West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Jan 1901, p. 8

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. %'Mi' 16?». v“ II. Gordon, - = jeweler J. I. INNER. flclmnl BLOCK Shirts and Drawers, new. 60: each. Special this week, eagh....:_ ...... 80¢ Fleece-lined Shirts, to clear «0 at ........... .45 Spocial discount. of ten per rent. on all men’s ready-made clpth- sum“ 8 Mam. Men’s Clothing The Furniture and Under-1 taking business formerly! carried on by J. A. Shewell‘ will henceforth be known by the firm name of Shewell Lenahan, a partnership having been formed for the transaction of business. Old Customers and new ones are respectfully requested to call and visit us in our new Show Rooms in the McIn- t“. re Block, next door to the Bank, where we will be found night and day to cater to the wants of all. filmmfl""‘ ing for thisvweek. During the Holiday Season. lasting Xmas present should see A. Gordon’s large stock of Watches, Ladies’. Gents’ and] Boys’ sizes. Ladies’; and Gents’ Chains, Flatwear. Silverware; Sterling Silver mull Ebony Novelties, Jew- elry, Clocks and Specs, . - LOWER Town» THE- Blfl STORE THURSDAY. McFARLANE 00. To make room for new stock we must clear out at any price. Nice papers from 3 cents up, worth 7c and lOcn First come,first choice. On]; a few rooms of some patterns. Druggists Bookseller. f “:2ka ville. Ont., describes her suffering; fmm smothering. fluttering and palpitation. Attcr trying many remedies without benefit. six bottles of Dr. Agnew'sCure for the Heart restored her to perfect health. The first dose gave almost instant relief, and in a day ‘ *“-~AL‘-n- (f Mr. Sam Firth has had the con- tract of painting our school. and under his skillful touch it now pres- ents a most cheerful appearance. Mrs. John Moffat returned home from London after Spending several weeks with friends in that city. ‘ UVJ JV bwvâ€" 7â€".__V sufl'ering ceased altogether. -â€"51 After spendingâ€"gbhristmas h'olidays withhrs grandparents at the post- oflice, Mr. Alex. Jopp returned to Owen Sound. \J .0“..va- Mr. J. W. Firth returned to T01- onto on Tuesday morning. afte1 spending the holidays at. home. \11. Thos. Firth left Thursday to 193111116 his studies at. theO. S. C. I. ~l\:1~i-ssnv.\li_nnie Jasper, of Walkerton, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. 1). Greenwood. MrfJos. Firth, an, is at. present visiting his grandaughter. Mrs. Wm. Dodds. of Berkeley. ”UH“ ‘___ Mr Chas. \Ioffatt, after spending Christmas with his son, Robert, of Toronto, returned home. _ “ In. 1___ LA Miss Maud Bâ€"iâ€"nks left Thursday to take charge of the new school, near Varney. -- -- ‘1 ‘ _A‘A- Biigg'Fannie McNally, who was very ill with diphtheria, in Toronto HOSpital, has returned home, but is still very poorly. me: :ALIC'D. Mr. W. D. Thornton, blacksmith. Calgary. N.W.T.. states :-â€"“For fifteen years I suffered untold agony from Mind. itching plugs. and htve been un- â€"- n -L-‘ "or ‘t'réAYIBEEt'QiEi. w\vffierlljlwu'uiw'u phy- i:iars. I had 15 tumors removed. but {trained no posltjve cure. I pave suf- 2:}5'226révti1réfiâ€"ii cim tell. but can no 43! that, thanks to Dr. Chase's Oint- +-:.t. I am positively cured. and by m and a halt boxes. 60¢ a box. .Chase’ 8 Ointment. EDGE HILL Rev. Mr. Ferquhsrson, of Durban, preached in the Presbyterian church last. Friday. His discourse wss scholarly earnest and forcible. and was much appreciated. Mr. '1‘. Potter left last Hondey for W alkerton to use his frenchiu a well as to renew former aequuntmc- 88. Mr. Thos. McKnight sustained i severe (all last Sabbath out of cutter which necessitued Tom taking an enforced holiday. Miss Flossie Stone. of Artomosio, on Thursday last opened the door. of the Welbeck academy, and has. 3t time of writing, made a very favora- ble impression on the pupils. A l‘iew Years’ gift is genernlly appreciated, and the one received by Mr. John Hewitt we have no doubt was received that way. It nppears that Mr. Hewitt. is one of the veterne of the American \Var, and four yenre ago made application for his pension. =Correspondence followed tt inter- vals‘fince, until the Welbeok mail on New Years Day brought the welcome tidings that it was acertainty Mr. Hewitt receives the bLCk pension amounting to $1800 and an anuity of $10 per mon h during his life time. We congratn ate our worthy neigh- hor, and wish him long life and {happiness'. We are generally glad to welcome‘ home anyone that formerly claimed Dornoch as their boyhood home, but this one is an exception. On Friday last Mr. Duncan Hay returned from Rat Portage. suffering very severely from .the effects of a premature ex- plosion in a mine blasting accident. We sympathise with our former schoohnate, and hope hinia speedy recovery. Rev. .las. Skene, of Hillsburg, spent a very pleasant week at the old homestead, and participated in wedding; festivities, the participants being: his sister, Miss Annie and Mr. Jas, Renton, of Dromora. Mr. Robert Ledingham arrived lliomc last week from Wisconsin] where he has been railroading for a number of years. Mr. Jas. Ledingham was the recip- ant oi a welcome New Years’ gift. which is being very highly valued and prized. It is a girl. Died on Sunday evening, the 6th inst... Mr. Rooert Skene, The inner- al is on Wednesday. Particulars next week “Reguiar Practitionerâ€"No Ro- BUMPâ€"M rs. Annie C. ChestnuthWhitby. was for months a rheumatic victim. but South American Rheumatic Cure changed the song from " despair ” to “ joy." She says: " I suffered untold misery from rheumatismâ€"- doctors’ medicine did me no goodâ€"two bot- ties of South American Rheumatic Cure cured Incâ€"relief two hours after the first dose.”-50 Miss Eliza McCormick has been holidaying with friends in Walker [0‘]. We are pleased to hear that Johnny Brown is improving rapidly, and is expected home soon. Mr. Robin McKeown, of Mt. Forest. has spent a lively week or so with the McCombs. He’s not very big, but what there is of him is good. A couple of small social parties were given in his honor. \.J Willie Moore and wife from Mani- taba are domiciled on the south line for the winter, where the former intends to go extensively into timber- im: operations, A couple of weeks ago the neighbors turned out in force, and out a good pile of wood for Mrs. Gina, and hauled some of it home for her. Such neighborliness is frequently exhibit.- ed around Bunessan, and it is sure of its reward, Mr. Wm. Dodds. of Berkeley, and Mrs. \Vm. Firth, of Traverston, visited at. Mr. C. Firth’s last Sunday. C. C. McFayden’s benevolent coun- tenance was seen in the neighborhood recently. Colin is getting to be one of the greatest travellers in the county. Jewel and Archie McComb have resumed their studies in the H. S. department of the Durham school. We 6XpBCt to see their names well up on,the successful list next July. . School reopened last Thursday with. a fair attendance. Nothing of im-‘ portance transpired at the annual meeting of the ratepayers. General satisfaction was expressed with the progress of the school and the finan- cial report of the trustees. W. Davis got the contract for the wood at a $1.50 acord. Alex. MeCornb is the caretaker at a salary of $17. The old teacher, Alex. Firth, is re-engaged for $390 a year. The trustees are John Gray. Hugh Edwards and Alex. Binnie, the latter being also See.- Treas. Baby Humanâ€"Dr. Agnew": Oint- ; ment soothes. quiets. and effects quick and L‘efi'ective cures in :11 skin eruptions common ' to baby during teething time. It in bud» l less to the hair in cascs_of Scald 315de A II “Ll‘ - Vâ€"v Matrimony seems to be in the air this winter. Rumor says that even the Corner Gander begins to show signs of coming under its insidious sway. May it indeed be no. .6“ 5" .u' I.“â€" â€"_- cures Eczema. Salt Rheum and all Skin Dianna of older peeplo. 35 econâ€"55 DORNOGH Sold by Macb‘arlane A: Co BUN ESSAN. ,___._H 0.. 0â€"“ o-‘OOO” Group u the term: of every mother and the cease of frequent deaths wont small children. 1); Chase 2 “'19“ your leCIuC. uh; ow-.. -_ hlxh ln lts powers of curing cough nnd croup. My llttlo girl has been uuhject to the croup for n long tlmc. and I found nothlng to cure It until I gave Dr. Chuc'u Syrup of Llnoeed nnd Tur- pentine. I onnnotgpenk too highly of -- - â€"---- -- nu- ant to statute All the memoers present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communications and accounts read as follows: Fromj commissioner for ward 4. °report of road expenditures; from Jno. Mc- Arthur asking for a refund of taxes on account of loss by tire; from Thos. Davis certificate of statute lab- or having been performed for lms 7 and 8, con. 3 N. D. R.; from Jas. Edge report of local board of health ; lrom the Municipal|World an account for election stationery; and from Robert Mathews a gravel certificate. ‘ ‘“ ‘ I"- - .a - r-1 25 centa a bottle. all dealers. lanaon. Bates Co.. Torontc uUUUl V “'U" 'v Arrowsmithâ€"Firthâ€"‘I‘hnt the fol- lowing persons be excempt from land taxes for 1900, namely: Alice Flynn, Mrs. O'Hoar‘n, Mrs. Dillon, Mrs. Ginn and Mrs. Cameronâ€"Carried. Man-anIâ€"Firthâ€"That the ac- McCannelâ€"Firthâ€"That the ac- count of the Municipal World for election stationery and forms am- ounting to 87.22 be paid. â€"Carried. Firthâ€"McInuisâ€"That cheques be issued in favor of the several school boards for the several amounts due them, amounting in the whole to the sum of $4062.78. -â€"Carricd. ‘ ’ Arrowsmithâ€"-McInnisâ€"-That the report of the Local Board of Health be adapted and that the expenses amounting to 820 he paid.â€"Carried. Firthâ€"Arrowsmishw'l‘hat the fol- lowing gavel accounts he paid. viz.: Walter Nichol. 84.00; Chas. Mc- Arthur, 82.00; William Brittou, $4.50. â€"Carried. _ - - - on: - 1‘11, _ _ Dr. chuo’o syrup of Llncud and Turpentlno. The Council met D90 ' vâ€"â€"vâ€"v Arrowsmithâ€"Mclnnisâ€"Thu Chas. Sewell be paid 50 cents for removing a tree 05 the road at lot 27, con. 9, and Colin McArthur and l‘hos. Glen- cross be paid 81.00 each for cutting trees ofl the road on base line.-â€"Car- ried. _ I IV“. Firthâ€"Arrowsmithâ€"That M. Mc- Millan be paid 87.50 for building cul- verts at lot 16. D. B. also Robs. Edge 82.50 [or repairing bridge at lot 3 of 18, G. 1%., also Thos. Russell $6.75 for 4} cords of wood for Mrs. Dillon.â€" Carried . Va: 5 Iv FirtELâ€"McCsnnelâ€"Thst the Clerk be paid $10 on salary 810 for prepar- ing Minutes for publication. 45 cents for express charges. 84 cents for pestsge and 38 cents for oil for hall. cotsl 821.67.â€"Csrrie¢_i._ VVU". v-ouv v Firthâ€"~Arrowsmithâ€"«That this Council instruct. the Commissioner for ward 4 to refund to the Treasurer the sum of 830 being the amount drawn by the said Commissioner un- der cheques Nos. 1718 and 1719 as said amount had previously been paid on orders issued by the said commis- sioner.â€"â€"Carried. _ --v--'â€" McCennelâ€"Firthâ€"Tbat the report of the Commissioner for word 4 as now read he adopted and that cheques issue on the Treasurer for the sever- al sums therein contsined.â€"-Carried. Cheque were then issued as follows: Den Wilkie, grevelling st lot 1 of 12 G. °R., 85.00; W. Locheed. gravel- ling et lot 1 of 12 G. R., 87.60; Jno. Colbert. gruelling st lot 35, con. 3, E. G. R... 87.50; John Manlly, crossway, lots 6 and 6. con. 10, 85.00; Thos. Timmings, grevelling lot 35, con. 3, E. G. R., 89.60; W. Dormer, grsdin'g lot 15, con 3, E. G. R., 811.50; Wm. Locheed, grevelling lots 7 end 8, con. 2. $20.30; Wm. Kenny, grsding sud grevelling lots 35 and 36, con. 3, 38.55; A. Ditner. grevelling lot 11, con. 13. O3 60; Jos. Boyle. stoning townline i cost. $4.37 ; J emes Wilson. grsveliing lat 18, con. 9. 50 cents; Jss. Ellison, ditching lot 16, con 3. E., 25 cents; Wm. Dor- mer, cutting trees beseline, 82.00; Wm. Dormer. grevelling lot 4. con 10. 014.50; Total epprOpreation. 3100.17. .0 ‘ ‘_ ‘.-_J_.. 'va 5 Tfie'éouncil :djourned to Manda the 17th. __ “AA ‘7 “new”. Dec. 17. l900.â€"The Coun- cil met pureuent to edjournment, all the members preeent. The Financial I Statement for the year up to Decem- ber 15th wee submitted and examinn ed. . MoCennel-Firthâ€"Thet the Trees- urer’e Stetement now before ue be adopted end that 200 capiee of the some be printed in phemphlet form. end thet the Treeeurer be paid the eum of 85.00 for propering the some. â€"Cerried. After e. vote of thenke wee passed to the Reeve the Council edjourned Dec. 15th. pursu- All the members J. 3. Bum, Clerk. .â€"The Coun- A MERRY XMAS Ofiices : Wingham and Winter). Swedish, Scotch Canadian Wm. McCalmon, GRANITE MARBlE WORKS. Monuments R11) 111111, 111d Inscriptions Cut on Shortest Notice. GARAFRAXA Sr. â€"â€"-â€" DURHAM. Provision Store. .D. ”CNabo (>7 Emuxuwn fur lluwick. Wingham. c We wish you a happy and Prosperous Trusting that all had Ontario Land Surveyor.-â€"-â€" Civil and Drainage Engineer ' DURHAM. -â€" Sells (Imp IIPOBTER 01“ AND DEALER ll A Fresh line of Christmas Goods ies and Confectionery. Oranges 3 Figs, Nuts and Candies. Also the of Family Flour and Mill Feed 0 always on hand. Call and inspec CHRISTMAS YOI'RS FOR TRADE. Comes but Once a Year. his 01' her little prese \0\\ at (1111 store “6 11111 tensix cly fo1 the [101i ' (311510111918 will be surp many things they can ‘ "':‘6£-"-;.';a'i'2'2;‘c:‘ Jo‘s .117“: ..,y Others at. 10c, lie. 159, 180. U as the regular price In away“ Ten dozen - faggcy Inge edge}! we have beautiful silk ties with Applique Lace. A nioo Silk rud iiueu Drums of a|_l 1 We have a large: stock than lars, Hosiery mud Sun udOI ()Qrcuuts and Qubre In. U The largest and I of neckweur we started in busine with flowing el 'l‘ecks, Ascotts an mas swck is all We wish every Calder: Block. FOR GE Inflow stock Honey to Lon! at 1. terms to suit borrow. UPNCEâ€" )ch ntyr' FOR Office hours: ”to Residence and nice. Upper Town. Durlw Will visit. Price! of each week. from 1‘ - snnnt to R. 8. l 38. end amendlnf - having claims as“ William Lynn M about the nineteenth are required in Metal deliwr to J. 1’. Tel“ ham, Sulicimr for ‘ before (he lzth d: 1 their names. ad I! and ful' statement ‘ claims. and llle any) held by then. after the said duyl (seed to distribute m regard only W “I. shall then have no“ NUHCE Ifl Prom: 30‘" Id Write J as W! Wubl wt 0! 0:? Wantedfl ARRIS'I‘EB. . VEYANCEB. NOTICE IS Hg: Dated this 18th

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