West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jan 1901, p. 5

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“M FATuEn,-â€"I am not quite sure how long it in since I last wrote you, bn‘ u the fighting is getting pretty nil ground here, I guess I can find something half-interesting to talk nbont. -"â€"vâ€" A native was stabbed in the stomo ach recently. while he was sleeping, having got into a row some time previous over a game of monte. He was taken to the hospital immediate- ' and was dressed, The post mortem showed that he. had been poisoned by the knife, but that his stomach had not been penetrated. - I“ l‘l u ‘r “.' V- U", v- -s up, fled and got the patrol, who came promptly to the rescue, but not be- !ore he had received several cuts on the lip. When the natives saw the patrol coming they lost heart, and the Sergeant got up and fought his way through them. He ran to the post hospital and had his wounds dressed by Major Fisher. He seemed to be doing nicely up to the 12th day when he took a relapse. The wound became poisoned and the result was he contracted lock‘jaw. from which he never recovered. His funeral was conducted in true-military style, he- dressed by Major Fisher. He seemed! r to be doing nicely up to the 12th day; Cascade, Jan, 0th, 1901. when he took a relapse. The wound! ’l‘m-s EmTOR: became ponsoned and the result was . . . - ' the 20 ult, the prices of some articles 5 conducted in true military style, be~ “1 British Columbia. It may be in- ing led by the 19th Infantry band to the Mabolo cemetery. His remains5 _ . . were drawn on a 800 carriage aml‘tion for labor, and if you .conSIder his horse draped in black, and having; worth YVh‘le .you may publish same. the hook saddle and sabre reversed, I L‘fgmnmfi ““11 section men they .re- followed his flowery coffin to its last?celve 313"? per day 3 ordinary 1300f resting place. This was one of the i from 32-00 to $2 29 P9" day i lumber- meu or woodmen about $40.00 per most impressive and largely attended 1 , funerals ever seen in Cebu, the Serg- ; month )3“? board'; timbermen at cant being well liked by all who knew * mines 39'7” t0 33-2” per day ; "WC“- him. The native who killed him was ‘19“ (men working underground, shov- l afterwards caught, but had hardly elling, etc.,) 33°90; miners $350 by , law. Men working underground are stepped inside Fort Pedro when a‘ , forty-five took the greater part ofno: allowed to.work more than eight his head 0! and put an end to him. [hours per day in B. C. Ulerk_s, about : $00.00 per month, board 80.25 per M- 00min“? has been having a week. All have got to have their pretty hard “a.” Of it.for the past own blankets. towel, soap, etc., as month or ”' bemg 53mm.“ nearly "Hi board in lumber camp means some- :3 tune. dTh. magnum!) gag. hats': thing to eat with a cold, damp camp 0“ m°'° 0}“ ‘ ere “9 “m '_to sleep in. Generally bunks are Lawton i. burning and_laying waste made with small. round poles or 6w”, [VI-V iv v“ u..- -â€" resting place. This was one of the i ”0'“ WM" W W W PW “w 2 ------- 0.. 'men or woodmen about $40.00 per pf most impressive and largely attended 1 , funerals ever seen in Cebu, the Serg- ; month )3“? bo‘art‘l)’; timbermen at St: eant being well liked by all who knew ; mines ‘3‘?" teed...» per day; muck- him. The native who killed him was i ers (men working underground, shov- afterwards caught, but had hardly lelling, etc.,) 3.3.90; miners 8.5.00 by stepped inside Fort Pedro when a; law. Men’working undergroundare 01 forty-five took the greater part of nm allowed to.work more than eight h his head 03 and put an end to him. 2 goggzper day mtg Cgoabéerésshabou: t , \ . no . per mon , r .-o pe' ‘ M“ (’gmdp'Ty 11an by!“ .httLvmg ti week. All have got to have their 2‘ pre 2h ar hm.” 2i *1“. m e 199:3“, own blankets, towel, soap, etc., as ‘ 3011 t' or ”’Tfmgm int”): "6:; yl‘ l board in lumber camp means some- bee ”n.’ d “t :h r: “g Liehatslthing to eat with a cold, damp camp d Len‘ m9'eburr2iun anti laain Was”; to sleep in. Generally bunks are allwth: ‘zountry gin thaty digrection made with small, round poles or . ' ° . '1‘ k ‘ it h t Em! M" 3? boneless out w W 3333.322... 1.033%? °iltei°hav§inii g’:;‘::L::d:Lgnz‘rgiiiif‘ogflsyzll:l" to cut wood afzer night or Sunday, . ‘ '2 generally cut a good pile Sunday \Ve are. liable ‘0 move any “1116‘ which is all burnt by Monday even. ' now. and It is hardOto say where ‘we | ing, then candle it for the rest of the '1“ 80 to, but I thlnk It W1" be (Jat'o . WEBk. I have been 1n the woods of . car.“ Th? 44th Infantry “41.300“ be 1 Upper Michigan and with the excep- ‘3 . t0 00b“ ‘0 mobilize here 1 ticn of getting up at 2:30 a. m. occas- 1 before. going home "“3 WM ““11 , ionally in the Spring it was very ‘} necessitate the movrng 0‘ the "OOPS, comfortable. Indeed, to be compared in 00b!) to the former stations of the ‘ With the way some woodsmen sufler 44th. We Will probably 86'» horses 0 in this country. with working in or 50" I hope not. “9 ”"9 "‘93“ more , about the mines it is adifferent prep- work. and I don’t care much for work . osition ; quite comfortable. Respect- anyway. table camps, hot or cold water and E. Company baseball team played plenty of wood. some one there to H. Company last Sunday for $100 a'keep things in place. Take it all aide and defeated them, this making 1 round there is probably a chance to make more money here than around them the best team on the island. i , The, '1'. going to play a repur“ matCh '. Durham but a person car! t freeze on- aoon for 8400 a side. They play the . to it. . Inyou want a drink on. a cold “u, band on Sunday next, but I morning it costs 15 cents,or might as think it will be a regular sudding. well have. another 33 two 0913’ COMB Cebu is im roving rapidly now two bits (‘20 cents), and a hair cut 50 d h 9 all :0, cts for becomin ’ , cents so that at the end of the month Scandacity i: ghgpoPhilippines Se: check in one hand and sccount in éhe ‘ . ' other pretty near a a ance. ut :3 am; agate;:nd“g:lve‘lll‘rongnl;¢::is:§ down a little next month will make «aw-mm .. mo 'Mm' shifting population who wont work? I run 3000 chances 0' Betting out while they have any money, but next 30th of June. and if I do I am drink whiskey. ' 82532131 €2.33 $33333: Sorry Km" 893' W Pm 9 .mfine tralia and South Africa and see what working m our Immediate “multif- kind of a place it is any how. We They are on either snoeof us but we are only 14 days sail from Brisbane h".° some very promising prospects “a Q‘i“ ,‘ 10‘ nearer Am“ than which 1 have no doubt will be further h Maine California. Well I developed in the near future. Gas- “‘9‘ '.“ .0 ,weary you with . lot cade is an excellent site for a town, e! Mold ehie go, I“, you won’t aonatural outlet to the U. 8.: Chris- !ed I! next letter. so I may as well trana L‘k°' 13’ ““1“ 1°38 ‘dJOWiDB 3 that I a- in good health and saw ‘ natural water power. 20.000 horae ‘1 power, waiting for the plant. _ “‘â€" L- A“ 01 f l C i I r W. Irwm, wâ€"F Coho is improving rapidly now, and has nll prospects for becoming second city in the Philippines. Sev- eral largo stores and dwelling houses an being put up, and the English speaking race is moving in to occupy tho-m. I run good chances of getting out. an: 30th of June. and if I. do I am going to work on one of SmxthoBell ‘ 2“-..) “A:nm 0A Al‘n VIII. .' 'V v ’n. boats. I intend going to Ans l tralia and South Africa and see what kind of a place it is any how. We an only ll days sail from Brisbane and quite a lot nearer Africa than 8.. Francine, California. Well I don’t want to weary you with a lot of till old ohln, for fear you won't and I! non letter. so I may as well a, a.» I an in good health and saw ol. Btu much to all. Your son, FRANK IRWIN. he JANUARY 17, 1901- Co. 3., 19¢}: Inlntry, Cebu P. I. Editor :ngl "l ““U VV Iv.- rection. Split cedar. To make it soft hustle in {"3“ some balsam boughs. Men have also '13 W" " to cut wood after night or Su ndaih you. generally cut a good pile Sunday Y “m". which is all burnt by Monday even- N379 W9 ing. then candle it for the rest of the he CM" ' week. I have been in the woods of 300" be Upper Michigan and with the excep- ze here, ticn of getting up at 2:30 a. m. occas- IM “My ionally in the Spring it was very ' ”0°93 ' comfortable. Indeed, to be compared 3 0f the ‘ with the way some woodsmen suffer horses l in this country, with working in or 38 more . about the mines it is adifferent map- or work . osition; quite comfortable. Respect- ;able camps, hot or cold water and I played plenty of wood. some one there to r 5100 a' keep things in place. Take it all makingiround there is probably a chance to mun imake more money here than around DEAR MAD“.â€" His connection with the Orange Association for nine years is marked by the destinguished official positions‘ which he occupied in the Order and the faithful discharge of the duties and responsibilities of the several oflicers with which from time to time he was intrusted by his brethren. He was endeared to all whose privilo ege it was to be associated with him and to his brethren of “ 861 ” in par- ticular who will long revere the memory of one who in his daily life lso faithfully reflected the character- listics of a true Orangeman. THURSDAY. Again assuring you of our deepest respect, sympathy and sincere re- gards for your future welfare. Signed on behalf of District. Lodge we are. dear M adam, faithfully yours. WM. RITCHIE, D. M. Tues. RITCHIE, Rec. Sec’y It is with pleasure I note the en-\ largement of the CHRONICLI thereby knowing that the locnlity is enjoying ' a progresaive ere. Your locnle and: correspondence nre very interesting, even if some of the correspondent“ do tell no nbont Dick'going to tee‘ Sell or Jim told Jock told IO and no.1 Wiahing the Gamma“ a progra- Iive century. I remain BRITISH COLUMBIA ¢â€".â€" o-v‘ 0.0 0-4 -...-â€"~ Very Truly You". POLSON Proprietors. At the Kingston penitentiary, on! Thursday morning, an operation was performed on George Pare, the Nap- inee bank robber, in which the fam- ous convict lost his leg above the knee. The bone became affected and Pare was unable to walk. A consul- tation of physicians resulted in a de- cision to remove the leg about three inches above the knee, which was carried out Thursday. be u! DO NOT BELIEVE IT. i Do not believe that Nerviline will} This is how the editor of the Hum- cure neuralgia “Numb“ If you“bolt. (Ram) Herald recently announ- teeth “he console 30"”33” “Mb thelced his marriage: “ Mr. A. F. No- reflection that pain can’t last.lor Carthy (that’s us) and Miss Nannie 9“” D°“’t’ “36 Nerviline; it “ugh" Fisher (that is more of us) were un- stop the pain. Rheumatism is often ited in marriage on Wednesday, July‘ difficu“ I0 0“"3- Keep 0“ ’“bbmg 27th. at 10a m. The ceremony was the old fashioned liniments as a ma") followed by a sumptuous repeat, WT 0‘ T9399“ to "0“" grandfather a which we have only a faint recollec- aunt. Nerviline is a new discovery tiun of. Some way or other events ”N“ in “3°” ought to condemn it' seemed to crowd on each other then.“ Therefore cling to the old; suffer _______Q___ l pain; avoid the use of Nerviline. the most powerful, penetrating, and cer- THOUSANDS BENT INTO EXILE. tain pain remedy in the world. Every year a large number of We have been shown a letter which Mrs. Francis Gokey, of this town, re- cently received from her grandson, Q-.-Ll. ucou l‘lvv-vv“ --_-__ __' F. W. Gokey, who is now in South Africa. He has been serving in the war, and speaks highly of the Boers as fighters He says they are an ab- stinnte and desperate race, and ex- pects them to fight to the bitter end. The writer spent some weeks visiting in Walkerton two or three years ago. --'l‘elesc0pe. First the bud, then the blossom, then the perfect fruit. These are the several stages of sonua of the most important ingredients conlpos-; ing the painless and sure corn cure â€"- ‘ Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor. The juices of plants greatly concen- trated and purified, gums and balsams in harmonious union, all combined give the grand results. Putnam’s Extractor makes no sore spot, does not. lay a man up for a week. but goes on quickly doing; its work until a ‘ perfect cure results. Beware of acid I substitutes. He was an earnest minister, and on Sunday, in the course of a sermon on the significance of little things. he said: “The Hand which made the mighty heavens made a grain of sand; which made the lofty moun- tains, made adrop of water; which made you, made the grass of the fields; which made me, made a ; daisy !” Measles. Scarlet Fever and the many exhausting: diseases of childhood, frequently leave the ittle snfl'erers in a weakened and debilitated condition of health from which it is difiicult to_ [escnle‘them except by the , -9- \v ..... L‘AA,‘ I” la Ululvuuv v‘r "â€"- _ regular use of Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food. This preparation is admirably suited to the requirements of children, and has such an invigorating and restorative influence on the s stem as to make weak, puny children healt y, plump and active. This is the machine that talksâ€"singsâ€"plays every instrument-reproduces Sousa’s Bandâ€"strin orhcestrasâ€"Negro Minstrels, Church Choirs, etc. It reproduces t e violin, piano, flute, cornet, trombone, banjo, mandolin, piccolo and every other instrument. The Berliner Gramophone is louderâ€"clearer, sirn ler and better than any other talking machine at any price. It sings every kin of song, sacred, comic, sentimental, patriotic, “Qoon” songs, English, French and Scotch Songs, select- ions from Grand and Conuc Operas, lays cake walks, waltzes, two-steps, marches, in fact everythin that can be playe on any instrument or number of instruments can be reproduc on the Berliner Gram-o-phone with the wonderiul indestruct- It can entertain hundreds at one It tells funny stories or repeats a Prayer. t can be subdued to suit the smallest room. Flat. Indestructible Db“, which will last 10 years. lin one is made in Canada itis guaranteed form. yes“. The Gramophone is used and endorsed by the leading dergymen and _. ‘ _“ “BCI. Lulvu av..- v..______ The Bet net Gnm-o- hone received the on]? menu for Talking Mechineo at e Toronto Exhibition 900. . The Berliner Gm-o-phone has been widel imiuted nndthereeordsoonntedeitednheteforebemreo machines with misleading name- “ they are worthless. u on. inimu Pm-o-nhone is not for file i.“ m PURELY VEGETABLE. 05., Kingston, Ont... DISEASES OF CHILDREN. THE Dunn“ ITGIBDL‘m am The tune bf Bucklon’lAmiu 831”, an the but in the world, extends round the earth. It’ll the on. perfect heals: of Cats. Corns, Burns. Bruises, Sores, Scnlds, Bails, Uleorl, Felons Aches. Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only infallible Pile euro. 2613. n box lat. all druggiata. 1m. This is the time of your when the country school teecher resigns to- cause she can’t live on the solery psid and ere leaving is presented within plush dressing ones and on eddress, beginning : " Deer Teecher.â€"As our path in life here pert, etc., etc., we give you this, which we us]: you to accept, not for its intrinsic value, but for the motives that ectunte the honorfl’ receivesi 51.19 0'“; BLOWN '1‘0 ATOKB. The old idea that the body needs a Ipowerful, drastic, purgative pill has been exploded; for .Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are perfectly barm- less. gently stimulate liver and‘ bowels to expell poisonous matter, cleanse the system and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache. !Only 15c. at all drug stores. 1m. THOUSANDS BENT INTO EXILE. to another climate. But this is cost- ly and not always sure. Don’t. be an exile when Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home. It's the most infallible medi- cine for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astounding cures result from persistent use. Trial bottles free at all druggists. Price 50c. and 31.00. Every bottle guaranteed. You can find out if the kidneys me clog- ged. deranged and diseased. Have you backache or weak. lame back? Do you have pain or difficulty in urinating or a too frequent desire to urinate? Are there de- DOMtS like brick dust in the min after it has stood for 24 hours ? If you he e any of these symptoms not a moment should. be lost in obtaining Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver l’ills. the world’s greatest kidney cure. One pill a dose. 25 cents at box. Have you had it in your house? It’s cough and ‘ cough and cough, and then that terrible whoop! Don't ' Q upset the stomach more by if“ ' giving nauseous medicine. just let the child breathe-in the soothing vapor of Vapo-Cresolene. it goes right to the spot that’s dis- eaScd. Relief is immediate, and in a very few days the cure is complete. You can’t say the same of any other treatment. For asthma, catarrh, and colds it's equallygood. u ‘ AAA-m.â€" -“ Vav-Qremlene is sold" by drugugsts everywhere. The porizer and Lamp. which a ould hit a life- time, and a bottle of Ctesolene complete. 31.50; extra sup lies of Cresolenqzs cents end 50 cents. lllustrat booklet contatnlng physicim‘ teed- monials free 11an request. VAN-Canons!!! Co. _ IQCA Illuuuua uvv u ____ 180 Fulton s:..'fi2€?o:k.'u.s.A. YOU CAN MAKE THIS TEST. 1m. [IMPLEMWERBHMSE flow Vlg. “a" u (1.11 and com- â€"â€" p‘gte line of Ferm‘ and Dementia Implements and Machinery. FOR THE FARM we have Deering Hut-vesting Mechiuery, Maxwell Binders and Mowers, Chatham and Snow-ball Wegons. Car- riages and Buggies of all the very best. makes. FOR THE HOUSEHOLD we have the Bell Pianos and Organs. Woodstock Organs and Pianos. Raymond Sewing Machines, a full line of McClary's Stoves. Halott Cream Separator No dairy is complete without 9. Mulott Cream Separatorâ€"the best end easiest handled separator in the market to-Jay. mm of all kinds constantly kept on hand. Call at the new premises e few door. south of the Middaugh Houses Lower Town. Durham Pumps. __._... I BEG LEAVE TO IXFOR)! MY CUS- TOMERS aid the public in semen! that I an propsrod to furnish N aw Pumps Ann REPAIRS. DIG, DRILL, PRESSCURB ALL Wonx Gunman!) gt “Live and let. live" Pawns. W. GUTHRIE or de C mt. 23: ”0 y W. D. CONNOR Pumps of all Kinds. 8110p open every .fternoon. All REPAIRING promptly and prop- erly “tended to. Having moved to our new stand a. few amps bomb of the Middnugh Hquse. we are pre- pared to do business better than ever, and u. the lowest figures and beat terms. Scufllers. Turnip PIOWS, Sewers, Cultiva- tors, and in fact everything the farmer needs. Mill Streetâ€"In Ron of Cdder's Block. Lower Town, Durham general Blacksmith. . MORAN. ORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. . Shoes made for all kinds of diseased .eformed feet. A CALL Bowen's». Pumps tmm $2 upward. 'ltl‘n lulu Ulal‘uun w... _-, timw to the general gxblic ind: tint he is 1'0le to do all Bhokomit in; at one priw to 81.1 Fwtory mule 811068.250 cash. Hand made: Shoeâ€":5. 30c m. mud]. TH E undersfigned wishes to h}- timw to the_ ‘gegeml “mam GEORGE WHITIQBE. . McKINNON. Sâ€"étting. kinds constantly .W. I). CONNOR. BLACKsmTu. AT OLD DURHAM 100 PARKER’S. l1. PARKER for (Zola: and Diseases of throat Parker’s Drug Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Invest Your Money Where Will Make Money Dr. Budd’s White Pine and 'l‘ar. 27m and 5N Winters‘ Instant Cough Cure. 25c a bouio. 1 Syrup Hyponhosphites â€"â€"un excellent prepaid monary and wasting diseases-500 a bottle. 1 Oil Emulsion, a reliable remedy for pong“ 00¢ HATS AND CAPS in :11 styles tnd consistent with quality. OVERCOA'I‘Sâ€"Dandies for $10.00, you want them. SUITSâ€"The very best for the mol styles. FOOT WEARâ€"Men's, Women'- Boots, Shoes. Oval-shoes, Bu UNDERWEAR ~-You must «e “1 quality. 7 GENT’S FURNISHINGS-Collu fancy shirts of high quality FRESH GROCIRI“ I M." géneral debility, large bottle 40¢. AND GUARANTEE SATISF. This “Fund” lit a 00.. largv and small lnveatmontm ll is luvoslod in the“ ties as linwd on the landfill I The following w “Fund" paid to lave-kn ed, exclusive of fill cm Sop (ember October November lboember January WNW? Jufle July The. advantages of ducted with a large 00-! win“ the “lawman". [I l he lur «livid. in one gt I nimble M u no pm“- as, origins! {Eve-meat. “My dayt' no“: investment. 8a.- of 050 and up! which Coupon“ Cot-“Id Established 188. ‘~Q~Q Q>~Q~$ . MCLA Wfluuh THE INV Total $2 .00.‘ W muuu a felt \\ onmn I! felt \Vomcu'u {GM \Volunu'u fell. DRU

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