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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Feb 1901, p. 8

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Floor oil clouh, ‘2 3119. wide” Floor oil cloth. 1.; yds wide. Floor oil cloth. 1 yd. \\ ide . . . Table oil cloth, 4:3 in. wide... 13“.: oil (:10? n. 54 in wide . . .. Plannolete Blankets. large 11-- 8310, in white or grey, pe‘ pair ...... The beat. heavy flu» w hens, per pair $1.75 and. .. ROWE-BECKWI'I‘fl-At Guelph. on \Vedneo by. Feb'y 20. by Rev. Mr. 613931011]. Mr. In.“ A. Rowe to Miss Alberta Mkwith. GOISLINlâ€"ll Durham. mg 1”], William 1-) filmâ€"ll Dlll'h‘m. on Saturdav. Fc-b'y ‘3, 1901. by“ J. Scan. beloved daughter of Mr. .3. Andrew Scott. (ileuelg. age :58 yrs. ӣ,m!l Glue! . on Wednesday, Feb'v m 3-. Sup es. daughter of Mr, and in. Job ”plot. age 17 years. m‘AYâ€"In Nth... on Wrclnemlny, r‘eb'y I), '11. Hugh IncKay. aga 50 you". RINGS! lclntyn Block :33 i'non' " tbs. 3203-!) ”Oshawa. on Tuesday. Fob'y m to It. nod In. I. K. Batu. a ma. RIPAIRING GUARANTEED. W. A. Macfallane. Sclls CHQBP ! ALL Am» 9m: GIVE US A CALL, Are you thinking of get- ting the Engagement or \VeJdin; Ring? If so call at the Jewellery Score in McIntyre's Block A large assorted stock every Ring guaranteed or money refunded. Prices right and to suit all persons. MA RRIED. DIED. m. on Tuesday. Feb‘y Edwin Gonohno, ago 68 Lower Town. Baldet's Block, 1 00 37L 40c C)! De 10¢ The Band Carnival. on the skating rink 'l‘ut-sday evening of last week, was well pat ronized. and was a pleas- ant evenmg’s “divarshuu” for all who Were present. Durham, Mark. dale and other outside points were well represented. The maskers were numerous, and some of the costumes worn were unique excellently repre- senting the character intended. Messrs. G. F. Roper, of Toronto. and Mark Wilson, of this place, acted as judges, and the following were prize winners: Best comic costume. gent, I-"vv ‘ - R. N. Henderson. (tramp); best comic costume. lady. lst. Mabel Munshaw, ind, Blanche Hamilton ; best liibtori- ml COstume. gent. Roy Hamilton; best liistofical coswme. lady, Amy Kerr; best lady skater in costume, under 16. Mabel Boyd; best lady skater in coetume.cver16, lst, Janet Gibson. 2nd, Carrie Sullivan; best lady and gent skater, Mrs. R. N. llenilerewn and Mr. '1'. J. Sheppard; best. clown, Mr. J. Dolierty. Open rucw. lst, N. Swallow. 2nd, Ed. Mc- Cluukhn, 3rd. A. Alton;local race. let, John Gibson, 2nd. Geo. Cairns; boys’ race. Alex. Gibson, W. Sargent. A small brick dwelling, opposite the Urcanwry, on the station road, was «lustroyed by fire early on Wed- nesday morning last week. The hmse belonged to Mr. J. H. Cam- paigne, of Chicago and has been unoccupied for several months. In- cmdiarism is supposed to be the cause. Mr. Brough. of Owen Sound Colic!- iatc Institute smfi, who was sucured by the Telmysouian Club for their meeting on Friday evening last, was present and gave a most excellent paper on “ How to read pcetry.” l‘he members were so highly pleased and editied with Mr. Brcuah’s visit man an effort will be made to secure him again. Mr. Brough was the guest of Mr. and .‘il‘:. 3.. N. Hender- 3011 while in town. The tru~tecs of No 3. easr. of the village. have, out. of the proceeds of Uommiuie Reid’s closing concert. purchased a new be“ [or the school. which was, a flaw days ago, hung in the belfry, and is now doing excel- lent duty in that. section. A new woodshed is also to be erected. tenders for which have been called for. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Beaton are receiving cougnatulations of friends on the addition of a young son to their family circle on Tuesday of last wank. I Mr, and Mrs. McCalmon were at. Vul'lley a week ago visiting the former’s father. who is ill. Mrs. R. Waller, back line, has hum very ’Ill Hm past [ortuighc with inllmnumfiaH of the lungs, and on Friday last Mr Waller was seized with the same trouble. Mrs. E. White, of Markdule. spent. last, week here nursing her sisters. Mrs Mc'l‘avish and Miss Ellie Stew- zut, both orostrated with the grip. epidemic. Miss Irwin, of our public Messrs. W. J. Bellamy and W. Burnllouse attended the A. O. U. W. and Royal Templar Grand Lodges last week, the former in Hamilton aml the latter in Toronto. Rev. H. V. Emory. of Shelburne, paid Revs. Ward and Brown a. short visit at the parsonage Tuesday of last week, and gave your correspon- dent a very pleasant half hour before leaving. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong and Miss Meredith attended the Queen Esther Uruturio in Durham on Friday night last sx-hool staff, went home on Friday 1m suffering with the same. and on Monday was unable to return to her school duties. Mrs. M. Richardson is visiting her daughter, Mrs I. B. Lucas, at Mark- dale Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Nicholson, of Oakville. are visiting their son, Mr. Fred Nicholson, 4th line. profrssional nurse." wriâ€"tOSHâ€"Mm. Eisnef. {14mm .N° 8. _“ I wu a. great sufl'erer_ (rpm rheumatismâ€"almost constant nssociation with best physicians I had every chnnce of n cure if it were in their powerâ€"but they failed. South American Rheumatic Cure was recom- mendedâ€"to-day my six years of pain seem as a dream. Two bottles cured mc.â€"106 THURSDAY. Of course Bunessan couldn’t miss anything good that’s going, so we've all had our share of La. Grippo. Mr. Archie Campbell, from B. 0., is in the neighborhood for a few weeks. "I’m a daddy now.” cun now proudly be said by Billy Ryan. of the Rob Réy, since little girl drriv- ed there. .\l iss Kate Ector, from Collingwood, is visiting; at her sister's, Mrs. Alex. Firth. Mrs. John Allan. another sis:er. from Grand Rapids, Mich" was there a couple of days also. Alex. Bell. Jr.. is home again nfter Spending a few davs with old friends around Georgetown. It is said he carries a sort of widowed look now. Mrs. Emma Brown has returned from her prolonged'stay in Duluth and Hamilton. where the has been looking after her son, Johnny. whom we "ported some time ago no serious- ly ill. Johnny is now again breath- ing our invigornting Glonolg nit, nnd Nurse's Good Won'tâ€""I am a FLESHERTON . Sold by Maci‘arlane Co BUN ESSAN. is on the hiabroed to complete re- covery. He had a couple of close calls. when ill. but his strong constitution, and the exerllenb at- tention he received were enough to pull him through.’ The school was closed last Monday afternoon out of reSpecc for the memory of Miss Scott, whose funeral took place that. day. If we’d a few hundred dollars, Mr. Editor. we’d gladly invest them in cement. but alas! we’ve hardly a few hundred cents. You know people of our profession are proverbially poor. Dropsy and Heart Disease.â€" “For ten years I Sufered greatly from Heart Disease. Fluttering of the Heart and Smothering Spells made my like a torment. Dropsy set in. My physician told me to prepare for the worst. I tried Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart. One dose gave great relief. one bottle cured me completely .” â€"-Mrs. James Adams. Syracuse. N.Y.â€"xo7 Miss Ag'gie Cornish was the guest. of Miss Queen and Miss Car-mount a few days this week. Miss Lizzie Hoeflin is seriously ill with Pleurisy. We are pleased to hear she is slowly recovering under the skillful treatment of Dr. Brown, of Holstein. Miss Meier and Mr. Hallman, of Howick, visited with the former’s sister over Sunday. Rev. Mr. Robertson, of Palmerston, will deliver a Missionary sermon here on Sunday evening. We hope he will get a large hearing. Miss Mary Bradley has gone to stay with Mt. Forest friends for an indefinite time. Mrs. John Collins visited her daughter, Mrs. J. U. Healy, of Dur- ham, a few days last week. TERRIBLE SUFFERING FROM ASTHMA Mrs. J. Wethom. of Mt. Forest. Ont... says: ‘° For a number of years I have been a suflerer from Asthma, and during that time I have consult- ed many doctors on my case, and have used many of the so-called cures for Asthma. but never got relief. At times I have been so bad that I found it necessary to have all the doors and Windows open to get my breath. I had given up in despair of ever being cured till I heard of your preparation ~Catarrhozone. I have used it and am now perfectly curedâ€"thanks to your wonderful medicine. I recom- mend it as a positively sure cure for Asthma.” Catarrh-o-zone is a guar- anteed cure for Catarrh, Asrhma and Bronchitis. Sold by all druggis's. 'l'rial outfit sent for 10 cents in stamps by N. C. POLSON (30.. Kingston, Ont., Proprietors. Mrs. J. Webber is improving slow- ly after a severe attack ’of inflamma- tion of the lungs. The many friends of the late Margaret Scott were very much shocked and grieved to hear of her sudden death. She taught for some time in S. S. No. 14, and during that time she endeared herself to all who knew her. Miss Lydia Thompson, of Durham. visited at. .\; 1‘. D. McIlvride’s the end of the week. A box and pie social is to°be held in S. S. No. 1. on Friday evening, March 8th. Miss McCannel, the teacher, is sparing no efiorts in pre- paring a first-class prom-amine, which will consist of music, songs, recita. tions, dialogues and speeches. Ad- mission 15c. and 10c. School children and ladies bringing pies or boxes free. The Varney correspondent wished to know why Nelson came to North- East. Normanby. That isn’t. hard to answer. Why he is going to school. Miss Janet Johnston visited her sister, Mrs. Walker, of Holstein, the beginning of the week. Mrs. Pollock, of Henfryn, is at present attending her daughter. Mrs. J. Wehber. The young miller, from Varney, is paying frequent visits to this vicini- ty. We think he and Nelson are in partnership. Require no description, since. With rare exception. all at some time have experienced their twinges. Rheum- atiem is not easily dislodged, only the most powerfully penetrating remedies reach to its very founda- tions. The most successful treat- ment known. and it is now frequently resorted to by medical men, is the application of that now famous remedy for painâ€"Poleon’s Nerviline. It is safe to say that nothing yet discovered has afiorded equal satis- faction to the sufiering, and no lmatter how bad the case may be Nerviline is sure to cure it. Sold by druggists and country dealers. Pet Moore. the cold storage fskir, Mr. Chas. Lesvens will sell all his who operated in this vicinity a few household furniture end a number of yours ago for s few dsys. until helthoroughbred Leghorns at his resi- wss exposed by The Free Press, is in I deuce here on Saturday next, at 1:30 trouble again. We clip the follow- p. m. Everything must he sold as in; from the Peel Bs.nner:â€"Consta-I Mr. Leavens, is going to Calgary in ble Tste McCennell, of Inglewood. 3 few days. Hugh MscKsy. Ano- brought to Brsmpton lest Saturday tioneer. See Bills. ‘ N ORTH-EAST NORMAN BY. Sold by HacFarlaue Jr (30. RHEUMATIC PAINS. ORCHARD At his 01d l'rich. as a prisoner a cloth pedlar named C. l P. Moore. Isaac Little. Wm. Atkin- son and Joseph Graham, farmers at the upper end of Chingnacousy, claim to have been victimiz (1. They say ! Moore gm in m them notes [or 827.50 I each on false pretences. l’. )1. Main fixed a hearing of the case for Friday. ‘ Moore was let out. on bail for 81,000 {furnished by Mr. E. J. Walsh, who has known him {or years. The story the farmers tell is that Moore 1 represented that by signing the note, 'etc., they would become members of a cold storage company located at i Montreal. A refrigerator car would! strike Inglewood each week and those ' ‘who were members of the company * would thus be enabled to get larger prices, etc. The notes, according to n Moore. are simply for cioth that he gsold the parties. He laughs at their t'efl'orts to cause him trouble. He Says he was through the game at Walkerton and that it cost the farmers pretty dear.â€"â€"She1burne Free Press. Though Tun CHRONICLE chased Pat all the time he was here, there were t some with their mouths open ready to he gulled and have the “cold storage” fake thrown in. Some peOpIe were mean enough to say it served them right. l K “I was just about gone,” writes Mrs Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs. N. C.. "' I had Consumption so bad that the best doctors said I could not live more than a month, but I began to use Dr. King’s New Discovery and was wholly cured by seven bottles and am now stout and well.” It’s an unrivaled life-saver in Consumption. Pneumonia, La Grippe. and Bronchitis; infallible for Coughs. Colds. Asthma, Hay Fever, Group or Whooping Cough. Guaran- teed bottles 500 and $1.00. Trial bottles free at all drug stores. 1m. DURHAM CHRONICLE. Mr. R. N. Wilder is still in very paor health, but is recovering slowly. Mr. G. W. Wilson hm a gang of men at work in a piece of swamp he purchased from Mr. R. Mead. Mr. S. Ritchie is foreman over the men. Mr. Lorne Allan left on Monday for Portage La Prairie to seek for- tune. We all wish him the best of success Mr. Jas. Tucker’s name was added to the list. of (h‘iplets laSt \\ eek. He Spent most of the week indoors. Mr. Wm. Ke-rr, of Nurnmnby. has purchaswd the son! in hundrvd of Mr. Chas. McKinuon’s farm fur about $3,100 and will move on in April. Mrs. Roln. llillis was under the Dr’s cam for a few days last week, but is improving Mr. and Mrs. A. Picken who are still vnjoyiug the honeymoon, are going to give a social party on Fri. day night. Mr. Jams. Allan had a wood bee and party last, 'l‘hursday afternoon and night. Both were a decided success. The undersigned has been author- izvd to sell by Public Auction, at Lot No. 1,001). 9, Gleuclg, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6th, 1901, The following:-â€"â€"1 horse 13 years old, 1 mare 8 years old. 1 cow (springer), A1 cow 3 years oid in calf, 1 heifer 3 years old (Springer), 3 yearling heifers,1 yearling'steer, 1 calf, 1 Shropshire ram, 16 good ewes, 12 Brown Leghorn liens, :20 common hens, 1 Massey Harris binder, 1 fanning mill. 1 set iron barrows, 1 set bob-sleiglis. 1 hay rake, l Massey Harris pulper, 1 neck-yoke, 1 robe, 1 gravel box, a quan tity of hay (cash). 1 Bell organ, 1 wardrobe. 1 stand, 1; bedstead, 1 table. 1 lounge, 1 cup- board, 2 water barrels, and other articles. Sale at 1 p. m., sharp. Everything must be sold as the pro prietor is going W695. F zu'm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture. TERMS:-â€"All sums of $5.00 and under, Cash; over that amount 12 months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. 6°/o discount will be allowed for cash instead of notes. HENRY MOFFAT. HUGH MACKAY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. Mr. Henry Moffutt, of Lot. 1. Con. 9, Glenelg. oflers his Farm Stock. Implements and Household Furniture for sale by Public Auction, on Wed- nesday, March 651. He gives the full list. in this issue. Read it. or see large bills.‘â€"Hugh MacKsy Auctioneer. ’ Accuox SAUL-36 well bred Ewes. all young, at the Knapp House, Tues- day. March 5th, 1901, at 2 p. m. J. G. Wilson. Proprietor. Hugh Mac- Kay, Auctioneer. Etedit Auction 8a HAD TO CONQUER OR DIE. CORN ER CON CERNS. Auction Salon. â€"OFâ€" [ARRIS’I‘HER NOTARY, CON- VEYANCER Eton. Etc. Moqoy to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrowet. OFFICEâ€"McIntyre Block. (Over the Bank Oflice hours. Bto 12 e m. 2(04 p. m Residence and oflice, Old Bulk buildings. Upper Town Dur.ham Will visit. Priceville Tuesday and Friday of each week from 9 a. m to 4 p. m. Arthur H. Jackson Conveyancer. Valuator, Insurance Agent... .. Collections of all Kinds Promptly Attended to Ovrlcnzâ€"Mch’enzie's Old Stand. DURHAM. : : : : ON'J ' l‘ That the partnership heretofore sub- siding between us, the undersizned. as General Merchants. in the town of Durham, . has this day been dissolved by mutual con- : sent. All debts owing to the said partner. ship, are to be mid to William Landlaw at , the 'l‘mvn of nrhani aforesaid. and all lclaims against the saigl partnershippre to ! be presented to the said William Laldlaw, by whom the same will be settled. Swedish, Scotch Canadian GRANITE MABBlE WORKS. Monuments Repaired, and Wm. McCalmon, Inscriptions Cut on Shortest Notice. GA RAFRAXA ST. â€"â€" DURHAM A Chance for HORSEHEN ! HE UNDERSIGNED. J. G. WIL- SON, offers fnrfale than} 'l‘horqtgglnpyefl .l SOS offers for sale that Thoroughbred Imported Blood Stallion. “Gmscon,” which he will sell chean. A good farm horse mll be taken in exchange .as part payment. For description and pedigree apply to the proprietor. J. G. WILSON, Durham “ember College Ppyplcgnns and surgeons. Notice of Dissolution. Feb. 20th. 8 w pd. Dated at Durham this 8th day of Febru my, 1101. \Vitness, J. l’. meonu. In the Surrogate Court of the County of G ey in the Matter of the Guard- ianship of the Infant Children of Catherine Lavelle Late of the City of Toronto in the County of York. 1‘ That after the expiration of twenty days from the first publication of this Notice. an amilicatiun will be madeto the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey for a grant of letters of Guardianship of Charles Robert Lavelle. Lottie Cecelia Lavelle. James La- velle, William Anthony Lavelle. Henry Eroy Lavelle. Louis Lavelle. Leonard La- velle. Russell Lavelle. and Robert Boyd Lavelle intant children of the said Gather» ine Lavelle. Deceased, to James Lavelle. of the Town of Durham. in the County of Grey. Railway Conductor. the natural and lawful father of the said Infants. ”WWW VOTIQE IS HEREBY GIVEN. 1 Thu after the priratiun of twenty Dated the 9th day of February, 1901. American Horse and Cattle Food. H. W. MflfiKlEfl.‘ Mmm 00.! Excelsior Condition Powder. One dose twice a week is quite sufficient. W. s. DAVIDSON, O'I‘ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN J. O. HUTTON. M. D. O. M. Notary Public, Commissioner. etc. IMPORTEB OI" AND DEALER IN Fed regularly to eat- tle being fatted for market will make d01- lars. It is a pure spice free from any injuri- ous drug. Large pac- kage, 250. Try it. No danger from over- feeding when it is Tone your horses up for the spring work with. Private Money to Loan. Farms Bought and Sold Notice. J. P. TELFORD. Solicitor for Applicant. W. Lammw. )As. , IRELAND. ONTA R10 We have a large lot of Boys’ and Men’s Winter Caps which we will clear at a discount of 20 per cent. Bargains in Dress Goods, 'l‘weeds, Yarns, and in fact, all winter goods for the next 15 days. 5 doz. suits fleece lined underwear, reg. 500, 600, to clear at 39c. We extend a cordial invitation to all to come and examine our goods and take advantage of these Just Arrived. Provision Store, You Can Save Money Overcoats I Furs I Blankets ! A Fresh line of Christmas Goods in Grocer- ies and Confectionery. Oranges and Lemons, Figs, Nuts and Candies. Also the best brands of Family Flour and Mill Feed ’of all kinds always on hand. Call and inspect our stock. .W. MflBKlER. ”J v """n --... -'-- ‘r-v _ es. Until February 15*!) we offer the follow- ing seasonable goods at greatly reduced rates : 1 only Electric Seal caperine, 1 only rufl. reg. 8:3 50., now .. Caps that more 83.50. now. .. Caps that were 52.25. now. .. Mufl's that were 81.75, now .. Mufls that were 82.50, now .. Blankets worth $5.00 per pair. Blankets worth 84.75) per pair Blankets worth 84.25 per ptir By tz_t_kin_g Edvantage 0f the {0110“ mg: [n ic- $13.00 Overcoat: 812.00 Overcouts 88 00 Overcoat: Cheaper coats in proportion prices. Feb. 28, IDOL reg. 813'), now. . C. Healy. swam 6mm 1000 375 I!

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