West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Feb 1901, p. 5

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When a lady asks a man to marry is! he should take it up. Hr. T. Morton is b'JS) hauling Ium~ in In! his new barn to be Hated “it Summer. It. L. Robson has sold his farm '0' O cracking, big timu'e (0311'. '1‘. I. T. Mighton has the Wilson Button'farm rented. All you low is the cook Tom. Mr. W. Scarf has quite apile of lumber and timbrr at home. with 'Iich ho is going to build at barn .08! summer. Quim a number in this vicinity have had the Grippe, but all are re- coating. in. Cato“ anal danglstur, Hammer “0, were thu guests of Markdalr: hiondl a short time ago. (From another (funtrihntom Ii” Cassie Collinson visited friends :5 Crawford last week. It. \‘Vm. Scarf is lnsy taking: out It? and inmnds gunning an addi- _IIOI tohis our” “:st summer. :5 ”t, \V;;., 'lhn'u'ds an] his three .0. are “011»! {r 4:) :h . .3'm13r. ' '1.Tbomas Manon Intumls erect- hgfimamennt'n lurn max! summer. .0 It.“’iil.m-}0a f's suit: was a success. C'Olything gala»; w H. Ir. Wm. Uauou. of Hrumford city, in burn the guest of his uncle, Mr. '. Caton. rechml) . 4 Mia Bella Caton has been sick for a low days. ' Mr. Wiseman hm moved out. onto his new farm. ‘ umnbcr of fixw Smith family have n“. Suffering {10.1. int} arm: I. L .l’. Archie Mclr'nu 1.5-; a valuab!e '0' J‘.‘ -.' in! Mrs. Jas. Hillis remained O week after his father’s fore returning home. 3 mild “ember has mused to hangout well. and mum hoping it max continue 30. as 'hvon’t any too much. [news was as plentiful in the 3 r. l'av '88 the ,5- J Prod has purchased Wonder I' he i‘i going ’0'.Mi9.£‘s? I‘UHI‘J 'lOfltlfui, (flu-Jaws «on 0!): Mhood as La Grifipe we might Jul afine big budget this week. .3. N. Wilder has been under to. are for the past week with o! the lungs. Eden had a wood hauling fridty, when fifteen teams 3 large tupply on hand. ~»â€"â€" 9* 0.. *0 v...â€" htwctive fire took place at lord on the morning of Feb. 7. lone o’clock, destroy inp Young’s :, in which were the atoms of ‘ Donaldson, general men-ch- ',, J. NcCleHand. harness; I". ”OZONE CAN NOT BE BEATON . E Bodie McDougaIl, of Vauleek L. says: ‘° Cutarrhozone ha.» ‘Inore good than any other I ever used. In has cured tarrh. Others may praise ations but Catarrhozone ten as a cure for Ca- .‘ rh-o-zono is a new 13am“: guaranteed to I. .0“ chronic cases of Ca- .m-a, Bronchitis, Coughs. .lc. Onto, aate and pleasant v. Sold by all drnuiata. Trial cont for 100 in stamps by N. 0. ON I 00., Kingston, Ont., "to 15:39on “I. “'n). Sn In) To CONQUER OR DIE '00 just about gone,” \w'ritws .00. Richardson. of Laurel N. C.. "I luv! (Lnsump'ion that ‘be best doctors said I DI. boots and shoes;' W. drought. A dwelling be- ”D. Cunningham. butcher. .3 live more than a month, man to 1m, Dr. King’s New ly and was wholly cured b\ titles and am now stout and it’s tn unrixalel life~saver Isumption. Pneumonia, La and Bronchitis; infallible for ,Colds. Asthma, Hay Fever, Whooping Cough. (iuamn 50c and 31. 00. Trial at all drug stores. 1m. ting b'es are the order of aJ. Yaunt has extended in- 0 one on Wednesday, to! course. ' rushed out their timber ; itop came were in luck. Mon Bros. were amongst “no ones. They put about ’th out by the first of Feb. wu no service in the School- I Sunday p. m.. owing to '(Bygn bqiuglaitl up with It is selddin any éircuvm- In grip enough on him to from his a; pointment. Feb. I 4. 1901. {”83 ER CON UERN S. {here was very little as! ‘v ABERDEEN H 0 Df \lr Imsy taking: out, of Walkerton. rnnci Canon a new cutter. to wrciuue a «w good.’ snow All our young folks took putt in t d¢nco at. Mr. Thos. Weir’s, New Englmd, on Thursdoy It“. Anyone wanting a strong. neat sleigh would do well to call at our corner and have a look at those man- ufactured by the Wilson Bros. Mr. Sam Lawrence and his gang of timber-men are working at. Mr. F. Runciman’s. Our burgh has again been visited by the angel of death and Mrs. 'Phos. Knox has been taken from the midst sf her family to her home on a. bright shore. Mrs. Knox has been sick for some time but was not considered dangerously ill and on Saturday there seemed to be such a marked improve- ment in her condition that her hus- band and children thought she would soon be around again, but the hopes were changed to the deepest sorrow when on the fonowing morning she was found to be dying. She breath- ,ed her last in the arms of one who for a few short years has been her partner in the joys and sorrows of, this world and bid him and the chilm .lren meet her in that bright home beyond. Mrs. Knox was a faithful wife, tender mother and kind neigh- 'oor. At an early age she became united with the Presbyterian church at Swinton Park, of which Mr. Knox is now an elder, and was a regular attendant, taking her last Sacrament at the beginning of the New Year. In accordance with her wish before death the funeral. which was a large 0 1e was delayed until Friday that Dr. John Leigh, who was her brother and the playmate of her childhood. might take a last farewell before she was finally conveyed to her last rest- ing place in Swinton Park cemetery. We extend our deepest sympathy to Mr. Knox and the children, also to her parents and relatives. ‘ Mr. John McQueen has sold his farm to Mr. Jas. R Wilson. We bape Mr. McQueen does not intend to leavethis part as he and Mrs. Mc- Queen would be greatly missed. [Tudor the amended Vagrancy Act which came into force on the let of January, the net-essity for a refuge is lame apparent than ever. On Wednesday last two old men who had passed the three score years and ten mark were up before the police magistrate as vagrants. One of them Duke Travis, had just finished a term in jail and asked to be sent back. He gave his age as 71 years The other man, Allan McKechnie. gave his age as 74, and said he was from the town- ship of Keppel. He asked to be lock- ed up until spring, The P. M. could1 not see his way clear to grant the re- quest and thev were remanded for a week pending on some action on the part of the municipalities interested. The amended act says that no aged or infirm person shall be convicted as a vagrant in the county of which he has for two years immediately preceding been a resident.-â€"O. 8. Sun. Mr. Andrew Dnflin. Anltsville. Ont., xx'v'i'eszâ€"“l mu troubled with Bright’s «HM-mu uf the kidneys fur five years. I trimi .1 number nf dnctors and preparations. but got no relief. Mysen advised the use nt' Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills. I got a bux, and. to my surprise, I get relief at mum], and am new thoroughly cured.” One pill a duse, 2.3 cents a hex. BRIGHTS bDISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS 7pnrt of an obituary of an impecunious icitiznn had been dumped in the forms and the next handful of tw- pe came 03 a galley describing a recent fire. It reads like this : ” The pull-bearers low-r. d the body to the grave and as it was consigned to the flames there were few if any regrets. for the old wreci; had been an eye sore to the1 town fui'years. Of course there was individual loss, but that was fully covered by insurance.” The Widow thinks the editor wrote the obituary that way iecm Sv) the lamented part- ner of her joys and sorrows owed to him five years’ subscription. Health and beam always go linked tugether, 1 wrinklet , tired and worn-leek ing face tells immediately of nervousness, svnrry and the many accompanying ills and irregularitien Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food fills the shrimllcd arteries with new. rich blmul. strengthens and rekindles the vitali- tv ut' the nerves, and gives a well-rounded l form, and clear healthy complexion to all Wltu use it. 60 cents a box. all dealers. I: wasn’t a Missouri editor, but a prinuer’s devil whowas g’uiug through his first experience on " making up ” forms. The paer was late and the boy 9; :t the gnneys mixed. The first AN EXTENDED EXPERIENCE. Writes a well-kpowg chemist,_ per- TAUTY OF FORM AND FIGURE BOOTHVILLE. Mr. B. B. Osler was 62 years old. He was one of four brothers, the ex- ample of whose success in life is unique. The eldest is Mr. Justice Featherston Osler of the Court of Appeal. the deceased was next in or- der of age, than came Mr. E. B. Osler M. P” one of Canada’s great finan- ciers,lastly there is Dr. William Osler of Johns Hapkins’ University, Bal- timore, one of the leading surgeons in America. Toronto, Feb. 6.â€"The news of the sudden death of Mr. B. B. Osler, K. C., at Atlantic City, N. J., came as a shock yesterday morning to his rela- tives and friends. His associates knew that'his health had been poor for almost a year, but it was announ- ced that he was fast regaining his former vigor. ' Oauu7â€"Whm'u tho Can‘tâ€"Tho active irritating cause of this most painful ot diseases is poisonous uric acid in the blood. South American Rheumatic Cum noun-n, lizeatho acid poison. Ration. inGhoun nudcuminxto3dnyn._9o Mr. Frederick Hamilton. The Globe’s correspondent, and others, who were eye-witnesses, express the greatest satisfaction with the picture, and it is certainly worthy of that journal’s enterprise in making it possible to keep the event ever in memory. The picture can be secured by becoming a subscriber of The Weekly Globe. at the regular price. The picture can be seen at this oflice. Sign? Your. Old -â€"-Oaturrh Flft oars. Dr. Agnew’s Cntnrrhal Pow er cures him. \Vant any stronger evi- denco of the power of this wonderful remedg over this universal disease? Want the Uni of the case confirmed ? Write George Lewis. Shamokin. Pa. He sayszâ€"“I look upon my cure as a miracle.” It relieves in ten my cure as a minutes.â€"89 Says, in speaking of the part taken by the Canadians at the battle of Paardeberg, that it was their forward position which was the final move that compelled Commandant Cronje to lay down his arms on the anniver. aary of Majuba Day. The Weekly Globe is enabling its yearly subscrib- ers to hand down to their children an excellent memento of that important event by presenting them with a‘ cleverly executed picture which con- veys a very correct idea of the Boer laager and the position of the Cana- dian troops at that time. Tm: ingenuity of the inventor is amazing. The latest in the field is a Miss Ellen E Tyndale, whose inven- tion certainly fills a gap, though it may be doubled whether it will be really practicable. It is meant to check the false fire alarmist. who can at present play his abominable prac- tical joke with impunity, and it takes the form of an automatic alarm post which not only rings up the fire station, but also grips the wrist of the alarmist with a steel bracelet, blows a police whistle, and presents the man with the shilling for his trouble. The prisoner can be releas- ed by the policeman, and the auth- enticity of his alarm can thus be verified. The invention would hardly perhaps. meet with general apprecia- tion. Rheumatlam -â€" What's tho Cost 10 Conic-But worth a dollar a vial. This is the testimony of hundreds who use Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills. They are so sure, so pure. so pleasant and easy act- ing. The demand {or this popular Liver Regulator is so great it is taxing the maker! to keep up with it.â€"93 Sold by MacFarlane 6; Co. Neustadt expects to have a furni- ture factory in a couple of months. i Two enthusiastic meetings were held r last week, and over six thousand dollars was subscribed in this village. This week the farmers are being so- licited to take stock, and from the way they are responding the factory is assured. It is preposed to buy out the present saw-mill in the village and erect the factory near that loca- tion-Milford Express. “I’d rather be dead than 31150: again the tortures of insomnia, palpitation and nervous twitching of my muscles in- duced by simple neglect of a little indiges- tion.” These are the forceful and warning words of a lady who proclnims that her cure by South American Nervine when everything else had failed was amodern miracle. A few doses given relief.-â€"93 Sold by Maanrlnne Co. THE DIFFERENCEâ€"The other night I was at a supper where one lawyer prOpouuded this conundrum to a brother limb of the law :-" What’s the diflerence between a fog and a lawyer ?” His learned friend gave it up, whereat. amidst roars of laughter from the gentlemen assembled, the prOpounder calmly replied, “ Why,‘ one’s mist on earth and the other'sl missed in Heaven !” Sudden Death of B. B. Odor. mum-nee. Sold by Mac farlane Co. Genorhl Robérti 14335 Sold by Murat-lane Co H 0.0 ‘u. .. W. A. Macfallane Repairing Promptly Done and Guaranteed CHRISTMAS AGAIN. Special Drives in Teas "rv- I w â€"VVVIVH’ Chemlsts, Toronto. 500. and $1.00; all drugglsts. W. A. McFarlane has a larger stock than ever in the new block. A 20-year gold-filled case, Wal- tham movement, for 812, special discount for this month. A large stock of sterling silver, ebony in curler’s files,shoe horns, paper knives, salVe pots, etc. prices away down. Also a full stock of Clocks, Jewellery, Sil- verware. watches. at prices from 82 50 up. Call and see for your- self and get a calendar. until sold out, on Ready-made Cloth- mg. Blankets, Tweeds. Dress-Goods Prints. Hats and Caps. for Men Boys and Misses. Caned Goods and several lines of Groceries. In Order to reduce our present stock and make} room for spring goods, we have decided to give a big reduction Food is the best of medicine: food that sets the body going again. This is health: give it time. The genuine has this pict- ure on It, take ff" no other. a tired digestion. But that isn’t all ; it encourages stomach and bowels to tackle their work; it gives and gets them strength from the other food they are able to take. Give it time. S. SCOTT, SCOTT s EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil is the easiest food for 9 Doctors can t always trace a disease to its cause; and you can t. CASH OR PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. For Forty Days DURHAM CHRONICLE. $9011 6: BOWN_E, DURHAI‘I. ’ ’\ If you have gnot trled it, send‘for free 9. sample, Its agreeable -, taste will sur- ’ prlse you. Mcl re Elm on “0‘ a. U0". 3, W 0. U. “a. Wuuuu. 5w acresâ€"Durban: sax milesâ€"owner gone We“ and bound to sell. [1. H. MILLER. N. B.â€"-A Special Bargain is ofl'erod on Lot g8, Qon. 2, W." R., Hangman"!!! r" ' ' exchange for other nroperty." . Twenty Eears’ experience nnd residence 1n the nerg borhood counts for somethmg and enables H. H. MILLER to do your hpeinega with profit to you :3 well u to In first-class Companies and at lowest rates, draws all kinds of writings. arranges business quarrels, effects settlements with creditors, sells Ocean tickets. buys old notes and always has on hand farm and village properties_ which he is willing to trsde or He Does Fire, life . . and Accident Insurance For sale at very loW £57963 EnIf on very easy terms. Farm lands are boan to increase in price and now is the time to buy. HE ALSO undertakes the collection of Notes and Accounts, and ibis a. pretty bad clann that he cannot make some money out of no charge for his trouble If. not. collected. He gas Spveml Vgry Is what Count ' of Grey Farmers would like to know. \ 'e cannot tell you, but we CAN TELL YOU that H. ll. MILLER, the Hanover Convea ncer is lending money on good farm mortgages at lower rates of interest than vou can borrow elsewhere and on very liberal terms and at small cost. That is the reason “If, people all over the country pass by other enders and travel miles to borrow from him. How to Grow J. D. flcNab,/.‘;> JOHN MACKENZIE, Nov. 27 1900.3 pd. Rockv Sangeen A THOROUGHBRED BOAR FOR service at Lot 22, Gun. 3. E. G. R.. Ulenelg. Terms 750. at time of service. .l. TER WHITE; one six months old, and oxfe older, at lot 25), 26 and 27. con. 3, S. I). R., Ulenelg. Both took first prize at Priceville. Registered pedigree may be seen on application. .1011}; ECKHARDT. Nov. 14, 4 m. Bunessan. rpwo THQEQUGHBREI), CHES- I‘l‘n ‘II- Nov. 1â€"“ l EING Lots No. 11 and 12. Con. 1, N. D. 1%., Glenelg. and 11 and 12. on Con. 2, N. I). it, also 13am! 14. on Con. 3, N. D, 1%., each lot Containing 50 acres, or 300 acres in all. nearly all cleared. \Vell watered. we‘ll fenced. good outbuildings and dwellings, good bearing orchards. In first class state ofcultivatiou, within a tow rods of school, 4 miles from Durham. Will be sold en bloc or in separate lots. as purchas- er desires. Easy terms. For turther par. ticulars apply to . u containing 50 acres, about 45 acres cleared, well fenced, well watered. good house, bearing orchard, good land and in good state ofcultivation, easy terms. For further particulars apply to DONALD McGosxlcm' 378 King St. West. Toronto, or to ALLA‘N CAMPBELL, Oct. 15â€"6111 Dd. Bunessan tel" Nov 5 tf. _--_ ‘.v5uu , â€" - - o .I. Priceville. newly bricked all round. new brick kitchen. new windows and other improvements. 0n the remises are a good stable and two never tailing wells. The place has always done a good business and will be rented right toa good man. The furniture will be sold to lessee. For further particulars apply to. HE COMMERCIAL HOTEL Priceville. newly bricked all round Ontario Land Surveyor.â€"â€" Civil and Drainage Engineer ,ces : Wingham and Wiarton. ENGINEER fur Howick, Wingham, c Boars for Service. Boar for Service. O'I‘ NO. 8, CON. 1, N.D.R., Glenelg. l equtainiug 50 acres. about 4!: norm: FARM FOR SALE W.J.Elliott : : Plincinal A sc-lmul that stands today without a supvrior in Canada. It: appoint- un-ntsaremmlom and tire-eminently first class. Its instructors are the best that nwnvy (Ill! hire. lts training is hruad,thorough and radical. No (whorl in Canada has a ‘ttor, reputa- tion for strictly high workman! we we not living upon our rc-putation. but “pun what we are lining in the school- romn tu-clay. Why not atrouite our oollrge ! Stutlrnts ziHniittul each Week. Write for handsome anionic. Farm for Sale \‘\' A .1 Hotel to Rent. For Sale. A. C. “BATON liunessau P. O. A. Burmns. Priceville. â€"Wheat t6 â€"tbe Acre Carpet sweepero.. . . Meat. Cutters ...... Razors... Scissors. ..... And other bargains too numerous to mention, Harness. ‘ Oil in abundance. FIR. INCURANO‘ WWI-Y ATI’IUDCD TO ’. BLACK mrm-ammâ€"mm Walling Inchin- nnd Wringon “pointy. A trinl will cost you nothing. TH. 00"" TOP DRAFT NIAVIR Also sent out on trinl. If yon are not planned return thorn. You can got them all sizes. Our Snmploo of Plown. Hon-own. Spring Tooth, flood Drillo. Dioc Hon-rows nnd 0mm Bopnrntou no now complete. Coll nnd no then. Give no n trinl nnd we will use you richt- Before commencing to take stock we are detir- mined to reduce the amount of material in our establishment, and therefore have decided to give some great bargains. Call early and take advan- tage of our offer. host Wood Implement Watemoms. THURSDAY. Wat «them Home nmm Chapping Axel ...... Team Bells.... Butcher Knives ..... Cross Cut Files. . . . . Fire Shovels ........ >. Livingston, DU RHAI’I. 65 13')

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