West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jan 1901, p. 2

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0 Assembly win b. NEWS. main on its rounds, Rb and Mrs. Mockler Idvevtisap a stock change of ad M Meeting at Towm by night. Mr. J. A ted By an took pan Agricultural Soci- Innual meeting for ldtficers and other Igo to press. ---No. 1767. la 0! the Presby- ’0 preparing the lather. which will Mime; ' Ilt Mr. John A. mistrar is about ”fly for the new I construction by mth Grey Farm- held in Durham |9th and at Hol Jan. 21, 1901. LI. is the Sec’y. fln’mmet with Ming wood at in the fracture h laid up for a ‘llg serious, w.- a an At Homé ; in honor of Ion and Miss The Misses [‘89 and Mfg. .smal! social-l I the Presby- day next and the Chgl'ega- Monday, when I'ill be made. , but the at- D" cattle was pedicine man nest crowd. 'n‘ we think him: should ' death. to Lord’s Sn p - n quali ices. report the loath from Adlam, of thich took I deceased, was a son I grandson Bentinck. i and [,1pros- “If," to} :In; a of in .he , ,-__-- -..v "vuuu- W679 Lard-sod. several s’citches being neces- m heap the parts in their piece. The boy will likely recover. but it is highly probnble he will wry some ugly negro to his grave with him. Monday last, ason of Mr. Jas. Park. a boy about twelve years old, was fearfully worried by a dog, but we ' hope no serious results will follow .' the injuries}. The. dog, which was evidently a fierce brute, belongs to Mrs. Dillon. a little south of the town, and; we understand. is con- Itantly chained up to keep him from doing any damage. It seems the boy was either trying to pet the brute or .4“ him something to eat when he suddenly sprang forward grabbing himby the [throat and rolling him on the ground beneath. l‘he dog then commenced h's work 0! gnawing the boy’s throat, which he lacerated most fearlully. almost to the extent of laying bare the windpipe. How the little fellow became liberated from the fierce grip of-the influriated ani- lma], ~We are unable to make clear. . lbut we learn that to do so he had to get his hand into the dog’s mouth to make him relinquish his hold. In I thil fearful lacerated and bleeding ‘ condition \he was brought to Dr. Jadeaon’s, where the wounds were in) _--J ~ . - ‘ ‘ ‘ I move that crops would grow at all under such unfavorable conditions. The harvesting machinery there is wholly different from ours. and grain after being cut is sometimes left on the ground for weeks without inim-v Monday last, a son of Mr _ c _.--... .u oclllla Ul I highest praise. We join their large circle of friends and acquaintances in wishing them long. happy and pros- perous lives, Mr. \Vhelan is now on- gaged in a prosperous mercantile business in Hepworth, end as an honest and reliable young man we have no hesitation in recommending him to the public confidence. amzluamtanceship. Mr. and Mrs. Whe some time, and an truthfully must be I ‘:,_‘LA~A . -‘- ything we can say said in terms of: AT the meeting of the Town Coun- .cil on Monday night there were three applications for tie position of town Constable. an ofl‘ice which has hither- to brought in the munieficcnt salary of twenty-five dollars ayear, with the chance of getting in a few pick- ings. For 1901 the salary is 830 00, and Mr. Carson has been re-appoint- ed. This is not half value for the work if done properly, but in the face of keen competitions the council is ”IN another column appears the marriage notice of Mr. J. P. Whelan and Miss Mary Large. The import- ant event took place in Toronto on Wednesday of last week. and as both contracting parties were well and favorably known in and' around Dur- ‘ L._4 A A‘ WE are just in receipt of a copy of “ Picturesque Canada ” by Rev. Prin- cipal Grant, which is being handled this year in connection with the To-‘ ronto Star, and furnished to yearly subscribers at a cost of one dollar extra. The work was originally sold in pamphlet form 36 numbers at 600. a number or a total cost of $21.60. with say an additional couple of dol- lars {or binding. The whole work, bound in cloth, good letter press. good paper and profusely illustrated is certainlya marvel of cheapness. We would consider the book alone cheap at the price asked for it and the paper together viz. $2.50. Dr- ders taken at this office where a copy of the book and paper may be seen. Probably no live stock man is bet- ter known in the province than Mr. J nrnee Tolton. of Wnlkerton. Mr. Tolton he made n epecinlty of sheep and is prepared to discuss any phase of the subject renting to this most important industry. Mr. A. C. Hallman, of New Dundee, who will Speak on “Breeding and Care of a Dairy Herd ” and on the “Bacon Hog," is an authority on these subjects. He was selected last year by the people of the Great . West to judge all of the dairy cattle exhibited at the Winnipeg and Bran- don Fairs. He is alsoa prominent exhibitor of hogs of the bacon type at our best Ontario shows. Every per- son who keeps a pig or a cow should be present and hear Mr. Hellman. “m‘f‘lh‘_IWâ€"uvm __'â€"- v-U I-‘QV "qu while there 150k sharply after bit of informntion that migh him in his work. The Farmers’ Institutes are doing good work in getting together the most prominent farmers of each selves matters pertaining to their own business. To be successful in farming, as in all other lines of in- dustry, it is necessary to have co-operation and the mutual exchange of ideas. Methods of farming havel entirely changed within a few years. The active brain must now be associ- ated with the strong arm if genuine success is to ‘be achieved. The farmer of to-day must read, must apply scientific principles to his work. must keep an account of everything he buys and cells. must weed out the unprofitable animals of his herd, must recognize and destroy the pestilent The Speak practical and stock raisers. FARMERS INSTITUTE mrmas. ' their mother who is seriously ill Mn. W. D Mills was 11) Dornoch and vici ' ' Geo. Blyth, of the Chatsworth News, ‘is'spending a few days with Mr. end Mrs. Storrey. We had a pleasant. call from her Wednesday morning. Miss Julie. Weir left. spend a. term at the On. School. We hope she honors with her. Mr. McWilliams. cf Owen Sound, was in town a few days this week in connection with the cement works. Miss Hampnen returned Wednes- day to Mt. Forest after spendinga pleasant visit with'Mrs. H. W. Mock- ier. Mr. and Mrs. Aussum, and Mrs. Robertson, of Pricevill. visited the McGowan family last week. ‘ Miss Stanbury, who has been visit- ing at Dr. Gun’s left. for her home at Hayfield, Monday last. Thos. Pollock. on old Durhamite. is engaged with Mr. Gutherio blacksmith business. in his Mr. Gough, of Mt. Forest, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. (Rem) Cameron has gone to Toronto to reside with friends. Miss Ball, of Warminister, is visit- ing her aunt, Mrs. Inspector Camp- bell. Mrs. Babcock, of Buflalo, is the‘ guest of her mother, Mrs. W. J. Irwin. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peel and daugh- ter, Loretta, visited. friends in Owen Sound Sunday. Speakers advprtisod are all P MORAL max. successful farmers and “-0.. ”-0â€"â€" Weir left Monduy to t the Ottawa. Normal Imps she’ll take back alter every might help home, tad o morougnbred ehorthorn heifers, rising 2 yeere. 2 ball calves. All registered ”66%;”; Apply to J“. 8â€"4. . ‘ “rah-Ila The annual meeting of the share- holders of the Durham Furniture Company will be held in the town ‘ hall. Durham, on Wednesday evening January 23rd. commencing at 7.30 p. m., for the purpose of electing ofli- cere, receiving financial statements! and the transaction of any other busineu that may be required. D. Juneau; l’rea. J. KELLY, Sec. Durham. Jan. 10th, l901.-2. We understand that a new educa- tional institution has been started in the western part of our’village. From the distance apart that teacher and pupils are during the course of study followed, it is found necessary to use sign language and the alphabet of those deprived of speech. It is to be hoped that nothing will occurr to in- terrupt- these interesting studies. which can only be carried out in day. light. The above circumstances show the necessity of an eletric plant being introduced here, 3 thopughlirei thou-thorn as been un- we are. dear Madam. 't der the care of Dr. Boyle far a few V days. has again resumed her duties ‘o in Mr. A. Butter’s store. . last Friday evening. Although the 1901 ’ weather was not the most favorable there was a large turn out of the Jao'.‘ % pupilsand their friends. Many more ‘I f . would have been present but for the .. 12; prevailing sickness. Notwithstand- ” :3 ing there was an audience of about 300 who to all appearance thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated the program Snowfall f01‘ week provided, which was of such a length sunshitye. General that it .is impossible to give it detail. Willd S. W- to N- W. The singing of the scholars of the ery. From the “3901‘ Senior and Junior departments. the meteorolagical depar recitations, the dialogues, the tnilit- that ”WOW-{MM the 812V drill by 16 of the boys in full and West the rain {.1 regimentals, the flag drill by 1 ' ‘ ' Rainfall for the Nova 8 the month of Decemb eighteen days and on took a part in the program. J. Mc-I Arthur, Esq., occupied the chair and complimented the School at the close for the good order they kept. Pro- ceeds, $15.00. which for the benefit of the School. Dr. J. G. Hutton. of Durham, took in the School Entertainment on last Friday evening. We understand he had a busy time that day, many of his old friends calling at his Bolger’s Hotel. Town Conn The town council HM and subscribed to th declaration of office. at council adjourned till 6 the evening, when a in tion met around the -' first time in the 20th c rooms at Calder presiding. 'l‘he Miss Robertson der the care of Dr dill/8. has again res in Mr. A. Bllttnr’a a that better land, while realizing how _ attacked have got a turn for the bet- great the loss is to you and family of ill. she is on the mend. Mr. John Hi3, 00""9‘3‘i0" ‘f’ith ”{0 0’3"“ McArthur, County Cour, is nursing Assomation for_over 00 yrs. l8 marked a stifl neck and your Cor. is also in by the distinguished ofiiCial posmons the dock for repairs, in fact only for whicli.he occnpied in the Order and .fear of more adverse criticism my the faithful diseliarge of the duties budget would have been missing this and responsibilities of the several week. otiices with which from time to time he was intrusted by his brethren. athérOC‘YJ. 0" Wafisongeliarngs: f‘fie: He was endeared to all whose privi ' ‘. ames ’ as en 0. . u y o lege it was to be associated with him some time With the prevailing com- . ' ' ‘ and to his Durham Brethren in par- £13321}: He 18 now able to be out and ticular who will Imm. Mum..- in- It is ndiflicult mntter this post few days to find a. family in this village that etlenst one member and in many cases the whole family are not sufler- in; from ln grippe or something very much like it. So for most of those nttecked hsve got a turn for the bet- ter. The Rev. J. A. Matheson could not perform his ministerial duties last Sunday. Mr. Dugald McLean is sufiering from a severe attack. Mr. h It.“ around Priceville, and some competic sons were made showing how othe Cor’s gsve so meny more items in their budgets that we were complete- ly snowed under. It is very unfor- tunete that we are so neglectful “lid ‘ diletory. but we heve only a small field end unless we were to introduce items that bed no existence we really ‘feil to see where we. could do much better then we sre. Any panties who feel eggrieved in this respect tion hyleerin'g e note in the Post Oflice, Priceville, addressed Chronicle Correspondent, it will be promptly PRICEVILLE. Orchu'd. WHELANâ€"I ADLAMâ€"At Cheboygxn. Michigan, on the 8th Inst. John Adhm, Son of Mr. Baht. Adbm. late of Allan Park, Iced 21 yearn. (Typhoid). HAYâ€"In Egr'emont, on Wednesday. Jury 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Bay, a daughter. MOGILLIVRAYâ€"In Glens! . on Mondgy, o'fsn'y 14th. to Mr. and Mn. Net McGillivny, a son. The town council met on Monday and subscribed to the statutes of declaration of office. after which the 1 council adjourned till eight o’clock in ' the evening, when afull representa- ‘ tion met around the-table for the first time in the 20th century, Mayor Calder presiding. The various CORP: mittees for the year were appointed, and the finance committee examined accounts to the amount of $180, and recommended payment. Following are the appointments :â€"- Finance. Gors'line, Livingston, Hunter. Board of Works, Hunter, McFarlane an Whelan ; Fire and Light, Guthrie. Whelan, MacFarlane ; Property Liv- ingston, 'Guthrie, Gorsline; Court of Revision, Calder, Hunter, Guthrie, Livingston, Gorsline ; Printing. Liv~ ingston, MacFarlane, Guthrie. Offi- cials- Assessor, W. B. Vollett ; :Health Inspector, H. MacKay ; Con- stable, Ias. Carson; Pound keeper, Thos. Daniels ; Fence Viewers. Alex. McComb, Ben. M913, J. Davidson ; Stoker for the hall. Ed. Burnett; Medical Health Officer, Dr. Gun ; once of the brido'osunnta, Janna? 3th. 1901, b the Rev. J 11. liver. Mr. J. . . IIopvm-th, to'lflu Muy Edith, (“lighter of- Xt. mm Lulu. ' 9mg “15' wind S. W. to N. W. and very blust- ery. From the reports issued by the meteorolagical department we learn that throughout the Dominion, East and West the rain fell in December was very deficient, in many districts being less than half the average save and except in Nova Scotla, where in snow fell His connection with the Orange Association for over 50 yrs. is marked by the distinguished oflicial positions which he occupied in the Order and the faithful discharge of the duties and responsibilities of the several offices with which from time to time he was intrusted by his brethren. He was endeared to all whose privi long revere the memory of one who in his daily life so faithfully reflected the character- ist ics of a true Ornngeman. Again assuring you of our deepest respect, sympathy and sincere re- gards for your future welfare. Signed on behalf of District Lodge . fully yours. WM. RITCHIE. D. M. Tues. Rn‘cms, Rec. Sec’y District L. O. L. comprising and rep- resenting the Orangemen of the Dis- trict of Durham. desire to express their profound sympathy with you and the members of your family in the sad bereavement which in the providence of Almigety God you have so recently been called to bear in the removal by death from your family circle of a loving and devoted hus- band and a kind, indulgent and sym- pathetic parent, trusting that our Heavenly Father will grant you sustaining grace in this your hour of sorrow and bereavement and that you may find comfort and consolation in .kh k-‘â€"‘ DEAR MADAM, Letter of Condolence L. O. L. Durham District, to In. Christopher . MARRIED. LARGEâ€"In Toronto, .6 the mid- WEATHER BULLETIN. For week ending Jan. 12, 1901. TEflPERATUBE. 6 Mgg. 73_ Min. °“. 0.0 oâ€". ~ g‘ Town Council DIED. BORN. neared to all whose privi ‘to be associated with him Durham Brethren in par- 0 will long revere the one who in his daily life .. 15 “ 51' .. 10 “ 24 “ 17 “ 24 the week in. 0.5. ed: 14 inches. No eral direction of the F. W. and very blust- reports issued by the CONDOLENCE. Dominion, East {all in December in many districts the average save . 1901. 3] 31 37 6’4 31 :34 24 Wishing alll a happy New Year we] . are your ’8 for trade.‘ 5.? f E 2° 3: 1:? i :3 ooooooooooooooooooo -wM‘ F N ate a few of the bargain! w. ofler in We have put on the counter el_l lengths of Drese Goods, suiteble fol Weer. or for eeperete weiets or cl will find 3 hernia in them. no we h: price may down to deer Goods in Exchange for Produce l'lillinery. islet-get than ever before. Get eur pl Boys‘ Suits and Overcome. Thev will i1 Now ll tho time to select your unit ha!-â€"- -!--‘ Christmas Groceries. an an: Oil the Store my Corner. The But? All our Trimmefid HIM at half price ! you. our clogbing is tinâ€"ewir us or skirts. You . u we have cut [the I_ A- -._ so. Then. too. the menace. Our stock Get our price in They will interact 0 l‘ 0 VOI‘OOI t

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