West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jan 1901, p. 6

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E”! have much plea- below you as orm Vile: your counéil of d it has been a 40 me. as n5doubt . ny ol-you that l hated and Pleated locality like this. ‘olttn) fitnl a Inaan . the office. it is I'V- V' .an of my ability bod ” Here a well turouslv applaud- t xflacefl’ sakl the opposed to paying body [dislike 90 a to my house as , unless it be the fax collector comes imes two or three dodge him or keep 130'“ watchyovt go 3nd betfight aher Io clenial; it’s [my ,Itlflf(ui )1)". If ttle with a note I’ two lm won’t alz) t unn-usonahlu. it out in ti'mle. or Stores ~Ti'imlilc's ardson's: it’s no 1 y_ up (Wary time. . “Nth houhtonre. ] Ptl ,bvttm' not. t ’iuciplv to paying \ COHuct0r4 an I l 3 ICUtimti.’ tlmt :Ipâ€" 1 chinru. i\nnth- t l dlSHDPFLVU of “ couuwsinto your 5 ulvi if as if lu- y Olen gnmls. Yu'i v OI“ tliil you iv't't'l' intewltu gm H him UH tlwso' k ,‘ llow tinny 1 their ages mull the pats! yo-zil'?’ ever luul thel NS. ”0.5 flit"l c. I ”it that cvvr: i '7 I not liu'll £lsl.i ‘ g to have) for? i 098 follows all i cil. l would u gather. ;' Cont-spud“: t. ) 9 Now,[ am ranch change. Opportuni.y maml this I “a this one t {change from f Iything. V0. 3 ( Fbeliew in thI-t Of statute‘\ 9 times wei‘. ' 01t\\o andh cooâ€"liven j I y he kmm l \ 1 passed ' We 1, l‘ ; then sent 1 n 1| Opens to do w andtax us we sumwd by the rum!- pen, it was ill summer. ' recreation Vestiug--- r, gentle need rc- 1901. pd justice Me of nut advantage mt he em- Ohe village xly to the I. further chance. scidedl v sgement job votes; ”rd of .20 for nteriul job in lemen. '0 him '3 you ling a '0 to For "bit- it. 1 fight . so ers ‘insz pays to '9 it Iple m irks file- 1 in': m y on air Jas, Dowd. owner of the carload of brouchos sold here on Saturday. hap- pened to make the statement that if any man could hold one of the brim- chos without the aid of a halter, he would make a present of the animal to the successful man. Clark Russell immediately dolled his coat and seiz- ed a fine black two-yeevold, Clark is an old time athlete and more their mastered the broncho, who put up a hard fight. Mr. Dowd was a man of his word and immediately prelen ted the animal to Mr. Russell, who proudly led him home the same evening.â€"Dnndalk Herald. Dr. Agnew’s Ointment Guns Wicca-Itching, Blending and Blind Piles. ._‘. .mfort in one appiication. It cures in hrec to six nights. It cures 2.11 IN!) -liscaxs in young and old. A "My band compare. and it new bill. 35 centsâ€"63 The election for Councillors on Monday. Jam. 7th, 1901, for the township‘of Arte-mesh, resultpd as fUHO'-V8:-â€"JO1HIA. Boyd 3753; Alex. Muir, 36:}; (Eve. Thompson, 271;Jos. Gibson, 273;. D. Mc'l‘avisll, men: {we}. Jus. Brit, 2532; T. K8118, 217; It is needless to say Mr. Hender- son’s may address was well received and punctuated frequently with rap- turous applause. .l I a'm pleased we have with us to- t' day, and again in the fight, our old |' War Horse, the G. O. M. Mr. Kalle, I whose eloquence has doubtless pleas- ed you all. I once asked a Reformer . whether he liked better to listen to ., .\lr. Laurier or Mr. Kells. and he , said of the two he thought he pre- [ {erred Laurier, but you are he was a Grit and that accounts Lor it. I hope, y gentlemen, next to myself, to see Mr; Kells elected because we could' pull well together. I could help him pull special grants for his war,d and: then he would help me pull for mine. .He’s a grand man on the pull. and the finest road and culvert builder in the county. Further. gentlemen, I notice that in the financial statement the firm of Lucas. \Vright McArdle does not figure for large-legal fees. and this, I understand, is because my friend. Mr. Kells, has been noting solicitor for the township. In conclusion, gentlemen. I may say that my friends-4 have discovered that lCitllllui. qualiiyar present to represent you at this table, but I can still lend you money at {our and a half pwr cent”, and I assure you that when the aseessor on his rounds calls, which he has not done for eight ‘ years. I shall 898 to it that my quali- ‘ lirmtions are made good and sufficient l to entitle me to occupy the position i of honor you go much desire that I C should. I tlutnk you, gentlemen, for ‘ your Very appreciative hearing. and J wish you all a happy and pl‘OSpCl‘OllS S year ing digestton-mbo of Ultra: Health “ pearlé v” in a box. and they en .t 33 cents. Recom- mended by most cmiucm physicians.â€" 64 if he wand but tc: veritable gems in I A Casket of r Now. gentlemen, some of you Willi pet-hop: say] am talking nonoense,,' but 1 have no -mnch right to'lnlk. nonsense as any of these other fol; lows have; nnd much of the talking done on this pl'atform on nomination days is nonsense. I see my friend: Grainger here. and I think he Should have been in the swim to-day. He‘ once ran for councillor. and I am confident. would have been elected: but] he received enough votes. 12b Sold bv Hera-lane dz. Co. mm by MacFarl [Crowded out lust wu Papple T *e to th: PRIL‘EVILLE st IHcts WUUICI prove a dzsheértened dygpeptic their potency. 'l hey’re wanting the seating of y aiding and stimulat- )1 Q?!” Iau k1 stimulat- “ pearls ” “Yes; dark as pitch.” “Lantern’s burnin’ ?” “What lanterns” ? “Didn’t you run lanterns up ’em on dark nights ?” ”Never heard of enyghlng like that.” HWell. if you don’t known enough to keep your lightnin‘ rode showin’ you needn’t bleme me. (Nu; !" on my barn last epring don’t you ? Well, that barn was struck six weeks after and burned down. Peddler, struck by lightnin’? “It was.” “In the daytime ?” “No ; at night.” “Must ’3’ been a'dark night wasn’t 3L “CI ‘ . . I .7 ~~â€"-â€"â€", ---â€"- -- -- - "W? an advance 111 medical scxence and a sure and permanent cure for diseases of the stomach. It will cure yamâ€"~60 smaller than usual. Proceeds, $16: Mr. J. A. Warling, of - Toronto Spent last week visiting an the par eutal home. Where Doctor: do agree Iâ€"Phy- si..ians no longer consider it catering to "quackcry" in recommending in practice 5:.) meritorious a remedy for Indigestion. Dyspepsia and N ervousness as South Ameri- can Nervine. They realize that it is} a step :11 flr'lonnnA :n __J:_‘ The annual tea meeting in connec- tion with the Sabbath School came off on the 10th. The attendance was smaller than usual. Pmmmh gm Miss Bull, our new teacher, arriv- ed here on the 2nd inst., and comâ€" menced her duties on the morning following. The trustees were pres- ent to give the teacher and pupils an introduction to each other. Miss Bull comes here well-recommended. The election here passed off very quietly. (‘ur old councillor. Mr. Kells, although he got a large vote here was defeated. F9333! Pills. â€"â€"The demand is proof of .ln-ir urth. lJr. Auncw's L‘ver Pills are hating out many fossil formulas at a quar- ter a. hex. They‘re better medicine. easier dnses, and 10 cents a vial. A thousand ailments may arise from a disordered liver. Keep the liver right and you'll not have Sick Headache, Biliousness, Nausea. Con- stipation and Sallow Skinâ€"61 ince of newspapers :and newspaper men. A newspaper man must. either be well versed in the laws of the land, or have reliable counsel constantly at hand. An edi-t tor must exercise almost superhuman judgment at times as to what he lshould or should not publish. What may appear a mos: harmless and in- nocent item might prove to be the seed from whence might germinate a | most expensive libel suit. Nor may i the newspaper publish what the edi- tor and the public generally know to The absolutely true and correct, ex- ft-i-pt certain conditions under the law surround the fact about to be published. A man may be known to bv a counterfeiter or illicit distiller in his own house, but if nobodyenters a formal and legal complaint of the fact, the newspaper is assuming great risk if it proceeds to state the fact to the world without this preliminary complaint having been made. Peo- ple sometimes censure newspapers for what they deem deliberate ignor- ing of palpable truths and facts, when in reality the newspaper has no more legal right to recognize these facts then if they did not or had never exetcd. It may be accepted by the public as an assured thing that erery neWSpaper is willing and anxious to publish all the informa- tion it properly. legally and truth- fully can St. Thomas Times. Kidney Experimentâ€"There's no time f .r experimenting when you've dis- covered that you are 2'. victim of some one fr>r'rn or another of kidney disease. Lay hold of the treatment that thousands have pinned their faith to and has cured quickly and per- manently. South American Kidney Cure stands Bre-eminr-nt in the world of medicine as the idney suffercr’s truest friendâ€"63 At the December Session certain ; charges were preferred against Con. ;stable Bauer of Mildmay. We be- -lieve a petition Was presented to the Sessions asking for his dismissal. All that was done at the time was to ;appoint a committee to investigate any charges that might be made. The committee met here yesterday, and the whole thing was gone into“ The charges didn’t amount to much, so far as his actions as a constable were concerned, but so far as he could remember he had never been in Jail, whereas it appears that he had been in that inStitution for a period of 41 days. The committee recommended his suspension.--Walkerton Tele- scope. I I»- acâ€"uvc) yuur IKB'! 3‘ ”e! 11". '3 '10“ p ains over your eyes ?- Is I ;.c br' 1th < fen- . 7 2? Then; are certain Lyn; .:oms of Ca:..:rh. Dr. Agnew's Catanha’ Powder will cure most stubborn cages in a mat... ‘.'c‘}0':$4y short time. If you’ve had Catarrh a week it’s a §urecure. Ifit's of fifty years’ One Short Piaf? Ola"! -.‘ Hca J.--Does yourhtai a: be? 113'. e yams can your eyes 2. Is 2 it br' 1th ( .' *2? These are (mix: .nmu Sold by MacFarlnne Co. Woefnl Ignorance. Suld by Mac Farlame (h VANDELEUR Sold by Macl-‘arlanefi Co. W. A. Macfallane Repairing Prompfly CHRISTMAS AGAIN. this picture on it, take no other. lfgou have not trie it, send for .. free sample, Its a- greeable taste will - ‘ sur rise you. so TT sowm: Chemists, a; Toronto. x.’ I‘ 600. and $1.00;all drums“. Overcoats W. A. McFarlane has a larger stock than everin the new block. A 20-year gold-filled case, Wal- tnam movement. for 812, special discount for this month. A large stock of sterling silver, ebony in curler’s files,shoe horns. paper knives, salve pots, etc. prices away down. Also a. full stock of Clocks, Jewellery, Sil- verware, watches, at. prices from $2 50 up. Call and see for your»- self and get a calendar. Course and fine, at rock bottom pnces. Groceries and fruitâ€"A large stock of the bog} tugboat and cheapest in See Here ! Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for “can’t eat,” unless it comes of {our doing no workuyou can’t ong be well and strong, without some sort of activity. It makes a man happy to deal where he can get the best goods fo: the least money. You can always de- pend on this at our store, but dur- mg the holiday season we are giv- igg special daives in nearly every- t ing. can. There’s a limif, hoivev'cr; you’ll pay for it. There are many causes of get- ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over- work and under-digestion. Stop over-work, if you can; but, whether you can or not, take Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can’t live on itâ€"true-â€"but, by it, you Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott’s Emulsion ‘of Cod Liver Oil. Christmas Suits from 84.25 to 8151!). A. 1 goods for the money. and cheaper than you can get them anywhere is all right, if you are too fat; and all wrong, if too thin shady. sea. andâ€"mi; HIE} 333:3 iron; __-!II I DURHAM. A MERRY IBHAM CHRONICLE. McIntyre Block in the nets borhood counts for something all enables H. H. MILLER to do your L Twenty 21’ experience end residence e pings with profit to you u well u to m1 “I‘M" I. "HUI" Lo'c . D w. G. 3.. Bentinck loo genresâ€"gown: 2'1: milesâ€"owner gone West 11. H. MILLER, ind “rtiés' which he is Willing to tradé 7» on: use for other property. In firstoclsss Companies and st lowest rates, draws all kinds of writings. arranges business quarrels, efl‘ects settlements with creditors. sells Ocesn tickets, buys old notes and slvgsys l_us_or_i hsud {grin and village He Does Fire, life . . and Accident Insurance HE QLSO ugdprhkes the‘ collection of Ho Is what Count of Grey Farmers would like to know. 0 cannot tell you but we (JAN TELL YOU that [1. H. MlLLER. the Hanover Conveancer is lending money on good farm mortgages at lower rates of interest than vou can borrow elsewhere and on very liberal terms and at small cost. That is the reason “my odeople all on s over the country pass by other rs and travel miles to borrow from him. How to Grow D undersi nod about the middle of Octo- ber last. a r and white two-year~old steer with two scissor marks on right-hand hip, also a littls piece off top of tail. [1 service at Lot 22, Gun. 3. E. G. 8.; Glenelg. Terms 75c. at time of service. JOHN MACKENZIE, Nov. 27, 1900. 3 pd. Rockv Snuzeen. J. 'l‘ER WHITE; one six months old, and one older, at lot 25. 2:3 and 27. con. 3, S. I). R., (ilenelg. Buth took first prize at Priceville. Registered pedigree may be seen on application. Joux Ecxmmnr.‘ Nov. 14. 4 m. Bunessan. Boars for Service. “IO THOROUGHBRED, CHES- TER “HHI'IE: one six mnnths nld BEING Lots No. 11 and 12. Gen. 1. N. D. R.. Glenelg. and 11 and I2. on Con. 2 N. I). R.. also 13 and 14 on Con. 3. N. D. it. each lot containing ' acres. or 300 acres in all. nearly all cleared. Well watered. well fenced. good Outbuildings and dwellings. good bearing orchards. In first class state of cultivation. within a lew rods of school, 4 miles from Durham. Will be sold en bloc or in separate lots. as purchas- er desires. Easy terms. For further par- ticulars apply to Nov. 1â€"“ :2“ 'n is 960834 '39} _. _ _.v- vVA‘oJ’L‘.Uo‘~., Uleuelg‘ uvcontain‘i'r’m 50 acres. about 45 acres cleared. well fenced. well watered. ood house, bearing orchnrd. good land an in good state of cultivation. easy terms. For further particulars apply to DONALD MCCOSKERY 378 King St. West. Toronto. or to ALLAN CAMPBELL, Oct. le Dd. Hnnnnnnn l) Melligan Property on George Street. one acre good land in good location. a desirable resid enoe, will sold on any terms. Apply to El). MILLIGAN Palmerston, or to W. CALDER, Durham. Jan. I7. I“. if ’I‘RA_YED from the drove of the Nov 5 tf. ,____â€"'â€"â€"â€"-- -‘v‘uu, .l Pricevillehnewly bricked all round. new brick kitchen. new windows and other improvements. On the remises area ood sable and two never ailing wetls. he __â€" wv I'v- particulars apply to. HE COM MERCIAL Priceville. newlv hriolmd nuuv uuuu: value Luv WIIUCEIOII 0 Notes and Accounts, and it is a pretty bad claim that he cannot make nome money out of no chm-go for his trouble 1f not collected. For sale at very low figures and on very easy terms. Farm lands are honor! to increase in price and now is the tune to buy. 9,9503 §,C(_)AN.1,N.D.R Boar for Service. TH QROUG HBR ED BOA R FOR RICK HOUSE AND LOTâ€"THE ‘. Il- -‘ FARM FOR SALE A school that «tannin today without a superior in (‘auadm Its appoint- ments are modern and [Ire-eminently first clans. lta iuatrurtot's are tho beat that money can hire. Ita tmining in broad. thorough and ractical. No sohoel in Canada ha. a “or, reputao tton for atrictly high wot-hand we are not living upon our reputation. but upon what me am doing in the action!- rootn today.“ WhyAnot natpnize our nnllnm ' ‘--' - W.J.Elliott : : Plincinal Farm for V bale Hotel to Rent. Strayed OWEN HEFFERNAN, For Sale. A. C. BEATON llunessan P. Marden P. O. A. Burmns. Prioeville. â€"Wheat £6 -â€"the Acre Glenelg. 4% acres Bliilâ€"é'ssa n W. BLACK Jars, Berry Spoons, Grave); Kiddies, Pie K‘n‘i‘r‘e‘s‘, Sugar Spoons, and a very large stock of the W. BLACK Forks and Spoons. . This Week’s Shipments Contains : Axes, Cross-cut Safi'rs, Ha Knives, Carpet Sweepers, Skates, Meat Cutters, aisin Seeders. Vegetable Seeders, Sleigh Bells, Horse Blankets. An ill- mense assortment of Whips just to hand. , = FIR. INCURANO. man-71.7 ‘TTINDID To Farmers and Others. laidlaw’s Old Stand. gruet §tands,_‘ Cake Baskets, Butter Men’s ties and underwear at epeciel lowered prices Men’s frieze uletere, regular 010.00. .. . . . . Boys end Men’s reefers for $3.00. to ............... Men’s beever overcoete, regular .12, now. . . . . . . . Men’s beaver overcoete, regnler 89, new ........... 1 only fur. astrachan. jtcket 1 only fur. astrachm. jucket goat! f9;- ccps for 01.50 to.. . 2 only no}?! (1:03.15. thlnby,reg 2 only Men’s black fur cons. reg. 825 Pure wool homespune, regular 81.00 to 81.25 for ...... Suitingsâ€"the most fashionable, reg. 01.00. for. . . . Dreee Goods, good winter weight. 50c and 60e. now . . . Superior quality velvet, special ..................... Flannelette, beautiful range new patterns, 70 to ...... Ladies' cloch jackets, were 0.5.00. now ................ Ladies’ cloth jacketa. were $8.00, new ............... Ladies’ clot-h jackets, were 812, now .................. Now for a big January Sale. Every department in fl!“ “0". will participate in this January sale. Soon we will In May with our annual stock-taking. and bolero beginning We have many lines which will he put at pricoa that will make quick work of them. This list given hinta of what we are going to do during January. Good resolutions ere usually made nt New Yarn. What 05 we do. entering a new century ? Gather tp the experience the put. and let it guide us for the future. Uny the new century prove us to be better, wiser, more liberal and more prosperous then the put 0 D reg THURSDAY. -' Ireland Co.- TOP DRAFT srovs ‘QMM‘QQG‘Q‘Q‘OQ QOMQvGQOQvOQvOM‘0‘ A Special Look at our Line of Silverware. Ljmket wu 335; now . Furs ! Beginning the New Century... Vanda-M...” Wu ‘35. now , reg. 020.CO. for .. g. 026. for ......... Dllflllll. ONT. Goods All ! 14 75 17 10

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