection of Woodsâ€"{ Thos. Firth 3, Margaret Edge 3. Boys’? Soloâ€"Thos. Firth 3. Darningâ€"Rosalie! McKinnon 10, Marjorie Brown 1. Tea Towelâ€"Elizabeth Brown 1, Erma Stew-1 art 1, Elsie Markle U3, Pen Barred; Rocksâ€"Murray Greenwood 9, Grant Greenwood9, Erma Stewart 1. Pen of White Leghornsâ€"Margaret Edge 3, El- lison Edge 3, Danny Edge 3, Jackie Williams 3. Calf, beef breedâ€"C. And- derson. Calf, diary breedâ€"T. Firth 3. One doz. white eggsâ€"Jean Jacques 9. Margaret Edge 3, Ellison Edge3, Dan-1 ny Edge 3, Sadie McKinnon 10, Ah} lene Bebb 3. One doz. brown eggsâ€"1 Thos. Firth 3, Ivan Vaughan 3, Fran--T ces Smith 10, Michael Sullivan S7,. Ethel Ireland 3, Thos. Bebb 3. Bran Muffinsâ€"Ethel Ireland 3, Margaret Williams 3. Sugar Cookiesâ€"Olive New- ell 9, Rosalie McKinnon 10, Isabella Gillen S7, Blanche Beaton 1. Light ' Cakeâ€"Agnes L. Anderson 3, Mary Mc- ' Eachern 10, Elizabeth Brown 1, Erma . Stewart 1, Elsie Markle U3, Edna Bell 3. ' Astersâ€"Jimmie Arnett 9, Jean Wil- liams 3, Netta Gillen'S7, Margaret Ken- ‘ ny 3, Billie Anderson 3, Catherine Dy- ! er 9. Zinniaâ€"Grant Greenwood 9, - Beatrice Kenny 3, Alfred Vaughan U3, Newman Pratt 9. Cosmosâ€"Isabella ? Gillen S7, Helen O’Neill S7, Keith Bea- ? ton 1, Margaret Anderson 3, Marjorie . Brown 1, Blanche Beaton 1. Calendula l â€"Rosalie McKinnon 10, Sandy Gillen l S7. Dahliasâ€"Jean Jacques 9, Michael I Sullivan S7, Ellison Edge 3, Agnes 5 Anderson 3, Esther Peart 5, Jack Wil- 'liams 3. Gladioliâ€"Thos. Firth 3, Earl t‘ McKinnon 10. Bouquet, living roomâ€"- 3 Murray Greenwood 9, Donald 'O’Neil - S7, Doris Pratt 9, Danny Edge 3, Cecil Anderson 3, Ethel Ireland 3. Beets- Billie Anderson 3, Violet Collinson 9. I Z a 3 G U! :0 3 5' S (b y, 5" awovv .â€" rotsâ€"Jean Jécques 9, Doris Dyer 9, Danny Edge 3, Frances Smith 10, Erâ€"' m9. Stewart 1, Donald O’Neil S7. Par- snipeâ€"Catherine Dyer 9. Onionsâ€"Blan- che Beaten l,‘ Orval McKinnon 10, Jack Williams 3, Mary Mc Eachern 10. Bobbie Gillies 7, Ethel Ireland 3. Wheat one â€".themni ar1,â€"03nsomâ€"â€"Eiy0$ one qt,â€"-John Weir 9, Robt. ‘Bebb 3, J.-A. Brown 1, Cecil Anderson 3. Field ADA B. FORTUNE, Clerk. Brown 1, Margaret Edge 3. Murray McPhaden 9. WW“ McKin- non 10, Bert. Chapman 7. Collection of Applesâ€"Arlene Bebb 3. Thos. Firth 3. Margaret Edge 3. Plate of Northern Spiesâ€"Margaret. Edge 3. Sandy Gillen 87, Erma Stewart 1, Thos. Bebb 3. Ethel Ireland 3, Bert Chapman 9. Half bus. Wheatâ€"Ellison Edge 3, Danny Edge 3, John Weir 9. Potatoes. twelve tubersâ€"Grant Greenwood 9, Billie Anderson 3, Cecil Anderson 3. Olive Newell 9, Elsie Markle 3, Ada Banks 5. Girls‘ Public Speakingâ€"Catherine O'- Neill S'l, Elsie Markle U3, Marjorie Edge 3. Paradeâ€"SS. 3, S. S. 9. SS. 4. Strathcona Drillâ€"8.8. 9. 8.8. 3. S. S. 4. School Chorusâ€"8.8. 9. 8.8. 3. Council met Sept. 19, 1932. Members all present. Minutes adopted, as well as the minutes of special meeting held Aug. 27 Patterson-McEachern. That the re- port of the road Superintendent for work on roads beâ€" adopted. Carried. Aldcornâ€"McEachern. That a grant of $10 be given to the Mt. Forest Ag- ripultural Society. Carried. Philpâ€"Patterson. That a grant of $25 be given to the Egremont Plow- men’s Association. Carried. McEachemâ€"-Alcorn. That the agree- ment- between the Police Village and the Township for the year 1932 be re- newed. Carried. ' By-Laws were passed directing the payment of taxes into the several banks also directing the mailing of tax not- ices. Carried. ~ Philpâ€"Patterson That the following accounts be paid: Bert Gibson, funer- al expenses of the late Wm McKenzie, $30; Robt. Taylor, relief Daly family, $8.86; John Andrews, relief Daly fami- ly, $2.20; Thos. Weir, sheep injured, $2.00; 'I'hos. Wilson, sheep injured, $5; John Brown, inspecting sheep, $2.50; pay sheet no. 9, $173.39; Sup’ts ser- vices, $64; Reeve Hunter, Egremont Proton townline and meeting Engineer ta Drimmies bridge, $2.50; members of council meeting to date and Special meeting at Drimmies bridge, $13.50; R. Christie, use of room, $2; Aldcornâ€"Patterson. That. the coun- cil adjourn to meet Oct. 17, to receive for a collector of unpaid taxes and gerieral business. Carried. Egremont Council Hundreds of dollars worth of Winter Merchandise on the bargain tables. Every garment to be clearedâ€"and priced irrespective of cost. Big soft absorbent Towels of striped ends BOYS’ FLEECED-LINED AND MERINO COMBIN ATIONS ‘ Regularly priced to 31.25â€"Sizes to 32 MEN’S ODD PIECES OF HEAVY WINT] MEN’S REG. to 89c FLEECEleNED Sizes to 46 included . . . MEN’S REG. TO $1.75 FLEECE NED Every one to be cleared . . WOMEN’S REG. T0 $2.59 NC)’ Only a limited quantity ----vâ€" â€"â€" ROMPERS Sizes 'rw alma 'r ee Years in the lot CHILDR "S TTON FLAVNEL â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__â€" “hâ€"I‘h DRESSES Re: to $1.98 Washed and ironed they’ll look worth twice the pri( e MEN’S SOCKS , 2 pairs 290 Includes all wool work socks and fancy fine socks. A real VVOMEN’S COTTON FLANNEL 69 MEN'S MILITARY FLANNEL U '--â€"_â€"_ ” WORK SHIRTS Not all sizes but Shirts all greatly reduced in prloe THE bargain " OMEN’ HATS Here‘s ur chance get a perfectly good Fall "at at very low cc. To Clear . UNDERWEAR SHIRTS 'PULLOVER IWEATERS CONTINUING OUR GREAT BATH TOWELS COMBINA'WNS “v4 ANTIE DRESSES TON FLANNEL NTIE DRESSES 456 in cosy dresses with bloomers to match home. Bunessan. to tender fir. and Mrs. Neil Macfarlane a presentation and shower. The neighbors showered them with many beautiful gifts. The Duncan Superior UF.Y.P.O. Club presented them with a piece of china in bridal wreath pattern and silver butter dish. On behalf of the representatives of the Co-Operative Store, Durham, Mr. E!- don Weppler, manager, presented Mrs Maciarlahe. who has been his worth! assistant for the past year, with a walnut fernery. {Our Own Correspondent) On Thursday evening. Club member: and neighbors numbering about one Fbllouing is the address which was read by Pat McMillan. At the approp- riate time Fred Amett and Eldon Wei). pier presented the gifts: To Mr. and Mrs. Neil Maciariane- Dear Neil 8: Mary:â€" The Bunessan Club end the Go- Operatdve Co. representatives have met, in your home tonight to extend our congratulations to you Neil, on your recent marriage, and to welcome Mary in our midst. Neil’s genial company has been enjoyed in our community and especially in our club activities since its organization severtl years ago *We take this opportunity in expressing some of our appreciation of the fellow- ship which we have enjoyed as fellow members and friends. Please accept lour gifts given With our sincere good wishes for a happy journey through § life together. Signed on behalf of the Club mem- bers and Co-Operative representatives Neil in a few fitting words thanked his friends, after whiph all joined ln singing "For he's a. jolly good fellow". Lunch was served and a social time Spent. To train rescue crews in mine acci- dents a factory in Berlin, Gerumny. has opened a school where invasion 0! gas~infesbed chambers and the carry- ing of men to saiety are taught. Ex- periments are made under vowing con- ditions, difierent types of gas mash being worn by the operators, and dum- mies are rescued from mans filled with poisonous vapors. Terry with colored 59c 39c 890 $1.00 PAGE 7 35c

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