West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Feb 1901, p. 5

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The same person who got. the pistol was particular to get all the articles that went. with the pistol. “/83 that the man at. whose place they kept the horse? He says it was. Do you ac- cept the reaponsib'lity of rejecting has thrilled a generation of Mr. Osler’s country men. The oratory of Mr. Osler bears no resemblance to that of any of the many orators to whom history has accorded enduring fame; and in no way Was this more emphatically illustrated than by the addresses of the counsel in the varied trial of the Hvams brothers. The argument of Hon. Mr. Justiwe Lount (then Mr. Lout, Q C.) was marked by its state- liness. its dignity, its exactness and its precisionâ€"travelling sometimes in proximity to the language border- ed margin of rhetorical fluidity, and at other times approaching the ll:er~ ary hrilliancy of the ancient Cicero, or of the modern Edward Everett. The case for the Crown was present- ml by Mr. Osler in a very different manner. His sentences, short, point- ed. and each ladened with a truth- Wero shot like well aimed arrows, with awful and deadly precision a, their vulnerable mark. Every syllat« hle and every sentence went home to the minds of the twelve who held the lives and the liberties of the ac- oused in their hands. The following sentences chosen from this and others of his convinc- ing and enlightening arraignments, are in Some degree indicative of that unique and fascinating style which There are men whose word on oath we’ll take, while their notes are go- ing to protest. every day. If an accident couldn’t. have taken place. look for the motive and look for the murderer. The intellectual attainments of that distinguished counsel, which accorded him such a lorenaic pro. eminence, were almost too abundant to enumerate. Asa laborious and painstaking adviser. skilful to per- ceive the substance of the intricate issues involved in a lawsuit, careful to advise, and unremitting in his ap- plication to the most arduous details ofacause. he had very low rivals and probably no superiors. It is, however as a counsel pleading before a jury, that he recorded his most signal triumphs. In that situation he knew no pet-r. I have observed ‘ him pause in the course of n cross-l exaininavion. pass around behind a jury box and explain some difficulty to an appuremly obscure, yet intelli- gent and discerningjuryman. I also rememb'r him on one occasion asking a witness a .{HPsliOlL and on the wit- ness answering that he had forgotten .‘Jr. Uslt-r repliel, “Well think it over. I‘ll give you time-4w hurry.” whereupon the eminent counsel re- sumed his seat and waited for the reluctant witness to recall the re- quired (actâ€"wt prowss that resulted in success. l‘untriboted by I has. 2. Toye. Death has closed the brilliant car- eer o! the eminent buyer, advocue and Jurist. B B. Osler, K. C. The Late 3. B. Mar, K. C. Feb. 28. 1901. “The apparatus is simplo. lnexpor give, and I believe. uneq nailed in the treatment of w The vapor is nu Hanna’s to h: x ‘zhy p «ens. ." has a beneficial efl'ect to allaying the irritation and; ”cough iu bronchitis. «we: 1y "Commend it." 10m: nunâ€"r. 11.0.. at Brooklyn. in on u. v. w w I-‘.:_»r asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, coughstand colds, it is a p'ompt and pleasant cure, while for whooping-cough it is a perfect specific. Your doctor knows, ask him about it. a Any of the children ever have it P Then you will never forget it, will you .7 Don’t let it go until midnight again, but begin treatment during the evening, when that dry, hollow, barking cough first begins. G: e.;: your Vapo-Cresolene (for you surer keep this in the house), put some Cresolene in the vaporizer, light the lamp be- neath, anal let the child breathe-in the quieting, soothing, healing vapor. There will be no croup that night. If it’s midnight, 'and the croup is on, i ihaling th“ vapor will break the spasm and bring prompt relief. Vapo-Cro‘olc'we h sold by Wu everywhere. The Vapotiul' .56 Lump; M should 1.! a IUD-Ci rad :- bane of ‘ tes'Jev-Aefioqplele. 8:130:12": supplies of Va one 23 mt: and so coats. booth: cantata-<5 vuim "admonish ("can «qua. A'O-CWI Cm. Ila m 80.. New Y1 0.8.L m}: if” 15:72-9 _-.. Hg... 1:43- man an sonny! murmur). A man who contemplates a crime always does it skilfully, to make sure; so always look for an appear- ance of innoczeme when the crime is one of skill. The dangerous criminal is the scheming criminal. who never. if possible lets his hand be seen. Circumstantial evidence is the only thing that brings the crime home to him. It was hard to say which was the most dangerous to the commun- ity. the man who had the brains to scheme. but not the courage to kill. or the man who had not the brains! to scheme. but will take an axe at another’s bidding and do the murder. It is nonsense to say that a man running from danger would have more care of himself than for his watch. If there was any danger to the watch there was also danger to the man. You may say “ circumstantial evidence is not reliable. Men have been innocently convicted on Circum- stantial evidence.” But, remember, all calculated crimesâ€"all crimes that are not of the impulse of the moment â€"â€"are brought home by circumstanti- al evidence alone. The man who plots a crime plots it with no one to See him. Is the arm of the law so short that only the man who openlv commits a crime can be convicted? If the stake is lost you must find the spot with pointers. They say that the prisoner was never in the woodsâ€"never in the swamp on that fatal day. What do the mud on the boots and the turned up trousers mean ? Paying five per cent. a month was ruinous. Where was the memey to Greed tempts many a. man to his death. Where you find memory keen on events that. do not concern a man, and memory gone on events that do immediately concern him, what can you say of him? Justice has toibe administered to all sorts and conditions of men. Honest. men need never have any fear of detectives. Was it natural that the prisoner should avoid the nearer houses and go to the more distant ones and tell the tale? You must do your duty to the community as well as to the prisoner. A lax administration of the law is one of the greatest evilsa country canhave. They were fleeing that night when no man pursued. yet. feeiing that behind them was the horseman reach- ing for themâ€"the horseman that is always pursuing the guilty. Why did he on a winter’s day come back with only a pair of overalls, when he had the tweed? Did'not the stitches in the small tear look like those that would be made by a woman. while the large stitches were those you would ex- pect boys to make in using a needle and thread. his statement ? Why should he come and tell what is not true? Men hes. itate rather than volunteer evidence in a murder case. a CURES wnm: YOU SLEEP Dr. Arnold’s Toxin Pills, the only medi« cine made that Cures diseases by killing the germs that cause it. are sold by all druggists at 750. a box. sample box 250. or sent Post paid on receipt of price by The Arno (1 Chemical 00., Limited. Canada Life Some time after Monday morning’s train drew out of Meaford, a man’s head was found near the railway track a little distance from the sta- tion. No further trace of the body could be discovered, and the ghastly find created a great sensation. As the news Spread with thtning ra- pidity over the slumbering town. crowds of people gathered and a search was made for the body. At long intervals further down the track limbs and pieces of flesh and blood clotted clothing were picked up and when a box had been secured the remains were placed side by side, there to await the arrival of the cor- ouer. The unfortunate victim was recognized by the head as a man named “Billy” McIntyre, who is said to have been about 76 years of age and very deal. He had worked about the neighborhood, chiefly among the farmers, for years and was well known in the town. How he came to meet with such a horrible death will probably never be known, but it is surmised that he must have been walking on the track.â€"Post.‘ (3| uuu | VIIOIII “All UU. uu "1m. uauauu UllU Building, 42 King St West Toronto. liouklet sent fr.ee It Oures all creamâ€"Here are a few names of clergymen of different creeds who are firm believers in Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder to ” live up to the preaching" in all it claims. Bishop Sweatman. Rev. Dr. Langtry Episcopalian); Rev. Dr. Withrow and Rev. r. Chambers (Methodist); and Dr. New- man. all of Toronto. Canada Copies of their personal letters for the asking. 50 etaâ€"105 I These hastily selected quotations ’ -necessarily brief but pointedâ€"tend to contirm the recondite opinion of Professor Goldwin Smith that! some of Mr. Osler’s language unencumber- ' ed oration: deserve to be accorded a place among the famous speeches that history is not only willing but likewise anxious to preserve. A . laudable and enduring tribute to the memory of the illustrious and de- parted counsel would be to publish thb remarkable addresses which he delivered during the progress of the great trials in which he has figured ; and thus snatch them from that shadowy obscurity into which they must otherwise be consigned. For it is to be regretted that in the re- ports of those speeches which ap-l pear from time to time in the pro- vincial journals, the originals were disfigured by unpardonable blunders and by§inexperienced and consequent- ‘ 1y imperfect attempts at condens- ation, until they have passed almost entirely beyond recognition. A. R. HASSABD, Barrister. Toronto, Ontario. come from ? Over the dead body of Willie Wells. ' What compelled the women to go into the box and reallze that her brother was the deed victim of these men, and thet she wee the living? Sold by MacFarlane 51. Co. House Cleaning is coming on, and with it comes Wall Papering. A few dollars spent in Wall paoer. Keeps your home bright, healthy and clean. We have the largest stock in Dur- ham. and invite an inspection. It’s no trouble at all to show our goods. We consider it a pleasure if you will allow us to do so. no matter whether you buy or not. A nice neat paper atbcroll, worth 7c. The newest shades in ingram's with very pretty 18 inch borders. Wall Paper LEWIS BROTHERS. Lewis Bros... of Mt. Forest are pre- paring to open a merchant. tailoring business in Durham on the first of March. Mr. A. E Lewis, who will be manager, has had an excellent ex- perience in high class tailoring in Toronto and Other centres of fashion. and will be able to give the good dressers of the town and vicinity work that will please their most re- fined taste and requirements. The stock will be complete in style, qual- ity and quantity. Please give this intimation your kind and favorable \ coaneration. Merchant Tailors Corning I Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the fat she can take; it will save her. The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If on have not tried it, send for tee sample its agreeable taste will ourp you. The little one gets no fat from her food. There is some- thing wrong; itis either her food or food-mill. She has had no {at for weeks; is living on what she had stored in that plump little body of hers; and that is gone. She is starving for fat; it is death, be quick! Dimple: and joy have gone, and left hollows and fear; the fat, that was comfort and color and curve-all but pity and love-is gone. The most beautiful thing in the World is the baby, all dimples and joy. The most pitiful thing is that same baby, thin and in pain. And the mother does not know that a little fat makes all the difier- ence. . A. Hunter. Do You \Vant scomyaowa. 500. and 81.00 all druazhu. CHRONICLE. Toronto. N. B.â€"-â€"A S ial Bar ain is offered on Lot 28. Con. {35. G. R.,“Bentinck. 1m gemsâ€"Durham sax miles-owner gone West tad bound to sell. H. H. MILLER. In first-class Companies and at lowest rates, draws all kinds of writings. arranges business quarrels, etfects settlements with creditors, sells Ocean tickets. buys old .notes and always has on hand farm and Village pro rties which he is willing to trade or exc auge for other property. Twenty ears’ experience and residence in the neigh'borhood counts for something and enables H. H. MILLER to do your business with profit to you as well as to himself. ' He Does Fire, life . . and Accident Insurance For sale at very low figures and on very easy terms. Farm Jands are bound to increase in price and now is the time to buy. HE ALSO undertakes the collection of Notes and Accounts, and it is a pretty bad claim that he cannot make some money out of no charge for his trouble if not collected. He Has Qevepal Vgry ”Fine CAN TELL YOU that ll. ll. MILLER, the Hanover Conveancer is lending money on good farm mortgages at lower rates of interest than 'on can borrow elsewhere and on very liberal terms and at small cost. That is the reason wh people all over the country pass by other Kauders and travel miles to borrow from him. . Is what County 01 Grey Farmers would him to know. , \_\:e (311111101. te_|_l 5'911: but W8 A ‘v "1“. - -- \ - - --_- omces : Wingham and Wiarton. How to Grow JOHN MACKENZIE, Nov. 27. 19(1). 3 pd. Rockv Saugeen J. D. McNab, [1 service at Lot 22, you. 3. E. .G. Glenelg. Terms 750. at time of servwe. .l. TER WHITE; one six months old. and one older, at lut 25). 2d and 27, con. 3, S. I). IL, Ulenelg. Buth tuuk first prize at l’riceviile. Registered pedigree may be seen on application. Nov. 14, 4 m. 7 \VO THOROUGHBRED, CHES- TER WHITE: one six munths “Id, . ,-_- _, -.. -7. -v.‘ ..... u .u uuu :1. Ull UV". 0. N. D, R” each lot. containing 50 acres, or 3(1) acres in all. nearly all cleared. \Vell watered. well fenced. good outbuildings and dwellings, good bearing orchards. In first class state ofcultn'atiou, within a few rods of school, 4 miles from Durham. \Vill be sold en blue or in separate lots. as purchas- er desires. Easy terms. For turther par- ticulars apply to Nuv. lâ€"tf EING Lots No. 11 and 12. Con 1. N. D. It. Gleuclg. and 11 and [2. on 90th 2."N. I)._R_.. also 1:} and 14, on Gun. 3. -- _ -. v. ‘_.-, vuu . ., u ,u.nu.,u1cuclg. 11 containing 50 acres, about 44': acres cleared, well fenced. well watered, good house, beariru,r orchard, good land and in good state of cultivation, easy terms. For further particulars apply to Down; Motiosxmw 378 King St. West. Toronto, or to ALLAN CAMPBELL, Oct. 15â€"Gm Dd. Bunessan _ vâ€" ” Melhgan Property on George Street, one acre of gnod land in good location, I desirable resideuoe, will be sold on easy terms. Apply to ED. MILLIGAN, Palmerston, or to W. CALDER, Durham. Jan. l7. 1900. if HE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Pricexille. newlv bricked all rmmd .l Priceville, newly bricked all round. new brick kitchen, new windows and other improvements. ()n the )remises are a good stable and two never ailing wells. The place has always done a good business and will be rented right toa good man. The furniture will be sold to lessee. For further Nov 5 tf. particulars apply it): I_s vyhat Couujy of Grey liarlllerq would ENGINEER fur Howick, \Ving‘ham, 82c '01‘ N0; {5, CQAN. 1, N,I):R., Glenelp; Boars for Service. For Sale. RICK HOUSE AND LOTâ€"THE Boar for Service. THOROUGHBRED BOAR FOR FARM FOR SALE a anpvrior in (.‘anada. Its appoint- tm-utsare mmivt'n and 1111- emuwutiy first class. Its instructors are the but! that mom-y mil hire. Its training is bruadJlnomugh and Imctical. No school in Canada has a wttt-r, reputa- tion for strivtiy high u'ut'kfind we are not living mum mu- rt'plfltltiOH. but uputi what we are ciniug in tiw school- rmnn to-day. Why nut patronize our college, .1 Students admitted with Week. \Vritc t'ur hamlsmue catalogue. W.J.Elliott : : Principal A m'lum! that stands (0-day without Farm for Sale Ontario Land Surveyor,__ Civil and Drainage Engineer Hotel to Rent. Jonx Ecanlmr. liuuessan. A. C. “EATON Bunessau P. O. I, ONTARIO. A. BUTTERS. Priceville. 50 131151101. -\\'heat to â€"â€"thc Acre Cross Cut Saws ...... Horse Covers... . . Heavy Open Belle“ Butter Dishes. Dinner Pails ......... Horse Brushes ....... Curry Combs ........ Dust Pans. .. Granite Cups ........ W. BLACK THE HARDWARE STORE. Hardware 2 run msmuucl PROUPTLY arrnmuo ro ' o l "v-' â€".w v; . A trml wall cost you nothing. TH. QUEEN TOP DRAFT HEATER Also sent out on trial. If you ure not. pleased return them. You con got them all sizes. Our‘Scmploo of Plowl. Burrows. Spring Tooth, Seed Drills. Disc Burrows and Groom Sop.“ to: o are now complete. Call and see them. Give u. a triul and we will use you right. We are still offering some great bargains before getting more new stock. Do not miss the opportn n - ity. Another shipment of “WBIack” silverware just to hand. Customers are getting to know the quali- ty at these goods, as they are all guaranteed. 5 GALLONS COAL OIL FOR 9.3 ()EN' ‘5. Fmst Wood Implement Walemnms. THURSDAY. CUTIE” ~A few loft â€"-Bu'¢o.im aloud. Washing Inching- cud Wripgoq 3w”, ‘ ‘n:-' _-:|' A--L -_- $250 .0 .0 0. 9. 10 10 Jno. Livingston, West of the Imam Home BUM Clothes Wringers Fancy Lamps. . .. Carpet Sweepers. Razors... .. .. Skates ........... Sweat Pads ...... Leather Halters” Whips .......... Basting Spoons. . DURHAM. ...... O3 1 50 4o 50 IO 05 .) 6 fit 50

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