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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Mar 1901, p. 8

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FIDO! oil club, ‘2 )ds. wide“ Float oil cloth. I; yds. wide.. Flue! oil cloth. 1 3d wide .. Table oil cloth. 4.) in. wide . . .. Table oil clo: II. 04 in wide . . .. Flanneletn Blankets. large Ha, size, in white or grey, pei pair ................... The best Lousy tim- Wool Man krls, I-ei pair 8} 7.) and“ Pun honey per lb ...... Grave nuts. per package W. H. BEAN. )‘r 1' .‘a- a: x...“ ;.', - -_,:.o _.( *1. 12:4; ' Darling’s F i ‘ ‘ e1 Calder Bloc try at box 0' our tabletsâ€"7a sure curw. Baby Cough Syrup, 1 Wild (Thvrry Compound, Cod " Lin-r Oil Emulscm and Pure j I! you have a cold or In grippe ”‘2' Noruegmn Cod Liver OIL Valuubio building lots, being subdivision of purl: 19! No. 7. North Lambton street. nourfigaglway station. Durham. Plan of subdivmons may)» seen and particulars learned hy applying to the undersigned. I'mwoudhchm‘eofhod. Tlm South Grey Farmer's lmtitute will hold a seed fair in the Town Hall. Durham. on Suturday, finch 2?. when rizes will be given for the but Grain and outoes. All uhibih must be on the ground by ‘ Jud 'ng wlll commence u l p. m. ”Mary will be in the hall from 10 a. p. to no“, entries. For further particu- hii he puts" Try us for Horse and Cattle Invdiciucs of all kinds - our stock is Imuemell assorted and fresh \\ bile the pricvs repruwnt bones: Value for honest goods. 'é McIntyre Block RINGS! JOHN A.DAHLING - DURHAM. ~- REPAIRING GUARANTEED. W. A. Macfatlane. CALL A31) 5131'; US Are you thinking of get- ting the Engagement or WeJdin; Ring? If so call at the Jewellery Store in McIntyre’s Blork A large assorted stock every Ring guaranteed or money refunded. Prices right and to suit all persons. GIVE US A CALL. FOR SALE. SEED FAIR. I. P. TELFORD. Durham. and. . . 4 0‘1 030. 813313. Scent”! Durham. Lower anu. p6? 104' 20“ 'FIIwre's no meat for those tireless l'utlc workers- Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Minions are aluus busy, curing TO‘I’IIII} Liver. JauIIdIce, Bil- iuns-rss Fo-vvr and Ague. Thry banish Sick Headache. drive out. \InlnI-za. NeVer pipe or weaken. Small. Inste nice, work wonders. Try them. 250 at alldruggism. 1m The doctor was visiting a man u ho was ill with the grippe :â€"â€"“ Let me see your tongue,” said he, and be patient poked it. out. “ Why, you haven’t a bad tongue.” he said. The man‘s wife arose, ” You don’t know him,” she said. Uisnpwintmente of one kind and ano‘her crop up all along life’s path- way. for unfortunately it is the uneXpmzled that always happens. There is at least one article of ack- nowledged merit that never disap- points. Putnam’s Puinless Corn Extractor is sure to remove the Worst corns in a few days. and as no ulnitn is made that it will cure any- thing else. it cannot disappoint. If you have hard or soft come just try it. Beware of the article “just as good.” N. U Polson Co., pronrie- tors, Kingston. THE writ for the By-election in North BI uce has been issued. Nom- Imuiou takesp lace March 13, polling \IIIII21I20tlI. er McNeil wIIs evid oIItly the choice of II recent Conser v- .IIiIe Convention held in Winrton, but foI ezIsons partlv public, partlI pliV’z,ttP he declined to accep', where upon 3312.1” Hallida), the Uliesley cattle King II “Q chosen. “1‘. Camp hell who ran last time in the inter- ests of the Liberals will be the Lib eral candidate. ”I was just about gone,” writc-s Mrs Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs, N. (3.. "I had Consumption so bad that the best doctors said I coulil not live more than a month, but I began to use Dr. King’s New Discovery and was wholly cured by seven bottles and am now stout and well.” It’s an unrivaled life'saver in Consumption. Pneumonia, La Grippv, and Bronchitis; infallible for Coughs. Colds. Asthma. Hay Fever, Group or Whooping Cough. Guaran- teed bottles {)0c and $1.00. Trial . bottles free at all drug stores. 1m. Smta'rmsu NBW.-â€"An eminent Can- adian lawyer is said to have given his opinion lately. which. if proven to he. correct, will revolutionize a large portion of municipal law, says an exchange. It is in short that the owners of cattle doing damage to property are liable, no matter what condition the fences are in or indeed whether there is a fence at all This opinion is not without reason. If Smith owns an unfenced field and sows it with grain and Jones’ cattle come and eat it up surely it is not unreasonable to sav that Jones should foot the bill If he choose to have cattle he should keep them on his own property. He has no more right to go free of damages because of there being no fence around the field than a thief would alter robbing a ‘house because the door was off its hinges. THURSDAY. DO YOU SUFFER PAIN ? Does a dull aching of nerve or muscle. or acuter pangs of neuralgia, toothache. or lumbago make life a misery? Thousands are compelled to suffer day in and day out simply because they are unacquainted with the extraordinary pain subduing power of Nervilineâ€"the great nerve pain cure. It is certainly to cure nerve pain speedily. Nerviline cures toothache, rheumatism, neuralgia, lumlmgo, c. Nerviline is powerful, penetrating, and effectual. Sold everywhere. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunter apant the and of last week visiting lriends in Bentinck. Mr. Peter Reid has been adding more land to his farm. He has pur- chased fifty acres from D. Daily, for the sum of 81.600. Mrs. W. Clark has returned home afu r a week’s visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilder have gone to Michigan to remain with their son James (or some time. Mr. Sam Patterson and J. Moore have each bought a fine horse ~from W. J. McFadden, of Glenelg. Miss Ruth Johnston, of Durham. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Peter Reid. Mrs. Jes. Mather. of Bentinck. is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunter, for a few days. The home of Mr. Bob. Aitken was brightened on the 6th inst, by the arrival of a young son. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Derby, of Hampden. were visiting Iriench on the twpntieth. - Messrs. ,David and George Smith, of Dan-ham. were visiting at W. Hunter": over Sunday. Miss Mon-icon, of the Gravel Road. visited at Matthew’s tho beginning of the week- The people of the Corners extend e hearty welcome to Mr. George Law- rence in matrimoniel enterprise. WORKING 24 HOURS A DAY. ; Ono 1“,!“ HAD TO CONQUER OR DIE. N 0 DISAPPOINTMENT. H ENRY’S CORNERS. Ono Tablet after Eating and what a world of distress would be saved. Dr. Sun’s Pineapple Tobie; 5 cute Sour stomach, distress after eating, weight in the stomach. wind on the stomach, loss of appetite. dizzi- ness- nausea. end 3 dozen other troubles "Du“ v.- 'â€"v 'vvvv‘â€"-â€"â€" ness, mused. end a, dozen other troubles traceable to bad digestion. One Tablet gives lnstent relief. A positive and pleasnnt cure that nntnre has provided. .35 cents.â€"128 A young man whose brother had died in Chicago, received the follow- ing telegram from the undertaker there: “ What will I do with body? I can embaltn it for 3.30. or freeze it for $30.” In reply the undertaker received the following: “Freeze it rom the knees up for 820; he had his feet frozen last winter.” dull. wretched pain in the headjaxst over the eyes is one of the surest signs that the seeds of catarrh have been sown. and it's your warning to administer the quickest and sur- est treatment to prevent the seating of this lreaded malady. Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal P( wder will stop all pain in ten minutes, and :ure. {,0 cents-tax. _ I. An absent-minded man, travelling with his wife in a railroad car. left. her side to get a drink When he returned he dropped into a seat im- mediately in front of his better half, beside an unprotected female over whose head the snows of about thirty winters had glided, His wife was looking out of the car window at the scenery. and didn’t notice the awful blunder. Presently, without turning his head. he impatiently remarked: “Jane, how often have I told you not to starch my shirts so infernally Stiff.” The ancient female, whose forward name happened to be Jane, screamed " Monster,” and fainted on the Spot, and the absent-minded man looked uncomfortably warm as he changed seats. A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the mom-y on a 50- cent. bottle of Greene’s Warranteed Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a ‘25-cent bottle to plow: satisfactory or money refunded. MCFARLANE REv. Mn. CALDWELL, of Bnrford, in renewing for 1901, speaks very encouragingly of our efforts at juur- nalism, as well as the improvements being made in Durham. He says: ~- “Accept my congratulations upon the steady improvement of the paper and the spirit with which it has en- tered into the movement of awaken- ing the old town. For more than a quarter of a century Durham seems to have allowed every first-class op- portunity for general improvement to slip. and I was afraid this Oppor' tunity might slip by unimproved I refer to the Cement Works. If I were wealthy I would like to help you in reaching the amount. As it is I would take one share to show my ‘good will, if I were not so far away land the time so limited. In closing Co. I may remark that “I hope your North East Normanby Scribe will become a regular contributor." Dear friend Caldwell modern invention has almost annihilated time and Space, and the short distance between Durham and Bnrford need not serve as a barrier in ordering stock if you think it will to do so. Oatanhgl _ Headgclpps. â€"- Th_at The Central Busines college, Strat- ford, Ont., is reCOgnized as one of the most progressive commercial schools in the province. Within one year students from over one hundred and thirty seven cities, towns or vil- lages have been in attendance, and this wide-spread pOpularity shows that the institution must be doing splendid work. Business colleges in St. John, N, B., Ottawa. Ont.. Havo erhill, Mass, Dover, N. H., North Adams, Mass., Minneapolis, Minn., Detroit, Mich., Hudson, Mass, Sav- annah, Ga., Hartford, Conn., Alpena, Mich,, Salt Lake City, Utah, Akron, Okhio, Waterville, Me., Spokane, Wash., Columbus, Ohio, etc., have lately applied to the Central Business College, of Stratford, Ont., for its graduates to take situations as teach- ers in their schools. This shows that other colleges have strong faith in the work done in the Stratford col- lege. Mr. W. J. Elliott, principal of the C. B. 0., states that many new students will be enrolled at the open- ing of the Spring term on April lst. Throughout Canada the snowfall during last month, as we learned from the reports issued by the Mete- orological ofice, Toronto, has been below the average, although in Some isolated districts it has been some what excessive, as for instance on the north western shores of Lake Huron where 'the snow fell (last month) to the depth of 30 to 40 in, and in Manitoba and the Territories where, very generally, the . snowfall was about the average. Sleighing was alao exceptionally good in all the provineea. except in Britiah Col- umbia where the anowlall was light. Rainfall, .01 inches. Snowfall, 18 inches. General direction of the wind, 8. W. to N., but very variable and blustering. 1901 March A HIGH GRADE COLLEGE. Sold by MacFarlane Co. Sold by Macfarlana 6:, Co. WEATHER BULLETIN. For week ending March 9. 1901. Tupnm'wu. 09.- ‘ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Min. 12 10 31 Eledit Auction Sale! .._.OF_ Farm Stuck, Implements, Etc. The undersigned will ofler for sale by Public Auction at Lots No.23 24, Con. 3, E. G. R., Glenelg, on WEDNESDAY. MARCH 20th, 1901, The following:-â€"1 horse 4 years old, I mare 10 years old in foal, 1 gelding 1 year old, 2 brood sows in furrow, 6 cows in calf, 2 farrow cows, 7 heifer calves, 1 Steer calf, 2 2 year old steers, '2 2-year old heifers, 2.: well bred ewes, 1 ram. 12 colonies of bees, :50 beehives, empty, 1 pair bob sleighs. 1 plough (No. 7 Walkerton), 1 set iron burrows, 1 binder, good as‘ new, 1 mower, 1 pea harvester, 1 democrat, pole and shafts, 1 cart, 1 double sleigh with pole, 1 seed drill, nearly new, 1 summer, nea’rly new, 1 {wheelbarrow l tunnip sewer, near- ly New, 1 turnip cutter, slicer and pulpen 1 land roller, 2 horse rakes, 1 tanning mull, new. (Tara), 1 stone bu at, l hay rack, 1 set Single harness. 2 Vse'us dbuble harness. '1 set. light harness, double, 1 grain cradle, l wagon Lox, lysheep rgck for wagon, l hay fork, slings and attachments, forks, rakes, chains, shovels, picks, crowbars, household furniture, and many other articles too numerous to mention. The farm, consisting of 200 acres, will be offered for sale or rent at. time of sale. Sale to commence at 12:30, p. m. sharp. 'l‘ERMS:-â€"Ali sums of five dollars 'l‘ERMS:-â€"All sums of five dollars and under, (lash; uver that amount 12 mumils’ ere-dun will be given on furnishing a; proved joint notes. 7/0 per mmqu discount, Will be allowed lor cash in lieu of notes. limxxu'rn M’Kuxzm, H uuu MACKAY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. We are pleased to see by the Ti!- bury 'J‘imes of the honor done to Mr. l). R. Farquharson, brather of the Presbyterian Minister of this town, by the citizens of Tilhury on the eve of his departure to fill the office of Collector of Customs in Chatham to which he was lately appointed. '1 he tlelllollsll'ntioll tools the form of a farewell supper in the 10th Hall when tables were spread for over 100 guests at which Mr. Faiquharson: was the recipient of a gold watch1 and many complimentary addresses. The report in the Times is too long to cepy but front it we cull a few facts: Mr. Fat-quharson’s appoint;- ment can hardly he said to have bee‘il on the ordinary polit and lines, as he was never active in party politics. He was given the oliice because the electors of the towdship insisted that he was the one deserving of the honor. Thus the demonstration at his leaving sounded neither of re- ligion or politics. There were pres- 7 ent representatives of all creeds and lof both political parties all vieing with each other in the desire to Say kind and appreciative things. Mr. Fat-quharson was for :38 years town- lship clerk and thus paSsed throngh all the struggles in connection with drainage rights that have been com- pleted during that time. These Struggles brought him into touch with the neighboring municipalities and a pleasing feature of the evening was the presence of representatives from all the surrounding municipal councils. In these days of office seeking the singular fact was stated that though Mr. 1“. was Ty. Clerk, Clerk of the Division Court and Stenomapher of the County Court he has never ap- plied for an oflice in his life. This gives point to the sentence in his reply " I never thought of the Cus- toms office but it came to me.â€"-my friends gave it to me.” Mr. Stewart, banker, said he had known a great many men in his time but he had known none whose char- acter had impressed him so much as Mr. Farquharson’s. If it. were not that the Times is a good Conservative paper we would hardly believe that any appointment. couid be so pleasing to all parties. As it is, though we have never met. Mr. Farquharsou, we join in wishing him evexy success in his new ofiice. JA CKSON â€" WILSON â€" On Wednesday. March 13th, at the Manse, Durham. by the Rev. W. Farquharson. Mr. Thos. J.Jackson to Miss Margaret Wilson. both of Gleuelg. LITTLEâ€" ‘C'I‘URâ€"In Glenelg. near Edge Hill, on ' hursday, March 7th. by Rev. W. Farquharson, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. John Agnew Little, of Dundalk, to Miss Sadie M. MCLEODâ€"On Sunday morning the wife of Donald McLeod. 0t Forty sideroad. near l’riceville. of a daughter. MIGHTONAu Durham, on Saturday. March 9th. Mr. George Mightou. aged about 75 years. MCFARLANEâ€"In Durham, on Mondsy. March 11th. Sarah A.‘McFarla.ne. be- loved wifo of Allan McFarhno. aged 55 mu..- 7 v I'- wâ€"_-- ___ , \ . “MMamnooflhc-u Ector. ye'afr‘s. V9â€"1â€"Iionths. 6%75’, MA RRIED. BORN. DIED. At the Middaugh House ONE DAY ONLY WEDNES’Y, MARCH 20 ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersignedfip to March jfitl}, l. by the undersigned n ) to March tfith, for the erection of a Woods ed at the School- house uf S. S. No. 3, (ileuelg. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specificatium can be seen at the Secretary's. 7 WM. RITCHIE. See’y. â€" 2. Edge Hill 1’. 0. S HEREBY GIVE: 'l‘HA'l‘I WILL Not be responsible for any deb“ con- tracted on my account unless by my written order and [wish alm to give notice that no person is authorized to collect niyac- Counts and that 1 will not. acknowledge the receipt of anv money paid to any other person unless by my vs ritten order. EDWIN JOHNSON. Varuey l’. O. ogmum March 2nd. l‘fll.â€"4. Call early and avail yourself of his valuable service 5. as this is a rare Opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly tested, free of charge. N o uess work but a scientific certainty. ifi- cult cases accu rately fitted. Au. WORK GUARANTEED. a I never call at private I.“ Hardware Ad ere, Putty, Glass, Oils. Turpentine. Builders are nehliziug our prices are loner than eISewhele and we have now more orders for hardware than we had all last season. Get. in your bill before nails go any higher. Graduate New York, Philaddphia, and Tomato Optical Colleges. Notary Public. Commissioner, etc. Conveyancer. Valuator, Insurance Agent . . . . . Collections of all Kinds Promptly Attended to Arthur H. Jackson l)l.'RIIAM. American Horse and Cattle Food. Tone your horses up for the spring work with. Excelsior Condition Powder. One dose twice a week is quite sufficient. T. P. SII‘I’II, scltmnc EYE snouun renders \Vanted. Ornamâ€"MeKeuzie‘s Old Stand, J. A. HUNTER. Lot I]. can. 2 Egremout. Fed regularly to eat- tle being fatted for market will make d01- lars. It is a pure spice free from any injuri- The Big Store. Notice. panning OOHIIII Private Money to Loan. Farms Bought and Sold. Robertson’s Paint is The Best. ONTARIO THE HARDWARE STORE. Hardware ! W. BLACK Just Arrived. Provision Store. ° A large stock of New Swiss Embroidm'ies a See our Open Work and Lace Edged lim Handmad Torchon Lem. Real French Hmm We hive I beautiful stock of all over laces extremely low prices. We are still sellinf goods at greatly reduced prices in order to make room for the immense stock of new gooils llml have been purchucd. You might as well be one of the lucky purchasers. For Weddinz presents we have a great assortmem oi silverware to pick from. A very large number of cupper and tin Boileis just token in stock. K0 not delay securing.r one. lie sure you get some of our flatness Oil Dressing. Use it on your harness. and save money. Some of the snaps we are Oflel'ilig this “'1 ck~ Horse blankets. Ileigh bells, skates. whips. circingles, linkers. curry combs. horse brushes. clothes wringers. cross-cut saws, axes, men! i'lium‘.ei‘i~‘. wooden \\ mer pails. stand: and lasts. butcher knives. tubs, i'lollirs. baskets and carpet sweepers. Farmers’ Grey and Bruce Fire Insurance Company. To the Members of the Grey and Bruce Mutual Firo lusurnm-o (Nunpany : GEhTLElEN,â€"Y0ur directors- in again promoting tlwir “Uplift m. the 23rd anniversary of the Company, would call your :lllt‘llllml to tlw satit'm'tm y progress still made by the Company both in tho im-ruuwcl numlwr nt' nmmbors and volume of Insurance. \Ve would Ills“ (‘Hllgl'fllllilliu you «ill the thwt‘ense of Losses in the past \‘ear which still further with to tho Mtrplus “'llit'll is made necesunr)’ for ail Companies to hold to nwul r Ittlittgvm'ius in the «vent 0f “IIUEMl losses. The present year pl‘t‘rt‘llls I'H‘H n In.” 0 wilisl'nt'lury l‘cCol‘d than the ear preceding. our losses only :nnmtutim,r to 9'.” 41"". \\ liihe the in- crease i8 usinens is also a satisfactory indication (if lite. “mutation in which the Company is held by policy holders gmwrully l-‘m furthor iut'm matiun you are referred to Auditors’ Report and Finniwidl Stateumnt hermdlh M'b- milled. I am. Gentlemen, on behall of the Directors. Respectfully \‘ottrs. 18th Janusrylim. JAMES Ilkm‘lfiLliAXK. l’mzsnnsxr Liabilities None. Cashpnhand;ci‘\"et'ru§2.()ll{). 'l’rmnium iron-.- available. gel jut. “W933. Property insured $1,443,005 rm: INSURANCE J 114 PROMPTLY arreuozo TO Spring 5* Goods. a 3/ Among the many lines of gumls which are con- stantly arriving for yuur inspevthm. Let us draw your attention tn the thlluwing, which are exceptional \ulnuuml must be seen to he :lppl'wizttml. 21 inch, in all shades. great value at per yd ......... 21 inch. Waist silks in stripes, at per yd ............ 21 inch, Waist silks, splendid Value. in the nival and patterns per yd ................... . . 21 inch. beautiful plaid waist silks. at per yd. ...... Try Monsoon Green Tea. a package for ................ .25 We sell Grspe Nuts. per package ........................ .20 Whety's Mince Meet, per packsge ....................... .10 Our colfee fresh ground is the best in town, 250, 35c. and . .. J0 Try our Art Bsking Powder. With every cen you get, your choice of s Grsnite Preserving Kettle. 'l‘es Pct or pail,' or e breed psn with cover. We also give sway very pretty chiuswsro with end: pound of this powder. ll. W. MBBKLER. 5 GALDONS COAL ()IL EUR 9.3 CENTS. A Fresh line of Christmas (lumls in (h'<_»(:cl'- ies and Contectionery. ()mng'cs and Lcnnms. Figs, Nuts and Candies. Alsu the lwst brands of Family Flour and Mill Feed of all kinds always on hand. Call and insmct «mr stock. . W. MMKLER. Directors” Report. JOHN LIVINGS'I‘JN, - - - A Embroiderics A" Laces. GROC E R] ES. as Embroideries all the 1.1mm Hatmrnl. Lace Edged I‘lmbruideries. Genuine Real French Houilon Valenciennes Luce. : of all over laces and embroideries at SILK S. Jnu. Livingston, :sz {R “'esl of the Middaluglt House DI'RIIAK March 14, 1901. o'â€" ' . . LI). Premium Imtes available. l‘utal number pulleys. “485. . C. Healy. AG EXT. DU RHAH. South End Grocery

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