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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Feb 1901, p. 4

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DURHAM CHRONICLEi DURHAM, FEBRUARY, 28 1901. w U -7 â€"--v' - -v-uvâ€"vâ€"v' New Years Day passed off wary: quietly here. wry lime amusement ! and more work than Usual. The reason ol this WAS tho; n.-;urgents pitched camp 0.. the Buc'ah in 1it‘lghts 1 back 0‘ Calm and hoisted :heir c-ulurs ; They acre in full view of us and: about five miles off. 30 u c hm! 20 go; out and chase linen.- tt \t'lhhe. Scat-g enn' men and a gun «are .letuucd,1 and aftrr rambling around for half a! day. we louud that the nathcs ”ml; " Vamoofiod" and left. no {Hurts l)..-‘ hind. Of course we wrru not divl heartened in anyway for w» Ma HSP'H h) it by thus time. We had 5'32”?! Itttéll Out on N«:\\' thu‘a l‘lt’t: on ztl haunting. OXdeition. Th») went out 1 to ”300151! Island and ctnpttnwd {Jin‘l natives. They [lint to gut [hum I')‘ run but couldn’t. make them " NW) 3’: 9:) thvy are confinml in tiw i‘uct. :\n ' Other do achment captuzed sum) rice and 0”“)! ant“ of Minor import- auce. I M v Dim: FATHER. Some insurgents armed with halos, Span”, Manse-Is and Hemingtnus ut- hckod the Mabolo prison about two miles out and tried to rehmsv some prisoners. They were drivmn back but. in the melee two police wen- killed and three wounded. The mounted patrol are chasing them now. und will capture or kill some of them at lean. Word reached Cebu recwntly of the mnbuscade and captain.- of a small deb taclmwm of men on Iueyln. who were returning to their company Among the killed was “Porgt- himvcr. a 'I‘irlld of mine from .Mmmm. Pa. The n-porl. is unulhciul mull don’t pol. much faith in it. George was in the HJSpiHIl here fun seven months wlfh a woumlml arm and hm] just got in shape for service in his regi- m-nl, the «Iliul l7. 8. Y. “Bill Johnson ” gave a concert here last night in the Hospital yard. consisting of larces. quartettes‘ duets and Innate-Al selections hy the liaml. A lee of 100. was charged to get in,l so as it was cheap I went. Some of the pieces \\ ere very good. and others . On the whole the enter- tainment proved a success. and the Y. M. C. A. in whose interests it was given made about thirty dollars. I was out after taps without per- mission. I had to sneak back to quarters. This is no very delightful job to do when a sentrv has orders to shoot on sight. and you may b sure Ididn’t crack many bushes or step on all the dry banana leavesl saw. Just as I got to the San Nicolas bridge the insurgents fired on the Companys’ barracks, and all the Comtanies were turned out Here I was one mile from home. and no place to go. Well. I had been that way before several times, but not in a country like this. so I Went as quietly as possible in and around the big coeoanut grove to the quarters I lay near the road till the sentry passed and went the other way. when I made my great leap for life. Asl hal my shoes off, nobody heard me. and I slipped upstairs, put on my belt, shouldered my gun, and nobody knew a thing about it. .I don’t be- lieve] care {or many such experi- ences like that. and i'. was lucky for me that no bolo men were in that coccanut grove or I would have a crown and harp by this time. Your son. FRANK 1mm. The last. week has been stormy and still contiuurs to be so. Some 0! the sick pe0ple are getting honor, while a large number are yet complslning. The mercury went away down a low mornings during the last couple of weeks. Roads are getting bad in some in- n'nucu when drifts are high. A thaw is needed as water is getting Mrs. Thos. Fisher is laid up for the lat week with Grippe. 7 , . . ' - LIVII'I 800 n has set its seal! We hour Dund Hunks I8 uegotatmg log to mxan'sailments thoscourge: In “I. Pureb‘“ 9f a farm “3" Of. Eminent medical men until re: Pricevillo. We WI" be sorry to lose; claimed it: “no cure" disease, ngid as he was always a good fellow ' American Kidney Cure has knoc and oblixing, etc. their g fallacy and bu proved it (F d’ - It. nod Mrs Alex McPherson, :lln n’:£‘:§‘”‘°mm‘°!ml. who open the last 3 years in Mon- an. .1! hack min, and are “and Sold» ll n I .u Mrs. McDonald, who was sick dur- ing the former part of wmu-r, moved to Proton with her niece. Mrs. John Ferguson, where she will receive the but of care from Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson. Sorry to hear of Mrs. James Sulli- van’a illness, mother of Mr. Patrick Sullivul. of this place. as homes of in recovery no doubtful. Miss Maggie McCannel. the teacher near Yancy, spent Friday and sun- day 19:: at her brewer’s home, at PHILLIPINE ISLANDS W. Irwin, " 'I'OkJ 0 LI FF. .‘o..- Cebu. Cebu. P. I. January 2: d, 1901. Editor and I'lopr Mot. Mr. and Mrs. Francis McLeod,” ol Suiiiiidale. are visiting at Mrs. Mc- Lean’s brother, Neil McCannell, and other friends in the vicinity, for the last few days, and will return again this week. Miss Hints, who Spent the fore‘ gomg part of the winter dressmaking in Durham, is home (or a while, and will be returning again soon. All the young men that were in tln- [amber woods during winter, are Immre now. Bub. 8338 he got. (at. whim tin-re. While Norman only Wrighs 20‘.) lbs, which at 86.50 per cm. would amount. to quite an item. Some of our young ladies found it “u rum; to walk to church on Sunday morning and be there at. 10:30. but N. is very accommodating and an up- tu ”it?” gtzantlcumu in every TUSPBCC. can». .Hmniy he takes his driver in 11w cw mugs and convv)'s, at least, zu many as he conveniently can ac- «ulna-fate to their several places of “bud”. Our fair trucker. Miss Leescn, is gaming along well in our school. Her brother, Theodore, was up to bee her on Saturday last as far as 311'. Smilinun’s boarding plucc.“ .‘JI. llemstock is busy moving his :3?ch a mum to his fuuue nesideuce at. Uluusnolth. The whole family WI” bu leaving this week. We are imleul VB!) s'mrv to lose Mr. Hem- srm k as a Ilelghbol .\lr. 'l'hmnpson, his 5H1,(f'550:, will be movng in Mr. H ’5 place in a. \xeek or so. We hmutly neicunue Mr. Thompson as a neighbor and chin“). Mr. John Nichol is preparing to build a. brick housu m'xt summer, as he has the brick already on the ground. Mrs. .“UUOUgtt”, (Clnrismna MC Phnil), will be moving back to her him m u haw days, as soon as Mr. Bluliouyail IS back from Algoma when», Le spent the last couple months. Duncan 310 bar «ml stuff I next summer. “c echt. \lex. Bell on the 28th for the sixteenth time as assessor. .x\iu . says he. is good for it, for two \taa153etwwhcnhe will be the three score and ten years. Three weeks ago the house and come-ms of Joseph Cmupbell, of North Egrenwut. were totally de- stm) ed by fire. Mr Campbell moved to thu house. on one of Mr. Donald McCormick’s [arms on the corner of Pluto" when: he intends to stay till he is prepared to rebuild. THURSDA Y. We are sorry to hear of teacher Donald Currie, of Swinton Park, be- ing confined to his room for the last. week or so, but we hope to hear of him being about again soon. Mr. Wes. Hunt, is busily engaged this winter with brush and paint on all buggies and carriages left. in his phurge. One of our young men will enter the bonds of matrimony this week. Let him down easy, Bro. Irwin, as he is very shy. Mr. Harry Reay has purchased a firm horse for the neat sum of 890.00. A pie social, in aid of the church, will be held in the schoolhouse on Friday. March 8th Ladies bringing pies admitted free. All are welcom e Mrs. O’Grady, of Hamilton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fraser, at pix-sent. Miss Maggie Daniels spent a week with the Hunt family since our last writing. Mrs. Legette visited friends near Dromore last week. Indigestion Can‘t Stay where Dr. Van bl u} s Puma. 'ph Tablets are array: (3 against H. Thom“ Smith. of Dawn 0.x! , says: ” I am dc ighmd with themâ€"4r. n. almost the first using I h we been enlirel relieve} of the pyins of indigestionâ€"I haw the greatest confi Hence in the 'l‘ab‘ets and heartily recommend Hem t ; any and ever) sufierer from stomacbtroubles.“ 35 cts.-x 12 Cinnamon - Coated Punâ€"Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are coated like a cinna- mon drop, very small 3nd delightful to take. One pill a dose. 40 in a vial for :0 cents. Their popularity is a whirlwind, sweeping competitors before it like chaff. No pain, no griping. no inconvenienceâ€"tog We learn that Mrs. C. Comely, widow of the late David Comely, of Owen Sound. has issued a writ through her solicitor, Mr, Wm. Mas- son. against the estate of her late husband for her dower detention, etc. We understand that the executors of the estate recognize her cleim, but some of the legatees dispute her identity, as it was supposed by many that she had predeceased her late huehand ~0hatsworth News. Nature Revolt. Against High Living and it has set its seal to it by add- ing to man'sailments the scourge of diabetes. Eminent medical men until recently pro- claimed it a “ no cure” disease. but South American Kidney Cure has knocked down their pet fallacy and hes proved itself master of kidney disease in ell its forms. Relief in 80ch by Mawf‘u'laue Co. Sold by MacFarlano Co. «Donald is getting lum- rcmly fur a new kitchvu VICKBRS. >-. 0.0 .v-0 The Spring Assizes are being held in Owen Sound this week. There are no criminal, but, seveJal breach of promise cases. A case between Mel- chant Hunt, of Dornoch, and the Economical Insurance Co. will be of local interest. A marvel of cheapnvss. of eflicacy, and promptitude is vontained in a bottle of that famous rum-ill; Put- nam’s Painless Corn Extractor. It goes right to the root of the trouble, there acts quickly but so painlessly that nothing is known of its Opera- tion until the corn is shelled. Be- ware of substitutes offered for Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor~ safe. sure and painless. Sold at all druggists. Emma Boileved In a day. Dr. Agnew's Ointment will cure this dila- gusting skin diseaie without fail. It will also cure Barber’s Itch. Tcttcr, Salt Rheum and all skin eruptions. In from three. to six nights it will cure Blind, Bie’eding, and Itching Piles. One application brings comfort to the most irritating cases. 35 cents.-â€"-xxx Twelve thousand dollars cash has been subscribed towards the sinking of a. gas well in Sarawak near 0mm Sound. Indications are said to be good and if gas be found in consul- erable quantities a Strong company will be formed for its operation. CHEAP, EFFICIENT. PROMPT. Sold bv MacFarlnne A: ("o A RURAL school teacher, who lives within a. thousand miles of Alliston, a few days ago neceived the following letter :«Sir, ~~ \\'iil you please for the future give my sun easier somes to «10 at nights This is what he | brought homn to or three nites back: " 1f lore gulllns of here will fill thirty-to plu'. bottles, how many pint and a hull hottles will nine gal- lies of here till?” Well. we tried, and could tnztkn nothing uf it all ; and my boy criml and 80d he didn’t (lure go back in the: inorning without doin’ ‘it. So I i-zul to go an’ liuy a nine- lgalion keg: of lime, “hit-h I could ill afford to do, and ll..-n ue went and l)0|'l'U\\'t'tl a lot or wine zinil brandy bottles, besides :t lexv we haul by us. Well we untied the keg into the bottles. and then counted them, and there were 19 and my hey put the lllllllllml‘ down [01' an “newer. I tlcn’t lknow whether it is rite or not as we ‘spilt some while tlo.n’ it. P. S.â€" l’h use 10: the next some he in water, l i l l bucmnhzg luzowu, search revealed Lhel remains of the body strung along thei ll'dck fur txxo miles. It was fright? {Lily ('hl Up, but some citizens were able to idwmi') it. as that of a man. wvll blown among the farming com. munity as William McIntyre, a quiet inollcmive old man, who made his living i‘y \xuxkzng for the: fnimers in 'lw viviuily of .‘xlcuful‘d. It is Sup- €014in he was walkingalong the track early this morning, and being very deaf. dill not hear the six o’clock ex- pl‘tSS behind him. An inquest will not likely be held.”â€"-'l‘hornl.ury Her- aid. DURHAM CHRONICLE. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless little workersâ€" Dr. King’ New Life Pills. Millions are alwzus at wnrk, night. and day, cur- ing lndigesliuu, Biliousness, Consti- pation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only E250 at all drUg Slul‘es. 1m. MS 1 here am not, able to buy any more W ORKING OVERTIME. :IMPLEMENT WAHEHUUMS Now We Have a run audcom. plete line of Farm and Demonic [uplcments and Machinery. FOR THE FARM we have Deering Harvesxing Machinery, Maxwell r Binders and Mowers. Cbutham and Snow-ball “axons. Car- riages and Buggies of all the very best makes. Halott Cream Separator FOR THE HOUSEHOLD we have the Bel. Pianos and. Organs. Woodstock Organs and Pianos. Raymond Sewing Machines, 0. full line of McClury’s Stoves. No dairy is complete without a Mulott Cream Saparatorâ€"tbe best and easiest handled separator in the market today. . REPAIRS of all kinds constantly kept. on hand. Call at the new premim s a few door. south of the Middaugh Houses Lower Town, Durham N EW PUMPS AND REPAIRS. DIG, DRILL, CURB, Rte-Cums, PRESSCURB “WILLS. All orders taken at, the old stand mar Mauuwan‘a Mill or It Shop at Charter Smith's Foundry. ALI. \Voux GUARAMEED at “Live and let live” PRICES. Pumps. Blacksmithing ! Mar. 23. 99. y IBM} LEAVE TO INFORM MY CUS- 'l‘(_.‘MERS audthe public in general that I am prvpzu‘cd to furnish Plows $0ufflers. Turnip 9 Sewers, Cultiva- tors, and in fact everything the farmer needs. Having moved to our new stand a few steps mum of the Middaugh House. we are pre- pared to do business better than ever, and at the loweSt figures and best terms. GEORGE WHITMORE, C. McKlNNON. AT DURHAM w. # $§§$§$§$$fi*%$fi Special Drives in Which we bought at n barmn. This announcement is genuine. until sold out, on Ready-made Cloth- mg. Blankets, Twoods. Dress-Goods Printu. [lug sud Gaps. tor Hen Boys and Hinges. Glued Goods and seven! hm of Grocer-ion. In Order to reduce our present stock and make room for spring goods. we lave deeded to (we a bug reduction CASH OB PBODUCI TAKEK [N EXCHANGE. For Forty Days Bargains ! Bargains ! DURHAM. mmkflwwwfiga I HATS AND CAPS in all styles and at lowest prices consistent with quality. OVERCOA'I‘Sâ€"Dandies for 810.00, cheaper ones if you wan. them. SUITSâ€"The very best. for the money in the latest styles. FOOT WEARâ€"Men's, Women’s and Children’s Boots, Shoes. Overslxoes, Rubbers, etc.. etc. UNDERWEAR --You must see it to appreciate the quality. UENT’S FURNISHINGsflâ€"Collars. Ties. plain and fancy shirts of blah quality and low price. nusu aéoccmus nun vs IN STOCK. From Head to Foot AND GUARANTEE SATISI’ACJ‘ION. C. McArthur, “’8 CAN FIT YOU _ [incoln’s tablets o Set You free. [luau medicine my. (“I chechnies' Old Stand. nervous Fromm». madam. Will“. 50 Queen Strut, Ottawa. Recommended nod for ule by John A. Darling A magnificent Tonic, puri- fying the blood and clou- ing the complexion. Nor: vous. weak. psls women' will find them Q positi blessing. Worn out. hr en down men can to lost strength and vigor taking Lincoln's Table“. PRICE 50 CENTS. 1 mm diseases of stomach, . Bowcls, Liver and KidIIovI. "118} are apouitive cuIe for I;

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