West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Jan 1901, p. 5

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p recreation and plea- ring the past summer. you oblige me by nth-Eu nn the abnve ‘7 Park, whit in ha. 30 wilm, 1.1. 53 state a Noun and its inhabi~ ‘0 no where to go fur a If it I swe that nature b'ed it with admira- Inearly all kinds of [the first place there Hug bank extending Hes of it. firming . planter for Iightswrs [gun’s that may be there is ample room race track around ’33:. and insxdc of and ball grounds [Ne gauw. ()u the t natur» has pru- ndes-t {0; Hit H in country. .A liwle pense. on acvrmnt Iriver, a Mautiful‘ .ly surrumulml by n flashes; in fil't 'ty for making it‘ '80” for OH or? experience in ads, I took occas- whole Park and ate of the cost to like presentable. [- Ind profit to the trying to hold theif Ihat Durham has 530!) luv» we heard this to be done 9 fltizens the coun- l laudable thing tore me ten (1 ti- {ire fifty «I Hal's Live years, viz. t cow, for we ' or flu: rotting and according 3y. (my 10 :gh uh] be made five years for age of $200 a a work that Rings for nonteml Hm ’ 1U. anynue 0 time [54* 1| ’tizens. and of rflvcnuc. adgitated. Cl rlzx fill [unth- Imzuism as in cusps of y murvvl- 'physirian flom his tion of €"rpassit 'Jn every should launds. 1d try the ma. 3 Paradise, [)8 of Dar. would not eautify it, e that. nature With mhuira. all kinds of t place there lorn to at book Ivancvd >3 book resin to I which 0! the 9191118". steps,” Beat 0'? roman Vitals it'- “n‘ | cul. I with The W! by r To- I 110' time Doria] ”gino Inst , that sting Wkng. Irwin' Brown. both of whom 0‘0? were the holly. After the congratul- "911 ations of the relatives present the ‘hQ'party sat down to a dainty supper “3‘ prepared by the bride’s mother. ___I one flow can 0 a the .tcher? 1nd ! Putnum’ 50 no ' Painless Cc ed. ‘ universal as: 'safe and pai _ P I H i TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxativa Brono Quinine Tablets. All druxgists refund the money if it fails to can. 250. E. W. Grave's signature is on each box. i Al’ll.\.‘l'l‘:\"EXO I On Wednesday, Jan. 2nd, at very i happy event took place at the resid- ‘ence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and '.\lrs. Robert Ewen, when their eldest daughter, Jane, and Mr. John Adlam second youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Adlaui, both of Bentincx, were 'rbarried in the bonds of loye. The :cerer'rfony was performed by Rev. ].\lr. Farqnharson, of Durham. The bride was :dressed in a costume of lbrown velvet trimmed with pink silk land white pearl and wore a sprig of :holly. She was assisted by her sis- Iter. Miss Mary. who was dressewn jacostmne of brown serge. trimmed > with rose colored silk and white pearl and wore a Sprig of holly. The groom was _ assisted by his nephew, tlw :u-hcr? Why. of COtII'SH by using l’utmun’onrnExtractor. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor has given uniw-rsal satisfaction. for it is sure, sale and painless. Like every article of real merit it has a. host of imita- tors, and we would Specially warn the public to guard againit those dangerous substitutes offered {or the genuine Putnam’s Extractor. N. C. Polson 8:, (30.. proprietors, Kingston. 3 I was walking along the streets 0! , Toronto a few days ago. and I saw a L young man standing talking to an- _ other. This first young man was L rather tall. well and heavily built. _ and with a firm and determined jaw and countenance. His hair is golden brown and his ey es are of a deep and piercing blue. This is Stanley Mc- Keown Brown. the war correSpondent‘ of South Africa for the Mail and; Empire newspaper of Toronto. and: the author of the new book “ \Vithl the Royal Canadians,”â€"-a brilliantr account of the experiences of the! Canadian soldiers in the war in South E Africa. Mr: Brown was with these' soldiers all through the campaign. or? at least until the battle of Zand River, and as a narrator of events, ’and as an observer, has very few: rivals or superiors. Remembering' . this, and recalling my old acquaint-. 'ance with the young author, 1 at; Once secured a c0py of the new book: from the Publishrs’ Syndicate on;‘ King street, Toronto. and read it.“ The story is simply a narrative of!‘ events. well and skilfully detailed. and in no sense discolored or marred by the express-ion of any theorie- l or consequences. The events narrat- ed comprise all that occurred from the day the Canadians left Toronto, and the tears and cheers of their: 'l’rlends, companions. relatives and: . . o o l admirers, until thev arrived m rim. II ’ith the Royal Canadians, by Stanley M‘cfieow‘p B_1jown, (The Pub- MATRIMO {HAL A QUESTION m we raise m Usher Syndicate, Tor )nto.) me. His hair is golden Le) 03 are of a deep and This is Stanley Me- .the war correSpondent more com t‘o All L'lll‘O. Inmat- too you: to are mama. any be cured of croup, whooping cough an.d cold: by ., 1 Of the Durham contingent we have ”'3‘ lapoken so often that a special refer- “C” i ence to their work on this oecasion ““‘5 would be only a repetition of the old "0'" f story that all did well and were ”'9’ highly entertaining. However, as I”"rlltliis was the first time we heard “”d ’ Barrister Davidson since his recovery ”'0 : from the fever, it affords us pleasure ”m f to say that his musical powers are It“ngust as good as ever, and he seems rap. 3 none the worse for his illness, Dr. the I Brown. of Holstein, accompanied by l. i Miss , sang a number of Iivl1.excwllcnt songs, which, we believe, .‘SS- ‘ must have been a very pleasant iles} feature of the program to all lovers are i of high class music Mr. Walter l of ' Buchan, of Durham, appeared for the “‘0 first time in our hearing, and from I i the reception accorded him and the in l appreciation 'shown we shall not be 'Siti‘surprisetl to hear of him being in in"; great demand (luring,r the season. rlti Mix. Jas. McRonald is busy with his barn timber. Ayoung daughter arrived at the home of Mr. Alex. Grierson on the 24th of December. Also one at the home of Mr. Geo. Turnbull, Jr” on the 5th of January.‘ .‘Jr. Marshall Johnston has engag- ed to work for Mr. A. Livingston for a year. Mr. Wes. Hunt returned from Muskoka some time ago. Our new teacher has arrived here and taken charge of the school. Our annual School meeting passed very quietly. Mr. Wm. Torry was elected trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Coutts. We extend our compliments to the F’itor and staff of correspondents as we enter another year, also another century. The Stomaeh’s “Weal or Woe t” m'fhe Qtomach is the centre from which. from the standpoint of health, flows ” weal onwoe.” A healthy stomach means perfect digestionâ€"perfect digestion means strong and steady nerve centresâ€"strong nerve centres mean good circulation, rich blood and good health. South American Nervine makes and keeps the stomach rightâ€"52 Mr. H. Pedwell was elected Mayor of 'l‘hornbury by acclamation. The council and school trustees were also re-elected without .1 contest. It'seelns a waste of time to warn people against neglecting coughs and colds, but what \mnhl victims of consumption and pruninunia give if their disease were unly Ill its beginning, if in were only a cough or n culrl. Deadly lung diseases begins with culrls that could certainly be cured by Dr. Chase’s Sympof Linseed and Turpentine, the great prescription which not merely relieves hut thuruughly cures cough and cultl tngether. A serious accident. occurred near Neustadc last week, when Mr. Geo. Wagner received injuries which ter- minated in his death, a tree having fallen on him while engaged in felling timber in the bush. He leaves a. wife and seven small children. SOME WON ’T BELIEVE IT. Many people who have suffered the acute misery of itching or bleeding piles for years in spite of medicines and operations won’t believe that Dr, Chase’s Ointment is an actual eure. There has never yet been a person to doubt the elticacy of this great preparation after using one box. It acts like magic in stopping the pain and itching, and is'posit'iyely guaranteed to cure any ..... . n-v' .JUFILI.‘ Ul)’ glutl‘allwgu 10.0111‘8 any case utplcedmg ur protrmlmg piles. Ask your uelghbur abuut It. Your dealer has It. The trustees were called upon, but only Mr. Kerr took the platform. In a few words he expressed his grgtifi- cation at the successful results, and hoped the educational facilities would -----â€"v-vu H V“.“ be appreciated by the ratepayers. Ye Editor said a few words about the middle of the entertainment. The clogs and cakewalks were in- teresting, and like all other numbers were rapturously applauded. The order was good and every one present. seemed to enjoy themselves fully. Inspector Campbell occupied the chair, and in a few remarks stated 7 the object of the meeting, and refer- red to a few of the circumstances in connection with the struggle for the ' school. He congratulated the people of the section on the consummation of so handsome and substantial a structure, and wished them well in . the educational advancement, he felt confident such increased facilities would bring about. He regretted that Mr. David Allan was unavoid- ably absent, and without further ceremony be discharged his duties {faithfully and well and without any flagging of interest. The entertain- ment was furnished chiefly by young people, the chief of whom Were Dr. Brown, of Holstein; Messrs. J. A. Hunter, W. S. Davidson, Ed. Mc- Clocklin, W. Buchan, and Miss Jessie Laidlaw and Maude Irwin, of Dunn ham; and Mrs, Tuck and Miss and young Master Morrison, of the neighborhood of Varney. g The formal Opening of the new 3 :hool at Varney took place on Friday lust, by a very successful concert, wnich may be characterized as a 902- ial and financial success. WHAT WOULD THEY GIVE ? Sold by MucFarlanc Co. " H... Hâ€" Varney School Opening v--. 0.9 VICKERS. Repairing Promptly Done and Guaranteed W. A. Macfallane CHRISTMAS AGAIN. Overcoats Groceries and fruitâ€"A large stoc'k of the best freqhest and chea st in town. Examine our 3‘ s and prices. and we know where you will buy. See Here ! W. A. McFarlane has a larger stock than ever in the new block. A 20-year gold-filled case, Wal- tnam movement, for 312, special discount for this month. A large stock of sterling silver, ebony in curler’s files,shoe horns. paper knives, salve pots, etc. prices away down. Also a full stock of Clocks, Jewellery, Sil- verware. watches. at. prices from $2 50 up. Call and see for your self and get. a. calendar. If you have not tried it. send 1 .r it: agreeable taste will sugwise on. SCOTT EOW ‘E C e Think-Because it has made so many sickly, delicate children strong and healthy, given health and rosy cheeks to so many pale, anaemic girls, and healed the lungs and restored to full health, somany thousands in the first stages of Consumption. It makes a man happy to deal where he can get the best goods fox the least money. You can always de- pend on this at our store, but dut- mg the holidav season we are giv- mg special dJives in nearly every- thmg. Second:-Bccause they have so skillfully combined the various ingredients that the best possible results are obtained by its use. s. SCOTT, used in its composition, 'namely; the finest Cod Liver Oil, and the purest Hypophosphites. First;'Because the proprietors have always been most careful in selecting the various ingredients r' This picture is the trade mark’gf SCOTT’S EMULSION, and is on every bottle of SCOTT’S EMUL- SION in the World, which now amounts to many millions yearly. This great business has grown to such vast proportions, Suits from 84.25 to 815.“). A. 1 goods for the money. and cheaper than you can get them anywhere else. Coarse and fine, at rock bottom prices. Christmas DURHAM CHRONICLE. DURHAH. A MERRY McIntyre Block 5 {m ample. N. B.â€"â€"A Special Bargain is offered on Lot 28, Con. 2, W. G. R.. Bentiuck. 100 acresâ€"Durham 51x milesâ€"owner gone West and bound to sell. H. H. MILLER. Aâ€"26 ‘ mom‘ In first-class Companies and at lowest rates, draws all kinds of writings. arranges business quarrels, effects settlements with creditors, sells Ocean tickets, buys old notes and always has on hand farm and village pro rties which he is willing to trade or exc ange for other property. Twenty years’ experience and residence in the neighborhood counts for something and enables H. H. MILLER to do your business with profit to you as well as to himself. He Does Fire, life . . and Accident Insurance For sale at very lotv figures and on very easy terms. - Farm lands are bound to increase in price and now is the time to buy. HE ALSO undertakes the collection of Notes and Accounts, and it is a pretty bad claim that he cannot make some money out of no charge for his trouble if not collected. He gas S_everal Vgry ”Fine Fm Is what Count of Grey Farmers would like to know. \ 'e cannot tell you, but we CAN TELL YOU that H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Conveancer is lending money on good farm mortgages at lower rates of interest than vou can borrow elsewhere and on very liberal terms and at small cost. That is the reason whr people'all over the country pass by other uders and travel miles to borrow from him. How to Grow D undersigned about. the middle nf 030'- ber last, a red and white two-year-old steer with tvsfo scissor marks on right-hand hip, also a httle piece 011' top of tail. OWEN llEl"FERNAN, Mardeu 1’. O. Nov. 27, 19(1). A THOROUGHBRED BOAR FOR service at‘ Lot 22. Can. 3 E. G. R.. Gleuelg. Terms 750. at time of service. 7 WO THOROUGHBRED, CHES- TER \VHI'I‘E; one six months old, and one older, at lot 25). 2.; and 27, con. 3, S. D. R., Ulenelg. Both took first prize at l’riceville. Registered pedigree may be seen on application. N0v.14, 4 m. Nov. lâ€"tf lBEING Lots No. ll and 12. Con. l, N. l). l{., Ulenelg. and 11 and [2, on Con. 23, N. I). 1%.. also 13 and 14. on Con. 3, N. D, R., each lot containing 50 acres, or 300 acres in all. nearly all cleared. Well watered, well fenced. good Outbuildings and dwellings, good bearing orchards. In first class state ofcultn'ation, within a few rods of school, 4 miles from Durham. Will be sold en bloc or in scpa rate lots. as purchas- er desires. Easy terms. For turther par- ticulars apply to U'1‘1\U. 8, CON. 1, N.I).R.. Glenelg. containing 50 acres, about 43’: acres cleared, well fenced, well watered. good house, bearing orchard, good land and in good state of cultivation, easy terms. For further particulars apply to DONALD MCUOSKERY 378 King St. W est. Toronto, or to ALLAN CAMPBELL, Oct. 15â€"6m Dd. llunessan RICK HOUSE AND LOT Melli an Property on George one acre 0 good land in good he desirable residence, will be sold . terms. Apply to ED. MILLIGAN, Palmerston, or to W. CALDER, 1: Jan. I7, 1900. tf TRA_YED from the drove of the Nov 5 tf. -8V-““' 1 Priceville, newly bricked all round. new brick kitchen, new windows and other improvements. ()n the )remises are a good stable and two never ailing wells. The lace has always done a good" business and will be rented right toa stood man. The furngture wxll be sold to lessee. For further partnculars apply to. HE COMMERCIAL HOTEL Prjcevillen newly bricked all round W. J. ELLIOTT - - Principal The demand made. upon us during the last three years by busilwss ('olk‘ges for our graduates to take positions as tom-hers in tlwir schmls has been exact] ° six times the supply. Thisfllom that was 00! enjoys a superior tepuutlon for uflcfly high grade work. SEND FOR C.\ TELOG E. Bears for Service. Boar for Service. IO'l‘ N9. {5, CON. 1, mm: ./T \ Elm/71? \ A L 7/‘7/a 2221173,? .".”’”’ Stra'tford, “ Ont FARM FOR SALE Farm for Sale Hotel to Kent. Strayed JOHN MACKENZIE, :)d. Rockv Saugeen. JAN. 2. 1901. Jonx EcquunT. lmnessan. BEGINS A. C. BEATON Bu nessan P. O. 5’ on George StreeE m good location 3 ill be sold on easy CALDER, Durham. A. BUTTERS. Priceville. 50 Bushela â€"\\'h(mt to â€"thc Acre ‘-â€"'I‘HE W. BLACK Carpet sweepers. Meat cutters. . . . . Body string bells. Chopping axes. . . Axe handles. . . . . Granite Cups . . . . Lamp chimneys . . The holidays are past. and we enjoyed the Christmss trsde immensely As we had the bargains to ofler. of course we did the business. We have now entered on a new century with resolutions to give you better bergeins then ever. . Another shipment of the latest designs snd best quality of Skates just to hand. Do not lose this opportunity to satisfy your wents. An assortment of Clause Razors and Scizzors, which are ell gusrsnteed, just to bend. Why should you use some old wornout srticle. when you cen get one of these so cheep? THE HARDWARE STORE. ‘ rm; msmuuct 1-001»er arrnmlo to 5 Gallons Canadian Coal Oil for 95 cants Farmers and Others. laidlaw’s Old Stand, Men’s ties and underwear at special lowered prices. Men’s frieze ulsters, regular 810.00 ............. Boys and Men’s reefers for $3.00. to .............. . Men’s beaver overcoata, regular 812, now. . . Men’s beaver overcoats, regular 89, new . . . . . 1 only fur. astrachan, jacket was 835. now 1 only fur, astrachan, jacket was 835, now ........ Good fur caps {or 81.50 to ....................... 2 only Men’s fur coats. Wallaby, reg. 82030. for . . 2 only Men’s black fur coats. reg. 825. for ......... Pure wool homespuns, regular 81.00 to 31.25 for . . . Suitingsâ€"tbe most fuhionnble, reg. 81.00. for. . . . Dress Goods, good winter weight. 50c end 60c. now. Superior quality velvet. specinl . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . Flannelette, beautiful range new pntterns, 70 to. . . Ladies’ cloth jackets. were 85.00. now Lndies’ clot}. jackets. were 88.00, now ............ Ladies’ cloth jackets, were $12, now ............... Now for a big January Sale. Every department in this store will participate in this January sale. Soon we will be busy with our annual stock-taking. and betore beginning we have many lines which will be put at prices that will make quick work of them. This list gives hints of what we are going to do during January. Good resolutions are ueueily made at New Years. Wh It.“ we do, entering a new century ? Gather tp the experie Of. the past. and let it guide us for the future. Hey the wt century prove us to be better, wiser, more liberal and more prosperous than the pest Dres? Our stock of ngneu Oil is something extn THURSDAY. Ireland Co. SPEC TOP DRAFT STOVE. HARDWARE : sewsesobosesems QGQGQvQQOQGQG‘QvGMSv XAL BARGAINS: Hâ€" 88 Furs ! Beginning the New Century, Horse Clippers .......... Hocky Slates ............ Spinning wheel heaa ...... Ruin Seeder... .. Cobblern’ otnnds, 3 Int: . . Lnnterns ................ Tenn: bolls ............... DURHAM. ONT. Goods f Skates just to . Anuasortmonc ,, just to hand. can get one of 14 75 17 .10 3 25 75 40 8100 35

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