reason booze was openly dis- played and consumed at the ball park. There was little fear the police would show up. The same sltuatlon occurred many tlmes at the Durham Arena last winter. We have repeatedly heard from the policing authorities it is not their job to attend hockey games and other public functions. We ac- cept no part of this thinking, and consider it only an excuse. This Why this was tolerated, is beyond thts writer's imagination. At fault is the police department vho seldom attend public func- tions, and obviously this is the Thousands of dollars were spent on the nev ball park, mak- ing it one of the best in this part of Ontario. it is for the use of the general public, young and old alike and was not intended as an outside beverage room. It ls most disgraceful that our children must witness booze be- ing consumed illegally on a Sun- day evening during a ball game. Dear 811': While we are all still basking in the 81°! 91. vestemx’s MW!- ness, we’d like to let the pebble of Durhaminonapoorly guarded secret -- it as one of the happiest, most rewding days in our school careers. The utmost disrespect for the law was openly displayed at the ball park last Sunday evenlng when beer as consumed Openly during a game, in mu viév 6! most spectators, W e encountered not just sur- face hospitality, but an obviously deep and traditional friendliness, as though our pleasure was yours too. The children became so in- volved in the atmosphere and events of Saturday, both at the lair and at the Zarry's farm, that their vocabulary and know- ledge has increased amazingly, and I can see we'll be talking about nothing but ‘the trip' for weeks -- which was, of course, my original intent. Unlottunately, we had to find out about another aspect of small- town concern for others, that is, the hospital and stafl. In a freak accident at the farm, one of our boys, Hark Roncolato, slipped off the hay- wagon and fell in such a way as to break his leg. Within minutes, Mark had a qualified and sympathetic ortho- paedic surgeon, Dr. Culver, to care for him. The x- ray techni- cian drove into the hospital at a moment’s notice, and two volun- teer ambulance attendants gave up a whole night to drive usdovn to Toronto, when this appearedto be necessary. Hark hlmselt behaved ex- ceedingly well at the hospital, but I thlnk anyone would have done the same when they hod such capable and sympathetic people caring for them from the moment they arrived. tiny I, then, express my per- sonal thanks to the stall and volunteers at Durham Hospital, as a great load as lifted irom my shoulders when I saw the efï¬ciency of these people. Mark’s family also send appreciation of the care he was given. Page Two - Thurs., Sept. 26. 1968 (Established 1857) INCORPORATING THE DURHAM REVIEW A Wuhiy Newspaper Duvohd M the lntarasts n! on. Town at Durham and Surrounding Area. Pubflahod Every Thursday 5" VHS DURHAM PRINTING COMPANY Durham â€" Ontario _.$‘L'h. Single Copies 10 Conn $5.50 per Year in U.S.A. Member of: Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association Grey County Weekly Newspapers Association William Kennedy, Publisher Iris Kennedy, Associate Editor Nilliam loss, Edilor Donald Iobcrlson, Priming Mgr. Authorized as Second Class Matter and for Payment of Postage in Advance. Post Oflice Department. Ottawa. Are We Going To Sit Back and Say Nothing? MODERNIIE me NOW! letters To The Editor Why take chance: on the satay of your familyâ€" md waste money at the same timeâ€"with a worn- out furnace. Let us help you select the right size and model ANTHES furnace to suit your home www.mwnm Call us today and arrange to install low-cost. profuse automatic heating, comfort before next DETZlER PAYMMS 10 SW You: BUDGET Since the formation of a police commission in Durham a few years ago, citizens complaints just go by the wayside. All the commission has accomplished, is a greatly increased budget, for which we have received very little. The commission itself has failed to comply with regula- tions......they don't meet asoften as required by the statute. _ department 15 bemg unpaid“... and it's time lav-abiding c131- A new broom is required here with the commission getting the first “cleaningâ€. Two of the commission members are law officials and neither live in Dur- ham. How do they know what is going on, especially when they seldom hold a meeting? All we are asking is value for our money. This we are not getting,‘ it is hoped the Recreation Com- mission vill take immediate ac- tion against the two ball teams, Carson Cleaners and IGA, and forbid them the use of the ball park in the future until aguaran- tee is given that game ofï¬cials will not be permitted to booze it up during the game. zens received some service for their money, And to the people ofDurham - thanks for being just as you are. Thirty- one children have a spe- clal place for you and your town in their hearts. The children of Durham may be interested to hear that Mark won’t miss one day of school -- the Hospital for Sick Chitdren has a full time teacher andclass- room. (Poor Mark, he gets all the breaks!) The Durham Chronicle, Durham, Ontario. I visited the ball park Sunday evening, and a better grandstand View there is no where in Ontario, but what I saw from the tap of the hill was utterly deplorable or is that the word? We often hear the quotation, “Durham is the Sporting Capital of Western Ontario", which I think is something to be proud of. 1 am proud to be a citizen of a town with such a title. No matter where you go, Durham is given the name of being very active in sports, ball, hockey, Dear Editor: etc. Two ball teams were playing, and a good ball game it was, but when a base umpire has to go to the sidelines to get a swig out of a beer bottle, and I’m sure itwasn't water or fruit juice, I think it is time something is done. Also behind the screen as a beer case that small children ranging in age from two to twelve went around, played beside, etc. _ No, it'vés not left'there from Yours faithfully, (Mrs.) A. Fedele. Plumbing 6! Heating Co. Ltd. MOUNT FOREST DETACHMENT Mount Forest Detachment per- sonnel investigated a total of nine motor vehicle accidents in- volving fourteen motor vehicles over the past veek. Total damage as a result of accidents is esti- mated at $4,705.00, and one per- son sustained minor injuries. A tvo car accident on #7 County Road, just south of Hanover, oc- curred on Sunday afternoon,Sep- tember 15th. A 1968 Beaumont, driven by Jackson Rollock of Lon- don, received $500.00 damage when in collision with al961 Ford driven by Catherine Schwass of RR 1, Carlsruhe. Damage to the Schwass vehicle is estimated at $300.00. There were no injuries. Prov. Const. Beyer investiga- ted a two car accident in front of Allan Park Store on Thursday, September 19th. A 1966 Beaumont received $200.00 damage to the left front fender when in collision with a 1968 Cadillac, driven by Bernard Weinstein of Downsview. Driver of the Beaumont was Ire_ne in}; ï¬iess ‘0! Kitchener. The Cadillac received damage to the right side estimated at $550.00. GENERAL OCCURRENCES: During the past week members of the Mount Forest detachment investigated tventy-seven com- plaints and requests for assis- tance. Of this total there were two cases of theft reported. one of Break, Enter and Theft, one disturbance, three of cattle mis- sing and one investigation under the Liquor Control Act. The theft of a Hereford- Hols- tein cross heifer was reported to the detachment office. The animal was taken from a farm prOperty in Minto Township. The occurrence is presently under investigation by Prov. Const. M. R. Stroud. September 17th. September 16th. The theft of a horse from a farm in Normanby Township was re- ported to the detachment office on Tuesday. This occurrence is under investigation by Prov. Const. W. N. Johnson. As a result of investigation into recent cattle thefts in the detachment area, a heifer re- ported stolen earlier in the sum- mer hasbeen recovered. Charges are pending. Prov. Const. Stroud is in charge of the investigation. September 18th. On Wednesday it was reported to the detachment office that a Hereford steer was missing from a farm in Minto Township. The animal is described as being red with a white face and 600 to 700 lbs. in weight. It was reported that a two year old collie dOg, medium sized with a chain leash was lost in the area along #10 and 108 county roads between Normanby Town- ship. Anyone knowing the where- abouts of this dog is asked to contact the office. SAFETY TIP: Do I haké sure my child is kept away from dangerous farm animals such as a bull? Do Iforbld my child to play in his}! 0! mamas 9136.99 . ., . Every year thousands of child- ren die as a result of accidents. These accidents are not only traf- fic accidents, but farm and home accidents. Let’s reassess the situation in our homes; on the farm and on the highway. Here are some questions we should ask ourselves. Do I take an interest in how my child acts when walking in traï¬ic?, while riding a bicycle? Do I set a good enunple by driving carefully and obeying the trafï¬c lavs’? Do I keep poisonous substances out of reach of children? 7 Do I know how to give my child mouth- to- mouth resuscitation 1n an emergency.) the (air. It had been put there after 7 o’clock Sunday night be- cause there was not a drop of rain on it. Most adults will let these deplorable conditions just pass by and only consider vhere it comes from. I think it is un- necessary for chlldrenlovitniss ‘bo Imrb'm my child to ride in dangerous places on farm imple- mentS? I! the answer is no to any of such happenings in Durham. This is not the first time I've noticed conditions like this, and i don't attend all the es. Also, vhen eO.B.A. issuesan umpii'e’s card,_l don’t think they prdident of the league? There is an old saying, “it the hat fits, wear it†and I hope it pincheS. Signed: A disgusted andDis- appointed Citizen. P.S. _- It's a sogry tiling i1 gogd 33min must Isufler' {of the sake of some nut. 'Wâ€"h'o is rgqgongibl e? ‘Wyp is MOUNT FOREST MARKDALE OWEN SOUND During this period a search warrant was executedlnDundalk. A house in Artemesla Town- ship was completely ransacked, and several antiques were sto- len. of the Maxkdale Detachment wor- ked a total of 240 duty hours, and patrolled a total of 3,470 miles. An investigation was conducted into a break, enter and theft of Barhead Mill. A male occupant has been charged. It was reported to this detach- ment of a break, enter and theft of Mill's Garage in Dundalk, and also a residence in Artemesia Township. A resident of Cooksvflle was arrested for impaired driving, and was lodged in the County Jail, Owen Sound. On two separate occasions, theft of gas was reported to this detachment from residents of Glenelg Township. On Friday, September 20, 1968, it was reported to this detach- ment of a rabid fox in Mark- these questions, we should take the time to correct the situation is dini- children are our most valuable possessions and the one that is most missed if an accident occurs. purlpg (big pgripd,‘ personnel MARKDALE DETACHMENT RABIES Halves or Sliced Coronotion Asst' 4 LII. |m_'o’ 41.14.â€. M‘l m 3 Top Volu Fancy Del Monte Choice APPLESAIIBE Scottie: (Asst 'J. Colours) mm nssu: 3 ‘°‘ Cut Rite Robin Hood M01. mm mm 3'22? 51. cm ms 6 "’7; IMIIIIMM Purex (Asst'd. Coloum) 2 Roll Pull Btls. Mr and Mrs Jim Crutchley visited recently with Mr and Mrs Gordon Coutts of Mount Forest. ‘MranersR.T.Cookot Markdale spent a day with the Crutchleys at Qornoch. Mr Arthur Corbett, Mt. Cle- mens, Michigan, spent the week- end vith his brother, Mr and Mrs John Corbett, and other relatives. He also attended the Durham Fall Fair on_Saturday. Mrs R. W. Dixon of Richviev Avenue, Toronto, and her sister, Mrs Herb Noble, were recent visitors at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs J. C. Queen. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllIllllllllIlllll!IlllllIllllllIllllfll Three liquor seizures were made during this period, and residents of Toronto, Flesher- ton and Feversham have been charged- _ AA- ‘A _ Apiroximately $30.00 worth of canned goods were stolen (roman Osprey _Townsh_ip_-l_lome.. _ A Chippewa Hill resident was arrested for being drunk in apub- 11c place, and was lodged in the County Jail,.0ven_s_ogmd. Three motor vehicle accidents were investigated during this period, no injuries were re- ported, total damage $360. 00. Ti a: 1"“va (Am'dJ haematiteâ€! Top Vole Chain Lido (M'JJ Star! (Asst?) flenng ’4 Sh oppe The September executive meeting of the Dundalk District Association for the Mentally Re- tarded was held in the Member's Room of the Dundalk District Credit Union on Wednesday even- lng, September 18th. Several mat- ters of business were discussed and reports given. Plans are being made for an “Open House" evening on Friday, October 4th, at 8 o'clock, to be held in the new location in Pro- ton of Happy Heights School for Retarded Children. An invitation is extended to friendstocomeand see the new school and enjoy an evening with the executive and Mrs Vanderbyllaardt, the teacher 9! the school. Mrs Vanderbyl- Mrs Hester Greene of Mark- dale is the delegate representing the Association at the National Conference on Mental Retarda- tlon being held in Edmonton, Alberta, September 25- 28th. __ Annual Meeting of the Associa- tion, to be held early in Novem- laardt is planning to show pic- tures and to tell of her work with retarded children. At New School For Retarded 5 3 Va-ox.‘ 3L Tins Pack . . always worth a stop 24- s«.02 PIES s Va 47: OUR FROZEN FOOD DAIRY COUNTER for the Top Vol- (Paulina. Wrapped) Margarine Celebrate 40th Anniversary Mr and Mrs Percy Leningham were entertained by their tamtly at a dinner in the Crystal Room of the Cardinal Motor Hotel on Sunday ev , the occasion being their for ethveddlng anni- -l' â€"â€" vâ€"vâ€"uâ€" dlng were their brothersandsls- ters, Mr and Hrs J. flcGtrr, Mr and Mrs Howard Lawrence, and Mr and Mrs Thomas Law- rence. A social everung followed at the Ledlngham home where the anniversary couple were the re- cipients of several lovely guts. A beautifully decorated cake cen- tred the buffet table and the flo- ral arrangement was roses and (em. Mr and Mrs Ledlngham were bet. The Christmas cards are in nov for 1968. These can besecu- red from any member of the executive, also at the Credit Union office. The interest and support _in_ the project will be apbieciated. . Slinky Guy ‘ "Oven F resin" APPLE PIE See our large selection of new arrivals for Ladies', Teens and Babies THE DURHAM CHRONICLE us her home In Benunck. Rev. Fiddles was the offlchtlng minis- Top Valu A3001. Yuk Fancy Kernel Con or In never mono Mon 0 y a momn on oath dollot you ml! owe â€it (non UNION. For 8‘00 maid in 12 monthly «maul MN. vho tovol mum! (on a only “.50. or Ian. Then are no emc chow, gun mun». 00M: Wow mm may out“ lowe' but you usually pay more an dolton and cents. Fomfl the rote. and compovo m. oduol cost. The end" union dusty“ to“, pvovmes inwronco, and help. you .9 you run mu "0th“. 7% OI ind-I Mb Phone 360-2931 MR. ZARRY ‘l’nuunr and Manager 865