CHESTERFIELD, electric wash- er. Raymond sewing machine. All in new condition. Mrs. Irene IUY NOV, with Interest Free combines to July 1. 1m. Balers to June 1. 1960. Traders to Jammy l. Iâ€. We have slow timing vehicle sign. Used 35 Mmieyil‘ergmon Dealer, Blythe Mum‘s. M â€-215. 0000 DIN A FREEZER UNTIL you see ï¬rm at Durham Appli- ance. Phone â€2933. 50 FIGS, 8 weeks old. Gonbn McCrackcn. Phone 3695041. YEAR-OLD NEVIS, one dollar ALLIS-CHALIERS 4H Harvest- er. com and hay bejad. 2 boxes day mums. Welbeck Saw mill. Herb. Miller Lunber. RR. 2. Durham. Phom â€2144. pole. aims: new. 1x4 elm strapping for steel rooting. Pm 33mm Holstem. Lm'ER CARRIER, mm BOARD PLYWOOD. 418 duets. ï¬t each. (hinged. ASPHALT SHINGLES â€" 210 lbs.. 86.†per “ YEAR-OLD "ENS. Phone â€05201. David Morrison. RR. TWO 2nd LI‘I’TEI AND one 3rd liner Yorshire sows. Dis Oct» her 19th. 20th. and 213. Cam. Phom $5124. SALES HELP WANTED ROWING CHICKIIS, Five p.m.). SC. 4. â€" Dave Holliday hinged. P.T.O.; Massey-Harris I!) trac- tor: Cockshutt I!) and 70: C88? GOOD OPPORTUIIYY to build up prolhable Rawleidl ms: in Muck Wp am} part ï¬epc. 1-190». 4005 Richelieu Street. Hal-y. Matted. IXPIIIIICID '0‘"!!! will care for child's: by day or week in my own ham. PM: â€-3514. Articles For Sale 19‘3 DODGE, 2 door. V-B. amn- SEE ILYTHE MOTORS for bet- ter used cars at reasonable prices. All makes available: USED CARS “ANT A GOOD DEAL on a clean used car? All makes and mo- dels. See Fred McLuhan a HYGIIIC SUPPLIES (Rubbtr goods) mailed poetpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c: 24 samples 31.00. Mail Order Dept. 1'48 Nov Rub her 00.. Box 91. Hamilton. APARTMENT, two bedrooms. bathroom. living room, kitchen. All conveniences. Central. Phone quarers provided. Phone Preach room and a 2 bedniom apart- ment. Phone mama. TWO APARTMENTS; one bed FARH HOUSE 2% miles {ran tum. All conveniences. oil fur- 6539661‘days, or Ayr 632-7218 2 ROOIED APARTMENT and a single mom. Phone $93649. FARM MANAGER required for 19“ IELAIRE Chevrolet, auto matic. @000 original mileage. ALL THE HOT WATER you need with a Hydro W Water Heater. Low rental rate. startâ€" ing at 31.20 per month Phone or visit the Durham Public Utilities Commission for (ull in- formation. Phone 369-2348. DUIHAU IAPTIST CHURCH one humid and thirteenth amni- 19‘3 MERCURY, 2-door. hard- top. V8. automatic. Durham- 19‘3 DODGE, 2rdoor. V-8. auto- tors. Phone mmlï¬. MMIWW Fhone Durham 369-2125 FOR RENT _IMOHOP«L5. SCORING?“ “W6! 1†lolllcuflgulflulm Fore-t. Finn: 323-1025 PERSONAL tap. Durham-Mr Motors. Phone 3692016. H E N R Y ’ S Custom Killing wwww-ï¬ Motors. Plume 3692016. Help Wanted WANTED L, V4, 2-door hard- .VBox 211. SUPERIN'I’EIDENT and wife wanted for large luxury new apartment building in Pee-l Vil- lage. Apartment. phone. and salary provided. Must be able pmnises of Pete Lorem. please DRESSMAKING. Mrs. O. Szabo. Phone 369-5703. DON'T DELAY. Plan today to have your roof repaired. Houses. factories. storm, barns. Give us a call. Ask for an estimate. Phone Durham 369-2312. George Johnston and Sons Ltd. p.m. ’Any girl seven yearsd sliould mgiiter at'the meeting. WOULD THE PERSON who ve- see The'umeét Hobo of TV and Movies; hid! wire aerial acts; chariot raca; horse M: auto Robert Brown'at Durham Appli- ance. Phone 369-2933. PROMPT AND Efficient repairs and service to all models and makes. New and used machines for sale. Agent for White. Elna and Arrow. Dick Bock Sewing Machines. Box 123. Hanover. Lake Rosiland. Phone 364-3458. Honesty is our Policy. ‘I‘HIS YEAR EVERYONE is coming early to Canada's Larg- est Rural Fair at 'l‘eeswater on MALE HELP WANTED TV AERIAL AND TOWER erec- WELL DRILLING â€" Why be without a good water supply? We guarantee fast efficient serv ice by experienced _9perators. RADIATOR SERVICES: Clean- ing. repairing and mooring. Saugeen Tire and Radiator, 285 9th St.. Phone 364-1211. Hanover. BEAVER VALLEY TOURS to NiagaraAFallg. W 21: 299. Durham or Phone 369-3344. sewérs. Basements, fai'm ponds. drainage. Can dig to 17 feet. Free estimates. for prompt service. Septic tanks. BODY WORK -â€" Free estirnahes given on body work and paint- ing. Berdel's Body Shop. rear of Smith Bros. Garage. BACKHOE SERVICE â€"- Call radios. stoves. and all small appliances. Phone 369-2933. Dur- REPAIR SERVICE (11 TV'S. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE IACKHOE SERVICE of any type. MacDmald Buildng Sup- plies Ltd Phone $2401. Dur- ATTENTION FARM!†â€" ALUMINUM DOORS I WW8 FOR EXPERT IODY WORK Painting. Fm Em Se Blythe loan. PM! â€-2125. Work of all kinds. Wm. Sharp lGCoumessSt. mmzm. SERVICES NOTICE Mum“ and Engraving CORSETT I. mom Mom Forest Dulhamugepregemmve - SEE YOU AT EGREMONT Township plowing match on the George Stevenson farm. Holstein on Saturday. September 28th. Church Séhoolroom. Admission, Adults $1.50. Children 75¢ Sec- 28th. from 2:“) to 41!) p.111. Sponsored by Allan Park Fed- erated Farm Women. commencing at 16 am. tings at' 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. $1.00: Lowest or any necessarily accepted: Business and Professional DANCE AT STOTHART HALL Priceville. on Saturday evening. Music by Pine Ridge Ranch Boys. Proper dress only. lunch Booth. Admission: Couples. $2.00: Single, $1.00: High School. ANTIQUES â€" We buy every- thing in the antique line; Furni- ture, dishes. guns. clocks. frames, jewellery and hutch-ab of other articles too numerous to mention. Weekly pick-ups in the area. Write Ivan E. Brown, Antiques. 2? Sherwood Crescent. Brampton. Ontario. TENDER FOR EDWARDS MUNICIPAL DRAIN SEALED TENDERS. pmperly magkued Will] be received b; Mr. ship of Glenelg, RR. 1, Mark- dale. Ontario, up to 12:00 0' k for the construction of 7.400 lin. ft. of open drainage and 240 lin. ft. of U.S.P. and RA. Culverts. in the Township of Glenelg. Plans. spedfioatims, and Art Bender Ros. 334-3401. Solos Born 924-2131 FREE Trucking on 15 hood or ovor. Bondod {or your Prohcflon AT 0:30 EM. Western Slackers on bend el ell llmes. For lnlormellen eboul ceme, Cell: Meneger end Auclleneer Mount Forest. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 â€" 1 pm. Complete dispersal sale of Holstein bends. consisting of 35 cows. red and open heifers. for Anthony Meyer, Lot 31. Con- cession 9. Carrick T ' . SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 â€" 1 pm. Livestock. machinery. hay and grain for John Hu- Millan, on Highway 6. just south of Orchardville. AUCTIONEER - MT. FORES‘I’ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. _- at 1 pm. Furniture sale for John Mowat, Main St. North. Tenders Wanted Monday Evening _ wmmmu J. a. w 3.54., M, ca. AUCFION SALE REGISTER Wallace Holliday Farm Services "cuuoe a. Human.“ Baum-r and Solicitor Hilda M. McKechm'e. Commis- KNOX U.C.W. Fowl WANTED TO BUY OAKS SALE in former A. M. MACKAY ASSOCIATES Limited Consulting Engineers 935 Second Avenue West LIVESTOCK GAVILLER I. COMPANY Township of G‘lenelg FRIDAY, OCT. 4, 1’“, Owen Sound, Ontario EXCHANGE SALES EVERY FLESH ERTON If. NOTICE TO "EDITORS AND OTHERS, "I THE ESTATE OF ELLEN NELLY ALL PERSONS having any claims or demank am the Estate of Ellen Nealy. late of the Village of Durham. in the Courty of Grey. deceased. who diedonorabouttheflthdayol February. 1968. axe to forward their claims chly pooved to the undersigned solicitors for the Estate. on or before the 9th day of October. 1968. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date. the Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the Estate amongst the parties en- entitled thereto having negard nnlv to such claims of which she will then have notice. DATED at Collingwood. On- tario. this 19th day of Septem PRINCESS APARTMENTS FLESH ER'I’ON l Modem Mangany Patterned. electric heated. two bedrooms. Saturday; Oét. 5th Sï¬licitm's for the Estate. living room. kitchen with front and back door and porch. 1 Ground Floor Modern mahog- any Panelled. two bedrooms. targe living room. with oil floor furnace. kitchen with front and back door. The above two apart- ments have TV colour and split- ter box. . motor. new tires and clutch. stock rack and loadng chute. with less than 18,000 miles: New Holland Compact No. 65 baler. like new: 1958 Ford tractor. 5- speed transmission and live power; 1954 Ford tractor. with Ford Industrial loader and wheel weights; Ford 3-furrow plow. 12 in. bottom: 9-plate three-point hitch. oneway plow; linema- tional 15min power lift drill; In- ternational 4~bar sick mice. on rubber; land roller: cultivator: LIVESTOCK, MACHINERY STOCK TRUCK, HAY, GRAIN FURNITURE 8. OTHER ITEMS for It 1 p.m. MACHINERY â€" 1961 G.M.C. 34011 Truck. 960 series. with new bench; 2 wagons and rack: Massey-W5 binder: wheelbar- row; cement mixer; snow blow- er; snow fence and stakes; 2 mils extra heavy barb wine; sprayer; cattle dehomers; 2- wheel trailer, with racks; ham- mer mill; New Holland elevator. with 1 h.p. motor: rip saw. with motor; emery, with My; FOR RENT Russell Bartman â€Mandz-yea Nantucket cattle (if not previously sold): 1 Jersey COW POULTRY-7 95 pulletg. stripping: My of Pine and hemlock lumber: forks; shovel. and many other adieu. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS â€" Clearing AUCTION SALE AT LOT 46, OOH. 1 SOUTH DURHAM ROAD BEHTIHCK TOWNSHIP (4 miles W»! of Durham and 1 mile Eu! of Allen Park on Ho: 4 Highyay) turnip fencer; buzz saw, with pqipt hitch; 5001b._beagn scales. sale. IRS. I. ERSIAII, and IRS. I. â€DRILL, Cloth. RUSSELL MIMI, aunt, CORCORA N. THOMPSON JAMIESON. Barristers and Solicitors. 150 Hurontario Street. P O Box 100. Pn'lindwmd. Ontario. BOB AVIS, Fleshoflon Phone 924-202. M at! W Conner Dr. J. C. Williams at Han-Mon on sunny on nrrlnl 1t Putnam Hospital. The welded cecal-Manam- ny 6, ghouls mun-outta! Mod Forest, when the chad riding a a tractor driven by Dual! Weber «Alum ï¬ll 08 the mum» and m run over by the an: m the true- torn-m Elcht- your. old Them Vu- donborn, titular ot Mr mun wmuu Vudcabon. RR 1, Ruth- IN MEMORIAM Room - Board “ACRE FARM. {Swami-k- able.Gondhu1tcreekcmuu tam. Pacessflsoo Good m AMY; 987$!!!le .Phane ROOM MID BOARD Amble. Apply: Box 21!) E. A. Durham. Mary's hospital. Kitchener. - Mrs. Marilyn Ellis. flincwhovisitedmewï¬lel Maddou-Iwwldlikctotake mismofthaflningdlthose wtnsentmecards.lettem.alfl flowersor visitedomefollow'mg my recent stay in the Owen fovisitme. The_ Junioxj anpital Aid extend miraymSememberm. 1966. Uprigltandjmtinallherm. 1.03:1â€an HIMdI her sueméwmredmauawbore. Godtookherlnmehoaflerm Johnston - I wish my sincere tlmnks to mishPPr-f» (or a; set i f . a E i a asmcerethank' auto whohelpedtomahe '3 E 3 fashion show a success. E and nursing staff of Memorial Hospital. thatits t9 the DE Sup {dirtâ€"ii; DIEIELâ€"hlovingmm ofadearsisterammm. McAho-Iwmxldliketotlmk Cards of Thanks â€"BalieandJackEI-smm. â€" Mrs. Bertha Gradey. â€"Mrs.Bi!lMadien. â€" Rupert Johnston. pl; roll. The ctor is 913Ԡby Lloyd Nolan, and the l is 311:; COM?- digtingui'shz R dogma? uss rn p virtuoso Vladimir Horowitz. This was taped last February in New York's Carnegie Hail. It was un- interrupted hy commercials. and feahired one of Horowita's own arrangements. He played Chopin, Scarlatti, Schumam andScriahin. ln lastweek's TVGuide.colum- nist Jon Ruddy wrote about the Pierre Berton Show. “He is the longest and hardest-runningper- former on Canadian television, whose first appearance coincided with the CBC s first week of TV Operations in 1953. The Pierre Berton Show predates CTV -- and will probably outlive it." That's what Jon wrote. Does he think that CTV is doomed? You don't really mean that Canadians will be stuck with one network again do you Jon? One of the new shows tookover top spot in the latest National Nielsen ratings. Here is the run- down: 1. it Takesa Thief; 2.80- Any women's organization is invited to send a leader and an assistant leader to one of the Training Schools being held as follows: September 17 and 18 - Owen Sound YM-YWCA, Septem- ber 19 and 20 - Pricevllle Stot- hart Hall, November 26 and 27 - Meaford Legion Hall. Each day's programme will he 10 8.1“. to 4 p.m. The leaders attending Training School will, in turn, teach this course to a group of ladies in their own community. All participating will attend a Summary Day to be held at the Do you like to dress attrac- tively“? Would you like to mab your own becoming costume? The woman who likes tosewand is willing to invest a little time in cutting, fitting, and assembling a garment can gain a special satisfaction from creating her own “perfect" costume. “Dress- making With A Difference" is a course offered to women's groups in Grey County by the Home Eco- nomics Branch of the OntarioDe- partment of Agriculture and Food. This course teaches howto select styles and fabrics es- pecially suited to an individual. Special features may be added to a commercial pattern to make it more attractive andindividual. These, along with basic sewing techniques, will be discussed. mu; 3. smothers Brothers Summer Show; 4. Andy Griffith; 5. High Chaparral and Saturday Night at the Movies; 7. Gamer Pyle: 8. Lucy Show 9. That conclusion of the project. Pyie; 8. Lucy Shot; 9. Girl; 10. Be'itched. Dressmaking Course Offered No other make gives you a baflar balance of power. lightar weight and flotation to pat the most out a! snow- mobiling! And {or aimplaat angina tuning, Olympic 12/3 now hi 3 ‘pOp-oï¬' cab. here now at Ken. l. MuAnlIm'o Gouge the wotld's best looking best performing snowmobile she Wnples was not driving Lotte Bomb Suit. 9. He was in Bntnvin Downs driving in the New York Sire Stakes and his thew, Ron Wsples, hnndled Lotta Bomb. But under the trainer respon- sibility rule, Keith Wnples isre- sponsible for the mare even thoughhewssnotatthetrnck. He wnslistedontheprogrnmas the trainer oi Lotta Bomb. Testimony at the hearing showed Lotta Bomb has been in- jected with Aximycin, an anti» biotic penicillin which contains procaine. The drug is not a sti- mulant, but the commission ruled thst Wsï¬les was responsible even though ere was no evidence oi The suspens'ï¬n icvertstoSap- tembor 14. None of the horses med by Wagleg will be moved go r999 Waples will have to withdraw from numerous stakes including the rich $50,000 Sheppard Pace in New York Saturday. He was to drive Penn Hanover, ratedsecond until the mspension ends. All horses in his care mustbetrans- term to his nephew._ James thte, 64, of Hanover, died suddenly at his home Fri- da . n: Witte was born in Bentinck Township August 18, 1904, a son of the late Gustave and Eliza- beth n Witte. On December 24, 19 ,hemarried Emma Yandt in Chesley, who predeceasede in 1953. Mr Witte is survived by two sons, Berkeley 0! Toronto, and Barry 0! Hanover and one daugh- ter, Emma, Mrs Glenn Patterson of Hanover. Also surviving are one brother, John. RR 3, Hanover, and two sisters, Ilary, Mrs John IlcCallum, Elmwood, and Isa- bella, Mrs Earl Hopkins, RR 3, Hanover, and four grandchildren. He was predeceased by one bro- ther, David. Mr Witte farmed in Bentinck Township before moving to Han- over in 1956. At the time of his death, he was employed as an engineer at Peppler Stancor Ltd., Among Waples' personal goals, he as the first driver inCanada to rein a horse to a mile victory in under two minutes. He didit J amos Witte 0f Hanover Passes with Mighty Dudley atlontreal’s Richelieu Park in 1959. Hanover. J. C. Herman R.0. In Durham Friday Afternoon Phone “9-2404 - Mrs G. Yiirs Optometrist FR. St. at C hronlch Mrs C, For yurs, the Um’ yen-s in universal ï¬n Ceyh I “‘1