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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Mar 1901, p. 3

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1N HOUR WITH UNCLE SAM DIRSONAL AND BUSINESS NOTES ABOUT ma BUSY YANKEE. ”can", Illrrr-I m ”In ”Mush-la"!!! cl flaw-o a“ lull uz-uhrrod in- It: Boron“. Bank deposits in Montana th‘e'; .011: than double-d in 3;: years, ‘51:! in “Wyoming they haw: trebled. The new census shows that the nutre o! popuhtion has moved but flight], nines ten years ago. The State 0! Ohio expands $14,000,- “) annually on its 1.30.000 school Children. 0! thin {and Cincinnati pays 01,000,000. Philth-lphia has secured no or- dinance prohibiting the throwing of “can” and udmtiwnlents skim the streets. According to a San Francisco “pt-'1’. cbiwren of James, \Vatt, ‘m- mtor of the steam engine, are now Iring in California. The Government revenuvs {or the than year \m-re $357,240,852, the largest on n-cord, and there was 3 “rpm: of .79,5-7.060. The latest atatrsucs nhow that m Unit"! Stan's has an: $0,000 milk: Cl railtoad. and has than 10.000 mile .1 good wag-on roads. 1! exp ctatiom are reafized, the out- fit of coppvr (or 1990 will n-ach “£00000 pounds, v-uluv-d at $42,250,- “. the largcat on n-corll. Some 100,0“) hogs an- daily sacri- Good to gratify the appc-tite of Greater Sew York, and are served at It. hotels, restaurants and clubs. The!!! In. hcen started at Steubem ville. Ohio, the first American manu- lactory of glass marbles. which have hitherto been imported from Ger- may. airie chickens are said to be abundant in \Vostcrn Kansas 13 (or years. and ti)» farmers show disposition to give thv. birds a now to (multiply by kr-eping a chvck ‘thv hunk-rs. Chemo now contairm a greater Ppulatlon than all the cities of the ‘Unitwl Status contained in 1840, and w York now has a greater popu- htion than all the, cities together in “330. It in estimated that the swamp: pend of an A'mn'rican pantor in thv to American citim dare not ex- Ql,200. while in the country $800 I! outside Iigun'. at York corona“. with tbt'il‘: “a, are c-xpL-nshm luxurZo-s, anal. uries that might n'aJily be dis-1 with. 'l'ho-ir dqmrtxm-nt fur ' city cunt; thv Lanny-1's morn.1 0150.000 :1 year. " N is such a great demand for"= nu in sections of Ohio that. rvnts c-xtremely bLgh; often two on" w applicants. .‘Icn an! women arv 'oontomplating going to thr fur W121! to take up homesteads. Mary L. Oren ban just bcon zip-3 ’pinted manager of the Smuh l-‘loridu filth-graph (bmpany at the ’lun‘ ”stem depot in Tampa. Shv is prob- nbly the only woman holdLng hllCh :1 .paition in the world. mngressmn John Slurp William“. Kiwissippi, was a classmate a: idelberg of the present Emperor of many. The two were personal ads, and Mr. \Villiams is 81.111 u t admirer a! the Kaiser. Kobe] Oiwa, a Japanese electrica! knee: of considerable promincnvv his own country. is trawlling in United States stndymg water development with a View of in- wins improvements in Japan. ~ , inquiringly. ‘ uzslclgh it. L” had to do it, thong!» it took all h accumulation of pelt aince Christ. fl’l kill time! exclaimed the fair ' girl, 31 she gazed out of the on the with falling feathery ti-e I replied he: steady oom- souswnu cosrmr. OF SPLEN DID REPUT'E. b worth doing at all is Yolkâ€"Chuterliold. Broadly speaking, every implement dangled to: the one 01 um: is provided’ with a handle and thin handle is made to (it. the hand. It is about a certain size, is rounded, smooth and hard, at least. it is never made soft with tho{ view of bung easier on tho hand. The. qualifications just. named should b.I present in the horse collar. 11' the collar 85 the proper 1:53th and {us the animal, and is stuffed full and round, it may pp p r l' n,_-, Lb and (it. the animal” and L9 mulled 1qu and round, it may be as lmnl as imn without, dagger Of; CWW W. l Oitthm‘Q so th H. the didn'cght will not (390er on th- shoal Lo. poinl. 'khgz I-.-8Lc I" this is angle. If the h .ndle of a manual '.m- pix-mum 8.1113 Lhe band, it is because of xoughnms L-l' imprup .1. shape never be- cause it. is hard. II it is to be comin- ualb used, the man does not pull on a mitten in warm weathct to uwrcome 87"“08 thv aboulder. Of course, the hamus was» be drawn up high enough a defect in it ; neither does he demand lnflL the handle be made of something so“, bu! simply that it be shaped and hard. The collar, which in tuund and hard, rolls on the skin at every motion of the :1an“, aumething after the m nnx-z' of bulbeurmg, admLtLing the an and thus coding the parts, but the [lat soft collar sticks I0 closely that it: compulls the skin to move on the uudcz'lying flesh in such a way as to po'lum‘ irrritatiun and deep seated 3.1118. The above contains both sound sense and good logic, but the analogy be- twwx. the shoulder of the horse and the hand 0! the man should be carried 3 little further. They both reunite ' paratul me until lht')’ become hardened, for no matter how smooth and Well fitted to the hand the implement may be, blisters are sure to rise in consequence of too clean application on first commencing wmk. And right here is where alit- tle neglect may cause a great deal of trouble. The green colt, and even the old horse alter a few weeks, lay oft, must have careful attention, until the parts become hardened by moderate work, not. only must the collar be smooth and well fitted, but the har-i 00:88 must be taken off during the din- ner hour. and the shoulders washed with Sillled water, and rubbed dry be. fore the collar is put on again. A. lit- tle care and attention at first may one a great deal of annoyance and probably loss of time later, and the [,8 n nt‘lictvd on th‘. h use \xhl'e )‘eung frequently mxkes him unreliable, and many a promising colt has been per- iMaud Patterson, whose home is in itho vicinity of Strathroy, Ont. To a {rt-porter who interviewed her, Miss ' Patterson said: "Several years ago I vagln to suffer from headaches, was Husily tired out, and could 880 that “my hmlth was not what it had. been.‘ :At first I did not think there was' anything Serious the matter, and ' th-nght the trouble would p133 away.‘ In this. however, I was mistaken, for {as time went on I became weaker. i'l‘hn bO'ltlaCht‘a attacked me more fro. fqmntly. my appetite failed; if I stooped I u ould grow so dizzy that I would almost {all over. I became very pile, and always felt tired and There are thousands of young girls thwdghom Canada who owe their g 0.1 health, if not life itself, to the iiuu-ly use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills fur 1’ch Pcoyle. Among these is Mia Puller. luau-Ins. [uni-cu and 3 Feeling a! Hush»! tang-nor Overcome-Hope for II-Ilav Smut-en. "zmn out. I was advised to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and Ihave rea- son to rejoice that I followed the ad- vice, and as lcontinued tholr use,“ seemed as though day by day they were imparting new life to me. My 'zppetile improved, the headaches dis- wppearml, the pallor left my face, the tl’zzmess that bothered me so much .IFO disappeared, and I felt tltO‘Oth- pr like a different person. I feel that I owe my renewed health entirely to Dr. Williims‘ Pink Pills, and as I know that there are many girls who <uf!er.r.s I did I would urge them to lose no time in giving this medicine i fair trial.” The case of Miss Patterson certain- ?y carries with it a lesson to others who may be pale, languid, easily, tired, or subject to headaches. or‘ xhe other distressing symptoms that mark the onward progress of anae- mia. In cases of this kind Dr. Wil- liame’ Pink Pills will give more cer- tain and speedy results than any other medicine. They act promptly and directly, making new, rich red blood, and strengthen the nerves, A GIRL’S PERIL. and correct all the irregularities in- cident to this critica! period. Sold by all dealer! or sent post paid at 50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Wil- liama’ Medicine (‘30.. Brockville Ont. BRIEF STORY OF INTEREST TO ALL YOUNG WOMEN. HORSE COLLARS. EEALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. m'lnvmly ruined through the neg‘oct and carelessness of the driver. A free sample of delicious SALADA Tea sent on receipt of postal mentioning which you drinkâ€"Black, Mixed or Green Tea. Address “ SALADA, ” Toronto or Montreal. ed. -Ceil it inside with inch lumber, filling the space with cut straw or fodder or forest leaves; make it rat proof. Make the root double and till it in the same way. Then paper the sides with tarred or other thick paper, tacking tightly and closely so as to exclude drafts. Provide a ventilator made of awoodcn tube four inches square inside, long enough to reach from the e-irth floor to one foot aobvo the roof. Bore holes all around with- in aix inches of bottom and same at . top. covering the top to keep out snow 5 or rain. MAKING HESS LAY. A breeder gives his method of mak- ing hens lay as {Ollnwsz :‘First, make your ban or poultry house warm. This can be best. ac- complishcd by making it double wall- "Second, make a scratching pen, on south side it possible, with plenty of light at end: and in front, with wide doors which can be thrownppen in fine weather or closed in bad weather. Plenty of litter, such as cut straw and leaves, must be given so that they will be compelled to scratch for all their gxain. 'lhs giVea them the exercise n..cosaary for egg production. Arrange nests under the platform, also along sides of scratching pen, making them as dark as possible, as hens require occlusion in laying. "Third, as to feed: In the morning, give a mash of the table leavings,i small potatoes and peelings thirkoned with corn meal and bran mixed! crumbly, not sloppy. About 10 o’clock give a pint of millet or other small grains, screenings or wheat will do, to every twelve hens. Throw this amtng the litter and kick it under, making them scratch for it. This will keep ih«m busy until 4 o’clock, when they Ishould have parched corn, kicked iundcr. If there is danger of ‘overtat’ make the evening ration one-half “heat. Give them all they will clean up readily of this, absnt a pint to ten hv.-ns, according to size and breed. Give enough, and keep it clean. Don’t compel your workers to drink filthy water. They will drink lots of it it {clean and not too cold. "Fourth. cleanliness: Keep their quarters clean. L00]: out [or lice and mites. Catholic acid and whitewash will clean them out of the house, while the acid and insect powder will keep them off the towls.” LIVE STOCK NOTES. Sheep starved in winter will have Weak spots in their wool next spring. When a horse has been worked all day it should be carefully groomed at night. if raising sheep for mutton select the breeds Which grow rapidly and mmure early, rather than those which pro lace a heavy fleece of wool. Ewen that come trom sheep that hue often had twins will be more like. [y to have twins. nod if the male came [romatwin ewe all the better for rapid increase of the flock. The highest type of beef steer in the estimation of the packer of this day,{ without naming all the characteriS-i tics, is rather short, wide end deep“ and of course thick-fleshed. Th’s'; type is all right, but we think a littlei hard to nainta'n, because it seems in-j clinod to grow too short and blockyi with consequent loss of weight. ‘ i Barnes should have at least seventy-E five minutes for each meal. If they: finish in less time, as they probably'i will. noth'ng will be lost by giving; them a few minutes’ rest and digesU tion will be better if it is well under, made up by ’quicker and more vigor- ous action in the field. The horse that haa IeVenty-five minutes for meals can, and will, do more work than the home that has only forty-five minutes. Keeping tho record; of alarge pure- bred herd is very tedious, exacting and intricate. The value of pure-bred breeding stock depend. largely on tho integrity and authenticity of the re- cord of the breeding. Intending buy. era of purebred bull: do not always appreciate this until they get some understanding of it and are apt to think that pure-bred stock comes too high. A short: time in charge of a pure-bred herd will convince any one he must have some pay ton a good deal of careful and exacting work on the record. “ Thanks for the tip “ DRINK CEYLON'S GREEN.” I found it wholesome, sweet and clean. Now that I’m sound in limb and brain I’ll never drink Japan again." “but the M: .Hcal Training School is no in: In That “malty. A writer describing the methods of schools in Germany, states that the :minual t1 ammg schools in Get many are (aspeclally untcnded for the class of boys who Ldle away them' time be- fore and after school on the street. The regular session closes at half past two o'clock in the afternoon, and after this time the boys who, eith- cr through poverty or the imlLffcrence of parents, ar wt properly and hea'lthfully employed must attend the industrial school for the rest of the (iayo In the summer-time the boys, di- vided into classes, each under the sup- ervision of a teacher, are trained sys- tematically in all the branches of gardening. At other seasons of the year the boys, are engaged at various light crafts in workrooms, such as the making of baskets, brushes and brooms, and plain carpcntry, whore the use of tools are taught. Typo- scttlng and b-ookbinding are taught to the advanced and older classes. Each boy receives a small remun- eration for his work when it is faith- fully and obodiently performed. The money, however, Li not paid to him directly, but. Ls put into a savings- bank for him, and from time ‘to time he receivea his certificates of de- posit. - __.J 3" ..... The g'Lrls are taught knitting and all kinds of sewing in the same sys- tematic manner. Every lesson ls made a class drill. The children work by dictation, all in the room doing the same work at the same time. A FAMIEIR’S SHORT. STRAIGHTFORWARD. EARN- EST AND TO THE POINT. TRAINING BOYS IN GERMANY. “I haw. been troubled for over a year with Lumbago also Kidney Trouble. My urine was of a very dark red color, and my back was fearful bad. I could get nothing to hel' me. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me I am well, Lumlmgo all gone, and urine natural color." The remedy that cured Mr. Fletch- er has never failed in Kidney Trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the hope of every sufferer from Lumbugo, Scia- ‘tiea, ou‘ Lame Back. They never fail. Ilow You May "oil in Egg, Make Tea or ‘I‘lmv a num- Without a Watch. You can measure time, in the ab- sence of a watch. by the be’ating of your heart. In most adults the heart beats about 70 times per min- ute. If you are boilimg an 088, mak- ing tea or watching a IOU-yard race, all you have to do is to_put your F finger on your pulse. and you have a first-rate stop watch. But the pulse is not the same in all people. It beam as slowly as 60 to the minute in some, and as taut as 75 in others, It would therefore be necessary to know at what rate your pulse tumul- ly beats. Another way of measuring time with tolerable accuracy in by the breathing. Moat people breathe 15 time: per minute. or once every 4 seconds. So that in boiling an egg for 3 minutes you would count 45 The writer once experinnood being confined in a coal mine for three days Ln conaequonco of an explosion bccur- rin; whine ha wan attending a badly injnrad workman. When his watch flopped he had no mean: of telling how. tha‘tima was passing. Remem- not YOUR BODY AS A. TIMEPIECE. able to count the days. and oven to tell the hour of day or night with tol eroble accuracy in the following way The average temperature or the body is 98.8 degrees. But it rises am. talk at catain hours of the day with perfect regularity. At about 6 in the morning the temperature is at it. lowest. being only 98 degrees. Three hours after breakfast it touches the I mean or average point. At 12 noon it is up to 98 degrees or a little over. A13 day it continues to rise, and it is at its Very highest at about 6 o'clock in the evening. or from that to 7-name~ 15*, 994-5 degrees. Then it gradual- ly falls throughout the night. going very low about 3a.m., when most‘ deaths occur from this cause, and Y touching the lowest pumt between .. and 8. America's Casually uu in the Philipâ€" pines ’l‘olnls 5.9!9. The losses of the American troops in the Philippines since August 6. 1898. are as fellowshâ€" Killml ....................... . ............ 711 Died of wounds and accidents... 4-16 Total deaths “'ouu-dcd ......... Died of disease...... Grand total ....... . ................... 5.919 Those totals are already many times larger than were the Amvrican losses in the Original Spanish-Ameri- can war. Customer. trying on new hat, to assistantâ€"Dun’t you think there’s 3 little too much Of it' Assistant, in tune of absolute con. Vietion with a note of admiration in itâ€"Ob, I10, ma’um. With such a pro. file as yours, you can stand anything. is the best. Matthias FoXey. Oil City, Ont. Joseph Snow, Norway, Me. Rev. B. 0. Armstrong. Mulgruvo IJOVO enemies. [uh Lust!" Bromo Quinino Tabla“. All dmuhh ”tn-4 mg money n it. hill: 1‘. can. I. W. Grout _I_L-_ .“nw â€"‘ â€"v-v' â€"â€" cunt-u in u outbox. 250 The letter X only occurs once ln 1,000 words in the English language. In French it occurs five times an often. The deaths from consumption in Philadelphia are now one-third 1025: than they were 16 or 17 years ago. The game of billiards first came into fashion in England and France ,in the sixteenth century. The readers of thla paper will be planned to loan that. more ls at. lean on. drench d dunno tbnt science has been able to cure ln all ltI staged and lhnt, ls Catarrh. Hall's Catnn‘ll Cure in the only positive can: now known 00 the medical lntornlty. Cularrh bring a cons- titutional dim-um. require; a conmtmionnl tronnont. Hall's Calm-m Cnro luak nlnlor- nnlly. acting directly upon the b and and mucous nut-faces M the ry-Lcm, ll-ueby deo- troylnx the foundation of tho diseme. nnd glv'm the patient. strongth by building up the con: union and u-lstlng nature in doin ' its work. The proprlowz'l have so much fall. in ll. cnrnflvo powers. that. they ntl’or . no Hun- dred Dollars for any all, that, it falls to can. Band for list. of thmonlala. . _ F. J. CHEN EY 8: (30.. Toloda 0. Minzlrd’s Liniment. Cures flistemper. Ohms. \Vhooten. Mulgrave, N.S. Pierre Landry, senr., Pokemouche, Thomas \Vasson, Sheffield, N.B. \Ve bplieve MINARD’S LINIMENT THE HARV ”'1 OF W53. 1'0 CUBE A COLD IN 0)" DAY VERY DIPLOMATIC. and philosophy no aworn $100 Reward. $100. O 00.... .00... The River Jordan has its origin in one at the Largest spriugl in the world. Minard's Livixmt, “um Cows. m, More than 90 per wut. u; the Japo anese public travels third class. KM wmsmw's SHOTIHXG SYRUP in be“ Md by mo tenfor Lhur (‘hxidn'n (tubing. It 0001138 thr chad. sum-m- the cum-ax:- aw mlu'. vu 'egowirdwéoc: ‘ best re: mi 'fon ‘nrrhoeu. Léc s L e. . 2‘.'..'.§E?..am r ,‘rnnihmn Il‘n wnrld.. BO null-I All AVENUE HOUSE luv; - duruqkut: r ;u ho It‘lritgwi'nrl'd“ Bonus-iii "xulow I Lbiua slum " All moths produce some form of silk. W. P. C. 106.1. The Eskimos of Alaska make wa- terproof boots and shirtl of the skin of the salmon. Old :39 commands aspectâ€"except in poultry und jokes. Minard's Linimont Cum Gargct in Com. CALVERT’S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all 8an ailments. J. 0. when I 00.. Inductor. lnflnnd it; CURE ‘ "1.1 Nth:- Ol Cox's Pawn â€"â€" Cure for Pilel um b0 cent free 3. on] “dual OI receipt of two cent sump. No knife. u may mu. Addrou. THE HUTCHING FREE [”1018] 00.. Toma. on. ' AGENTS WAITED FOR OUR NEW WORK. "Mutual Life and Iliustrioul Raga of Queen THAT DILIOIOUC FLAVOR want In. and. "Beoutiful Life and Iliustrioul Rergu of Quoe. Viotorlo"; tho book in not yet, completed. bur 7111 b. ohnrdy; oll tho "onto of her Llujesty'o life and rein oni ofull account of her last meme-nu. deuth. .10!th eta. will be given; this will ho a reliable work. we .11me booutifully illustratod. woll bound. at! tho 1mm remorkably low {or o royol octave bout; only 31.50; and in your mmo ond order for on outfit. which“ now being propored as speadlly as possible. and the sale will Le sent. to you in ordor u revolved; no churn for outfit. if you mean business; freight. paid; no territor maimed; don't wait. (.0 think thou. it or oo-eooo vi 1 m gland of you. WILLIAM IRIOQO. Mothodlot look and Pubuohln; II'ouoo. Toronto. Rh. expat; kncvldxo 0! binding. Yul Lou Pam“ u. 30. a. um I“ n‘lilo‘QU a. - u mvuâ€" _â€"â€"-- , torin"â€"oomzininga full account of tin moan iiiuiv trinus ieignin tin history of the world; including the early liieof her Majesty. lie-r nice.» I' n to the throw» and coromtion' marrim to l'l‘inire Albert; great event! during the lmliiant roi a. personal traits and chant tell-stirs um endeared irr w the people; [3119th den. crippon of her charming home life; noble Minion u wneund mother; wonderhil gruvrih oftho lush Ell. pire. cw, together with a sketch of the life uf King Edward VII.. written by A. ll. Merrill. B.A.; the most «‘Omplm and smile! Me Me uf England's ilizmrioul Queen; Pilim'lJélietl with more than 100 aupflh 8'18"" ha of hinmiic mazes, portraits, etc. ; in all}: six hund- 3'0" PM“; privr $.75; «unit free to exprrwnmd um tuners; We pay :rt-i,lil : “He ('z‘wiit. prmmums. and liberal COmnllfirlOll.3; :m promises bl‘nkel. The 01‘ and reliable company. P.- 1 mil l’ubli-hin! (for. Toronto- lemme" mm‘mp {13mm 911 mpg-ix YJQ' FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS IE nous: M Family Hotel rates 81.50 per day. AGENTS WANTED. 3: It Will Pay You METAL noortifi “usage cactus"! Sheep and Alnoric fight mica. PL! Ind ffird Bulu would look hot“! find. If IO “on! or can in your town. wriu direct antral. Box Juana: or 1901 that is would“ to mm the buy in mpin‘ the benefit. of LheJubnloo. Rublunud. complete and action! [I- lergLed Edition on Photo Paper We on . ‘7 50 pet huudaod. post-pun. D. 5.4 J. CADLIIR t 00.. loaned In Western Ontario. “The Gcrdon a! OOIsdn." or Mslimbt. send f-vr our HIM I“. WIITI‘. REAL ESTATE EXCEL 'GE. to consign w your Produce to the Dawson Commission Oo. him It“ 00!. Calhoun md West Mal-ht St... Tarot“. ‘15. um got you high.“ miblo was. ”sores 9 miles lock or lot; . “I. . Dominion Ling §toam§hlps Her Life and (“grins Reign mum: the create. gunman: ever wrnnon. We that s few more again; mme memorial Volume lavithy “manual Ragga. 5ny low price for such 3 magnificent book. Noon flour or mp4.“ newt-try ; expensive om at (we; fn' n p .l ; books on time. Anybody out nuke from 5 to 31 r day. 1Nriw_quick. J. L Mutant Cm. rumors. emu. Oman“. “on”! u Liverpool. Boston to Unr- - pool. Portland to Liverpool. Vi. QIt-o u- town. Lu 0 tall l-‘ut Swami“... Superior accommoduiq fur 81 classes “pun-tuna. Saloon: and “[300an - «new 8mg 99229-9 W99 «iv-n w :9! BZJ.-.T.Bli"s'l'1'$u :EJ THE-Cling Benin-alumna. F00 ””0!qu cud 311 patients“. but) u say and if the domain. or Rheum. Mills t 00. 0. Tempo. £00.. 17 m 8!... Benton. Hound ad Perth-I. in} [in-noon. IRITICH AMERICAN DVIIN. 00. Farms for Sale. YOUR OVEROOATS ORATIFUL- OOMFORTINO. THE MOBT NUTRITIOUS. uuKrABTâ€"sunta. Nunâ€"Kev layman.» nut-0t. huh «I... .lneric H Quinn-~reliublc 0. Pa. ulcxwdu..co..1§mu. uiles from Hamilton; fruit dhu'iot duo 50.6!!! a Bind «mo. . O I J. A. OULHAI. Hamilton ’ A Populsr Manual rosenh _' ipg igacomhuagd gnu .u 1).- Mum and “on may 0.00m nu. «I 300319 Ot.‘ to sung. IOYOE Io. Don I... ”'0... 18‘ Adoluide In. 'l‘ulmI‘l‘o! Our , .__._‘

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