West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Jan 1901, p. 1

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e to Durham ded than Miss ‘ appear here at Lon Feb. 8th. 'thh of Mr. .Iuddenly at the "a, is given by M big r'ed u'ctioB; See his ad. this "3. Oyster shells at Parker’s Drug t, in aid 0! the iuion lOc. WE have this week to announce _, the death of Ethel, youngest daught- lorâ€"â€"a true veget- er of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Renton', of '10°-_ 3 bottle 83 this town. The little thing was only eight months old, yet the fond par- ', . ents will feel a vacancy through her '50“? "I hold"): removal. This is the fifth child Mr. lay School to 2.30 ' and Mrs. Renton have lost, and in loaded SUCCBSS- ' their latest trouble they have the . nut forty days l sympathy of the community. service will be list church on at. at2.30 p.‘ -_late lamented h“ Riding 0! Grey ’d. Connona rparing to build i‘cb. 8th. 1;. 5 Firth, Pr0p. far. See _bills. flock and lmo I now 8 seven ”me a very Iheet. since . By water, '. We Wish prosperity. Ftrm stock, Did furniture L R0 or a mile mrsday, Feb. Idit. John rdit. John ml) MacKay, ha] will be IThursday, cash and a tsqueraders leave card , nn‘airk, hnmony [Olin Mc- nmber of Loontracb ‘ neatly Annie b Tizard rr partak- 50 young train for rice and he bride n1 and En ‘ 3 life ' villa Aberdeen half-past 38'. DUR- n: eleven flhouse at extends a ‘ \BWb Pf“ I? also some .1 5 "Or“! 1 Pins for you Inv-Go q '0' paire of Men's 4 I Stub Proof Rub- # 3f I also wine men’s 31 25 wnrth $1.75.â€" Iins {or yuu if you ‘1 am. 7‘ dc :Qéida .‘Jfij b0 ' W in M W“ “K13" at I nineti- eig'ht men’s a boy‘s tut that we want to clan out price. E Wotan «mum-m IL I! l --l No. 1768. :0]; of these r! of Men's Proof Rub- sogne men’s we pronounce it a holiday, more im- perative in its restructions than any Statutory holiday. The proclamation has been made by the Governor Gen- eral in Council, at the instance of the King. whose mandate as loyal citizens we are forced to obey. In view of the circumstances, Saturday must be regarded as a public holiday, yet we believe that persons coming to town will have an opportunity of making their purchases before 11 a. m. and 4 p. m., between which hours all plsocs 0! business will be closed. Queen, whose burial takes place on that day. The post ofice will be closed except for one hour after the arrival of the afternoon trnin. With regard to the business of the place, II'A aha I‘A‘ -L'â€" dilly. Miss Minnie Fox read a care- fully thought out paper, Miss Maude ‘Irwin recited Kipling’s Recessional, Miss Annie Jardine then gave a footed up nearly seventy dollars for missionary purposes. Mn. W. B. \v’onw'rr, District ,De- puty of the I. O. O. I"., completed. last week, his tour of inspection of the eight lodges in the district. the following being the locations viz :~-â€" ‘Mt. Forest, Drayton. Palmerston, *Harriston, Cliflord, Listowel, At- wood, and Durham. During his tour v wvrv-v 'u‘UU at time of writing he is on the mend, and will, we hope, be round again soon. SATURDAY WE regret to chronicle the serious illness of Mr. E. '1‘. McClocklin, whose recovery lasr. week and the early part of this had been regarded as doubtful. He has been confined to his bed for the last two weeks, the initial ail- ment being cold which developed inflammation and other complica- tions. We are pleased to report that I Tim memorial service in Trinity church Sunday evening was largely attended and a service of more than ordinary interest and fervent enthus- iasm was conducted by Rural Dean Ryan. The church was appropriate- ly draped for the occasion. The text; selected was from Ezekiel 21. 26,] "Thus saith the Lord God Remove the diadem and take 03 the crown.” *â€" THE service in the Methodist church Cusmr Avc'rlox Sunâ€"Mr. S. F. Reiner, lots 3 and 4, con. 16, Norman- by, will sell by public auction on Wednesday, Feb. 6, all his thorough- bred SllOl’lhOl‘D pedigreed. stock. as well as other stock, horses, etc, etc. No reserve. Terms '12 mos. credit. J. C. Weinert, auctioneer. 2 outside of Durham. This, we looked upon as a calamity, if true. but. invest- igation proves the rumor to be ell-ll tirely unfounded. dock A MEETING of the South Grey Fanuens’ Institute will be held at Ayton, on we 7!]: of February, and at. Hanover, on the 8th, both meet- Lings commencing at. 1.30 p. 11). Mr. McNeil, of Windsor, and Miss Mad- .l...-.|- V‘dfll‘EU-'â€"I\t mace, a young man about 18 3931's of age, to learn black- smithiug. Must be wrong, healthy and not. afraid of work. Apply to J. 1). Watson, Markdale, 0m. â€"â€"_ BAmusna MCOALL Cummerciul Hale], P second and last. '1 to mouth from 11 a. m. I FUR chronic COUKh Cute. â€" guacauteed. not able to WANTED -â€" A: vv uuuuVl, uuu MISS mad. . of Guelph, are the deputation. ble to say defiiitely' it will be observed as y. Toescertnin facts l. U. 0. F.” completed. 8 tour of inspection of zes in the district. the 12 the locations viz :~â€" 'Dray ton. Palmqrston, McCAL'L will be an the Hotel, PriceviHe, on the lust. Tuesdays of each 11 a. m. to 4 p m. U. coughs use Cnrrs’ Every bottle fully a dollar at W’ But ugh a tide .- This little poem. one of the last productions of Tennyson, will be eung at the burial of our late beloved Queen. We think it one of the finest little gems of poetic literature, and believe )3. would be en epprOpriete eelec‘tion ut the service here. A man drove in from Dornoch a few days ago. On arriving at the Middaugh House, a bystander re- have just driven ten miles and the other fellow hasn’t gained over hall“ a length on him. Considering the distance it’s a pretty even go if I’m any judge.” "What’ll you have friend,” said the amused bystander to the witty teamster, who again raised a laugh by the remark “I don’t care for anything myself, but you might treat the lazy horse to a bottle of catchup.” ”Vat did you say it vash to be Misther," said land- lord Hahn, and they all ordered lemonade. Apd‘ dinâ€"(pig; An enthusiastic Presbyterian citi- zen is so full of loyalty that he says If it wasn’t Sunday he could have jumped up and yelled in appreciation evening last. The man who doesn’t know enough to know that he knows nothing, and the man who knows so much that he thinks he knows everything worth knowing, are the hardest kind of chaps to get along with either in a business or social way. Editor Thurston. of Flesherton. was advertising for a boy a few weeks ago. Now he’s got. one, ac- If a great man should accustom himself to sleep with a Dictionary for a pillow, it doesn’t follow that anoth- “ I skinned my heel ” said a female woman. How much nicer it would be to say, ” I caused an abrasion on the posterior protuberance of the infernal regions of my pedal extrem- ities.” Some peOple say that Love is a. nightmare. If it’s like some night- mares we don’t want much of it. The nexc few days will be a hat- vest for the boys to sell memorial buttons of Her Majesty. We would like to get some kindling to start the nice dry we have on hand. Tea. Meetings without ” T” latesr. fad. I Dr. Jamieeon. Charter Smith end John McKechnie were in Cement City, Michigan. this week, getting information about the cement busi- Dr. Gun went to Stratford a few days ago to be present at an operntion performed on the eyes of his son, Mr. J. R. Gun, Druggist. We re- gret that Mr. Gun is having much trouble of late. Mr. Edwin Allan returned Satur- day from Ogdensburg, N. Y., where he spent a coqple of months. Mr. John McGowan and daughter. Beatrice, of Kimberley, spent Sunday with the McGowan family here. Miss Maud Saunders and Misses Annie and Maggie Hutton attended the lit. Forest carnival Wednesday last. Mr. J“. Snell, o! Dromore. called on us while in town Tuesday. Mr. Jas. Coleridge visited his sin. tor, Mrs. Ramgge. on Sunday. Miss Corbett, c! Owen Sound, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. P. Telford. What about your sub? HITS AND KISSES. 0.0 Oâ€"G 31:3me Re} so_me good are the stufi --..â€"â€"â€" wvv-vv.’ HUI“. dun. 16, 1901, the following omcers were elected for the year :-Jamee Edge, President; H. Parker. let Vice-Pres.; Wm. Smith, 2nd Vice-Pres. Direco tora, G. Binnie, C. Firth. Jae. Allan, T. Caldwell. Thos. Gadd, B. florioe, ' Wm. Scarf, Wm. Lawson, W. Calder. Honory Directors. Dan Edge. Wm.l Mountain, Richard Barber, W. Herd, Wm. Gar-line. Auditors, '1‘. Brown, '1‘. G. Holt. Secretary. A. Davidson ; Treasurer, Wm. Calder. AT the annual meeting of the South Grey Agricultural Society held Jan. 1c 1M1 AI ‘ " erteon, Treasurer; W. Irwin, Per- manent Secretary; Jae. Colville. O. G.; Chas. Parrott. I. (3.; W. Laidlaw, R. S. N. G.; J. Parrott L. S. N, G.; D. C mpbell, R. S. V. (1.; Geo. Yiire, L. 99V. G.; F. Lenahan, R. S. 8.; R. J. Dewar, L. S. 8.; A. H. Jackson, Conductor. be no crowding, Alli-sea}; served. Admission 50c. Hall at Macfarlanes’. If you want to go to the Scottish Concert be sure and get your ticket in time. Sales will cease as soon as the seats are all taken. There will be no crowding. All seats are re- served. Admission 50c. Plan of “-11-. \LJ - - That well-known Highland Piper, Mr. Geo. Murray, will appear in cos- tume at the Scottish Concert here, on the 8th of February. Jimmy Fax will be here at the Scottish Concert on Feby. 8, everybody knows Jimmy as the lead- She’ll be here the 8th of February. Mr. Robert Buchanan, the celebrat- ed ScOttish pianist and composer will play at the Scottish Concert here, F b. Miss J. N. Maclachlan, aScottish soprano of celebrity, was heard with great eflect, both in English and Gaelic compositions. - “ Liverpool Daily Post.” was fully main- her pragramme songs -â€" “ The Hundred Pipers,” “ Highlanders,” and a. Gaelic songâ€" she gave “ Leezie Lindsay ” with dramatic expression.--“Dundee Cour- J inr ” ier. At the regulgr ngeetingpf the I. O, n L-‘IJ -7- who is undoubted”: anexponent of Scottish song of the highest orcier.â€"- “ Scotsman.” A: Scottish Concert, Feb. 8. The meeting re-assemble at dent. The Collectors reported a car for subscribers for 1901. and the a of 840.25 collected from the same The annual meetin: of the Durham Mechanics Institute was held ' be last meeting. were adopted, the following oflicers for 1901 were elected:-â€"Pres., Dr. Gun; Vice-Pres.. T. Moran; tors, J. A. Hunter, J. G. Park, A. Jackson. J. Burnet, J. P. Telford, W. l Irwin. C. McArthur, '1‘. Allan. N. W. Campbell. The resident clergyman othhe town were :unanimously elected Honorary Directors. The Librarian’s report showed nearly 4000 vols. in the library, and over 3500 vols. given out to subscrib- ers during the year. I. 0. 0. F. (Press Notices.) t0 Gobi . and the sumâ€" canvas DIED. MOGILLIVRAY-In Glenelg, on Manda , Jan‘y 28, Mrs. Neil McGillivray, aged nbou 40 yrs. HILLISâ€"In Emmont, on Sunday, J m'y 27th Jan. Hillis “red 86 years. PARKâ€"At Glenroaden. on Snturdn Jan. 26th Elizabeth McKenzie beloved vie of Thom Park. Iced 30 years. BENTONâ€"In Durham, on Month '. Jan. 28th. Ethel. youngest daughter of r. and Mn. Wm. Benton, nzed 8 months, 24 «by. (In- intimation.) Mas. JormPAanon. Durham. Jan. 29th, 1901. All person indebted to the under- signed for goods purchased at her store or work done by her workmen up to this date. are requested to settle with herself personally. in the Miss McLachlan is undoubtedly the leading Scottish Singer of the world. Everyone should hear her. Another opportunity may never be given you. The British press notices are unquali- fied in their praise. Highland Piper, Highl;:;;_Costume smutâ€"In 'Bentinck, on Wednesdny. 83rd. Mn. “nanny, Iced 76 years. Jan’y The Scottish Concert Scottish Pianist MCINTYRE BLOCK Canada’s Greatest Humorist George lawrence Durham, - - Ontario. Friday, Feb. 8, 190:. Flour, Feed, Grocery and Confectionery Store Shaw" Eenaban. Furniture warcrooms. A few doors South of the Middaugh House, and sol- icit a share of your patron- age. Everything first class. Everything fresh. Prices the lowest. ottish Prima Donna Notice. ENTERTAINERS : BORN. During the Holiday Season. SM“ ”"998 Q C § m ’um'mn Q Q g The Furniture and Under. taking business formerly carried on by J. A. Sheweli will henceforth be known by the firm name of Shewell Lenahan, a partnership having been formed for the transaction of business. Old Customers and new ones and Composer. - LOWER Town, Wishing alll a happy New Year we are y our ’8 for tlade. 0000000 Remnants of Dress-Goods We hove put on the counter lengths of Dress Goods, ' Wear. or,for sepnrnte waists or skirt... You will find 0. hnngnin in them. -â€"â€"â€"__.-‘__â€"-‘_. M Note 0. low of the bergninl we oler i is larger thnn ever before. Get Boya’ Suits tad Oval-cons. Thov Impress upon you the importance of dealing with us, we invite an in- suit you iu the Christmas ‘Grocefles. We beg to announce to the general public that we are now doing busi- nes in our new store,and in order The Bus 0n the Store usy Corner. All our Trimmed Hu- u half price ! you. [set your unit or overcout tments are broken. The of our clogging is their 00. Thai. too.- "{1}; nonou. Our stock Get our price in The! will interest

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