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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Mar 1901, p. 1

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THE matter has never been meno tioned to us in any way but we be- lieve it would be a good idea to have n night mail from Toronto come by the Grand Trunk . As it is, the C. P. R. for Owen Sound and the G. T. B. for Durham leave 'l'oronto about the same time the Grand Trunk reaching here about the same time the C. P. R. reaches Flesherton. With a closed mail from Tom: to ur- riving by the last train the evening ‘pperat and considerable mail matter would. reach us in time for distribu- tion at eight o’clock next morning instead of being forced to wait until the arrival of stage from Flesherton. some three hours later. How do Mares men feel on the subject? EARLY on Monday morning lasz In. Walter Tucker, of this town, died at the age of 77 years, after a Ihortillness, which resulted from cold contracted a few weeks ago. Only a few months ago we had to undergo the painful duty of recording the “nth of her husband. who died after u prolonged illness. The deceased was sisnr of the late postmaster. It. A. McKenzie, and Mr. Duncan McKenzie. of this town. The re. lain: were interred Tuesday after- noon at the Durham cemetery. 08 Monday evening of this week Baptist Young People’s Union It a very pleasant evening to- .Ier with other friends in the tilt church. An excellent pro- ves carefully prepared by the here of the Union, which consist- el speaking, singing, recitations feedings Mr.'H. P. Ball. eat 0! the Union, very ably ,, pied the chair. At the close 0! {be program refreshments were Creed. sedan enjoyehle hour spent together. alter Which the choir gave lulection entitled "Until we Meet “sin”. The meeting closed with a. benediction and ahearty shake d the head from the'members of the 05m. The young people of the AUK‘TION SALB.â€"â€"An extensive Credit Auction Sale of Farm Stock. Imple- ments and Household Furniture will be held on Wvdnesday. March 20th, bl lots 23 and 24. con, 3, E. G. R . Glnnelg. For particulars see bills. Kenneth McKenzie, Prop.. Hugh Mac- Kav, Auctioneer. The full list will be given in this paper next week. WI: learn that some person or per- oons put a report in circuiation that .6880 of Uiptherin had broken out at the home of Mr. J. H. Brown, milk vendor. ()n the strength of the very best authority. and at the re- quest of Mr. Brown we contridict the report. as there is no foundation for in] such rumor. WE noticed 'l‘om Caldwell. a few evenings ago. bringing in a number of verv fine colts, a couple of which on now in charge of Bob Scott. . We dOu’t know where they were purchas- ed, but they are likely looking fellows end we presume all right. or Tom would hardly have them. WWW-«'7 TAIL. UNIHI' ’ rpm... -- 'fi Dlsrlucr MEE’I‘INH.-â€"A SpBClal dis- trict meeting of the L. O. L. will be held in Durham on Thursday, March Nth, I901, at 2 oclock p. m. for special business. Would like all members and brethren to attend. “'11:: Ritchie, D. M. A FRIENDLY game Was played here on Wodnrsday evening of last week, between the curling teams of Walk- ertou and home team, the visiving team was unquestionably victorious. SEED OAT.» â€"~I"ifty bushels of Im- proved Ligowooats for sale. Sample 3! this office. Apply to Wm. L. Dixon. [0' 1."), con 22, Egremont, Dromore P. 0. - 3 pd. LOSTâ€"On Tuesday. Feb. 12, 1901. be: ween Durham and Hny‘ards Falls a sum of money. Finder who leaves the money at this otfice shall l’rCPiVO handsome reward. BARBIH’I'ER McUAUL will be at the Commercial/Hotel, Pripeville, on the second and last Tuesdays of each month from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. N. NYAlhi ()plwry and [mu Nerve and Blood lels enriches the blood and tones the systam. only at. Parker’s Drug Store. , DON’T forget the Pie Social at Ebenezer to mornw. Friday night. Free sleiuhs w "leave NW» at. 7 p. In. A“ invitml WI: hear that the Queen Either Outcria is m bu repeated in a couple of wash. CLOVER and Timothy at Parker’s Drug Stow. CA8}! for 3‘3 inch dry furnace wood It Peel's. 2f. THERE are still a few annuals left. Pay up quick if you want :0 get Oue_ Vol. 35--â€"No. 177 3. MARCH came in like a lion s we . in church no atlas-ya to the in sociability. YIDLI UNI". ' ,.- ' W71"? LOCAL NEWS. GRANT. l Mr. Charles Robb, of the Egre- ‘mont Township council, had the mis- fortune tu have a valuable team of horses accidentally killed in his bush on .‘.iomlay Mr. Robb. just before the accident, was engaged in felling a tree. He intended it to fall in the opposite direction from the team, but the tree in its fall ran back on the stump. and in this manner fell upon the poor bl utes. One of the horses was killed outright. and the other had to he shot afterwards to put an end to its misery.â€"-Confederate. The Liberals are holding their Con-l spot in our memory. vention here this, Wednesday. after- noon. We can’t very well go to it, and without an invitation it mightn’t be right. However we’ll give a re. port of what’s totake place. Dele- gates will be present from different parts of the riding, and about as many aspirants for the parliamentary plum as there are delegates. The nominees will be H. H. Miller, Dr. Mearns, Gilbert McKechnie. George Binnie. J. D. Morgan. Duncan Mar- shall. Mayor Calder. Charlie Ramage and about fifteen others. Consider- able time will be spent in a kind of mutual admiration fashion. The two governments will belauded away up Every one will express his willing- ness and determination to stand by the choice of the Convention. and thus united theyill be sure to sweep everything before them, and annihil- ate forever all future chances for the obnoxious Tories The principal speeches will be made by H. H. Mil- ler, Ur. Mearns and Duncan Marshall. Mayor Calder’s speech will be very practical. He’ll be able to show that he stands in well with the Govern- ment, and if elected some big scheme will be carried out sure.. the chief one being the erection of acement monument in Queen’s Park in honor of the Durham Chronicle, the. final touches being allowed to remain un- til the post mortem of the great family journal when a magnificent golden angel will be erected on the top to commemorate the virtues of the present Editor. He’ll show also that he is to be general manager, boss the job and hire all the men to whom v', V'â€" _-â€"â€"_- “ -----â€" â€"-â€"â€"...â€"â€"~ - Skating Carnival. The Skating Carnival. on Thursday evening last, was quite a success. and everything passed off pleasantly, and we believe with Satisfaction. The following is a list of the prim takers. some of whom were very prettily attended :â€" Masqneraders,â€"Best fancy costume. lady, .‘tliss Norma Patton; best fancy costume. gentleman, W. Glass; best historical costume. lady. Miss Ella Laidlaw, “ Miss Canada;” best his- torical costume, gent, Bert. Mockler, " MephistOphles;” best comic cos- tume. gent. Fred Glass. "‘ His Satanic Majesty ;” best military costume. gem. Reg. Kelly, .. Col.’ Steelel’ Judges.-â€"«Miss .\l. Gunn, Miss S. Vollett. Miss 8. Ball. Races,-â€"Open race, 1st, Harry 'l‘ruax. (Walkerton); 2nd. Nat. Swal- low; 3rd, Jas. Allan. (Mt Forest), Boys race. 1st. W. Richardson, (Walkerton); 2nd, Pete Crawford; 3rd. R. W. Truax, (Walkerton). ' .Iutfges,â€"-Dr. Malian, W. S. David- son. Others in Costume.â€"Queen Eliza- beth, Miss Eva Mockler; Summer. Miss Jessie Laitllaw; Fishwife. Miss Jessie Munro; Milkmaid. Miss Mamie Munro; Highland Lassie. Miss Mamie Hunter; Clown. Mr. Geo Pourteous; Donkey, Unknown; Flower Girl. Annabell Saunlet‘s; Lord Roberts, John Fox; Colored abntleman. Doug. las Munro; Dancing Bear, Chas. Saunders; Military. A. Robertson. A. he’ll give big wages and three glasses Noble; Red Bidinghood, Amy Kelly ; of beer daily. Hurrah for Calder! Umbrella lender, Willie Becker. Tue funeral of the late William Gorsiine took place to'l‘rlnity Church Cemetery on Thursday afternoon last, an appropriate sermon being preached in the church by Rev. Mr, Ryan who referred very feelingly to the honor- able character of the deceased gentle- man. The pallbearers were Mayer Calder. Fix-Mayor Laidlay, Council- lors Livingstone, Guthrie, Macl'ar- lane and Ex-Reeve Sparling. A Btu SURI’RISE.-Mr. J. A. blass. who has cut in the principal cities and towns of Canada, as well as Baltimore, Boston and Philidelphia of the United States, will open up a tailoring establishmentin Durham in the course of two weeks and you are advised to \\ nit before ordering your outfit. Aurrmx SM.E.-â€"'I‘he Auction Sale of Mr. [high McLellan was postponed until today, Thursday, at l p. II). when all goods offered in Sale bills will be sold. Hugh MacKay, Auc- tioneer. Sale to take place at lot 27. con. 2, N. D. R.. Gleneig. Acunox S,\LE.â€"Farm Stock, Im- plemvnts. Household Furniture,etc., at 10! 17. con, 3, E. G. R., Glenelg, Thursday, March 14th, 1901. John Laughlin, Prep., H. MacKay, Auc- tioneer. See hills. THE Jubilee Singers were in Clerks- burg recently and the Reflector mun voices our idea against having such performances in the church. We believe all secular and semi-sacred entertainments should be held some- where else. ' LOST â€" On the street opposite Archie Little’s new house a much prized hammer. Finder will oblige by ieav- ing it at this office. Hammer is valued simply because it is an old heir-loom, which the owner prizes highly on that. account. FOUND â€"A horse blanket. Owner can five Same by calling at the Hardware Store. proving property and paying for his advertisement. \V. Black. 8mm (Mrs «For sale, White Siber- ian and Danish White. Apply to .IAmzs VVA'I‘SON, lot 13, con. 3, Nor- manby, Varney P. O. 3 pd. Fun SAI.E-F0ur young Durham bulls. two grade bulls, and one three- year old marf‘.-JAS. BELL, Glenelg. Markdale P. 0. Tm; Rev. F. Ryan will conduct Divine Service at Aberdeen on Sun- day next at 3 o’clock. ANY person wishing a boy for the summer may apply to Mrs. Ed. Laud~ er at the Creamery. DR. BUDD’S tonic and alterative pills only at. Parkev’s Drug Store. THE new table factory at Wiarton legal: operations on St. Valentines Dav. Pete McEwen. who has been down ifrom the West during the past few ‘months, returned Wednesday to Lumsden, Assa. We saw him Mon- day, and feel that he isn’t sorrowing over the fact that he is about to leave. We ordinarily call the Western men “Mr.” but that doesn’t suit Pete, who thinks his old friends would wonder wnere he got the new name if such a handle was tacked on. He reports favorably of the West, with which he has had considerable exper- ience. “ 'l‘hey’ll miss me when I’m gone ” says Pete in answer our question as to whether he had any farewell remarks to make. We’re kind of sorry to see him go, but as long as he takes Tun CHRONICLE and keeps it paid up as regularly as he has done, we’ll keep for him a kind spot in our memory. Masqueraders, -Best fancy costume lady, Miss Norma Patton; best fancy cos ume, gentleman, W. Glass; best historical costume. lady, Miss Ella Laidlaw, ” Miss Canada;” best his- torical costume, gent, Bert. Mockler, * \lephistOphles;” best comic cos- tume, gent, Fred Glass. "‘ His Satanic Majesu} ;” best military costume. gent. Reg. Kelly, “Col.’ Steele? Judgesâ€"«Miss M. Gunn, Miss S. ‘Vollett. Miss S. Ball. The Skating Carnival. on Thursday evening last, was quite a success, and everything passed off pleasmnly, and we believe with Satisfaction. The followingis alist of the pri@ takers, some of whom were very prettily attended :â€" Others in Costnme.-â€"Queen Eliza- beth, Miss Eva Mockler; Summer, Miss Jessie Lnidlaw; Fishwil‘e. Miss Jessie Munro; Milkmaid. Miss Mamie Munro; Highland Lassie. Miss Mamie Hunter; Clown, Mr. Geo Pourteons; Donkey, Unknown; Flower Girl. Annabell Saun ler's; Lord Roberts, John Fox; Colored gentleman, Dong- las Munro; Dancing Bear, Chas. Saunders; Military. A. Robertson. A Noble; RerlBiglinghoogl, A.gny_ Kelly; Racespâ€"Open race, lst, Harry 'I‘ruax. (Walkerton); ‘2ud, Nat. Swal- low; 3rd, Jas. Allan. (Mt, Foregt), Boys race. 13s. W. Richardson, (Walkerton); 20d, Pete Crawford; 3rd. R. W. 'l‘ruax, (Walkerton). ' Mr. Charles Leavens, who has been carrying on business here as harness maker for a number of years, leaves next week for Calgary where he has secured a good position. While we regret to lose good industrious citi- zens like Mr. and Mrs. Leavens, we are pleased to know that they are bettering their own conditions by their removal. We shall be pleased to hear of their success, and believe that the good wishes of the whole town go with them to their new home. suffering and persecution of the Armenia people. THE Rev. Y. E. Boyagean, of Ar- menian, will preach in the Zion Methodist church on Sunday. at 2:30 p. m., and in the Durham Methodist church at 7 p. m. This is an excel- lent opportunity to hear of the Mr, Hamilton Allen the popular blacksmith. of Hopeville, gave usa call on Friday, and gave us some- thing more for which we are truly thankful. He was out. in Glenelg visiting his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Ias. Allen, who are bOth quit_e ill at present. Mr. Joseph Allan and Mr. 'l‘hos. Idle. of Thurnbury. visited their uncle, Mr. Adam Robertson, over Sunday. Inspector Campbell addressed the Young PeOple’s Society of Christain Endeavor at, Dromore on Thursday evening, Feb. 28th. Miss Ayers, of Sarnia, daughter of Rev. \V. Ayers, paid ye Editor and familv a short. visits last. week. as she was going through to visit her sister. Mrs. Joseph Blackburm of Fleshexton. We are always pleased to meet an old pupil. Mrs. Fulton and her sister, Miss \chillivray, of Muloch, were in town Monday and gave Ye Editor a brief call. Mr. Lavelle and family have taken up their abode in the new house re- cently built by Mr. Archie Little. '1‘. P. Smith, Eye Specialist, will be at the Middaugh House. Wednesday Ma rch 20th. Mr. Duncan Marshall. editor of the Clarksburg Reflector, spent. a few days in town. Mr. Strong. of Woodbridge, was in town last week and called in to see us for a few minutes. Mr. Fred Tyler and Jas. Allad, of Mt. Forest, atteudpd the skating carnisal. THE Rev. 'I‘. H. Farr, B. A., of At- wood, will conduct divine service at-Allaf’sggihqol-houge 9n Sunday. Editor Mitchell and Peter Zinn, of Hanover, gave us a. call Wednesday PERSONAL MENTION. Durham, Ont, Thursday, March 7th, .1901. COLEâ€"In Hamilton. on the ”tin of Fahlu- my. Mrs. hm Cole (mother of Albert Petty) aged 79 years. VIN. 0016 was for many years a reside.“ of Durham. TUCKERâ€"In Durham. on Monday. March 4, 1901. Emilv MacKeuzie. roliut of the late water Tucker. 1‘9 71 yurs\ CA LVER'Pâ€"WRIGHT--On Feb. 27th, at the residence of the bride’s father. \lr. Samuel Wright, Beutiuck. by the ”6". F. ltvan. B. 1).. Rural Dean, of them Mr. William John Calvert, of lientinclc, to Miss Matilda Wright, of the same . place, LAWRENCEâ€"MORRISONâ€"-On Feb. 27, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Richard Morrison. Egremout. by Rev. Rural Dean Rina. If. U. Mr. George L. Lawrence. ‘zrelnont. to Miss Agnes P. Morrison. of the sanne town- ship. ‘ Sr. Pt. llâ€"Ruby‘ Kuisley. Brock Grant, Marion Currie and Louise Telford aeq ,Ambroise Pagan, Buruey Hartford. ~Jr. (h)-Jamie Farquharson, Brennan. Jr. Pt. II (a)â€" Reggie Sharpe, John Vollet Ruby Mills, James Smith, .Fred 'l".onry ’ Sr. Iâ€"Almu Holt, Ronald Guthrie, HortonSe Livingston. Tressa McKay, Herbert Harvey. Jr. lI-«Thos. Gamble, James Mc- Lean, Eva fiurnett, Annie Aljoe, Foster Saunders. Jr. Pt. II (b) ~Irene Latimpr. Nellie McLean, Willie Browning, Roy Cal- der and Robbie Saunders aeq.. Vernon Elvidge. Sr. II-Hugh Holley. Flint Hind. Charlie Ramage. Charlie Crawford. Bertie Caldwell. Intermediateâ€"Nellie Hepburn and Harold Aljoe aeq.. Mary Wright. Jr. (a)â€"Vaddie Caldwell, Maggie Lauder. Jr. III-Alfred McClocklin, Albert McClocklin, Percy VolleL, Archie Davidson, Willie Campbell. Ir. IV- Daisy Blackbum G ace \Villis, Lilian Walker, Hugh McCr lie, Essel Laidlaw. Sr. Ill â€" Etta.Fox. John qu. Annie Daniel. Hazel Caldwell, Fred Smith and Bertha. Gadd aeq. Sr. Iv-Murray Smith, Charlie Farqulnarson, Arthur Allan, Allie Gun, Grace Barclay. Jr. Leaving Pare 1â€"»Jessie Farqu- harson, Duncan McKenzie, Noble Sharpe,Flora McGregor. Olive Sharpe. Jr. Jr. Leaving Part II--Laura. Hutton, Maud Irwin, Marion Morton, Grace E\ eritt, John Backus. Sr. Jr. Leaving Part lIâ€"Hannuh Lawrence, Maggie McKenzie. Amy Edge, Annie Lawrence, Nellie Moran. Vâ€"â€"Annie Petty. Sr. IV-â€"E.lith Allen. Charlotte Hutton. Jr. I\'â€"â€" Bertha Pettigrew, Mable Dunn. m â€"-ldn Barber, Mabfi Pettigrew. Max Allen. IIâ€"â€"Fred Hear]. Ellie Hutton, Bessie Clark. Sr. Pt. llâ€"-Robina Gadd, Haze! Barber. Jr. Pt. 11â€"- Arthur Morrison, Everett Morrison. Sr. Pt. Iâ€"â€"Mina Gadd, Mary Boyle. Jr. Pt. I~Willie Bogle. Annie Petti- grew. Average attendance, 42, MAUI) BANKS, Teacher S.S.NO.12,EGREMONT. V-George Reid. IV - Charlie Reid, Do ward Henry, Mary Patterson. Sr. III-Willie MacFadden. Jr. 111â€" Sarah Brown, Grace Reid. Ma Id Hamilton. Sr. llâ€"Maggie Hamilton. Jr. IIâ€"Bert Lawrence. Sr. Pt.â€"â€"~ Mary Wilson. Hugh Patterson, Bella Ferguson. Sr. Iâ€"Martin Wilson, George Wilson. Jr. I ~Jane l‘er‘gu-i son. MARY Gounox, Teacher. i Class IVâ€"George Hay. Class mu Joe Lindsay, George Bovungdon, lJohnnie Johnson. Willie Scheuer- imann. Glass uâ€"Godfred Schruer- mann. Maggie Johnson. Sr. Pt. IIâ€" Normun Lindsay. Jr. Pt. II-Archie Watson. F. E. STOXE. Teacher. s.s.xo.2,n.;a. n'--Annie McGillivray. Ill-~Alfred McKechnie. Willie McKechuie, 'l‘ena Newell. Sr._IIâ€"Minuie Vessie, Ella Edge. Jr. II~Maggie Morton, John- nie Newell, Ethel Heughan. Sr. Pt. lIâ€"Neillie McGillivray. Elias Edge, Frank Collinson. Jr. Pt. II --l€illic Dunsmoor, Smith Ewen. Iâ€"â€"Herbert Dunsmoor, Andy Vessie, Gertie Mor- ton. MAY MCCLOCKLIN, Teacher. 8.8.NO.1,NORMAMBY. Sr. Ivâ€"Bird McNieeo, Cassie Burns. Jr. 1v-â€".\laggie Wallace. Gertie Back- us, Norman Kerr. 5r. IIIâ€"â€"Maud Burns. Jr. IIIâ€"Milton McNiece, Harry Ebenan. Sr. Ilr-Harry Gudd, Maud Thompson, Nellie Burns. .lr. IIâ€"â€"Eva. McAlister, Arthur Backusr Willie Mearns. Part II-â€"-Willie Mc- Alister, Willie Wallace. Sr. I~â€"‘ Jessie Ebenau, Lizzie Burns. MAGGIE.“ MUCANNEL, Teacher. PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT, HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. s. 8. x0. 13. BEN’I‘IXCK. SCHOOL REPORTS. s S. No. 1, a MARRIED. DIED. DURHAM. EXCelleIIL addresses WEI". also given by Rev. \\ ray R. SiniIlI, of the Met'lI- odist Clinich. Durham. WI; 0 Is an ardent IneInbeI of II. e Oider. W. A. Mncfarlnne handled the Ii‘rrumaphone in II masterly way and the selections given were well re- ceived and enjoyed by Ihe company. 3ther brethren Mao contributed num- bers and after the close of the Pro. gram all present. adjourned to the Intercom where II generous spread of OYstere. cake and ether delicacies wee (uIWniehed all'l pertuken of, liter which the meeting Make up p. ell re- "flux well pleased end satisfied with fine evening’ e entanglement. On Thursday evening the 28th ttlt. a very pleasant entertainment was given by (Smart Durham. No. 111 Independent Order of Foresters. in their Court Room. The feature of the evening was the attendance cf a nu ruler of ladies. who graced the oc- casion by their presence and who seemed to enjoy the excellent pro- gramme provided. Shortly after eight o’clock the Court was called to order by the Chief Ranger and duly Opened with the usual ceremonies " for Entertain- ment.” The programme was then entered upon, and correlated of reci- tations. speeches, songs. and grama- phones‘iections. all of wliitn were heartily given, and as heartily enjoy- ed by toe audience present. Miss Black also favored the com- pany with a. songfi'hich was sung in her ,usuul artiSIic style. 'Mr. G. L. McUaul gave a recita'ion from “ Bothwell ” as the. firs num- ber oh the list. and number recitation was also given by a dear little " tot ” Miss Blanche Reed (to her (10“,) Which was much enjoyed and heartily ap- plauded. l ’given. that llyâ€"law N0. 401. of the 'l‘uwn nt' Durham, requires all Merchants, Shop Keepers, Urngzzists. Hardware Stores. Cabinet Shops, «$0.. to close their places of husinew even y evening during the year. at (3 u'cluck p. n:.. with the exceptiun of Wetl- nusday and Saturday evenings. and the eveniny nrecemling public hulitlaVs'. All parties will govern themselves avcordingly. Mar. 3.â€"-‘ )UBLJC NOTICE IS ’given. that By-Iaw N( Mclxrvluc ”max Druggists and Bouksvllcra, I111pliesz1g'eed deal more than similar signs. Some wall pa1pe1' “deale1s” 011<rl1t to (3111 themseh es wall p11- pe1ape11ts. They hav a smfilllstoek 011 lumd and 31111;;‘et any pape1 they don't have. We have 11 great big: stock on 11111111. We are dealers, 110tag'ents. We have everything de- sirable. Independent Order of Foresters. Furniture Warerooms. Shcwcli s; [cnabm MacFARLANE . CO. 1’ ublic Notice The Furniture and Under- taking: business formerly Unl‘l'lml on by .l. A. Shenell will ho-nm farm [)9 known by the firm name of Shmvell Lenalian, a partnership having been formed for the transaction of business. Old C'VXS'.Omel'S and new ones are reapectfnlly requested to call and visit us in our new Show Rooms in the McIn- tyre Block, next door to the 'Bank, where we will be found night and day to cater to the wants of all. Special Drives . . . in Tatum"? C u t During the Holiday Seaons OUR SIGN \V PAPER AN DERSON - LOWER Town 'l‘« ) w u L ‘l e rk H E R 15 BY Durham s. F. MORLOCK New Goods Arrived . Arriving ! I” :, . a . V. t I it. It I’ 4.". ‘ r s-- .k 'i _ .‘ 414‘ ‘ -.2 ‘ , . ’ i": I ' ‘ K ' : is *tfliéfiflfififlflfififi $99§$§§§§¢§§§§¢¢$£¢§¢§|§ J. J. HUNTER. J. 6: J. Hunter’s A large consignment ul' Also a large range of : 3"“ Received : {Shims and Zottonadcs The Busy Store 0n the Busy Corner. at mill prices. $1.00 Per Year. flannelmcs

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