~ Hardware! FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS! it has many. The new Wheels are here now, and the Catalogues - - I! you want. a wheel call and see the Bicycln a: Gordon’s We know you’ll appreciate its good points, and Two Sets Single Harness for this week’s Sbwmcm (Zomains: Wad Buchanan. Cinwarc s; Granitcparc‘ A; Gordon. ’nIAmzâ€"For the preven- tion of rust in very highly re- commended. Tryit. -â€" â€" GARDEN SEEDS :«A full aortmont. by package or 1b.. IAIGBLS: -_ Mammoth ï¬â€"fwlog and Yellow (vlobe. ~- 8V0“ “BINâ€"«The Royal Giantanllmperial, -- .â€" ... 1133611011)†:--8103 Shot. Whole OilPSoap, Bluestore. Hall- ebore and Other insecticides. BAP!:--Dwarf Essex for Sow- ing. â€"- .- â€"â€" .. .... mm: â€"All the Standard \ arieties. â€" _. _.. Gum: 'limotln. Orchard' Kentucky Blue and Red 'I‘ops' Racyclczs. (0. Black. (310thes \Vringers, Bird Cages, Chums, Ditchen Grindstones, Stone Ham men's. Wrenches, Buggy Rug-s, 'l‘np Rubbers, Fclwv Wire. Cream Sep- nrutm' ()il. Ready-Mixed Paints and Ilerbageum fur (fulves. â€"- -â€"â€"- â€" Just received an 1m- mense assortment of Umniteweur and Tin-4 wear. Be sure you get sume of our choice Bak- in;_r I’ohlcr with certain articles of Granitewear. 'ARLANE (fl 00. Our store was never as well strwkml as it is at present. which any per- Sun can 513:; at a glance. We have the variety and quality in every line April 25. 1901. GET ONE. :â€"â€"All the Varieties 56w» To". Dhrhd. For Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos, give us ; trial. Just Received 8_ Lem $596k of Perhaps you need a new Buggy. We can supply you at astonish- ingly low prices. OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE NOW Stair “ 18 " IIIIIIIIIfiiESd. Best table oil cloth 45 inches wide“ .25c' .yd. 51..35(:.yd. Table linen 54 inches wide .......... 5c. yd. 1‘ me “lute counterpazzes 81.0) and 81. 25 ea. Do You Want Grape nuts ....................... 20c p’k’g Iluney ............................ 10c lb. In lb. and 5 packages Salada Cey- lon tea ((1 ..... 23c" 30c†and 400. lb. We carrya full line of Sterling Bros. "and Made shoes for men. woman and children, Try a pair if you want a good shoe. Come and see what. lot oi Tlnwnn we give â€"tor 3| .00. -â€" THE LEI RG EST STOCK FIDO}: oil gloth 1 yard wide ..... IMPLEMENT WAREHUUMS LACE CURTAINS. 2 yards lung, 2,7 inchq? wide, .3333}: pair. W. H. BEAN. 7â€"._ v â€"â€" â€"V‘rv-v“" "â€" VIIV .. , 7' - - ~ “1' thorough preparation on receive. therefore be careful when Jyou are ac ectin a school. No two schools are alike. . ’l‘he exce lent reputation that our College enjo e, the large patronage we tr- ceive. the eplend success our etudents have in securing and holding situations, indicate that our School is one of the very heat in the Dominion Write for our beautiful catalogue in which you will tlnd full rticulara concernin our College. I! you want t1: beet in bueinees ucation you can get it here. Students can enter at any time. W. J. Elliott, - Principal Xlluch at. your (map; success d-cpenqlg upon the __-_,__ AA Flour, Feed, Emery and Confectionery Store NEW STORE JUST OPENED. â€"---â€"- the best Wagons made in Canada, and we are bound to sell them at. Rock Bot- tom Prices to make room for our Harvesting Machinery. which will be here in good ï¬me. You Want a Plow, a Harrow, a Scuflier, or 3 Cream Separator? If so wa can suit you to a 'l‘.‘ Of Fa'rm and Domestic Imple- ments ever seen in Durham, it will certalnly pay intending purchasers to Call and see our goods before purchasing else- where. ' The Se. son is now on when far- mers will find a pressing need to get Some labor-saving device to keep up with the times, and as we have McKinnon’s We beg tespectfully to in- timate to the residents of Durham and vicinity that we have Opened 3. 6‘ Mi? IN In English i9 is ontolyflbig’ “ 1.".de little “ you.†n tlje old'suing has it. The English. use of the capital '° I †,is one of the oddest features of the [languageâ€"to a foreigner. If a Frenchman writes with reference to himself he makes “ je †(the French equivalent of " I â€) with ssmsll “ J.†So with the German, who may use capitals to begin every noun ; he al-_ ways uses the small “ i †in writing " ich.†The Spanish avoid as far as practicable. the use of the personal‘ pronoun when writing in the ï¬rst‘ person, but he always writes it ‘ yo ’ taking p'ains, however. to begin the Spanish equivalent of our “ you †with a capital. 4- Did it ever occur to you, asked an exchange, that it might seem egotis- tical for you to write of yourself with acapitel "I†instead of using the small and less obtrusive one ? Dr. Agnew’s Ou re forth. Hear! acts directly and quickly, stimuistes the heart's sction. stops most acute pain. dispels sll signs of weakness, fluttering, sinking. smothering. or palpitst ion. This wonderful cure is the sturdy ship which carries the heart-sick patient into the hsven of rsdisnt snd perfect heslth. Gives relief in most saute forms of heart disuse in 30 minutes-13 _ ' “av-V Father, dear father, come home with me now, for Mn is as mad as a Turk; she says that you’re only a lazy old thing. and that she shall put you to work. There’s painting to.do and paper to hang, and the windows and casing to scrub. for it’s housecleaning time and you’ve got to come home and revel in suds and cold gru b. Father. dear father. come home with me now, for ma has some car- pets to beat ; she’s got all the furni- ture out in the yard, from the from clean out to the street. The stove must come down and be put in the shed, and the yard must be cleared of some grass, for it’s time to clean house. and the devil’s to payâ€"and the front windows need some new glass. Father, dear father, come home with me now, and bring some bologna and cheese, it’s most 12 o’clock and there's nothing to eatâ€" I’m so hungry l’m weak in the knees. All the dinner we’ll have will be cold scraps and such, and we’ll have to eat standing up, too, for the table and all are out in the back, oh, I wish the house cleaning was through. Kidney Duty.â€"It is the particular function ot the kidneys to ï¬lter out poisons which pass through them into the blood. When the kidneys are diseased they cannot do their whole duty. and should have the help and strength that South American Kidney Cure will afford in my nnd all forms of kidney disorder. It relieves in 6 hours.-â€"14 [mix up in asci'ape that does not concern me? Why should you ex- pect. me to assume the blame for the publication of an article to which you are afraid to sign your name ?†The man stapped his paper and went away mad. Rheumatic Jaimeâ€"Mrs. George Smith. 62 Cherron street, Point St. Charles, Que. says: “ Rheumatism in my joints caused me sufferings that words cannot describe how terrible. I took {our bottles of South American Rheumatic Cure end am a well woman. I have recommended it to others with as good results. Think the treatment nothing short of a wonder."â€"xo my name to that? “ Why not,†ask- ed the editor. “I wouldn’t. have anyone know that I had anything to do with that for the world. I can- not afford to get. into a. scrape with my neighbors." The editor smiled benevolently and said, “ why should I‘- vav "a W UIUI“ “VII. “Certainly,†he said tn the caller. What shall I say ? He was furnish- ed with an outline of what was wanted, and wrote an article that was a scorche1.“That’s splendid, †exclaimed the friend delightedly. ‘.'l"\ll.,n ‘0: 11" O thL - 2" u--. l, - " That’ 3 night, that will make his old hair cainkle. "’ " All right †said the editor. “ Let. me seeâ€"what. are your initials. 9†‘Good Hoax ens†said the citizen, y on are not going to sign A newspaper man was asked to publish an article wasting a citizen, bun. Norwich is pronounced Norridge. Salisbury is pronounced Sawlsbry. St. Leger is pronounced Sillinger. 'J‘albm. is pronounced Torbutl ’I‘aliuferro is pronounced 'I‘olliver. Timmes‘is pronounced Toms. WemySs is pronounced Weema. Clioimondeley is pronounced Chumley. Cirencester is pronounced Sissister. CoL-kburn is pronounced Cobun. Coiquhoun is pronounced Cohoon. Cowper is pronounced COOper. Grosvcnor is pronounced Grovenor. Hawarden is pronounced Harden. . Holborn is pronounced Hobun. Knollys is pronounced Knowles. \iarjoribunke is pronounced March- banks. Marylebone is pronounced Marra- no Big “I†Ianglilh. Sold by Machrhne Co. Sold by MacFarlane a; C0. Sold bv MacFarlane Co. consider it my do: to to“ it." says Rev. ju. Murdock. of unbnrg. Pt. " Dr. Agnew’s Couch! Powder bu cued me o! A change has been made in the Good -Roads’ Bill by the Provincial Legislature. The original draft of the bill was to spread the million dol- lar grant over ten years, but that has been changed and the the million dollars will be available this year. There are 40 counties in Ontario, so that the average amount coming to each county will be 825,000. Bruce being exceptionally large, the amount coming to this county will exceed the sum mentioned. The division of | the money will be according to area. The year 1901 will be‘importaut in roadmaking in this province.â€"I‘ele- A rare ï¬nd of coal oil was obtained at Redrlickville, Duï¬ern County on March 26th, on a property recently purchased by Dr. McGibbon,of Honey- wood. Thos. Moore. who is the ten- ant on the place, found thatthe water was milky and of unusually strong smell. On further examina- tion it was found that each pail of water when allowed to settle was covered with a layer of coal oil in an almost perfectly reï¬ned state. The pumping has continued for two days, and the percentage of oil is growing stronger. Farmers and others for a great distance around the place are carrying the oil home in bottles and nails. Great excitement is caused throughout the community. --Ayton Advance. Thou Worrying Plleolâ€" One oppltcotion of Dr. Agnew’l Ointment will ’WO you comfort. Applied every night or three to six nights and u cure is efl'ected In the most stubborn cases of Blind. Bleed- ing, or Itchigg Piles. pr.__Agneu_v's Oint; mint cum REM: and :11 itching and [naming skin dunes. It new like magic. 33 cumâ€":3 Nervouenoee, Dyspepsia, ladl- ‘Oltlon, end kindred ailments, take wings before the healing qualities of South American Nervine. Thomas Hoskins. of Durham. Ont.. took his pracher's advice, followed directions, and was cured permanently of the worst form 01 Nervous Prostration and Dyspepsia. He has recommended it to others with gratifying results. It's a great nerve builder.-xa “ Wh}, what is the matter with the baby, Edith ?†asked a visitor of a little girl who was trying to quiet the crying infant. “ I don’t know,†replied Edith, “but I expects he needs tuning.†'Hollantl Centre was the Scene of rowdyism recently that seldom oc- curs in that otherwise peaceful vil- lage. Two young men. Edward Gibbons and Geo. Shute, visited Chatsworth one day, and dropped 03 the afternoon train at the Centre with an unusual load of whiskey. They announced their arrival in good roun-l language. and after being ordered awav from the station pro- ceeded to the hotel for further sup- plies. Mr. Wardell refused to sell them any and they started in to demolish the house. They were summoned to appear before the mag- istrate, but only Gibbons could be secured, Shute having departed for new ï¬elds. Gibbons was taxed ï¬ve dollars damages, three dollars ï¬ne and two dollars costs.â€".‘u’arkdale Standard. Ila. Take one of Dr. Von Stan's Pineaiaple Tablets immediately after eating. snd lt will prevent this distress and sid digestion. 60 in s box, 35 cents.-â€"16 That Cutting Acid that arises from the stomach and almost strangles. is caused by fermentation of the food in the stomach. It is a foretaste of indjgestion sag _dyspep- 59W Dakar-4° When I. know 1’“. One of Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills after dinner. It will promote digestion and overcome any evil effects of too hearty eating. Safe, prompt, active, painless and pleasant. This efl'ective little pill is sup- planting all the old school nauseous purga- tives. 40 doses. 10 centsâ€"x3 Mr. H. Summers is undel the Dr.’ 3 care. -'w- Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Buchanan last week. a son. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jbbnstou. of Alton, were the guests of Mr. A. Johnston and family for a short time. The other Eastor holiday visitor»- have all returned to their several homes. - Miss Bull returned from Brampton on the 16th, and resumed her school duties on the following morning. Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchinson lost their three year old danghter last week with diphtheria. Since Mr. Hutchinson has been prostrated with the disease, but we are glad to learn is now on the mend. Mr. Luke- has been around here grafting and trimming fruit, trees. Winter still hangs on We had a ï¬erce snow storm 1:13: Saturday which has given farm work a sit back. - unmask-.50.. mmm' DURHAM CHRONICLE. Sold by Muslim-lane Co. Sold by MacFarlaue 5: Co Sold bv McFarlane Co. Sold by Macfarlnne 6L Co. VANDELEUR In ï¬rst-class Companies and at lowest rates, draws all kinds of writings. arranges business quarrels, etfects settlements with creditors, sells Ocean tickets. buys old notes and always has on hand farm and village pro rties which he is willing to trade or exc ange for other property. He Does Fire, life . . and Accident Insurance He Has Several Very Fine Farm For sale at very low ï¬gures and on very easy terms. Farm lands are bound to increase in price and now is the time to buy. llE ALSO nndegtakes the collection of Notes and Accounts, and it is a pretty bad clalm that he cannot make some money out of no charge for his trowfle If not collected. Is what County of Grey Farmers would like to know. We cannot tell you, but we CAN TELL YOU that H. H. MILLER, the Hanover Conveancer is lending money on good farm mortgages at lower rates 0 interest than'vou can borrow elsewhere and on very liberal terms and at small cost. That is the reason why people all over the country pass by other enders and travel miles to borrow from him. How t Grow If you have not trled It. send for free s'ample. Its a. resume tact. will .lll‘n’ an ‘tnn- Take Scott’s Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, and live 0: fully'every way. This is sound doctrine, whatever you may think or be told; and, if heeded, will save life. . . " 3"“ '19?’°..fl0t tried It. send for â€"-A “_- It can always be stoppedâ€"â€" in the beginn'mg. The trouble is: you don’ t know you ’ve got it ,you don’ t believe it; you won’t believe itâ€" till you are forced to. Then it is danger- is, by no means, the dreadful disease it is thought to beâ€" in the beginning. Don’ t be afraid; but attend t) it quickâ€" you can do it your- .elf and at home. Téx'bnto. 500. and 8).? 0; ill druwm. 50 Rachel. --Wbeat to â€"tho Acre THURSDAY.