West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Jan 1901, p. 8

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m :rov CLIFF; A number of reaidents are com- plainilg with Grippe for the last few wake. Hatdly a family escapes Iron taking it when it comes. Mr. John lather is lying very low from its deal, as it haa caused him lung trouble and other ailments, bu_t ye i}'"3.';'sni'?ééo§'ér althdugh his case is doubtlul. Hts. Jas. McDonald, who was at the point of taking her departure at one time, is getting better, and the old lady may see a lew years yet, al- though she is 82 years of age now. Mr. McDormid’s little boy met with an accident which may deprive him of the sight of an eye for life. While playing with scissors he let them come in contact with one of his eyes, causing an inflection of the sight. Dr Hutton was in attendance dress' ing the wounded member. Bliss Lemon, our popular teacher, )3 getting ulong well. She has all the qualities of a successlul teacher. She boards at Mr. Sullivan’s, one of the trustees. Mrs. Whiteside and some members of the family, from Own Sound, are Ipending a whilo with friends in this Mr. Arch. McCuaig has his new windmill and chOpper in running order. It is one of the highest. in Ontario. being about 80 feet from bottom to top. Mr. John McIntyre, of 'l‘ivertcn, Co. Bruce. is visiting friends in the neighbou'hood for the last. week or two. Timbermcn are at work in the neighborhood, anJ alarge quantity of valuable timber will be taken out this winter. Malcolm Mclnnis is busy preparing to: a new barn next summer. Dave Hinks and Willie McLeod are drawing logs for Keylands, North Line, to Ceylon Mills. Dave is great on lieuy loads, for he never takes less than 3 to 3; cords wood at a time. Messrs. John and Donald McMillan bought a load of Leicester sheep in the vicinity of Guelph. for which they paid a high price. The Messrs. McMillsns believe in improving their stock. Every year a large number of suflerers whose lungs are sore and rsched with coughs are urged to go to another climste. But this is cost- ly and not always sure. Don’t be an exile when Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home. It's the most infallible mediâ€" cine for Coughs. Colds. and all Throat snd Lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astounding cures result from persistent use. Trial bottles free at all druggists. Price 50c. and $1.00. Every bot:le gnusnteed. l m. Mr. Jas. Hematock sold his farm to a. Mr. Thompson somewhere down the country. We are sorry to lose Mr. Hemstock as he was a good and obliging neighbor. He intends mov ing up to Chntsworth, where he was rnised, and where his friends reside. The evening of January 2-1. 1901, was Spent very pleasantly by a num- ber of the young people of the Glen- elg Baptist Church, who drove over to Muloclt to Rev. )1. P. Campbell’s. pastor of the Glenelg and Bentinck Baptist Churches. and there spent a very pleasant and profitable time together. The occasion being a presentation to (Rev.) .\lrs. Campbell who for the past year has proved herself to be very faithful as an organist in our church. We voice the sentiment of the people in the community when we say that Mrs. Campbell has done everything cheer. fully and unostentatiously while pre- siding at the organ. By the way Mr. Campbell also deserves much praise for his faithfulness as a pastor. He is always going about doing good and what better motto can any man have than that? Mr. Campbell is not a mere tradesman. but a real Bible instructor. Through his minis- terial attainments he has shown marked ability as a pastor. The evening was enriched by music, rec- itations. solos and instrumentals of various kinds and all entered hearti. lv into the pleasure of the occasion. About thirty sat down to a magnifi- cent repast prepared by the ladies and all did justice to the numerous delicacies provided. The pleasing feature of the evening however was the reading of the following address by Miss SarahYoung and thereupon put. Messrs. John MEPhail and Arch. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McPhnil, of Duluth, are spending a. while of the winter with their parents, in this DIAIFRIIND,â€"lt Kords us very nook plenum to other More to-night. u ”and pleasant nud profitable “I «gather. W0 no pleased to it" Ibi- phcum rolttionship, and "it always be our: to enjoy it. lliu May Ellison handed to Mrs. Campbell a nice little sum of money. In. Campbell was completely taken by aux-prise. not having heard a whisper {tom anyone of what was in more for _ber. Although taken un- uwuos, she gracefully accepted the pun!“ tad made a feeling reply ex- pnloivo of her grutitude and good will to “I. people of Glene3g Baptist. THOUSANDS SENT INTO EXILE. . P. CAIPBILL: WATERSVILLE. Dr'. Agnew's Ointment stands at the head as a reliever. healer, and sure cure for Piles in all forms. One application will give wmfort in a few minutes, and three to aix da 3' application according to directions wil curq chronic cases. It relieves all itching and burning skin dim in a day. the moral influences which have been directed towards us by you and Mr. Campbell. We trust that we may duly appreciate those eflorts more and more, and be influenced for, good as we no doubt will. We feel that you as an organist and singer have done your duty among us. And nowwe must sayzâ€"Continue on in the, good work of the Lord and bye and i bye it will be yours to hear thatv °‘ Well done thou good and faithful servant enter thou into the joy of, thy Lord ” We also realize that you; were untiring in your energies and even willing to sacrifice your, time and talents by coming with Mn; Campbell through pleasant and un-' pleasant weather to sing the glad tidings of joy. We realize that this; was for our welfare and we be-' lieve that it will have a telling in», fluence in the high standing of Chris-': tian life. We all unite in wishing! you and Mr. Campbell every blessoj ing and succes in the future and that: the work may be abundantly blessed; to the ingathering of many preciousi souls. We have much pleasure in' presenting to you this money as a! slight token of our esteem and apprc- iation. and when this life ends with each one of us, may we all meet in an unbroken circle in the praises of " Him who loved us and gave him- self for us.” \VM, BAKER. SARAH YOUNG, WM. ELLISON. Geo. Toaar. MAY Toaar. Jxo. ELLIsox. Gno. Twanmr. Mar ELLIsox. Death has again visited our midst. It is sad to chronicle the death of ‘ Elizabeth McKenzie, belox ed wife of Mr. Thomas Parks. of this place. She had been ill only a short time and on Friday, Jan’y :35th. her bright spirit fled beyond that bourne from which no traveller returns. The de- ceased was very highly respected by the whole community. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon from the attractive old home to the Sau- geen Cemetery. A short service was conducted at the home by the Rev. Mr, Graham. of Dorhoch Presbyter- ian Church, after which the remains were conveyed to their last resting place. Messrs. 'l‘hos. Banks, Wm. Morrison and Thos. Morrison. of Edge Hill, and Alex. Ellison, Colin McArthur and Geo. 'I‘wamley, of this community acting as pallbearers The whole scene was most impressive On receipt of the news last week that our beloved Queen had passed away the town hall. public school and other flags were hoisted at half mast, and the sorrow felt in the heart was manifested in the faces of our citizens. Some of the business places displayed mourning. M. Richard- son Co’s show windows beingneat- 1y draped, with a picture of the Queen in the centre. On Sabbath morning Mr. M. Richardson, who preached in the Methodist church, 3“. Lamont in the Baptist church, and Rev. L W. Thom, in the after- noon in the Presbyterian church, each paid touching and fittingtribute to our departed sovereign. In the evening a memorial service was held in the Methodist church when ap- propriate addresses were given by Dr. Christoe. M. Richtrdson, M. P., and the the pastor, Rev. Jos. Ward. The choir also rendered several ap- propriate selections, closing with the National anthem, as it will in future be sung. The altar and choir gallery, in which a picture of the Queen was hung. was appropriately draped. and the church bell at the hour of service was tolled only. On Saturday evening last the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison, ‘two miles east of the village, was the scene of a happy gathering. of rela- tives and friends assembled to assist the esteemed couple celebrate the 50th anniversary of their marl-age, which half a century ago was sol- There are so many things that ap- pear unnecessary. and which for the life or us we can see neither purpose nor end. It may be corns are just one of those thorns in the flesh the why and the wherefore of which we cannot see. Nevertheless they are of the kind that are easily removed. Putnam’s Painless. Corn Extractor makes shorgwor of them. Try it and see how nicay it coaxes em out. Use none other than Pntn ’s Corn Extractor. Sold by in chug-v “ I HAVE HAD Rheumatism for years, and Nervi- line is the only remedy that has done me any good.” So writes Thomas McGlashan. North Pelham, July 24, 1890, and his testimony is supported by thousands of others who have experienced the wonderful penetrat- ing and pain subduing power of Nervilineâ€"Ahe great nerve pain cure. Neviliue is just as good to take as to rub on, and is the best family remedy in the world. Nerviliue is sold by dealers everywhere. A wide, wide range of friends, neigh- bors and vauaintances extend their sympathy to the bereaved husband and family. VERY HARD INDEED. Sold by lbcfarlane at C0. FLESHERTON . emnizod In Merry Old (though now maul-nine) England, and the Queen had no more loyal «Huerta than they. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison have the best wishes of numerous friends for many years more of wedded life together. Mr. T. J. Sheppard was in Toronto last week and purchased a roadster and outfit. which was driven home by Mr. Fred Sheppard on Friday and Saturday. The arrival of a young son on Tuesday of last week in the home of Editor and Mrs. Thurston is cause for congratulations and we tender OUI'S. 'l‘lieL. O. L. on the 4th line Arte- mesia, held their annual enteitain- ment on \\ ednesday evening of last neck and was as usual 3 gratifying success. 31'. '1‘. R. McKenzie, of Portlaw,ablv filled the chair, and the entertaining programme was given altogether by local talent. Proceeds, $35). Mr. 'l‘hos. Leitch left last. week to Spend a few months with his daugh- ter at Springford. Mr. J. and Miss Wilson. of Ciee- more, have been visiting for a. few days with their sister, Mrs. Wilson McMuilen. back line. Misses Annie and Minnie Richard- son are home from Rochester, visit- ing their mother, Mrs. Henry Rich- ardson, who is ill. The Gray Bros. ciunematOQraph entertainment given here last week drew a well-filled house and was pleasing to its patrons Mrs. (Rev.) E. Wismer and little son. of Nebraska. U. S., are visiting the farmer’s mother at the Presby- terian Manse. Miss Harndcu, of Brighton, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. R. N. Hender- SOIL Mr. Ball and Miss Nettie Brown of Durham. were the guests of Mr Charles and Miss Florrie Richardson a day or two last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy spent Sunday with the latter’s parents in Nottawasaga. From advanced sheets and pros- pectuses that have been examined, the Herald takes pleasure in stating that the workmanship will be more than excellent. There will be a great number of portraits and engravings, all of which are genuine works of art, and equal to the best work to be found in any magazine of the day. The paper and manufacture will be in keeping with the high character of the publication, and the whole is in very gr t contrast to an opposi- tion work ..hich has been submitted to us for inspection. Mrs. Tucker, of Cellingu'ood, and Miss Thom. of Fort William, were the guests last. week at. Mr. Alex. Stewart’s west back line. Mrs. Andrew Bentham returned Monday from visiting her sister in Toronto. Rev. J. L. Simpson, of Thornbury is assissting Rev. Mr. Thom in spe cial services this week. The death of our illu trious Sover- eign will naturally be followed by the publication of many ”Lives of the Queen.” A well-written and and artistically produced hook on Her Majesty’s life and reign, will unquestionably command an im- mense sale. An old book with a few pages added, a rehash of newspaper items thrown together in a day, or American books by American auth- ors will not fill the bill. The Herald is glad to announce that the World Publishing Com- pany, of Guelph, who have been foremost in the past in the produc- tion of high class literature, have had for some time in prepartion “The Life and Reign of Queen Victoria," which will be a standard work of great excellence, and is being pre- pared with great care. It is written by John Coulter, the celebrated His- torian and Journalist from London, England, assisted by John A. Coop- er, editor of the Canadian Magazine, Toronto. Mr. COOper will give spec- ial attention to Canada under the Queen’s reign. including the visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada, and the Regal and Vice-Regal connection of Her Majestywith the country. The advertisement of the “World PublishingCompany,” calling for agents, will be found in another column of our issue of to-day. Mr. and Mrs. James Benton, of Dromore werveelcome guests at the “Maples.” the home of the lat.- teta’s labor, the beginning of lust week. The Herald prepicts a sale of this “Life of the Queen” greater than has ever been reached by any other book in Canada. as it seems to us. every loyal subject will desire a capy. The work is to be sold at a low price to bring it. within the reachwf all. Mr. Duncan Hey left on Tuesday for Toronto Hospital, there to under- go an operation for the eye. His many iriends wish him a successful and speedy recovery. To cure a. cold in a nightâ€"use Vapo-Creso- lene. It has been used extensively during more than twenty-four years. All Druggists. From the Guelph Herald, J an. 26, 1901 A GREAT BOOK DORNOOH :.‘ A ‘- Mr. Hunt, our popular merchnnt, is, we regret to hear, enfiering-v very much from a complication of disen- es. and purposes visiting Toronto heapital this week. Mr. W. Yandt and family. who have been residents of this part for a couple at years.moved to Habermehl the middle of last'week. Mr. James D. Ledingham arrived i pa": home last week from Brandon,where that he spent the summer months. James ha“ admits this has been a very trying‘lrigh season on the Manitoba farmer, still ‘Her he has great hopes of the future of“ Lea the Prairie Province. 2 the A couple of sleigh-loads of mirth- loving and jolly youth and beauty from Paisley, Bruce Co., are visiting the Stewart family this week. La Grippe, the fashionable epidem- ic, seems to have the majority of our residents in its tenacious grip. The strong and week, young and old are in its irresismble embrace. Mr. R. L. Callett of \Viiliamsford. Spent Sunday in the village. Miss A1111ie S. Alexander, of Allan Park. accompanied by Miss Clara M. McDonald of Du1ham,111ade a few pleasant calls in this vicinity last week. Handsome John Campbell. of the Review Staff, Sundayed very pleasantly with relatives here. All that was mortal of the late Henry Honess was interred in the Latoua cemetery here last Wednes- day. Mr Houess was for a number of years a much respected resident of this village. From here he went to Manitowaning, where he resided untillast Novemper. In the vain hope of restoration he came to Walk- ertonyin which place he breathed his last on Sunday. An aged mother, two sisters, three brothers, and a wife and young child are left to mourn their sad bereavement. De- ceased was in his 35th year. Miss L. Fee, uf Varney, spent Sun- day with her sister. Mrs. McCalmon, of this village. I “Uuu. ‘|IV '0... vavâ€" v- _" A. D. 19(1), are r nested to send by p033 prepaid or deliver to W. S. Davidson, Town of Durhamz Solicitor for the ex- ecutor on or before kehrusry 14th, A. D., 1901, their names, addresses and descrip- tions and full ststment of rticulsrs of their claims and the nature 0 the securit (if an?» held by th'em duly certified an that a ter the said day the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto havmg regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Deted this 22nd day of January, A. D., 1901. - W; 8. DAVIDSON. 4 Winter for theoEW. At a meeting of the managing com- mittee of the Presbyterian church last week it was decided to accept the tender of Messrs. Armstrong and Burlett, for the building of the new church. The committee met con- tractors, and staked out the ground on Monday last. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50- cent bottle of Greene’s Warranteed Syrup of Tar if it. fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25ocent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. MCFARLANE CO. Mr. H. Graham and daughter. of Whitefield, Duflerin Co.. is visiting his brother, Rev. W. Graham, attbe manse. Also Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Noble and .daughter. of Carman, Mam, brother-in-law and sister of our pastor. Mr. Noble is an enter- prising real estate agent, and any person desiring to purchase afarm in the renowned west would save money by communication with him. His address is Shelburne until March. and after that Carman, Man. â€"â€"---â€"-o-‘ 0.0 H- The annual meeting of the Presby- terian church was held last Wednes- day. the day being extremely stormy and the attendance small. After a short devotional service the minutes of last meeting were read and adept- ed, also the auditors’ report. The treasurer’s report showed a substan- tial balance over all liabilities. The retiring managers, Messrs. McCrack- en. McArthur, and Ledingham, were re-elected with the exception of Mr. McCracken, who declined re-election on account of ill-health. and was ten- dered a hearty vote of thanks for his valuable services, being on the man~ aging board 24 years. _ SUANT to R. S. O. 1897 Chap. 129, Sec. 38 a'nd amending acts that 111'. persons having any claims against the estate of the said Ruth Stewgu't. deceased. who died on or about the thirteenth gey of December, . _-..J I.-- .....5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PUR- If a well filled and appreciative audience is a criterion of a speaker’s pOpularity, then the Rev. J. Little, now of Chatsworth, but formerly pastor here, is more revered and popular than ever. This being Mr. Little’s first appearance in the pul- pit here since his resignation, a large congregation, estimated at over 400, were present to listen to the fa- miliar voice and earnest discourse of the Speaker. and to clasp hands with one who, to the. majority of those present, was regarded as more than paStor. Mr. Little also took charge of the young people’s meeting in the evening. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey, in the matter of the Estate of Ruth Stewart, Late of the Town of Durham, Married Woman, Deceased. . Notice.to Creditors. A Card. The Herald. yesterday. gavg' a ;Q. views of the forthcoming “ Life and Reign of Queen Victoria," to be pub- lished by the Word Publishing Com-u Ipuny, of Guelph. It is now learnedl that the World Publishing Company | have purchased the Canadian c0py- (right of the latest published work 1Her Majesty wrote. namely. ”More {Leaves from the Journal of a life in i the Highlands ” The World Publish- iing Co. will add this to their book iwithout change of price. Imagine such authors, namely, Her Majesty the Queen, Dr. John Coulter and John A. COOper, editor of the Canadian Magnzine. This \\ ill make the book about 700 pa; es qual its neveI equalled, and only $1. 75 in price. Jan. 20th. if. V A thoroughbred Durham Bull, 2 years old. Apply to MOFARLANE (fl 00. 3‘thoroughbred shorthorn heifers, rising 2 years, 2 bull calws. All registered pedigrees. Apply to Jan. 8â€"4. 2 m '.'.WM'x'-.’M'J* H. Gordon, - - Jeweler Wall Paper At a Sacrifice. Zhristmas novelties. . m cum mm The Author From the Guelf Herald. Jul. To make room for new stock we must clear out at any price. Nice papers from 3 cents up, worth 7c and 100. First come,first choice. Only a few rooms of some patterns. 1 W“ h Bookseller. BULL for SALE DBNALD Moiifviuum. hose wishing to give a useful and lasting Xmas present should see A. Gordon’s large stock of Watches, Ladies’. Gents’ and Boys’ sizes. Ladies’ and 'Gents’ Chains, Flatwear. Silverware. Sterling Silver and Ebony Novelties, Jew- elry, Clocks and Specs, For Sale THOMAS PETTY. Orchard. Varney. Big 4, Floor oil clad), 2 yds. wide.. . 50c Floor oil cloth. 1; yds. wide.. 40c Floor oil cloth. 1 yd. wide . . . . 9‘30 Table oil cloth, 45 in. wide . . . . 25c l‘uble oil clozh, 54 in. wide. . . . 37} Flunnelete Blankets. large-1L4 size, in white or grey. per pair ................. ' 195 The best heavy fine wool blun- ' kels, per pair $3.75 and. . . 4 00 Swedish, Scotch Canadian GRANITE 8. MARBLE WORKS. Monuments Repaired, and Inscriptions Cut on Shortest Notice. GARAFRAXA Sr. â€"â€" DURHAM. Just Arrived. Pure honey per lb ...... Grape nuts. per package Provision Store. W. H. BEAN. Wm . M c Calmo n 5 doz. suits fleece lined'underw to clear at 31 We extend a cordial invitation examine our goods and take 1 ‘ prices. We have a large lat 0t“ Boya’ Caps which we Wilden at a cent. Bargains {albums Goa and in fact: all winter goods {4 5 doz. suits fleece lined under! Overcoats I ll. W. M 0 Blankets ! Furs I IIPOBTER OF AND DEALER IN A Fresh line fl Christmas ( ies and Confectionery. Oral Figs, Nuts and Candies. Ali of Family Flour and Mill E always On hand. Call and l CALL AND SEE US 313.00 Overcoata .._. . . . . .3 ....... . 812.00 Overcoats .. . . ............ 88.00 Overcoats .. .............. Cheap" mu in prom Blankets worth $5: Blankets worth 84. Blunkets w'orth‘O-l. By taking advanfi' es. Until January ing seasonable rates : 1 only Electric Seal ca; 1 only rufi, reg. $5.50.! Caps that were 83.5 Caps that were 82.2 Mufis that were $1.75 Mulls that wen 62.5 Caldet's Block, "0c 10c Money to Lona at I'd terms to suit born-om OFFICE-Helium Cflico hours: Reridelwe Ind ( .lfpper Tom. 0 Will via-i! hit of each week Iru Misses Dick anncuuco ally that they In ? stock of Milliue in (me of the La . in the New MCI they are prepare ft est styles in I“ and fancy goods '0. ble prices. A 001 fully solicited. teed. Arthud- gonveyuloeg. Collections of mm? Dl'ltllAM. Want: a. a. norm. “enter Cones: M WWW ARRISTEB, vsuxcna. rug. 0 Jan. Notary P1 “FFIFE 3, no 'm nd uzit-‘I

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