West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Jan 1901, p. 5

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7' , Thomas Harness. _ innon, George Rios. R, James Allan. that, George Watson. an, I). K. Preston. ”Irown. Robert Agnew. M. Thomas “11138- Beluck the members . During their ah "hellriclgu 5:. Sum; stafl' _ _ elnhlmln at tho» cum- § death on!" her Maiesty . heavy I" anm on the D on the wall almve the {Lung \\ 3th a down drag-e desks 0" the wanhm I sects-inn of the county ! to statute on Tuesday mom at the county k is the hunt. but . in niguiug the declara- [, Iific-atiuu. and i was _ when Clerk RI ther- Dil tonrder for the or- hries. The entire force Dore prevent, the folluw ntiug titre eiuhtdif- y Illswermg to their hi read the statute re- .9. Mr,.lmneu Allan ruse ' i few b is! Wnrtls urged “0 the mmnury nf Her 'INMQ (lPatla tlmy had p! mmnents bull-m. the pvn fur a wlmrt pm‘iud. t it would bu advisable “journnmnt, nnr w..uld 7 puma-ll with llm elec- Ohnt case. an mlinurn- in anv cmeand it I mark of the Cunn- iflsion 0f deep ml'rnw, E‘oy all felt at the In” t nnd grandest. Suv- world aver had. He the council stand ml- clock. . amninmuslycunvur- ya» instructed to have toly draped bel'nre M Times.) uh dl'flpfli’ 'fli'erfuny. 'k-“tha scarf Hf black n and bow. The 'ng the ullicml tm'm tâ€" from each division are In every CI~O. E‘I‘Tl-JRNUHN' I." was the first nrdur The procedure hy-lnw h mover and so-cmuler the ('nlllwil fur five of flmir Immineeq, taken advantage _{ew_w._.rcls mfiiciug Ion, Richard Judson COUNCIL . 190]. b of tlm movers-â€" ”quart-d. 5 Meafnrcl, was urdun. F Ptoton, was nnm grey. was nmmin DI“. h. council. which ' to lathe but I «I the members. "wanted deserves thought the www- h the tuwmhipuf h. Werjduserving D '33.: are“ aware [anon “3m (-nllhl "le reflec-t credit Iflemen “Em (mild and rellm't credit IIu-uglxr Hm .\lr. firemen“. Mea- ful applicant. fur g M the c-nuucil n indication" t in haul bmm one of its citiz- ‘Iouor the cunn- ”’3 i Mrs. Andrew Bople, as well a num- 'Cqmingum «l I p ber of others, is suffering from La :Kiuuuu. '6 I I 00 his unuliclate. br'l’Pe [vice My: lhflwlu The rm(‘PR)ers Of U. S S. No. 2’ m. was nun) ilmt mou, Mr. “305 It had a warden had been with Its under the r,thdtlcted the on as auynne no fault with 3 no mistake in the war- I' nominee. :‘lr. ‘8 a {nan at ex bald In) par: _a_n1 the claims Hf ,-.O the honor. ' _ vim: been . it would 3 senior five minute3 a matter ofl as ted his. \ ’atson the ' I as warden. 1 respect and 3 was entitled ! $098. Mr membersuf once of his thpofltiuu nor to the rte is now with. and council to fluctantly war, with- Ipressing M might Initial). £3959 and "0| tern ”ferret! brought had a second bout a which Ind if af- fly, the b in the pigment. thus the Whit)“ proced- I. Wat- second with icil’é IT GIRDLES THE GLOBE. The fame of Bucklen’ s Arnica Salve, as the best in the world, extends l round the earth. It’s the one perfect 3 healer ol Cuts Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scams, Boils, Ulcers, Felons 1 Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. :Only infallible Pile cure. 25c. a box ; at all druggists. 1m. l l l Mr. “odds, the miller, has disposed of all his interest in goods and chattels. Egretnont null Normanby, assembled recently to consider the advisability of erecting a new schoolhouse. Though a number assembled they were informed by the trustees, that whatever way they went a new school must be erected. It is unfor- tunate that the trustees, who are all rich men. can impose a tax on the poorer class. One ratepayer lecwred till he lectured the house clear. and then took a vote. Fearing that the whole section would be taken away if an expensive building were not erected, and being terrorized by the Inspector’s report, the vote was car- rietl. Mr. Colin Blyth is improving from an attack of La Grippe, which confin- ed him to the house for some time. A sad affair occurred'here recently, by which, a little three year old daughter of Mrs. McVain fell into a pail of scalding water, and despite all medical assiscance succumbed to the accident after a few hours sufiering. I Roceivml tau latefor last issue.) The rvcent Tea Social in the Math- odist. church was a great. success. Proceeds. $10 00. It is reported that a person is to erter an action against a resident who sold him diseased meat. The old idea that the body needs 3 powerful, drastic, pnrgntive pill has been exploded; for Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which are perfectly hnrm- less. gently stimulate liver end bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headlehe. Only 156. at nll drug “or“. 1111.. It appears that Mr. Wm. Pender is about purchasing the Caldwell far m, which, of course, is not worth so much now as before the fire. not right. Is there Nansva? Is there Constipation? Is the Tongue Coated? Are you Light-Headed? Do you have Sick Headache? Any and all of these denote Stomach and Liwr Disorder. Dr. Agnew's Liver PMs act quickly and will cure most stubborn and chronic cases. 40 in a vial for to cents.â€"â€"77 thl by .\larFurl:tnu (‘0 Mr. Allan presented the report of the spatial (enlrnnittve appointed the night be- t'nre tn strike standing mmmittees for lWl. lt untlined the persons on the various com- mittees, and was carried unanimously. , 'rnltnsnAY. 'l'he (mum-2| was addressed this morning by a clcpntatinn {ruin the cunncil and citiz- unsnt'tm: village of )larkdnle asking that the June session be held at that place. One of our blacksmith: is making a wagon for the Brown boys to take west. with them in the spring. .\ eupy uf tlm presentment of the grand iury at the December session” was read, as we‘ll :u a letter t'rum J. Ross Rubertson ask- in;: for assistance fur the Children’s Hos it- al at 'l‘uromtu. These with a number 0 ac- mmnts were referred to the various cam- mittees. to lookd for So'lionored a position, but the consideration of the council had prompted him to allow his name to be placed before them. The house of refuge question had been a live iasne in hi: division and though he had unequivocally stated that he would support any propMitiUn to have one erected he was elected by a large majority. If the matter did come up. and he was not certain that it would. he asked the council to give it a careful consideration. Mr. Brown then referred to the prosperity of the county and asked the council as one of the units in the m eat “out of national developenient, to exert its influence towards that end. All Wullld feel deeply the death 0t their beloved Sovereign, and he was pleased that the council chamber had been appropriately draped in recognition of the universal grief that girdled the world that day. He con- cluded by asking the council’s leniency in the performance of his duties and intimated that he Wnllltl undoubtedly have to r uist- tion the servicw of the clerk to assist rim. '"The warolen'~ declaration signed. business was prom-(«led with, the confirmation of the last >P.-‘~ln!t of the laat council being the ‘ tir-st order. 1 The warden-elect’s opening address was characteristic of the man. In a few brief .vnrds he expressed his pmfmmd apprecia- tion: of the hmmr that had been coutened "pull him. With their assistance he would endeavor to fill the trust to the htidaction of the members for the betnetitof the county. Three years ago he would nethave dated son. â€"9: for Mr. Prestonâ€"Messrs. Harness, )IcAthnr. McDonald, Preston, Pringlo. Sibenk Williacroftâ€"7 7. On motion of Mr. ,‘ Preston. Mr. Browns election was made! unanimous and the latter was escorted to the chair by the retiring warden. Mr. Mco, Donald and by his nominee Mr. Gordon. Life’s a Burden ~ If the smmach is BLOWN TO ATOMB. ORCHARD Hajuba Day. W El ’5' ES] )A Y. ‘09.- BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD FOR CATARRH. Miss Bessie McK. Kennedy, of Kingston. N. B., says: “ I have used Catarrhozone for Catarrh and think it is the best remedy in the world for that disease.” Catarrhozone is a new scientific treatment that cures Ca- tarrh, Asthma. Bronchitis, and irrit- able throat. Very pleasant and effective to use, contains no deleter- ious drugs. Catarrh-o-zone is for sale by all reliable druggists. Trial outfit sent for 100. in stamps by N. C. POLSON 00., Kingston. Ont., Proprietors. (Toronto Globe.) The Caledonian Society eclipsed all its former efforts in the concert line last night when they celebrated Burns’ anniversary at the Massey Hall with a splendid musical pro- gram in the presence of an immense audience of about twenty-eight hun- dred people. The supreme attraction of the evening was Miss Jessie Nevin . Maclachlan, known as the Scottish prima donna. Toronto peeple have had good reason in the past to be sceptical of the claims put forward on behalf of singers who have sought their patronage for distinctively national reasons, that is to say on the ground that they were per excel- lence interpreters of Irish. Scotch or French music. In the case of Miss Maclachlan it is gratifying to be able to say she would sing with distinc- tion, grace and charm the music of any school. ' She has a beautiful voice, with more of the mezzo so- prano timber perhaps than of the pure seprano, and behind all the sympathy and national instinct which she shows in the interpretation of purely Scottish music she betrays the cul- tivated art of the musician and the resources of the vocalist of training and experience. There were eighteen numbers on the program, and the majority of these were encored, Speaking without the aid of notes, Miss Maclachlan, if encores are in- cluded, sang twelve times during the evening, a truly generous contribu- tion to the progam. Her most suc- cessful number from a popular point of view-ca number which created a furoreâ€"was Lady Lindsay’s “ Wi’ a Hundred Pipers,” which she sang with electral efiect, so spirited, so Justly emphasized was her declama- tion. so instinct with true Scottish feeling her musical rendering. Prior i to this she had sunga delightful little cradle song. “ 0, Can Ye Sew Cush-i ions,” in which she gave an example of soft veiled singing. Later' in tbei evening see give two songs, which it may be presumed were Gaelic, as on Englishman could understand the words. But if one eould not under- stand the words, there was no doubt about the musical rendering. They formed two of the most attractive numbers of the evening g. the second being remarkable, among other good qualities, for the exquisite sense of accent displayed by the fair singer. The Owen Sound Times (Conserva- tive) spoke of the appointment in the following terms: “ The Times does not propose to discuss the political aspect of the constitution further than to say that for services render- ed the party, there are others, notably Mr. James H. Little, the prOprietor of the Advertiser, to whom the ap- pointment would have been an evid- ence of grateful recognition. But the appointment has been made on personal grounds and in this the holder of the patronage exercises his prerogative, leaving the personal and political aspects of the appoint- ment to be fought out at a later date. Miss Maclachlan the Scottish Prima He saysz-“The appoiument of Mr. G. A. Boss as Postmaster has been oficially announced. For the Ppast two weeks it has been known that Dr. Horsey was bent on secur- ing this position for his favorite. In spite of protests from his active and most effective supporters and from almost the entire Liberal party, he has decided to pursue his fatuous course. There is no shirking the re- sponsibility. It rests solely upon the Liberal member. Ignoring com- pletely the Executive of the Reform Association, whose voice in the mat- ter he contemptuously dismisses. ignoring the almost unanimous pro- test of his friends, ignoring those who had real claims on the gratitude of the Liberal party, ignoring the best sentiment of the electorate. Dr. Horsey has constituted himself a dictator of the moat pronounced type. And for what ? “ Ayeâ€"there’s the rut.” * * " * The Advertiser, as the exponent of Liberalism in its truest phases. cannot defend Dr. Horsey’s appointment, not by reason of any personal feeling, but because it voices the opinions, not only of the great mass of the Liberal partyj in North Grey, but also the opinions. of the best and strongest elements of, [hal party in this electoral division." The appointment to the Postmas- tership of Owen Sound as not popular, even with the Liberals, end ut the present time Dr. Horsey. the mem- ber elect, is not. in the best graces of armembers of the party. Mr. Lit- do of the Owen Sound Advertiser, who fought Dr. Horsey’s battle man- fully speaks as follows :â€" NWLNLDIIO" DAY. OwenBonnde. Repairing Promptly W. A. Macfal uuu aunt: u: guuu utuu III guou IUCIIM The others-â€"nobody knows desirable residenoe, will be sold on terms. Apply to What they are or (10. There ED. MILLIGAN, Palmerston, wouldn’t be any others but for J or to W- CALDER. Dur an. 17. 1900. tf the goodness of SCOTT’Sâ€" __ ’ there wouldn’t be any counter- - FARM POI; SALE {cit money but for the true. â€"â€" T An! x'n 4) l‘n‘Y 1 \V 7‘ ‘I‘ run CHRISTMAS AGAIN. made in a certain way; of certain things; it keeps; it is always alike; it does what it When anyone says “Emul- sion of Cod Liver Oil,” he means SCOTT’S. No other is famous. SCOTT’S EMULSION is The good one is SCOTT’S. It’s nearly 30 years old; it is used by intelligent peeple all over the world; and approved by physicians all over the world. There are others; why SCOTT’S? EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil? - W. _A. McFarlane has a larger stock than ever in the new block. A 20-year gold-filled case, WaL tnam movement. for 812. special discount for this month. A large , stock of sterling silver, ebony in curler’s files.shoe horns. paper knives, salve pots, etc. prices hway doWn. Also a full stock of Clocks. Jewellery. Sil- verware, watches. at prices from $2 50 up. Call and see for year- self and get a. calendar. Special Drives in Teas andâ€"malt? ifooinV f6!” sprifigigbods. we have (loaded to give a big reduction until sold out, on Ready-made Cloth- nnq. Blonkets, Tweeds. Dress-Goods Prints. Hats and Caps. for Men Boys and Mines. Cuned Goods an seven! lines of Groceries. Which we bought nt n bargain. This announcement is genuine. In 91'er to redqce our_preaent_ stock CASH OB PRODUCE TAKEN IN ENHANCE. ‘5 _ Toronto. r. and $1.00; all druggists. For Forty Days Bargains ! Bargains ! DURHAH. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT BOWNE, Chemists, flflfl McIntyre Block uld bound to sell. in the neighborhood counts tor somewmg and enables H. H. MILLER to do your Musings; with profit to you as well u to N. B.-â€"â€"A Spec in! Bargain is ofl'ered on Lows, Con. 2, W. G. 8., a‘Bentiuck 1m wryâ€"Durham a}: milesâ€"owner gone West himself. In first-class Companies and at lowest rates, draws all kinds of writings. arranges business quarrels, effects settlements wrth creditors. sells Ocean tickets, buys old .notes and always has on hand farm and vxllhge prefirties which he is willing to trade or exc nge for other property. Twenty ears’ experience and residence in _the n_e_ig horhood counts for something I. A... Inll A- J- ------ the Hanover Conveancer is lending money on good farm mortgages at lower rates of interest than vou can borrow elsewhere and on very liberal terms and at small cost.’ That is the reason why people all over the country pass by other enders and travel miles to borrow from him. He Does Fine, life . . and Accident Insurance He gas Several Vgry "Fine Fag-ms likeâ€"to kfiBVv: _ \V'ecauuot tell) ',ou but we QAN_'1‘ELL YOU that H. _H._ MILLER. Offices : Wingham and Wiarton. How to Grow \VO THOROUGHBRED, CHES- TER WHITE; one six months old. J .D. McNabV<> EING Lots No. ll and 12. Con. l, N. I). R.. Glenelg. and 11 and 12, on Con. 2, N. I). l{.. also 13 and 14. on Con. 3, N. D. R., each lot containing 50 acres. or 300 acres in all. nearly all cleared. Well watered. well fenced. good outbuildings and dwellings, good bearing orchards. In first class state ofcultn'ation, within a tew rods of school, 4 miles from Durham. Will be sold en bloc or in separate lots. as purchas- er desires. Easy terms. For turther par. ticulars apply to .l. TER WHITE; one six months Old, and one older, at let 2.3. 26 and 27, con. 3, S. D. R., Uleuelg‘. Both took first. prize at Priceville. Registered pedigree may be seen on application. For sale at very lozv figures and on very easy terms. Farm lands are bound to increase in price and now is the time to buy. HE ALSO undertakes [the collection of Notes and Accounts, and it is a. pretty bad claim that he cannot make some money out of no charge for his trouble if not ccllected. A THOROUGHBRED BOAR FOR service at Lot '22, Gun. 3. E. (i. R.. Glenelg, Terms 75c. at time of service. Nov. '27, 1900. 3 pd. Nov. lâ€"tf Nov. 14, 4 m. l) Melligan Property on George Street. one acre of good land in good location. a desirable resideuoe, will be sold on easy terms. Apply to En. MlLLlGAN. Palmerston, or to W. CALDER, Durham. Jan. 17. 1(0). tf U containing 50 acres. about 4.": acres cleared, well fenced. well watered. ood house. bearing orchard, good land an in good state ofcultivation. easy terms. For further particulars apply to DONALD MCCUSKERY 378 King St. West. Toronto. or to ALLAN CAMynnLL. Oct. 15â€"6m Dd. Bunessan vâ€"v -uu‘ .1. Priceville. newly bricked all round. new brick kitchen, new windows and other improvements. ()1: the fpremises are a good stable and two never ailing wells. The place has always done a good business and willbereuterl right toa stood man. The furniture will be sold to lessee. For further particulars apply to. Nov 5 tf. HE COMMERCIAL HOTEL Priceville. newlv bricked all mum! 91‘ NO, 8, CO_N.1,N.D.R , Glenelg. ENGINEER fur Howick, Wingham, 8m Is what Counjy of Grey ‘Egrmerqwguld RICK HOUSE AND LOTâ€"THE Boars for Service. Boar for Service. a superior in Pauada. Its appoint- meutsare modern and pro-momently first class. Its instructors are the best that money can hire. It.» training is bm«l.thorougl| and iractical. No school in Canada has a Letter. rennin. tion for strictly high “0|‘k.llld we are not living upon our reputation. but upon what We are doing in tho school- room to-«lay. \Vhy not patronize our college .’ Studvmn admitted each week. “'rito for handsome catalogue. W.J.Elliott : : Ptincipal A whoq! thgt slam!!! 30-day Hotel to Rent. Farm for Sale Ontario Land Surveyor,â€"â€" Civil and Drainage Engineer 'CENTA’V al/x’zéfbrét ’( H. H. MILLER. For Sale. JOHN MACKENZIE, Joux ECKHARD’I‘. 15 u nessan. ONTARIO. A. C. BEATON, Bunessau P. O. A. BUTTERS. I’riceville. Rockv Saugeen witlmut 50 Bushell â€"\Vheat to â€"the Acre Cross-Cut Saws. .. . .. Carpet sweepers.. .. . . . . . Meat. Cutters.... . Razors.......... ...... .. Scissors...... .. ..... . .. THE HARDWARE STORE. Hardware 2 And other bargains too numerous to mention, Oil in abundance. W. BLACK FIR. INCURINOI PROUPTLY ATTIND‘D ~70 ' vâ€"w." v 'A trill will cost ymn'notllillr . TH‘ GU". TOP DRIFT 04.4710 Also sent out on trial. If you ere not. pleased return them. You ceu get. them ell sizes. Our Simple. of Plowe. Hurt-owl. Spring Tooth, Seed Drills. Disc [knows and Green Selma to: I no now complete. Call end nee them. Give as e triel end we will use you right. efore commencing to take stock we are detir- mined to reduce the amount of material in our establishmerzi, and therefore have decided to give some ’3";an bargains. Call early and take advan- w use of our offer. Host Wood Implement Watemoms. THURSDAY. 125 iii: Chopping Axes. Team Bells . . . . Butcher Knives Cross Cut Files Fire Shovels... Want at the num- Home mutant m Livingston, DU RHAH. 1:5 55

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