Will vb“ Prieovillo Tuesday and Ftiday ‘Oï¬l Ito-k £30.93. n :04 mm. Honey thoan at reasonable rates and or. “I'll to amt borrower. ("HOEâ€"Hellman Block. (Over the Bank )‘r +£L¥¢LuadL .Ԥ. '2 Darling s W. H. BEAN. Pure honey per lb ...... Grape nuts. per package Floor oil club. ‘2 )‘ds. wide.. . 50c Floor oil cloth. 1; yds. wide†400 Floor oil cloth. 1 yd. wide . . . . 25c Table oil cloth, 4:3 in. wide. . . . 25c Table oil clom. :34 in wide... . 37; Flanneleto Blankets. large “-4 size, in white or grey, per pbil' .................... l 25) The best heavy time “'30! blan- {4 1")? us for Horse and Cattle medicines of all kmds- our . stock is large.wel| assorted and 3 fresh \shile the pricrs represent honest value frr honest goods. a. Calder Block Big 4, m Cal-:- P'ytlchnl and “moon; 0.00 hours: 91012 n m. ‘2th milk-to Mid 065cc, Old Bunk build Mel-tyre Block RINGS! If you have a ('0ch or la grippe try a box of our tablets-«11 Sure cure. Baby Cough Syrup, Wild Che-try Compound, Cod Liver Oil Emulson and Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. ‘ARRISTER, NOTARY, CON- D VBYANCER. Em. Etc. Drug Store RIPAIRINO GUARANTEED. W. A. Macfallane. \V. S. DAVIDSON, hols, per hair $3.75 J. C. HUTTON. U. D. C. M JOHN A. DARLING Are you thinking of get- ting the Eugagement or \VeJdingf Ring? If so call at the Jewellery Store in )lclntyre‘s Blovk A large assorted stock every Ring guaranteed or money refunded. Prices right and to suit all persons. Ga‘VE US A CALL, CALI. AND SEE US Sclls (I‘wap ! 'v' 0 mm . w W 21*» x ~t~x~' . ,w ' Lower Tuwn and Durham. Caldet's Block, 400 10c 20c “Of large sores on my little daughter’s head developed into a case of scald head.†writes C. D. Isbill. of Morgenton, Tenn., but Buckled’s Arnice Salve completely cured her. It's... guaremeed cute for Eczema, 'I'etter, Salt. Rheum. Pimplee, Sores, Ulcer: end Pilee. Only 25 come et ell druggiete. 1m Miss Mamie Ayers, of Point Ed- ward, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Joseph Blackburn. Mr. Geo. Bee croft. who is removing from the 3rd line, was, on Friday evening last, waited upon by a num- ber of his neighbors and presented with a. fur robe and Bible as a token of their esteem. Mrs. Wm. Walker, :lsnghter of Mr. and Mrs Robert Henry, is very ill at Qu Appelle. N. W. 'I‘., and her sisters Mrs. Wm. Brown and Miss Agnes Henry have gone to see her. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery 800!) . Miss Hattie Cole closed her visit at home, and returned to Toronto on Monday Mr. E. J. McEwan. assisting Mr. Lamont vices at. Salem Mr. 'I‘. J. Sheppatd, Miss Joy and Mrs. Blackburn made an attempt to reach Swinton Park for the MethodiSt entertainment on Monday evening, but met with an upset on the way and were compelled to retuin home. Mr. Sheppard had a narrow escape ftom injury, for while endeavoring to release the horse the animal rolled bodily over him. l A pleasant matrimonial event at. . tended ny nearly one hundred invited guests, took place on Wednesday evening of last week. at. the home of '.\lr. and Mrs. Alex. Stewart, west back line, when their second young- est daughter, Miss Bella, was joined in wedlock to Mr. Peter V. Tbibeau- dean, near Markdale. The nuptial knot was tied by L. W. 'l‘hom. of this place. The bridegroom’s brother, Mr. Richard 'l‘hibeaudeau, and the bride’s sister, Miss Lou Stewart, discharged the duties of groomsman and bridesmaid. The bride looked pretty in a beautilul gown'of cream cloth trimmed with cream silk and Chiffon. 'l‘he bridesmaid was prettily attired in swiss muslin. The bride’s travelling dress was brown clath, trimmed with sable. After the cere- mony a sumptuous wedding breakfast was served and social enjoyment was indulged in ly company past the midnight hour. The happy couple left on the morning train for a honey- moon tour through Western Ontario and Michigan. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and valuable presents. Mr. Wm. Petch, of this place, who has been an invalid since early last spring, and during the {all under considerable expense in the hospital with no imprcvement. will be re- membered by his friends at. a beneï¬t concert in the town hall on Tuesday evening next. An excellent program will be furnished by our best local talent. and we are conï¬dent the cum- tnunity, who sympathize much with Mr. Petch in his affliction. will pay a liberal patronage. Mr. Jerry Thompson, 4th line, Aru-mesia, has purchased the old Thompson homestead, 3rd line. and will move on shortly. Mr Editor, I notice your correspond- ent at the Corners has been either dead or awfully lazy during the past year or so and I thought I would send you in a few items for which if )Ou see ï¬t to publish I will expect a cheque of $10 by return mail. Being that 1 am an A. 1 man I know you’ll think the demand very reasonable. and more especially so when I inform you that by admitting me to the sta! yours subscribers will all be likely to drop off during the next year. .. Mr. Frank Cole,†says the Mark- ham Economist, "an employee for the past two or three years of the Speight Wagon Company. left on Tuesday for Cobonrg where he has secured a situation in the car shops. Frank has been an active member of the band, Fit'e:Bt'igade, and an ardent Odd Fellow, during his stay here, and his genial sunny manner and up- right character has won him many ft ietuls during his stay in Markham. Before leaving he \\ as presented by his fellow members of the Citizens’ B ml with a line pipe, by the Fire Brigade with a gold mounted cane. by his brother Odd Fellows with a beautiful locket with the links in torquoise. suitably engraved. and by the ladies of the Epworth League with an iced cake, all accompanied by eulogistic addresses. Mr. Cole car- ries with him to Cobourg the best wishes of many Markham friends.†Frank is the youngest and stalwart son of Mr. F. G. Cole, of this place, and has many friends here who vull be pleased to learn of his heing thus canecl, lOCKe'etl, piped and given the rake. marked tokens of his popularity abroad. Assessor Bellamy is at his annual task, and Spent F. iday and Saturday last on duty in town. Rev. J. Ward. B. D., of this place. has been invited by his Quarterly Board to return the fourth ,3ear to this circuit. THURSDAY. A HORRIBLE OUTBRBAK HEXRY’S CORNERS. FLESHERTON . of Toronto, is in Special ser- Mr. Wm, Brigham has, most of the stone and brick on the ground for the building of his new store, We would like to advise those who own the telephone line from here to Durham to look after it and try and ï¬x it as there has been several called at this ofï¬ce in search of doctors and could not communicate. Mr. and Mrs. George Adlam are both having a hard attack of la grippe and bronchitis, but we are pleased to say under the skilful treatment of Dr. Gun they both are improving nicely. We are sorry to say that Mrs. Ed. Hopkins is very low at present with inflammation of the lungs. We would be pleased to hear of her Speedy recovery. Mr. James Forayth had a bee, haul- ing ice. the other day but as we were not one of the inviting ones we can not give particnlnrs. Mr. Moses Jacklin was around on his duty as assessor and we might say he is one of the best that ever called on us. We might say, Mr. Editor, that one of your Chronicle scribes, not far from here, is thinking very seriously of coupling himself up. We will have to let. him down easy as he is a little shy. That young man from Mulock who took to himself a jaunt one Sunday night has never put in an appeaernce since. Guess he muss have got snow bound. The snow storm on Sunday caused some of your young men to stay at home, The roads were ï¬lled so full with snow they couid not get through We regret that Mr. John Legate has been seriously afliicted for the past month from a species of paral- ysis by which he has lost the use of both legs. We are glad to learn however that he is slowly reCOVel‘lng and hope will be in his u-ual health and Strength soon. I will send you a better budget next week. Mr. Editor, if the $10 cheque reaches me in time. Orange Blossoms.â€"On Wednesday evening, Feb, 20th, the residence of Mr. and Mrs, Heath, of the Town Line, was the scene of a pretty gath- ering convened together to' witness the marriage of their daughter Sarah Ann to Mr. Wm. Henry Foster, of the Back Line. At 7:30 p. m. the Rev. Mr. â€"- in the presence of over 100 guests securely tied the marriage knot. The bride was at- tired in white silk and was assisted by her sister, Miss Elizabeth, while the groom was supported by his cousin, Mr. A. Foster, of Markdale. After receivingthe congratulations of the company all repaired tothe diningroom where a sumptuous re- past was partaken of. The rest of the evening was spent in social con- versation, games, music, etc. The bride was the recipient of a large number of costly, useful and orna- mental presents. Mr. and Mrs. Foster will reside on the farm lately purchased by the groom from Mr. R. Smith. To the young people we ex- tend our best wishes and trust that success will attend them. {Samba Powder and it efl'ected anvabso Into cure in a very short whim. One pufl through the blower will clear the head and stop headache. 50 cents.- n 3 Sold by “Pu-lone a Co. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry are re- covering from a severe attack of la grippe. Mrs. Andrew Hunter visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aitkens at Holstein over Sunday We have had very stormy weather here lately and in consequence our roads are almost impassable, yet. our mail carrier, Mr. Samuel Gilbert, has not missed a trip so far. Convinced by Printed Toul- many of the hundreds of the cured. Mrs. Benz. of 418 E. 8th street, New York. who was for eat: a great sufferer from Catarrh. procur two ‘bottlee of_ Dr: Agnew’s Mrs. Robert Matthews is jusr ie- covering from a severe attack of pleurisy. Miss Agnes Hunter is visiting her friend, Mrs. Dan Ferguson, of Proton. Mr. J.(5r, Johnston has ceasedto run his chopper for the past few weeks, cause unknown. Mr. David Daily is home from Hill- man, Michigan, for a short visit. Mr. G. Cooper has sold his farm to Mr. J. M. Davis and will shortly re- move to the Boyd farm south of the Collingwood gravel. Miss Etta Douglass. of Beaverdale, was the guest. of her parents on Sat- urday and Sunday returning to her school duties on the following Mun- day. Mr. Walter Verity left here last Tuesday the 26th, for Higate in the county of Essex where he has secured a situation on a. farm for the sum- mer months, Mr. J. Allan, of Glenelg, accom- panied by his sister spent. a short time visiting friends around here week before last. 'l‘he Misses Pritchard gave a party to a number of their friends on Fri- day evening the 22nd at which all present. enjoyed themselves im- mensely. ALLAN PARK VAN DELEUR 0.0 HI was just about gone,†writes Mrs. Rosa. Richardson, of Laurel Springs. N. C.. " I had Consumption so bad that the best doctors said I could not live more than a month. but I began to use Dr. King’s New Discovery and was wholly cured by seven bottles and am now stout and well.†It’s an unrivaled life-saver in Consumption. Pneumonia. La Grippe, and Bronchitis; infallible for Coughs. Colds. Asthma. Hay Fever, Group or Whooping Cough. Guaran- teed bottlee 500 and 81.00. Trial bottles free at all drug stores. 1m. CATARRHOZONE FOOLS THE DOC- TORS. Mr. I. Reynolds, of 39 Queen St., Ottawa, writes: "I have been a con- stant sufferer from Catarrh with dropping in the throat, c., for some time. My doctor said an operation would be necessary, but the use of one bottle of Catarrhozone has rid me of my trouble.†Catarrh-o-zone is a new scientiï¬c treatment guaran- teed to cure Catarrh, Asthma and Bronchitis. Soldeverywhere. Trial outï¬t sent to any address for 10¢ in stamps by N. C. POLSON ‘00., Kingston, Ont., Proprietors. Mr. JuS. Hopkins, who formerly ran Colin Blyth’s saw mill at Holstein for some time past. The mill has been rented to a firm at Wingham for the season’s out which has been excellent. The ice crop IS good and many are availing themselves of get- ting in their summer’s supply. Not a Quarterâ€"But 10 cents, and 40 doses in a vial of Dr. Agpew’s Little Pills. No pain, pleasure in every doseâ€" little, but awfully good. Cure Sick Head- ache. Constipation. Biliousness, Nausea, Sallowness.â€"u7 Miss Jennie Link), of Chatsworth, has been. for the past fortnight, the welcome guest of her many friends here. Jacob is not going back alone to the Peninsula. The trustees of U. S. S. No. 2 have been able to get a few cords of wood in the School yard. Mean-rs. W. McCalmou and A, Little. of Varne}. , honored our village with a shout visit. the beginning of the week. Mr. Jacob W oilflc. of Pike Bay, is reuewinu {0111191 associations mound here of late. Report has it, that} Revival meetings are being held in Willimusmrd this week, and our pastor, Rev Mr. Graham, is assisting thereat. Misavs Katie and Jessie Stewart intend to leave the last of the week for Rochester. N. Y., to remain for an indeï¬nite time. Mrs. G. 'l‘urnbull, of Vickers, has been staying for a couple of weeks with her brothers and sisters. the Hill family. during their illness and trouble. She returned to her home last week. Assessor Jauklin “as: around here last week, and had the idea that the assessing husiuess was not. the most pleasant occupation. Mr. John Collins has purcheued a team and otherwise riggtd himself out for farming. ()ld Mr. McGowan has so far re- covered as to be able to wait on him- self, and has dispensed with the ser- vices of Mr. James Robertson whom Mr. Coltins engaged at a dollar a day to attend to him. A couple of weeks ago Mr. '1‘. Pot- ter, of the Welbeck Mills, sustained the misfortune of having his leg broken below the knee, but the plucky fellow is again around though with the assistant of a crutch. Mr. Jas. Buchanan has been ser- iously ill during the last couple of weeks. and at time of writing is still very low. Mr. Alex. Fletcher and a friend was visiting Buphmsia last. week on a prospecting tour, and from Alex.’s smiling face it; was a pleasant trip. Miss M A. Stimson has been visit- ing friends in the vicii ity of Duiham the last couple of weeks Mr. Chas. Rom, Councillor of Egremout, lost a time (can) last week by a tree falling on them accidentally. [A short amount, is already given Ed.] Mr. Neil Mche, of Nurmauby. who was born in Scotland July :3, 1799, is still hale umi hearty LIIOUgh feeble, and conï¬ned to his bed for some time. It isn’t every township that can boast of a centenariau. Mm. John Jack after visiting friedsat at distance is home again under the parental roof, Mr. and Mrs. John Queen’s. A Magical L'fe Saver i9 Dr. At: new'sCurc m' m - l I ‘rt. Aflvr years at p an and agony \~.':tl’1¢ii~.L-<vs.~ing I-[cart Disease. 1; gives rclicfin 3 ) munuw. Thus I’lst‘ypfx‘xy'l- mer, Que , w: i105: †I had sutf: ml {or five years with :1 Severe farm t f Hum: Unease The slightest exertion yr white I {Hi rm- Ur Agncw’s Cure far M» H ‘art gwe mci «mm relief, but battles cutlrcly cqu mu."--Il§ DURHAM CHRONICLE. HAD TO CONQUER OR DIE. Sold bv McFarlane (f0 Sold by Mau'fal‘laue x (In DORNOCH ORCHARD -Q 00.- o Q o.o-â€". McFARLANM 00. Excelsior Condition Powder. One dose twice a week 18 quite sufï¬cient. American Horse and Cattle Food. Conveyancer. Valuator, Insurance Agent .. . .. Collections of all Kinds Promptly Attended to 'l‘lflliMS:â€"All sums of $5 and under, Hull; over that amount 12 llmnths’ ('X'Hlit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint notes. 6 per cent. discount will be allowed for cash in lieu of notes. Everything must be sold as the proprietor is leaving the premises. Juux L.u'mu.1x, Hum: MACKAY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. The following :â€"1 span of mares, l colt rising 2 years, :2 cows in calf, l heifer rising .‘3 years in calf, 1 year- ling: slewr, l steer calf. 2tons hay (mull. 2.’ 130113. 1 lumber wagon, 1 buggy. l smulllcr. 1 grindstone, 1 set hnh slwighs. l plough, 1 set, Spring tooth harrows. 1 fanning mill, a lot of household furniture, consisting of bed sluad -, tables. chairs, stoves, etc., mc.. Rakes‘ forks, chains, and num- erous other articles. Sale at one o’clock. 3hr. “p. Arthur H . Jackson lDI'RIIA M. g 1 VIII i)!‘ Inalmllï¬iibie fur any debts cun- tracted IIII my aCCUlllli unless by my “liiiell m'dm and luish :Ilsutu give notice that IIO pcIsIIII i~ :IIIIhmichl to collect Inyac- cIIIIIIts and that 1 “ill nut acknowledge the I'Miht of any money paid tn any other perm“ unless by my \Iritteu order The undersigned has been author- ized to Svll by Public Auction at Lot. 17,0011. 3, 1‘]. G. R., Glenelg, on 1 by the undersigned u ) to March 16th, for the mouth)“ Ufa mmds [8d at the School lmuse uf S. S Nu. 3, (ileueuz. The iowast or any tmulor nut necessarily accepted. Plans and specificatium can be seen at the Secretary's. ' WM. RITCEKE. Sg(;:'3'_._ Credit Auction Sale! â€"OFâ€" Farm S‘uvk, Implements and Household Furniture. At the-Middaugh House ONE DAY ONLY WEDNES’Y, MARCH 20 Lat 11. mu. 2 Egremout. Marrh 2nd, ISIOLâ€"J. ‘ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned up to March 16th. THURSDAY, MARCH 14th, 1901, COMISG! Call early and avail yourself of his valuable services, as this is a. rare opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly tested, free of charge. No uess work but a scientiï¬c certainty. ifli- cult cases accu rate] y ï¬tted. Au. WORK GUARANTl-ZFD. S HEREBY GIVEN 'I‘HA'I‘I WILL Graduate Nev. \ ml: Pinnmhli Mia, and Toronto Opt! 4' L uiAt 01:5. renders “'anted. T. P. SMETH, sci-ammo are snclwst ()FFH‘E:~--M('K(‘nzic'8 Old Stand, Nutm'y I'ulnliv, (fmnmisuionct‘, etc [El never call at prlvute no“ Tone your horses up for the spring work with. Fed 1eg‘ulzulv to eat tle being fitted for mmket will make d01- 11113. It is a pure spice free from any injuri- ous drug. Large pac- kage, 250. Try it. No danger from over- feeding when it is used. W1: Bookunon Notice. Private Money to Loan. Farms Bought and Sold. EDWIN JOHNSON. Varney l’. O. C 0?}: 3 ii 0 ! Edgé Him". 0 CDMIflQ' ONTARIO Provision Store. THE HARDWARE STORE. hardware ! Just Arrived. Try Monaoon Ceyion 'l‘ea. a package for ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .25 We aell Grape Nuts. per package ........................ .26 Rolthey’e Mince Meat, per package ....................... .10 Our colee ireah ground ia the heat in town. 25c. 35c. and .. ..40 Try our Al‘h B‘ki" POWdOI‘. With every 0.0 you get S'OII' choice of a Granite Preeerving Kettle. Tea For or pail. or a bread pan with cover. We aleo give away very pretty chiuaware with each pound of thia powder. ILW. Mflï¬KlEfl. A Inge stock of New Swiss Embroideries all the latest pattems. See our Open Work and Lace Edged Embroideries. Genuine Handmgd Torchon Luce. Real French Honitou Valencienues Lace We have u beautiful flock of all our lace: and em broideries at extremely low prices. 21 inch, in all shades. great value at per yd ........ 21 inch Waist silks in stripes, at per 3'd .......... 21 inch. Wnist silks. splendid value iin the nicest and patterns per vd ......................... 21 inch. beautiful plaid waist silks. at per 3.d ..... Among the many lines of goods which are con- staetly arriving for your inspectiun. Let us draw your attention to the thiiuwing, which are exceptional valueund must be seen to be appreciated. H. W. MUBKLER. . BLACK Liabilities None. Cash on hand. over 32000. Premium Inmn avail WAR}. Property insured, 81,443,068. l‘otal number pulicys, ENE». "" ’â€s"*‘â€Â°â€˜ Jno. Livingston, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 7 _A _ 7 __ _ Directors' Report. JOHN LIVINGSTON, - . . mnm'r. To the Members of the Grey and Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance Company : GENTLEMEN,â€"Your directors in again presenting their Rt'pul’l on the gird anniversary at the Company, would cull your attention to the gntit'm-tury progress still made by the cmnpuny both in the increased munlwr of members and volume of Insurance. We wnuId Ilm) congratulate you on the decrease of houses in the past 'ear which still further adds to the surplus \\ hich is made necessary for all Companies to hold to meet contingencies in the event «of unusual losses. The present you presents even a more mti~fm°tnry remrd than the 'ear preceding. our losses only amounting to $577.53. \\ hile the in- crease in usiness is also a satisfactory indication of the reputation in which the Company is held by policy holders generally I’m further info! mutt-in you are referred to Auditor-5' Report and Financial Statement hen-cu ith M'b- uniï¬ed 1 am. Gentlemen. on behult of the Directors, Respectfully yours, 18th January 1901. JAMES BROCELBAXK, l’nrzsnncxr Liabilitiegï¬one. Casltptiliand._ overfltll). _l’ren§.ium notes available. Farmers’ Grey and Bruce Fire Insurance Company. We are still selling goods at greatly reduced prices in order to nuke room for the immense stcck of new goods that have been purcltued. You might as well he one of the lucky purchasers. For Weddinu presents we have 0. great assortment of silverware to pick from. A very large number of copper and tin Boileis just token in stock. Ko not. delsy securing one. Be sure you get some of our Harness Oil Dressing. Use it on your harness, and save money. Some of the snaps we are oflering this mek - liarsv blankets. sleigh hells, skates. whips. circingles. halters. curry combs. lmrsu brushes. clothes wringers. cross-cut saws, sxes, tnent vhopters. wooden ester pails. stands and lasts. butcher knives. tubs, clothes. baskets and carpet sweepers. A F1 esh line of Christmas Goods in Gnocor- ies and Contoctionc1y.01an(res and Lemons Figs, Nuts and Candies. Also the best In ands of Family Flow and Mill Feed of all kinds always on hand. Call and inspect 11111 sum k. 5 GALLONS COAL OIL FUR 9.3L3EX'1‘S. Embroideries Wtï¬ WQ F..- new GROCERI ES. SILKS. ,h SK -. “'eat of the M iddaugh H ourw lil‘ R†A X ’WQR March 7. 1901. J ; C. Healy. South End Grocery DURHAM. shades