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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jan 1901, p. 9

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i Slum" 12mm. Helm“ BLOCK - - Lowsn Towx II Inmv fibristmas ma 5am new Year. H. Gordon, - - jeweler At a fibrismas novelties. The Furniture and Under- taking business formerly ; carried on by J. A. Sliewellf will henceforth be known by the firm name of Shewell ; Lenaban, a partnership having been formed for the transaction of business. ' Old Customers and new ones are respectfully requested to ' call and visit us in our new! Show Rooms in the Mcln-‘ tg. re Block, next door to the * Bank, where we will be lound night and day to' cater to the wants of all. i During the Holiday Season. hose wishing to give a useful and lasting: Xmas present should see A. Gordon’s large stock of Watches, Ladies’. (lents’ and Boys’ sizes. Ladies’ and Gents’ Chains, Flatwear. Silverware. Sterling Silver and Ebony Novelties. Jew- alry, Clocks and Specs, * Sacrifice. McFARLANE ($1 00. Wall Paper THURSDAY. To make room for new stock we must clear out at any price. Nice papers from 3 cents up, worth 7c and 100. First come,first choice. On1y a few rooms of some patterns. l)mggiats 31. Bookseller- l HICKLING-~ARMSTRON(:. The residence of Mrs. .J. W. Arm- strong, Sydenham street, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on the afternoon of the 9th inst., when her third daugl1te1, Miss Adelaide 13. Armstrong was unitedin marriage to M1. F. “. Hickling, book keeper for the past nine yea1s in M. Rich ardson and Co ’3 merchantile estab- lishment here. Rev. Joseph Ward, of this place, performed the marriage ceremony in the presence of about itwenty-five guests, being relatives 'and immediate friends. Miss Maud Richardson played the wedding march. Miss Berry, of Lucknow. acted as bridesmaid, and wore a very pretty gown of cream satin with pink velvet bolero, black applique trim- mings. and carried pink roses. Miss. Dorothy Clark, of Ottawa, as flower g1rl, looked a picture in a cream silk dress accordeon plaited, carrying a basket of flowers. The bride, who was given away by her eldest brother, 1 Dr. George Armstrong, of Nor-thport.1 Washington, wore a lovely gown of cream brocaded satin, e11 train, trim- med with silk applique. 'I‘he yoke and sleeves were of embroidered chiflon. Her veil was fastened with natural orange blossoms, her shower bouquet being of bridal roses. M1. Fred Armstrong, 0 'I‘o1onto, cousin of the bride. was groomsman. The house was beautifully decorated with palms. ferns and flowers. After the ceremony and usual congratulations, the dejeuner was served, and later in the afternoon the happy couple left to Spend a few days in Toronto. The bride wore astylish trayelling ing gown of castor broadcloth. with Newmarket coat. Her hat was of castor velyet. trimmed with turquoise Llue and black. and a draped rim of honiton lace. The bride was the re- cepient of many handsome presents. Mr. and Mrs. Hickling have settled in their new home on Bill street, and Tun CHRONICLE correspondent joins their numerous friends in wishing them a long and happy life. On Thursday, the 10th inst” Mr. Robert. Rutledge, youngest son of the late William Rutledge, passed away on the old homestead, where he wad born near tnie village. Though Mr. Boiled” lied been in poor health for The grim reaper was at work in this community last week, the first to he called home being Mrs. Eliza. Graham, an esteemed old ladv of 84 years. who, after but a few day’s ill- ness. passed away on Wednesday morning, the 9th inet., at the home of her eon-in-lew. Mr. John Bellamy, this village. Her remains were in- terred in the Public cemetery on Friday, Rev. Mr. Ward conducting the funeral service. - FLESHERTON . (This weck’s budget ) THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. ‘7» 4, 1 33;er Miss Annie Richardson returned to Toronto on Monday after spending the Christmas holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mn. N. Richardson. Mr. F. G. Karated, and Mrs. F. Dafoe went. to Elmwood on Monday to attend the funeral of their sister’s child. Rev. L. W. Thom attended meet- ing of Presbytexy at Orangevillo on Tuesday. Mr. H. Noble and sister. of Mark- dale. visited at Mrs. Stewart’s on Saturday last. Miss A. McMillan, formerly in charge of the post oflice here, and thus 'well known to many of our readers, has successfully passed her probationary period in St. Luke’s HOSpital, New York, and is now a nurse in training in that most modern institution. Miss McMillan is in love with her work, and she has many friends who wish her the largest measure of success in her adapted profession. Mr. J. Sheppard. of Toronto Junc- tion, who is visiting his sons, T. J. and F, Sheppard, here, has purchased Mr. W. Henderson’s brick residence Opposite the Presbyterian church at $750, and with Mrs. Sheppard will settle here in March. The skating rink here, under the management of the band, was opened on New Year’s Day, and is to be open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings. On Wednesday evenings music by the band. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bunt received a nice New Year’s gift on Tuesday evening last week-a little girl to keep her sister company. t Among those from a distance who attended Miss Armstrong’s wedding last week were Mr. Holmes. New gYork; Mrs. J. 1). Clark Ottawa; Mr. Jas. Aikenhead, Mrs. Thomas E. yAikenhead. Miss Aikenhead. Miss ‘ Lizzie Armstrong, Toronto. I (‘rcwdml out last week. 3 The Methodist Sabbath School An- ' nivcrsary on New Year’s evening was lagain a great success. The attend- .ance was large, refreshments choice, [and program excellent. Tea was aservcd first to the children, who flew afterwards taken in several .Sleighs for a sleigh-ride, which was ' greatly enjoyed by all. At 8 o’clock a happy audience filled the body of the church, and Rev. Mr. Ward en- tered upon the program which was specially well sustained by the scholars of the school. .. The coming lot the Messiah” was a very pretty ldrama given by a number of little An impressive \Vatclmight service was held in the Methodist church Monday night last week. At the midnight hour the bell in the tower above rang out the old and rang in the now-the glad New Year. At the semi-annual business meet- ing of the C. E. Society, in Chalmer's church. on Friday evening last, offi- cers were elected for the current six months as follows z-oPres., Harry Stewart; Vice-Pres., Miss Hattie Sullivan ; Rec.-Sec., Miss Ethel Cross- ley; Con-Sec. and 'l‘t'eas., Mrs. J08. Blackburn. girls, and among,r the little folk who sang solos very sweetly were Miss Mabel Boyd. Miss Elsie Barnhouse. Miss Ruby Trimble and Master Clar- ance Reid. Highly appreciated solos were rendereduby Mr. Barnhouse, Miss Zilla ’l‘rimble and Mrs. Black- burn. Mr. M. Richardson, M. P.. who has attended 3-1 anniversaries of the School gave a reminiscent ad- dress in his usual pleasing manner. The annual report, presented by Mr. Thos. Clayton, showed tha' the school had had a prosperous year. The average attendance of scholars was 86, carefully managed and taught by 8 officers and 15 teachers. v --â€"v m"'-"'.. v. D pfeviouatp his deduce that he wing-Northport, Wash. 'l‘er., are visiting atoniaiarmingly ill. death resultingfihe toriner’s mother. Mrs. J. W. “from an afiection of the heart. His ‘Armstrong. . [remains were interred in the Public Mr. (3011,0303. of Aberdeen. Ben- ,cemetery here, on‘Sunday afternoon. tinck 'l‘p., was in tan u on SaturdAy, Fan ‘PP'OPT‘P‘G ”"3911 bOiBK preached ‘ and has been Waiting for some days ;by ROV- Mr. Ward "1 the Mflho‘h“ ; withhis brother, at Ueylon. chuach before going to the cemetery. The funeral was under the auspices of the Orange Order, and was very' iargely attended, representatives be-I W. Clayton. ing present from the lodges at Proton. M . J D ‘1 k f O . Eugenia, Vandelenr, Orange Valley , , ’3' ' ' (, ar 9 ° “3‘", '8 and Markdale. Deceased was not , Visiting her mocher. Mrs. J. \V. only a member of the Methodist Armstrong. church here, but had, for some time, Mrs. E. Vanzant, of Oakville, is been a class-leader, in which ofice be visiting friends here. succeeded his father. A widow and Miss Hamilton. of 'l‘hornbury, is five 0" a family are 19“ to mourn his 1 Visiting at her uncle’s, Mr. E. Hamil- early departure, he being but 42 years ‘ lon’s, here. of age. I ,--. ,fl... . .._.- _ Mr D. Clayton, who, two years ago, located at ~Siutaluta, N. W. 'I‘.. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Artemesia Council commenced the year’s work in the council chamber on Monday last. The members were all present. and took the prescribed declaration of oflice. Among the ap- pointments made were Mr. R. N. Henderson and Mr. Jos. Blackburn, auditors for 1900, and Mr. Uhas. W. Bellamy, assessor for the 1901. Mr. J. Bunt, of \Voodbridge. is spending a few weeks with his broth- er. \V. H., the undertaker. On Friday, the 11th inst., Mrs. Anthony Kenny was suddenly taken from .her aged partner and earthly home. on the 4th line, three miles east of this place. to her home beyond the bar death, resulting in her case also from heart trouble, Her re- mains were interred on Monday in the Roman Catholic cemetery, Glen- elg. Miss Emly Stephens. of Coiling- wood, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. S Ramon. and other friends here. Ol' it. was ugly five days Dr. and 351's. .Geg. Armstrong, through my body from feet to head. I consulted eur temlly phyelclen end two other doctore. but they told me that ebout my tlme of life I wee likely to be troubled ln thle fiey. I continu- elly grew worse end deepelre'd of ever belnx cured: Dr. Cheee'e Nerve Food came to my notice. end ee we heve Dr. Cheee'e Recipe look I hed con- fidence tn the doctor. I wee eo eur- prleed et the help I received from the first box .thet I bought three more. They bullt me rltht up end mede me feel heelthy end yo eceln. They have proven e creel: to me, end I hope thle teetlmonlel will be of help to some week. nervoue women nut. terlng u I dld.” Dr. Chase’s News Food. Mrs. Chu. Keeling, 3e11,. Owen Sound, Ont.. writes :-â€""It 1: a. pleuure to tell what great benefits I have derived from the use or Dr. Chm’n Nerve Food. I am 55 years of age. and for about five year: my lite wu one of mu nutter- tng from nervousness. weekneu and extreme plays! I attention. I could not sleep, on; _ot gin-he! would)“; Mu. D. J. MCKINNEY, of the Out- ario House, Mt. Forest, died last week after a few day’s illness from pneumonia. Cure I will be the gladdest woman in the world to give it."says Mrs. John Bean- montmf Elora. “I had despaired of re- covery u to the time of taking this wonder. {ul rem y. It cured completely."â€"58 A Woman’s Troubles. Wallsâ€"oMcIntyreâ€"That we now adjourn to meet on Saturday, Feb. 9th, to receive the auditors’ report, applications for assessor, tenders for printing and general business.â€"Car- ried. Bed-ridden 15 years.â€"" If any- body “ants a written guarantee from me personalty a_s t9 my wonderful_c_ure from Resolved that the following ac- counts be paid :â€"J. A. Lambert, bal- lots. 84; each D. R. O. 88.50; Clerk, distributing ballots, $3 ; do registra- tion fees, 91 births, 1'? marriages and 48 deaths, amounting to 831.20 ac- cording to the Act. personally as to m wonderful cure from r_heum_atis_r_q 19y Spat America: Rheumagic McFaddenâ€"Robb~1‘hat the Clerk receive tenders for printing marked “ Tender ” also applications for As- sessor a: next session of Council, As- sessor’s salary 860 not including sel- ection of Jurors.â€"â€"Carried. Wallâ€"McIntyreâ€"That Conn. Mc- Fadden be instructed to have the brus‘hwood between lots 14-15.con1 2. removed; provided it can be done for the material on the ground.â€" Carried. Robbâ€" Wallsâ€"That Coun. McFad- den be instructed to examine the val- idity of the Treasurer’s sureties in the Registry Office, Durham.â€"-Car- ried. McIntyreâ€"Wallsâ€"That the reeve and clerk be a committee to meet the reeve of Arthur at Mt. Forest, to settle accounts on the boundary line of Egremont and Arthur, and report at next meeting of Council.â€"â€"Curried. McIntyreâ€"Robbâ€"That the Clerk be instructed to prepare a Code of new Tp. By~laws for the guidance of 'l‘p. officers and others, and present them for ratification at next sessxon of Council.â€"Carried. Wallsâ€"McFaddenâ€"That the acc’t of Dr. Sneath laid over from last meeting be not entertained.â€"Carried. By-law No. 134 for the appointing of a member of the Board of Health, together with a Medical Health of- ficer passed the usual readingsâ€" Blanks filled in with the names of John Snell and Dr. Sneath as M. H. D. was passed, signed, etc. Wm. McFadden, Councillors. Min- utes of previous meeting read and confirmed. By-law No. 133 for the appointing of auditors was filled in with the names of Jno. A. Swans- ton and John Ross was passed, sign- ed, etc.. salary 88 each. Mr. Collinsou. of Aberdeen. Ben- tinck Tp., was in tauu on SaturdAy, and has been Waiting for some days withhis brother, at Ueylon. Mr D. Cltytom who, two years :30, located at Simuluu, N. W. 'I‘.. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. Clayton. Like Tearing the Heart stflnn--â€"“ It is nut with n the umccp- thou of man to measure my great suffering: from heart disease. F or yearslcnduwd almost Constant cutting anltcaringpuins about my heart. and manyatime “amid have welcomed deazh. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart has worked a veritable mir- acle.”â€"Thos. Hicks. Perth. Ont â€" 59 Sold by MacFarlanc 6; Co. Council met Jan’y 14th. Members elected subscribed to the required de- clarations and took their seats as fol- lowszâ€"D. McQueen. reeve; D. Me. Intyre. W. C. Robb. J. W. Walls and EGBEHONT COUNCIL. Sold by MacFarlnne Co. D. ALLAN, Clerk. Inscriptions Cut on Shortest Notice. GABAFBAXA Sr. â€"â€" DURHAM. Just Arrived. Provision Store. GRANITE MIBBlE WORKS. Monuments Repaired, and Swedish, Scotch Canadian Wm. McCalmon, J .D. ficNab, l - - . W. S. ' Cam: 5 “I B 'g 4, Block. fgfigfignn We extend a cordial invite examine our goods and ta prices. We have a large lot of Bo; Caps which we will clear at cent. Bargains in Dress C and in fact, all winter good: 5 doz. suits fleece lined undi to clear a Overcoats I ENGINEER fur Howiok. Wingham, c Blankets ! You Can Save Mon Furs I H. W. M00 . H. BEAN. : Wingham and Wiarton. -- DURHAM. -- C?“ rows FOR TRADE. Ontario Land Surveyor,-â€"â€" Civil and Drainage Engineer IIPORTER OF AND DEALER IN A Fresh line of Christmas Good ies and Confectionery. Oranges Figs, Nuts and Candies. Also th of Family Flour and Mill Feed always on hand. Call and inspe ’0 wish you a happy and Prosperous Trusting that all had 813.00 Overcoats 812.00 Overcoat: $8.00 Overcoats Blankets worth 85.00 per pair. f Blankets worth 84.7b per pd: Blankets wohh 84.25 per pair; By taking advantage of d es. Until January 318?. \l in g scasonable goods at rates : 1 only Electric Seal caperino, 1 only rufl'. reg. 8.3.50. now.. Caps that were 83.50. now. .. Caps that were $2.25, new. .. Mufls that were $1.75, now .. Mulls that were $2.50. new . . Cheaper coal in Block. 3 Collections 0' cl DI'RHAM. w um .34 Jim. Misses; Dick» 1 announce ally that they Ill stock of Milli!“ in one of the LI in the New [cl they are prepm est styles in a“ and fancy good. ble prices. Ll fully solicited. - teed. : Arthur Will visit. Priom of «ch weak (to. Money to Lou terms to unit hon Residence and Upper TOR-7n. Urn” Nell Ormcnzâ€"I Notary

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